I nternat. J. Mh. & Mh. Sci. (1982) 105-112 Vol. 5 No. 105 STABILITY IMPLICATIONS ON THE ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR OF NONLINEAR SYSTEMS KUO-LIANG CHIOU Department of Mathematics Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan 48202 (Received July 20, 1978) ABSTRACT In this paper we generalize Bownds’ Theorems (I) to the systems A(t) Y(t) and dX(t) dt A(t) Xt) + F(t X(t)) always exists a solution X(t)-of o (= t Moreover _ dY.(t) dt we also show that there A(t)X + B(t) for which sup oo) if there exists a solution Y(t) for which lira t limt ooSUpl IX(t) II Iy(t) > + > o (= oo) KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. stable, norm, linear systems, null solution, SchauderTychcoff Theorem, uniformly converges, equicontnu 7980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. Secondary 34AL50, 34C15, 4D20. Primary 4D05, 54D, 4C10, I. INTRODUCTION. In this paper we shall study the stability behavior of the following systems dY(t) dt 0 < t < A(t)Y(t) (I.i) and dX(t) dt A(t)X(t) + F(t,X(t)), n where A(t) is a continuous matrix on R valued continuous n-vector defined on 0 -< t < for all 0 < t < , F(t,X(t)) (1.2) is a real n [0, ) X R and X(t) and Y(t) are n-vectors. Consider special equations of (i.i) and y" + a(t)y 0, (1.2) 0 < t < (1.3) and x" + a(t)x g(t,x,x’), 0 -< t < (1.4) 106 K.L. CHIOU where a(t) C[0,) and g(t,x,x’) is continuous on [0,)R R. From some theorems of stability theory, Bownds [i] showed that (1.3) has a solution y(t) with property lim sup (ly(t) + lY’(t)I) t_oo > 0 (i 5) He also established that (1.4) has the property (1.5) provided that the zero solution of (1.3) is stable and there exists a function y(t) Ig(t,x,x’) < y(t) (Ixl + 6L[0,) such that Ix’ I) for (t,x,x’) E [0, oo) x R x R. Thus in the following section we shall extend the above results to systems (i.i) and (1.2). In section 3 we shall consider a nonhomogeneous system dX(t) A(t)X(t) + B(t) dt 0 < t < (I 6) where B(t) is a continuous vector for 0 _< t < oo. We shall prove that there always lim sup exists a solution X(t) of (i 6) for which t+ lim sup a solution Y(t)of (] i) for which lly(t) t+oo llX(t) ll ll > 0(= ) > 0(= oo) Here if there exists II II is an appropriate vector (or matrix) norm. 2. ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR FOR (i. I) AND (i. 2). Before stating main theorems, let us recall a theorem from Coppel THEOREM 2.1. (Hartman [2, p. 60]). [2, p. 60]. Suppose that, for every solution Y(t) of (i.i), the limit lim t exists and is finite. IY(t) _o (2 i) If there exists a nontrivial solution Y(t) of (i.i) for which the limit (2.1) is zero, then t t t r A(s)ds + as t + o From the above theorem we will obtain the following corollary which is a generalization of Theorem i in [i]. COROLLARY 2.1. Suppose that t t r A(s)ds < o Then there exists a nontrivial solution Y (t) of (I.i) for which ASYMTOTIC BEHAVIOR OF NONLINEAR SYSTEMS t PROOF. 107 >0 _+o Suppose, to the contrary, that all solutions Y(t) of (i.i) satisfy lim sup t From Theorem 2.1 we obtain t t rA(s)ds /- as t + This leads to a contra- o The corollary then follows. diction. Throughout this paper we shall denote $(t), the fundamental matrix of (i.i) with initial condition (0) I (identity matrix). Now we shall prove the following theorem via the Schauder-Tychonoff Theorem [2, p. 9]. THEOREM 2.2. Suppose that the null solution of (I.I) is stable and that there exists a solution Y(t) of (i.i) for which lim sup t/oo Suppose also that there exists y(t) E stant , llY(t) ll > 0 Ll[to’) such that for some positive con- llF(t,x) ll < Y(t) llxl (2.2) E (2.3) Then there exists a nontrivial solution X(t) of (1.2) for which lim sup t+oo PROOF. llX(t) ll > 0 Since the null solution of (i.i) is stable, there exists a positive constant k such that (2.4) for all 0 < t < s and there exists a nontrivial solution Y(t) of (i.i) for which (2.2) holds and IIY(t) ll for t t o -< 1 (2.5) and for given small positive constant g (<i). Since y(t) E Ll[t o,), there exists (s)ds < k t To (> to) such that for all t T o (2.6) Via the Schauder-Tychonoff Theorem we shall establish the existance of a solution 108 K.L. CHIOU of the integral equation X(t) I (t) Y(t) $-l(s) f(s,X(s))ds t -> T t (2.7) o Consider the set {U; U(t) F Jo [To’ ) X(t) is continuous on IIU(t) II and I for t e TO } ; and define the operator T by Y(t) TU(t) -l(s) (t) (2.8) f(s,U(s))ds. t First, we shall show that TF Taking the norm to both sides of (2.8) and F. c using (2.3), (2.4), (2.5), and (2.6), we obtain for U 6 F IITU(t) II IIY(t) ll < < i -< 1 < 1 I + I + k E + e f f k e + k lib(t) -l(s) f(s’U(s))llds t lf(s’U(s))l Ids t y(s) [IU(s) llds t y(s)ds t It is clear that TU(t) is continuous on J This proves TF O F. Suppose that the sequence {U n We claim in F converges uniformly to U in F on every compact subinterval of J Second, we shall show that t is continuous. O that TU n converges uniformly to TU on every compact subinterval of J small