I nternat. J. Math. Math. Sci. Vol. 4 No. 2 (1981) 279-287 279 A NOTE OF EQUIVALENCE CLASSES OF MATRICES OVER A FINITE FIELD J.V. BRAWLEY Department of Mathematical Sciences, Clemson University Clemson, South Carolina and Department of Mathematics, The Pennsylvania State University Sharon, Pennsylvania (Received July 16, 1980) ABSTRACT. F q mxm Let F denote the algebra of mm matrices over the finite field q denote a group of permutations of F of q elements, and let known that each e can be represented uniquely by a polynomial degree less than q; thus, the group mm F q as follows: It is well q (x)eF q [x] of naturally determines a relation mm then AB if (A) if A,BsF q B for some e. on Here (A) is to be interpreted as substitution into the unique polynomial of degree < q which represents In an earlier paper by the second author [i], it is assumed that the relation is an equivalence relation and, based on this assumption, various properties of However, if m > 2, the relation the relation are derived. mxm. q equivalence relation on F is not an It is the purpose of this paper to point out the above erroneous assumption, and to discuss two ways in which hypotheses of the earlier paper can be modified so that the results derived there are valid. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Equivalence, permutation, automorphism, 980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. I. inite field. Prrmary 15A33; Secondary 15A24. INTRODUCTION. mm denote the algebra of denote the finite field of order q and let Fq q mm matrices over If is a group of permutations of then can Let F Fq. Fq, J.V. BRAWLEY AND G.L. MULLEN 280 be used to define a relation on Fmm as q follows: fl can be since each expressed uniquely as a polynomial #(x)F [x] of degree <q, we take A to be related to B q where (A) is the substitution of A into (A) for some (written AB) if B the unique polynomial #(x) representing In [I] it is assumed that the relation thus defined is an equivalence relamm tion on F and, based on this assumption, various properties of the relation q are derived. However, for m > 2, the relation is not an equivalence relation. One of the purposes of this note is to point out the above erroneous assumption. Another is to discuss ways in which the hypo=heses in [i] can be modified so that the results derived there are valid. In section 2 we discuss why is not an equivalence relation and in section 3 we briefly indicate how the results of [i] can be made valid after a simple modification of the group In section 4 we keep fl as defined in [i], but.we restrict the domain on which it is acting to be a subset of From; q namely, the diagonalizable matrices. The relation, thus restricted, becomes an equivalence relation and again the results of [I] are valid provided suitable enumeration formulas for diagonalizable These needed formulas are derived as a part of section 4. matrices are known. 2. THE ERRONEOUS ASSUMPTION. In [i] it was taken for granted (referring to the relation defined above) that if B -i (A) for some eR then A (B). necessarily true, consider a particular #fl. polynomials representing # and # This identlt, in F q -i To explain why this is not Let #(x) and Then for all aeF q’ ( -i -i (x) denote the -I (a)) # ((a)) a. translates to F [x] by the polynomial congruence q q x (mod(x x)). Thus (#-l(x)) -l((x)) #-l(#(x)) for some h(x)eF [x]. q x + h(x)(xq x) Hence, if AB by #( le; if (A)= B) #-I(B) -I((A)) A + h(A)(Aq A) we have (2.2) 281 EQUIVALENCE CLASSES OF MATRICES OVER A FIELD which is not in general equal to A. Consequently, the relation’ is not symmetric. For a specific example, consider q F 5 represented by (x) #-l(x) 3 x 3 to be the permutation of Then the polynomial representing # {X,X3}, Thus for x 5 and take (0 A is related to B 0 0 -I is also 0 (0 0 as . however, B is not related to A. B A 3. A MODIFICATION OF It is quite natural to use the polynomial representation of the relation algebra over F Fmxm because q on polynomial functions can act on as easily as on F q e to define Fmxm or any q indeed, this idea is the basis behind q mxm most notions of extending functions on a field F to functions on F (e.g., However, permutation polynomials on F do not in general become see [2]). mxm. permutation polynomials on F The failure to account for this fact led to the error in [i] and the reaizatlon of it leads to the following modification. It is known [3] that there are polynomials f(x)eF [x] in addition to the q + b, obvious linear polynomials ax a # 0, which, when