I nternat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 5 No. 2 (1982)209-256 209 GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES I.E. SCHOCHETMAN Department of Mathematical Sciences, Oakland University Rochester, Mchigan 48063 (Received September 16, 1980, and in revised form July 20, 198]) ABSTRACT. Our primary objective here is to extend the concept of Banach *-algebraic bundle to the setting where the bundle product and involution are just measurable, i.e. not necessarily continuous. Our secondary objective is to introduce the *-algebra operations into such a bundle by means of operator fields and study the smoothness of these operations in terms of the smoothness of the fields. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Fild o f Banach spaces, continuity structures, Banach bundles, induced continuity structures, bundle morphisms product elds involution eld up-algebra bundles, bundle identes bundle mtipliers genezed group-algebras, homogeneous bundles, uary factor systems, twisting .p group-extension bundl 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 22D15, 43A20, 55FI0. 0 Primary: 46H99, 46K99. Secondary: INTRODUCT ION Let G be a locally compact group and A a Banach *-algebra. interested in here is how to construct a Banach *-algebra from izes the canonical one (with pointwise operations). we introduce multiplication and involution in gebra? LI(G,A) The question we are LI(G,A) which general- Alternately, how generally can so as to make it a Banach *-al- The most general existing responses to this question are quite different. They are (I) The cross-section algebras of Fell [1,2 and their underlving Banach *-algebraic bundles. (2) The generalized Ll-algebras of Leptin [3] or the equivalent twisted I.E. SCHOCHETMAN 210 group algebras of Busby and Smith [4]. The underlying Banach bundles in these con- structions are trivial (see [5]). Neither of the previous approaches is more general than the other. they were designed for the same purpose. However, Thus, it seems desirable that they be unified as part of a more general theory which includes them both--as well as their bundles. This is our overall goal in this manuscript. Since multiplication and involution are Just measurable in the trivial bundles associated with the Leptin and Busby-Smlth constructions, this should be true of the bundles in the general theory. bundles. This is the main shortcoming of the Fell approach via On the other hand, since Fell’s approach allows for non-lsomorphlc fibers in the bundles (i.e. non-trivial the general theory. structions. bundles), this should also be true of the bundles in This is the main shortcoming of the Leptin and Busby-Smlth con- Consequently, our primary objective is to extend Fell’s Banach *-algebraic bundle approach to the setting where the multiplication and involution need only be measurable. constructions. This extension will then include the Leptln and Busby-Smith However, the method by which we realize the measurable *-algebra structure in a (Banach) bundIe will be quite different from that of Fell. it will be more consistent with the other two approaches in that it means of operator fields. This is our secondary objective. ill In fact, be done by There is good reason for our choosing this approach which is explained very well by some recent remarks of Rieffel [6]: "Fell’s approach in terms of bundles has some great advantages over those used in various other papers concerned with establishing a general framework,.., in that Fell can work everywhere with continuous functions, thus avoiding many measuretheoretic arguments, and he has no need to become entangled in lengthy cocycle computations and the like. On the other hand, in many specific situations which one may want to study, the bundle structure is often not entirely evident so that the trans- lation between the immediately evident structure and Fell’s bundle structure may be tedious. Thus while the theory developed by Fell in these notes is of very consider- able philosophical comfort, more experience will be needed before it will be clear GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES 211 exactly how incisive a technical tool it is for dealing with specific examples." To elaborate on Rieffel’s remarks, observe that in the Fell construction the bundle structure is introduced axiomatically. On the other hand, in the Lepti and Busby-Smlth constructions, the bundle structure is introduced operator-theoretlcally. The latter approach is characteristic of how the "immediately evldent Thus, in short, our aim is to structure arises in specific examples. ’ bundle develop a general theory of group algebras via bundles which includes the existing theories and utilizes their respective advantages. Taking all the above facts and comments into consideration, we have chosen to proceed as follows. G Replace A by a field {Ax:XeG } of Banach spaces indexed by A In Section i, we review the notion of continuity structure equivalent notion of Banach bundle. structures which can be derived from in x and the In Section 2, we study certain continuity A--the induced structures. properties of bundle morphlsm are developed in Section 3. The notion and Then the notions of pro- duct and involution are introduced in Sections 4 and 5 by means of operator fields P and I having the appropriate algebraic properties. to be continuous (resp. measurable, By requiring these fields ultra-measurable), we obtain a continuous (resp. measurable, ultra-measurable) Banach *-algebraic bundle. ,A group-algebra bundle is defined to be a measurable Banach *-algebraic bundle and is studied in Section 6. Section 7 studies to what extent the various notions and properties of bundle ap- proximate identity extend from the continuous to the measurable case. In Section 9, we construct the does the same for multipliers. sponding to G, {Ax} A P I Section 8 Ll-algebra corre- In Section I0, we investigate the extent to which bundle homogeneity extends from the continuous to the measurable case. Unitary factor systems and twisting pairs, as well as their bundles and correspond- ing algebras, are reviewed and compared in Sections ii and 12, the bundle corresponding to a locally compact group extension Next we construct I-NI Fell’s original construction was direct, in that he specified the bundle ingredients and then verified the equivalence of LI(H) with the resulting cross-sectlon algebra. In Section 13, we show that these ingredients arise naturally as a consequence of 212 our I .E. SCHOCHETMAN Ll-induction procedure for regular representations. The equivalence of LI(H) with the cross-section algebra is then an automatic consequence of inductlon-in- stages. In what follows, it will be convenient to use the following general notation. The symbols ., Z, IR, C will denote (as usual) the natural numbers, integers, real numbers, complex numbers respectively. the identity mapping on S and are Banach spaces, then operators from A into YS Hom(A,B) B X is a positive Radon measure on E is any set, then will denote S If its characteristic function. A and is a locally compact Hausdorff space and then C(X,A) (resp. C (X,A)) will denote the linear space of continuous (resp. compactly supported) A-valued functions on and "-a.a. The phrase "for -almost all x in x in G" will be abbreviated by G." CONTINUITY STRUCTURES. Let X spaces over by X M(X,A,) the linear space of (equivalence classes of) such -measurable functions. I. B will denote the Banach space of bounded linear X If S If be a locally compact Hausdorff space and X A Let -l(x) Ax,XeX A denote the disjoint union of the Note that be called a vector field. Ax is a linear space. x a field of Banach xeX Define :,%/X An element of A x will Of fundamental significance here is the notion of con- tinuity for a vector field. Since there is no canonical meaning for this notion in general, it must be introduced axiomatically. Godement in [7] {Ax:XeX This was first accomplished by (see also [8]) by means of a "continuity structure." Actually, Godement’s original terminology was "fundamental family of continuous vector fields." The term "continuity DEFINITION I.i. (i) A structure" is taken from Fell A continuity structure is a subspace of (ii) For each h in A (iii) For each x in X A in Ax [9]. is a subset satisfying: KAx the scalar function the subspace x-li h(x)II {h(x):heA} of AX is continuous on is dense. Given a continuity structure, we define continuity for a vector field as follows X 213 GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES if, given >o such that llf(x) A-continuous C(D,A) Hence, h(x)ll<e for x X C(A) we write {fec(A): f has compact A subset DEFINITIONI.3. x in LEMMA 1.4. X in o h o A in (defined on D) is f The field and x Denote the space of such fields by A _c C(A) Clearly, in general. f is a continuous vector field means that f (See sections 1 and 5 of [8].) A F of Thus, A Let F be total h x A-continuous at is Let support} X and only if the element of C(X,A) for C(A) is an element of the linear space for each N D if it is so at each point of f Then NQD in in this context, to say that C (A) c feDAx and o there exists a neighborhood D if x eDX Let DEFINITION 1.2 is total if {h(x):heF} is dense in A x itself is total. in A in A In 1 2, f A-continuous at is if x F can be chosen from Some time after Godement, Fell introduced the notion of continuity into our A[I] context in a very different way--by axiomatically topologizing purpose, it will be convenient to speak of the elements of and denote the space of them by (A,) DEFINITION 1.5. I[A For this as cross-sections x S(X,A) is a Banach bundle over X if .A is a Hausdorff space, is a continuous, open surjection and: (i) The function (ii) The operation a a + For each If xEX then Let (a).