I nternat. J. ath. & lath. Sci. Vol. 5 No. 3 (1982) 529-536 529 A CHARACTERIZATION OF SINGULAR ENDOMORPHISMS OF A BARRELLED PTAK SPACE DAMIR FRANEKIC 1304 Spring Street Bethlehem, PA 18018 U.S.A. (Received October 29, 1980 and in revised form July 2, 1981) ABSTRACT. The concept of topological divisor of zero has been extended to endo- morphisms of a locally convex topological vector space (LCTVS). A characterization of singular endomorphisms, similar to that of Yood [i], is obtained for endomor- phisms of a barrelled Ptk (fully complete) space and it is shown that each such endomorphism is a topological divisor of zero. Furthermore, properties of the ad- joint of an endomorphism are characterized in terms of topological divisors of zero, and the effect of change of operator topology on such a characterization is given. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Singul endmorphms, topological divisors of e,, locally nvex barrelled Ptk spaces. AMS (MOS) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION (1980). Primary 46H05, 46H20. INTRODUCT ION. 1. The reader should be familiar with barrelled spaces and have available the four references listed. IX, T1 and The following notation and definitions will be used. is an LCTVS over a field C{X, TI _ K of complex numbers, X’ is its topological dual, the algebra of all the T-continuous endomorphisms of the weak topology on X by X’, w* oIX’,X), and 8’ X. oIX,X’) w is the topology on X’ is of uniform convergence on all the w-bounded subsets of X--the strong topology. CIX,TI A C[X,w) can be made into a topological space in a number of ways. is a family of w-bounded (hence bounded) subsets of borhood base at zero, then the sets X and N NIT) If is a T-neigh- 530 D. FRANEKIC {TgC{X, TI N(A,V) A where A and V run through and N respectively, form a neighborhood base at zero IA, TI for a locally convex vector topology uniform convergence on members of A X bounded subsets of TA The topology i.e. _ CIX’,TA) _c _c if A X, X’ E, A of B __c the operator topology of The space C{X’,’). F C{X’,’). X, {B,T) T If B’. A then is the operator topology of point- while in the case of A B the class of all w- is the strong operator topology relative to similarly B is its absolute polar, Tg(C(X,[), DEFINITION i. T. Finally is the absolute polar, in o (A,[)) and (D,-<) a directed set, the following definition C(X,[). T is a left (right) topological divisor of zero, itdz(rtdz), if there is a net eD} c__ C(X,T) which doesn’t converge yet the net does converge to zero, written {$6: TS6(S6T) REMARK. This means, there are A yet for all A e and V e N, A’ g A and TSA c__ (S6TA_V) Following Yood [i] we use Z(Z r) V’ (r) ze’ro, written TS6 O(ST+0), such that S 0, in SA’ V’ frequently, to denote the sets of all left (right) tdz their respective complements in Finally, g to eventually. CIX, T). the sets of all left (right) regular elements of ments. is then stronger TgC{X,w), TA If for each extends the concept of topological divisors of zero (tdz) to /IH r) A X. X’. Given and be a family of of all the finite subsets of F, {F,T) A A Let of uniform convergence on the members of wise convergence relative to bounded subsets of T. TgC{X’,w*) than w*, in fact it is between w* and C{X’,w*) CIX,TI, For each TgC(X,w) its adjoint is a w*- which contains the family X’ on X’, on relative to can be topologized in a similar manner. continuous endomorphism on V}, TA Furthermore, C(X,T) and IG r) S(S r) will mean their comple- are the sets of all left (right) divisors of zero idz (rdz). 2. BAS IC RESULTS. It can easily be seen that all the basic properties of tdz remain valid as in the case of a Banach space. LEMMA I. Some of them are listed in the following lemma. The following inclusions are valid in C(X,[) _ PTK SPACE SINGULAR ENDOMORPHISMS OF BARRELLED a) Z l, Nr l, S1 Gr Gr G e) H Sr_N n d) _ / G/ Hr, Gr c) r !Z Z r Sr m S b) 531 Hr Gr n A slighz modification in Yood’s proof of Theorems 3.1 and 3.2 ([i], p. 493) yields the follpwing result. PROPOSITION i. a) r b) {T: T is not injective}. {: + X). We shall refer to TEC{X,[) as to a topological isomorphism if T is injective X and I-relatively open as a p from For yEX and x’EX’ we define TX. onto yx’EC(X,[) yx’ (x) by x’(x)y. The next theorem characterizes topological isomorphism in tes of tdz. TEC(X,T} THEOM i. PROOF. (S}, A’ and T-topological isomorphism iff is a A I-topological isorphism can not be an itdz. V’ as in Rerk after Definition i, eventually for all AeA and would, however, imply that YEN, TSGA’ S6A’ U TV’ V’ frequently TV’ particularly for U For if it were with yet TSA because T is open. eventually which is impossible. V This If T is T-topological isomorphism, T