M. Si. Internal. J. Math. Vol. 4 No. 2 (1981) 353-364 353 AN ORDERED SET OF NORLUND MEANS J. DEFRANZA Department of Mathematics St. Lawrence Unlverslty 13617 U.S.A. Canton, New York (Received March 7, 1980 and in revised form April 28, 1980) ABSTRACT. Norlund methods of s-m.bility are studied as mappings from Those Norlund methods that map 41 into i are characterized. i into i" Inclusion results are given and a class of Norlund methods is shown to form an ordered abelian semi- group. KEF WORDS AN PHRASES. Inlion Theorem, 1-1 mthod, ordered abian emigroup, 6rd ’md. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. i. Primary 40D25, 40G05. INTRODUCTION. Let p be a complex sequence the n+l-st partial sum of’ p. P0 + 0, n and let P Suppose the sequence P K be the least positive integer so that P method of summability N P by n Z p k=0 k nffi0 1 2 denote is eventually non-zero. 0 for all n > K. Let Define the Norlund 354 J. DEFRANZA Pn_k/Po, if 0_<_ n < K, Pn-k/Pn if k_<_ n, P 0 n_>_ K, k_<_n and otherwise. Let N denote the collection of all such Norlund methods N n >= 0, that is K p If P + n 0 for all 0, then Pn_k/Pn, if k <__ n and Np[n,k] 0 Throughout we let n P0 otherwise. if 0 < n < K and a sequence x is then given by NpX, n P n if n > K. The N p transform of where n (NpX) n (i/n) kZffi0Pn_kXk for all n > O. A matrix summability method is called an -E method if and only if it maps the space - I -= method A is sup k into itself. In [4], Knopp and Lorentz proved that the matrix if and only if there exists some M > 0 such that Z n=0 lank < M. - In the special case of a Norlund method N we have: P THEOREH 1. (i) (ii) PROOF. lira n n The Norlund method N P p e J, and n -+ 0 as n / =. is if and only if First suppose that (i) and (ii) hold. exists and by (ii) is non-zero. Since p it implies So there exist strictly positive numbers NRLUND MEANS ORDERED SET OF H and rIpnl<H such that Z n=k INP [n,k]l-< and lnl Z IPn_k[ > Cl/) Thus by the Knopp-Lorentz Theorem N -. Now suppose that N is P r. IPn_k/’nl. P is -. Then 0(i). In particular if n=k it implies . Now suppose that p For sufficiently large li,nl Thus for each fixed k, Z n--k n--k n=k for all n > 0. 355 0(i) and hence We assert that the series n @ 0 as n /-. l([pn n n z pk [Pnl [1/n] k=O < ): k--O Ipk[ sn Then for sufficiently large N N+m Z n=N+l (]Pn II) >= (Iss+m) 1- But as m Z (Ip.I/li’n I) e= n=N+l - / COROLLARY 1 [i, Then N 2. =. SN+m + P is N+m z n=N+l Ip.l SN/SN+m. So choose m large enough such that > . " SN+m > 2S.N. The theorem now follows. Theorem 4]. if and only if p e . Let N We make the following definitions. p be a Norlund method with pn > 0 P0 > 0. J. DEFRANZA 356 DEFINITION. Let N DEFINITION. Let DEFINITION. Given two Norlund methods E(Np)C_ E(Nq). (Np) E(Nq), and Np and Nq The method Given N DEFINITION. (i) . p(z) p n= 0 (ll) (ili) q(z) a(z) n Z n r. n n= 0 .Z r. qn Zn ,Q(z) n=0 p(z)lq(z) and N N q q is in E. is k-stronger than N Np (Np) (Nq). is strictly k-stronger than P pro- define formally: q P(z) Nq Np are k-equlvalent provided and N P NpX consist of all sequences x such that E(Np) if and only if vided that are E- methods. denote the collection of all N p E n z n and n-0 Z a Z n n-0 n b(z) r. b z n n-O n q(z)Ip(z) The next propositions follow by an argument similar to the one used in Theorem 18 of [3] PROPOSITION 1. If N PROPOSITION 2. If P E’ then the series r. n pn z n and r. n n z n converge for b(z) N Np, Nq nr anZ then the series a(z) n and r. b zn have positive radii of convergence and, moreover n n (i) (i) (iii) (iv) Pn anqo + + aoqn’ anQo + + aO’ qn bnP0 + + b0Pn’ bn’O + + bon n n PROPOSITION 3. the series S(z) SuPpose r. S z n n n and N v p E and the sequence S {S } is in has positive radius of convergence. n (Np). Then 357 ORDERED SET OF NORLUND MEANS PROOF I/p(z). Let h(z) z[<L function for Since Po a e (0,i) such that p(z) By Proposition I, p(z) defines an