= (b)} A into (iv) A is continuous from {(a,b)eAxA (iii) is continuous on CS(X,A) 8 in {a i} and a.1 0 x (the zero of Ax denote the subset of [i, p.10]. LEMMA 1.6. The space given by such that is a net in in S(X,A) Observe that the relative topology of norm topology A the mapping on a flail 8a is continuous. and 0 w(a i) A consisting of continuous cross-sections. A on each fiber A x is precisely the More importantly, we have the following: CSX,- x in X is a continuity structure in with 214 I.E. SCHOCHETMAN equality holding in part (iii) of i.I. Part (i) of i.i follows from [i, p. ii]. PROOF. Part (ii) is clear. (A,) (iii) is a very recent development and follows from the fact that Part has enough continuous cross-sections [i, Thin. ii]. A--CS(X,A) Letting we obtain that A [8, p. 13]. C(A) Therefore, start- A with a Banach bundle, we obtain a continuity structure in largest such structure in its equivalence class [8, Prop. 1.23]. AI A2 C(AI) if C(A2) .) which is the (Recall that Conversely, it has been known for some time that this process is reversible (up to equivalence). LEMMA 1.7. Let A _unique topology on A making A LEMMA 1.8. section f tinuous at is x o .c CS(X,A); Let x (A,) C(A) CS(X,A) feAx so that in fact, oeD c. X and A-continuous at Hence, a Banach bundle. xo for which tinuous vector fields in A Ax are equivalent, i.e. A Then the cross- f is A-con- Banah bundle we obtain a CS(X,A) C(A) be a continuity structure in the unique Banach bundle guaranteed by 1.7. In particular, if X For the re- KAx and (A,) is discrete then A itself is the essentially unique continuity structure [8,1.22] Next we turn to the notion of measurability. be a positive Radon measure on X element of e > o DAx Let Then D f there exists compact Ke Let in First we consider the vector field context. DEFINITION 1.9. on f:D- This shows that the two methods for obtaining con- mainder of this paper, we will let HA Furthermore, CS(D,A) C(D,A) A~CS(X,A) Then there exists a if and only if the vector field Thus, starting with a continuity structure (A,v) Ax be a continuity structure in Denote such f by be a locally compact subspace of is X and (A,)-measurable if, given compact KE c_ K M(D,A,) such that If D (K-Ke)< X and f f K c_ X is an and A-continuous delete it. Analogously, we wish to introduce measurability in S(X,A) (as in [i0]). GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES measurable f by f:K and f _c K if, given compact (K-K)< that D and Let DEFINITION 1.10. be as in D and >o 1.9 f Then is there exists compact is continuous for the 215 (A,B)- Kc K A-topology of A such Denote such MS(D,A) On p. 22 of [1], Fell defines the notion of measurable cross- aEMARK I.Ii. However, as can be verified by the results on p. 23 of section in a different way. [i], the two definitions are equivalent. LEMMA 1.12. D If X is a locally compact subset of MS(D,A,) M(D,A,) MS(X,A,) M(A,) then In partlcular, This follows from 1.8. PROOF. Since continuity and -measurability depend only on the equlva- REMARK 1.13. [8,1,3], we may replace A by C(A) CS(X,A) lence class of A of generality. (Of course, this is false if we find it necessary to consider equl- 2]). continuous families of vector fields [8 A CS(X,) C() they are no__. we may (and wILl1) assume Actually, this is advantageous because of the last equality, C(A) or hC()} {h(x) as well as the fact that what follows, Thus without loss A is equal to Ax for x in X In will be used according to which is appropriate when assumed to be equal. The remainder of this section is devoted to separability considerations. DEFINITION 1.14. if [1, p.15]. The Banach bundle X is second countable and A (A,) countably dense, i.e. is is strongly A separable contains a count- able, total subset [8, 1.1]. LEMMA 1.15. The bundle (A,) is strongly separable if and only if it is second countable. PROOF. This is Prop. 1.8 of [I]. enough cross-sections. Recall that (A,) automatically has 216 I.E. SCHOCHETMAN A Is arbitrary Suppose for the moment that Recall [8, p.10] also that is separable If AIK [8, p.9] implies assume A is separable. A then: c C(A) in general. A is countably dense and is restricted continuity structure A In this context, we have: strongly separable However, if The converse is false in general. separable. C(A) C(A) X, the locally separable if, for each compact K A again, i.e. A is separable if and only if we again is countably dense. Therefore, under this assumption, we have the following separability summary: LEMMA I. 16. A (i) (ii) The following are equivalent countable, i.e. strongly separable. is second is countable dense and (lii) is separable and EXAMPLE i. 17. X X is second countable. is second countable. Let be an exact sequence of locally compact groups. is and the group algebra G a Banach bundle over G LI(N) If H is second countable, then so In Section 9, we will construct is separable. with fibers isometrically isomorphic to LI(N) In this case, the continuity structure will be countably dense, so that the Baach bundle will be second countable. 2. INDUCED CONTINUITY STRUCTURES. The objectives of subsequent sections suggest that we study certain continuity structures "induced" from given ones. This section is devoted to defining these structures and establishing their basic properties for use later on. Suppose {By:yeY} Hausdorff space Y with corresponding bundle. into Y is a field of Banach spaces over the locally compact A a continuity structure in Suppose also that The induced bundle [ii] B (B,T) {(x,b) (x,b) :X/Y x Y Let (B,T) denote the is a continuous mapping from over X xeX, beB, Y(b) (x,b) e B B is then given by: (x)} X 217 GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES We then have the following commutative diagram: /B X -Y where the top mapping is the projection regard.) If B The set B is one-to-one, then can be identified with S(X,B) f +- {B(x) (Ex, f) xX} r-l((X)) are in one-to-one correspondence with f(x)eB(x),XeX} {f:X- HB(x) via the mapping (Also see [2, p.101] in this b (roughly) the disjoint union of the field is The cross-sections (x,b) For such f B B / the diagram / (Ex, f) X is commutative. Suppose B LEMMA 2.1. {ExXk Let A Let feHDB(x) keA} Then A B X is equipped with the relativized topology of is a continuity structure in B (x) LEMMA 2.2. D c X for and XoeD Then the following are equivalent (1) The vector field (li) The cross-sectlon (Ex, f (Ex, f) is in A-contlnuous at Xo S(D,B) is continuous at Xo From 2:2, it follows that cs(x,m) c(a) {(Ex, f):fgC(X,),f(x)E(x) xgX} and MS(X,,U) M(a,U) EXAMPLE 2.3. the restriction to T -l(x) c_ X If AIX and of T c_ y A IB @ and to X is the injection mapping, then [8, p.9]. In this case, B@ h is simply is homeomorphic to I.E. SCHOCHETMAN 218 EXAMPLE 2.4. Of course, essentially. EXAMPLE 2.5. ) C(A :YX+Y If -+ C(A) can be identified with 3. ExXT (Xx, (Ex,h)+-h i.e. [8 4] and r heC(A) % is the left projection continuity structure obtained from A B B is a homemorphlsm, then :X/Y If A% then is the lifted ( The corresponding bundle (See p.27 of [i].) BUNDLE MORPHISMS In later sections, it will be necessary to identify bundles (up to isomorphism) as well as consider products of bundles in studying multiplication. Accordingly, we need to develop suitable notions about mappings from direct products of bundles to Nevertheless, in going through this section, it would be worthwhile for bundles. the reader to give special attention to the case where the domain is a single bundle-and not a product. Let be locally compact Hausdorff spaces, Xl,...,Xn,Y {By:yY} {A - ... (,’) (Ax (Recall [11].) from the product satisfying c T- BCx T:Y l:Al/Xl,...,n:An/Xn denote the product bundle over n (A,) XI... Xn X n are not requiring that (,T) ino or given by of a mapping x(Ax) _c B(x) :X-Y xeX will be a pair of mappings ,xn) and be continuous. Note that we n In fact, our objective here is to A X i.e. (,) The connection between X A x...xA X X 1 (,) (,) may be viewed as a pair together with a family of mappings (a) and (abstract) bundle morphism develop the notions of continuity and measurability for Clearly, a bundle morphism i ....wAn A Let is fiber preserving in the sense that x- (x I where the projections. his context, an Thus, such xeX AI,...,%, fields of Banach spaces over these base spaces, :x X xn n n the bundle spaces and 1 {Ax1:XlX1} T(a)(a), .IAx xeX aeA and # { :xEX} X conslating satisfying is then given by GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES A Banach bundle morphism from DEFINITION 3.1. ($,) morphism (A,w) into 219 (B,T) is a bundle satisfying x o." (A, S,(x) x (See the Appendix for the definition and required properties of such spaces of bounded n-linear mappings.) may be viewed as a vector field in the product Thus, rxm (x’ B,(x)) _c Now let Di Then defines a mapping X fieDiAxi i (x) #f:D D-DI...Dn with l<i<_n given by x.,...,xn(.