is either not injeative, or T is injective but -I T is not T-relatively open. T bein not injective implies, accordingly to Lena -I On the other hand, T Z la, bein not I-relatively open implies the not a T Z. . existence of a net and x 0 in Then the net take AEA and {S} VEN, TSA TX Let 0 + x’EX’ C{X,[) {x T-ly6} with the property that and construct the endomorphisms is such that TSA then and the net x’ (A)yG. suP{I<a,x’> :aEA} imply that M heDce {y6} S 0 yet TS in y S x2x’. (A,[}. To see this, [-bodedness of A and T-continuity of exists. en y implies that 0 y x’ M-Iv eventually, V eventually. COROLLARY i. THEO 2. T TEC(X,w) (C{X,w), {A,w)) is surjectlve iff iff T is a w-topological isomorphism. TEH r {C{X,w), {,)). 532 A’ PROOF Let T be surjective VgF and V’cN _ FRANEKI D. r If Tg2 SF V’ frequently STF 1 SF0 _c V’ net S. eventually for F as in Remark, we have VN, ually for all EgF and dicts the choice of the (C(X,wl, T(F,T)), X, in X, {y Let 0 {$6} T’ its adjoint c_q T’’ # x X _c Z STF c_ V eventT-IF, which contra- Since 1 r. If however the range of T is dense is injective but not we-relatively open, hence there is a net and the net O {x’ (T’) S y such that and construct the endomorphisms has the property that map (,\,x) TENr according to Lemma ib, S, In the case that its range is not Conversely, assume T is not surjective. dense in then with 0 in (F,T) yet C(X, II. Xo@X 6 $6 ST The net The 0 in the same topology. This proves that TgZ Ax is separately continuous. 0 0 in w*-topology yet x r. The next four lemmas will be used to sharpen the results obtained so far. A relatively open, continuous endomorphism of a barrelled space must LEMMA 2. have a barrelled range. PROOF. TX If {y6} is not barrelled there is a net and doesn’t belong to a barrel B in TX. _c which tends to zero T-lye} {x Then the net zero because it is not eventually in the neighborhood U LEM}iA TX T -i can not tend to B. Any relatively open endomorphism T of a complete space must have a 3. closed range. PROOF. {y} Let be a net in the range of T and let T-ly6} Cauchy net and T is relatively open the net {x 6 converges to some xgX. LEMMA 4. adjoint T’ PROOF. X’. Then Tx6 Y6 Tx Since {y6} is a is also a Cauchy net hence y, hence the range of T is closed. Let T be an endomorphism of a barrelled $’-topological isomorphism, then T is y. y6 Ptk space (X,[). If its is surjective and open. Let M be a balanced, convex, w*-closed and [-equicontinuous subset of It is then both w*-compact and is $’-bounded. ’-bounded. B is also w*-closed because T’ Since T’ is ’-open, is w*-continuous. (T’)-IM Since (X,[I B is barrelled, B is w*-compact and this in conjunction with w*-continuity of T’implies that T’B T’X’ n M is w*-compact, hence w*-closed. space it implies that T is relatively open. Since {X,[) is also a Finally, completeness of a Ptk Ptk space SINGULAR ENDOMORPHISMS OF BARRELLED T’ and injectiveity of imply that T is both closed PTK SPACE 533 X, (Lemma 3) and dense in hence T is surjective. LEMMA 5. ly. TCIX, T) If PROOF. If Tg7 T-IA A 1 r, is surjective and then with $6, eventually and this is impossible because IX, Y) If TX iff T is injective and STA1 Ptk TH space, then is barrelled. _ SA’ in (A,T), TgH r. ._ _ V’ frequent- S6TA1 V’ (C(X,T), {AT)) A T-continuous injection from a Ptk space into a barrelled space is PROOF. a is a barrelled S6T 0 S6A’, hence Since IA,TI). n {CIX,T), A’gA and V’gN as in Remark, is bounded, because T is open. THEOREM 3. THr Y-open, then T-topological isomorphism, hence according to Theorem i, T follows from Lemma 2 and Theorem i. THEOREM 4. {XT) If is a barrelled Ptk space, Tr then The converse (C(,T), (A,T)) iff T is surjective. PROOF. T-open If T is surjective then, according to Proposition 2 [3, p. 299], T is hence by Lemma 5 it cannot be a rtdz. Asume now that T is not surjective. according to Lemma 1 a, T-open, can not be Tg r r. If the range of T is not dense, then Suppose that the range of T is dense in because it would have to have a closed range (Lemma 3). ing to Lemma 4, its adjoint hence there is a net {y} T’ (which T’X’ ,Y X. T Accord- is injective) can not be $’-relatively open, 0 and the net (T’)-ly} {x 0 in 6’ The conclusion then follows just as in the last part of Theorem 2. Since Fr$chet space is both barrelled and valid for them. COROLLARY 2. If {X,I) is a _ Frchet space Ptk then a) T is injective and range closed iff b) T is surjective iff PROOF. Tgr space, Theorems 3 and 4 are Tg (C{X,T) (A,T) (C(X,I), (A,II). Part a) follows from the fact that a closed subspace of an Frchet space is a Fr$chet space, hence barrelled and from Theorem 3. Part b) follows from Theorem 4 and the foregoing remark. Properties of a linear operator