497 I nternat. J. Math. & qath. Sci. Vol. 5 No. 3 (1982)497-501 A SINGULAR FUNCTIONAL-DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION P.D. $1AFARIKAS Department of Mathematics University of Patras GREECE Patras (Received December 3, 1981 and in revised form February ii, 1982) The representation of the Hardy-Lebesque space by means of the shift ABSTRACT. operator is used to prove an existence theorem for a singular functional-differen- tial equation which yields, as a corollary, the well known theory of Frobenius for second order differential equations. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. space, Shift-operor. Singular 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 1. equation, Hardy-Lebesque funnal-differenti 34K05, 47A67, 47B37. INT RODUCT ION. Consider the singular functional-differential equation z 2y,, (z) m ai(z)y(qlz) + zp(z)y (z) + q(z)y(z) + 0 lql (i ]) 1 i=l where p(z) n=0 anZ n q(z) n= 0 b z n n and a (z) i aij z =0 j i i, m {z are analytic functions in some neighborhood of the closed unit disk A : We consider the problem of finding conditions for Equation (i.i) to have solu- H2(A) tions in the space n-1 which are analytic in the open unit disk A la(n)12 dition n=l < + a(n)z i.e. the Hilbert space of functions f(z) {z : zl We shall prove the following. < I} and satisfy the con- 498 P.D. S IAFARIKAS Let THEOREM. i) + k(k a0k + b 0 (1.2) 0 be the idicial equation of the unperturbed equation (i.i). (i) If 2k + a k i 0 _+ k2 I n, n 1,2 then Equation (i.i) has two linearly independent solutions of the form: YI(Z) where k and k I 2 If 2k (ii) k u(z) z Y2(Z) and z k2 u(z), are the roots of Equation (1.2) and u(z) belongs to + a 0 k i k I O, i.e. k I 2 k2, H2(A). then Equation (i.i) has only one solution of the form: zku(z), y(z) where k is the double root of Equation (1.2) and u(z) belongs to (ill) If 2k + a0 1 6 k k I n, n 2 H2(A). 1,2,..., then Equation (1.2) has always a solution of the form: k y(z) where k z is the greatest root of Equation I lu(z), (1.2) and u(z) belongs to H2(A). This theorem obviously generalizes the well known Frobenius theory [i] for the Fuchs differential equations: z2y"(z) + zp(z)y’(z) + q(z)y(z) O, which is a particular case of Equation (i.I). Denote an abstract separable Hilbert space over the complex field by H, the Hardy-Lebesque space by H2(A an ortho-normal basis in H by Ven en+l) lateral shift operator on H(V: by V. {en}On=l, and the uni- We can easily see that the following statements hold: Every value z in the unit disk (i) V*en en_ I, V*(V*: Z zn-len fz to f n # i, V*e I (Izl < i) is an eigenvalue of 0), the adjoint of V. The eigenelements form a complete system in H, in the sense that if f is orthogonal n=l for every z: z (ii) zl < i then f The mapping f(z) (fz’f)’ O. f H is an isomorphism from H onto H2(A). 499 SINGULAR FUNCTIONAL-DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION (iii) The diagonal operator CO: C0en nen, extension in H with a compact inverse B: (fz, f) f(z) Be n 1,2,..., has a self-adjolned n i e n n n Moreover, if 1,2,..., then vnf) z nf (z) (f f(n)(z) (fz’(CoV*)nf) (1.4) zf’(z) (fz’(CO (1.5) z (1.3) I)f). We shall use the proposition 1 of Reference [2]. PROOF OF THE THEOREM. 