Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ScienceDirect Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125 (2015) 2010–2025 www.elsevier.com/locate/spa Laws relating runs and steps in gambler’s ruin Gregory J. Morrow Department of Mathematics, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO 80918, United States Received 20 June 2014; received in revised form 21 November 2014; accepted 12 December 2014 Available online 19 December 2014 Abstract Let X j denote a fair gambler’s ruin process on Z ∩ [−N , N ] started from X0 = 0, and denote by R N the number of runs of the absolute value, |X j |, until the last visit j = L N by X j to 0. Then, as √ √ −2 N → ∞, N R N converges in distribution to a density with Laplace transform: tanh( λ)/ λ. In law, we find: 2 lim N →∞ N −2 R N = lim N →∞ N −2 L N . Denote by R′N and L′N the number of runs and steps respectively in the meander portion of the gambler’s ruin process. Then, N −1 2R′N − L′N converges in law as N → ∞ to the density (π/4)sech2 (π x/2), − ∞ < x < ∞. c 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. ⃝ MSC: 60F05; 05A15 Keywords: Gambler’s ruin; Runs; Last visit; Meander; Generalized Fibonacci polynomial 1. Introduction Define a simple random walk {S j , j ≥ 0} on Z such that S0 = 0, and the increments ε j := S j − S j−1 , j = 1, 2, . . . , are independent random variables with P(ε j = 1) = p and P(ε j = −1) = 1 − p for all j ≥ 1. A simple, symmetric random walk is the case p = 12 , and in general we utilize the parameter ξ := p(1− p). Here ξ = Var(ε) and the case ξ = 14 corresponds to the symmetric case which is recurrent, and the ξ < 41 corresponds to the asymmetric case which is transient, [4]. We call Γm,n := {( j, S j ), j = m, . . . , n} a path of the random walk. An excursion is a path Γm,n such that Sm = Sn = 0, but S j ̸= 0 for m < j < n. A positive excursion E-mail address: gmorrow@uccs.edu. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.spa.2014.12.005 c 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 0304-4149/⃝ G.J. Morrow / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125 (2015) 2010–2025 2011 is an excursion that lies above the x-axis save for its endpoints. We define the number of runs in a path Γm,n as one plus the number of indices j, m < j < n, such that ε j+1 = −ε j . For a positive excursion path, the number of runs is just twice the number of peaks, where a peak corresponds to ε j = 1 and ε j+1 = −1. Define the index j, or step, of first return of a random walk to the origin by L := inf{ j ≥ 1 : S j = 0}; L is finite a.s. for a simple random walk by recurrence. Define the excursion sequence from the origin by Γ0 := {( j, S j ), j = 0, . . . , L}; L is called the number of steps of Γ0 . Finally, define R as the number of runs along Γ0 , where R = ∞ on {L = ∞} in the case of the asymmetric walk, p ̸= 12 . We now introduce the motivation and results of this paper. Define the height H of the excursion Γ0 as the maximum absolute value of the walk over this excursion: H := max{|S j | : j = 1, . . . , L}. (1.1) √ In the transient case ξ < 41 , H takes the value +∞ with positive probability 1 − 4ξ = |2 p −1|. Our primary goal is to establish in Theorem 1 an explicit formula for the conditional joint generating function of R and L given {H ≤ N }: K N (z) := E{y R z L |H ≤ N }. (1.2) The case of steps alone for simple random walk, that is y = 1 and p = 12 in (1.2), was solved by [3] as noted in [5, p. 327]. Our motivation for solving (1.2) is to apply the result to the symmetric gambler’s ruin problem, especially for the case p = 12 . The symmetric gambler’s ruin process on [−N , N ] for general p is a Markov chain {X j , j ≥ 0} on fortunes f ∈ Z ∩ [−N , N ], started from fortune X0 = 0, with transition from fortune f to f + 1 with probability p, and from f to f − 1 with probability 1 − p, independent of f . The process terminates at the first step j = τ N (stopping time) such that |X j | = N , that is when the gambler has either won or lost a total of N units on successive independent games with unit bets and probability p of winning each game. We may think of repeated independent attempts for an excursion of the random walk {S j } to reach at least height N and thus terminate the gambler’s ruin process. Hence if we denote by M N the number of excursions of the random walk until the step L N of last visit to the fortune f = 0 by the gambler’s ruin process, then M N is a geometric random variable. Define R N as the total number of runs of the path {( j, |X j |), j = 0, . . . , L N }. Equivalently, R