UCCS Recreational Trail Construction B4 and G4 100% Construction Documents

UCCS Recreational
Trail Construction
B4 and G4
100% Construction Documents
13 August 2015
Tapis Associates, Inc.
Map of Work Area
General Notes
Construction Notes
B4: Connection Behind Parking Garage
G4: Trail Paralleling Austin Bluffs
Construction Details
General Trail Details
Trail Drainage Structures
UCCS Recreational Trail Constrcution B4 and G4
100% CDs
13 August 2015
The 2014 University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) Recreational Trails
Micro-Master Plan provides a strategy for implementing a trail system that is
both a recreational amenity and an alternative experience for getting around
Purpose of the Recreational Trails Micro-Master Plan
The University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) has grown steadily since its
inception in 1965. The 2012 Campus Master Plan is grounded in the premise of
"respecting the responsible capacity of the land" and supported by three
design principles: 1) Respect natural features. 2) Reinforce vibrant campus
anchors. 3) Connect campus destinations. The Recreational Trails MicroMaster Plan embodies these concepts, as it is an addendum to the Campus
Master Plan.
As the designated growth campus within the CU System, the University has
already witnessed campus growth's impact on the current endemic trail
routes. The University also recognizes the unique opportunity presented by its
dramatic natural setting. In light of this context, the Micro-Master Plan aims to:
• Create a world-class trail system engaging the unique natural
landscape and contributing to UCCS's sense of place,
• Protect the natural environment by minimizing impacts to the local fauna,
flora, and soils while providing a robust trail system for recreation and
• Accommodate campus development by creating a trail system that
connects and unifies campus destinations,
• Integrate the UCCS trail system with adjacent public trails, parks and
open spaces, as well as housing, retail and employment centers, and
• Recommend campus-wide initiatives to further the University goals of
sustainability, education, and holistic health and wellness.
UCCS Recreational Trail Construction B4 and G4 Project
The UCCS Recreational Trail Construction B4 and G4 is the first contracted trail
construction within the design standards established in the 2014 UCCS
Recreational Trails Micro-Master Plan. UCCS has high expectations for this
construction, as it will set the standard by which all future trail construction is
UCCS Recreational Trail Constrcution B4 and G4
100% CDs
13 August 2015
Map of Work Area
Construction parking, materials
staging, equipment storage,
and port-o-let location
(required) will be determined
with the Owners Representative
upon selection.
The contractor must secure all
water required for the work
either from Colorado Springs
Utilities or via contractor
provided trucks.
UCCS Recreational Trail Constrcution B4 and G4
100% CDs
13 August 2015
General Notes
General Conditions
a. Owners Representative:
Ms. Sherry Reed
Project Manager
719.225.3758 office
719.644.1447 mobile
b. Contractor shall verify the correct location of all underground utilities,
irrigation and irrigation electrical in the field prior to trail construction.
c. Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of those associated with the
work, pedestrians, students and the general public throughout the duration
of the contract.
d. Obtain approval from Architect's or Owner's Representative before making
any changes.
e. Contractor shall not willfully proceed with construction as designed when it
is obvious that unknown obstructions and/or grade differences exist that
may not have been known during design. Such conditions shall be
immediately brought to the attention of the Owner’s Representative for
decision. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all necessary
revision due to failure to give such notification.
Construction parking, materials staging, equipment storage, and port-o-let
location (required) will be determined with the Owners Representative
upon selection.
1. Mineral soil fill for flat trail construction is stockpiled on site. Refer to
Map of Work Area.
g. The contractor must secure all water required for the work either from
Colorado Springs Utilities or via contractor provided trucks.
h. Contactor shall provide a one year warranty on all workmanship. Needed
repairs shall be completed within 2 weeks, or as agreed upon with the
UCCS Representative, of notification by the UCCS Representative.
continued on next page
UCCS Recreational Trail Constrcution B4 and G4
100% CDs
13 August 2015
Construction Standards
Protection of existing conditions
1. It is important that existing vegetation be protected. Watch your step as you are working as the
existing plants can be easily disturbed. When working, moving equipments, materials and personnel
or walking to or from the day's work site follow the trail corridor.
2. The contractor is responsible to replace, restore and maintain for 1 year any damage to
constructed or natural vegetation and built objects, irrigation, utilities or paving beyond the five (5)
foot trail corridor (12" beyond each side of the trail tread).
