I ntern. J. Math. & Math Sci. Vol. 4 No. 4 (1981) 667-690 667 ON LINEAR ALGEBRAIC SEMIGROUPS III MOHAN S. PUTCHA School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Department of Mathematlcs, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27650 (Received July 18,1980) ABSTRACT. Using some results on linear algebraic groups, we show that every con- nected linear algebraic semlgroup S contains a closed, connected dlagonallzable subsemlgroup T with zero such that E(T) intersects each regular J-class of S. is also shown that the lattice rational polytope in some n (E(T),<) is isomorphic It to the lattice of faces of a Using these results, it is shown that if S is any connected semlgroup with lattice of regular J-classes U($), then all maximal chains in U(S) have the same length. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Linear algebraic semigroup, idempotent, polytope. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CbES. O. Primary 20M10, Secondary 20G99 INTRODUCTION. Z, Q, Throughout this paper, +, Z+, Q+ will denote the sets of reals, integers, rationals, positive reals, positive integers and positive rationals re- spectively. If X is a set then IXl denotes the cardlnallty of X. If X is a subset of a semlgroup, then <X> denotes the subsemlgroup generated by X. is a partially ordered set and {el <e2 < we define the length of the chain to be n n closed field, K K <en } i. is a finite chain in (P,<_) P, then K will denote a fixed algebraically K the afflne n-space. all nxn matrices and GL(n,K) the group of units If of Mn (K) Mn(K). note the free commutative semlgroup in the variables X will denote the set of F(X l,...,Xn) l,...,xn and K[X will de- I,...,xn] H.S. PUTCHA 658 XI,... ,Xn. the free commutative algebra over K in the variables [6,(] notation of x/g -1 g E G, then the maps x/xg, x/gx, If xg are all automorphisms of the variety S. group. a,b a,bES, If we let automorphism. The last one is also a semigroup 1}, then ab becomes an algebraic [5], Actually, with more general notions of varieties viewed as an algebraic group closed submonoid of some If S Let S be an algebraic monoid with for algebraic semigroups. identity element i and group of units G. n By [6, Theorem 1.1], we can assume that S is a (K) GL(n,K) Then clearly G G, then H is the group of units of a closed subgroup of S and dim S then clearly so is G, G Lemma 1.9], If H is 1. If S is connected, H. 1 of S and S 1 [7; is a closed If S is connected, then S, it follows from the Lie-Kolchin Theorem [5; Theorem 17.6] that S is since G trigonalizable if and only if G is solvable. *-isomorphic to a closed subsemigroup of G connected, then since a torus By [7; (KP, -) S, we see that S 3.15], Corollary S is a d-semigroup if S is conjugate to Y if g-lxg +. Z for some p If S is is a d-semigroup if and only if G is a connected d-semigroup with zero can be characterized as a connected Clifford semigroup with zero. Y for some g X,YCS, then X If is G. CONNECTED SEMIGROUPS LEMMA 1.1. Let S be a connected monoid, eE(S), closed connected submonoid S’ of S such that l, e PROOF. UV V 1U r where dim eS i e # 1. V1,...,Vr are closed and irreducible. Then m. < n-l, where n I IV. i 1 is dominant. of eS such that 0 i Wi dim S. Let and so that dim -S / S\ G. Let mo 1 Then V dim V eS be given by Let i E {1 ...,r) (Vi)C eS So by [5; Theorem .3] C_ (V i)I Then there exists a S’ and e is the zero of S’. Let G denote the group of units of S and set V 1,...,r. Let q Then G N S We say that S is t.rigonalizable if S is *-isomorphic to a closed semigroup of lower triangular matrices. i S\G is closed N S and If S is not connected, then dim G. 1 lies in a unique irreducible component S connected submonoid of S. 1. G itself can be is closed submonoid of S with group of units G G l, then 1 1 We use the Suppose i’ (x) W i ex. eS there exists a non-empty open set 0 _l(x)- m_-a-<n-q for all x0.. i So LINEAR ALGEBRAIC SEMIGROUPS dim(V i Next suppose W Let 0 < n-q for all x 60. 1 Then set -l(x) @-l(x). [5; Theorem c_ V.m 4.1] dim D >_n-q. Since x y6y. S {alaeS, the e 0.. 1 e We claim that D -l(x) D, I e}. ea gg -I e. N V i (2) # @. Let x 60. Then @-l(x) such that x D. I Dg -I xg -i Since x6D, e Let g6DOG. Hence ey e. xg -i 6 Y. C_ Then Y S 3 e for all a 6 S and ae FACT 1.2. that each A 6 Let A A c Mn (K) 3. So ae e for all a6 S ea such that AB BA for all A, B PROOF. is (n-l) We prove by induction on n. (n-l), aa6K. Clearly minimum polynomial of C minimum polynomial of C Let CC 8 C8C p-lAp A {A of S 3 MI such that MTIcMI 2 such that 3. A. Suppose also is diagonal. Is E }, Aa for all a,8. C C Since minimum polynomial of A has no multiple roots. So each C is diagonal for all a. be By the dual of is diagonalizable. So there exists, by induction, an invertible, lower triangular (n-l) matrix 2 Then there exists a is lower triangular and diagonalizable. lower triangular, invertible matrix P such that 6 Let S is