(x.)’’’" ,n (xn)) x((x))- xED (fl(Xl)’’’’’fn(Xn) Clearly, Cf f(x)zAx so that Moreover, since .f :EiEDIAxi However, iDiAxl #fEEDB(x) Thus, + i.e. EDB(x) DAx may be viewed as we have l<_i_<n fi(xi)eAxl xED f(x)eB(x) f’(fl’"’’fn and i.e. :DAx DB(x) / AI,...,An Next suppose that ,Ax ,B AXl n A in A AIX" B(x) Y continuity structures Let tlnuous at a (relative to (,) A,A) AI,.. ,An be as in 3.1 with if [L% in x aeA is continuous at I ...xIL%x Then a (,) and ExAx n con-. is is continuous (a). DEFINITION 3.3. to On the other side, we have the product as in section 2. xAn of the in the spaces is aontlnuous, then it induces a continuity structure If DEFINITION 3.2. at A are continuity structures A,A) field $ containing if, for each h in is locally bounded at x is continous at The operator field the set A the mapping x in X Oh=.h x in X (relative if, for each compact subset The x is continuous at K of X 220 I.E. SCHOCHETMAN {ll TeK} (I) T of operator norms is bounded in LEMMA 3.4. (2) If PROOF @ X. 3 If (I) (2) X For h A in If x is continuous at X is continuous on if, for each 8 (i) then x 3 X in is h HB(t) in is @ the zero element continuous at x is continuous at the vector field x. then X in if and only A@-continuous __(@i x A of x at satisfies: This follows from 2.2. f.1 e ILEX. let 1 {llfi(xi)II:xigXi} sup l<i_<n 1 For PROPOSITION 3.5. (,) IlCxl sup{I[x(f(x))ll PROOF. x--assuming PROOF. f=(f n}, xeX IIfiIIx <l,i=l fn)eHiCc(Ai) I The proof of 9.2 of [8] can be adapted to this proposition. COROLLARY 3.6. at as in 32, we have: If Ai x is continuous at C(A i) then it is locally bounded in X l_<i_<n By hypothesis, f:X/B is continuous at Cf (’)If Hence, the scalar functions x feiC (A i) for each are also continuous. C This corollary then follows from 3.5, together with the fact that the supremum of continuous functions is lower semi-continuous and REMARK 3.7. hence, locally bounded. If we were not assuming Ai C(Ai),l<_iin then the two versions # in 3.3 would be equivalent for locally bounded of continuity for [7, p.84]. This is reasonable in view of 3.6. Let THEOREM 3 8. only if is a Then is continuous at COROLLARY 39 each xeX in A X A.-continuous 1 Let i.e. at x.1 x (0,) is continuous at each a in AX if and (as in [i, p.32]). x.eD.cX 1 is continuous at then for Suppose l<i<n 1--i f (fl x (,) _(Xl,...,xn)_ ,fn is continuous at If the mapping f.1 in HD A 1 X. 1 GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES 221 #f:DlX ...XDn +B ($,) Next we develop measurability for X Radon measure on Then H lii<n i B A-topology of for the x is continuous at Let # and HI Q’’’Hn Hi be a positive is a positive Radon measure on x [10]. is measurable (relative to (resp. h) if $ X of (2) A A, A, H) (resp. operator field $) h A in (,) Thus, the mappin h is measurable if and only (recall 3.8). (i) Sh in the vector field $ (recall 3.4). is measurable is measurable, then If is continuous, then If if, for each is measurable. into is measurable LEMMA 3.11. (,) The Banach bundle morphism DEFINITION 3.10. is measurable if and only if, for each B(x) is (A,)-measurable There is a stronger notion of measurability for $ h in (recall 2.2). (,) and (as in [8,10]) which is useful for our needs. DEFINITION 3.12. is ultra-measurable if, for each compact subset compact subset ous on K Ke Thus, THEOREM 3.13. (,) The Banach bundle morphism of K (,) If is true if, in addition, such that H(K-Ke)<e K (resp. operator field X of (,’) and >0 there exists a (resp. $) is continu- and is ultra-measurable if and only if is. ultra-measurable, then it is measurable. is Ai is locally bounded and each The converse is countably dense, lin PROOF. This is proved as in Prop. 20 of [7]. THEOREM 3.14. HiM(Ai,i) then REMARK 3.15. Suppose $ is measurable. f=(f!,...,fn) If is an element of fgM(X,,) Once again, if we were not assuming there would be two versions of measurability for $ Ai C(AI) given in 3.10. l<i<n then However, in view of 3.14, these would be equivalent. REMARK 3.16. As we indicated at the beginning of this seciton, the case n=l I.E. SCHOCHETMAN 222 Specifically, for this case, this section contains the de- is of special interest. finitions and properties of continuous, measurable, and ultra-measurable Banach bundle morphisms. 4. PRODUCT FIELDS. Having established the foundations for our analytical needs, we turn to our algebraic needs--namely multiplication (i.e. convolution) and involution. A section we develop multiplication in G Suppose spaces over (A3) G by means of a product field of operators. (A :xG} is a locally compact group and with A Then as before. In this of bounded bilinear operators from X is a field of Banach Hom2(AxXAy,Axy) Ax xAy is the Banach space Axy into Consequent- (x,y)eGG ly, {Hm2AxXAy ,Axy) (x, y) GG GxG is a field of Banach spaces over and IISom 2 (AxXAy,Axy) is a linear space of operator fields. If (x,y)gGxG is such a field, then for P the mapping P /A AxA x x,y y A Let the field of {E :xgG} (This is in is a bounded bilinear operator with range contained in identity operators on the {A :xEG} X be denoted by X HGHOm(Ax). DEFINITION 4.1. Let PEHHom2(AxAy,Axy) IIPx,yll<l plication or convolution) field if P xy,z For convenience, let (Px,yXEz) P Then p x,yz is a product (or multi- and (ExXpy,z) HHom2(AxXAy,Axy) necessarily a product field. P x,y,zG Note that an element of Moreover, let p denote the mapping of P AxAA defined by p(a,b) Since the mapping Pv(a),w(b)(a’b) :GGG is a,bEA given by group multiplication satisfies no.__ GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUILES (x) p (A,) Furthermore, since LAx (p,) it follows that A is continuous, if d-’nA is a continuity structur in A in A A’ by A by A’ and by We will also require that product fields be measurable relative to (rit) Haar measure B on G as in P Let (i) (li) P is continuous at (v) the mapping For each h,k in A Then the P(h,k):GxG (as in 3) is the vector field P(h,k) hA in A’-continuous is (Xo,Y o) at (iv) as above. p with (Xo’Yo) continuous at (ill) P (Xo,Yo)GxG: (Xo,Y o) A For each h,k in A and (p,P,) be an element of following are equivalent for ’ It will be instructive to Section 3. summarize he results of Section 3 for THEOREM 4.2. A the For each h,k in continuous at (Xo,Yo) The bundle morphism cross-section (p,) P(h,k) in S(GxG,A’) is (a,b) in Ax xA is continuous at each point o (vi) The mapping PROOF. p Combine PROPOSITION 4.3. at (Xo,Yo) If then the mapping at is continuous at each point (a,b) in A PROOF. Xo Yo 1.8, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, and 3.8. DI,D 2 Let fEDIA gED2Ay x P(f,g):DIXD2-A XoED1 YoD2 _c G are Suppose A-continuous at is continuous at Xo,Y (Xo,Y o) (resp. P is continuous respectively, A’-continuous Recall 2.2, 3.9. THEOREM 4.4. (ii) P PEP Let Then the following are equivalent: is measurable. For each h,k Yo A (Xo,Yo)). (i) into nAxy (x,y) We will denote as in Section 2. (A,’w) is a Banach bundle morphism of then we obtain the induced continuity structure nA,y 223 in A the mapping P(h,k):GG/A is measurable. I.E. SCHOCHETMAN 224 For each h,k A in (EGG,P(h,k)) the vector field in IiAxy is (A’, @)-measurable. For each (iv) h,k A’ relative to PROOF. P PeP Let Then the following are equivalent: is ultra-measurable. Ke subset If P is measurable Q and K For each compact subset (ii) (EGG,P(h,k)) the cross-section Combine 3.10, 3.11, and 1.12. THEOREM 4.5. (i) A in K of A is countably there exists a compact >0 and Q(K-Ke)<e such that is a product field and GG of and P Kg is continuous on dense, then the previous are equivalent to: P (iii) is measurable. PROOF. Combine 3.12, 3.13, and 4.1. PROPOSITION 4.6. P Suppose P in is measurable and f,geM(A,) Then e (f, g)EM(GXG,A, ) PROOF. Recall 3.14 5. INVOLUTION FIELDS. The other algebraic operation we need is involution, which will also be intro- duced by means of a field of operators. Of course, such fields will have to be suitably compatible with product fields in order that the resulting operations yield a *-algebra structure in For each i.e. A X A X and x in G A let A X denote the Banach space conjugate to A X are identical except for scalar multiplication which is given in A X by: a’a Consider the fields {Hom(A,Ax_l)} aa eK {A :xeG} X aeA X {Ax_l:XeG} of Banach spaces over form a field of Banach spaces over linear space of operator fields. G and G The spaces Hom(Ax,Ax_ I) is a Ax into Note that the linear mappings from Ax_ I 225 GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES A are precisely the conjugate linear mappings from NHom(Ax,Ax_ I) an element of I X A-+A X then, for each (resp. I x in Ax_ I into X G Thus if I is the mapping A -hA) X X Ax_ I is bounded and linear (resp. conjugate linear) with range contained in For convenience, let S x,y :A A x A A y x y Let DEFINITION 5.1. Ix-I Ix_ I i P product field I P in fv for f@ f If are not necessarily involution fields. @:G+G Av oSK Now let i (i) struc6ure A@ Aand the continuity structure h-sA- A(x) flax_ 1 oh(x) viewed as being in KAX A l(a)(a) (disjoint) into itself given by aeA (A-,n-) into (Av,v) where: with conjugate scalar multiplication in the fibers. (ii) Av A UA-i X HAX xEG denote the mapping of DA-X A we have is a bundle morphism of A-= A in {hV:heA} i(a) (i,@) it is customary to write i.e. (oh)(x) Then be the inversion homeomorphism G is a mapping defined on Av will be denoted by Hence, for x,ygG Consequently, the induced continuity Also, denote by is an For convenience, let For the purposes of this section, let x-I xeG I HHom(Ax,Ax_ I) Note that the elements of (x) Then and IxyPx,y Py-l,x-l(lyIx)Sx,y for each ygG x HHom(Ax,Ax_l) I be an element of lllxll involution field if aEAx, bEAy (b,a) (a,b) denote the switching mapping (disjoint) with A-I X the fiber over x in G I.E. SCHOCHETMAN 226 (iii) (a) (iv) v (a) (a) (a) -I aeAX for x x -I for A xeG x aeA,v.(x A x xEG -i As in the previous section, an involution field will be required to A and measurable relative to THEOREM 5.2. x (i) I leI Let with i x is continuous at o l(h-) :G- (ii) For each h in A the mapping (iii) For each h in A the vector field Av-continuous (iv) For each at (v) (vi) Then the following are equivalent as above. G in O Here also, it will be instructive to summarize (i,l,) Section 3 for for be h x at l(h-) in A-i x o is o A in x is continuous at l(h-) the cross-section S(G,Av) in is continuous x o The bundle morphism The pping (i,) is continuous at each point is continuous at i eac point a in A-x o ine A a o PROOF. 1.8 3.2, 3.3 3.4,nd 3.8. Combine PROPOSITION 5.3. If x fEHA Y (resp. AV-continuous x Suppose then the mapping in [ is continuous at l(f-) :D+A x is continuous at x Let le[ Then the following are euqivalent is measurable. (ii) For each h in A the mapping (iii) For each h in A the vector field (iv) I Recall 2.2 and 3.9. THEOREM 5.4. I at xeD DG is A-continuous at PROOF. (i) Let For each h in A l(h-) the cross-section G-A l(h-) is measurable. in Ih-:C--A v A -i X is (A is measurable realtive to (v,) PROOF. Recall THEOREM 5.5. 1.12, 3.10, and 3.11. Let lel v,)-measurable. Then the following are equivalent: 227 GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES I (i) is ultra-measurable. For each compact subset (ii) Kg K of such that (7-) continuous on If I -i K G of and (K-Ke)<g and -i (K) (K)). A is an involution field and g>0 I there exists a compact subset is continuous on KE (resp. i is is countably dense, then the previous are equivalent to (iii) I is measurable. PROOF. Combine 3.12, 3.13, and 5.1. PROPOSITION 5.6. Suppose I is measurable and fgM(A,) Then I (f-)EM(G,A,) PROOF. 6. Recall 3.14. GROUP ALGEBRA BUNDLES. We are now ready to construct a measurable analogue of Fell’s Banach *-algebraic bundle [i]. Let the locally compact group product field in P A PROPOSITION 6.1. A,A,, with as above. P is a To intro- define a,bgA P(a),(b)(a’b)’ We have: aAx bgAy (i) a’bAxy for (ii) For each x,yEG (iii) (a’b)’c a’(b.c) [la’bll-< llall" l[bl[ Ax’AyCAxy i.e the mapping (a,b)/a-b of x,yG A A x y into A xy is bilinear. a,b,cgA a,bgA To obtain continuity for the product mapping PROPOSITION 6.2. Suppose also that the corresponding product bundle mapping. p(a,b) a-b (iv) p once again be a field of Banach spaces over x G with duce multiplication into {A :xgG} The product in A p:AxA/A recall 4. i is continuous if and only if P is continuous. One of our goals is to generalize the above to the case where the convolution is just measurable--and not necessarily continuous. PROPOSITION 6.3. The product in A In this regard, we have: is measurable if and only if P is 228 I.E. SCHOCHETMAN measurable. It is ultra-measurable if and only if is countably dense, then these are equivalent to measurability for A To introduce involution into field in with a* PROPOSITION 6.4. (i) (ii) (a*) For each into (iii) (iv) (a) (a’b)* a** V(a) G in Ax_l) a in A A P (4.5). is an involution define (a) (a) aA (Ax), _c Ax_l i.e. the mapping is conjugate linear a/a* xG A from into x Ax_ I A-x (resp. (resp. linear). a,bgA b*’a* a I If We have -I x I i(a) is ultra-measurable. suppose further that For as before. i P agA i:A- To obtain continuity and measurability for the involution mapping recall 5.1 and 5.4: PROPOSITION 6.5. The involution in A is continuous if and only if I is The involution in A is measurable if and only if I is cont inuous. PROPOSITION 6.6. measurable. It is ultra-measurable if and only if I dense, then these are equivalent to the measurability of DEFINITION 6.7. By a (measurable) Fell bundle (A,) mean a Banach bundle volution fields understood to be that (A,;P,I) P over I and CS(G,A) G axiomatically. is countably I (A,; P,I) G over (The underlying continuity structure as before.) we will P A will be and I are continuous, we will say bundle over G (equivalently, a Banach If G ). In Section 3 of [i], Fell defines a continuous Fell bundle to be a Banach bundle A together with measurable product and in- is a continuous Fell *-algebraic bundle over If is. (A,) over G with product (A,:-,*) and involution Clearly, the corresponding product and involution fields are then determined as follows: over * G given P and I 229 GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES P xy (a,b) Ix(a) a’b aA a* bAy, x x,yEG A Of course, these fields are continuous relative to A are continuous operations on CS(G,A) and his construction to that of To extend (6.2, 6.5). since a measurable Fell bundle, the appropriate measurability requirements on and * would be given by 4.4 and 5.4. EXAMPLE 6.8 [2 ,p.130]. Let be the 2-dSmensional Banach *-algebra B 2 with -algebra structure given by (a,b) (a’,b’)= (aa’,bb’) (a,b)* (b ,a and norm given by (II, Jbl) ll(,b)ll Let G be the cyclic group subspaces of B P x,y ((a,xa), Ix((a,xa)) and I G Let {i,-i} B let AI,A_I I A_I A AIA_I AIXA_I P Define an,d I by (ab, xyab) (b,yb)) x,ygG, (a ,xa Let D be the Banach *-algebra A Then A agAx, bgAy are continuous. EXAMPLE 6.9 [2,p.131]. D the closed {(a,-a):a} is discrete, we have Of course, P {AI,A_I} and {(a,a):ag} I A_I G 2 of order given by A Since {i,-i} a,a’ ,b,b’g {ze:Izl-<l} C(D) the ususal boundary of with pointwise *-algebra structure. B be the closed subspaces of {fgC(D)’f(-z) f(z) zg3D} {fgC(D):f(-z) f(z) zgD} once again and continuous D and P and I given by are given by For I.E. SCHOCHETMAN 230 P (f,g) xy I (f) xy(f’g) x,yeG, feA f x geA y x Before leaving this section, we wish to point out one of the main consequences of replacing a continuous Fell bundle by a measurable one. [2,p.i15]. DEFINITION 6.10 saturated if the span of Axy dense span in A measurable Fell bundle A "A x y for all The span of Ae "A (ii) The span of Ax’Ax_ I x P Conversely, if i.e. the range of xy (A,;P,I) If is dense in A x,y has is saturated, then: A xeG e is continuous, then (i) and Hence, the converse implication (ii) imply saturation. is questionable for measurable Fell bundles since its proof depends on the continuity of the product in 7. P is xeG x is dense in Propositions 11.4 and 11.5 of G over x,yeG PROPOSITION 6.11 [2,p.i15]. (i) A is dense in (A,:P,I) [2] A This also affects in the same way. BUNDLE IDENTITIES. The purpose of this section is to extend (and rephrase) Fell’s study of approxi- mate identities (units) in Let identity (A,;P,I) e G in [1,2] be such a bundle. A e (i) (ii) (iii) It is clear then that the fiber A e over the is a Banach *-algebra DEFINITION 7.1 [i,p.34]. in to the context of a measurable Fell bundle. A (bounded) approximate identity in A is a net {u.} satisfying: llujll-< Iluj’a Ila’uj In particular, 8 all all all {uj } for some j 0 aeA o aeA 8>0 Ae is an approximate identity in DEFINITION 7.2 [i,p.34]. The net {u.} 3 in A e in the usual sense. is a strong approximate identity if it is an approximate identity and (ii) and (iii) of 7.1 hold uniformly GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES 231 A on compact subsets of In Prop. ii.I of [2], Fell showed that these two notions agree in the case of continuous Fell bundles. To This appears to be false in the measurable case. determine what is true, we proceed as follows. Let D-CG feDAx agAe and The left and right translates of f by a are defined by f(x) a-f(x) P f (x) f(x).a P a e,x (a,f(x)) x,e (f(x),a) and a Then af fa DAx belong to PROPOSITION 7.3. F Let DAx which is a linear space, i.e. C(D A) c Now consider in general. sided) A-module e xED be a total subset of is a (two- DAx C(A) Then the following are equivalent (i) (ii) C(D,A) is a left (resp. right) For each h A-continuous in F on D DEFINITION 7.4. a in We say that A-module. e A the vector field e c(A) A -module, for each compact subset e K is locally an of a h(resp, h a Ae "-module if is C(K,A) is an G The following is our measurable Fell bundle version of Prop. ii.I of [2]. THEOREM 7.5. locally an Let Ae-module, {u.