Basic Trail
1. The tread width will be 36” and centered in the trail corridor unless
otherwise indicated in the construction notes. The trail corridor is 5 feet
wide and 8 feet high.
2. Remove only enough vegetation to remove all organic material, clearly
delineate the trail tread and clear the trail corridor. Existing rocks that
are stable within the trail tread are to remain.
3. Unless otherwise noted all trail construction is full cut bench trail.
Reinforced Swale Crossings and Rock Crossing at Dry Stream Bed
1. Where called for in the plans, Siloam Stone rock pavers and boulders
shall be provided and installed by the contractor. Prior to purchase and
installation, the Contractor shall provide 3 samples of the Siloam Stone to
the Owner Representative for approval.
2. The trail tread for this project is to be maintained at 36” width. In areas
where Siloam Stone is used as paving or crossing, the width of the trail
tread shall be paved to 48” in width.
3. Rock Crossings will allow for trail users to cross over the surface and for
water to flow over or in between. In order to insure the safest crossing
possible, all pavers or boulders need to have a smooth top.
Scrub Oak, shrubs and meadow duff disposal
Contractor shall transport all cleared and excavated materials to the
location on campus designated by the Owner’s Representative.
m. Project Sectioning and Methods
Project Staking, proved by Tapis Associates, the trail designer, is to
remain in place during trail construction. There are several different
trail indicators meaning the following:
100’ Station Markers: Wooden stakes in the ground uphill of trail centerline
Critical Edge of Trail: Pink Sprinkler Flags
Trail Centerline:
Varied colored survey whiskers may be located
on trail centerline at 50' intervals
General Notes
n. Disturbed Area Restoration
If areas beyond the trail corridor are disturbed during construction the
standard restoration procedure will be as follows:
1. Construct the rubble check dams, dips, and out-slope areas as
determined with the Owner's Representative.
2. The surface of all areas to be restored shall be scarified to 2” to 3”
3. Restore grade by “knocking down” edges along the disturbed area.
4. Seed trail closure area with the Upland Seed Mix specified in Appendix
G of the UCCS Recreational Trails Micro-Master Plan at a rate of 5
lbs/1000sf. See below.
5. Stabilize grades 3:1 and above with straw blankets installed per
manufacturers' specifications.
6. Cover with ½-4 inch depth native soil or “duff” (organic material from
adjoining trail construction).
7. Place deadfall on area if available.
Upland Seed Mix
Scientific Name
Big Bluestem
Andropogon gerardii
Little Bluestem
Schizachyrium scoparium
Yellow Indiangrass
Sorghastrum nutans
Panicum virgatum
Sideoats Grama
Bouteloua curtipendula
Western Wheat
Agropyron smithii
Blue Grama
Bouteloua gracilis
Indian Ricegrass
Achnatherum hymenoides
Prairie Sandreed
Calamovilfa longifolia
Green Needlegrass
Nassella viridula
Slender Wheatgrass
Agropyron trachycaulum
UCCS Recreational Trail Constrcution B4 and G4
100% CDs
13 August 2015
General Notes
Construction Notes
B4: Connection behind Parking Garage
UCCS Recreational Trail Constrcution B4, and G4
100% CDs
13 August 2015
G4: Trail Paralleling Austin Bluffs Parkway
Construction Notes
G4: Trail Paralleling Austin Bluffs Parkway - continued
UCCS Recreational Trail Constrcution B4, and G4
100% CDs
13 August 2015
G4: Trail Paralleling Austin Bluffs Parkway - continued
Construction Notes
G4: Trail Paralleling Austin Bluffs Parkway - continued
UCCS Recreational Trail Constrcution B4, and G4
100% CDs
13 August 2015
Construction Notes
Construction Details
General Trail Details
3 feet
3 feet
only if specified in notes
only if specified in notes
3 feet
10 inches
only if specified in notes
UCCS Recreational Trail Constrcution B4 and G4
100% CDs
13 August 2015
General Trail Details - continued
Trail Tread: 36"
Trail Corridor: 48" width, 8' height
30" height max
30" height max
Construction Details
General Trail Details - continued
UCCS Recreational Trail Constrcution B4 and G4
100% CDs
13 August 2015
Trail Drainage Details
length of grade reversal varies based on trail slope to create smooth transition
Construction Details
Trail Drainage Details - continued
UCCS Recreational Trail Constrcution B4 and G4
100% CDs
13 August 2015
Trail Drainage Details - continued
Construction Details