I ntern. J. ,h. kh. Si. (1982) 459-48 459 Vol. 5 No. UNIVALENCE OF NORMALIZED SOLUTIONS OF W"(x) + p (x)W(x) 0 R.K. BROWN Department of Mathematical Sciences Kent State University Kent, Ohio 44242 U. S. A. (Received August 27, 1981) ABSTRACT. Denote solutions of ’(z) + p(z)W(z) W(z) z[1 + zl < i. We 3 b z n-1 n n] where 0 KEY WORDS AND PfIRASES. i80 1. < aft) < 1/2 < afG) p(z) so that determine sufficient conditions on [W(z) ]l/ are univalent in zl W(z) z[l and z2p(z) is 0 by + n=l an zn] and holomorphic in [W(z)]1/5 and < 1. Univalent, spirallike, starlike. MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. Primary 34A20; Secondary 30C45. INTRODUCTION. Consider the differential equation W"(z) + p(z)W(z)= O, is holomorphic for z2p(z) P0 + Pl z + zl < i. + (1.1) n where Pn z + o’ (.) The indicial equation associated with the regular singular point of the equation (i.i) at the origin is 12 - + P0 0 (1.3) 460 R.K. BROWN and has roots which we designate by and , 1 and + where We will also use the notation + i Corresponding to the root (1.4) i + i2" icz2’ (1.1) there is always a unique solution of of the form n n=l valid for Izl < i. We restrict our attention in this paper to those then obtain a unique solution of (1.1) zl < We of the form W(z) z[l + valid for [} > O. for which 5 b z n nl n] (1.6) i. F(z) We define two normalizations and F(z) (1.5) of the solutions of and (1.6) as follows (z) [w(z)]l z + F(z) [W(z)]I/ z + (1.7) where we choose that branch of each function for which the derivative at the origin is 1. Next we consider the "comparison" equation W"(z) z + * is non-constant and holomorphic for P0 -< 1/4. real axis With these restrictions (see [i]). We singular point of (Z _> 1/2 _> solution of * + PO + Pl z (.8) 0, with c(Z) c(z*(z) ) + 0’ 2* and where z p (z) * p(Z)Wc(Z + *n Pn z c > 0, (1.9) + zl < i with Pi’ i 0, on z2p * z) the solutions i, 2, of (1.8) are real on the will designate the exponents associated with the regular (1.8) at the origin by and where + As in the case of equation (i.I) we obtain for any (1.8) real and of the form 1 and a unique UNIVALENCE OF NORMALIZED SOLUTIONS . W (z) [I + z n=l C ,C zl valid for < i, and for any W zl valid for In tive to Ill . 6" > 0 a unique an(C)zn] (i.I0) solution of the form bn(C)zn 5 [i + n=l ,C 461 (I.ii) < 1. Robertson determined fairly general sufficient conditions on p(z) rela- p*(z) under which these results to F(z) F(z) is univalent in but only for real zl In [2] Brown extended < 1. satisfying 0 < _< 1/2. Theorem of this paper we present sharp sufficient conditions on pc(Z) under which the function F(z) In the Main p(z) relative to is univalent and spirallike in zl < l, where We then compare these results to those of Robertson for may be complex valued. F(z). PRELIMINARIES f(z) S will denote the class of functions disk D zl {z: < l} and normalized so that We shall say that f(z) E and some , 0 < holomorphic and univalent in the unit f(0) 0, F, if and only if for f’(0) 1. some real number , II < , < l, a zf’(z) f(z) > for all z 6 D. F m F ,0 . is the class of functions called spirallike in Functions in the subclass S () F the class of functions starlike in in D are called starlike of order 0 It follows that D. S*() D, [3], [4] c F c S; S*(0) is (see [2]). We will need the following result. THEOREM 2.1. Let z pC(z), W. (z), ,C and (1.11) respectively. If for all zl g(z2p*(z)} then for fixed C ,.C w. ,C(Izl) and < I _< (z) W. ,C be defined by (1.9), (1.10), Izlp*(Izl) is monotonic decreasing for all zl < n(, R .(C)), 462 R.K. Brown and. 2,c-(I zl) W zl is monotonic decreasing for all < rain(l, R .(C)) where ,C R .(C) and R a (r) W’. .