I ntnat. J. M. Math. Sci. Vol. 5 No. 3 (19821 441-457 441 SECOND DEGREE POLYNOMIALS AND THE FUNDAMENTAL THEOREMS OF HARMONIC ANALYSIS KELLY McKENNON Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Washlngtdn State University Pullman, Washington 99164 (Received September Ii, 1981) ABSTRACT. The concept of a second degree polynomial with nonzero subdegree is in- vestigated for Abelian groups, and it is shown how such polynomials can be exploited to produce elementary proofs for the Uniqueness Theorem and the Fourier Inversion Theorem in abstract harmonic analysis. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Fourier inversion theorem, second degree polynomials. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. INTRODUCTION. i Let G and M be fixed, but arbitrary, Abelian topo- Second degree polynomials. logical groups. Let HOM(G,M) be the group of continuous homomorphisms of G into M, Let AFF(G,M) be the set of all functions equipped with the compact-open topology. G 43A45, 12A20. b+f(x) such that b M and f E HOM(G,M). x tinuous symmetric maps is in HOM(G,M). IGxG f(x+y) f(y) Second d_er_ p_91_i_al_s f(x+y+z) for all x, y, z G with nonzero i.e. continuous functions f(x) 0 f(x+z) we write fig for all x, y wit___h nonzero, s..u.b.degr.ee, f(x+y) set of con- M such that, for each a E G, the function G Firs__.t degre e polynomials elements of HOM(G,M): SBH(G,M) for the Write P2(G,M) x+ (x,a) subdegree are, by definition, M such that G. (I) are defined to be continuous f(y+z) + f(x) + f(y) + f(z) 0 (2) for the set of all such. The following observations are elementary: P2(G,M) is closed under (pointwise) addition; (3) 442 K. MCKENNON f(0) For 0 for all f EP2(G,M); HOM(G,M) c P2(G,M). fiG + M, define f*IG M by f*(x) (4) (5) f(-x) / for all xG. Clearly f* A function functions EP2(G’M) for all f fiG M is called even in P2(G). Inserting x P2(G,M) if f= For If P2(G’M)’ (7) implies f (EP2(G) f(2x) f (P2(G,M) is even and x=-z Write EP2(G) for the set of all even -z in (2), we obtain with use of (4) y 3f(x)-f(2x) + f(-x) f*. (6) O. (7) f 2f(x) + 2f(y) 4f(x) for all xEG. is put into (8) (2), then f(x+y) + f(x-y). Conversely, if (9) holds for f P2(G,M) inserting (9) xffiy in (9) yields f(2x) 4f(x). Thus (9) is equivalent to the evenness. If fiG M satisfies of all odd functions in f f*=-f, P2(G,M). 60P2(G,M) f(2x) Putting x =2t+y and z =-2t-y 2f(y) it is said to be odd. For (P2(G,M) f 2f(x) Write OP2(G,M) for the set (7) implies for all x EG. (I0) in (2), one obtains + f(2t+y) + f(-2t-y) -f(2t+2y) -f(-2t) 0. (ii) If f is odd, (II) reduces to 2[f(y) + f(t) f(y+t)] =0 fOr eli t, yG. (12) Thus we have =EOP 2(G,M) 2 f HOM(G,M). (13) In view of (I0), (12), and (5), (13) can be improved in special cases: f (0P2(G,M) f EHOM(G,M) (Vx (G) (3y(G) if either 2y=x (14) (14i) or M has no element of order 2. (141i) In particular (14) holds when G is compact and connected ([2] 24.25) or when M is torslon-free. 443 FUNDAMENTAL THEOREMS OF HAP4ONIC ANALYSIS It is not true that (14) holds in general. Let Z be the additive group of integers and C 2 the cyclic group of order two with generator I. plZ Z C 2 by p(m.n) That p is odd is clear. If x=mn, Define if y= f if both m and n are odd 0 otherwise P2(Z That p is in 9 Z, C2) (15) is evident from the following. z =MN, then and m,n even others arbitrary p(y+z) 0 m even 0 0 0 p(y) p(z) 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 m, even others odd 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 m,M even 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 others odd m, 9 even others odd m,N even others odd m,,N even others odd others odd m, ].t, ) even others odd m,,N even others odd m,,N, even others