819 I nternat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 4 No. 4 (1981) 819-822 RESEARCH NOTES CONTINUITY OF MULTIPLICATION OF DISTRIBUTORS JAN KUCERA and KELLY MCKENNON Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics Washington State University Pullman, Washington 99164 U.S.A. (Received February 20, 1981) In a reference book for distributions [i], it is shown that the multi- ABSTRACT. plication (u, f) uf on C x ’, Mx as well as on g’, is hypocontinuous. We show here that in both cases it is discontinuous. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Distribution, temperate distribution, dual space, strong topology, inductive limit. Primary 46F10, Secondary 46A09. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. INTRODUCTION. i. The discontinuity of multiplication on C folklore, but no proof has yet been published. result is new. x N’, seems to be part of general As far as we know the second The presented proofs are simple enough that they can be included in any future textbook on distributions. THEOREM i. Let B be the strong and o the weak* topology, both on and y the usual topology on (u, f) C(Rn). o’ Cy uf PROOF. -- The family Then the multiplication is not jointly continuous. of all increasing sequences of positive integers is a directed set under the induced product ordering from N product N f m, s F m,s (t) (mt and let d m+l)-I C g if t ’ (Rn), n/xlx2"’’Xn" [i, exp(m- s(m))], s(m)-1/2 d TM g(0) N Let F be the directed For each (m,s) with f m, s (t) F, put 0 otherwise, and J. KUCERA AND K. MCKENNON 820 n f If gm, s is the Fourier transform of j=l t f (t)dt < m m- i, m, s i, 2 lldkgm, II < m-n respectively, gm, s lira (m, s) F 0 in C s(m) -1/2 + {gm ,s Fm,s and (m, s) F It remains to show that {F bounded in zg. N. all m For each such N and g for all m which equals , n R , such that s(m) > s(m)-1/2r(m) < Ix12) 1/2, (1 + R Il <_-- N, the space {u P,q with the operator norm space @M C; f is Banach. If H uf H P the supremum norm of N. The L(Rn) For every continuous} equipped q ind lim q of rapidly increasing functions equals proj lira denote by (d f)(x) P,q n R and Hilbert n space g of rapidly decreasing functions equals the proj lira H k. p, q -2 2 r (m) for + }, k < r(m) . for all g g kE Iwk-lelDfl2dx If C; o Idmg(o) _< ,’ such that there exists r Is(m) -1/2 dmg(o) _< {f in some converges to 0 uniformly on every set m,s In the sequel, we need a weight function W(x) H k s(m) imply, where i is the imaginary Then IFm, s(g) spaces (t)dt m, s does not converge to 0 in (m,s)F Choose e > 0 and s l. f t inms(m)n, (Rn) For any y /_ then the inequalities (m,s)rlim l(gm’sFm’s)l (m,s)Flim Is(m)-1/2dm gm, s(0) neighborhood of the origin, lim dmgm, s(0) and s Thus unit. k fm’s(Xj)’ P,q @ q [4]. then the Finally, the dilation operator and by d f(gx). LEMMA i. For each k N and multi-index llg[Iwk(x)D exp(_l_xl2 )I I D exp(-Jx] 2 )Iloo 0+ PROOF. lim llglIwk(x)D exp(-_x 2)i,o lim g n, N where xl 2=x2+x 2+... +xn2 2 c 0+ lira 0+ IIWk(x) d D exp(- Ixl 2 )IIoo= lira 0+ IIWk(x)D exp(-Ixl 2 )Iloo llDexp (- x 2) Iloo 821 CONTINUITY OF MULTIPLICATION OF DISTRIBUTIONS sequence {f lim exp(-Ixl2)llq+r PROOF. By Prop 8 of D exp(-Ix 2) A supl h Then S m m llp, q m fm P,q _< m and S-2m-2q ll!q+r S-2m-2q(l + m2) In + m. < m+m lim sup S -nI l<+r 2m-2q(l gqA < lim sup + m Y. N m If we put f (i + m 2) Let B n -i S m + exp(-ll 2) Ioo R x h m N, then m m 2) lxl 2) 2 dx + m2) 2L)D n II q + r. Then /Rn ID exp(-Ixl 2) lim sup m -2q (i + m 12dx 2 q+r- - n + m. be the strong and o the weak* topology on the multiplication (u,f) exp(-Ixl21dx. > m/m THEOREM 2. and R 2-n+q+r 2dx then there is a IIWq-pll (x)D II_ such that m/oo < I I_< 0+ 2" exp(-]xl2)ll q+r llfm (x) II m p,q- 2 lm(X) exp(-xm)lq+rIWq+r-ll(x)D exp(-(l Take a multi-index lim sup If [ n ], and Lemma i, there exists A > 0 such that exp(-l 2) -q (x) Define h sup . x 2 I q exp(-ll )llp,q [4] + p, and r in g (Rn) such that sup m m llfm(X) lira sup 0+ _< If p, q 6 N, 0 < q 2 (u f) g OM go g’(Rn). Then is not jointly continuous. PROOF. of 0 in of O, U The polar P of the singleton g’. c @M {exp(-Ixl2)} < g is a o-neighborhood If the multiplication was continuous, there would be neighborhoods and V < g, such that UV P. For some q N, there exists a 822 J. KUCERA AND K. MCKENNON a neighborhood G of 0 in @ q of radius g about the origin in @ q,P lira For any g fm(X) m of V. (fm g) {fm + oo, Since M in B(e) + where r exp(-ix]2))l i’-< Since V is bounded in g, too; i.e., sup is bounded in c U, and there exists a ball B(g) g @ M’ such that [n ]. UV c p, which implies V, we have f g Ig(fm exp(-,x12))l in the polar V exp(-Ixl2)llq+r M such that B(e) c G. Lemma 2 implies existence of a sequence m+ @ such that G m fm exp(-Ixl2)is contained sequence {f exp(-Ixl2)} m Hence g, the llf m exp(-Ixl2)ll q+r < + oo, which is a contradiction. REFERENCES i. SCHWARTZ, L., Thorie des distributions, Nouvelle Edition, Hermann, Paris, (1966). 2. SCHAEFER, H. H., Topological Vector Spathe, s., 3rd printiug, Springer-Verlag, New York, Heidelberg, Berlin (1971). 3. RUDIN, W., Functional Analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York (1973). 4. KUERA, 5. TROVES, J., On Multipliers of Temperate Distributions, Czech. Math. J. 21(96) (1971), pp. 610-618. F., Topological Vector Spaces Academic Press, New York (1967). Diistlributions and Kernels,