positive number satisfying e T I > To so that for t e T I y(s)ds < k t U (s)) Then using (2.8) (2 9) llU(t) ll-< O i for T f(s n < t < (2 i0) oo, U(s))II (2 3) Ll[to’)’ < (2 4) i 2kTl Let i be a there exists (2.9) such that if n -> N, then N(I, T I) By the uniform convergence, there is an N lf(s - Since y(t) < i. I o T < s O < TI and the fact that (2.10) []Un (t)l[ we obtain the following inequalities < I and 109 ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR OF NONLINEAR SYSTEMS t .T I It < l(t) (s) I (t)-" (s)f(s’Un(S))ds I[ lTUn(t)- TU(t)II l(t)-l(s)ll lf(s’Un(S)) ll lf(S,Un(S))llds If(s,Un(S)) <k t f(s,U(s)> f(s0U(s))l]ds l(t)-1 (s) ll + T (t)-l(s)f(s’U(s)dsl 1 Ids + 2k 7(s)ds T 1 for n >- N. This shows that TU converges uniformly to TU on every compact subinterval of J o n Hence T is continuous. Third, we claim that the functions in the image set TF are equicontinuous and bounded at every point of J o TU(t) is a solution of the linear system For each U F, the function z(t) dV dt Since IITU(t) II lz(t)[i F, it is clear that the functions in TF Since TF Now we show that they are equicontinuous at eact Doint of are uniformly bonded. J o 1 and any finite t interval, we see that A(t)V + f(t,U(t)) lf(t,U(t))ll dz is uniformly bounded for U E F on is uniformly bounded on any finite interval. Therefore, the set of all such z is equicontinuous at each point of J o (see [2, p.6]). All of the hypotheses of the Schauder-Tychonoff Theorem are satisfied. there exists a U F such that U(t) Thus TU(t); that is, there exists a solution X(t) of X(t) Y(t) -l(s) f(s,x(s_))ds (t) t Thus, from the hypotheses and the above equality, we obtain lira sup t-oo Since lim .sup t lly(t) ll > 0 ’, IX(t) Y(t)[I (2 Ii) implies that (2.11) 0 lim sup t l[X(t) ll the theorem. It is clear that (1.4) can be written as the form (1.2) with > 0 This proves II0 K.L. CHIOU A(t) where X F(t,X) and -a(t) colum(x,x’). g(t,x,x’) 0 Thus we can apply Theorem 2.2 to (1.4) to obtain the fol- lowing corollary which is a generalization of Theorem 2 in [i]. COROLLARY 2.2. Suppose that the null solution of (1.3) is stable and that Ll[to’) there exists y(t) such that for some positive constant Then there exists a nontrivial solution x(t) of (1.4) for which lim sup t- PROOF. Since t r A(t) (Ixl + x I) > 0 0 for Corollary 2.1, we know that there exists a sol- ution Y(t)of (I.I) for which lim sup t ]IXI] If we take 3. ]x[ + Ix’l, IIY(t)II > 0 then the corollary follows from Theorem 2.2. ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR FOR (1.6) In this section we shall show that if there exists a solution Y(t) of (I.I) for which for which lim sup t lim sup t THEOREM 3.1. ly(t)ll > 0 (= o) ]IX(t)]i > 0 (= ) then there exists a solution X(t) of (I 6) Suppose that there exists a solution Y(t) of (I.i) for which I im sup t Y (t) > 0 (3.1) Then there exists a solution X(t) of (1.6) for which lim sup PROOF. :’X(t)’l > 0 From the variation of constants formula we know that any solution X(t) of (1.6) can be written as the form below X(t) (t)c + (t) Hence we shall choose c so that Y(t) -l(s) B(s)ds (t)c satisfies (3.1). First, let us suppose lim sup t II *(t) -l(s) g(s)dsll > O. (3.3) ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR OF NONLINEAR SYSTEMS Let Xl(t) X(t) Y(t). It is clear that Xl(t) iii is a solution of (1.6). Thus from (3.3) and (3.4) we obtain lim sup t lim sup llXl(t)ll lim sup t/ Xl(t) Thus there exists a solution t iX(t) l(t) -I (s) ooiim II ll B(s)ds[[ > 0 of (1.6) for which (3.2) holds. Second, suppose that t y(t) I (t) -l(s) B(s)dsll (3.5) 0 Taking the norm to both sides of (3.3) and using (3.1) and (3.5) we obtain t limt sup lX(t)ll >_ limt oosup (I IY(t)l] I(t) fO -l(s) B(s)dsl I) t > lim sup t _> lim sup t lly(t) ll ly(t)ll This shows that X(t) satisfies (3.2). lim sup t I(t) fO -i (s) > 0 The theorem then follows. Using the same argument as Theorem 3.1 we also can obtain the following theorem. THEOREM 3.2. Suppose that there exists a solution Y(t) of (i.I) for which lim sup t iy(t)ll Then there exists a solution X(t) cf (1.6) for which lim sup t PROOF. Ix(t)II Since the proof is almost the same as Theorem 3.1, we shall omit the detail. REMARKS. It is interesting to note that Hatvani and Pintr [3] have studied this type of problem for equation (1.4). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. This work was supported by the U.S. Army Research Office Grant DAAG29-78-G-0042 at Research Triangle Park, N.C. 112 K.L. CHIOU REFERENCES i. Bownds, J.M. Stability Implications on the Asymptotic Behavior of Second Order Differential Equations, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 39 (1973), 169-172, MR 47 #2150. 2. Coppel, W. A. Stability and Asymptotic Behavior of Differential Equations, Heath, Boston, 1965. MR 32 7875. 3. Hatvani, L. and L. Pintr. On Pertubation of Unstable Second Order Linear Differential Equations, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 61 (1976), 36-38.