605 Iernat. J. lath. & lath. Sci. Vol. 5 No. 3 (1982)605-607 SQUARE VARIATION OF BROWNIAN PATHS IN BANACH SPACES MOU-HSIUNG CHANG Department of Mathematics University of Alabama in Huntsville Huntsville, Alabama 35899 U.S.A. . It is known that if {W(t), 0 <_ t 2n IR then lip IW(i/2 n) W((i- i)/2 n) n-o ABSTRACT. 12 i} is a standard Brownian motion in <_ 1 almost surely. We generalize this celebrated theorem of Levy to Brownian motion in real separable Banach spaces. KEY WORDS AND PPSES. Gausian measures, abstra Wiener space, Brownian motion in Banach spaces, square variation of Browian paths. AMS (MOS) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATIONS (1970). Seconddry 2 8A40. 1. Primary 60J65, 60G15, 60G17; INTRODUCTION. This note is addressed to those familiar with Levy’s theorem [i, p. 510]. It should be readable for those who have an elementary understanding of Banach space and knowledge on Gaussian measure, Borel-Cantelli lemma, etc. Let B be a real separable Bausch space with norm l’II and let B* be the topo- logical dual of B, i.e. the space of bounded linear functionals on B. mean zero Gaussian meas,re on bert space H norm., sense of Gross I’II. B* H* with .,II’ll If D is a B then it is known [2, p. 35] that B contains a Hilsuch that [2, p. 34], [3, p. 127]. I’;I is a measurable norm on H As a consequence, If’If in the is weaker than Thus through an injection map it was shown in [2] that the relation H B holds. distribution on H to Furthermore, D is the extension of a canonical normal B, and we shall say that is generated by H 606 M. HANG Let when t {Ut t > O, and 60 subset of B and 80(A) O} be the family of Gaussian measures on B given by ut(A)=o(A) I/2 (A/t U{t -I/2 x: x E A} when t > O, where A is any Borel is the unit mass concentrated at the origin of B, i.e. 1 if 0 g A, A. 0 if 0 measures under convolution, i.e. (t * IB t(A- s )(A) x)d t U s(x), continuous functions a defined on {t t > t+s’ where Note that * Us O} is a semigroup of Gausslan for any Borel set A. B be the space of Let O, and let F be the [0,1] Into B such that a(O) B generated by the functions 00(t). It is clear that B is a real separable Banach space under the II I0 sup ll(t) ll and F coincides with the Borel o-fleld of B" A stochastic process {W(t) 0 t < 1}, W(t)() --(t), on B is called -Brownian motion (restricted to the unit time interval) on B if wheno-fleld of O<t_<l < ever 0 t o pendent and < t < I < I, then tn (tj) -(tj_l) has distribution (j (tj_ I) (tj) tj t j-1 1,2,...,n) are inde- on B. Let PW denote the B induced by {W(t) 0 t I}. PW usually called the measure on B" Here we shall denote the expectation operator < mean zero measure on abstract Wiener with respect to the measure < is PW" The purpose of this note is to prove an analogue of a celebrated theorem of Lvy [Theorem 2. 5, p. 510] for -Brownlan motion in a general separable Banach space. RESULT. THEOREM i. Let ,2 _, PROOF. {W(t) 0 _< t -< i} be -Brownian motion in B. Iw(/2n) W((’-])/2n)112 {W(t) n I I1112 B a.(,o , Our proof is elementary and straight-forward, and it goes as follows. 2n Set S Then n lw(i/2n) w((t-l) 12 n) 12 n 0,1,2, 0 < t < I} has independent increments and that Then, from the fact that r- i/2 W (rt) the same distribution for each r > 0 and t > 0 [3], we have and W(t) have 607 BROWNIAN PATHS IN BANACH SPACES 2 n W((i-l)/2n)ll 2 EWI IW(i/2 n) Ew(S n) i=l n 2 EWI IW(2-n) ll 2 i=l n 2 2-n mw iW(1) 112 i=l Furthermore, 2 n VaT (Sn) i=l 2 n 2-2nvar(l]W(1) ll2) i=l 2 Note that Var(IIW(1) inequality, we have 7. n 2 n=l 2-n 12 < -n War( by a theorem of Fernique [4]. Therefore, by Chebyshev’s PW < oo, and the theorem follows from the Borel-Cantelli lemma [5, p. 76]. REMARK. When B Theorem I reduces to that of Levy for the standard Brown- ian motion, since BI Ixl 12 d(x) 1 x 2 exp{-x2/2} dx i. REFERENCES i. LVY, 2. GROSS, L. 3. GROSS, L. Potential theory on Hilbert space, J. Functional Analysis 1 (1967), 123-181. 4. FERNIQUE, X. Integrabilit des Vecteurs Gaussiens, C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris, SeT. A 270 (1970), 1698-1699. 5. CHUNG, K.L. A Course in Probability Theor..y, 2nd edition, Academic Press, New York, 1974. P. Le Mouvement brownien plan, Amer. J. Math. 62 (1940), 487-550. Abstract Wiener space, Proceeding of 5th Berkeley Symposium on Math. Star. and Prob. 2 (1965), 31-42.