The Influence of Hillside Springs on Subalpine Streamwater Rocky Mountain Research Station & Fraser Experimental Forest Chuck Rhoades, Natalie Quiet, Kathleen Dwire & Kendra Brewer Springwater versus Streamwater Plant Associations & Soil Conditions Historic Context of Current Research Treeline Zone Species Name/ Occurrence Mean (# springs) Cover Salix planifolia (3) Caltha leptosepala (3) Senecio triangularis (3) Saxafraga odontoloma(3) Moss spp. (3) Subalpine Forest Herb dominated Senecio triangularis (12) (3000 – 3375 m) Senecio triangularis Saxifraga odontoloma (12) Cardimine cordifolia Cardimine cordifolia (10) Mitella petandra (11) 1 Carsey, K., G. Kittel, K. Decker, D.J. Cooper, and D. Luzula parviflora (10) Culver. 2003. Field Guide to the Wetland and Riparian Carex aquatilis (7) Plant Associations of Colorado. Colorado Natural Moss spp. (12) Heritage Program, Fort Collins, CO. (3375 – 3500 m) Willow shrubland Salix planifolia Caltha leptosepala Fig. 7 CoverRange (%) (%) 47 18 21 20 70 21 20 14 10 3 16 73 10 – 100 5 – 40 5 – 45 5 – 25 35 – 90 5 – 90 5 – 65 1 – 65 1 – 25 1–5 5 – 85 5 – 100 Stream Anions 1953 Photo Fig. 4 7.5 Landscape Controls on Spring Chemistry Treeline Zone Near Stream Channel East Aspect Slopes West Aspect Slopes 3,250 m pH 200 400 800 ab 20 Springs - NH4 6.0 60 Conductivity (μS / cm-1) a DON 50 Sodium (μeq L-1) 40 ab 40 200 50 10 0 0 Fig. 10 Potassium (μeq L-1) Fig. 11 10 b 20 40 20 800 3200 3000 3400 3200 ANC (μeq L-1) 80 3400 3000 3200 3000 0 ANC (μeq / L) 300 a Dissolved Organic N (μg/L) ab 400 3,000 m a b 40 Sulfate (μeq L-1) 8 Chloride (μeq L-1) 20 6 60 40 4 40 20 200 20 2 20 0 0 0 3400 3000 3200 3000 3400 Elevation (m) Elevation (m) 3200 3000 Elevation (m) The ionic concentration of springwater increases with decreasing elevation as does streamwater. On the East aspect springs, the high variability of elements released by mineral weathering may correspond to zones of geologic faulting. Fig. 12 Total N Fig. 5 0 East Treeline Near West Channel Slopes Slopes 0 60 East Treeline Near West Channel Slopes Slopes In general, the chemistry of springs emerging within the Treeline zone is distinct from subalpine & Near Channel springs (Fig. 6). Concentrations of most dissolved ions are significantly lower in the upper elevation springs. * 5 p = 0.10 DON 40 NH4+ 20 0 0 80 Historic Recommendations / Current Objectives 60 40 3200 Water Temperature 1 2 J. Retzer. 1953. Characteristics of Springs in Fool Creek. Rocky Mtn. For. & Range Expt. Sta. High nitrate & low ammonium concentrations of Treeline springwater agrees with greater nitrification & nitrate leaching measured in alpine soils at Fraser & elsewhere (See Adjacent Poster). Similar Treeline & Near Channel springwater nitrate suggests that groundwater flowpaths link these landscapes. NO30 Old Growth (n = 17) * Regenerating Clear Cut (n = 15) 3 4 Flow Class 1 2 3 4 Flow Class Decreasing Discharge Springwater temperature increased as discharge declined. At low flow springs nitrate declined dramatically & organic N increased slightly. Fig. 13 4 50 years after harvesting, dissolved inorganic & organic N concentrations are lower in springs emerging within recovering stands than in uncut forest. Spring water temperature is no different between forest conditions. 