ITterna. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1982)195-202 Vol. 5 No. 195 RESEARCH NOTES SOME REMARKS ON THE STABILITY ANALYSIS IN ROBE’S THREE BODY PROBLEM R. MEIRE Astronomical Observatory Ghent State University Krijgslaan 271- $9 GENT 9000 BELGIUM (Received October 12, 1979) ABSTRACT. An improved technique is presented for the stability analysis of Robe’s 3-body problem which gives more accurate results for the transition curves in the parameter plane than does Robe’s paper. A novel property of the system of differential equations describing the motion is used, which reduces the computer time by more than 50%. KEY WORDS AND PRASES. 3-body problem, stabily, transition curve, Floquet-theory. 1980 MATHEATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CDES. I. 85A05 INTRODUCTION. In a recent paper Robe [i] presented a new kind of restricted three body pro- blem, where one body m I is a rigid spherical shell, filled with an homogeneous incompressible fluid of density the_ where a second body m PI’ 2 shell, and where m 3 is a small solid sphere of density is a mass point outside P3’ inside the shell, its motion determined by the attraction of m force due to the fluid restricted to move the buoyancy 2 and i" There exists a solution with m a Keplerian orbit around it. 3 at the center of the shell while m 2 describes Robe investigated the stability of this configuration under the assumption that the mass of m is infinitesimal. 3 The linearized equations 196 R. MEIRE - of motion in the neighborhood of this equilibrium are I+2 I + ecosv 2= K(1 (I e2) 3 + ecosv) 3 +21= 1 + - e2) K(I (i + ecosv)4 ecosv 2)3 +z e K(I (i + ecosv) I + ecosv where K m a Pl 4 3 (mI + x (i,i) Y (1.2) z (1.3) 3 (I m21 Pl 3 2 mI + m2) a semi-major axis of the Keplerian orbit. These equations are referred to a coordinate system Oxyz, where 0 is the center of ml, Ox If points to m 2 and Oxy is the plane of the Keplerian orbit. - 0 (shell empty) or 01 become with r i + then K 0 and the equations of motion 01 03, 2# (I + 2U) r x (1.4) r y (1.5) r z (1.6) 9+2 (i + (i z U ecosv Equations (1.4) and (1.5) describe the motion in the orbital plane. Robe investigated the stability in the orbital plane by means of the Floquet-theory. However, one can separate the fourth-order system (1.4), (1.5) into two independent second-order systems. 2. THE TRANSFORMATION TO SECOND-ORDER SYSTEMS. Using x [y and n equations (1.4) and (1.5) can be written # STABILITY ANALYSIS IN ROBE’S THREE BODY PROBLEM _ 197 (2.1) rC 2D 0 n 0 i -i 0 m where 0 i+2 C and O 0 i Now we make the following transformation (Tschauner [2]) E E (2.2) PI n e P2 and obtain P2- PI ] P2PI-rCo-2DPI+PI p2 -P22+rC0+2DPI-P i -PIP2+rC0+2DP2-P1/2J 2-rC0-2DP 2 +p e Making the nondiagonal elements zero, we obtain (2.3) P2 where PI and P2 are two different solutions of the Riccati equation 2DP- Using p2 + rC 0 Pll PI2 P21 P22 P (2.4) 198 R. MEIRE equation (2.4) becomes 2P21 Pll PI2P21 Pll 2 622 -2P12 + r(l + 2U) PI2P21 P22 PI2 2P22 PI2(Pll + P22 P21 -2Pll P.21(Pll + P22 + r(l ) (2.5) Now let P22 + w Pll z --w- z PI2 u-v+l P21 u + v (2.6) i Then equation (2.5) becomes z 2 -i w 2u 2wz z + 2 r u 3 2 + v 2 + r( 2 +2 u U (2.7) u =-2z- 2uw -2vw The last two equations yield w=v () v z=- (-) V If we use p 1 v and q U v we get (2.8) STABILITY ANALYSIS IN ROBE’S THREE BODY PROBLEM 199 Substituting (2.8) into the first two equations of (2.7), we have p.