N is the sum of the number of runs over each of the M N excursions that make up the gambler’s ruin path until the last visit. Thus by applying Theorem 1 we may explicitly write the joint generating function of R N and L N ; see (3.6). As a means to prove Theorem 1, we establish Proposition 2. This proposition yields the joint generating function for the number of runs, R′N , and steps, L′N , over the so-called meander, that is the remainder of the gambler’s ruin process following the last visit; see (1.5)–(1.6). We apply Proposition 2 and Theorem 1 to find limit distributions relating runs and steps as N → ∞ in Corollary 2. A key feature of our proof of an explicit formula for (1.2) involves certain bivariate polynomials {wn (x, u), n ≥ 1}, see (1.10), (2.14), that generalize the univariate Fibonacci polynomials Fn (x) = wn (x, 0). We now sketch our approach to see how these bivariate polynomials arise. First, instead of directly attacking the condition {H ≤ N } in (1.2), we condition on the event {H = n} as follows. Let G n (y, z) denote the conditional joint probability generating function of the number of runs and steps along Γ0 given that the height is n: G n (y, z) := E(y R z L |H = n), n ≥ 1. (1.3) 2012 G.J. Morrow / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125 (2015) 2010–2025 Define for n ≥ 1, the stopping time L′n := inf{ j ≥ 1 : |S j | = n}. (1.4) 0, . . . , L′n } Let := {( j, S j ), j = denote the first passage path to height n. By definition, L′n denotes the number of steps along this first passage path; denote by R′n the number of runs along Γn′ . Define gn (y, z) as the conditional joint probability generating function of R′n and L′n given a non-negative path: Γn′ ′ ′ gn (y, z) := E(y Rn z Ln |S j ≥ 0, j = 1, . . . , L′n ). (1.5) Since any non-negative path in Γn′ has probability given by the constant factor ( p/(1 − p))n times the probability of the corresponding (reflected) non-positive path, if we condition instead on a non-positive path in (1.5) then by one to one correspondence between paths we arrive at the same function gn (y, z). Observe therefore, by the definition of the meander in gambler’s ruin and (1.5), that ′ ′ E{y R N z L N } = zg N −1 (y, z). (1.6) Notice that for n ≥ 1 the event {H = n + 1} implies that ε1 = ε2 (since if ε2 = −ε1 then H = 1), and also that a run must end at step L′n+1 . Thus it follows directly from (1.1)–(1.5), by ′ regarding the first passage part Γn+1 of Γ0 followed by the remaining part of Γ0 , that G n+1 (y, z) = zgn (y, z)gn+1 (y, z), n ≥ 1. (1.7) Our first result is a recurrence relation for the sequence {gn }. To accomplish this we combine (1.7) with a second formula for G n+1 (y, z) as an explicit product formula in terms of gm , m = 1, . . . , n, that we obtain by a path decomposition in Section 2; see (2.4). In the formula (2.4), we must take account of the probability that a first passage to height n remains non-negative, as defined by ρn : ρn := P(S j ≥ 0, j = 1, . . . , L′n ), ρ−n := P(S j ≤ 0, j = 1, . . . , L′n ). (1.8) The probability ρn is determined by the classical solution of the gambler’s ruin problem on [0, n + 1] started from fortune f = 1; see Lemma 1 in Section 2.2. Proposition 1. gn+1 = Cn 1 gn2 , gn−1 1 − [ρn ρ−n gn2 ] n ≥ 2, (1.9) where g1 = yz, g2 = (1 − ξ )yz 2 /[1 − ξ y 2 z 2 ], and Cn = 1 − ρn ρ−n . To unravel the recursion of Proposition 1, we introduce a sequence of polynomial functions, {wn (x, u)}, with variables x := ξ z 2 and u := y 2 − 1, such that wn (x, u) serves as a denominator of the rational expression for gn (y, z). The variable u is chosen such that u = 0 corresponds to eliminating the role of runs in the calculation. Definition 1. Define wn (x, u) by the following recurrence relation: wn+1 = (1 − xu)wn − xwn−1 , w0 = w1 = 1, n ≥ 1. (1.10) In case u = 0, the recursion (1.10) becomes the definition (2.5) of the Fibonacci polynomials {Fn (x) = wn (x, 0)} in one variable (see [5, p. 327]). An identity for {wn } that arises naturally in G.J. Morrow / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125 (2015) 2010–2025 2013 the solution of the recurrence of Proposition 1 is as follows. wn2 − x n (u + 1) = wn+1 wn−1 , for all n = 1, 2, . . . , w0 = w1 = 1. (1.11) In fact by (2.7)–(2.8), any two term recurrence vn+1 = βvn − xvn−1 , n ≥ 1, with coefficients β and x independent of n, satisfies vn+1 vn−1 − vn2 = β −1 x n−1 (v3 v0 − v2 v1 ), β ̸= 0. (1.12) Hence we obtain (1.11) as a consequence of (1.10), (1.12). In particular, when v0 = 0, v1 = 1, the polynomials vn = vn (β, −x) are called the generalized Fibonacci