acting mxm. q substitution do indeed define permutations of F on Fmxm via q These polynomials have been characterized in [3] where it is shown that f(x) and g(x) represent the mxmq same function on F g(x)(rood if and only if f(x) (xq Lm (x) m -x)(x q i m Lm(X)) x)’"(x q where x). Thus, if G denotes the set of all polynomials of degree less than the degree of L (x) ( m q m + qm i + q) + is a group under composition modulo among other things the order Let IGI be a subgroup of G. which act as permutations on Lm(X). Fmxm q then G The group G is studied in [4] where is found. Then can be used to define an equivalence re- mxm by defining AB if there is q lation on F new group playing the role of the group and proofs of [I, section 2] are valid. the results and proofs in [I, section 3] a e such that B (A). With this used in [i, section 2], the results Moreover, if this new is also cyclic, are also valid provided the typograph- J.V. BRAWLEY AND G.L. MULLEN 282 ical error in [i, equation (3.1)] is corrected to read N(E M(t,m) dbius n/t M(u,m). l tluln inversion can of course be applied to the above expression to give M(t,m) where ,m) E tluln ()N(E n/u ,m) is the classical fdbius function. Corollary 3.2 of [i] for the number () of equivalence classes of now valid with the above modifications. is However, a straight forward use of Burnsides lemma (e,g,, see [5, p. 136]) together with the results of Hodges [6] perhaps give the simplest expression for the number of equivalence classes; namely, >,() i () (3.1) where (#) is the number of matrix roots of the equation (x) Hodges finds the number of matT,ix roots of f(x) x 0. In [6] 0, f(x) arbitrary in F q [x]. We comment that the main difficulty in using the results of [i] as now comrected or the above formula (3.1) in conjunction with Hodges’ formulas is that the polynomials f(x) must be known explicity and in factored form. As a .simple example where {ax +bla this difficulty is readily handled, we take a # 0}. Then q pendent of Hodges’ work) that beF II q(q i) and it is easily seen (inde- 283 EQUIVALENCE CLASSES OF MATRICES OVER A FIELD I if a# 1 (ax + b) 0 if qm2 # 0 i, b a 0 i, b if a so that 2 l() qm + q(_q q(q qm2_1 + q 2) i) 2 q- i As an illustration of the theory of [i] in the case where fl is a cyclic subgroup of G, suppose m 2 and consider <> where (x) 2x + i over F 5. 2x2 and ]f[ Clearly (x) is a permutation polynomial on F 5 4 so that from i. Thus by Theorem 3,1 of [i] we have M(I,2) 0 and M(4,2) 624, M(2,2) Corollary 3.2. of [i] there are_156classes_of order 4 and i class of order I so that %() 4. 157, a result which also follows quite readily from (3.1). AN ALTERNATE MODIFICATION. We now cons%der another way to modify oStain a valid equivalence relation. the hypotheses in [i] in order to in contrast to the above This time, alternative, we use the same group of [i] but alter the set on which it is acting, be a g=Qup of permutations of F so that each #e is represented by q Let Eaixi e Fq[X] a unique polynomial #(x) note the set of m A over Fq Let (m,q) de- Fq; m x m matrix m diagonalizable matrices over (m,q) if is in of degree less than q. i.e. and only if A is similar over F q an to a diagonal matrix. It is shown in [3, Theorem 5] that each (x)e defimes, via substitution, a permutation of (m,q). This also follows easily fom (2.2) since A for all As(m,q).- Hence, the relation some defined (x)e is an equivalence relation on m,q). q A on.(m,q) by A%B if (A) 0 B for J.V. BRAWLEY AND G.L. MULLEN 284 For this particular equivalence relation on (m,q), results identical to those stated in [i] can be deri=ed (using identical proofs) provided the follow- whenever a formula or statement in [i] calls for the ing agreement is made: mm satisfying f(x) q number of matrices AF instead use the number of matrices 0 where f(x) x, #(x), we #(x- A(m,q) satisfying f(x) 0. The former number was determined by Hodges in [6] while the latter number is given in the Hodges’ methods next theorem, the proof of hlch is an adaption of to our s it ua t ion. Let f(x)eF Ix] have t > 0 distinct roots (with various multiq THEOREM i. pllcties) in F f (A) q Then the number Z(f(x)) of matrices A(m,q) satisfying 0 is z (f (x)) where the sum is over all fying Ek t- . Y(kl)Y(k)’’’y(kt) (kl,...,kt) (4.1) of nonnegative integers saris- m and where i (qr y(r) l)(q r q)-..