I nternat. J. Math. & Mh Sci. Vol. 4 No. 4 (1981)661-665 661 RATIONAL MODULES AND HIGHER ORDER CAUCHY TRANSFORMS JAMES LI-MING WANG Department of Mathematics The University of Alabama University, Alabama 35486 (Received March 24, 1981) ABSTRACT. We apply the higher order Cauchy transforms to describe the closures of rational modules with respect to the L p norms, the uniform norm and different Lipschitz norms on a compact set in the plane. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Rational Module, Caucy 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. i. Transform Primary OA 82, 46799 INTRODUCTION. Let X be a compact subset of the complex lane. Let the module R(X)P m be the m space {rO(z)+ rl(z) + m} r (z) m where each r. is a rational function with poles off X. 1 In recent years the problem of approximation by rational functions in the areal mean has received great attention (see e.g. problem of uniform approximation (see [i], [3], [8]) [5], [12]), but as well as the little work has been devoted to the corresponding problem of approximation by functions in a rational module due to the lack of analyticity, perhaps. The concept of rational modules arises in a natural fashion when one attempts to study rational approximation in Lipschitz norms. In [i0], O’Farrell studied the relation of the problems of approximation by rational modules in different Lipschitz norms, and in the uniform norms, etc., to one another. aut.hor Not long ago the proved in [13] that (X)P 1 662 J.L. WANG LP(x) is dense in <_ p for all 1 and R(X)P < 2 is dense in C(X) if X has no inte- For an introductory survey of rational modules and all the standard rlor. notations, we refer the readers to the paper of O’Farrell [i0]. However, the presence of an interior really complicates the situation. LP(x) be the closed subspace of [4] which consists of functions analytic in the In thls note we employ a method of proof which goes back to interior of X. Brennan LP(x) Let R(X)m to describe the closures of terms of the Cauchy transforms of functions in LP(x) and LP(x) for an in C(X) respectively in arbitrary compact sub- set X. The author is indebted to J. Brennan for valuable conversations and correspondences. 2 PRELIMINARIES o If X is a compact set, X will be its The following notations will be used. If V is any space of functions on X, interior, X its topological boundary. [V] p will be the closure of V with respect to the LP(x) norm and [V]u the uniform closure of V in C(X). be a (finite Borel) measure on X. Let The Cauchy transform is defined by (z) for gd/m, We write V d() z can be found in Some basic properties for write I [6]. If g is a function on X, we will where dm denotes the two-dimenslonal Lebesgue measure. iV if / fay 0 for iI f in V and g iV if gdm The following lemmas play important roles in this theory. special case of the key lemma in [i0], and lemma 2 i V. Lemma i is a is used by the author in [13]. Throughout this paper, m will be a non-negatlve integer. LEMMA i. Let V be a measure on X. Then V i (X)Pm+1 if and only if m LEMMA 2. If g e LP(x), then g is continuous when p > 2 and is continuous when i < p < 2. If V is a space of functions on X, we put regarded to be zero off X. 6 {f: f e V}. Notice that f is By induction, we can define the nth Cauchy transform: 663 RATIONAL MODULES AND CAUCHY TRANSFORMS i ’, , on X. nor V D REMARK: As a consequence of Lemma i, it is not hard to see that [(x) + (x) + [R(X)Pm] p [(x) + (x) + 3. = In general, we don’t have V 2,3,4, m _l + (x) + (x)]p and [R(X)%] u for all m > i, i < p < u MAIN RESULTS. It is well known that [Ii] Sinanjan for all i < p < 2 in the case of no interior, to Bers [7] and to Havin LP(x) a [(X)]p for I < p < 2. [2] This is due to i (and open for p sets), For p > 2, however, (X) is not always dense in LP(x). Some necessary and sufficient conditions are given by Brennan Hedberg [8], [3] etc., in terms of various capacities. In this section, we will show that the higher order Cauchy transforms of (X) and LP(x) a always have the same closure in Let X be a compact set. THEOREM 3. + [(X) + LP(x) a since the arguments for m > It is clear that Then for all m > LP(x)] a p [R(X)PI] p c (modulo (X)), for all i < p < [R(X)Pm] p 1 and I < p < -i + q-i 1 such that g ^] p by [(X) + LP(x) a Lemma i implies Lemma 2. J. Brennan that both that fg (X)PI. i (X) [4] Lq(x), 0 off X. 0 everywhere on X. i < q <_ To , LP(X)a Also g is continuous by An argument similar to using the theory of singular integrals and Schwartz lemma concludes and g vanishes almost everywhere on X. dm for all the remark in section 2. We shall show that g and therefore It follows that g p I are similar. prove the other inclusion, we let g be any function in p . . [(X) + LP(x) a [(X)PI] p It is enough to show that PROOF. 1 < p < + LP(x) 0 for all f in a sequence of functions writing [ for /x On, + i/y, 0 LP(x)’a Again, a similar construction in n 1,2, -Pn + g in the lira Hence it suffices to prove f f(-p such that each n Lq(x) dm dm gives o has support in X and, Thus for any f in norm. foX f Pn [4] LP(x) a 664 J.L. WANG The following theorem shows that, among other things, every nth Cauchy trans- form of a function in R(X)m LP(x) (n for all m > 2, 2 < p < Let X be a compact set. THEOREM 4. R(X)^ + . 2,...,m) belongs to the uniform closure of ePa(X) + + Then [R(X) m]u . LP(x) ]a u for all m _> 2 and 2 [(X) + < p < q] L oc for all This follows from heorem 3 and the fact that PROOF i < q < 2 and any measure on X (see [6],p.37) We may consider the Cauchy transform as a linear map from C c the space of infinitely dlfferentiable functions on the complex plane with compact support, into C In [I0], O’Farrell obtains various pairs of norms so that the Cauchy transform is bounded, and thus we have the following corollaries. Let X be a compact set. COROLLARY 5. Then for all m > 2, 2 < p < and 0 < COROLLARY 6. [(x) + [v]+/-p V]llp Let X be a compact set. Then [R (X)L] i I where V is any space of functions on X such that [(x) REMARK. < i. m_+/-p for each fixed m and 0 < < 1 L. I. Hedberg has pointed out to the author that the problem of approximation in L p by functions in R(X)1 approximation by harmonic functions (see is closely related to the problem of [9]). REFERENCES i. T. BAGBY, Quasi topologies and rational approximation, J. Functional Analysis i0 (1972), 259-268. 2. L. BERS, An approximation theorem, J. Analyse Math. 14 (1965), 1-4. 3. J. BRENNAN, Invariant subspaces and rational approximation, J. Functional Analysis 7 (1971), 285-310. 4. J. BRENNAN, Invariant subspaces and weighted polynomial approximation, Ark. mat. ii (1973), 167-189. 5. T. W. GAMELIN, "Uniform algebras", Prentice Hall, N. J., 1969. 6. J. GARNETT, "Analytic capacity and measure No. 297, 1973. 7. V. P. HAVIN, Approximation in the mean by analytic functions, Soviet Math. Dokl. 9 (1968), 245-248. Springer Lecture Notes, RATIONAL MODULES AND CAUCHY TRANSFORMS 665 8. L. I. HEDBERG, Approximations in the mean by analytic functions, Trans, Amer. Math. Soc. 163 (1972), 157-171. 9. L. I. HEDBERG, Two approximation problems in function spaces, Ark. Mat. 16 (1978), 51-81. i0. A. O’FARRELL, Annihilators of rational modules. J. Functional Analysis 19(1975) 373-389. ii. S. O. 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