I nternat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1982) 159-164 Vol. 5 No. 159 ON ELATIONS IN SEMI-TRANSITIVE PLANES N.L. JOHNSON Department of Mathematics The University of Iowa 52242 Iowa City, Iowa U.S.A. (Received January 2, 1980) ABSTRACT. be a semi-transitive translation plane of even order with Let reference to the subplane axis in 0 0" admits an affine elation fixing If and the order of n O is not 2 or 8, KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. then for each is a Hall plane. Elons, Semi-transitive planes. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. i. 0 50D05, 05B25. INTRODUCTION. Kirkpatrick [ 9] and Rahilly [ i0] have characterized the Hall planes as those generalized Hall planes of order In q 2 that admit q+l central involutions. 7] the author has shown that the derived semifield planes of characteristic and order volutions. q 2 are Hall planes precisely when they admit q+l central in- This extends Kirkpatrick and Rahilly’s work as generalized Hall planes are certain derived semifield planes. If a translation plane distinctaxes of order then the generated group a normal subgroup N little is known about q 2 admits contains q+l affine elations with SL(2,q) of odd order and index 2 (Hering [5]). except that it is usually dihedral. Sz(q) or contains In the latter case, N.L. JOHNSON 160 In this article, we study semi-transltlve translation planes of order q+l that admit q 2 affine elations. In [8], the author introduces the concept of the generalized Hall planes of type These are derivable translation planes that admit a particular colllnea- i. tion group which is transitive on the components outside the derivable net. In this situation the group is generated by Baer colllneatlons. More generally, Jha [6] has considered the "seml-transltlve" translation planes. (i.i) Let be a translation plane with subplane such that llneation group i) fixes pointwise, 0 2) leaves 3) acts transitively on then If there is a col- 0" invarlant, and 0 -0 is said to be a semi-transltlve translation plane with reference t__o 0 and with respect to Our main result is that seml-transltlve planes of order not 16 or 64 that admit elations with axis planes. 2 q #64 admitting of 0 are Hall (2.1) THEOREM. q+l Let elations with distinct axes is derivable. q+l TRANSLATION PLANES OF EVEN ORDER admits for every component 0 We also give a necessary and sufficient condition that a translation plane of order 2. fixing q 2 ADMITTING q+l ELATIONS. be a translation plane of even order Let afflne elations with distinct axes. SL(2,q) either isomorphic to Then invariant. 2 # 64 that denote the net of degree q+l that is defined by the elation axes and assume the group these elations leaves q D generated by D is derivable if and only if or is dihedral of order 2(q+l) is where the cyclic stem fixes at least two components. PROOF. If D is Desarguesian by Let Y D <,X SL(2,q) is isomorphic to - (xT,yT -I) is derivable and actually Foulser-Johnson-Ostrom [3]. s2=xq+I=I,x=x -is >. for some matrix T <X> If O then we may choose coordinates so that (x,y) then of order s is q+l. (x ,y) --+ (y ,x) and O, X fixes the components X is 161 ELATIONS IN SEMI-TRANSITIVE PLANES . E By Ostrom [ii], Theorem 3, there is a Desarguesian plane x-fixed components and two . able in fix each Baer subplane of D < GL(2,q) By Gleason [4], SL(2,q)). D Thus, is derivable then that II Then X SL(2,q) (each elation . .- q 2_1 containing the - permutes the components of E A teristic in <X>), is a collineation group of E. (xa,ya) E (Note X fixes ?] componentwise.) Since ordinates so that the components of then fixes X <X2> <X>, x= we may assume i. X O are e GF(q for all is Thus, 2 odd, Y GF(q least two cponents of 2) and (X 2 > <X >. O, y xa, = = E of fixes . X), X has the GF(q2). a Choosing coGF . if d only if X # 64). is charac- The collineation share at least two components (those fixed by and 3. y q+l 2 is greater <X> (i.e., is an automorphism of where q such (see Ostrom [ii], CoT. of x-fixed components Since (x,y)--+ replace so there is a unique Desar- q+l). form DI" Let (one exists since to Theorem 1--uniqueness comes from the fact that the degree of than is then in <X> <X> Let componentwise in the derived plane Y must Moreover, if 2(q+l). or is dihedral of order fixes at least two infinite points of D q+l is transitive on the elation axes so is a prime 2-primitive divisor of guesian plane , By Foulser [2], Theorem 3, fixes at least two infinite