} 3 then be an approximate identity in {uj} particular, if multiplication in A If is a strong approximate identity in A is continuous, then C(A) C(A) A is In is actually (globally) and A -module. e REM.ARK 7.6. Observe that if C(A) is locally an A -module, then the e corollaries 11.2 and 11.3 of [2] are valid. 8. MULTIPLIERS. There are two additional significant distinctions between continuous and measurable Fell bundles which involve multipliers. multiplier theory [1,4] We will briefly discuss here the we require in this and succeeding sections. I.E. SCHOCHETMAN 232 DEFINITION 8.1. If for the measurable Fell bundle x G is an element of x (A,;P,I) then a multiplier is a pair (ml,m2) of order m satisfying the following (i) are continuous mappings of ml,m2 A into itself which are bounded in the sense that sup{lira i(a)ll :aeA} Ilmill is finite for For each (ii) a-m yeG ml(res p. m2) l(b) m 2(a).b a,beA l(a)-b a,beA 2(b) a,beA (iv) m l(a-b) m (v) m 2(a.b) a-m For convenience, as usual, we will write aeA Let M x (A) Each M x (A) for ma ml(a) denote the set of multipliers of order z:M(A)+G Also, let A is a linear mapping of into y A xy Ayx) (resp. (iii) 1,2 i and x am and for M(A) m2(a) UGMx(A) be the canonical projection. is a Banach space under the canonical linear operations and norm given by llmll Thus, (M(A),z ) an involution in max(llmlll,llm211), mgMx(A) xeG is algebraically a Banach bundle. M(A) Moreover, there is a product and given by (m-ml)a (am)re’ a(m-m’) m(m’a) and m*a am* (a’m)* for agA (i) If (2) The product is bilinear on (3) The product is associative. (4) If (5) m,m’eM(A) The operations have the following properties: meMx(A),m’eMy(A) meM (A) x then (ram*)* then m*gM x mm’eMxy(A) Mx(A)XMy(A) -I(A) The involution is conjugate linear on M (A) x 233 GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES (6) The involution is anti-multiplicative. (7) The involution is self-invertible. llm*ll and (9) ilmll A The left and right identity mappings of M(A) fon the identity of M (A) e in We are now ready to describe one of the distinctions between continuous and measurable Fell bundles referred to at the beginning of this section. (A,;P,I) If the Fell bundle is continuous, then A can be mapped into by right and left multiplication: ba tuba However, a,bgA ab am b in the measurable (non-continuous) case, this does not seem possible, since the left and right multiplications may fail to be continuous. The remaining distinction involves the notion of unitary multiplier. DEFINITION 8.2. mm* m*m If meM(A) U(A) in is unitary if m the canonical identity in 1 The unitary multipliers Also, if then llmll -< I and M(A) M(A) form a group under multiplication. Ux(A) u(A)OMx(A then U(A) UGUx(A) and _I(A)_ m*eU x x in LEMM% 8.4. spaces {A :xeG} x LEMMA 8.5. xeG [2,p.122]. G Ux(A)# If (A,;P,I) has enough unitary multipliers, then the Banach [2,p.123]. are all isometrically isomorphic If P is continuous and enough unitary multipliers, then REMARK 8.6. meUx(A) A measurable Fell bundle has enough unitary multipliers if, DEFINITION 8.3. for each if In general, if unitary multipliers even if P A has an approximate unit as well as A is saturated A is (6.10 and [2,prop.ll.5]). saturated, then it may not have enough is continuous and A has an identity [2,p.130]. I.E. SCHOCHETMAN 234 The implication in 8.5 is questionable in the measurable case because its [2], proof, namely Prop. 11.4 of P is questionable for non-continuous (Recall the end of Section 6.) There is a notion stronger than "enough unitary multipliers" called "homo- geneity" which we will study in detail in Section i0. Finally, [1,5]. M(A) can be equipped with a topology called the strong In this topology, a net am. ma m.a 3 {M.} am 3 in M(A) converges to m tppology M(A) in if agA For this topology, involution is continuous and the product is separately continuous. The mapping open. :M(A) Consequently, A is continuous relative to this topology but possibly not .vIU(A) is a continuous homomorphism of if there exist enough unitary multipliers). U(A) G into (onto U(A) Note that multiplication in is separately continuous but possible not jointly continuous. Let M I(A) {meM(A) :llmllo-<l} The following will be useful in Section i0. PROPOSITION 8.7. A If has a strong approximate identity and (m,a)+ma measurable, then the mappings measurable in the sense of 3.10. and then these mappings are continuous (compare with 9. (i.e., p) P A are is continuous, [l,Prop.5.1]). GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS. To construct a Banach *-algebra from a measurable Fell bundle G is ultra MI(A)A "into (m,a)/am of In particular, if P let LI(A,) denote the Banach space of (null equivalence classes) of measurable vector fields Ilfll 1 the results in Section i, The subspace LI(A,) -measurable integrable modular function for (A,)- ./*Gill (x) lld (x)< Cc(A) of C(A) fields with compact support is well-known to be dense in of over which are -integrable, i.e. for which f (See [7,8] for the details.) LI(A,) (A,;P,I) G consisting of vector LI(A,) Also, in view of is the vector field version of the space cross-sections [1,2]. Let be the (right) Before proceeding further, let us record an important GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES result for future use. Once again, let %:GXG-G 235 be the left projection (recall 2.5). LEMMA 9.1. fELI(A%,) Let Then for -a.a.x in G the integral fGf (x,y)d (Y) belongs to A and the resulting (-a.e. defined) x fGf (x,y)d (y) x belongs to L PROOF. I(A,) This is the vector field analogue of Prop. 2.11 of [i]. Now, for f,g LI(A,) in consider the vector field f(y-l)’g(yx) (x,y) in vector field P(f,g)(y-i ,yx) I[Ak(x,y PROPOSITION 9.2. LEMMA 9.3. at most The vector field of 9.2 belongs to LI(A ) and its I L -norm is llfll l’llgll I PROOF. This is a straightforward application of the scalar Fubini Theorem. COROLLARY 9.4. For x (defined (A)t,ltt)-measurable. This vector field is -a.e. PROOF. on G) LI(A,) the /Gf (y-l)- g (yx)d (y) f,g in belongs to L I(A,) Apply 9.1 to the integrand. As a result of the previous discussion, for vector field vector field f’g in L I(A,) f,g in LI(A,) we may define a by fGf(y-l)’g(yx)d(y) (f’g)(x) We thus obtain a binary operation -a.a. x in (multiplication or convolution) on G LI(A,) which satisfies <_ REMARK 9.5. llflll-Ilgll I f,ggL I(A,) Before going any further, observe that Fell defines convolution I.E. SCHOCHETMAN 236 [i,8] and then extends C (A) first in C case (that of a continuous Fell bundle), C (A) Hence, for us, C (A) multiplying elements of PROPOSITION 9.6. L denote by Next, Note that in his is closed under multiplication as a C A consequence of the continuity of multiplication in for a measurable Fell bundle. LI(A,) it to all of However, this there is less advantage in first C (A) since the products may not be in C Under multiplication, is not true LI(A,) C is a Banach algebra which we I(A,;P) we define involution in LI(A,;P) For f Ax, in , define f in AX by 6(x)-ll(f -) 6(x)-if(x-l)* f*(x) LEMMA 9.7. For each f in LI(A,;P) LI(A,;P) in fact, llf*ll I llfll I from L I(A,;P) into itself. PROPOSITION 9.8. denote by L 6(x)-II LI(A,;P) Under involution xeG (f(x)) also belongs to f* the field Hence, we obtain X * a mapping (involution) is a Banach *-algebra which we I(A,;P,I) LEMMA 9.9. PROOF. (x) LI(A,;P,I) If the conditions of 1.16 hold, then The underlying Banach space to Proposition 2.2 of LI(A,) is separable by the Corollary [l,p.20]. Next in this section, we turn to a study of identities in A Suppose has a strong approximate identity. LI(A,;P,I) In the proof of Prop. 8.2 of LI(A,;P,I) to construct an approximate identity for [i], Fell shows how is separable. observe that this proof does not use the A-continuity of P or I Also Consequently, we have LEMMA 9.10. LI(A,;P,I) If has a strong approximate identity (recall 7.5), then contains an approximate identity (with the same PROPOSITION 9.11. if and only if PROOF. A G The Banach *-algebra is discrete and A LI(A,;P,I) bound). contains an identity has an identity. The proof of the corresponding result for classical group algebras GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES [12,310] u of A In particular, the identity can be adapted to the vector field context. of. f and the identity LI(A,:P,I) 237 f(e) are related by u For the remainder of this section, we investigate the correspondence between two generalized group algebras whose underlying Fell bundles are connected by a "Fell bundle morphism," i.e. a Banach bundle morphism having the appropriate additional algebraic properties. (B,T:Q,J) Suppose is another Fell bundle over { :xeG} g x where f x [A x’ xgG If f Bx is a vector field in is the be a Banach bundle .. =EG) morphism as in section 3 (with LI(A,:Q,J) and :(A,)+(B,T) Let corresponding generalized group algebra. G Then we have a field GHOm(Ax,Bx is a vector field in HAx then it follows that Furthermore, the correspondence f f is linear between the underlying linear spaces of vector fields; notationally, we have HAx+liBx Now suppose that is measurable Then by 3.14, we have a linear mapping (3.10). M(A,) M(A,) If which is constant on null equivalence classes. is continuous, then (3.9) c(A)+C(A) In particular, c c (A)< c (A) since supp (f) _e, supp(f) For convenience, let I111 G sup We will say that most IIII G isometry. If :xgG} {llxl is bounded if PROPOSITION 9.12. nullity) denote ..llII G (i.e.) <m is measurable and is a bounded, linear mapping of In particular, if each Then we have: Cx’XgG L l(A,) into is bounded, then (modulo L l(A,) is an isometry, then with norm at is an I.E. SCHOCHETMAN 238 In order that be a *-algebra homomorphism as well, we will have to require more of DEFINITION 9.13. The mpping (A,;P,I) (,T;Q,J) : (A,n)-(B,y) is a Fell bundle morphism if is a measurable Banach bundle morphism and Px, y Qx,y (x) i.e. Ix Jx (i) (ii) for x,y in # i.e. I Qx, y (xXy) P xy x,y J X X X X G THEOREM 9.14. (as in 9.13) If is a bounded Fell bundle morphism, then LI(A,p;P,I)/LI(A,p;Q,J) is a Banach *-algebra homorphism. -I Conversely, suppose B+A exists and is a Banach bundle morphism, so that 9.12 and 9.13 apply. PROPOSITION 9.15 and (B,T;Q,J) If ,-i as above, then LI(A,;P,I) LI(A,;Q,J) and I0. xgG are isomorphic In particular, if each *-algebras which are equivalent as Banach spaces. invertible isometry, (A,;P,I) are bounded Fell bundle morphisms for Banach x is an then these algebras are isometrically isomorphic. HOMOGENEITY. Our objective here is to extend the main ideas and results of sections 6 and 9 of [i] to the setting of (measurable) Fell bundles. This will be useful in Section Ii for comparing Leptin bundles with Fell bundles. U(A) Recall that the unitary multipliers A for the Fell bundle form a group and a topological space with the relativized strong topology. DEFINITION i0.i. (i) (ii) A The Fell bundle A is (measurably) homogeneous if: has enough unitary multipliers, i.e. The mappings (as in 3.10). (re,a) ma and (m,a) (U(A)) am of G U(A)xA into A are measurable GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES For each REMARK 10.2. into is A xy x,y in is a linear isoetry. homogeneous), then the fibers LEMMA 10.3. A able, then A If G and in U m (A) o Therefore, if {Ax:XgG x the mapping ma a of is onto (in particular, if are all isometrically .somorphlc. has a strong approximate identity and is homogeneous if and only if 239 A P ultra-measur- is has enough unitary multipliers. (Compare with Remark 3 of [i,p.49].) It follows from 8.5 that (ii) of i0.i is automatically satisfied under PROOF. the given hypotheses. REMARK 10.4. In particular, if mate identity, then A A is a continuous Fell bundle with approxi- is homogeneous if and only if IU(A) is onto (7.5). Thus, for the case of such bundles, homogeneity is simply the existence of sufficiently many unitary multipliers. Consequently, this latter property is really the crux of the homogeneity property--both technically and intuitively. In Section 9 of [I], Fell bundles Fell shows that all continuously homogeneous can be constructed (up to isomorphism) from a given set of "ingredlent’s." next extend this construction to the measurable case. We will Moreover, we will do this in the setting of vector fields, describing the underlying con.tinulty structure specifically. Of even greater significance--especially for the needs of Section 13--is the description of the underlying field of Banach spaces. the same way as is the field in Section 4 of [13]. This field is constructed in However, the contexts these constructions take place are different in point of view. in which Consequently, we will also adopt the viewpoint of Section 14 of [13J--namely, that of group repreThis will allow the results of Section 13 to follow immediately from sentations. [13] and this section. Let be a Banach *-algebra with (bounded) approximate identity. A a subgroup of the topological group also that H U(A) of unitary multipliers on is a topological group extension of epimorphism on the space of right cosets. N with Assume also that q:H-H/N G=H/N A Let N be Suppose the canonical is locally 240 I.E. SCHOCHETMAN compact in the usual quotient topology. G The local compactness of REMARK 10.5. [i]. is not assumed by Fell in X This i.e. all is essential for us here, since G of Section I must apply to However, this is not a severe additional assump- G G tion, since Fell assumes will play the role of a base space is locally compact for the main purposes of [l]--for example, cross-sectional algebras, induced representations, etc. Given such A, N and H, Fell constructs a field of Banach spaces over N defining an equivalence relation HA in the space point of view, observe that the topologicl group R Such R is a t(a) a t-i aEA A by: and (y,b) N on A which we are elements of define: (x,a) if there exists t in N (y,b) for which b Rt(a at This defines an equivalence relation of equivalence classes HA is represented on tEN (x,a) If by Consistent with our stated bounded, strongly continuous representation of call the right regular r.epresentation. HXA N G Observe that A (x,a)" by -i y in A tx Denote the space HxA (HxA)/~ equipped with the quotient topology from can be viewed as the orbit space of HXA under the right topological transformation group (HXA)N where ((x,a),t) The projection mapping :A-G (tx,Rt(a)) in G let non-empty) fibers A, q(x) AS -I(). EG. J :A agA, tEN xgH is then given by (x,a)~) For each HXA agA, xEH Then If we define / A xe-eG A is the disjoint union of the 241 GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES by J (a) J then aeA (x,a) x is a (well-defined) bijection, since x Jx(Rt(a)) Jtx(a) agA tgN xgH to A by A Therefore, we may transfer the Banach space structure of J such Specifically, (x,a + b) + (x,b) (x,a) .(x,a) (x,a) ll(x,a)~ll llall {A:eG} In this way, we obtain a field xgH ,a,bgA (A,) The continuity structure underlying the bundle A a CS(G,A) C(A) H CN(D,A) a union of {fEC(D,A) f~ For J (f(x)) x f~ Since f-f~ mappings, it is also continuous, i.e. LMMA 10.6. Furthermore, if f+f~ The mapping hgA then of J x c of isometric CN(D,A) define f~:G+A which CN(D,A) into tat -i CS(G,A) C(A) _l(h(q(x))) *-automorphisms of of into f R t(R t(a*))*) aeA A in is a linear bijection. CN(H,A) given by xeH H into the topological group A having the following "admissibility" is a group homomorphism. Yt(a) in is a mapping of properties (ii) f tgN} xgH is is also the composition of continuous CN(H,A) Next suppose we are given a mapping T D xeH for the unique h=f f(x) (i) For In particular, {f~:feCN(H,A)} AUtl(A) is is constant on cosets and hence, defines a’mapping easily seen to be a cross-section. CS(q(D) ,A). G in the following way. Rt(f(x)) f(tx) (x,f(x))~ over N-cosets, define C(D,A) is a linear subspace of f~(x) The mapping D i.e. CN(D,A) Then C(H,A) This is obtained from "saturated" subset of G of Banach spaces over teN I.E.- SCHOCHETMAN 242 Tx(t (iii) M(A) xtx -I teN xgH T’x where is the unique extension of T x to defined by: T’ x (m)rx(S) The *-algebra structure of Tx(ma) A meM(A) -, aeA is defined by means of In terms of T operator fields, this structure is given by: where P N((x a) (y,b) ~) I((x,a) ~) LFLMA 10.7. P The fields (x a’T (b)) , -l,r -l(a)*) x I and (xy beA a xe y] are product and involution fields respec- t ive ly. EXAMPLE 10.8. N then is trivial. U(A) (One-dimensional fibers [i,p.75]) is the circle group. Thus, for H Also, T A If is the complex numbers must be trivial, since AUtl(E) as above, we have: {fgC(H) CN(H,A) f(x) f(tx) P,n((x,a) ~,(y,b) ~) l((x,a) ~) (x-l,) xgH} tN (xy,ab) xEG yqG e,be In order to motivate suitable definitions of measurability for T (as above), consider the following characterizations of continuity: PROPOSITION I0.9. in Let T:H Aut I(A) The following are equivalent for H (i) (ii) is strongly continuous at x T The_ mapping of HxA into A o given by (x,a) T x (a) is continuous on {x }A o (iii) For each (x,y) f in Tx(f(y) C(H,A) the mapping of is continuous on {x }H o HxH into A given by x GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES For each (iv) a A in x is continuous at (v) into given by ~o (X,lx(a)) x A into (x a) given by (x,Ix (a)) is continuous {x }XA on o Moreover, under the above conditions, for each HH A o HA The mapping of H the mapping of 243 A into (x y) given bv PROOF. f(x)’Y .g(y) f,g in C(H,A) {x }H is continuous on X the mapping of O All implications are straightforward with the exception of "(iv) implies (i)" [l,p.70]. which follows from Lemma 9.1 of In view of 10.9, we propose the following: A mapping DEFINITION i0.i0. A the mapping K subset (K-K a x-W[ X G of < e (a) and AUtl(A) :H is measurable