Minutes LAS Curriculum and Requirements Committee Wednesday, April 8, 2009 8:00 a.m. – COH 2025A Present – Members: Curt Holder, Bob Durham, Edgar Cota-Torres, Lynda Dickson. Ex-officio: Ruth Sansing, Tom Christensen, Sue Byerley, Sheryl Botts. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – March 11, 2009 UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED B. OLD BUSINESS C. NEW BUSINESS 1. New Course Proposals: HIST 403 The Ottoman Empire, 1400-1800 UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED HIST 404 Reconsidering the Late Ottoman Empire and Early Turkish Republic, 1800-1938 UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED HIST 368/WEST 3680 Islam and the West: Contacts, Representations, and Approaches (Carole Woodall) UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED 2. New Course Proposal: WEST 3060 Multi-racial Identities UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED (Andrea Herrera) 3. New Minor: Women’s and Ethnic Studies (Andrea Herrera) UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED 4. New Course Proposal: WEST 3560/GRNT 356 Women and Aging International: Diversity, Challenges and Contributions (Becky Thompson or Lee Ann Mjelde-Mossey) UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED 5. New Course Proposals: WEST 2910 Writing as if Your Life Depends Upon It UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED WEST 3670/SOC 367 Cross Cultural Alliance Building: Study in Cuernavaca, Mexico (Becky Thompson) UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED 6. New Course Proposal: ENGL 200 Introduction to English Studies (Katherine Mack/Susan Taylor) UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED 7. New Course Proposal: PHIL 308 Religion in a Consumer Culture (Mary Ann Cutter) UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED Future meetings: May 13