(C) are the smallest positive zeros of the functions follows from (3.16) ray 8 constant # this result is given on page G 3.18 and Theorem constant the equality R[z2p*(z)] of Izl2p*(Izl) z2p*(z) G 3. ,C and For 13 the result z2p*(z) noting that if cannot hold for all 0 _< is non- r _< r I on any be nonconstant is necessary to ensure strict mono- tonicity in the results above since if . ,c(Izl) [2] after 262 of [i]. 0. The condition that G and respectively. In the case of W (r) W’. a,C w z2p*(z) is constant so are . ,c(Izl) ,C 13 LEMMAS. In this section we prove the lemmas used to obtain Theorem A and The Main Theorem in section 4. Since all of the results of this section are stated for W(,z) and W . (z) we 6,C adopt the following notational convention: W z13[i W6(z) W(z) WC= Wc(Z W . + n=l (z)= z13 [1 + 13 ,C bn zn]’ 5 r-i bn(C)zn]. It is important to note that all of the results of this section remain valid if W and W C moreover, are replaced by either W(z) and W . (z) a ,C or by W(z) and W . (z) and, ,C the proofs are obtained by making corresponding changes in the proofs given here. In our lemmas we will investigate the rate of change of rays issuing from the origin. and use (i.i) to obtain zW ’. and R--) For this reason we designate z by zW ’. ---j on i8 re fix 8 vary 463 UNIVALENCE OF NORMALIZED SOLUTIONS -r .w’ W r -zep(z) dr <.]2 zW’ + zW’ --Q-- where W’ designates differentiation with respect to Taking real and imaginary parts of r d zW a[-----} a[ (3.2) z2p(z)] + z. we obtain zW 2r--} zW ’. ’. ar---j zW ’. + (3.3) and zW ’. d Also from (1.8) zW and the fact that W r d rW(r) is real for real C 2 -r r(,Wc(r)) * PC(r) + Our goal is to determine conditions on ensure that on every ray e Then it will follow from where R(C) for z rW(r) rW(r) 2 Wc(r) (Wc(r)) z2p(z) relative to z2p( z) > 0 which will (3.6) Wc(r (1.7) 8zF(z) F(z) g[) > 0 (3.7) implies that for rW6(r) Wc(r -> F(z) e constant 0 for all 0 _< r i. < (3.7) is univalent and spirallike in is the smallest positive zero of will show that C can be adjusted so that in z, we obtain rW (r) > 0 for all 0_< r < i. zW’ Since zW ’. constant R[---} [ zW W(r) R(C) zl < R(C), or 1 whichever is the smaller. 1 and, therefore, F(z) We is univalent D. In [i] the inequality (3.6) was obtained when W WG(z) and Wc(r) W G . (r) by ,C a method that relied upon the inequality r obtained from (3.3) d zW’. -T R|T} [i]. R[ zep(z)} zW’. + R|V by neglecting the term zW’ 2 IT (3.6) W(z) is not sharp enough to yield of -> when W In this paper we retain the term zW’. 2.[--J zW’. g2.IT Unfortunately this inequality and in Wc(r (3.3) W . (r) by the method 8,C and derive estimates for 464 R.K. BROWN its rate of growth relative to that (3.6) for W we W6(z) Wc(r and W . These estimates enable us to establish of----. C (r). ,C introduce the following notation where z < satisfies the inequalities 0 r -g[---} M(r) -j[) r is constant, and r (3.8) w ’c (r) (3.9) Wc(r W6(r) r zW’ (3.o) We (r). zW’ r [--W--) W(r) (3.11) w( T(r) -[z2p(z)) (r) -= R[z2p(z)) + r l(r) [z2p(z)} 2 + r (r) -[z2p(z)] R(C) e w6() Wc( zw, S(r) - ie < 1. zw’ T() -= g--q-} N(r) re PC(r). + r (3.) PC(r). - (3.13) Pc(r). (3.1) pC (r). (3.15) + r is the smallest positive zero of W’(r) C min(l, R(C)). R* (3.16) (3.17) In terms of this notation our goal is to establish conditions under which T(r) > T(O) From on every ray (3.3), (3.4), dT(r) r e and constant, (3.5) r(r) + zl <R we obtain the following relationS: T(r)(l dS(r)dr --;(r) + S(r)(l + W(r) w() W(+ S2(r) T2(r) + 2.zW’. [--. 2.zW’.