I’ntrnat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 5 No. 2 (1982) 365-375 365 INSTABILITY THROUGH POROUS MEDIUM OF TWO VISCOUS SUPERPOSED CONDUCTING FLUIDS R.C. SHARMA and K.P. THAKUR Department of Mathematics, Himachal Pradesh University, Simla-171005, India. (Received July II, 1979 and in revised form December i0, 1980) ABSTRACT. The stability of the plane interface separating two viscous superposed conducting fluids through porous medium is studied when the whole system is immersed in a uniform horizontal magnetic field. The stability analysis is carried out for two highly viscous fluids of equal kinematic viscosities, for mathematical simpli- city. It is found that the stability criterion is independent of the effects of viscosity and porosity of the medium and is dependent on the orientation and magnitude of the magnetic field. The magnetic field is found to stabilize a certain wave number range of the unstable configuration. The behaviour of growth rates with respect to viscosity, porosity and medium permeability are examined analytically. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Instability, porous medium, conducting 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. i. fluids. 76E25, 76W05 INTRODUCTION. The instability of the plane interface between two fluids, under varying assumptions of hydrodynamics and hydromagnetics, has been discussed by Chandrasekhar [i]. Bhatia [2] has studied the influence of viscosity on the stability of the plane interface separating two incompressible superposed conducting fluids of R.C. SHARMA AND K.P. THAKUR 366 uniform densities, when the whole system is immersed in a uniform horizontal magne- He has carried out the stability analysis for two highly viscous fluids tic field. of equal kinematic viscosities and different uniform densities. When the fluid slowly percolates through the pores of the rock, the gross effect is represented by Darcy’s law which states that the usual viscous term in the equations of fluid motion is replaced by the resistance term fluid, k I (/k 1) q, where is the viscosity of the the permeability of the medium and q the velocity of the fluid. [3] has experimentally observed, Wooding in the absence of viscous dissipation and consider- ing only Darcy resistance, that convection sets on as a fairly regular cellular pattern in the horizontal. This problem in the case of a conducting fluid consider- ing both Darcy and viscous resistances has been investigated by Prabhamani and Rudraiah [4]. Saville [5] has studied the stability of motions involving fluid interfaces in porous media. Various problems of fluid flows through porous medium have been treated by Saffman and Taylor [6], Chouke et al [7], Scheidegger [8], Yih [9], Nayfeh [i0] and Rudraiah and Prabhamani [ii]. The instability of two viscous superposed conducting fluids through porous medium may find applications in geophysics. It is therefore the motivation of this study to examine the effects of viscosity and medium permeability on "the stability of the plane interface separating two incompressible superposed conducting fluids of uniform densities, when the whole system is immersed in a uniform horizontal magnetic field. We examine the roles of viscosity, medium permeability and magnetic field on the instability problem. This aspect forms the subject matter of the present study wherein we have carried out the stability analysis for two highly viscous fluids of equal kinematic viscosities and different uniform densities. 