3 The similar ionic composition of East Slope & Near Channel springs combined with greater density & higher discharge of East Slope springs (Fig. 3 & 11) suggests that springs originating on this aspect may have a predominant influence on basin-scale aqueous chemistry. Nitrate - N (μg L-1) 80 80 60 Flow Relations 10 100 100 Conductivity (μS cm-1) 100 Harvest Effects 30 0 0 10 10 500 60 4 100 3400 b DON (μg L-1) 80 20 ab 30 100 Water Temperature (oC) 2 0 a Discharge Relations Springwater 6 400 400 b 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 Streamwater 8 100 10 40 0 Tim e Ammonium-N (μg/L) a 200 Fig. 3 + 150 600 b 6.5 1054 2 ft / 321 3 m Au g 9th - 13th 200 5 2 NO3 Treeline Zone Near Stream Channel East Aspect Slopes West Aspect Slopes 200 Calcium (μeq L-1) 600 1000 30 7.0 Upper Fool G auge 4 5 600 Elevation Gradients 3400 a 40 0 9,800 ft 10 The average mid-day temperature of water emerging at springs was equal to the daily minimum streamwater temperature at the upper Fool Creek gauge (Fig. 9). 0 Nitrate-N (μg/L) 20 10,600 ft 10,200 ft To evaluate the [forest harvest] treatment program on the occurrence and water yield of springs.” Fig. 6 ab 11,000 ft To collect water samples from the more vigorously flowing springs for analysis of salts present. 15 Temperature (oC) To relate the emergence of springs to geologic structures or other features that may have influence on their surface emergence. 0 9548 ft / 2910 m Aug 9th - 13th 2005 6 Springwater nitrate was higher, but organic N did not differ from streams (Fig. 8). μg N / L To classify the water-yielding ability at the surface of each spring … 11,400 ft p = 0.17 20 Cations -200 Low er Fool Gauge Major Ion Concentration (μeq / L) The organic horizon averages 20 cm deep and extends to > 60 cm in 20% of sampled seeps (Fig. 4). Total soil depth (organic + mineral) to gravel or bedrock averaged 40 cm and was >120 cm for several seeps. In 1950 and 1953, several years prior to harvesting of the Fool Creek watershed, RMRS soil scientist John Retzer surveyed and characterized wetland communities throughout the basin. Retzer’s groundwork and preliminary recommendations have not been revisited for a half-century. “To locate and plot … all seeps and springs in the watershed. 25 30 Historic Characterization of Fool Creek Springs Retzer’ Retzer’s Objectives 30 8 Concentrations of dominant cationic & anionic constituents of springwater exceed Fool Creek streamwater (Fig. 7). 2005 Photo 3,500 m -400 Fig. 9 1 10 Springs Stream 35 0 -600 Dense willow shrublands differentiate the seep communities found on flatter topography and sparse forest canopy of the treeline zone from forbdominated herb strata of springs that emerge within closed-canopy subalpine forest, often on steeper slopes. Yellow flowered plant is Senecio triangularis used by original researchers to spot the wetland communities. Na+ Mg2+ K+ ANC Ca2+ Springs The floral communities surrounding the spring openings are typical of central Rocky Mountain forested and riparian wetlands underlain by Precambrian bedrock. Fig. 2. View down slope across a Fool Creek seep. Fig. 8 40 SO4-2 o Wetland Plant Association1 Water Temperature ( C) Elevational Zone Dissolved N (μg / L) Overview In high-elevation watersheds, more than 90% of snowmelt water passes through near-surface flowpaths before entering the stream channel. Groundwater discharges from isolated and clustered springs generating ephemeral, intermittent and permanent flow in headwater stream channels. At the Fraser Experimental Forest, 157 hillside springs are distributed throughout the 290-hectare Fool Creek watershed. This preliminary report describes results from synoptic sampling of 39 randomly selected springs in alpine and subalpine portions of the catchment. p = 0.09 Old Growth (n = 17) Regenerating Clear Cut (n = 15) Future Directions Identify seasonal patterns & linkages among springs and between springs & streamwater Assess long-term effect of harvesting on edaphic, vegetation, snowpack & hydrochemical conditions of spring network