odd m,M, even others odd p(y) ..p(z) p (y+z) 1 m,M,N even others odd m,M,v,N even others odd m,,M even others arbitrary The cases in which n is even can be found from the above table invoking the symmetry of P. Thus pEOP 2(zz, C 2) If is in SBH(G,M) and and f(x) p HOM(ZmZ, (x,x) (16) C2). for all x E G, then f is said to be quadratic-----the set of all such will be written QD(G,M). That 444 K. MCKENNON (17) QD(G,M) c EP 2 (G,M) On the other hand, consider the function p defined in (15) and is elementary. p(x) assume that (x,x) x E Z for all =p(leO)+ 2(1,0,01) + p(Ol) O, 0+0+0 Thus an absurdity. p E EP 6 Then + (1@0,0@1) + (0@1,1.0) + (01,0@1) 1= (p(ll) =(1@0,1’0) For Z. 2(ZgZ, G2) SBH(G,M) but (x,x), the equation f(x) and (18) QD(G,M). p f(x+y) f(x) + f(y) + 2(x,y) shows that (Vx, y (G) f (HOM(G,M) 2(x,y) There is a partial converse to (17). h#1GxG (x,y) + as follows readily from (2). (8) yields f(x) h #(x,x) If h is even and x G. {2h h E EP (G,M)} 2 Any function f (h + h*) + (h f (P2(G’M) h*) f then (20) SBH(G,M) 2h, a direct computation with Thus c QD(G,M) 2h of the form for h P2(G’M) can be written (21) +0P2(G) TRANSLATION-PSEUDO-INVARIANCE. For fiG- M G. for all x function and a(G fig THEOREM I. (x,y) f,a is defined by f (x) f(x-a) A AFF(G,M) such that ef’a + f. a (22) The TPl-functlons f such that f(0)=0 Let f P2(G,M) be arbitrary. Define f(x+y)-f(x)-f(y) for all x,yG. is in IG- M M will be said to be translatlon-pseudo-invarlant (TPI) if, for each f PROOF. the translation f Thus the only translatlon-invariant functions are constants. a E G, there exists that is in P2 (G,M), and so 2h EP 2(q) 2. If h is any element of h(x)-h(y) h(x+y) for all (19) 0. SBH(G,M). f (x) a P2(G,M). IG x G + M by Direct computation with Thus, for all a,x (G, f(x-a) are the elements of (x,-a) + f(x) + f(-a) (2) shows FUNDAMENTAL THEOREMS OF HARMONIC ANALYSIS 445 so f uf,a+ a f where uf’alG f(-a) + (x,-a). 9 x Now let f be an arbitrary TPl-function. g(a) M and a HOM(G,M) a For a,b,x G, there exists Ha(x) + f(x) for all x G. G we have a+b g(a+b) + g(a) + Then, for each a such that g(a) + f (x) (23) a(-b+x)+ (x) + f(x) g(a) + f(-b+x) fa(-b+x) fa+b(X) a(-b) + Ha(x) + g(b) +b(x) + f(x), whence follows that g(a+b) + N a+b g(a) + g(b) + Ha(b) + n a + nb (24) Since the left side of (24) is symmetric in a and b, the right side is as well Thus a Consequently the function SBH(G,M) Hence a+b g(a+b) For x,y,z b (a) (b) a for all a,b IGxG + b X(y) (x,y) g(a) + g(b) + (a,b) (x+y,z) P2(G’M)" G. for all a,b g(y+z) + g(x) + g(y) + g(z) (x,z) 0 Furthermore, for each x G, =f_x(0) [g(y+z)-g(y)-g(z)] [g(x+z)-g(x)-g(z)] (y,z) f(x) 3. fact, in G, the above yields [g(x+y+z)-g(x+y)-g(z)] g 6 is symmetric and is, in so (24) becomes g(x+y+z)- g(x+y)-g(x+z) so G. =g(-x) + -x(0) + f(0) gx). Q.E.D. THE FUNDAMENTAL THEOREMS OF ABELIAN ABSTRACT HARMONIC ANALYSIS. In the sequel G will be a fixed, but arbitrary, locally compact, Abelian, Hausdorff, topological group (LCA gp.) Haar measure on G, LP(G) for the For any such group G we write LP-space relative to %G (p [I’] )’ %G and for the Banach space of bounded, complex, regular Borel measures on G and for the set of continuous, positive-definite functions on G. complex numbers of unit modulus and HOM(G, T). for a (G) (G) Let T be the group of any LCA group topologically isomorphic to K. MCKENNON 446 The fundamental theorems of Abelian abstract harmonic analysis are as follows: (DUALITy THEOREM) T such that, if for a G to (25) There exists a continuous bihomomorphism e from I y a Y the a and b are defined by b and and then the maps G )a HOM(, T) b and b HOM(G,T) are both topological isomorphisms; (G), (UNIQUENESS THEOREM) if, for each f-x’y