2. zku(z), The transformation y(z) reduces Equation (i.I) in the following: zu"(z)+(h0+hlZ+h2z2+... )u’ (z)+(00+01z+02z 2+... + where k(k- I) ka 2 + b ka 01 2 I,R2 R RlU(Z) u(qz), R m ka 3 + 0 + b b as lql < i, E i=l qika i (z)u(qiz)=0, ho, al=hl, a2=h2, a3=h3,.., and (2.1) kal+bl=O0 Following Reference [2], we define the operators 02 3 2(A) on H 0, 2k + a 0 0 m u (z)+ R2u(z) 2 u(q2z) Rl(U(Z))...RmU(Z) U(qmZ) m R I u(z) m Thus the operator R: E qikai(z)u(qlz)’ Ru(z) lql < I, on i=l H2(A) is represented in the space H by the operator , Z q ika i(V) () i u i=l m R: where R I is defined on H as solution in H2(A) Ru Rlen en, q n The equation (2.1) has a 1,2, if and only if the operator equation [V(CoV*)2 + #I(V)CoV* + 2(V) + ]u (2.2) 0 has a solution u in the abstract separable Hilbert space H. Here u Z (U’en)en’ I(V) (2k + a0)l n=l 2(V) 001 + OIV + + hlV + h2V2 + 02 + where the bar denotes complex conjugation. Taking into account the relations V2Co v* V(C0 Equation (2.2) can be written as I) and VC 0 C 0 ---V, 500 P.D. SIAFARIKAS ![C0 + (2k + a B2V@i(V)] i) I + BO(V) 0 + V* B B@2(V + + 2 + 3h 3 V + O, u (2.3) where (V) hlV h2V2 + + Also, if we put 2 + a h V 3 I 0 3 + and I (V) h i 2h2V # in Equation (2.3), we have V*[I + VK] (2.4) 0 u where the operator is compact. B2(V)Co V* + B22(V) + gBV* K Relation 0 =>u (2.6) if 6 (2.7) if c cel, Now it follows that the operator (I Relation B2 Relation (2.4) implies that (I + VK) u (I + VK) u + + VK) -i (2.5) const. exists. In fact, -<u =>(u,el) -(Ku,V*el) O. Also, (u,e 2) -(u,K*e I) =>(u,e 2)(I + 6) #-i --> (u,e 2) 0. Similarly, (u,e 3) -(uK*e 2) --> (u,e3) (l + # -2 = (u,e3) O. 0 (2.6) 0. (2.7) By the same way and if # -n, n 1,2 we find u n=l (u,e)en O. Since also the operator VK is compact Fredholm alternative implies that the operator (I + VK) -i Thus from Equation (2.5), we have is defined every where. (I + VK) c u -I e I This means that (i) (I + VK) If 2k -i + a0 k 1 always exists. k I _+ n with n 2 # 1,2 then the operator Therefore, Equation (l.1) has two linearly independent solutions of the form Yl (z) where k I and k 2 z kl u(z) and Y2 (z) zk2u(z) are the roots of Equation (1.2) and u(z) belongs to H2(A) given by the relation u(z) (Uz,U) u z z n-1 n-1 e n, u-- c (I + VK) -1 e 1. and is 501 SINGULAR FUNCTIONAL-DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION (ii) (I + VK) If 2k -i + a 0 6 1 k k I 0, i.e. k I 2 k2, then the operator Therefore, Equation (i.i) has only one solution of the always exists. fo rm zku(z) y(z) where k is the double root of Equation (2.1) and u(z) as in (i). (iii) If 2k + a0 6 1 k + a0 2k + a 0 2 2k I k I n, n 2 i n, i -n, n n 1,2,..., then i, 1,2,..., From the above and the Relations (2.6) and (2.7), we see that Equation (i.i) has always a solution of the form y(z) where k I z k u(z), is the greatest root af Equation (1.2) and u(z) as in (i). All the above complete the proof of the theorem. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. I am grateful to Professor E.K. Ifantis, for suggesting the topic of this research and for his continuous interest. REFERENCES I. HILLE, E. "Ordinary differential equation in the complex domain", Wiley- Interscience, 19 76. 2. An Existence theory for functional-differential equations and functional differential systems, Jour. Diff. Equat. 29, No. i (1978), IFANTIS, E.K. 86-104.