is measurable in the following >0 sense: x x(a) I is continuous on q K of -I a in For each compact Kg there exists a compact subset and the mapping if, for each such that (K ,a There is also a stronger notion of measurability as in the case of bundle morphisms. A mapping DEFINITION i0.ii. K compact subset < (K-Kg) that of G and and T g Aut I(A) :H > 0 is ultra-measurable if, for there exists a is continuous on q -i (Kg) comDact to Aut Kg subset of each K such for the topology I(A) of pointwise convergence, i.e. T:q -I (K) Aut I(A) is strongly continuous. As before, these two notions of measurability are equivalent in the presence of separability. Lh-MMA 10.12. If I is measurable and A is separable, then I is ultra-- measurable. PROOF. This follows from Prop. 2 of [14,p.170] as in the proof of 3.13. PROPOSITION 10.13. Let P and I Suppose be as above. I is an admissible mapping of H into AUtl(A) I.E. SCHOCHETMAN 244 (i) lf is measurable, then the oerator fields (2) If is ,itr-measurable, then (3) If T P is continuous, then P and I and I P and I are measurable. are ultra-measurable. are continuous (relative to A ). It follows from the above that the ingredients (A,N,H,) yield a Fell bundle A when not A T The obvious next question is whether or is admissible and measurable. is homogeneous. For each y H in define: (yx,T (a)) Y M (x,a) Y and (x,a)~M (xy,a) Y For each LF.MMA 10.14. y in xgH A is a unitary multiplier of M Y H agA i.e. M U(A) Y See p. 71 of [i]. PROOF. The previous lemma shows that A (U(A)) will be measurably homogeneous if (ii) of i0.I holds. (i) be the case if identity (10.3). T (2) A is ultra-measurable, and (Note that if {u.} is an approximate identity in unless is continuous in the techncial sense of i0.i. Consequently, In particular, this will has a strong approximate A is an approximate identity in {(e,uj) ~} (7.5). A for the bundle G A .) then These appear to be false in general-- Hence, it seems unlikely that A is homogeneous However, in view of 10.4, we feel that A is as homogeneous as it can be under the circumstances. In the opposite direction, Fell shows [l,Thm. 9.1] that every (continuously) homogeneous Banach *-algebraic bundle is isomorphic to one obtained from ingredients (A,N,H,r) be that with continuous. In particular, the group extension is chosen to This is not possible in the measurable setting, since it is not clear U(A) U(A) is a topological group. Perhaps there is another way of obtaining a measurable generalization of his Theorem 9.1. replace H U(A) to Section V of by its image in U(LI(A,:P,I)) For example, it may be possible to [2,pp.137-139]. We refer the reader [5] for further information regarding this possibility. GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES ii. 245 UNITARY FACTOR SYSTE. The other two (equivalent) bundle constructions referred to in the introduction are due to Leptin [3] and to Busby and Smith [4]. These constructions are quite Although their objects similar to each other, but very different from that of Fell. are quite familiar (vector-valued functions), their algebraic operations are not. In this section, we review Leptin’s approach (as in [5]) and show how it gives rise to a homogeneous Fell bundle. G Let U(A) M(A) Let identity. [5] are Leptin construction A DEFINITION ii.i. AUtl(A) and a Banach *-algebra with approximate A be a locally compact group and The ingredients for the be as above. G,A together with the following: unit (T,W) factor system for (G,A) is a pair of strongly measurable mappings T:G/Aut W:GG-U(A) I (A) satisfying: aW (ii) T (a) x,y x,y W x,y W (iii) e,x x,e T x,y,z T where (EA,EA) W REMARK 11.2. W,T Wx,yz.Wy,z Wxy,z.T z -l(Wx,y) (i) As in the case of y _i T _I x T-I-i V x for x,v in G, a in A -i x,y in G, a in A EA, e T x,y (multiplication in M(A)). G in there is a notion of measurability for T betwaen strong measurability and strong continuity--namely Bourbaki measurThis is what we will call ultra-measurability for ability [i0,p.169]. obvious reasons. LEMA 11.3. W,T for As in i0.12, we have: For W(resp. T) strongly measurable and A separable, W(resp. T) is ultra-measurable. (A,) Let xEG z(x,a) x phic to A, xSG be the trivial bundle aA A Let For each x f EGf in GA over G be the Banach space C(G,A) GG GA let fG (product topology)with {x}XA canonically isomor- be the mapping I.E. SCHOCHETMAN 246 Then {fG fgC(G,A)} A is a continuity structure A Ax for which CS(G,A) C(A) A The algebraic structure in in is defined as follows in terms of operator fields: Px,y((X,a) (x a)(y b) Ix(X (x a)* (x a) -I (i) The field PROPOSITION 11.4. (xy,W (y,b)) ,W* x _i x T ,yTy -_I l(a*)) -i (a)b) x,ygG a, bgA. X is a measurable product (resp. P (resp.l) involution) field. P,I (2) If W,T (3) If W,T are (strongly) continuous, then so are PROOF. are ultra-measurable, then so are Parts (i) and (3) are straightforward. P,I (relative to % ). Part (2) is proved as in Section i0. The resulting Fell bundle be denoted by will be called a Leptin bundle and will (G,A:T,W) PROPOSITON 11.5. PROOF. (A,;P,I) Every Lepti bundle has enough unitary multipliers. [5], As on p. 329 of .Iz(X,a for z G in (zx,Wz,xa) (xz’Wx,zT z -l(a)) (x’a)lZ define: (x,a) e GXA Hence, every Leptin bundle is a homogeneous Fell bundle in the weak sense of having enough unitary multipliers. Observe that if {u.} is an approximate identity in A then 3 an approximate identity in A {(e,uj)} is where: (e,uj)(x,a) (x,T (x,a)(e,uj) (x,auj) _l(uj)a) x and PROPOSITION 11.6. If T (x,a) e A is strongly continuous, then {(e,u])} is a stron GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES A approximate identity for PROOF. 247 This can be proved directly or obtained as a consequence (by 7.5) of the following result. PROPOSITION ]1.7. (I) C(A) (2) If Let (G,A;T,W) is locally a right T If (G,A;T,W) Leptin bundle C(A) is separable and is locally a (two-sided) T A-module. is strongly continuous, then the is homogeneous in the sense of i0.i. This follows from i0.3 together with ii.3, ii.4, ii.5, and PROPOSITION 11.9. PROOF. A Then: A-module. is strongly continuous, then COROLLARY 11.8. PROOF. be a Leptin bundle. II.6. Every Leptin bundle is saturated. This would normally follow from Prop. 11.5 of [2]. However, since the validity of this proposition is questionable in the case of measurable bundles, its conclusion has to be verified directly. The generalized Ll-algebra LI(G,A;T,W) 1 L bundle is the Banach space (G,A,) corresponding to the underlying Leptin with convolution and involution ifor ight Haar measure) given by: f*g(x) f*(x) -I_ f_W f(xy T x,y -I Y (x)-Iw* x for f and g in to our generalized f- LI(G,A,) ,x T I (f (x-l) *) xEG This Banach *-algebra is isometrically isomorphic group algebra fG -I -1) g (y) d (y) LI(I\,;P,I) of Section 9 by the mapping fLl (G,A;T,W) Moreover, by 11.6 and 9.11, LI(G,A’T,W) will have an approximate identity if is continuous. As observed in Section IV of [5], certain homogeneous bundles give rise to equivalent Leptin bundles. Suppose (A,N,H,T) are the ingredients for a homo- geneous Banach *-algebra bundle as in Section I0. corresponding Fell bundle, where A HA/ and Let (x,a) (A,;P,I) q(x) denote the xaH agA T I.E. SCHOCHETMAN 248 Assume also that H/N G is locally compact (as before) and that there exists a G measurable cross-section T H If we define TO(_I) and ,n (n) then we obtain a Leptin bundle isomorphic. [5,p.333]. (G,A;T,W) LI(A,;P,I) LI(A,;P,I) group algebras (Oo(n) and Leinert also shows that the LI(G,A;T,W) are isometrically This can also be concluded from the following. Define GA+A by (,a) Then it is easy to verify that isomorphism. 12. (,a) (o(),a) GA g invertible, bi-measurable Fell bundle is an Hence, the algebra isomorphism follows from 9.15. TWISTING PAIRS. Let G and A be as in Section ii. structing a generalized group algebra from DEFINITION 12.1. A twisting The Busby-Smith approach [4] to con- LI(G,A,la) (S,V) requires the following: for (G,A) GXG U(A) is a pair of strongly measurable mappings S Aut I(A) G V satisfying (i) s x (Vy ,z )vx,yz vx,y vxy,z (multiplication in M(A)) (ii) (iii) (SxSy(a))Vx,y Vx,ySxy(a) V x,e V (EA’ EA) e,x LEMMA 12.2. For S V(resp. S) e S A for x ,y,zgG aeA strongly measurable and is ultra-measurable, i.e. Bourbaki measurable (recall 11.2). A separable, V(resp. S) GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES (A,) As in Section ii, the underlying bundle 249 is the product bundle (GA,) with continuity structure A {fG feC(G,A)} A The algebraic structure in (x,a)-(y b) (x,a)* for x,y G in and a x,y (x -i I as follows: (xy,aSx(b)Vx,y) ((x,a) (y,b)) I ((x,a)) x (G,A) for (T,W) unitary factor systems P and V* X -i S X X -i (a*)) A in (S,V) Twisting pairs P is defined by operator fields are in one-to-one correspondence with [5,pp.317-318]. (G,A) for This correspondence is given by T S x -I x S-Iv xy x,y W x,y S Thus, are strongly continuous (resp. measurable) if and only if V and x,ygG T,W Moreover: are. LEMMA 12.3. T mappings The mappings W and S and V are ultra-measurable