a closed 2 2. the above argument, there exists a closed connected submonoid S e 6 S e for all YC_S I. and S 2 e for a 6 S and ea 2 So Let is a closed submonoid of S and Thus i, e 6 S Then Then Y is closed and irreducible (unique) irreducible component of I in S I. connected submonoid of S. # @. Then t () So is ruled out. So D N G V. Let Y For suppose D C V. V. (2) i, x and ey -i 6y. Then S 0 Hence D So eyg Then yg 6 D. Since g 6 I x, xg Thus eg Let y 6 y. Then Let D be an irreducible component of for some i. x. _ () Since eS is connected, 0 dim D < n-q, a contradiction. (g) eS\W.. 0. for all x 0102... Or. x D @-l(x)) # eS. i N V.1 N 669 Let M MOIl" (n-l) Then a 670 M.S. PUTCHA M-IAmM D Let Ea De a 6 aal, (all a, 8). G . Then each Also, since E c Let 6 (3), u_ I (). 0 implies b is diagonalizable and EmE8 EsEm 0 n 2 i (a). n,all c If there exists (3) component and 0 elsewhere. dependent set of eigenvectors of E LEMMA 1.3. . Let P # 1 0 let u.= b i 1 )/c 1 If there is no such m, let u 0 for all . Then u, for all a R is lower triangular and invertible. is diagonal for all . By (4), E( u i and set u () such that c Uo is independent of the choice of i th B O, all i,e i {2,...,n}. with 1 in i R-1D R Ea is diagonalizable, i By and diagonal EaE B EsEe, c.C.b.B.( b.e.c.8.C i i i i Let i (n-l) Moreover, b(C) n Since (n-l) is G Clearly . Let e. be the column 1 e2,...,e n Let R R-IE R 0 i is a linearly in- [u, e 2,...,e n]. is diagonal for all Then . MR. Let S be a connected monoid with identity element l, zero e. Let G denote the group of units of S. Suppose G is solvable. Then for any maximal torus T of G, e 6 T. PROOF. We can assume that S is a closed submonoid of Kolchin theorem [5; lower triangular. Theorem Since 17.6] S, there exists P p-Isp GL(n,K) is lower triangular. Mn (K). By such that the Lie- p-1Gp is So we can assume So LINEAR ALGEBRAIC SEMIGROUPS that S is lower triangular. R-lxR is diagonal. Clearly matrix, with the diagonal being that of a. Mn (K) $(G)=$(T) T. So$(G)CS. {ala W submonoid of S. torus. a) S, $(a) So T $(G) and So there exists a lower triangular R-1SR Then is a torus. S, $(S) C S. Since is closed. THEOREM 1.h. T. $(a) be the nun $(X) $(S) Since By W, W $(e) Clearly e E W Clearly $ is a [5; Corollary $(S). U Then S E1.3C] Then is a closed connected G and H is a Then T C H T. Let S be a connected monoid with group of units G. Borel subgroup of G. diagonal X. Let W Let H denote the group of units of W. H and W remains lower triangular. If a E S, then let So we can assume that X is diagonal. *-homomorphism of S into T U (e}. Let T be a maximal torus of G and set X Then X satisfies the hypothesis of Fact 1.E. RE GL(n,K) such that 671 Let B be a xB--x -1. xG PROOF. {(a,a-l) la E G I then define Let B G. G} Then G I (a,b)(c,d) is a closed subset of WW. (ac,db). {(a,a-1)la 1 B}. Then B G1/B1 is a projective variety. $(a) aB Let V and hence a normal variety. [1; p. 77]. morphism. of B g 1. Clearly each fibre of G,g-lag ). is closed in Y. some a So gB G. Thus h contradiction. (X) So Now Let $:GI/G1/B1 (a,b) (X). y g-lag E (X) denote the projection of Y onto W. Now [5; Theorem be the natural projection By [1; Theorem 6.8], G1/B1 W G1/B 1 So Y (a,$(b)). is an open map. gb for some b (X) GI, is smooth is normal is a surJective Then is irreducible and has dimension equal to that 18.], for some xX, S, g, h hB. 1. Then X is closed in V. Clearly (x)= (y) is a Borel subgroup of G The same is true for W. Let :V/Y be given by So [i; Proposition 1 WG1/B1. WGl, Y (a,b),(c,d) If Then G is an algebraic group *-isomorphic to 1 El.B], 1. Mn (K). Let We can assume that S is a closed submonoid of W . So (X) So x X. Since is open in (X), Suppose (a,g,g-l), (x) {(a,g,g -1 )la Let X (y), m E y Y. Hence (X) (X). Then (a,h,h -I) (g,g-1) S, for (h,h-1). , h-lah b-l(g-lag)bb-lb a and (X) is closed. Let e:Y W G1/B1+ W Then since G1/B is projective, e is a closed 1 B. So 672 M.S. PUTCHA 5 map 6.2 ]. Theorem c_ S. u gBg [5; By e ( (x)) Hence is closed in W. 22.2], O C_ e(#(x)). Theorem e ( (x)) Clearly s. s,e((x)) Since G This proves the theorem. COROLLARY 1.5. Let S be a connected monoid with zero e and T a maximal torus in the group of units G of S. PROOF. Now T for some x 6 G. C__ B el,...,ek 6 E(S) x -I ex E Hence e is the zero of such that e _ k > e I > 2 > e So assume k > 1. Corollary 1.5. monoids SI,...,Sk all a S i, i ,k. submonoid of S and S1, S1,...,Sk the zero of S. If k Let G 1 C V. E S, ae k eka Then ae ek). denote the group of units of W. 1 and G 1 T LEMMA 1.7. there exists e for k Then V is a closed So e k is By our induction hypothesis, such that e 1,...,ek_ 1 6 T Then 1. By Corollary el,...,ek 6 T. Jl’’’’’Jk e (S), Jl >J2 > >Jk" Then that e.l J’’l i l,...,k and el>e2> ...>e Let S be a semigroup, el,...,ek THEOREM 1.8. Let Let W be the (unique) irreducible component of Let T C T where T is a maximal torus of G. 1. 