{__} + 2( We (r))2" (3.18) (3.19) 465 UNIVALENCE OF NORMALIZED SOLUTIONS r dM(r) dr (r) + M(r) + 2 r dN(r) (r) + N(r) 2 dr zW’ zW’ zW’ zW’ R[---} [---} R[----} [--W- + + rW6(r) 2 rW(r) 2 (Wc(r)) (3.20) (3.21) Wc (r)) The proofs of most of the lennas in this section reflect a common simple theme that is set forth formally in the following lemma. LEMMA A. G(r) > G(r) Let _< 0 for all a be a real-valued differentiable function on a < r _< 0 b and G(0 O. Then it follows that < r < b. Let G’(0) _< O. It should be noted that from their definitions it follows that the functions _ T(r), S(r), M(r) segment e 0_< r_< r 2 constant, < l, LEMMA 1. have a) T(r) c) rlW 1 I21 T(O) T(r) that Thus if, for example, < 0_ r 2.1. T(O) k. If for fixed e we r_< r R I < *-I21, *)’ for all 0 for which dT(r) dr r=p k for some r in < l, < < E r Assume that the conclusion is false. T(O) > T(r) 0 in this interval for which satisi’y the conditions of Theorem for all _< 2(1 < R T(r) 0 for all 0 < O. We < T(O) < r will for all 0 < r Then there exists an r, Let 0 be the smallest such r. O. 0 it follows from Lemma A, with G(r) Then since T(r) show, however, that our hypotheses imply that Thus there can be no roots of T(r) > T(O) < i. r2 for all 0 I T(r) > T(O) r _< r_< z2p*(z) Let WC(rl) PROOF. r< r 0 can assume a value at most a finite number of times on any then there is a smallest r b) T(r) > T(O) then N(r) and T(r) T(O) on r I < r < R T(O), dTIr)J D(% dr r=p and consequently < R From (3.18) and a) and b) of our hypotheses we have r dr Ir=p j > (0) + T(O)(I- w6(p) wc() 2(o). (3.22) R.K. BRO 466 From Theorem 2.1 i follows that f(r) r I < r . <R d) dT(r) of our hypotheses is dT(r)l dr T(r) > T(O) LEMMA 2. < for all 0 Let O. p*(z) <R r satisfy the conditions of Theorem the inequalities 0 < r < R I I satisfy > S(O), and for all 0 < rl_< r_< r2 < R and let r S(rl) 2 62 m2(o + This is the desired contradiction from which it follows O. Ir=-p 26*) T(O)(1 + Jr=O r that T2(O) > T(O) + T(O)f(rl) ,drJr= 0 > "1"(0) Thus is monotonic increasing on r) Thus r which by 2rW(r) _= i 2.1. If for fixed e Let 61 we have - >0, a) () > (o), then S(r) > S(O) for all r PROOF. From (3.19) r dS(r), dr Jr=p l_< r_< and ->(0) + a) r2. and S(O) + b) of our hypotheses we have S2(O) + 2pW(o) Wc(P Now use the method of proof of Lemma 1 with zero of G(r) on r I_< r_< r2, 2w6() Wc(r From Theorem 2.1 it follows that if < r_< r2. Thus from G(r) + S(r) pW6(p) 2(Wc(P)) 2 S(O), p 2 2" (3.23) the smallest and f(r)-- on 0 S(O) (3.22) 61 we have S(O) + 2( 6 > tWO(r) WC (r))2. 0 then f(r) is monotonic increasing 467 UNIVALENCE OF NOP@ALIZED SOLUTIONS r dS(r) Jr= dr 0 >(0) + S(O) + $2(0) 13 f(O) + dS(r) r dr Jr=O 2.1. Let O, and the lemma follows as in the proof of Lemma 1. LEMMA 3A. Let z2p*(z) satisfy the conditions of Theorem 132 _< 131 13 and let rI satisfy the inequalities 0 < rI < R S(rl) > S(O), N(rl) > N(O), and if for all 0 < rl_< r_< r2 < R we 0 < a) (r) _> If for a fixed have (0), b) (r) _> (0), c) o _< zW’. {-- _< 132, then it follows that N(r) > N(O) PROOF. From Lemma (3.9) we r2. S(r) > S(O) 2 it follows that for all r I _< _< r2, r and from have .zW’. R{---} < rW(r) Wc(r) S(O) Using this inequality along with r r_< for all rl_< dN(r) > M(r) dr N(r) + 131 + (3.21) and (3.11) rW(r) Wc(r c) for all r l_< r_< r2. of our hypotheses we have rW rW (r) 2(131 + 132 where we have used the definition . 13 Wc( r) (N( r) + in the third Wc rW (r) r + (r) 2 WC( r) term. From (3.24) we obtain (r)>dr M( r)+N( r) [1-2(131+ )] + 2N(r) tWO(r) *) rW(r) ’Wc(r WC(r -2(81 + Now use the method of proof of Lemma 1 with zero of G(r) in r l_< r_< r2, f(r) Then from (3.25), r N(r) G(r) + 3( N(O), rW(r)) Wc(r 2 .(3.25) 0 the smallest and 2IN(O) Theorem 2.1, r)jr=0 > M(O) rW(r) (131 + 13. )] ’Wc(r and + a) and b) + 3( rW(r) 2 Wc(r )) of our hypotheses we have N(O)[1- 2(1 + )] + f(o). (3.26) R.K. BROWN 468 From Theorem 2.1 it follows that if increasing on 0_< r _< r 2. dN(r) r dr (3.26) Thus from r= 0 62 _< i f(r) then is monotonic we have > v(O) + N(O)[1- v(0) + N(0) 2(81 -212 r(rr)r=0 + 8* )] + + f(O) .e 0. The lemma now follows as in the proof of Lemma 1. 