I nt. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 4 No. 4 (1981)655-660 655 ON UNIFORM CONVERGENCE FOR TYPE RATIONAL APPROXIMANTS IN (n. ii CLEMENT H. LUTTERODT 6935 Spinning Seed Road Columbia, Maryland 21045 U.S.A. (Received June 3, 1980) ABSTRACT. This paper shows that if f(z) is analytic in some neighborhood of the origin, but meromorphic in n sections in otherwise, with a denumerable non-accumulatlng pole and if for each fixed rational approxlmant w n. be entire in n e the pole set of each ( ) ’ (z) tends to infinity as min(i) i<_n + unlsolvent oo, then f(z) This paper also shows a monotonicity property for the lf(z) must "error n. m on compact subsets m of KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. uniform convergence, ee functions, approximations expansions. sequence" H(z) 1980 4ATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. I. and 41. INTRODUCTION. Two earlier papers by Lutterodt [1,2] gave results on uniform convergence under restricted assumptions made about the (,9) the Bl-type rational approximants. In [i], (,v)-rational approximants, were assumed to be uniformly bounded on a polydisk; whereas, in [2], the (,l)-rational approximants were under the assumption that the coefficients of the denominator polynomial of degree vanished as +(,...,) except for bo()...O # O. In fact, bO()...O (i,I,...,i) is normalized to unity. In this paper, we attempt to provide a general result about uniform conver- gence of (,9)-rational approximants to entire functions in n. I C. H. LUTTERODT 656 The main results of this paper are Theorems i and 2. - uniform convergence for (,) unlsolvent pole sections that tend to infinity as e . on any compact-subset of (=o, Let z: (l,...,n) (z z I If(z) p n and (z) shows that e K is monotonic in n) be an n-tuple point in P(z) ively, with and %(z) and P]j (z) 1% (z), O (0) 9: # 0 and 9, respect- i in some neighborhood of the origin. Suppose f(z) is analytic at the origin and f(0) # 0. An is said to be a (p,)-type rational approxlmant to f(z) at z (z) s P(z))Iz=O z % ((z)f(z) p X e E (i) (il) (iii) c ,a lattice interpolation set with the following properties: p 0 e E EPD T e EPg’ i < %1 EU:{% E n: 0 %i Ui’ X e l,...,n i n} 1 i c up E n n (v) Each projected variable has the (vi) Ea ch vi < i i i’"" Ep] is the cardinality of E 81IX p9 Pad6 index n" and 8 1 + +n Xn XI z 1 n 0 if (2.1) 0 (v) Here (l"’’’n) are polynomials of multiple degree of at most (F(z), Qv(z)) DEFINITION i. for . : let for sufficiently be the class of all rational functions of the form R) (z) where cn., be n-tuples of non-negatlve integers in Let n ,oo) on compact subsets of NOTATION AND DEFINITIONS. 2. R rational approximants with infinite "error sequence" Theorem 2 introduces an large values of Theorem i establishes set 657 UNIFORM CONVERGENCE FOR RATIONAL APPROXIMANTS , An DEFINITION 2. (I "’’’n v is said to have multiple degree R(z) , in the z.-variable, if polynomials in e Rv(z has degree given by zj, , expressed as a quotient of two pseudo- max(j,j), j * I < J < n. that the multiple degree of a (,)-type It follows from property (vi) of E rational approximant is always We shall refer the reader to the definition of a unlsolvent (,9)-type rational approxlmant to f(z) in We then normalize the Lutterodt [3]. We shall denote this by w].l)(z) P].Iv(z)/QI/x)( z)" denominator polynomial Q(z), dividing numerator and denomin- ator by the modulus of largest coefficient of the denominator polynomial. Thus, we get WV (z) P*(z) /Qv* (z) where * Qv(z) is a normalized polynomial. CONVERGENCE. 