1 By [7; Lemma 1.3] we have, 6 eka k W and W is a closed connected submonoid of S. there exists a maximal torus T 1.5, e k By Lemma 1.3, e 6 T. l, we are done by Lemma 1.1 and i {ala Let V k Exx-I By Lemma 1.1, there exist closed connected subi S e Then there exists a maximal torus k. of S such that e. is the zero of S.. 1 Then 1.4, T 6 We prove by induction on k. PROOF. . By heorem Let S be a connected monoid with group of units G. T of G such that e 1,...,e 1 in V. . for some Borel subgroup B of G. So e COROLLARY 1.6. Then e 6 T. 6 E(S) such Let S be a connected monoid with group of units G. Then (1) All maximal closed connected d-submonoids of S are conjugate. (2) All maximal closed connected d-submonoids with zeroes, of S, are con- Jugate. (3) Let Y be a maximal closed connected d-submonoid with zero, of S. U geG gE(Y)g-1 E(S). Then In particular E(Y) N J # @ for all J 6U(S). More- 673 LINEAR ALGEBRAIC SEMIGROUPS PROOF. Since the group of units of a maximal closed connected d-submonoid of S is a maximal torus in G, (1) follows from (2) S. Let i l, 2. e.l f H.I Then HiCTi,_ T a maximal torus of G, i i (i) SiCUi, i, 2. =U i BM submonoid S I Then e. > f I > e 2 > e > el > e submonoid Let W i" 2 BM 2 the 2 {ala6Vi, Since VI, V are 2 Since SiCW.l’ i are conjugate. 1 i=l i maximalitM of S i By Corollary 1.6, e e S for some closed connected d1 2 of S Clearly > > e k 2 I S. there exists a closed connected d- such that e 6 S E(S). For if By Corollary 1.6, of 3.16], # @. By (2) 2. Next let ei>f>ei+I, el,... ,eke By [7; Theorem 3.16], xS2x-I C__ Jl > J2 e e E(Ji) i By Lemma 1.7, there exist k. is a maximal chain in contradiction. U 1 f.1 EU i’ i Hence E(Y) N J e U(S). maximal chain in e Hence U By [7; Theorem of S. So xex -I 6 Y. G. i-- =T i 2 submonoid with zero, S x 2 Lemma i.i, Let e e E(S). (3) W so are W 1 i=l i’ Let V l, 2. the (unique) irreducible component of i in W.. }, U conjugate by Si 21.3A] Corollary Let S l, S be two maximal closed connected d-submonoids with zeroes of 2 be the group of units of Si, be the zero of S i, i l, 2. Let Let fi be the minimum idempotent of V i" af. [5; f E(S), y for some > > Jk be a such that then J e >Jf>J el+1 a i for some closed connected d- el,...,ek 6 M 2 for some closed M for some maximal 1. So el,...,ek 3 connected d-submonoid with zero, M of S. Since (5) is maximal in E(S), it is 3 dim Y. k-1. By (2) dim M By [7; Theorem 3.17], dim M maximal in 3 3 connected d-submonoid with zero, of M M 2 E(M3). Let S be a connected semigroup. THEOREM i. 9. (S) Then all maximal chains in have the same length. PROOF. U(S) has mximum element G(eSe) {JNeSe by Theorem J 6 (S)} _U(S) J0" Let e 6 E(J0). BY [7; Now eSe is a connected monoid. Lemma 1.3, 1.7]. We are done 1.8 (3). THEOREM i.i0. Let S be a connected monoid such that for all a,b E S, alb 674 M.S. PUTCHA implies a 2 b i for some i E Z J e U(S). are, Let Y be a maximal closed connected d-submonoid The hypothesis implies by Let J e U(S). Then J N y E(Y). bHf in Y for some e, f Since J is completely simple, e [8] # @ by Theorem So e, f J. 1.8. Let a, b e J N Y. Then Since e, f e y, ef fe. So aHb in Y and J N y is a subgroup of Y. f. have Let S be a connected semigroup such that for all a, b 6 S, COROLLARY 1.11. a21b i In particular that J is a subsemigroup of S for all Now applying the proof of Theorem 1.9 we implies J 6U(S). Then JOy is a subgroup of Y for all with zero, of S. PROOF. + for some i e Z+ Then ((S) <) (E(Y) <) for some connected d-monoid with zero, Y. Let S be a connected monoid such that the group of units G of THEOREM 1.12. S is nilpotent. PROOF. By Then [5; E(S) is finite. Proposition 19.2], G has a unique maximal torus T. the unique maximal closed connected d-submonoid of S. So T is By Theorem 1.8, E(S) C T. So E(S) is finite. EXAMPLE 1.13. S is an example of a connected a 0 monoid satisfying the hypothesis of Theorem 1.12. CONJECTURE iolh. Then the group of units of S is solvable. finite. EXAMPLE 1.15. with zero and 2. Let S be a connected monoid with zero such that E(S) is Let S E(S) 2. a, b 6 S Then S is a connected monoid The group of units of S is solvable but not nilpotent. CONNECTED d-SEMIGROUPS WITH ZEROS Let S be a connected d-semigroup with zero, dim S > 0. [7; Theorem X(1) l, that By a character of S, we mean a *-homomorphism x:S/K such 2.7]. X(0) Then S is a monoid 0. We let (S) denote the commutative semigroup of all characters of S with pointwise multiplication. It is clear that if S l, S 2 are connected d- LINEAR ALGEBRAIC SEMIGROUPS dim S > 0 semigroups with zeros then S 675 to S implies (S 2 I *-isomorphic I) (S 2) A commutative semigroup W is said to be totally cancellative if W is cancellative and for all a, b E W, [3; the following result of Grillet THEOREM A [Grillet]. n E Z + a Theorem n b n implies a We will need b. 2.2]. Let W be a finitely generated commutative semigroup. Then W can be embedded in a free commutative semigroup if and only if W is totally cancellative and idempotent-free. LEMMA 2.1. dim S > 0. Let S be a connected d-semigroup with zero 0 and identity l, Then () (s) # (2) If e E >_ g . E(S), # 0, e x(g) e implies XE(S) then there exists g_e l, implies x(g) such that for all gEE(S), 0. (3) (S) is idempotent- free and totally cancellative. (4) (S) is linearly independent in the vector space of all functions from S into K. PROOF. Let G denote the group of units of S. Mn (K) closed submonoid of E (S), a(f) 0 for for some n E Z fEE(S), # f # Let X x’S Define e. E @(S) m E Z So a E S X1 m X2 on S. for some and S t t(S) E Y. for some Xl(a) # So @(S) {I Let Y S= {ala E S, Xl(a) connected, S ?