I ntern. J. Math. & Math. S ci. Vol. 5 No. 2 (1982)351-356 351 ON THE DIFFERENTIABILITY OF T(r,f) DOUGLAS W. TOWNSEND Department of Mathematical Sciences Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805 Wayne U.S.A. (Received June 16, 1980) ABSTRACT. It is well known that T(r,f) is differentiable at least for r > r 0. We show that, in fact, T(r,f) is differentiable for all but at most one value of r, and if T(r,f) fails to have a derivative for some value of r, then f is a con- stant times a quotient of finite Blaschke products. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Nevanlinna Theory, Nevanlinna Characteristic Function. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE: 30A70 i. INTRODUCTION. In this paper we will discuss the differentlability of the Nevanlinna characteristic function, T(r,f), for f meromorphic in Izl < R < . As early as 1929 Cartan stated in [13 that T(r,f) is differentiable, and gave a formula for dT(r,f)/d log r, but did not indicate whether the derivative may fall to exist for some values of r. We will show that T(r,f) is differentiable for all but at most one value of r, and if the derivative fails to exist for some value of r, then f is a constant times a quotient of finite Blaschke products. 2. DEFINITIONS AND STATEMENT OF THE THEOP. We begin by defining the standard Nevanlinna functionals. D.W. TOWNSEND 352 zl Let f be a meromorphic function in DEFINITION. R < (R). Izl < r, and < Then for r<R, 1, n(r,f) n(r,(R),f) the number of poles of f in n(r, f 1 n(r,a,f) ..a) the number of solutions to the equation f(z) r 2. - n(0,f t r. < dt + n(O,f)log r, and 0 1 N(r,f a). N(r,a,f) + 1 m(r,f) m(r,a,f) 4. n(t,f) N(r,(R),f) N(r,f) Izl a in f(re+/-e’) i and de 0 1___) m(r, f m(r,f) + N(r,f), and T(r,f) T(r,a,f) m(r, f 1 a T(r, + N(r, f-. 1. ) For the purposes of this paper we define the additional functional 5. {the number of solutions to f(z) n(r,a,f) n-(r,a,f) a on Izl r). We note that the derivative of N(r,a,f) from the right with respect to log r is n(r,a,f) n(0,a,f), and the n-(r,a,f) n(0,a,f) f(z) # a on Izl r. d Thus, derivative from the left with N(r,a,f) d log r N(r,a,f) Since n(r,a,f) respec to log r is n(0,a,f) provided is continuous and n(r,a,f) n(0,a,f) is monotonically increasing, N(r,a,f) is an increasing convex function of log r. The following lemma, which we state without proof, gives a characterization of T(r,f) which has proved to be of great importance in the development of Nevanlinna theory. We will base our discussion of the differentiability of T(r,f) largely on this lemma. CARTAN’S LEMMA. If f is meromorphic in Izl < R and 0 < r < R, then 2n T(r,f) = i N(r,ele ,f) d + log+if(0)l. 0 Since N(r,a,f) is an increasing convex function of log r, it follows from Cartan’s Lemma that T(r,f) is also a convex, increasing function of log r. By DIFFERENTIABILITY OF T(r, f) a well known theorem concerning convex functions, 353 T(r,f) has derivatives from the right and from the left for all r > 0, and is differentlable for all but at most countably many values of r. We give an example to show that T(r,f) need not be differentiable for all values of r. Let f(x) EXAMPLE. 8, extended plane, for all real onto 1 + iz/2 i + 2iz 2 8,.and The function f is a one-to-one map of the takes the unit circle onto the unit circle. Thus, e, =01 lif r < i n(r’eie’f) if r > Also, n(t N(r,eie,f) dt t flog r if r > 1 and by Cartan’ s Lemma T(r,f) 1 log 2 N(r,eie,f) de 0( if r < 1 og r if r > 1 0 Thus, T(r,f) is not differentiable at r 1. That this example is representative of the class T(r,f) fails to have a derivative for some value of f functions for which r, is evident from the proof of the following theorem. THEORg. T(r,f) Let f be a nonconstant meromorphic function in is differentiable for all but at most one value of r < Izl < R. If R Then (R). T(r,f) r0, then f is a constant times a quotient of fails to have a derivative at r finite Blaschke products. PROOF OF THE TkOREM. 