3. The uniform convergence for the (,v)-rational approximants to f(z) entire in n rests on the assumptions made about f(z) and the hypothesis that, for each fixed multiple denominator degree / 9 of (z), the pole set tends to infinity as In Theorem i below, we assume that f(z) is possibly meromorphlc, (oo,...,oo). not with a finite pole set as in Theorem 2 of [3], but with a pole set having infin- ite sections such that only a finite number of such pole sections overlap with any given polydisk. THEOREM I: Thus, Theorem 1 of this paper extends the result in [3]. Suppose f(z) is analytic at the origin and is possibly meromorphic with an infinite pole set in n without accumulation of pole sections such that given O > i, the polydisk n (n A < 0, E j i n, 0 > i} overlaps with only a finite number of these pole sections. Suppose wv(z) is a unisolvent for each fixed 9, the pole set of w (i) (ii) f(z) must be entire in w9(z) / (,9)-rational approximant to f(z) such that (z) tends to infinity as / n f(z) uniformly on every compact subset of n. (oo,... ,oo). Then 658 C.H. LUTTERODT THEOREM 2: Suppose the conditions of Theorem i are satisfied. compact subset of n. Let K be any Let e (z) llK lf(z) sup z e K If(z) v(z) (3.1) for each fixed Then for sufficiently large 9, e LEMMA I. of (z). Let e < e,+l is monotonic in 9 and satisfies with (z) 3 * (z) be fixed and let The zero set of _< 9. 9j + i, I _< j _< n be a normalized denominator polynomial tends to infinity as / to a constant. PROOF. Suppose the result is false; i.e., for fixed , ity, but Q(z) Suppose that n given 0 > 1 and a polydisk A 0’ Q* (z) ’ran) mi < i’ in less than / Q , Q-I9(0) re(z) n 1 < i < n and that Now, taking a contradiction. 0o and sufficiently large, (3.2) Q*m(Z) Thus, is a polynomial of multiple degree Then since Q * (z) is non-constant, it m Q-im(0), the zero set of 0".m(Z) cannot > i, we find that An # (3.3) Hence the above supposition must be false and the Lemma holds. PROOF OF THEOREM i. f(z) is analytic at z with an infinite pole set G= and (0) tends to infin- An=0 in a partial ordered sense. Q-Im (0) where tends is not constant as has a set of non zero coefficients. be empty. , Q-ll; * (z) Q does not tend to a constant. By Lemma 1 in [3] (ml (oo,...,oo) U G k=l Ok 0 and is possibly meromorphic UNIFORM CONVERGENCE FOR RATIONAL APPROXIMANTS Gok qo (z) =’ e’ 659 0} qOk(Z) is a polynomial of at most multiple degree, k (kl k kn Given any real number 0 > i, and a polydisk An p’ then the zero set G overlaps the polydisk A n then we must have on A as o k ko + P o Anp n Q i(0) . k k o o (0) such that Now, by Theorem i of [3], if we choose ( + But by hypothesis, the pole set of for each fixed n A ,) np n (z) Gk (3 4) o tends to infinity as Therefore, for the given p > i above as / - (,...,=) (oo,...,), we must have np Q-I(0) A n (3.5) Thus by (3.4) and (3.5) we must have AnnG P Since k / o ko ko (p) and p is arbitrary, it follows that be entire. This completes Gok must tend to infinity as o must tend to infinity and Hence, all the poles of f(z) oo. = ako f(z) must therefore (1). To prove (ii), we note that the result follows immediately from Theorem i of [3] and the (i) part just proved above. PROOF OF THEOREM 2. p > i and a polydisk Let K be any compact subset of n such that K c A n Then, for P n. Then we can find sufficiently large and z e K, we find by the hypothesis of Theorem i, that for each fixed * (z) QU # 0 > 0 i.e. such that lQu(z) > Hence, under these conditions, we get I,+l(z) (z) ll K < o 2 K * (z) * , C. H. LUTTERODT 660 By Lemma i, we know tat fixed . Hence, given E (z) > 0, tends to a constant as (i0 0 + (,...,) for any such that for ,n0 i0 < lin * * (z) ll (z) Q 1Qu,+l K M 0 --lIP* (z)[IAn liP* >- (z) P ll K is dependent on p but independent of for each fixed and i0 < i’ . < e (3 7) 2M by the maximum modulus principle, and M P Hence, by combining (3.6), (3.7) and (J.8) i -< i < n, we obtain ,(z)l K < (3 8) To get the desired inequality, we note by triangular for sup-norms on K that e ,+i e + lw < where we have used the definition For +i of e (z) (z) ll K (3.9) as in (3.1). i < i < n, and for each fixed i0 <i’ e, +i <e Since e > 0 is arbitrary, the results follows. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. This paper was written while I was at the Mathematics Department, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida. REFERENCES i. LUTTERODT, C.H. J. Phys. A. Math. Gen. 7, 1027-1037, 1974. 2. LUTTERODT, C.H. Complex Analysis and Applications 3. LUTTERODT, C.H. "On ll__!l 25-34, IAEA, 1976. 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