- i -2 p + 4q + [2- r(2 + )] p 2 2 =-2(q 2 2 i + (2.9) (2.10) 3rp Now if we let k rp + kI 0 (2.11) cos v, we find as a solution for (2.10) 3 q k0 kI cos v + k2 cos If we substitute the solutions (2.11) and (2.12) into fication) the values for For k0, k k0, and k I 2 (2.9), as functions of (2.12) v we obtain (by identi- and e. we obtain with 4e c {3# k0 4 _+-c + 4e2 4 + 1) 2 (3# + This will yield two different solutions, So c(,e) which 2 i)2 PI and P2’ ( + 3) + #(9# if c # 0 and c 8) (2 13) 2 > 0. 0 will give vs (analytically) a transtion curve in the -e plane, corresponds to one of the transition curves (IE) that Robe obtained numeric- ally. This curve can be written as 4e 4 (3] + i) The elements Pll Pij of 2 P1 + 4e2 (3 + i) and P2 2 (B + 3) + ].(9] 8) 0 (2.14) are -(2 + l)e sinv (3 + i + ecosv) (i + ecosv) (2.15) R. MEIRE 200 -( + i + 2ecosv) esinv (3 + i ecosv) (I + ecosv) P22 (3 + I)(i PI2 3 3. 2 +--+ 2e( + l)cosv + (3 + I + ecosv) (i + ecosv) -[(3 + I) (i P21 e +_ c (,2.16) 3 e + c e 2 cos 2v (2.17) 2 2(2 + l)ecosv] ++ ecosv) +--+ + ecosv) (3 + i (2.18) (i STABILITY ANALYSIS. Now we perform a stability analysis using the Floquet theory, on the two independent second order systems (2.3) PI (3.1) P2 e (3.2) Both equations admit solutions for which u(v + 2) 1,2) (i siu(v) where s. are the roots of the characteristic equation -i det [X (v).X(v + 2) sE] (3.3) 0 where X(v) is a fundamental solution matrix of (3.1) (or (3.2)). Equation (3.3) can be written s 2 2s + I (3.4) 0 For stable solutions, (3.5) Thus the transition curves in the (-e) plane, separating stable and non-stable regions, wil+/- be given by s=+ i or Taking X(v 0) (3.6) E, equation (3.3) becomes det [X(2) sE] 0 is the monodromy-matrix and a 2 By It can be shown (R. Meire and A. Vanderbauwhede [3]) that I. STABILITY ANALYSIS IN ROBE’S THREE BODY PROBLEM X(2) SX -I ()SX() (3.7) 0 i where 201 S This implies that we only have to integrate the equations over One can also prove that for s + i, one of the elements of instead of 27. X(n) becomes zero which saves an additional 10% of computer time. 4. RESULTS. We applied this method to yielded two transition curves: curve HM. the’ equations of (3.1) and (3.2). FM and FE. Equation (3.1) Equation (3.2) yielded one transition All results are given in Fig. i. The curve IE is the analytically obtained curve from equation (2.14). Along I FM 8=0 and e=-i FE y=0 and =-i ttN g=5"=O and c= 1 The intersection of the curves FE and IE can be obtained ver accurately (Robe was not able to give precise coordinates). The point E is determined as that point on the curve IE for which the characteristic roots of (3.1) are -i. u-e plane The coordinates of the interesting points in the are 5+ 97 16 0..928053 point F 0.8888 point I e 8 9 0 0.8596848 point E e 0 4531741 The stable region consists of the shaded area in Fig. i and is now determined much R. MEIRE 202 (2.1) was used. more accurately than in Robe’s paper where the fourth-order system M Fig. Stability-regions in the -e-plane 0.8 O.6 OA $ I 0.2 C=O STABLE STABI_E P I o.85 F 0.90 05 1H ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. for reading The author thanks Prof. Dr. P. Dingens and Prof. Dr. H. Steyaert work. the manuscript and for their valuable suggestions on this REFERENCES A new kind of 3-body Problem, Cel. Mech. 1__6 (1978), pp. 343-351. I. ROBE, H. 2. TSCHAUNER, K. 3. MEIRE, R. and VANDERBAUWHEDE, A. Die Aufspaltung der Variations-gleichungen des Elliptischen Eingeschrnkten Dreikrperproblems, A useful Result for Certain Linear Periodic _J..Comp. and Applied Math. 5, N I (1979), Ordinary Differential Equations, pp. 59-61. Cel. Mech. 3 (1971), pp. 395-402.