0 < 62 _< l rle iw ’( and let r rleie > 0, W(r le ie) 0 < rI _< d) r _< rW(r) Wc(r r2 . zW’ To prove that [--} r I_< r_< 0 the interval N(rl) > N(0), > 0 and -zW’ J[---} > N(r) > N(O) in the interval r to obtain zW’ I_< r_< . and if for all and 2 B d) . + r_< _< I r _< r2. r2 note that if 0 is the r we can apply Lemma 3A on I < < r2, then N(r) > N(O) S {---} > (3.27) for all r 0 for all rl_< it follows that for all r If for a fixed 0), 2’ [----} zW > S(O), < rI < R Let have > max ( smallest zero of satisfy the conditions of Theorem 2.1. satisfy the inequalities 0 I S(rl) < R we then it follows that PROOF. z2p*(z) Let COROLLARY 3A. 2 . for all r + I <_ r rW(r) _< 0. Then from 3. ii) (3.27) Wc(r) of our hypotheses give rW(r) _> Wc(r) 0 on rl_< r_< 0. (3.28) e 469 UNIVALENCE OF NORM-LIZED SOLUTIONS Then (3.27) and (3.28) imply that eiew W(0e _ which contradicts the assumption on p. from Lemma 3A it follows directly that LEMMA 3B. I21 _< E1 8 and let r > M(O), M(rl) we have a) (r) b) a(r) z2p*(z) Let _zW’_ then it follows that PROOF. zW’. {-- _> N(r) > N(O) 0 for all r for all r > S(0), and if for all 0 < rI _< (3.21) M(r) > M(O) for all r I <_ and replace the condition 0 COROLLARY 3B. l-x-’ Ii21 --< i1 0 leiSw r le < rI _< r_< zW Let < O, r2 < R [-V-} -> 2" d) rW (r) > r2. Let < O, 2 r 2 < R we have r _< r2. Start with (3.20) < I2 _< I1 by I121 dM Jr= 0 >0o satisfy the conditions of Theorem I satisfy the inequalities 0 _< I 1 2.1. Let < r I < R* ." If for a S(rl) > S(0), > M(O), M(rl) 2 < 0, fixed and if for all we have M(r) > M(0) for all r I _< r _< r2. The method of proof is the same as that of Corollary 3A using N(r) Now max then it follows that place of z2p*(z) and let r C) Wc(r r2. i8 W(rleie) PROOF. _< _< 0, The lemma then follows by establishing the contradiction r r r If for a fixed 8 The method of proof is the same as that of Lemma 3A. instead of [ 2.1. the inequalities 0 < r < R I satisfy I S(rl) _< _< r_< I satisfy the conditions of Theorem I (0), _< a[--q-} _< c) Thus throughout. M(r) in O, 470 R.K. BROWN LEMMA 4A. 2 -< M(rl) > M(O), 0 < Let z2p*(z) satisfy the conditions of Theorem 2.1. Let I satisfy the inequalities 0 < r1 < R and if for all 0 < r <_ r <_ r < R we have 2 I ’ and let r If for a fixed e a) (r) _(0), ) (r) > (o), .zW’. C) J[---} -> 2’ Wc(r) _> max(8 d) then it follows that From PROOF. r M(r) > M(O) (3.20), (3.8), dM(r) > (0) dr O. with equality for r + for all r and a) I and _< b) M(r) + 2(T(O) + Using definition _< r r2. of our hypotheses it follows that rW6(r) [--Q--} Wc(r)) -zW’ (3.10) + rW6(r) WC 2 r) we rewrite this inequality in the form r dM(r) >I/(0) dr + M(r)(l- 2T(O)) -2(M(r)+ T(O)) Now use the method of proof of Lemma i with G(r) zero of G(r) on r l_< r_< r2, + From Theorem 2.1 it follows that if < r r _< r2. dr Then from Jr= M(r) M(O), (3.29) T(O)) rW(r) rW(r) 2 kr) (3.29) 0 the smallest 2 Wcr (.Wc(r)) 2 -< (i /2 then f(r) is monotonic increasing we have ,w6(), WC---T) _>/(0) + M(0)(I- 2T(0)) -2(M(0) + T(0))k >(o) + (o)(- 2T(O)) -2((0) + T(O)) r rW6(r), "c" and f(r)-- -2(M(O) on 0 rW6(r)wc(9) M(r)J dr r=O O, and the lemma now follows as in the proof of Lemma i. - w6() (WC(0) 471 UNIVALENCE OF NORMALIZED SOLUTIONS * I21 --< l 2 N(rl) z2p*(z) Let LEMMA 4B. and let r >N(O), and if for a) (r) _> (0), b) T(r) _> T(O), satisfy the inequalities 0 < rl_< r_< r2 < R all 0 2.1. < r I < R* Let rW6(r) max(*- e21 Wc(r _> If for a fixed e we have PROOF. o), N(r) > N(O) then it follows that for all r l_< r_< r 2. The proof proceeds precisely as that of Lemma 4A except that (3.10), used in place of and the condition z2p*(z) Let L4MA 5A. I121 < IB2 _< replaces 2 satisfy the conditions of Theorem * < (3.11) is 2 2.1. Let i and let r satisfy the inequalities 0 < r < R* 2 --< 2 I I s(rl) > s(0), M(rl) > M(O), and if for all 0 < rl_< r _< r2 < R* we 0 B2 < O, zW’. c) d) I satisfy the conditions of Theorem If for a fixed e have a) (r) _> (0), b) (r) _>(0), c) T(r) _> T(O), - zW’ e) rW --C max . ( then it follows that 2’ 0), S(r) > S(O) for all r I_< r_< By Lemma 4A we have PROOF. rW6(r) .zW’_ [--q-}_<-(O)- We()= 2 for all r r I _< dS(r dr r _< r2. _>(r) Thus from + S(r)(1 + (3.19) 2tWO(r) and WC(,-)) / (3.30) $2 (r) Now use the method of proof of Lemma 1 with zero of r2. G(r) on r l_< r_< r2 and / . tWO(r) wc() > (3.30) it follows that (-.