polynomials in β and −x, [12]. Proposition 2. gn (y, z) = Fn (ξ )yz n , wn (x, u) n ≥ 1. The proof of the formula in Proposition 2 follows from Proposition 1 and (1.11) by induction. The solution gn provided by Proposition 2 obviously also yields a formula for G n via (1.7). Armed with an explicit formula for G n , by (1.3) we aim to calculate K N (y, z) in (1.2) by summation: K N (y, z) = N 1 G n (y, z)P(H = n). P(H ≤ N ) n=1 (1.13) (x) In the case of steps alone, with p = 21 , we have: K N (1, z) = FFNN−1(ξ(ξ) ) z FFNN −1 [5, p. 327]. In (x) particular the numerator of the rational function expression is closely related to the denominator. For our two variable case we must introduce a numerator polynomial as well, that we make explicit in (2.11) of Definition 2. In fact by Remark 1 in Section 2.5, the numerator polynomials {qn } of Definition 2 satisfy the recurrence (2.12), that is the same two term recurrence that defines {wn }, but with a different initial condition, namely q0 = 0, q1 = 1. So in fact qn (x, u) is the generalized Fibonacci polynomial vn (β, −x), evaluated at β = 1 − xu. 2 Theorem 1. The generating function (1.2) has the following formula. K N (y, z) = where, if ξ = 1 4 FN (ξ ) y 2 z 2 q N (x, u) , FN −1 (ξ ) w N (x, u) N ≥ 1, the normalization constant is written FN (ξ ) FN −1 (ξ ) = N +1 2N . To prove Theorem 1 we use an induction argument that relies on the fact that the sequence of numerators {qn } will satisfy the following identity. qn wn+1 − wn qn+1 = −x n , for all n = 1, 2, . . . . (1.14) In the one-variable case, we have qn (x, 0) = Fn−1 (x) = wn−1 (x, 0), n ≥ 1. Thus in case u = 0, (1.14) follows from (1.11). We observe that wn and qn are related in general by wn = qn − xqn−1 , n ≥ 1. (1.15) 2014 G.J. Morrow / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125 (2015) 2010–2025 The recursion (1.15) follows by (1.10) and (2.12) because {dn := wn − qn } also satisfies the basic two term recurrence dn+1 = βdn − xdn−1 , for β = 1 − xu, but with the following initial conditions: d1 = 0 = −xq0 , and d2 = −x = −xq1 . We remark that the joint generating function K (y, z) := E{y R z L |H < ∞} follows by taking the limit as N → ∞ in Theorem 1. In fact K (y, z) is already known for p = 21 . To see this, define the ℓth Narayana polynomial Nℓ (s) := ℓk=1 Nℓ,k s k−1 ; N1 (s) = 1, where Nℓ,k are the Narayana numbers that count the number of ℓ-Dyck paths with k peaks, [OEIS A001269]. Here a ℓ-Dyck path is a non-negative path of 2ℓ steps which is zero at the end points. Now, because a positive excursion of 2ℓ steps is obtained simply by raising a (ℓ − 1)-Dyck path to level 1, we have the following formula in case ξ = 14 : P(R = 2k, L = 2ℓ) = 2 × 4−ℓ Nℓ−1,k , ℓ ≥ k + 1 ≥ 2, ξ= 1 . 4 (1.16) Define the generating function of the sequence of Narayana polynomials by N (s, t) := 1 + ∞ 1 2 2 2 2 ℓ R L ℓ=1 Nℓ (s)t . By (1.16) we find: E{y z } = 2 y z N (y , z /4). Yet N = N (s, t) satisfies 2 the identity N = 1 + tN + st (N − N ), which can be seen by decomposing Dyck paths into positive excursions plus Dyck paths with at least one zero between their endpoints. So we solve for N and thus obtain (see [9]): K (y, z) = 1 + xu − (xu − 1)2 − 4x, ξ= 1 . 4 (1.17) We shall recover (1.17) as the special case ξ = 41 of Corollary 3 in Section 3. The following corollaries constitute our main applications of Theorem 1. Corollary 1. Let p = 12 . Then, as N → ∞, we have that N −2 R N converges in distribution to the probability density ∞ 1 2 =√ (−1)ν e−ν /x , x > 0. π x ν=−∞ ν=1 √ √ ∞ −λx The Laplace transform of f (x) is given by 0 e f (x)dx = tanh( λ)/ λ. In law, we have: lim N →∞ N −2 L N = 2 lim N →∞ N −2 R N . Further, √ √ lim E{exp(−λR′N /N 2 )} = λ/ sinh λ, (1.18) f (x) = 2 ∞ e−π 2 (2ν−1)2 x/4 N →∞ and the same limiting Laplace transform (1.18) holds with 21 L′N in place of R′N . The second formula for f (x) in Corollary 1 may be checked directly to have the indicated √ ∞ −1/2 −ν 2 /x −λx √ −2 λ|ν| Laplace transform by: 0 x e e dx = π/λe , [6, 17.13–31]. The equality of the two formulae for f (x) in Corollary 1 may also be obtained as a consequence of a theta function identity (for example apply [2, formula (3.12)], with a reciprocal transformation in x). The density g(x) := 21 f (x/2), x > 0, for the scaling limit of the number of steps L N until the last visit was first established by [7] as the density for the last time that a standard Brownian motion hits zero before exiting the interval [−1, 1]. By independence and Corollary 1 we √ also have that (R N + R′N )/N 2 converges in law to a distribution with