if and only if the are. PROPOSITION 12.4. (i) The field P(resp.l) is a measurable product (resp. involution) field. P (2) If S and V are ultra-measurable, then so are (3) If S and V are strongly continuous, then so are The resulting Fell bundle and will be denoted by THEOREM 12.5. (G,A;T,W) (A,;P,I) P and I (relative to will be called a Busby-Smith bundle (G,A;S,V) For corresponding pairs (T,W) and (S,V) is measurably isomorphic to the Busby-Smith bundle PROPOSITION 12.6. I and The following are equivalent for (i) T is strongly continuous at x (2) S is strongly continuous at x o o x o the Leptin bundle (G,A;S,V) in G 250 I.E. SCHOCHETMAN (3) is continuous at i.e. PROOF. o (I) is equivalent to (2) (2) since the mapping and only if x h S (h(x)) x x -i x T x (3) is equivalent to xgG -l’ x for o h in C(G,A) if o The Fell bundles phically isomorphic if S is continuous at x is continuous at COROLLARY 12.7. since (G,A;T,W) T (equivalently S) (G,A;S,V) and are homomor- (Note that the is strongly continuous. bundles don’t have to be continuous Fell bundles in this case.) REMARK 12.8. Clearly, 11.5 through 11.9 are valid also for Busby-Smith bundles. LI(G,A;S,V) space LI(G,A,) The twisted group algebra Smith bundle is the Banach corresponding to the underlying Busbywith product and involution (for right Haar measure) given by f’g(x) fGf(xy-l)s -I(g(y))V(xy-I’y)d(Y) and (x)-Iv(x,x-l)*Sx(f(x-i ))* f*(x) for f algebra and L g in LI(G,A,) I(G,A;T,W) xgG LI(G,A;S,V) The algebra is isomorphic to the (9.13) by the mapping f [x S -l(f(x))] LI(A,;P,I) LI(G,A;S,V) will have fEL l(G,A;S,V) Moreover, by 9.11, and hence, to our algebra by the same mapping. 11.6, and 12.5, an approximate identity if S is strongly continuous. EXAMPLE 12.9 [5,p.330]. with A Let [0,i] under addition modulo i. V,W:GxG U(A) be LI() and Sx Tx Define by V a x,y W a x,y a a V x,y W a x,y a x+y<l I x+y>_l where al(n) l+n nE G E A the circle group identified xgG and GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES V Then x,y aV x,y a aeA (G,A) a unitary factor system) for (x,y) any point GxG in (S,V) and The mapping H/N N ll.2). is ultra-measurable LI(G,A;S,V) is isometrically isomor- H is a closed normal subgroup of the locally compact group (right cosets) and H- G q be right Haar measures for on is not strongly continuous at EXTENSIONS. Suppose G is LlR) phic to the group algebra GROUP V However, V 1 In the next section (13.2), we will see that 13. (T,W) is a twisting pair (equivalently, x+y where 251 N,H the quotient mapping. 0, be the right Haar measure Let respectively. Let with defined [15] by G IHf(X)dg(x) for f H,G,N in Cc(G) Of course, On p.77 of [i], fG /N f(tx)dO(t)d(q(t)) Let 6H G 6N be the respective modular 6HIN 6N Fell shows how to construct ingredients homogeneous Banach *-algebraic bundle bundle. Specifically, LI(N,D) A N called the (A,N,H,T) for a (H N) -group extension U(A) and is identified with a subgroup of 6(x)a(x-ltx) (a) (t) x (A,n;-,*) functions for where d0(xtx-l)/dO(t) 6(x) Fell then verifies directly xeH aeA teN that the cross-section algebra LI(A,;’, *) is LI(H,)) isometrically isomorphic to the group algebra In this section, we will accomplish these two tasks in very different ways. will show that the mapping space representations arises naturally from a certain induction of Banach ([16,3] [13,4]). and it will then be automatic that the previous As a consequence of this approach, Ll-spaces I Transferring the *-algebra structure from L (H,) LI(A,;P,I)) Let We to are isometrically isomorphic. L I (A,;’, *) (i.e. to then completes the picture. G,H,N be as above with identity representation of E E {e} and iE(e) i Then and the regular representation of i E E on is both the I L (E) The 252 I.E. SCHOCHETMAN Ll-induction R N tation N of H up to [16] of N i [16]. is also E from I L (N,0) on N up to [16,4.5]. FI(H,RN) I Ll-induction I F (H,RN) and I L (H,) on R N of from [16,6.4]. The of i R H E from E directly up to [16,4.5] T L I(H,) F denotes the isomorphism, then it is given (Tf)(x)(t) In particular, if Therefore, the re- must be isometrically isomorphic Banach Since fEC (H) I(H,RN) [16,p.72] f(tx) xEH tEN fEL l(H,) and the images of such Tf then so is by f by T FI(H,) are dense in LI(H,) has a *-algebra structure, it may be transferred to FI(H,RN) by requiring: (Tf)’(Tg) T(f-g) (Tf)* In the case of involution, for If, for y in H and T Y a f f,gELI(H,) T(f*) in C (H) we have: H(X)-l[rf(x-l)]*(x-l(.)x) (rf)*(x) LI(N,o) in we define (y-l)a(y-lsy) a(s) xEH sEN then, combining the above, we obtain [15] (Tf)*(x) G (q (x) -l) T x (Tf(x-l) *) In the case of multiplication, for (Tf)’(Tg)(x) where H If spaces. T H of (modulo equivalence) the representation L (H,) Ll-induction Consequently, (by this induction) is given as in Section 3 R H of On the other hand, the presentation spaces via is then the (right) regular represen- is the regular representation representation space of E *N f,g C (H) in fGTf(y-I)*NT Y-l(Tg(yx))d(q(Y)) Next observe that the representation t(a) we have: c a(’t) LI(N,0) A denotes the usual convolution in R xgH R N aEL of N I(N,0) on A tEN which is given by 253 GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES is also given by R (a) t a’t -I U(LI(N,0)) where the right side is the action of the multiplier in to t -i on the function [13]), of (i) Hence, by the beginning of Section i0 (or Section 4 a there exist: {A a field eG} of Banach spaces over G each isomorphic to e I(N,0) A (2) corresponding A a continuity structure A of the H in as in 10.6. A-topology is precisely with the A Moreover, the disjoint union HXA/~ (as in Section i0) with the quotient topology. PROPOSITION 13.1. homomorphism of (i) T (ii) T t (t) PROOF. into -I tat (a) x H xtx defined above is a strongly continuous The mapping AUtl(A) aEA teN -I satisfying: xEH tEN Compare with example 3 on p. 77 of [i]. Left to the reader. (H,N,A,T) As a consequence of the above, is the set of ingredients of a (continuously) homogeneous Banach *-algebraic bundle P product and involution fields obtain the generalized group algebra {A EG} [13], it follows that and Banach spaces. A above are If S f in FI(H,RN FI(H,) V ST are given as in Section i0. LI(A,;P,I) (x,f(x)) In particular, for (Vf)*() ) in V(f*)() C (H) c as xEEG may in turn be transferred to f, g LI(A,) [13,4.12] continuous with compact support module LI(H We thus Since the constructions of is isometrically isomorphic to is the isomorphism, then -algebra structure of The underlying just special cases of those given in Section 4 of Sf() for I and (A,n; ,*) N Thus, the LI(A ,) by we obtain: S(T(f*))() (x,Tf*(x)) xE and Vf’Vg V(f*Hg) S(T(f*HG)) We may then verify that the two *-algebra structures on LI(A,) are 254 I.E. SCHOCHETMAN LI(H,) {Vf Note that isomorphic. LI(A,;P,I) and EXAMPLE 13.2. feC G H T X The quadruple Consequently, l /G /0 7/. (a) aEA xgH a since [0,i). H Then A LI(. is abelian and hence, N . 6 is trivial. forms the ingredients for a homogeneous Banach *-algebraic (A,N,H,I) as above. Observe also that H O:G exists a measurable cross-section [0,i) LI(A,) Consider the locally compact group extension (A,;-,*) bundle is dense in is the circle group identified with and ]R (H)} are isometrically isomorphic Banach *-algebras. 0 where c is locally compact and there G given by the canonical injection of It then follows from the results of Section ii that there also into (G,A;T,W) exists an isomorphic Leptin bundle LI(G,A;T,W) such that the corresponding algebras LI(A,V;P,I) are (isometrically) isomorphic. LI(H) Finally, we leave it to the reader to and isomorphic to In turn, these are verify that the Leptin bundle for this example is precisely the one described in 12.9. APPENDIX In this Appendix, we state those properties of multi-linear mappings which will All proofs are left to the reader. be used in Section 3. Let AI,...,An, B :A I x...x ) (a sup PROPOSITION AI. (i) ll(a I a n Suppose n) <- sup{If (a I (ii) (iii) a I (a I An B Define is an n-linear mapping. + Suppose be Banach spaces. an)-@(b I aigA i $ l__n} I1< aieAi,llaill n oo. Then: llanll an) +llblll lla2-b211 lla311 0 is bounded, i.e. lla III b ai# II-< i l-<i<_n} llal-blll" lla211--- llanll + llanll + + llblll llbn_lll llan-bnll] GENERALIZED GROUP ALGEBRAS AND THEIR BUNDLES for al,bleAl;...;an LEMMA A2. Let m 255 b eA n n be a positive integer, i {a k i _< i k _< k c m} and {ek i i k _< m} k i, n Then all THEOREM A3. [ i ennan n The space i i i I Homn(Al,...,An;B) an (al an n of n-linear mappings as above which are bounded is a Banach space relative to the norm ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. The author was partially supported by an Oakland University Research Fellowship. REFERENCES I. J.M.G. FELL, An extension of Mackey’s method to Banach *-algebraic bundles, Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc., No. 90(1969). J.M.G. FELL, Induced representations and Banach *-algebraic bundles (with appendix by A. 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