(0) G(r) S(r) tWO(r) ) We 2 / S(O), p tWO(r) .) e(-Wc(). the smallest 472 R.K. BROWN () (0))( e(s(0) From Theorem 2.1 it follows that if increasing on 0 < _< r r2. rW(r) wc(r )) 2 -<(I /2 (3.31) Then from tWO(r) 2 wc()) + then and a) through d) 2 (o) -(o) + f(r) is monotonic of our hypotheses it follows that -s() Jr=p >(o) dr s(o) + rdS(r) + S j r=O dr O, I. and our lemma follows as in the proof of Lemma 2 Let z p LEMMA 5B. I21 --<(l 2, e, N(rl) > N(0), (z) and let r S(rl) (o) satisfy the conditions of Theorem 2.1. r I satisfy the inequalities 0 < I < > S(0), and if for all 0 < r I _< r _< r2 R*. < R Let 2 < O, If for a fixed we have a) (r) > 9(0), b) (r) > G(O), c) T(r) > T(O), d) zW J[---] _< IB2 e) rW (r) we(r) >mx( #. then it follows that PROOF. lel S(r) > S(O) LEMMA 6. Let the inequalities 0 < I_< r_< r for all r r2 4A, and the z2p*(z) < r l_ < R we <R . then _< r _< r2. zW’. 2.f.----J T(r) > T(O) _> condition I21 5A except that Lemma 4B _< (i satisfy the conditions of Theorem If for fixed 8 have a) "r(’) _> "r(o), b) I The proof proceeds precisely as that of Lemma is used in place of Lemma 0 0) 2 for all rI_< r_< r2. T(rl) > T(0), )/2 replaces 2.1. Let r I satisfy and if for all 473 UNIVALENCE OF NORMALIZED SOLUTIONS PROOF. With G(r) and p defined as in Lemma i, we obtain from (3.18) and our hypotheses rdT<r)] dr r= 0 > r(O) T2(O) T(O)(I- 2*) + rdT(r)| 0 3r=p dr + and the lemma follows as in the proof of Lemma 1. __ LEMMA 7A. 0 8 0 2 --< i < < r I _< _< r a) (r) b) T(r) c) M(r) 9" e) then < R r2 T(rl) > T(O), [ re i iS w ’( rlei8 If for a fixed > 0; W( r i8 me and if for all we have (0), T(O), M(O), _ rW(r) _> max Wc(r T(r) > T(O) + Let the inequalities 0 < r < R I satisfy I > N(0), N(rl) 2.1. zW’. PROOF. (N(0) satisfy the conditions of Theorem and let r > S(O), S(rl) z2p*(z) Let Wc(r)) r_< 0), an r I _< r _< r2. (3.11) and e) of our 0 for all r rdTdr > T(r) for all r l_< 2’ for From rW(r) ( r + I _< r T(r)(l- 2r _< hypotheses it follows that r 2. Then from (3.18) T2 (r) (N(0) W(r) Wc(r)) + and Corollary rW(r) 3A we have 2 Wc(r)) + 2. Now use the method of proof of Lemma 1 with G(r) and 0 defined as in Lemma 1 and with f(r) =-2(T(0) -N(0)) From Theorem 2.1 it follows that if increasing on 0 < (3.3) r _< r2. rW (r) WC(r 2 -< i + rW(r) 2 (WC(r)) then f(r) is monotonic Thus, from (3.32) and b) of our hypotheses we have 474 R.K. BROWN rdT(r) dr Jr= 0 T2(O) > (0) + T(O) (0) + T(O)(I- rdT(r) dr r= + N 2 (0) 2*) T2(O) f(O) + (N(O) + + *) 0 0 and our lemma follows as in the proof of Lemma i. LEMMA 7B. 0 > S(O), M(rl) < rI < r < > M(O), < R we r 2 satisfy the condition of Theorem < r I < R and the inequalities 0 S(rl) z2p*(z) Let T(rl) let < O, 2 > T(O), 2.1. Let r I I21 < i satisfy If for a fixed [rlei@W(r.leie )] W(rlee) e < 0, and if for all have _. a) (r) _> ( b) T(r) _> r(O), c) (r) _> then d) zW [} _> I2, e) rW(r) Wc(r T(r) > T(O) PROOF. I21, ), I_< r _< r max for all r 2. The proof proceeds precisely as that of Lemma 7A except that Corollary 3B is used in place of Corollary 3A. LEMMA 8. If for all e, 0 _< e _< 2, and for all 0 < r < R a) (r) _> ;(0), b) T(r) _> T(O), c) (r) _>(0), d) v(r) _> v(0) e) dS where a = through h) > O, f) e, f, c b l> if same techniques. For 0 g, and d < r . <R Jr=O > 0 h. Moreover, and h) rrJ then it follows that r:O > 0 strict inequality holds in e) > O. We prove that b PROOF. g) dM _j r=o > O, we have we have = f. All four implications can be proved using the 475 UNIVALENCE OF NORMALIZED SOLUTIONS zW’ W 8 + zW(z) -Pl and c* 28 I I n + cn z + * + Wc(z) where c ClZ ClZ+ -CPl with 28* + + c* z n n and Pl Pl (3 33) and + * .4 defined by (1.2) and (1.9) respectively. Now T(r) > if f(r) _> (0) (-(pl z) + T(O) if and only if for all Crp) _> 0 e, 0_< e _< -g(z2p(z) po 2, and 2 + r * PC(r) 0_< r < R all PO -> O. Therefore, it follows that for sufficiently small r and for all 8. Thus we must have _[Pleie Now from (3.33) and (3.34) + Cp* I_> e. (3.35) CP 1 (3.36) 0 for all we have Jr=o g[cleiS) -Ple Cl CP *1 iS 28*" Then if we write 8 in the form 18 le i, we have (e Jr=0 Thus dT -jr=O-> for all 0 if and only if * -Pll #1’ ) CP -[pl ei(e’) 1 o +---> (3.37) e. */181 -< 1 and it follows from (3.35) that ’-Jr=O -> 0 with strict inequality if 131 > 8*. However, since 8l_> and (3.37) 4. THEOREM A AND THE MAI > O, we have 0 < THEOREM. We have designated the first result of this section as Theorem A since it is our analog of Theorem A of [i] when y 0. 476 R.K. BROWN W"(z) + p(z)W(z) W2(Z) Z2[I + W(Z) Let W THEOREM A. zl is holomorphic in W"(z) + z 2 < i, and . (z) Wc(Z -= pc* (z)W(z) z W + P0 2 + + n=l < 1 () * * < + * n + Pn z "’’’ Izl r let z2p(z) z2p(z) and z() oI < R 21 _< 1/2. be the unique solution of * < 1/4, PO and real on the real axis; and where C > 0 and 0 ll(lzl) y2 _= W(r), 0 < r < i, Lemma 8. 2*_< 1/2. if such exists. Po" it follows that > o min(R(C), i). We first note that (i) of our hsrpotheses ensures that conditions of Theorem < satisfy the inequalities w() zw’. _> a-qwc( for all < p] + PO. with Po + Pl z+ I21 -<(- Then for be the unique solution of n n] b*(C)z n Let R(C) be the smallest positive root of zl n] 0 where z2p * (z) For Pn with 0 z 2 [i + 2,C pc(Z)= C[z2p*(z) zl Pl z i + i2 2 * ooc n 0 where 2 z p(z) Let WC b z n:l 2.1. z2p*(z) satisfies the In addition (ii) implies inequalities a) through c) of For example, inequality arz(z)} a) of Lemma + zlp(Izl) _> a o} + Po’ 8 is valid if and only if and this is true if and only if R[ z2P(z) which in turn follows from (ii). po] _> [I zl2p(l zl) po UNIVALENCE OF NORMALIZED SOLUTIONS 477 We will obtain the result of Theorem A by proving that T(r) > T(O) on any ray constant, < r < R 0 . To establish this fact we will need Lemmas 1 through 7 zW ’. whose hypotheses require us to know whether |--Q-} we introduce on each ray @ constant, 0 < r < R _> 82 zW S[--Q-) _< 82. or the points _zW’ 0i < 0i+l are consecutive values of r at which [---] show that T(r) > T(O) on every interval O _< r _< i 0i+l. 82 < 2 Case 2. 0 < i 82 < ----, e < --’ 2 constant, zW’ d[ S[--W-]r=o constant, r[[--} Jr=0 < , l , 0, 1121 < l 8 constant, Case 4" 2 < 0, I2! @ constant, For 0 the result of Theorem A was established by Robertson [i] for W(z) 2 and W W C . (z) and by Brown rW(r) --Wc (r) > . I21 I, ’(p] < [2] zW’ d[ S[--} ]r=O > O, zW’ d [[V]jr=0 < W(z), for W ,C w() r > O, < O, < for all 0_< Pi+l We then 2 We will assume that 0_< - and cases. zW’. d Pi " Case W l 0 where changes sign. The proof requires consideration of the following four Case I: 0i Therefore, W W C < R r . 0. . (z). ,C since if for some we can restrict our attention to the interval 0 and then use Lemma i on the interval 0 < < R r PROOF OF CASE i. 1. From Lemma 8 it follows that there exists a all 9 S(r) > S(O), T(r) > T(O), M(r) > M(O) < < 01 such that 0 0 and N(r) > N(O) 0 for all 0<r< 0 2. Now fix e and apply Lemma 6 to the interval p T(r) > T(O) }. on 0 _< r N(01) > N(O). rWd(r) r _< p to obtain _< 01. From definitions (}.10) and monotonicity of _< (3.11), the on 0 < r < R definition of the it follows that 0i M(01) and the > M(O) and for R.K. BROWN 478 5A applied to the _< r _< 01 we have S(01) 4. Then by Lemma 5. By Lemma 7A it then follows that T(r) > T(O) on the interval 6. By 6, T(r) > T(O) Lemma 8. As in 3 above we obtain Then by Lemma 9. 