(q r q -I (4.2) is the well known number 6f invert lhle r x r matrices over F PROOF. A matrix A is in (m,q) and also satisfies f(x) q 0 if and only if the minimum polynomial of A factors into distinct linear factors and also divides f(x). This is equivalent to saying A is similar to a unique diagonal matrix of the form dSag where (al,a2,...,at) where the (allh ,a2 2 a t Ikt ) (4.3) is a fixed ordering of the t distinct roots of f(x) and klae nonn4gatVe ntegers whose sum is m. (If some k i understand that the corresponding 51ock does not appear in (4.3)). 0, we An m m 285 EQUIVALENCE CLASSES OF MATRICES OVER A FIELD matrix P is invertible and commutes Pt where P i is k i x k i _th (2.2) and invertible. y(m)/(Y(kl)...Y(kt) (k l,k2,...,kt). similar to (4.3) is all if Thus from [6] the number of matrices and the result follows by summing over We should comment that in case f(x) has no roots in F the sum (4.1) is q the empty sum which by convention is zero. Formula (4.1) can also be used in conjunction with Burnside’s lemma [5] to give the following number (R) of equivalence classes: l(R) Z(%(x) where 1 T- Z Z(%(x) (4.4) x) is given in (4.1). {#(x) If we take R to be the trivial group fl number x) ID(m,q) x}, then (4.4) counts the of m’x m diagonalizable matrices over F q and simplifies using (4.1) to ID(m,q) r. i (k2)’’’y(kq) (kl,k2,..., kq) where the sum is overall q-tuples with 7.k y(m) (k l) y (4.5) of nonnegative integers m. As a second illustration, if (x) x 3 over F 5 and fl < # > so that RI is a permutation on F but 2, then as was pointed out in section 2, 5 22 is not an equivalence relation on F However, by restricting R to act on 5 the ID(2,5) 305 d.lagonallzable 22 matrices over F5, we do indeed have a bonafide equivalence relation on show that Z(x 3 x) D(2,5). Using (4.1) it is not difficult to 93 so that by (4.4) l(R) 1/2(93 + 305) 199 distinct equivalence classes. For R--Sq (the symmetric group of all permutations of Fq rather than use formula (4.4) which results in a complicated expression, we shall give an independent derivation which utilizes the following theorem whose proof resembles J.V. BRAWLEY AND G.L. MULLEN 286 that of Theorem i and will thus be omitted. The number of diagonalizable matrices over F with exactly t q Theorem 2. eigenvalues is E(m,t) E (m t) (m) (q) (s I ,s 2 t ,s m (i)i(2) s m i t Sl,S 2, ,s m Is s 2 s s [I I 2 2 where the sum is over all partitions (m,t) t parts (Eis. s s m .(m) m o__f (4.6) m m into exactly t)where (r) is given in (4 2) and where i (qt) and are binomial and multinomial coefficients, respectively. Now consider a matrix Ae(m,t) with exactly t distinct eigenvalues, and let P be a fixed matrix such that si p-lAp Let D where D is a diagonal matrix. be the number of eigenvalues of A (or diagonal entries of D) of multiplicity m and Zs. i so that Eis. partition (m,t) [i s12s2 Sm] --.m (D) runs over all diagonal q(q- l)’’’(q t Hence, associated with A (or D) there is t. + i) a , As (x) runs over S q of m into t parts matrices related to D of which there are clearly q!/t!. Since P(D)P -i (PDP -I (A), it follows that the number of matrices related to A is also q!/t! and each such matrix has Hence, the number of equivalence classes exactly t distinct eigenvalues. determined by those matrices with exactly t eigenvalues is t!E(m,t)/q! where m 7. t!E(m,t)/q! is the number of E(m t) is given by (4 6). Thus (S q t=l equivalence classes and this simplifies to I(S q y(m) E s (i) 1 s Sl!(2) s2!’’’(m) [i where the sum is over all partitions s 2 s12s2 Sm] ---m (4.7) msm! of m It is interesting to note the similarity in appearance of (4.7) to Cauchy’s formula for the number m! of elements in S m namely, m! i where [i s12s2 Sm] ...m Sl Sl!2 s2 s s !...m 2 msm" again ranges overll partitions of m EQUIVALENCE CLASSES OF MATRICES OVER A FIELD ACKNOWLEDGED: A portion of this work was completed while the first author was a visiting professor in the Department of Mathematics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee. REFERENCES i. MULLEN, G.L. 2. LANCASTER, P., Theory of Matrices, Academic Press, New York, 1969. 3. BRAWLEY, J.V., CARLITZ, L., and LEVINE, J., Scalar Polynomial Functions on the nn trices Over a Finite Field, Linear Alg. and its Appl. i0 (1975), 199-217. 4. BRAWLEY, J.V., The Number of Polynomial 5. LIU, C.L., Introduction to Combinatorial Mathematics, McGraw Hill, New York, 1968. 6. HODGES, J.H., Scalar Polynomial Equations for Matrices Over a Finite Field, Duke Math. J. 25 (1958), 291-296. Equivalence Classes of Matrices Over a Finite Field, Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. 2 (1979), 487-491. Functions Which Permute the Matrices Over a Finite Field, J. Comb. Theory 21 (1976), 147-154. 287