2. PERTURBATION EQUATIONS. Consider the motion of an incompressible, infinitely conducting viscous fluid (of variable viscosity o(Z)) Let q(u,v,w), g0, gP and in the presence of a uniform magnetic field h(hx,hy,h z) H(Hx,Hy,0). denote the perturbations in velocity, density pressure p and magnetic field H respectively. Then the linearized perturbation equations of a fluid flowing throuaporous medium when both Darcy as well as viscous resistances are present are: INSTABILITY OF VISCOUS CONDUCTING FLUIDS 0 q e t (Vh) Vp + g60 + V’q V’h 0, 09 q 1 + 367 (Vq).V+(V-V)q], (2.1) 0, (2.2) V x (qXH), e (2.3) p + (q.V)p e 0. (2.4) Equation (4) ensures that the density of every particle remains unchanged as we follow it with its motion, v(=/O) denotes the kinematic viscosity of the fluid, e is porosity (0<e<l) and g (0,0,-g) is the acceleration due to gravity, and k correspond to nonporous medium. I e i Analyzing the disturbances into normal modes, we assume that the perturbed quantities have the space (x,y,z) and time (t) dependence of the form f (z) exp where k ikxx+ikyy+nt), x’ ky are (2.5) 2 horizontal wave numbers (k k x 2+ky 2), n is the growth rate of the harmonic disturbance and f(z) is some function of z. For perturbations of the form (2.5), equations (2.1)-(2.4) give H 0( + n n + v + kl H 9 0( + I (+ u l)W x H + x + i p + i (ik h -ik h x y y x ik 6p x (ik h y x ik -ikxhy y [(D2-k2)u [( D 2 2 k )v + (D)(ik w+Du)] (2.6) + (2.7) H (mhx-ikxhz) + D6p-g6 + (Dh -ik h z) Y Y (D)(ikyW+Dv)], i [(m2-k2)w+2(D)(Dw)] (2.8) ik u x + n6p nh ik v y + 0, ik h xx w(D0)/e, (ik H where D xx + ik h yy + Dh z 0, (2.9) (2.10) ik H d/dz. + yy q/g, (2 ii) R.C. SHARMA AND K.P. THAKUR 368 Multiplying (2.6) and (2.7) by-ik and-ik respectively and adding, using (2.9)x Y p (2.11) and finally, eliminating between the resulting equation and (2.8), we obtain the equation in w: 2 n [k O w ( + __) el i [p(D2_k 2)2w + D {0 + n ( + __) k 1 2(Dp)(D2-k2)Dw -gk2 Dw}] (DO) w (D2p)(D2+k2)w] + i (k H +k H x x y y 2 (D2_k2)w (2.12) 0. TWO SUPERPOSED VISCOUS FLUIDS OF UNIFORM DENSITIES. 3. Here we consider the case when two superposed fluids of uniform densities O 1 and 02 z 0. and uniform viscosities I and 2 are separated by a horizontal boundary at The subscripts I and 2 distinguish the lower and upper fluids respectively. Then, in each region of constant (D2-k 2) (D2-K2)w 01, i and constant 02 P2’ equation (2.12) becomes 0, (3.1) where K 2 k2 + n g 1 n-l + 4n20 {i + (k H +k H x x y y )2}. (3.2) (in the lower fluid) and z Since w must vanish both when z + (in the upper fluid), the solutions appropriate to the two regions can be written as w w I AI e+k 2 A2e z + Ble -kz + B2e -K z where AI, BI, A2, K1 / /k 2 +K z I + i 2 B 2 (z<O), (3.3) (z>0) 3.4 are constants, + {i + 4n 2 (k H +k H x )2} (3.5) (k H +k H )2}. (3.6) x y y and / K2 /k2 + n q {i + 2 + 1 4n202 x x y y 369 INSTABILITY OF VISCOUS CONDUCTING FLUIDS In writing the solutions (3.3) and (3.4) it is assumed that K 1 and K 2 are so The solutions (3.3) and (3.4) must defined that their real parts are positive. The boundary conditions to be satisfied at satisfy certain boundary conditions. 