(2 X3 X2 m such that E Y, let Xl S, Since + So #(S) is idempotent-free. Thus G E Y. C__ L {1,0} $5. m is totally cancellative. X2, X B E(eS) (S) So Now let such X2 If aEG, then # xi(a) S, S XI(1) (3). k X3 XI,X2 E(S), Then Y is finite. 1). This proves E x3(a). x2(a In particular, i 0. contradicting the fact Let X l, Since G Then (2). is cancellative. E K, det ao 0 for all f E 8(f) 0 and so x2(a)}. (a) Let e E E(S), e This proves X(S) Then X. If a E G, then XIX2=XIX3 on G. 2 # such that 8(ea). x(a) K as such that X that S is connected. that / . If a E S, let So (S) 1. @(eS) Then by the above, there exists 8 E with f +. We can assume that S is a If 0 for i=l, 2. S. X2(1) Since S is . So 676 M.S. PIPrCHA Now let Let dependent. Xm E I’ @(S) be distinct characters of S which are linearly denote the restriction of @i linearly dependent homomorphism of G. # i S, G Since j. (0,...,0) such that 0 (2) @(S) (3) If a, b n, (K 0 Z that e (0, i ,n. 1 + (1). of is the zero of S .,0). denote the identity of S. ’an 0, say i So a. # 0, i i closed submonoid of n, (K -). 1. This proves n, E1 ’n E Let (S)" denote the i Let X @(S). th 2 C i Kn-1 i’ So contradicting the l, i 1,...,n and S is a (1). -) (1,...,1), with identity 1 projection of S into K. Since So Then n > 1 and S C {0} So m. i 1,...,n. Let S be a closed submonoid of (K 0). 1 So without loss of generality we can assume 1. (l, Let f S and set S Let e denote the zero of represents a *-isomorphism between S and S l, Suppose some m. I minimality of n. (0, + -) for some n E Z @(S) such that (a) # (b). S is *-isomorphic to a closed subsemigroup of (Kn-1 0 n, (K Then We can assume that S is closed subsemigroup of n minimal. Then a <--> a-e (0,... ,0) for some S S, s # b, then there exists for some n {a-ela 1,...,m are is finitely generated. First we prove S). @i’ i @i @J This proves the lemma. S is *-isomorphic to a closed submonoid S PROOF. Then Let S be a connected d-semigroup with zero, dim S > 0. LEMMA 2.2. (1) to G. [5; Lemma 16.1], So contradiction. Xj, i Xi (0) 0, So there exist ml"’’’mt F(XI"’’’Xn) al t (a) [ eii(a) for all a e S. zero Then clearly does not have a constant term. m n K such that i=l I ii(Xl,..., Xn). So X Lemma 2.1(h), X B i=l (S) <X1,...,Xn all X 6 (S). >. Then a This proves (2). i(Xl,...,Xn Let a, b e S such that (Xl(a),...,Xn(a)) (Xl(b),...,Xn(b)) for some i. x(a) b. x(b) So for This proves (3). LEMMA 2.3. 0 (0,...,0). n, Let S be a closed connected submonoid of (K Then there exist Ul,...,ut, Vl,...,vt6 F .) with zero (Xl,...,Xn) such that for LINEAR ALGEBRAIC SEMIGROUPS K, a S if and only if a PROOF Let ui(a).. K[,...,Xn] f(S) F(Xl,...,Xn)}. We claim that (D) f .(a, i i l, ’t denote the i th projection of S into K. i {flf Let I v v 677 Since f(0) 0 0}. I there exist {flf Let D Then I, f (D). Suppose not. ml ,m r l’’’’’n (S)" u-v for some u, Then there exists fI, F(X1 ’Xn) a r ) such that f i=l f(a) r Of all such f choose one with r minimal aimi (0 ,a r l, So [ aimi (a) +/-=l 0 for all a S. So r [ i=l (x,...,) 21(4), By Lemma Assume p l, q o p(Xl,...,Xn) q(XI,...,Xn) m.+/-(a) m2(a) So 2. for some p, q 6 for all a 6 S. Thus {l,...,r}, p # q. _+/--a 6 D. Now r (i + 2)2 By minimality of r, (D). I I So [ s’’11 + =i(I 2 f i=3 f-al(mI m2) e (D). 6 e(D), So f By the Hilbert Basis Theorem there exist (fl,...,ft). (D1)= I. This (D), Since I (Dl) fl,...,ft I a contradiction fl"’" ’ft 6 I such that for some finite subset D 0(S I) / S by 2 be a -homomorphism such that 0*(X) 1 of D. proves the lemma. Let S l, S be connected d-semigroups with zeros, dim S. > O, i 2 0:S I Thus X o 0- 0(1) " Next assume that Then we claim: for all a 6 S 0(0) i, 0(S 2) I, there exists unique b / 6 S 2 O. 0(S I) l, 2. Let Then define *’($2)/ is a homomorphism. such that (6) () Assume (6). for / S for all a e Then we can define xC@Ca)) Next we (())(a) (@(x))Ca) 2 (a) as X e SI, b. Then (7) ($2) claim is a W-homomorphism, We now prove 2.2(3). @:S 1 (6), (8). Note (i) I, #(0) that the uniqueness of b in By Lemma 2.2(1) we can assume that S 2 (8) 0 (6) follows from Lemma is a closed submonoid of n, (K .) 678 M. So PUTCI-IA (0,...,0). with zero 0 Lemma 2.2, X1,...,Xn Let ($2) 6 Xi and denote the (S 2) < .th projection of S X1,...,n >. 