3. STEP i. In this part of the proof we will use the fact that for r is uniformly bounded for all a e C by a finite n(r,a,f) < r I < R constant depending only on r I. Suppose that 0 r’ < r k < < r’ < r 0 < r" < R, and consider a sequence {rk} satisfying r", rk # r 0 for all k and lim rk r O. D.W. TOWNSEND 354 By Cartan’ s Lemma we have 21 T(rk’f) T(ro’f) llm k r0 rk_ N(rk,eie,f) N(r0,eie,f rl’ r0 i lim 2 k m de. (B.1) 0 n(r,a,f) Since (3. I) integral in r K(r") for all a < a C and all r < the integrand of the r" is I k n(t,eie,f)t -I dt 0 r0 n(t,eie,f)t-1 r0)-i dt)(rk 0 r k -rk_ r.0 r K(r’,r") where log r n(t, e le ,f) t -I dt i is a < K( r" log k r0 < r0 rk K(r’,r") 0 constant depending only on r’ and r". Therefore, by the Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem 2w T(rk’f) T(ro’f) lira r k k 1 lim k r0 N(rk,e ie,f) rk N(r r 0,eie,f) d8, 0 0 __ provided the limit in the integrand above exists off a set of Lebesge measure From the definition of N(r,a,f) we have that zero. lim k provided N(rk,eiO,f)- N(r0,e ie,f) n(r0,eie,f) rk f(r0 ei) r 0 W e ie for all 0 r0 27. Therefore, if f(roel) i only on a set of measure zero then, since {rk} is an arbitrary sequence converging to r0, we have 2 r0 dT(.rf) l__ dr 2 r=r0 STEP 2. lim J to Cj zl line. 0" ie f) de. 0 i Suppose that for some r0 < R, 1,2,3... and )I 1 for Let L be a linear fractional transformation mapping the real line 1 If(r0e r0 and Let g n(r0,e a linear fractional transformation mapping L2 f L1. zl 1 to the real Then g is meromorphic in a neighborhood of the real axis and there exists a finite x 0 which is a limit point of {x g(x) is real}. DIFFERENTIABILITY OF T(r,f) From elementary power 355 series considerations it follows that g is Thus, for an interval of e [0,2) values in n(r0,eie,f) n-(ro,eie,f) If(r0ei) Hence, valued everywhere on the real axis. (extended) real- 1 for all 0 27. having positive length + 1. (3.2) then as in Step 1 above If r k+r0, 2 lim k- (rk’f) (r0’f) r r k 1 N(rk llm k 0 eie,f) N(r 0 ,e ie ,f) r0 rk 0 1 Similarly, if lim k+ then rk+r0, T(rk’f) T(r0’f) r n-(r0,eie,f) r0-1 de r k 1 n(r 0 0 ,ei8 f)r81 (3 4) de 0 By (3.2) the limits (3.3) and (3.4) are not equal and hence T(r,f) fails to in have a derivative at r r 0. To summarize steps 1 and 2, either T(r,f) possesses in which case on Izl to, STEP 3. f(z)l Suppose {b 1,b 2 b N}, Izl Define lajl r0 zal 2 j=IH The function P(z) z 1 i- lal ro a and a pole at z r() zr -I f(z) and (z) are holomorphic in f-7 jzr za -I 2 i 1 zl 1 everywhere on respectively. M B(z) If(z)l r 0, or < r / 0 be N H j=l r 0. r 0. Let the zeros and a (al,a 2 M and Ibl 1 r0 I zb 1 2 b% zr is a Blaschke factor having a zero at and having modulus one on zl r 0, 1 everywhere fails to have a derivative at r poles of f, counting multiplicity, in Izl 1 finitely often on a derivative at r T(r,f) in which case If(z)l Izl r0 r 0, have no zeros or poles in Thus zl r 0, D.W. TOWNSEND 356 and have modulus one on zl that f(z)= II aB(z), where r It follows from the maximum modulus theorem O. 1. If(z)ol It remains only to show that 1 on Noe that from the above argument, if of r. has as many zeros f(z)l in zl in r ro, zl 1 for (poles) (poles) < r8 > Izl < r 0 Izl r for at most one value If(z) 1 for Izl ro, as it has poles (zeros) in Izl then f(z) > r If O. then by the same argument f(z) has as many zeros as it has poles (zeros) in zl Izl < r. It follows readily r. that f(z) must have no zeros or poles in r n < Therefore, f(z) and 1 are analytic in r 0 < zl < and both have modulus one on r 0 and r r. zl By the Maximum zl Modulus Theorem, f(z) must be a constant, which contradicts one of the hypotheses. Hence, If(z)l 1 on Izl r for at most one value of r, which completes the proof of the theorem. If we let (r,f) be the number of solutions of the equation zl r, then we have shown that (r,f) Questions concerning the growth of < If(z)l 1 for for all but at most one value of r. (r,f) have been posed in [2] and [3], and these questions have been investigated by the author and J. Miles in [4] and [5]. REFERENCES log r de Sur la drive par rapport T(r,f), Comptes Rendus, 189 (1929), p. 525-527. la fonction de croissance i. Cartan, H. 2. Clunie, J. and W. K. Hayman, editors, Symposium on complex analysis, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 12, 1973. 3. Hellerstein, S. The distribution of values of a meromorphic function and a theorem of H. S. Will, Duke Math, J_. 32 (1965), p. 749-764 4. Miles, J. and D. Townsend, Imaginary values of meromorphic functions, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, Vol. 27, No. 3 (1978), p. 5. 491-503. Townsend, D. submitted. Imaginary values of meromorphic functions in the disk,