d(y) Y is nonzero whenever then (26) is defined by G is nonzero; (INVERSION THEOREM) if, for each f L I(G) and h LI(), and are (27) defined by I % then f f(t)- Y tey G G and x can be normalized such that, whenever (PLANCHEREL’S THEOREM) f L d%G(y 2(G) L % f h(s) is in x e s LI() d% for f (s), LI(G), can be normalized such that, for each then (28) I(G) G lfl 2 (BOCHNER’S THEOREM) d% ll G G) { 2 d% () +) (29) There are two basic approaches to the proof of the fundamental theorems. The more modern approach is based on the Gelfand-Naimark theory of commutative Banach It is based on the observation that, under the convolution Algebras. operation f , , defined by h(x) I f(x- t) h (t)dt for all f, h 6L I(G) and x 6 G, (30) G LI(G) is a commutative Banach algebra whose spectrum is topologically isomorphic to }{OM(G,T). This approach was taken by D.A. Raikov in [5]. Here Bochner’s Theorem (29) is established first, and the other theorems deduced from it (see [I] and [6] for more recent accounts). The original approach was based on the structure theory of LCA groups as developed by L.S. Pontryagin and E.R. van Kampen. Theorem (25) in full generality FUNDAMENTAL THEOREMS OF HARMONIC ANALYSIS "wa.s first published in 1935 by van Kampen [7]. 447 The other fundamental theorems are then deduced from (25) by judicious use of the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem and some- what delicate construction of approximate identities for theory (see [2] [3] and LI(G) based on the structure for instance). Our approach here is based on the structure theory and takes (25) for granted. It however is not dependent on the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem and the approximate identity exploited is relatively simple. functions and simple complex analysis. The basic techniques are use of TPIThe theorems (27), (28) and (29) are essentially equivalent in the sense that, once one of them is established, the task of establishing the others is relatively simple. Consequently we shall employ our method to prove only (26) and (27). Let T be the multipllcative group of nonzero complex numbers. We shall make exception to our previously adopted convention by employing multipllcative (rather than additive) notation for T G of G to be an abstract group isomorphic to HOM( G and extend o to a map on a and its subgroup T. I y We define the complexificatlon ,T such that, if for each ) a containing G as a subgrou G a is defined by a e y, then G In the special case ) HOM(G,T a G= T, we have zo n z n Z and for all z T and n E and E (32) Z. As a second example, consider finite dimensional real Hilbert space E. G (31) is an isomorphism. Then can be taken any complex Hilbert space in which E is a real form--here e _8 e -i <,B > for all E 8 A function f which is the restriction to G of a function fo is analytic for each 6 (33) E fl G such that AFF(C,G), (34) is said to be entlre--the Uniqueness Theorem for analytic functions implies that the function f is unique For f entire and a f by f a G 9x f (x-a) G we define the translation f a of 448 K. MCKENNON , The complexification C, the concept of an entire function defined on and its translations are defined analogously. LI(G) We write AFF(,G each (where ) is the LEMMA I. Let for the set of all entire functions f on G such that, for > 0, and sup{llfo(z)lll: Izl _< 6} < Ll-norm). In particular L I (G) c LI(G). f L I(G) and a G be arbitrary. Then f f a d%G G PROOF. ll HOM(,]R+) each z , o(z) ll the element o(z) Let c G such that c a c and define T{ AFF(, G c+o(z) T(z) for all z Then (35) implies that, for any simple closed contour y in I YG If (x- for expCz in Y be such that o Define G of ll" __a where HOM(,G ) by letting, y can be written a Y HOM(,T). and be (36) f f d% G G l The function (35) by , d%GCx) dz < (z)) so it follows from Fubini’s Theorem and Cauchy’s Theorem that f f f(x-T(z)) yG Morera’s analytic. d%G(X) dz d%G(X) f f f(x-T(z)) dz GY Theorem now implies that the function FI z - For imaginary z, (z) is in HOM(,T) so (z) f f(x-T G f0d%G=0. G (z))d%G(X) is in G--hence is T(z) is in G as well and we have F(z) f G f fd%G fT(z) dG by the invariance of the Haar integral. The Uniqueness Theorem for analytic functions now implies that (37) holds for all But T(0) =a, so (36) holds. (37) z ( In particular f f dA G G Q.E.D. Relative to study of the Fourier Transformation, the utility of dependent on the size of F(0) P2(G,T) LI(G). P2(G,T) This size can vary, as is shown by is 449 FUNDAMENTAL THEOREMS OF HARMONIC ANALYSIS Theorems 2 and 3 below. LEMMA 2. f Define E Let E be finite dimensional real Hilbert space and k ]0,I[. C by k<x’x> f(x) Then f is in EP 2(E,T) L I(E) for all x E. and x < x l--k’ l--k >/4 k f (x) (38) for all x( E (39) (where E is the dual of itself as in (33)). PROOF. That f is in Let E E and e follows from (17). be as in (33) and let leaving the elements of E fixed. Lemma analytic so f is entire. llflll EP2(E f k<t -iy,(t iy)> E Then h(K) fIE z k<Z z> is f k <t’t>e-21<In k y,t> k-<y,y> dE(t) E dE(t) Q.E.D. Let K be a compact subgroup of G and h an element of P2(G,TC). T. PROOF. there From (13) we have group of T p#1G h2(K)cT (where h21G x- h(x)2). exist p EP2(G T) and g 0P (G,T) with h 2 --p" g. 2 g2 HOM(G,T), whence follows that g(K) 2 is a compact sub- It will suffice to show that In view of (21) Let Then the function implies that, for each y (E, Letting x--21nk "y, we have (39). LEMMA 3. be the conjugation of the HJlbert space C Thus g(K) xG T T be defined by # p (x,y) From (20) we have that subgroup of T p(x + y) p (x)p (y) p#( SBIt(G TI) and so a subgroup of T. # p (x,x) p(2x) p(x) p(x) for x,y G Thus, for each x (G, Furthermore, by (8), p(x) 2 whence follows that p(K) c T. Finally, h 2(k) c p(K) g(K) c T" TfT. Q.E.D. p#(x,K) is a compact K. MCKENNON 450 There are LCA groups G such that L THEOREM 2. lira is void Let G be an LCA group with a sequence Sn of compact subgroups such PROOF. that I(G) P2 (G T) (such as a discrete group which contradicts Burnside’s )tG(Sn)=’ P2(G,T), Lemma 3 implies that h(Sn) c T Then, for h conjecture). for each n. Thus llhll I for each %G(G) f Then (b)-- a =(-a) f. b for b implies (-a) f G d%G= fG ()a d%G . f G Since the dAN G, it follows that a f bd%G G Consequently Similarly Q.E.D. Evidently we need only consider the case f PROOF. fact that limn fSn lhl dG=limn G(Sn)--" Suppose that G is compact and that f is a linear combination of LEMMA 4. characters. _> is v must be 0 if b#O (G) if b . 0 times the characteristic function of the singleton b. %G(G) %G(G) Q.E.D. be the directed set of open neighborhoods of 0 in G. Let THEOREM 3. x (A,m) flG\S =0 f(0) =I - f(A,m) and fls P2(S,T) is in the convex hull of for all there exists B lira I(G) and a surjection satisfying the following properties. f >_ 0 and 1 For each A c L There is an open subgroup S of G, a set for all f (40) (41) f such that BoA (42) and f(A,m) dXG/ f f(A,m)d% G G\B f m-=o B there exists a net f in such that the net a/l]fa[[ I...