2 into K. By Lemma 2.3, there F(X1,...,Xn) such that for b Kn, b S 2 only if ui(b) , ...,Xn) vi(x1,...,xn) vi(b), i 1,...,t. So u.(Xl Hence ui((Xl),..., (Xn)) vi((X 1),...,(xn)), i 1,...,t. Thus exist ,vt v Ul,...,ut, I 6 ui(((Xl))(a),...,((Xn))(a)) :Sl+ S 2 (0) (((X1))(a),...,((Xn))(a)) e S2 (a) (((X1))(a),...,(((n))(a)). as 0. (S 2) < vi(((l))(a),...,((Xn))(a)) So i=l,...,t. Clearly Xi((a)) l,...,n >, (7) (((i))(a) and hence (6) if and i=l,...,t. for all a for all a 6 S So Then by 1. S1, Define (1)=l, is a *-homomorphism, for all aS, i=l,...,t. Since It is clear from (7) that is true. (9) Now let ae SI, @’Sl+S 2 by be a *-homomorphism, @(1) @(0) l, 0. Then for all X ($2), (7), x(( )(a))= ( (x))(a)= x((a)) By Lemma 2.2(3), (i0) @ @ THEOREM 2.4. i i, 2, 3. (i) If Si > 0, Then (S 2)/(S I) If i’S / 1 S @(0) is a *-homomorphism with @:SI/S 2 @ (2) Let S I, S 2, S be connected d-semigroups with zeros, dim 3 1 is a homomorphism and is the identity map then i O, @(i) @ i, then @. -(S1)/(S1) is the identity map. (3) If @:(S 2) / @(S I) with (4) If $(0) 0, is a homomorphism, then (I) i’(S1)/(Sl) i. Moreover @:SI/S 2 is a *-homomorphism @ is the identity map, then i’Sl+S 1 is the identity map. (5) If i @l’Sl+S2 @2"S2/S 3 l, 2, then (@2 o @l are *-homomorphism with 1 o @2 @i(0) 0, @i(1) i, LINEAR ALGEBRAIC SEMIGROUPS (6) If I’($2)/(S1), 2:($3)/(S 2) 679 are homomorphisms, then i o 2 2i (7) S 1 is *-isomorphic to S (i), (3) follow from PROOF. if and only if 2 the equations (2), (4), (5), (6). (7) follows from prove (5). Let X e (S3). is isomorphic to (2), (4) (6)-(10). So we need only prove Then for all ())(a) ((2 o i (S l) a ($2). are trivial. (5), (6). First we S I, ($2(1(a))) (2(X))(,l(a)) (,l(,2(X)))(a) ((1 o 2)(X))(a) So (2 i o $2 i 0 Next we prove (6). S, Let a (S3)- X Then by equation (7), ((1 o 2)(X))(a) X(l o 2(a)) (l(2(X)))(a) (2(X)) (el(a)) X(2(l(a))) X(2 o el(a)) By Lemma 2.2(3), i o 2 2 o i’ THEOREM 2.5. CKn Let e Set Moreover ,e I (S) < Define el, i denote <Xl,...,Xn> u(b) 1 .,Xm) Let V {(el(a) ,e m} n (a))laEK the i e:(Km, .) (Kn, .) / v(b) th So S e(a) as for all b F(Y1,...,Yn). S. So (el(a)""’en(a))" is connected. projection of S into K. Let u, v (Kn, ). e > *-homomorphism with image V. Then F(X n Then S is a closed connected d-submonoid with zero, of PROOF. Let proving the theorem. Clearly 1 Then by Lemma 2.2, Suppose Then 8 is a e(1), 0 e(0) S. (S) U(Xl,...,Xn) v(Xl,...,Xn). . 680 S. PUTCHA m v(ml(a),...,mn(a)) for all a U(l(a)’’’’’mn(a)) ,Xm). u(col ’con) v(col," ’con) in F(X1 u(col"" "’con) v(col’" ,con in F(Xl,...,Xm). Then Since K is infinite, suppose u(b) v(b) for It follows that (S) v(x1,...,Xn). S, u(b) Since V all bEV. Conversely (ii) is true. v(b) for all bES. =<X1,...,n > (ll) K So u(Xl,...,Xn )= So <col,’’’,mn >" By Theorem A, Lemmas 2.1, 2.2, Theorems 2.4, 2.5, we have. Let N THEOREM 2.6. be the category of connected d-semigroups with zeros of 1 dimension > 0 with morphism being *-homomorphisms N2 be the Cwith (0) 0, (1) is a contravariant equivalence between Then (Kn, -) Let S be a closed connected submonoid of + Then for some mZ col"’’’n (Xl’’’’’Xm)’ (0,.. ,0). S Xi denote the i <X1,...,Xn >. By Theorem V. 1 th Let ..,Xm) col’" ’con E (X1 u(c) v(c) V(l be S 1. Thus Since K is infinite, u(c) v(c) (0,...,0), < col’’’’’con > Then all bEV. S. By Lemma 2.3, S I, u(b) Since V S v(b) for all b u(b) Then there exist Conversely, for any closed connected submonoid of (Kn, ") Z for some m + ’n (a))laKm) and set Let u, v(Y1,...,Yn). Suppose v(x1,...,Xn). So u(col,. ,con) U(l,...,Xn) v(b) for Then by Lemma 2.2, S for all a So S for all e Km U(Xl,...,n v(Xl,’-’,Xn )" I. il,...,in E Z+ ii,...,I n 6Z with zero 0 v(b) Then 1. Let S be a closed connected submonoid of dim S=I. il ,...,ain )laK}" V where V {(col(a) ,COn(a)) v(col(a),...,con(a)) u(col,...,con) v(col,. ,con)" for all c COROLLARY 2.8. 0 u(b) Conversely suppose u(col(a) Thus A, (S) with S. for all c ,n ). projection of S into K. i-,mi Let V (1,...,l)0 (0,...,0) S 1. Then 1 S with zero Km}. {(col(a),...,con(a))la PROOF. (@,*) l and 2" THEOREM 2.7. (S) Let category of finitely generated, commutative, idempotent free, totally cancellative semigroups with morphisms being semigroup homomorphisms. 0 1. + (Kn, ") with zero such that S S defined as above is a (0,...,0) and dim S i. 681 LINEAR ALGEBRAIC SEMIGROUPS {CmlCa),...,mnCa))la E Km) V aEK), SI=V-’. such that V SlCS_ [5; By s=V. v Let T(Ca,...,a),...,nCa,...,a) Sl=l. So S=S1. i i {(a I ,...,a n)laEK}. Define e:K/S Then I it is easy to see that .2]. and e Proposition d So there exist i 1,...,inE Z as i (a I ,...,a e(a) is a finite morphism in the usual sense of .2], e(K) [5; n). Then Section S. Let S be a connected monoid with zero, dim S THEOREM 2.9. i + I. Then S is *-isomorphic to a semigroup of the type given in Corollary 2.8. By Corollary 1.5, S is a d-semigroup. PROOF. and Corollary 2.8. Let S be a connected semigroup, e, fEE(S), e >f. THEOREM 2.10. exists a closed connected subsemigroup S f is the zero of S and dim S 1 1 1 Then there of S such that e is the identity of S l, 1. We can assume that e is the identity element of S (otherwise we work PROOF. eSe). with We are now done by Lemma 2.2 By Lemma i.i we are reduced to the case when f is the zero of S. By Corollary 1.5, we are reduced to the case when S is also a d-semigroup. A(S) {All prime ideals of S} U {}. (s) (s\l (S) Maximal semilattice image of S. A(S)}. It is easy to see that (A(S), finitely generated, then THEOREM 3.1. as S(W) (ala E S, biJections and S PROOF. Clearly some eEE(S). e #_ (m(I)) f. E (a) m -1 u, So u(I) Clearly I C_(m(I)). a E (A((S)), ) is finite and so is a complete lattice. (A(S), C) @(S), x(a) 0 for all a E I). 