on an LCS are very intimately related to those 534 FRANEKI D. "T For example: of its adjoint operator. is w-open iff T’ The next theorem relates properties of T with those of T’ in terms of tdz. In this regard it is important to note that an operator topology A unaltered if either closed". is w*-range {A,TI remains is replaced with its balanced convex and closed envelope and/or N is replaced with a fundamental system of balanced, convex and closed In the sequel it is assumed that each neighborhoods. vex and closed. THEOREM 5. Let A __ AsA and VsN X and TsC{X,w} be a family of bounded subsets of is balanced con- such that Then the following are equivalent: TZI(Z r) T’glr{l/} a) b) (C(X,w}, %(A,T)). continuous subsets of PROOF. The condition TA-boundedness EE of each T(E,TA)) (C(X’,w*), TA _c A where E is the set of all T equi- X’. makes implies that T’ TA-continuous. T(E,T A) This together with the is a vector topology. The state- ment then follows from the following facts: TA _c B iff S 0 in T’B A (A,T) iff if S are convex, balanced and closed; {A,TA)7 0 in T’S (ST)’ In what will follow B’ and subsets of A,B F’ will denote the sets of all w*-bounded and finite X’ respectively. There is a number of fanilies of bounded subsets (equivalently w-bounded) of which satisfy the condition of Theorem 5 for all F--the family of extreme ones: that F c__ F all finite--and generates the w*-topology and B, T{F,w) < T{B,wl. B the TgC{X,w). Consider the most B--all bounded--subsets of X. B’-topology in X’. In CIX, wl, a) b) c) If Tzl(z r) TZI(Z r) Tzl(z r) Note since The effect of change of operator topology on the results __ of the preceding theorem are given in the following corollary COROLLARY 3. X _ TgC(X, wl, the following statements are valid: (C(X,w), (F,w)) iff Tzr(zl) (C(X,w), ?(B,w)) iff Tzr(z l) (C(X,w), %(B,T)) iff Tkzr(z l) c__ (C(X’ W (F’,w*) (C(X,w*), (C(X’,w*), T(E,B’)). SINGULAR ENDOMORPHISMS OF BARRELLED PTK SPACE 535 The next theorem characterizes w-isomorphisms and their adjoint in terms of tdz. THEOREM 6. TeC{X,wl, If the following are equivalent: a) T is a w-topological isomorphism. b) T’ c) TeH1 d) T’gH r PROOF. is surjective. Z(B,wl) (C(X,w) (C(X’ w*) %(F’ The equivalence of a) and b) is a standard result and could be found for example in [2, Proposition 8.6.3, p. 517]. The equivalence of a) and c) follows from Corollary i while that one of c) and d) from Corollary 3b. Frchet space The preceeding results can be strengthened in the case of "T the fact that: is an isomorphism iff it is a w-isomorphism" due to [2, Theorem 8.6.13, p. 521 ]. COROLLARY 4. Frchet space, the following (C(X,T), %(B,w) ). b) TgZ/= (C(X,T), "7(B,T) ). c) T’g Z r (C(X’,w*), (F’,6’)). r (C(X’ ,w*), ?’(B ,6 )). PROOF. T’Z F’. are equivalent: The equivalence of a) and b) is by Theorem 6, the foregoing remark c) is equivalent to d) because in the dual of a barrelled space and Theorem i. B’ is a a) d) E (X,T) If TEZ1 Finally, b) is equivalent to d) by Corollary 3c. The next theorem generalizes the following result of Rickart "A singular endomorphism THEOREM 7. [4, p. 297] of a Banach space is a topological divisor of zero." Every singular endomorphism of a barrelled Ptk space is a topolo- gical divisor of zero. PROOF T is singular iff T is either not injective in which case or T is not surjective. TgNr 3 c__ Z r. Tg zl In the latter case, if the range of T is not dense, If however, the range of T is dense then according to Theorem 4, TgZ r. CONCLUS ION. Preliminary results, obtained in this paper, indicate that the concept of tdz can successfully be used to classify endomorphisms of LCS which are of a more gen- D. 536 FRANEKI eral nature than is Banach space. A decomposition of CIX,T) [i], has not been attempted. into nine disjoint subsets such as in Theorem 3.14, The conjecture is that it is possible. A difficult question seems to be the one in regard to a topological characterization of the set of regular endomorphisms and others. An answer to it seems to be directly related to the question: Under which conditions is C(X, TI a topological algebra with a continuous in- verse? ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. This is an extended version of a portion of the author’s disser- tation written under Professor A. Wilansky at Lehigh University. REFERENCES I. YOOD, B. 2. EDWARDS, R.E. 3. HORVATH, J. Transformations between Banach space in the uniform topology, Annals of Mathematics, Vol. 50, No. 2, April 1949. Functional Analysis. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. Topological Vector Spaces and Distributions, Vol. I. Addison- Wesley Publishing Company. 4. RICKART, C.E. General Theory of Banach Algebras. D. Van-Nostrand Co.