points of X fixes so D SL(2,q) is clearly O. D so that and thus deriv- Since each elation fixes incident with in its action on E is an Andr net in Clearly is derivable. Conversely, suppose containing the (q2) Since pointwise. Since must fix at X SEMI-TRANSITIVE TRANSLATION PLANES OF EVEN ORDER. Let be a translation plane of even order as in section 2. Then, q 2 that admits denote the net defined by the elation axes. that commutes with (3.1) THEOREM. admits q+l D. Let elations is a derivable plane provided the generated group SL(2,q). is dihedral and the cyclic stem fixes at least 2 points or let q+l Then clearly, Let In any case ,$ be a collection group must fix pointwise. be a translation plane of even order elations with distinct axes. D Assume the group D q 2 # 64 that generated by these 162 N.L. JOHNSON of the elation axes Invariant. elations leaves the net q+l D llneatlon group which commutes with and is transitive on is a Hall plane. PROOF. - m. 2 @ 64, IDI. q+l Clearly, q(q-l) acts on the X , N points of X - - there is a prime 2-prlmltive divisor -- By Gleason [4], order q Since Since points of commutes with must fix X pointwise. be a col- N Then N q2_l of m D be an element of Let q+l. m , Let of so must fix at least two is transitive on and Z By the corollary to Theorem i, Ostrom [ii], there is a Desargueslan plane and . E--D U? Let where is the net complementary to of degree q+l. for some net in . Then are two extensions of a net So I and of critical deficiency (see Ostrom [12]). and must be Hall since Then cannot be itself Desarguesian)by Ostrom must be related by derivation (i.e., Z are exactly the common components of such that the components fixed by X in [12]. The conditions of (3.1) are close to giving the definition of a "seml-transl- tive" translation plane (see (i.i)). satisfy condition 2. In (3.1), it is possible that may not Also, it is not clear that a seml-transitive translation However, Jha [6] shows if plane is derivable. , nontrlvial kern homology in then has order not 16 and there is a is derivable and 0 is a Beer subplane. We may overcome this restriction on the kern in our situation: (3.2) THEOREM. Let with respect to a collineation group Let and with reference to a subplane admit an affine elation for each axis in i) If the order of 0 is not 8 then 2) If the order of 0 is not 2 or 8 PROOF. collineation group of must leave (Note pointwise. Clearly, 0 n 0 i ISnl is divisible by is a Beer subplane of i is a Hall plane. be a minimal subplane of i with reference to pointwise fixed since 0. then Clearly, the stabilizer 0 n 0" is derivable. Following Jha’s [6] ideas, let erly containing i . be a semi-transitive translation plane of even order i 0" of i prop- is a semi-transitive Moreover, a sylow 2-subgroup of fixes 0 (2r+l)-(2S+l) and fixes for some n 0 N r,s.) 163 ELATIONS IN SEMI-TRANSITIVE PLANES Every elation which leaves So the group variant. , clearly, D invariant must also leave any superplane in- 0 generated by the elations leaves commutes with D , since fixes mute with each central collineation fixing By (3.1), if the order of 0 0 N i invariant and, pointwlse (, must com- 0 is not 8 then i is a Hall plane and derivable. We may now directly use Jha [6] to show that if the order of no___t 2’ then i is i 0 is (that is, Jha uses the hypothesis that there is a kern homology is derivable). i Actually, our proof of (3.2) proves the following more general theorem for to show that arbitrary order. (3.3) THEOREM. to 0 Let and with respect to be a semi-transitive translation plane with reference r Let X be a collineation generated by and order p central collineations leaving divisor of (order 0 0 2_ 1 (where invariant such that the order of 0 IXI is not 2). Is a prime p-primitive Then n is a Hall plane. Note that a semi-transitive plane of odd order p 2r must admit Baer p-elements (see Jha [6]). By Foulser [i], we could then not have both Baer p-elements and elations so we could restate our Theorem (3.2) without reference to order. (3.2)2) is also valid if the order 0 is 8. The arguments supporting this will appear in a related article. REFERENCES i. Foulser, D. A. 354-366. 2. Foulser, D. A. 3. Foulser, D. A., N. L. Johnson and T. G. Ostrom. Baer p-elements in translation planes, J. Algebra 31(1974) Subplanes of partial spreads in translation planes, Bull. London Math. Soc. 4(1972) 1-7. Desarguesian and Hall planes of order 4. Gleason, A. M. 5. 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