- converges (43) uniformly to I on compacta; L I() E f (0) PROOF. for each (44) f h (0) for all f,h (45) (i. The Pontryagin-van Kampen Structure Theorem ([2] 24.8) implies that G may be regarded as the direct sum of n-dimensional real Hilbert space E and a sub- group H containing a compact, open subgroup M. We denote EM by S and its dual FUNDAMENTAL THEOREMS OF HARMONIC ANALYSIS group by g. ([2] 24.11, 24.10) The Duality Theory determined by the equation IS o(y) for all {y is a topological epimorphism, that Z-- {y { : the dual of E, and that The map o[ + epimorphism of G y IE { 451 implies that the map o S , (46) " y lM i} may be identified with i} may be identified with the dual of M has a canonical extension (also denoted by ) to an S such that (46) holds for all y { g onto C. Since M is compact so and continuous homomorphisms preserve compact groups, it follows that y we can (and shall) identify as a complex Hilbert space in which E is a real form. As in (33) we may view E be the conjugation of E Let with C leaving the elements of E fixed. topologically isomorphic to E, there exists an isomorphism is Since 81E sending E satisfying to e(y) x -i<x,y> ,E) HOM( Homomorphisms e e o(y) for all 6 and %() (M) IE that is that and are determined by the equation (48) for all y 6 %S is the restriction to S of, g(x+y)d(y)d%E(X) for all / go / gd% For each direct sum S let A I A E d% and A M compactness of M\AM {xM: x - for each that gL(S), (49) y for some such that (51) be the canonical projections (relative to the such that there is a finite subset 1 (50) gLl(g). of A into E and M respectively. EM) there corresponds at least one y c %G’ %E-%-measure preserving, that %gsatisfies for all gLl(g) g d%g= g(x+y) d%(y)d%(x) Weil’s Theorem ([3] 28.54) permits us to normalize MIAM (47) y{ E %E satisfies / / EM gd% S S HOM(,Z) OD(y) (Y) We may (and shall) assume that xE y F(A)}. x(y) Since to each MAM y(x)# I, it follows from the F(A) of g such that Define x 452 K. MCKENNON hA =Then h + n 1 y yEF(A) 2 + (_y) 2 satisfies A i, 1 >_ hA >_ O, and hA(O) For each m]N, define f(A’M) IGS f(A’m) hA(X) < 1 for all x E G /JR+ by f(A’m)(x+y) =e-m<x’x> hA(Y) 0 and f(A,m) P2(S,T), be the set of all such functions Let (53) for xE, yM. That (40) holds is evident from Lemma 2, that HOM(S,T) c construction of MAMand the f(A,m) That (41) holds is obvious. For each r > 0 let E(r) be the set {x the change of variables mx s f e -m<x,x> B E(r’) + D f B lira m<= / G\B m-o m m-n/2 e -<s s> I e Since (54) dz (s)" a positive number such that Then (54) yields dE(S) E(s) -<s,s> dA - which proves (42). A -<s s> E\E(r’ EkE(mr’) For 1/2} and r’ e x> 1/2 f e -m<x, dE(X) E(r’) >_ lira -m<x, x> m-o e I dE(X) f(A,m) dG f(A,m)d G 2E / r)’ Then, for each m6, yields {x6M:hA(X)> is a subset of A. m-nl =lim 1/2 E: <x,x> _< r}. f dz(X) m-n/2 E(mr) E(r) Let D be an open subset of { and r>0, let A r : {y( x y- I < r ttOM(,,T) bears the compact-open topology, Let family of compact subsets of 6 > 0, apply (42) to obtain B 9 and f B fdl G >_ A{ { {A*:A (l,r >0} and r { ]0,I[ x A} is a fundamental be arbitrary G such that BoA and l-___/_r f fdA G r C\B for all For 453 FUNDAMENTAL THEOREMS OF HARMONIC ANALYSIS so that / f dE G\B Thus, for each y A f G r f f" (l-y) d% G f f (l-y)d% G B (Y) -i 2 llflll G\B + llfll I G\B Ifl d% G _< 3r llfll This proves 43. f(A,m) Let f= , for each y be an arbitrary element of (Y) (--) dE G= / f G /f . From (40) and (46) follows that (-y) d% S S so that by (49) and (47) f e -m<x’x> f(y) EM hA(S) e -i<x,q (y)> s e(-y) (y) Since 4m e <q(y) N(y)> .c. m , g ) y e -4 <n(y),n(y) An element b of [[ (h A!M)^((y)) for all y the function is analytic--as an extension of satisfies v= -n/2 > , (55) f e-<x’ x> d% E (x), E From (39), (54) and (55) follows, upon setting c _I d(s) dE(X . (56) . (4m)-n/2-(hAIM)^((y)) it will be denoted can be written uniquely as For such b =u+v and y , u+v where u and v > e Since the support of h A the n=ber w(A) is a subset of a finite set [(hA[M)l d% (57), and (54) yields (57) e e is finite. us, F(A) (-F(A))+ F(A)U (-F(A)), application of (51), (50), K. MCKENNON 454 -n/2 I -Am < f e f e (y-u) ,q (y-u) > dl(y) _i 4 <x x> E e m<(v) dkE(X m< q (v) a(v)> I (4m)-n/2.w(A)= e-m< (v) "c (58) (4m) -n/2 w(A) c (v)> e__ w(A) (v)> c 2 w(A) This proves (44). From Lemma 4 follows that AIM )^ dX= (hAIM)^v(0) f (h I. Consequently (56), (49), and (54) yield v(0) =i dX / e E m<X’X> dXE(X).C.