Laplace transform 1/ cosh λ. √ √ √ The probability distributions determined by the Laplace transforms λ/ sinh λ and 1/ cosh λ may be found by [2, Table 1, pp. 442–443]. G.J. Morrow / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125 (2015) 2010–2025 2015 Let p = 12 . By Corollary 1 we expect 2R N − L N to have order N instead of N 2 . Denote ∆ N := 2R N − L N − M N and ∆′N := 2R′N − L′N . We obtain the following absolutely continuous scaling limits with densities shown under the characteristic function transforms. Here we remark that M N is a centering term in the definition of ∆ N since it may be seen by (1.17) that 2R − L is the mixture of a symmetric distribution with an atom located at integer d = 2 : K (e2it , e−it ) − 21 e2it = 1 − 1 2 cos(2t) − (1 − 1 2 cos(2t))2 − 41 , t ∈ R. Corollary 2. Let p = 21 . Then, for t ∈ R, there holds: ∞ ∞ tanh(t) 1 it ∆ N /N it x 2 −(2ν+1)π|x|/2 (i) lim E{e }= = e e dx, N →∞ t π ν=0 2ν + 1 −∞ ∞ t π ′ (ii) lim E{eit ∆ N /N } = dx, = eit x N →∞ sinh(t) 4 cosh2 (π x/2) −∞ ∞ 1 1 ′ (iii) lim E{eit (∆ N +∆ N )/N } = = eit x dx. N →∞ cosh(t) 2 cosh(π x/2) −∞ Corollaries 1 and 2 are proved in Section 3.1. In Section 4 we write representations for the distribution of R in terms of Legendre functions. This leads to Remark 4, which relates certain Catalan rook paths of Section 3 to the distribution of R for the case of simple, symmetric random walk. 2. Path decomposition We construct a path decomposition that will enable us to establish the formula (2.4), and which leads, when combined with (1.3), to the recurrence (1.9). Therefore the decomposition gives rise to the denominator polynomials (1.10) which appear as the solution to (1.9) in Proposition 2. Fix an integer a ≥ 1. We decompose the event {H = a + 1} pathwise. For the sake of argument we assume a positive excursion, so Γ0 stays above the x-axis save for its endpoints. To simplify notation we write a path γ ∈ {H = a + 1} as a sequence of integer ordinates y. Thus γ = γ0 , γ1 , γ2 , . . . , 1, 0, where γ0 = 0 and γ1 = 1, and where of course we have the random walk constraint: if γ j = y then γ j+1 = y ± 1. The other constraints for γ are that γ reaches a maximum ordinate a + 1 and does not reach ordinate y = 0 again after the initial ordinate until the end of the sequence. After the first step, γ must eventually return to the ordinate y = 1 at least once. Denote j1 = 1. We shall define inductively a certain subset J of steps j for which γ j = 1. We shall denote J = { ji : 1 ≤ i ≤ r + 1} where 1 = j1 < j2 < · · · < jr +1 , for some r ≥ 1, where the sequence γ = γ0 , γ1 , . . . , γ j∗ ends at step j∗ = 1 + jr +1 , and where each step ji+1 ∈ J, 1 ≤ i ≤ r , will be defined in terms of ji and the path γ . To set up this approach, define M1 := a + 1 as the absolute maximum of the path: M1 := max{γ j : j1 + 1 ≤ j ≤ j∗ }. There is a first step m(1) with m(1) > j1 at which γm(1) = M1 . Define j2 as the first step j > m(1) at which γ j = 1. Thus j1 < m(1) < j2 and γ j > 1 for all m(1) ≤ j < j2 and γ j2 = 1 Thus we have a first non-negative passage from zero to M1 − 1 by the “upside-down” path γ̃ defined by γ̃ j := M1 − γ j , m(1) ≤ j ≤ j2 . That is γ̃ j may take the value zero many times before reaching the value M1 − 1 = a, and the zeros of γ̃ correspond to maximum values M1 achieved by the original path γ at steps j with m(1) ≤ j < j2 . Next define the “future maximum” M2 by M2 := max{γ j : j2 + 1 ≤ j ≤ j∗ }, and define m(2) as the first step j > j2 such that γ j = M2 . 2016 G.J. Morrow / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125 (2015) 2010–2025 So, if j2 < j∗ , then starting from j2 the path γ makes a first passage to height M2 at step m(2), while staying at or above level 1 for steps j2 ≤ j ≤ m(2). We must have that M2 ≤ M1 . We proceed inductively to define the epochs ji , corresponding future maxima Mi , and indices m(i), such that each future maximum Mi will satisfy Mi = γm(i) . Given that ji ∈ J has been constructed, define Mi := max{γ j : ji + 1 ≤ j ≤ j∗ }, and m(i) := inf{ j ≥ ji + 1 : γ j = Mi }. Now if Mi ≥ 2, define also ji+1 := inf{ j > m(i) : γ j = 1}. If instead Mi = 0 then put r := i, so that the path γ terminates at epoch m(r ) = 1 + jr +1 = j∗ . Thus in summary, for i ≥ 1, Mi+1 is the maximum of the height of the remainder of the path after the path has returned to level 1 for the first time after the first step m(i) ≥ ji + 1 such that γm(i) = Mi . We work with the non-decreasing sequence M1 , M2 , . . . , Mr , where by construction M1 = a + 1 ≥ M2 ≥ · · · ≥ Mr ≥ 2 > Mr +1 = 0. Write ℓb := |{i : Mi = b + 1}|, a ≥ b ≥ 1, for the number of future maxima that take the value b + 1, where the absolute value signs denote cardinality of the given set of indices. Here by necessity ℓa ≥ 1 since the path γ must achieve its absolute maximum value a + 1. But the only condition in general is that ℓb ≥ 0 for 1 ≤ b < a. Denote E + := {S j ≥ 0, j = 1, . . . , L} for the event we have a positive excursion. Denote by Ha (ℓa , ℓa−1 , . . . , ℓ1 ) the collection of non-negative paths γ ∈ {H = a + 1} ∩ E + such that the future maximum value a + 1 is repeated ℓa times, the future maximum a is repeated ℓa−1 times, and in general, the future maximum value b + 1 is repeated ℓb times for 1 ≤ b ≤ a. Then we have the decomposition: {H = a + 1} ∩ E + = Ha (ℓa , ℓa−1 , . . . , ℓ1 ). (2.1) ℓa ≥1,ℓa−1 ≥0,...,ℓ1 ≥0 For a = 1 we have {H = 2} ∩ E + = ∪ℓ1 ≥1 H1 (ℓ1 ), where H1 (ℓ1 ) contains just one path, namely γ = (0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, . . . , 2, 1, 0), wherein ℓ1 is the number of repetitions of the ordinate y = 2. An example of a path γ ∈ H4 (1, 0, 2, 3) is as follows: δ(2) δ(1) δ(3) δ(4) δ(5) δ(6) γ = (0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1 2, 1 2, 1 , 2, 1 , 0). Note that ab=1 ℓb = r , so in our example r = 1 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 6, and we have marked as δ(i), i = 1, . . . , 6, the successive subpaths of γ defined by splitting up γ at the epochs ji ∈ J . Thus in general define δ(i) := (γ ji +1 , γ ji +2 , . . . , γ ji+1 ), 1 ≤ i ≤ r. (2.2) 2.1. Path decomposition formula for G a Fix for the moment i with 1 ≤ i ≤ r . If we insert a first ordinate 1 at the beginning the subpath δ(i) defined by (2.2), then by viewing the modified subpath first from the level y = 1 looking upwards we obtain a non-negative first passage to height Mi − 1, and by viewing the remainder of the subpath from the ordinate y = Mi looking downward we have (in the upside down coordinate system) a non-negative first passage to height b = Mi − 1. So really we break G.J. Morrow / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125 (2015) 2010–2025 2017 up each subpath δ(i) into two pieces, with the dividing line between the two pieces coming at the point that the ordinate Mi is first reached in δ(i). Thus if we denote any realization δ of δ(i) = 2, 2 ± 1, . . . , 2, 1 by δ = δ2 , δ3 , . . . , δn , for n = n(δ) and δ2 = 2, and if we denote b = Mi − 1, then we obtain the following computation: P(S2 = 2, S3 = δ3 , S4 = δ4 , . . . , Sn(δ) = 1|S1 = 1) = ρb ρ−b , (2.3) δ where the sum is over all possible realizations δ of δ(i), and ρb is defined in (1.8). Recall that for each path γ ∈ Ha (ℓa , . . . , ℓ1 ) we have that Mi − 1 takes the value b with frequency ℓb , 1 ≤ b ≤ a, and recall the definitions (1.1)–(1.5) for G a and ga . Note that for the path γ = 0, 1, δ(1), δ(2), . . . , δ(r ), 0, with δ(i) defined by (2.2), we have that γ has the same number of runs as 1, δ(1), δ(2), . . . , δ(r ), where we understand the sequences displayed as concatenations of subpaths; that is we do not need to include the first step and final step of the original γ to compute its number of runs. Therefore by using the full decomposition (2.1) and by applying (2.3) and the comments immediately preceding (1.7), we obtain ∞ a−1 ∞ 2 ℓa 2 [ρa ρ−a ga ] [ρb ρ−b gb2 ]ℓb , (2.4) G a+1 = cz ℓa =1 b=1 ℓb =0 where c is the normalization constant so that G a+1 (1, 1) = 1, and the factor z 2 corresponds to the first and last steps in a positive excursion path. 2.2. Fibonacci polynomial solution to gambler’s ruin To cast a form for working with the quantities ρn ρ−n in (2.4) (see definition (1.8)), we recall the Fibonacci polynomials {Fn (x)}, defined by: Fn+1 = Fn − x Fn−1 , F0 = F1 = 1, n = 1, 2, . . . . (2.5) The classical Fibonacci polynomials are defined by F0 = 0, F1 = 1, so our {Fn } are actually the classical ones shifted by one index. It is well known (see [11, pp. 75–76]) that, with √ α0 := 1 − 4x, Fn (x) = ⌊n/2⌋ k=0 n−k k (−x)k = 2−n−1 (1 + α0 )n+1 − (1 − α0 )n+1 . α0 (2.6) We pause to establish the identity (1.12) that arises from any constant coefficient two term recurrence vn+1 = βvn − xvn−1 , n ≥ 1. vn+2 vn−1 − vn+1 vn = (βvn+1 − xvn )vn−1 − (βvn − xvn−1 )vn = β(vn+1 vn−1 − vn2 ) = ββ −1 [vn+1 (vn + xvn−2 ) − vn (vn+1 + xvn−1 )] = x(vn+1 vn−2 − vn vn−1 ). (2.7) Since obviously (2.7) may be iterated, we obtain vn+2 vn−1 − vn+1 vn = β(vn+1 vn−1 − vn2 ) = x n−1 (v3 v0 − v2 v1 ). Therefore (1.12) follows from (2.8). (2.8) 2018 G.J. Morrow / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125 (2015) 2010–2025 