analytic + 0, by the continuity of p(z) there exists some 0 for all z e (-a,a). Therefore h(z) Z h zn has n n positive radius of convergence. n E k=0 [h-kk(NpS)k]n (Np), Since S Therefore Z S z n n E S zn n n= 0 3. S n n say N g N {k.0k(NpS)kzk}. + Pnq0 for all p*q of the sequences p and q is defined by n > 0. Given Norlund methods N p is the symmetric product of N P*q Pk(NpS)kzk converges for has positive radius of convergence since {h(z)} P0qn + I it follows that the series The symmetric product g gn O, Now for n p and N q and N in q N we provided In order to prove an inclusion result for two Norlund methods in N we need the following lemma. Let the complex sequences p and q be given and define r Lemma i. Suppose Np, Nr e h/. Then in order that (Np) C_ (Nr) it is necessary and sufficient that there is some M > 0, independent of k, such that [kl Z ]qn_k/n[ Proof. Let x < M. {x } be any sequence. n Then p*q. 58 Let 5. DEFRANZA enk- qn_kPk/Rn ’(Np) (Nr) if k <__ n, and 0 if k > n. Then by the Knopp-Lorentz Theorem if and only if there exists some M > O such that . leak sup { k n-k That is, } < 14. - sp{[k[ [qn_k/n[ k n-k < 14. The lemma can now be used to get the desired inclusion result. Theorem 2. Np, gq Suppose N. The (gp)_ (Nq) if and only if b- {b }z4. Proof. In the previous 1emma replace the sequence q with the sequence b which implies r-= p*b some M > 0, ndependent [k[.Z.i bn_k/ But since q. Np, Nq positive constants. Then if and only if there exists of k, such that < 14" , lkl n (Np)_ (Nr) (Nq) and lkl respectively are bounded by two strictly [k[ Y. Ibn_k/n < M Thus independent of k, is equivalent to b4. Corollary 2. Suppose Np, Nq 4" The (1) 4(Np) 4(Nq) if and only if both a (ll) 4(Np)4(Nq) if and only if a {an } 4 and b {bn } 4 and Corollary 3. only if h e 4. Suppose Np 4 and h(z) {an } 4 and b 1/p(z). Then {bn } 4(Np) 4. 4 if and ORDERED SET OF NORLUND MEANS Proof. . I(z) n-^U i z n Let I be the identity matrix so that t(I) n I; that is i0 p(z)II(z) a(z) 1 and i p(z) and b(z) (bnk) if k-n-i or k-n, n > 1, and 0 otherwise. fined by P0-1-Pl, Pn-0 for n > 2. . Then 0 for all n > I. n I(z)/p(z) The binary matrix B Exmaple. 359 h(z). Therefore The corollary now follows. is given by 1, if n=k=O, 1/2, bnk Thus g is the t- Norlund method de- It now follows by Corollary 3 that (B). The next result addresses the question of when two Norlund methods Np, Nq N are comparable. . generating sequence N t(Np) 6 t(Nq) P can result in a method N N t. Let q Np (P0 Pl If the sequence q satisfies lim . t(Sp) f (Nq) Proof. Nt satisfying q That is, the methods are not comparable. Suppose Theorem 3. We prove that changing only the first term in the Since q P0 + P0 q n- , Nq ..) with /, [nl and lnl respectively lle between two Now for any sequence x strictly positive constants. (Po P0)Xn/n +[’(SpX)n] [n/n (SqX) d hence I(qX)n[ [Fn/nll(pX)nl + t(Np), erefore, if x (N), Slarly if x Corollary 4. q . (Po’ Pl ’’’’)’ l(Np)/ (Nq) x x t, then x , t(Np). the. x Suppose p is a positive number sequence in where PO > 0 and PO PO" Then N P and N q . Let are -t with J. DEFRANZA 360 Suppose p is a sequence in Theorem 4. q (pl,P2,...). Qn If , with P n eventually non-zer Let Np, Nq is eventually non-zero, then e N with The next theorem is a special case of Theorem 2. If N Theorem 5. (i) (ii) (iii) then and N are Norlund methods with q Pn+i/Pn >= pn/Pn_l n qn > 0, q0 I, and > 0, (Np) (Nq). Proof. By Theorem 22 of [3] i- c.z -+/- Then for small I. Y0 So PO i, Pn > ]z[, c2z2- q(z)/p(z)- where c > 0 for all n > 0 and Ec (qnY0 +...+q0Yn)Z n=0 Z Z b z n where Yn we have n-0 ?