(4myn/2 (4m)n/2"<4m)-n-2" which proves 45. LEMMA 5. c 2 Let S be an open subgroup of G and f an element of ^ and 1 Q.E.D. conditions (40) and (44) of Theorem 3. PROOF. 2 c (hAIM)^ d% ^(0) oI f. (59) fls 6P2(S,T). the canonical epimorphism as in (46). exists a function wlS f Let g be the dual of S By (23) of Theorem 1 there such that --X f(x) "w(x) f for all x6 S (60) For each x6 G, (51), and (60), and (36) yield ^(x) / S f(t) tez dlG(t G f(t) -x z f(x) f I f(t) f(t)t(R)z d%s(t dl(z) f(x) ^ diG(t) t.y dlg(z) as f(x) satisfying Then We evidently may assume that g LI(G) / S te f_x(t) tez (z+w(x)) f(x) (0). (-x) ,y G f(t) / Q.E.D. dl (y) dls(t dlg(z) dlg(z t,z dlG(t dl(z) 455 FUNDAMENTAL THEOREMS OF HAILMONIC ANALYSIS (Fourier Inversion and Uniqueness Theorems). THEOREM 4. %, normalization of I(G) L such that, whenever h There exists a L satisfies I(,), then (61) %G-a.e. h =h 6 (G), Further, for any nonzero measure (62) #0. Let S and PROOF. be as in Theorem 3 and normalize %, such that the number in (45) is unity. Suppose first that h is bounded and continuous. Choose A 91 aG. (v) a (x)-w lha (x) and B(91 By (42) there exist f lw < for some (63) for all x{A 2 such that B cA and >_ 2 f fd% G h(a)#V(a) h (a), then h(a) such that, if w Assume B f fd% G. lwl G\B Consequently G [h f (")a] "fd%Gt >_ BI w 2 a d% G f G\B (llhllo= + II"II) fd%G > 0. (64) Direct calculation shows (,"), (ga)^v for all g (LI(,) (65) ELl() (LI(G) (66) (LI(G) with and application of Fubini’s Theorem yields f d% G d%, for all g (65), (66) and Lemma 5 yield Then f G (v) a f d% f ha G which contradicts (64). If =/ g G f G G " (ha)^" f d%G= f(ha )^ dAw d%w f h ". Thus G h a f d% G ((G) is nonzero, there exists a continuous function pact support such that f g(-t) d(t) # 0. gig C with com- Then the continuous function g, G nonzero at 0 and we may define A {x S: lg* U(-x) > Ig * U,0,’’! 2 By (42) there exist f E C and B 91 is K. MCKENNON 456 such that BcA and 211g. Ifd% G > B I Ig * (o) GXB * 1.I,(0) f dX f d:k G Thus /G g * (t) Hence f, g f(t) , g I > dXG(t) 2 B j. G G\B llg, II f dX > 0 G is nonzero continuous and II(f, g . p)^ll (g, p)^ll Thus (61) implies that (f, g, )v -< IIII 1 ll(g ,)^Iloo Hence 0 # (f f, g, P. < oo. , g, )^= (f, g)^ which establishes (62). L Now suppose that h net given by Then lira 0 llm sup xG (61) that L 6L satisfying I() is arbitrary. (43) of Theorem 3 and, for each index e, let IIG- c," 111 Because each I(G) (g,h) I(G) NL(G) be the go fl]lf 0 so I/ [(y) gc, * h Let f (y)] e(y) If such that j" "-,, G dX G > " dXCy)I-- limll fi v- (g,h)^ll ll(gm, h) is continuous and =g,h. x,y IIEII IIII 111 were not in LI(G), <, +/- (67) follows from there would exist Ilhlll. Ilelloo but (67) implies J"G Ca" ,g an absurdity. and , that dXGI =lira Thus, lGf g,h" dXGI -< llgcxll.n v 6 LI(G) the continuity of =h. Q.E.D. Ilhll I . II11oo=llhlllll.elloo Interchanging the roles of and (61) imply that "^ and , and of G It now follows from (62) FUNDAMENTAL THEORS OF HARMONIC ANALYSIS 457 REFERENCES I. GUICHARDET, A. Analyse Harmonlque Commmtative. 2. HEWITT, Edwin and Ross, Kenneth, Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Vol. I, Academic Press, New York; Sprfnger-Verlag, Berlin, 1963. Dunod, Paris, 1968. Abstract Harmonic A.alys.is. Vol. II, Springer-Verlag, 3o New York and Berlin, 1970. 4. 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