Lemma 1. If ξ < 41 , then the following formulae hold for n ≥ 1: (i) ρn = p n /Fn (ξ ), ρn ρ−n = ξ n /Fn (ξ )2 ; (ii) P(H = n) = 2ξ n / Fn−1 (ξ )Fn (ξ ) ; (iii) P(H ≤ n) = 2ξ Fn−1 (ξ )/Fn (ξ ). If ξ = 14 , then ρn = 1/(n + 1) and P(H ≤ n) = n/(n + 1). Proof of Lemma 1. By the solution to the gambler’s ruin problem [4, p. 345], we have, with q := 1 − p, p−q (q/ p) − 1 = p n n+1 , and ρ−n = (q/ p)n ρn . (2.9) n+1 (q/ p) −1 p − q n+1 √ But, since ξ = pq yields 1 − 4ξ = | p − q|, by (2.6) we simply have Fn (ξ ) = | p n+1 − q n+1 |/| p − q|. So statement (i) follows by (2.9). The statement (ii) then follows from (i) by the equality: P(H = n +1) = pρn ρ−(n+1) +qρ−n ρn+1 . Formula (iii) follows easily from (ii) and the identity Fn2 − x n = Fn+1 Fn−1 (case u = 0 of (1.10)) by an induction that verifies the following identity: ρn = N n=1 2ξ n 2ξ FN −1 (ξ ) = , Fn−1 (ξ )Fn (ξ ) FN (ξ ) N ≥ 1. (2.10) If p = 21 , the formula ρn = 1/(n + 1) follows from the classical solution of the gambler’s ruin started from 1 on the interval [0, n+1], and the last formula holds since ρn = P(H ≥ n+1). 2.3. The polynomials qn and wn Definition 2. Define qn (x, u) := 2−n (β + α)n − (β − α)n , α n ≥ 0, where α and β are defined by β := 1 − xu and α := (xu − 1)2 − 4x. (2.11) Remark 1. The following recursion is equivalent to the definition (2.11): qn+1 = βqn − xqn−1 , q0 = 0, q1 = 1, n ≥ 1; β = 1 − xu. (2.12) Proof of Remark 1. The equivalence of (2.11) and (2.12) is evident in [12]. To see this directly, note that (2.11) gives q0 = 0 and q1 = 1. Further by substitution of (2.11) into (2.12), and by β(β ± α) − 2x = 21 (β ± α)2 , the recursion (2.12) is satisfied by (2.11) for all n ≥ 0. Lemma 2. The generating function of the sequence {qn , n ≥ 1} in (2.12) is: q(x, u, t) := ∞ n=1 qn (x, u)t n = t . 1 + (xu − 1)t + xt 2 (2.13) Proof of Lemma 2. The expression on the right side of (2.13) follows immediately by applying the recurrence (2.12) to the definition of q(x, u, t) and solving algebraically for q(x, u, t). G.J. Morrow / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125 (2015) 2010–2025 Remark 2. n−1 n + j u j 1 −n+1 qn − , ,u = Q n (u) := 2 2j + 1 2 4 j=0 2019 n ≥ 1. n Proof of Remark 2. Calculate the generating function: Q(u, t) := ∞ n=1 Q n (u)t by applying ∞ m j+m the formula m=0 s = (1−s)− j−1 , and find that Q(u, t) matches (2.13) at x = 14 . j Lemma 3. We have the following closed form expression for wn (x, u): 2−n (β + α)n − (β − α)n − 2x[(β + α)n−1 − (β − α)n−1 ] , α with α and β as defined in Definition 2. wn (x, u) = Proof of Lemma 3. The proof follows by (1.15) and (2.11) of Definition 2. (2.14) The closed formula in (2.6) is consistent with (2.14) when u = 0. 2.4. Recurrence for {gn }: Proofs of Propositions 1 and 2 Now that we have a closed formula for the polynomials {wn } in hand, by the path decomposition we proceed to establish a formula for gn of (1.5). Proof of Proposition 1. By (2.4), after calculating the geometric sums, we find G N +1 = cz 2 g 2N N 1 , 2 1 − [ρ n ρ−n gn ] n=1 (2.15) where c is a normalization constant that depends only on N and ξ , such that G N +1 (1, 1) = 1. Next by (1.7) and (2.15) we have g N +1 = z −1 g −1 N G N +1 = czg N N 1 . 2 1 − [ρ n ρ−n gn ] n=1 (2.16) Finally, (2.16) may be re-written as g N +1 N −1 gN 1 1 =c . zg N −1 g N −1 1 − [ρ N ρ−N g 2N ] 1 − [ρn ρ−n gn2 ] n=1 (2.17) Now the factor in parentheses at the end of the expression in (2.17) is, by (2.16), up to a normalization constant, just the factor g N . Hence we obtain the main formula of Proposition 1. The formula for g2 follows by direct calculation from (2.16) with N = 1, ρ1 ρ−1 = ξ and c = 1 − ξ . The constant Cn is evaluated by setting gn (1, 1) = 1. Proof of Proposition 2. The proof proceeds by induction. We have already verified the conclusion of the proposition for n = 1 since F1 (ξ ) = w1 (x, u) = 1. Now assume that (H) gn (y, z) = Fn (ξ )yz n , wn (x, u) for all n ≤ N , with some N ≥ 1. 2020 G.J. Morrow / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125 (2015) 2010–2025 Then by Proposition 1, (H), Lemma 1 and (1.11), we have g N +1 (y, z) = C N +1 w 2N FN (ξ )2 y 2 z 2N w N −1 C yz N +1 w N −1 = , w N +1 w N −1 FN −1 (ξ )yz N −1 w2N w2N − ξ N y 2 z 2N for a normalization constant C. The constant is evaluated by using that gn (1, 1) = 1. Thus the induction step is complete. 