0 are (Chandrasekhar [i], p.432) the interface z (3.7) W, (3.8) and (D2+k2)w, (3.9) must be continuous. -- - Integrating (2.12) across the interface z 2 {02 (n + .) +/- n {01 ( + gk----2 ng where w O Dw 2 D2_k 2 )Dw 2 2 HI )Dw I (02-0 l)wO and (Dw) O i + (D2-k2)DWl + 2k2 ( 2-i i (Dw) O, we obtain another condition 2 (k H +k H xx Dw yy (k H +k H y y xx 2 2} z=O Dw I} z=0 (3.1o) 0 are the unique values of these quantities at z 0. Applying the conditions (3.7)-(3.10) to the solutions (3.3) and (3.4), we obtain A + B1 I kA HI + I A 2 KIB I + B2 -kA 2 (3.11) {2k2Al + (KI2+k2)BI -k0 2 2 1 (- + -i)A 2 (3.12) K2B 2, k0 I 2 i {2k2A2 + (K22+k2) B2}’ i 4n2gl (kxHx+kyHy) (Z + n--l) A1 k2 2n2g (02_01) (AI+BI+A2+B2) g (kAl+kA2) k (3.13) 2 +- (HI-2) (kAI+KIBI-kA2-K2B 2) (3.14) R.C. SHARMAAND K.P. THAKUR 370 Eliminating the constants i i k K 2k2I I R-C0.1I nk i 1 I n 2(k’VA) from (3.11)-(3.14), we obtain AI,A2,BI,B 2 1 -i -I k K i (KI2+k2) -2k22 [21-R-C KIk [+C 2 + Cll K1 -2 (K22+k 0.2 0.2u2 e nk i --(k-VA) n klk n 2 2 o, (3.15) I t2u 2 K2. 2 nklk where 01, 2 0.1,2 R (.VA) pl+P2 (c,2-0. I) -2 n and V A 4(pl+P2)e k2 Pl-P2 k2 pl+P2 ne (elV 1 (2u2) C ne Alfvn velocity is the 2 (k H +k H ) xx yy 2 vector. Evaluating the determinant (3.15), we obtain the following characteristic equation (Kl-k) + [2k {0.2 n _2k[{eln + 2(0.191-0.292 0.2v2 e + kl + (lUl e + ! + n {0.2 n el + +(K2-k) [{0.1n 0.2)2 e k’-=-’+ n (k’VA) 2} {R (g "VA) 2 + n (’VA) I (iuI+0.2)2) e nkl 92 (.V+A)m}{a2 (1 + n-l + 92 I C { (K2-k) + 0’2 ( + n--l) + C (K2-k) 2 2 2 n2 (k’VA) (.VA) 2} + n u 1 C g (Kl-k) {0.1(1 + n-l) + n (k’VA) 2} -)"-)" elle -2 (.VA)+ 2} T + - n (’A)2} {R le 0.1Vl+e2)2sk I -2k2(0.1l-0.2u2){l( n i + Ul I) --nk C (Kl-k) + n (k-VA)2}] O. (3.16) INSTABILITY OF VISCOUS CONDUCTING FLUIDS Since K and K I 2 371 (3.16) is quite involve square roots, the dispersion relation We therefore carry out the stability analysis for highly viscous fluids. complex. Under this assumption of highly viscous fluids, we have +__n2 + .e k[l K k2kl k k [i n---n-- + + 2k 2 2 e(k H +k H xx y,y + 4-Ox)nk e 2k2kl + 1/2 2 e(Pl+02) (.VA)2], 2 2nk 0 (3.17) so that n ml-k 2Ulk + e (’VA) 2 e + 2nkalV 1 (3.18) and n 22k + m2-k e e + /- (k’VA) 2nk2 2 Substituting the values of K and K I 2 2 (3.19) from (3.18), (3.19) in (3.16) and putting (the case of equal kinematic viscosities as in Chandrasekhar i e n 6 + 3 + U x(l-e)+ + + [l]),we obtain the following dispersiom relation 2 2ala2 + (i-2 2 (i + k2u -)]n 5 + (.V-A) e e i2 U {4i2+E(i-2) 2} ]n U (k-VA)2 {2 + 2ala2 ekk’VA (i-2) 2 la for mathematical simplicity {A + (k’VA) 2 + + I {2(k’VA) (i +--kl + [e(k’VA)4{2 + 2ie 2 + 4 + 2e 2 kl + + e {2A+ [q 2 e k+ 32e +A+-k 2ala 2 (k-VA) 2 (al_a2) 2 (l-E)} (i-2) 2}]n2 2 e (i-2 )2}+ i2 (k’VA) {e k I 2 el (i-2) e 2k2 2 (al-2) 2 (i-E) + 2la2U+ 2k I kl klala2 (12+2 2) + 2k2 kl 2 + 4k (.VA) 2 + k I 2x R.C. SHARMA AND K.P. THAKUR 372 + 2k21)((Zl-2) (l-e) }]n + cic2 A)__ where we have written 2(k-V (i) 2 e 2A Cl--- + gk g (k’VA) 4 (3.20) 0, A. __(i-2) Stable case For the potentially stable arrangement i>2 we find by applying Hurwitz’ criterion to (3.20), that (as all the coefficients in (3.20) are then positive) all the roots of n are either real and negative or