0 for all X E W). Moreover m(A(S)) Then E @(S), (e) 0}. We claim that I= (a(1)). such that a I. E Define m:I(S) S:P(@(S)) / / I(S) m,S are inclusion reversing Let lEA(S). Then l=eS for It follows that u(I)EA(@(S)). Suppose not. Let a Hf, f E E(S). By Lemma 2.1(2), there exists Define A(@(S)). are inclusion reversing. {I If S is is a finite lattice. Let S be a connected d-samigroup with zero. (I P(@(S)) as re(I) (S) ) @(S) such Then that Then there exists fI, fE(u(I)). (f) =l, (e) =0. So So M.S. PUTCHA 682 e re(I) 8((I)), and f for all I e A(S), a(I) e A(@(S)) (S). # (S). So assume P m(8(P))=P. By Lemma 2.1, this (S)\P Then F (12) I is a subsemigroup of (Kn, "), By Lemma 2.2 we can assume that S is a closed submonoid of some #(S). 0= 8(m(I)) and We claim that 8(P) e A(S) and Let P e A(@(S)). is true for P So a contradiction. (0,...,0) E S and that S into K, i=l,...,n. where e =l if i xi6A, #(S) < Xi q eo =0 if i by Lemma 2.3, there exist u, v 6 u(e) # v(e) v(e) Clearly 0. u(e) 2 Since u(e) u(x 1,...,Xn) We claim that e 6 S. A. n) F(XI, and Let Then<A>= F. {XilXiEF). Let A where X is the i i > X1,...,Xn X v(e) 2 projection of e=(el,...,en) Suppose not. u(a)=v(a) such that Then for all a6Sand v(e) we can assume that u(e) Xn). v(x I, th i, u(e)=l, u(X1,...,xn) Since By Lemma 2.2 and Theorem 2.7, we can assume that S is as in Theorem 2.7, with (I,...,I), e S V I =(0,...,0). Let V mn(a, (ml(a,...,a), connected. I {(I (a’’’’’a)’’’’’n(a’’’’’a))la6K}’ SI= i, SIC S. Then e, f6S I, dim I. e(a) f ,a)). Define e:K Then e / If X C]R as So S is a *-homomorphism. 1 is This proves the theorem. n then we let C(X) denote the convex hull of X n vex hull of a finite set in ]R is called a polytope [h]. to be a face of P [h; p. 35] and only if a, b E X. (X(P),C_) if for all a, b X(P))- I. [h; p. 3]. Two polytopes X(P2) (see [h; p. 38]). [: P. 9]. Then dimension of P PI’ P2 have the If u 1 Then (length of any same combinatorial t_ By [h; p. 2hh], every polytope of dimension (l’’’’’an), v n I a-8 i e (0,i), ma + (l-m)b e X if [4; p. 21], Dimension of P is defined to be the dimension of same combinatorial type as some rational polytope. general a The con- If the vertices of P Let X(P) denote the set of all faces of P. is a finite lattice. the affine hull of P e P, (see [4]) If X CP, then X is said are rational, then P is said to be a rational polyope. i= 1 I POLYTOPES 3 in S denote the inner product of u and v. maximal chain if X(PI) <--3 has the However this is not true in (81,...,8n) n then let u v LINEAR ALGEBRAIC SEMIGROUPS Let S be a semigroup. An ideal I of S is said to be s_emiprime, if for all a6S, a 6I implies aI. b 6 I. I is Prime if for all a, bS, abI implies aI or Let [(S) {All ideals of S} A(S) {All principal ideals of S} F(S) {All semiprime ideals of S} U {@} involves only those v(X1,...,Xn) Xl’S with {XIX e #(S), x(e):0} m(8(P)) u(x1,...,Xn)6F. Since v(e)=0, X.l with Xi @ F. So v(x1,...,Xn) 6P. This F. 6 Xi involves at least one tradiction shows that e 6 S. P 683 a(eS) P. for all P So Clearly a(eS). x(e) 1 for X 6 F, By (12), 8(P) 6 A(S) x(e) 6 0 for eS e 8(a(eS)) P. con- Hence A(S), So e A((S)), 8(P) and a(8(P)) P (13) Clearly a(I 1 U I2) a(Ii) N (I2) WI, W2 e r((s)). Then 8(WI)8(W2) C__B(W10 W2). Let Then there exist e W2, 8(W n W2) I A(S) Ii,... I k e A(S). a(I) S(a(I)) Let a 8(a) # 0. 12 8(Wi)C_8(WINW2) i i, 2. So 6 8(W W2). Suppose a @ 8(Wi), i=l, 1 such that el(a) # 0, i=l, 2. So a 8(W1 (] W2), a contradiction. Thus So 8(Wl) U 8(W2) for all Let I e [(S). is finite. Ii, clearly i=l, 2 Wi, i W I e18 2 Clearly 8 for all By (12) Wl, Then I 8((I )) I r r r((s)) W 2 I 1 1 2. U 12 U... .,k. (5) U I k By (lh) for some (15) a(Ik) B(a(II) )U... U 8((Ik) a(Ii)... IlU N uI k I So 8(a(I)) Since @(S) I for all I e I(S) is finitely generated, p. 125,Exercise 9], W=W1 (] A((S)) (16) is finite. ...