2.5. Proof of Theorem 1 Lemma 4. The identity (1.14) holds. Proof of Lemma 4. One proof may be accomplished by manipulating the closed forms given by (2.11) and (2.14). Another proof is to show that (1.14) follows from (2.12) via (1.12) and (1.15). Indeed, apply (1.15) to substitute for wn+1 and wn in the left side of (1.14), so that qn wn+1 − wn qn+1 = x(qn+1 qn−1 − qn2 ). By (1.12) this last expression is x(−x n−1 ) = −x n because β −1 (q3 q0 − q2 q1 ) = β −1 (0 − β) = −1. Proof of Theorem 1. Theorem 1. By (1.13), (1.7), Lemma 1, and Proposition 2, if we denote C N = P(H ≤ N ), then N N 2ξ n xn Fn−1 (ξ )Fn (ξ )y 2 z 2n = 2y 2 . (2.18) C N K N (y, z) = wn−1 wn Fn−1 (ξ )Fn (ξ ) w w n=1 n−1 n n=1 Next we show by induction the identity: N n=1 qN x n−1 = , wn−1 wn wN N ≥ 1. (2.19) Indeed, recall that w0 = w1 = 1 and q1 = 1. So (2.19) holds for N = 1. Now assume (2.19) for some N ≥ 1, and apply Lemma 4. Since by (1.14), qN xN q N +1 + = , wN w N w N +1 w N +1 the induction is complete, so (2.19) is proved. The proof now obtains from (2.18) and (2.19) since by Lemma 1, C N = 2ξ FN −1 (ξ )/FN (ξ ), and since, with the extra factor of x in (2.18) as compared with (2.19), we write x/ξ = z 2 . 3. Applications of Theorem 1 We first calculate the joint generating function K (y, z) := E{y R z L |H < ∞} (3.1) by passing to the limit N → ∞ in Theorem 1. We introduce a substitution variable θ to simplify the expression for the quotient q N /w N . Recall the definitions of α and β in Definition 2, (2.11). An appropriate substitution is: √ √ β := 4x cos θ, or cos θ = (1 − xu)/ 4x. (3.2) 2021 G.J. Morrow / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125 (2015) 2010–2025 Next, since α = β 2 − 4x, we have by (3.2) that √ √ β ± α = 4x(cos θ ± i sin θ ) = 4xe±iθ , (3.3) with ℑθ < 0 for |y| < 1, z ̸= 0. The idea of the substitution (3.2)–(3.3) may be found in [4, p. 352]. We can now plug in the formulae (2.11), (2.14), into the expression for K N (y, z) provided in Theorem 1, and apply the substitution (3.3) in as well, to obtain that FN −1 (ξ ) y 2 z 2 (ei N θ − e−i N θ ) , K N (y, z) = i N θ √ FN (ξ ) (e − e−i N θ ) − x ei(N −1)θ − e−i(N −1)θ (3.4) +1 . Further, by a bit more simplification involving where, if ξ = 41 then FN −1 (ξ )/FN (ξ ) = N2N the complex exponential formula for the sine, we have that (3.4) is also written as FN (ξ ) y 2 z 2 sin N θ K N (y, z) = . (3.5) √ FN −1 (ξ ) sin N θ − x sin(N − 1)θ Corollary 3. √ 1 − 4ξ y 2 z 2 , E{y z |H < ∞} = 1 + xu + (xu − 1)2 − 4x R L 1+ where u = y 2 − 1, x = ξ z 2 , |y| < 1, |z| < 1. Proof of Corollary 3. We let N → ∞ in√Theorem 1 for K N (y, z) as expressed in (3.4). Simply note that for θ = arccos((1 + x − x y 2 )/ 4x) and |y| < √ 1, z ̸= 0, ℑθ < 0, we have |eiθ | > 1. Further by (2.6), lim N →∞ 2FN (ξ )/FN −1 (ξ ) = c := 1 + 1 − 4ξ . So, by (3.3)–(3.4), lim K N (y, z) = N →∞ cy 2 z 2 1 cy 2 z 2 . √ −iθ = 2 [1 − xe ] 2−β +α Therefore the corollary follows by the definitions of β and α in Definition 2, (2.11). For the case of simple random walk, the generating function of Corollary 3 may be written K (y, 1) = 14 [3 + y 2 − y 4 − 10y 2 + 9]. We have that K (y, 1) is the “twin” generating function √ n −1 2 of Prook (t) = ∞ n=0 a(n)t , or Prook (t) = (8t) [1 + 3t − 1 − 10t + 9t ], where a(n) is the number of Catalan rook paths of length 2n, [8, Theorem 6]: K (y, 1) = 2Prook (1/y 2 ). Here a(n) is the number of lattice paths from (0, 0) to (2n, 0) using steps in S := {(k, k) or (k, −k) : k ≥ 1} that never cross the x-axis. As we shall see in developing the Remark 4 of Section 4, both generating functions recover the sequence {a(n)} or 1, 5, 29, 185, 1257, . . . [10, A059231]. 3.1. Proofs of Corollaries 1 and 2 We first calculate the joint generating function of R N and L N . Recall that M N is the number of excursions of height at most N − 1 until there is an excursion of height at least N for the random walk. By the fact that the simple random walk starts afresh at the end of each excursion, we have that 1 + M N is a standard geometric random variable (that is the values of M N start from m = 0) with success probability P(H ≥ N ). Thus P(M N = m) = [P(H < N )]m P(H ≥ N ), m = 0, 1, 2, . . . . 2022 G.J. Morrow / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125 (2015) 2010–2025 Let R N (resp. L N ) be a random variable whose distribution is the conditional distribution of the number of runs (resp. number of steps) in an excursion, given that the height of the excursion is at most N . The probability generating function K N −1 (y, z) = E{y R N z L N } is calculated in Theorem 1. Denote by R(1) , R(2) , . . . (resp. L(1) , L(2) , . . .), a sequence of independent copies N (m) N (m) of R N (resp. L N ). Then we have R N = M , LN = M , where the sums are m=0 R m=0 L understood to be zero if M N = 0. Thus by calculating a geometric sum we have: E{y R N z L N } = ∞ P(M N = m) (K N −1 (y, z))m = m=0 Proof of Corollary 1. We have ξ = N −2 R 2 e−λ/N N +1 . 