02 _< on the interval S(02 > S(O). > M(O), N(02) By 4 above and Lemma 2 we have 7. interval 0 M(02) 5A we have 01 _< > S(O). _< 02. r _< 03. r > N(O) and N(03) > N(O). > S(O). S(03) From 8, 9 and Lemma 7A it follows that T(r) > T(O) on the interval 10. 03 _< r _< 04. By successive iterations of steps 6 through lO it follows that if T(r) > T(O) on 0i < _< Oi+l then T(r) > T(O) on proof actually demonstrates that T(r) > T(O) on any interval of the ray 8 O<r<R r on which either T(r) > T(O) zW’ [-- 2 -> zW’ _< 0i+2. Moreover, r 2 -< [---] 0 or -> 0 for all 0 < r < R l 0i+l _< on any ray e O. the constant, Thus it follows that constant. PROOF OF CASE 2 As in step i of Case i we have that there exists a 0 i. e, that for all aii 0 _< r _< p s(r) > s(0), T(r) > T(O), M(r) > M(O) 2. By Lemma 7A it then follows that T(r) > T(O) 3. By Lemma 6 we have T(r) > T(O).on l_< r_< 2" 4. By definition (3.10) and the monotonicity of (0) By i above and Lemma 2 we have 6. Then by Lemma 5A 7. By definition (3.11) 8. on the rW6(r) Wc(r < p < such 01 N(r) > N(O) and for ilterval . on 0 < r < R we on 0 < r < R we have have > (0). 5. N(02 0 > S(O). S(01 it follows that S(02) > S(O). and the monotonicity rW6(r) of.c(r . > N(O). Then by 3, 6, 7, and Lemma 7A we have T(r) > T(O) on the interval s2/r/03. By successive iteration of steps 3 through 8 (omitting the reference to step 1 5) in step 0i+i_< r it follows that if < 0i+2. T(r) > T(O) on Then as in Case 1 we obtain 0i _< r _< 0i+l T(r) > T(O) then i T(r) > T(O) _> on 0 for all UNIVALENCE OF NORMALIZED SOLUTIONS 0 < < R* r 479 constant. on any ray 8 PROOFS OF CASE 3 AND CASE 4. The proofs of Case 3 and Case 4 are identical to those of Case 2 and Case 1 respectively except that all A lemmas are replaced by corresponding B lemmas. COROLLARY A. W(z) . and W Theorem A remains true if (z) or by a ,C PROOF. W(z) . and W W(z) Wc(Z) and are replaced by either (z). ,C The result follows from the fact that all of the lemmas used in the proof of Theorem A remain valid under the indicated substitutions. Our Main Theorem will be derived from Theorem A precisely as the Main Theorem of [1] was [1]. derived from Theorem A of We will not reproduce Robertson’s proofs Wc(Z) but simply mention that his methods apply equally well to Wc(Z) W . (z), (z) and ,C and then summarize the needed results in the following lemma. Let fixed, 0 < R < 1. zp*(z) W(R](R 0 and z2p*(z) we have lim_C(R) A, satisfy the conditions of Theorem C(R) > Then there exists a C we have > W(R(r -_- A(p*) 0 for all 0 > < r < R. A is finite and 0 there exists 8 2.1 0 such that when W(r) r( ), and let R be p(z) _-- PC(R)(Z) Moreover, > called the universal constant corresponding to the sense that for any e W(r(e)) . ,C LEMMA .l. The value W for fixed 0 for all 0 z2p*(z.), 0 < r(e) < i, * n < r < 1. is largest in such that A+ (r(e)) < 0. 0 and W’ THE MAIN THEOREM. Let z2p* (z) * * + PO + Pl z zl be nonconstant and holomorphic in < + Pn Z + 1 and real on the real axis with P0 -< 1/4. Let a[z2p*(z)} _< Iz!2p*<Izl)for Izl Let z 2 * pA (z) A( z2p* (z) corresponding to z2p*(z). * + * where A P0 p0 is the universal Let WA(Z)--W. ,A (z) be the unique solution of A(p*) z [+ D bn(C)] n=l (4.1) < 1. Izl < i, constant 480 R.K. BROWN W’(z) pA (z)W(z) + 0 corresponding to the smaller root of the indicial equation. FA(z) -_- Then the function [WA(z) ]i/ zl < i, holomorphic and univalent in any larger circle whenever A > O. is a holomorphic function, univalent and starlike in Let for all z2p(z) zl zl be holomorphic in i + i2’ i x bn zn] zl W(z) z[l + n=l > O, be , corresponding to the root I21 --< Then if part, of the indicial equation. the function 2 [W(z)]l/ z + function, univalent and spirallike in is the largest possible PROOF. + p(z)W(z): 0 with smaller real F(z) is a holomorphic zl < i. The constant one. From Theorem A we have ar Now if we