(] W for some W k 1 Let ,Wk W e F(@(S)). A((S)). By [2; Then by (13) 684 M.S. Pb’CHA m(8(Wr ))=Wr Then by for r=l,...,k. (lh), (15), sCwi) u... u(wk) (s(wi)) n... n(s(wk) s(w) (s(w)) WIN NW k W So (s(w)) By (16) and (17), REMARK. Wor iwe v(#(s)) -i=8. By (17) (12), (13), e(A(S))fA(#(S)). This proves the theorem. The classical Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz yields a 1- 1 correspondence n between the closed subsets of K and the radical ideals of K[X1,... ,Xn]. Moreover this restricts to a l-1 correspondence between the closed irreducible subsets of Kn and the prime ideals of K[Xl,...,Xn]. Analagously, Theorem 3.1 yields a l-1 correspondence between the ideals of a connected d-semigroup with zero S and the __ semiprime ideals of its character semigroup #(S). Moreover this correspondence restricts to a correspondence between the principal ideals of S and the prime ideals of @(S). THEOREM 3.2. (u(s), i) Let S be a connected d-semigroup with zero. (E(S), <_) (((S)), _). Clearly (A(S), C_)_(U(S), <_) PROOF. is anti-isomorphic to (X(@(S)), c_). Let Qmn FACT 3 3 . i A denote the set of all Let A 0 implies PROOF. (A(@(S)), C_) (A(S), ) is anti-isomorphic to This proves the theorem. Qmn (81,...,8m) 6 Qm exists v Clearly Theorem 3.i, mn matrices over Q. The following result is However, we include a proof here for the convenience of the reader. well known. B i>O, (A(@(S)), c_). (E(S), <_). By Then Let N u (al""’am) 6Bm such that vA such that uA 0 and for 0. i=l,...,m,mi> Then there 0 implies 8i 0 {XIX e]RTM, omn, there exist ul,...,ut XA Qm 0)denote the left null space of A. such that Ul,...,ut is a basis of N. Since So LINEAR ALGEBRAIC SEMIGROUPS t 7. juj J=l U 685 + for some en t For Z v j=l laj-gjl u-vl < " small enough, For g small enough, the conclusion of the lemma clearly holds. COROLLARY 3. h. Let m n ;. such that .u. m - i By Fact 3 3 we can choose ml, PROOF. n alUi Z 8jvj. j =l i,... ,n. Clearly Then for some m THEOREM 3.5. S ,am, e Z+ sm Si i’ Z 8jvj. {X(S) IS m.u. J=l The classes n polytope in ]R for some n E Z PROOF Let C +) 8j e Z+ ,m i=l {X(P) P is a rational are identical to within lattice isomorphisms. By Fact 3.3, In- then assume that u l(u- u.1 Qd, 0 for i If 0C. So C-C <_ I u- i,... ,n. aES, then z+ and set a mk s By Theorem A we can assume that S C(Ul,...,Un). small enough, v. ml 8’:j such that is a finitely generated, commutative, there exists u 6R d such that u. a> 0 for all a6C. d, such Let S be a finitely generated, commutative, idempotent-free, totally cancellative semigroup. ]R Q+ ,8n 81 idempotent-free, totally cancellative smeigroup) and v + n 7. i=l 0S. Z + J=l m J 81,...,8n ]R Z 8jvj. c,,.u. i=l i=l 8n E n 7. that 81 ,mm, Then there exist al,...,am, 8jvj. i=l ,VnE Qd al ’urn’ Vl Ul, lal By [h; p. ii ], So u. u. > 0, i=l,...,n i II II so fo= If II u- vll So, without loss of generality, we can e(a) let + . =<Ul,...,Un>C (zd,+), + kak" e Qd. u-a Let al,...,ak6S, Then k e() 8ie(ai) k [ i=l C(e(a].),...,e(.)), (.a. 8i i where i i a’u (8) u > 0, i l,...,k. M.S. PUTCHA 686 C(e(X)) c p. (X) let C(e(Ul),..., 8(Un)) C(e(S)) So P X(S). Let X exist al,...,ap, Y1 ’Yr Eel ESJ EYk + ZSjbj 3.4 there exist y 6 ((X)). mp + I el,...,mp Z + Then By (18) So (X) e X(P) and @(F) X(P). (X) So there exist Em.a.X. i I a X. Clearly X and C_ @((X)). al,...,ap @((X)) (19) X e(a)+ (l-)e(b) e F e(a), e(b)eF. Hence a, b6(F) Let a, bS such and @(F) X(S). 6 for some Clearly e (0,i). ((F))CF. Let k (S). Then xeP such that 7.i i. Then ((F)). So (#(F)) for all Since such that Hence 7. ie(ai So x al,...,akeS, l,...,ake(Ql) for some i=l x e + such that e(ap)) or a subsemigroup of S. is By (18), e(a+b) x e F. ]R By Corollary 3 h, there exist Za.a.. i 1 such that m a Let F)P). There ZYke(Ck ), z C(e(al), Since x Hence C(e(x)). e(a) such that ma that So (X). x, y XeX(S), (X). X ZYkCk for all z 6 81"’’’ 8 q’ YI’’’’’Yr al’’’’’p’ ap, bl,...,bqX. e(bq)), zsje(bj), y ml,...,mp, 81,...,8 q, Yl,...,Yr 6 Zgjb X(S), aI, C(e(bl) Let a a + (l-a)y S. ZYkC k 1 r.a.a zeie(ai), that x So there exist I. such that ax + (0,1) then {ala6S, e(a)F} (F) then let e X(S), Cl,...,Cr X, al,-..,ap, 81,..-,8 q, bl,...,bqS, Z.a.1 Since X X(P), Let x, yP, a (0,i) such By Corollary If F 6 If X is a rational polytope. , (X(S), c..c..) e(a i) F. 6 F, i i, ,k So al,...,ake(F) and Hence FeX(P), (F) e X(S) and ((F)) (20) F are clearly inclusion preserving, it follows from (19), (20) that (X(p),c_). c_m be a rational polytope. Then P C(al,...,an) for some If a 6 Z +, then clearly (X(P), _c) (X(aP), _c). So we can assume = zm" Let u. (ai,1), i=l,...,n, d m+l. Then Pl=C(u1,...,un)= Conversely let P al"’"an 6 Qm. that a1,...,an LINEAR ALGEBRAIC SE.flGROUPS C__ m d P {i} < u]_,...,u is a rational polytope and >C Z d. nen 0S (X(P), C__) 687 (X(pl) C__). and S is a finitely generated, cancellative, idempotent-free semigroup. Let u (0,i) 6 Z d. Let S commutativetotally Then u u.l i, U. So e(u i--1,...,n. l i) half of this theorem, u u u. (X(S), c__) i’ (X(PI) By the proof of the first ..,n. i=l C__). This proves the theorem. If S is a connected d-semigroup with zero, then "by dim S length of any maximal chain in 3.6. THEOREM dim S>0) and {(E(S), <--) The classes {(X(P), c) E(S). EXAMPLE 3.7. If SK1*,.), (Kn, -), More generally if S 3.17], Theorem By Theorems 2.6, 3.2 and 3.5 we have, S is a connected d-semigroup with zero, P is a rational polytope in identical to within lattice isomorphisms. [7; IRn for some n6Z +} are Moreover, for any corresponding S and then the corresponding polytope P is a tetrahedron (n-1)-sim- then the corrsponding polytope P is the plex. EXAMPLE 3.8. Then by [7; Let S Example 1,.7] S Moreover dim S= 1. and {(al,bl,a2,bp,a3,b3)lai,bj6K, aibj=ajb i, i, J=l,2, 3}. (K6 ") is a closed connected d-submonoid with zero, of IECS)I 22. The corresponding polytope P can be shown to be the triangular prism" EXAMPLE 3.9. 