there are complex roots with negative real parts. The system is therefore stable in each case. The potentially stable configuration, therefore, remains stable whether the effects of viscosity and medium porosity are included or not. (ii) Unstable case For the potentially unstable arrangement 2>i the system is unstable in the hydrodynamic case for all wave numbers k in the presence of viscosity effects and in the absence of porosity effects (Chandrasekhar [I]). Also the system, in the present case, is unstable if 2(k’VA) 2 < gk e (a2 i)" In the present hydromagnetic case we find, by applying Hurwitz’ criterion to (3.20) when 2>i that the system is stable for all wave numbers which satisfy the inequality 2(.V+A)2 > gk (2 i.e. 2k(VlCOS@ where V + i ), V2sin@)2> (2 (3.21) el )’ the x and y directions and G I and V 2 are the Alfvn velocities in between k and H (3.22) is the angle x The stability criterion (3.22) is independent of the effects of viscosity and medium porosity. where The magnetic field stabilizes a certain wave number range k > k* 373 INSTABILITY OF VISCOUS CONDUCTING FLUIDS g(2-l)/2g(VlCOS@+V2sin@)2, k* (3.23) of the unstable configuration even in the presence of the effects of viscosity and medium porosity. The critical wave number k*, above which the system is stabilized, V is dependent on the magnitudes I and V 2 of the magnetic field as well as the orientation of the magnetic field 8. We now examine the behaviour of growth rates with respect to viscosity, porosity and medium permeability analytically. (e2-l) (3.20) (3.20) has one positive root is satisfied if n o let n Since for 0 2>i and 2(k’V A) denote the positive root. 2 < Then To study the behaviour of is substituted in place of n. growth rates with respect to viscosity and medium permeability, we examine the dno/d natures of no (6A6 3 2 no kl + + 5 no + 5A 5 5 i +--kl 2 and 4 dno/dkl. + 4A4 no kl 22e (.A) 2 k i2 e (12+22) 2v2e 2A + k al2kl (l-e)+ (+VA) 2 3 1 ve + {4ala2+e(al-a2)2} (k’VA) (al-2) {(k’V A) 2-A} n + 2 no 5 + 5A5no 4 + 4A4no 3 + 3A3no 2 o 2i292 + 2 2 Ve k I }n3 o (3.24) o’ + n 2 and (6A6no I (l-g)} + 2(k’VA) 2 e2 (i + 2re) k I kl 2 2ela2k1 dk kl 2 2 dno 4k23g(l-e2)2(l-e) 2 k2 (el_2)2 + kl I 2 2A2 no + AI) + kl 2 e 2 62e + 4k2 2 2 (al-a 2) k I 3V3 (i---- (.A)2_2Age + 2 2 no + 3A 3 2e i + 3 It follows that 2A2no + AI) dno d 374 R.C. SHARMA AND K.P. THAKUR 2 2 2 5 [6g 8k 2 1 k [3__ +2}] n o 4 + + {4i2+e(i-2) ]n (i-2) (2-e)(i-2) 2 (l-e)+i el kl -i + [3g22 2 2AE + kl kl kl 2k ele2kl 2E(’V+A + e__+ (1-2)2 (l-E) + 4la2E 2 kl l2kl 6k2g 2 2 2 2 kl (el-a2) 2 22 + 4rE__2 (k.VA) kl + E 2 + [l2k------ where A 5 (k’VA) A (I-E) (k’VA) (e12+e22) + l2kl 2 4 A n 3 o (i_2) 2 (l-E) + 2(-V+A 2 kl 2UE2A + E 2 (k’VA) 2 (al-e 2) 2. 2 2klela 2 kl 2 A 2 and A 1 2 /+ are the coefficients of n respectively in (3.20) where n and (3.25) that 2 n o 2 4 E2A 2( l-E) ]no, + 2k2E l2kl (k’VA) al 2 2 2 (k’VA) (i-2) 4 3 12 dno/dk I it can be shown that dn and o o is substituted for n. dno/d9 may 5 O n 4 o n 3 o n 2 O (3.25) and n o It is evident from (3.24) be both positive or negative. /dE may be both positive or negative. Similarly Thus the growth rates both increase or decrease with the increase in viscosity, porosity, and medium permeability. 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