choose and from Theorem 3.23 z) F(z)] z2p(’z) of zwW(z’)} < _> WA(IZl pc (z) 2 z) --a[ _= z then O, Wc(II) Izl (4.4) >0, W(z) [2] we have Izlw <Izl) Thus from < 1 the unique solution of W"(z) A(p*) 1 with < 1. Let W(z) A < and is not both and the definition of A we have < ( Izl =_ W . (z) ,C _= Wc(Z) UNIVALENCE OF NOPMALIZED SOLUTIONS g[ (4.5) from it follows that since equality holds in R, some FA+(z) 0 < R < l, > i__ FA(Z)} From (4.3) it follows that F(z) FA(Z (4.4) 1621 whenever G _< zl < . and A+ (R) , 0 for it is clear that we take. Thus The proof that the radius of univalence of [i] page 265 and will not be reproduced here. W(z) G* W(z) and also when W 2 < i, < I. Moreover, 1 no matter how small a positive The Main Theorem is true when W I zl when z is real and positive, and since W’ is precisely I is contained in G zl is univalent and starlike in for arbitrarily small positive values of is not univalent in COROLLARY B. (4.5) is univalent and spirallike in the constant A is the largest possible. FA(Z) 481 Wc(z) and c(z) and W W . (z) W 6 . (z) ,C whenever ,C I The proof of this corollary is immediate since all of our previous results remain valid under the indicated ubstitutions for W(z) and Wc(z). 5. REMARKS. We will now indicate how the results of our Main Theorem and Corollary B compare to or extend those of Robertson’s Main Theorem in In Ill Ill for 0. the condition zl) _< replaces our condition refer to the case W Our condition (4.2), W(Z) (4.2) there is no explicit bound on and W C W 6 . IG21, and the results (z). ,C (4.6). is independent of condition When _> 1/2 our Corollary B requires that (4.7) while (4.6) implies that 2 2 * 2 * so that I%1 -<i-"1 (4.8) R.K. BROWN 82 We refer now to the "exponent plane" of Figure i in which measured horizontally and G2 and 62 are measured vertically. 61 are I and Our conclusions are G the following: i. In region I only our Main Theorem applies. 2. In 3. regions II only Robertson’s Main Theorem applies. In regions III U IV Robertson’s Main Theorem applies and our Corollary B WG(z) applies with W 4. and W W C . (z). 6 ,C In region IV Robertson’s Main Theorem applies and our Corollary B applies W(z) with W and W C W G . (z). ,C [2]. Thus it is in region I that we have an extension of the results of [i] and Figure 1 We note that we can obtain Robertson’s Theorem A with y WG(z) W and W Theorem A of Gl > G then follows that C Ill W G . (z). imply that with This follows by noting first that the hypotheses of G1 -> G and that if G G T’(O) > O. Now (3.18) (3.18) ,C T(O) > O,while we obtain from 0 from 1 T(r) _> then G2 0 for all 0_< r < 1. Also, if 0 and as in the proof of Lemma if we let p be the smallest zero of T(r) on 0 < r < 8 it 1 483 UNIVALENCE OF NOPMALIZED SOLUTIONS 0dT(o) (0) dr Thus either dT(0) > do + 2[ 0eiew(O eie Wp(p e i@) 0 or both terms in the right member of (4 9) vanish The former conclusion yields an immediate contradiction to the definition of 0. If we assume the latter conclusion then an examination of the successive derivatives of (3.18) shows that the first non-vanishing derivative of of even order. T(r) > Thus 0 for all 0 Finally we point out that for V O, T(r) at p is positive and < r < R IYI < /2, Robertson’s Theorem A can be obtained by applying the same reasoning as above to the following analog of where W G(z) W rdT dr and W W C T(r) G + . (3.18) (z). ,C T(r)(1- 2rW&(r) We(r) sec T2(r) + sec zW’ 2 [---). REFERENCES ii ROBERTSON, M.S. "Schlicht 254-275, 1954. 2. BROWN, R.K. PAEK, 4. ’ thorie "Univalent Solutions of Lad. PBst. Solutions of W" + pW "Contribution la Mat, Fys. 62, 12-19, POMMERENKE, CHR. + pW 0" Trans. Amer. Math. Soc, 0" Can J. Math. 14, 69-78, 76, 1962. des fonctions univalentes" Casopis 1936. Univalent Fun_ctions, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gttingen, 1975.