-[bn a Z (}q0l[Yn[ + n=0 n-0 (Np) (Nq). Therefore by Theorem 2, Corollary 6. + If N P and Nq are 1-1 Norlund methods such that (i) Pn+l/Pn pn/Pn_i n > 0, p0=i, Pn > 0, (ii) qn+I/qn >__ qn/qn_l n > 0, q0=l, qn > 0, and (Np)= (Nq). < i. n that if q(z)/p(z) n= 0 then O, , p, q e (p(z)’-1}-- and P -c n for n > 0 361 ORDERED SET OF NORLOND MEANS " and qn Moreover by Corollary 3, (Np (Np) (Ny). For example if 4. Pn T 0 " where 0 (Nq) < p, T < If I, then Yn 1/nk, k > 1 and n > 0, then N forms an ordered abelian semigroup. We now show that (Sq ). (sp) The order relation is set inclusion between the absolute summabillty fields, and the binary operation We need the following is the symmetric product of the generating sequences. Lemma 2. Let r Suppose N p*q. Then llm n.-o (R_/PQ n),, We assert that N Proof. Theorem, see for example qn-9 /^Qn (1) N and p is a sequence for which e q [6], q n + P 0. 1. is a regular method. it suffices By the Silverman-Toeplltz to show that n-- for each fixed + 0 as lim P n-= > 0, and n , --0 But since N q e (1) and (ii) follow. n n/n (iIn) which is the N q n (iIn) 1,..z__O rk kXoqn_k’k transform of the convergent sequence {P }. n If N Lemma 3. Now for all n sufficiently large p’ Nq e N and r p’q, then Nr e + N. Thus , O. In order to have N e By Lemma i, we have lim n r n method. By Theorem I, it suffices to show that r need to show N is an Proof. r But n= 0 n n=O n=O we 4. 362 Lemma 4. __ J. DEFRANZA _ Np, Nq N, If p’q, then r Nr is E(Np) k3 E(Nq) (Nr). By Lemma 2, N Proof. E(Np) k3 (Nq) (i) If (Np) (ii) If (Np) Proof of (i). b E. E p’s, and Np, Nq, N s E E, E(Nq), then E(N) E(Nv). (Nq), then (N;) (N). . qn n Z v z ={ n n= 0 n= 0 Z v q*s. q(z)/p(z) and c(z)fu(z)/(z). Let b(z) We need to show that c v(z) By Theorem 2 it follows that (Nr). Suppose Lemma 5. N. r - with n E. } Now for By Theorem 2, zl<l, E s Zn } n n= 0 q(z)s(z). p(z)s(z). Similarly V(z) E c z n= 0 n v(z)/v(z) c(z) n Therefore r. b z n n--O n b(z) (Nv) _C (Nv). Thus The proof of (ii) follows by Theorem 2 and Corollary 2. A semigroup with order relation < is an ordered semigroup provided (i) a<b and b<c implies a<c, and (ii) a<b implies ac<bc for all c. We now have the following theorem. Theorem 6. binary operation, Proposition 4. If Qn Izl<l. as the order relation and * as the is an ordered abelian semigroup. Let. Np P-I 0 and qn Pn-i + Pn (Np) (Nq). Define E is eventually non-zero, then Proof. for .. "strictly -weaker than With First note that N q Then by Corollary 2, E (Np) for n => 0. Moreover, it follows that q(z)-(l+z)p(z) (Nq). ORDERED SET OF NORLUND MEANS Proposition 5. P > 0. Then N P (i) p (n) (l+z) (z) . p(1)(z) Let Proof. There exists infinite chains of Nrlund methods from e n-1 I n= 0 p (n)e (n-1) k 7. for n > i. where _(i) {p(1)} n Pn . > 0 for n > 0, and Define k--O Then N pn(1)zn, Pk z for n >= 2. Moreover by Proposition 4 we have (Np(1)) (Np(2)) (Np(n)) The next theorem is a different version of Lemma 3. Theorem 7. If Nq e ’ n-lim Pn P + 0, and r p’q, then (Np)_. (Nr). By Lemma i it suffices to show there exists some M > 0, independent Proof. of k, such that lkl Since N q e , [n_k/n 7. n--k qn_k/nl < M. there exists some H > 0 such that < H for all n > k and for all k > 0. for all n > k. Then by Lemma i, we have Thus the result follows. The author is indebted to the referee whose suggestions improved the exposition of these results. 363 J. DEFRANZA 364 REFERENCES i. J. A. Frldy, Absolute Summabillty Matrices That Are Stronger Than the Identity Mapping, P_roc. Amer. Math. Soc., 47, 1(1975), 112-118. 2. C. Goffman and H. V. Huneke, The Ordered Set of Norlund Means, Math Z., iI1970), i-8. 3. G. H. Hardy, Divergent Series, Oxford University Press (1949). 4. K. Knopp and G. G. Lorentz, .2(1949), 10-16. 5. B. Kwee, Some Theorems on Norlund Summability, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3), 14(1964), 353-368. 6. R. E. Powell and S. M. Shah, Summabillty Theory and Applications, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., (1972). 7. B. Thorpe, On Inclusion Theorems and Consistency of Real Regular Norlund Methods of S,Imma_billty, J.:. London .Math. Soc.. (2), (1972), 519-525. Beltrge zur absoluten Limltlerung, Arch. Math.,