2 a2a 5 2 2 ala4, a2a4 Let S 2 a5a3}. {(al,a2,a 3,a h,a 5,a Define (K6) Clearly dim S 6 / 6 as K 223 (xI ,x2 ,x 3 ,x1* ,x ,x6 5 Then 0: K 2 2 6)lal,..-,a6 K, a3aI a5a2, 22 2 2 22 x3x4x 5 x2x3x 5 XlX2X 3 XlX2X4’ XlXhX 5 x S and so S is a closed connected d-submonoid with zero, of (K 4 and E(S)I be the pentagonal pyramid: 24. 6) 6 -) The corresponding polytope P can be shown to M.S. PUTCHA 688 the Let S be a connected semigroup such that U(S) is COROLLARY B.10. following lattice Then n < 2. S I _ be a maximal connected d-submonoid with zero, of S. E(S I) N J lu(s)l IE(S )I 2(K) 1.8(B) 2. By Theorem 3.6, the polytope P I So P is the line . IE(Ss.) (,.) and Then by Theorem and dim S has dimension 1. 1 EXAMPLE B.ll. h. U(S) for all J corresponding to S so Let By the proof of Theorem 1.9, we can assume that S is a monoid. PROOF. Hence n <_ 2. show that n can be i or 2 in Corollary B.10. SEMILATTICES As usual, by a semilattice, we mean a commutative, idempotent semigroup. LEMMA h.1. > i. as (F) sPPI" If F Let m be a maximal element of F N then (FI) fl FI such that fl FI" So af2P for some f26F1. 1 So F contradiction. F I X(I) F,, F G. I # , So G X(I I FI. sp Otherwise f X(), I Let F i" F F, G F I, F and set Then f this is clear. Then {m} X(). PI I\FI" Let PfPI’ Now we claim that F I PPI" IPI. U {m} So assume :X()/X(I Define We claim that a contradiction. Then F . + If Suppose not. I. So SPl C_ PI" So there exists X(). Otherwise FI_FI. flf2 (fl)f2 F1 and aflf2 (af2)flPl, X(), (F {}) F Thus is surJective. Let lu I. So U {} I . 11" x( )l Then be a finite semilattice. We prove by induction on PROOF. II n Let X(), F I (F) U {,}. F I (G), F # G. We can Since m F, F C__ F. So ,F a assume that I C_FI. 689 LINEAR ALGEBRAIC SEMIGROUPS -i(@)= Clearly of into {0,i}. 0 Y () n So F C I ikFl Then clearly F() 151 + Let + i. I=I + + denote the semilattice of all hmomorphisms V() (X(9),]). Let V () be a finite semilattice. Y(9)\{I,O}. V(). may or may not be a subsemilattice of Y (Y()) Then is a semilattice V (V()). PROOF. Clearly Define e(a)(1) e: V(F(I)) / e(m)(0) i, as 0. We can assue that fl (2_ fl x 0 of 0" into e()(f i) Then f’z e F(a). IF*(V()) So II. Hence h.3. Let i’ 2 (X(2) c_.). Then COROLLARY h.h. Let h.l, COROLLARY (X(I) lattice. c__) Then PROOF. ((i F(F*() Let i F (n)" v(].) , . a f(a). O. Let denote the i th e(8). e(m) projection Then So =8. for all i. is in- By Lemma 2" i Again by Lemma *() is a semi- h.2, h.2, (v()) is the maximal semilattice If S is a finitely generated semigroup and if n e be finite semilattice such that Then by Lemma v*(v(v(z))) is a homomorphism. We claim that be a finite semilattice such that V (). image of S, then clearly f.z such that f’()z fi (8) V*(()). e Then F*(F(Q)). x fl a,8 e Let e(g)(f i) for all i. e(a) (f) So e(m) e Jective. So _ I(5)I I-I(FI)I Thus a contradiction. IX()I {@, {}}. So LEMMA h.2. and \G. is a semilattice, then let If Then C G, G Since is finite and (X(S), c_) = (X(n), c_). By Theorem 3.5, Lemma h.2, Corollaries h.3, h.h, we have. THEOREM 4.5. (1) Let (L,V ,A) be a finite lattice. some rational polytope P if and only if V (L, A) Then L X(P) for is a semilattice and is . 690 S. PUTCHA isomorphic to the maximal semilattice image of some finitely generated, commutative, idempotent free, totally cancellative semigroup. (2) Let be a finite semilattice. Then is the maximal semilattice image of some finitely generated, commutaitve, idempotent free, totally cancellative semigroup if and only if (X(), c) is isomorphic to (X(P), c) for some rational polytope P. If P is a polytope, call Tarski (see [4; p. 91]), is solvable. p. 92]. THEOREM 4.6. 4.5, the face lattice of P. By a theorem of the enumeration problem for face lattices of polytopes However, for By Theorem X(P), rational polytopes the problem is not yet solved [4; we have, The enumeration problem for face lattices of rational polytopes is solvable if and only if the enumeration problem for maximal semilattice images of finitely generated, commutative, idempotent-free totally cancellative semigroups, is solvable. REFERENCES Linear algebraic groups, W. A. Benjamin, N. i. BOREL, A. 2. CLIFFORD, A. H. and G. B. PRESTON vol. l, Amer. Math. So__s_c. Y., 1969. The algebraic theory of semigroups, Providence, R. I., 1961. 3. GRILLET, P. A. 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