1 4. P(H ≥ N ) . 1 − P(H < N )K N −1 (y, z) (3.6) We compute the limiting Laplace transform of We put y = and z = 1, and apply (3.6) with N + 1 in place of √N . By 2 1 2 −2λ/N )/4 ∼ i λ/N , (3.2) with x = 4 , we have y = 5 − 4 cos θ , so θ = arccos (5 − e as N → ∞. Now apply (3.4) in (3.6). Since at ξ = 14 , P(H ≤ N )FN (ξ )/FN −1 (ξ ) = 12 by Lemma 1, we calculate that the limiting Laplace transform, lim N →∞ E{exp(−λN −2 R N +1 )}, is written: √ 1 2 sin N θ − sin(N − 1)θ tanh λ lim = √ . (3.7) N →∞ N + 1 2 sin N θ − sin(N − 1)θ − (5 − 4 cos θ ) sin N θ λ To see (3.7), we expand sin(N − 1)θ = sin N θ cos θ − cos N θ sin θ , so the denominator of the main fraction becomes sin N θ (−3 + 3 cos θ ) + sin θ cos θ = I + I I . Here I = O(1/N 2 ) since √ N√ θ = O(1/N ). So I is negligible since I I ∼ (cosh λ)i λ/N √ , as N → ∞. Observe further that the numerator satisfies: 2 sin N θ − sin(N − 1)θ ∼ i sinh λ, as N → ∞. Thus by (3.7) we have established the Laplace transform in the statement of the corollary. By the Mittag-Leffler expansion for the hyperbolic tangent, tanh t = 8t ∞ ν=1 1 , (2ν − 1)2 π 2 + 4t 2 (3.8) the first formula for the density f (x) can be determined by inverting the Laplace transform in (3.7). The second formula for f (x) was proved after the statement of Corollary 1. Finally, we apply Proposition 2 directly to find the limiting Laplace transform of R′N +1 /N 2 , where in the statement of that proposition we have FN ( 41 ) = (N + 1)2−N by letting α0 → 0 2 in√(2.6). Hence by Proposition 2, (2.14), and (3.2)–(3.3), with y = e−λ/N and z = 1, so θ ∼ i λ/N as above, we obtain, √ √ 2 i λ λ e−λ/N −λ/N 2 ∼ g N (e , 1) ∼ (N + 1) sin θ √ = √ , 2 sin N θ − sin(N − 1)θ sin(i λ) sinh λ as N → ∞. To handle the case of steps alone in the meander, we note that for y = 1, we √ 2 have cos θ = 1/z in (3.2), so for z = e−λ/(2N ) , we again obtain θ ∼ i λ/N . Now in place of 2 2 y = e−λ/N√ ∼ 1 we obtain z N = e−λ/(2N ) ∼ 1, with the result that lim N →∞ g N (1, e−λ/(2N ) ) = √ λ/ sinh λ as before. Proof of Corollary 2. We first calculate the limiting characteristic function of N −1 ∆ N +1 . Since M N (m) − L(m) − 1), by a geometric sum calculation analogous to (3.6), we ∆ N +1 = m=1 (2R G.J. Morrow / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125 (2015) 2010–2025 2023 have E{eis ∆ N +1 } = P(H > N ) . 1 − P(H ≤ N )e−is K N (e2is , e−is ) (3.9) Now put s := t/N , and thus plug (3.5) into (3.9) with y = e2it/N , z = e−it/N , and x = 41 e−2it/N . After a bit of simplification, similar as in the proof of Corollary 1, we have that sin N θ − 12 e−it/N sin(N − 1)θ 1 it N −1 ∆ N +1 E{e }= , (3.10) N + 1 sin N θ − 12 e−it/N sin(N − 1)θ − 12 eit/N sin N θ √ since x = 12 e−it/N and e−is y 2 z 2 = eit/N . There is cancelation in the denominator of (3.10) that we find by expanding sin(N − 1)θ . Indeed the denominator of (3.10) is written as 1 1 1 sin N θ 1 − e−it/N cos θ − eit/N + e−it/N cos N θ sin θ = I + I I. (3.11) 2 2 2 Now by (3.2), cos θ = eit/N − 14 e3it/N + 41 e−it/N ∼ 1 + 12 t 2 /N 2 . Hence θ ∼ it/N , as N → ∞. Therefore in (3.11) we find that I = O(N −2 ) and I I ∼ it (2N )−1 cos(it). Thus, because the numerator of the fraction in (3.10) is asymptotically 12 sin(it), we find by (3.10)–(3.11) −1 that E{eit N ∆ N +1 } ∼ tanh(t)/t, as N → ∞. Thus statement (i) of Corollary 2 has been proved up to the form of the density. For the density, we again apply the Mittag-Leffler formula (3.8). then invert the characteristic function to obtain a series of double exponentials using ∞ We −1 e−a|x| eit x dx = 2/[a 2 + t 2 ]. a −∞ To complete the proof of the corollary, we establish statement (ii). The statement (iii) will then follow by independence. We derive (ii) directly by Proposition 2, similar as in the last part of the proof of Corollary 1. By the definition of gn in (1.5), we have: −1 ′ E{eit N ∆ N +1 } = zg N (y, z), with y = e2it/N , z = e−it/N . (3.12) Hence by Proposition 2, (3.12), (2.14), and (3.2)–(3.3), e2it/N e−it (N +1)/N . (3.13) √ 2 sin N θ − 4x sin(N − 1)θ √ Finally, θ ∼ it/N as in the proof of part (i), and 4x = z = e−it/N , so by (3.13), as N → ∞, √ −1 ′ E{eit N ∆ N +1 } = (N + 1)( 4x)−N +1 sin θ −1 ′ E{eit N ∆ N +1 } = (N + 1) sin θ (N + 1)it/N t ∼ ∼ . (3.14) −it/N 2 sin N θ − e sin(N − 1)θ sin(it) sinh(t) ∞ 2 it x −∞ sech (π x/2)e dx = t/ sinh(t), [6, 17.23–19], the proof of (ii) is Thus by (3.14), since π4 complete. Finally the proof of part (3) of the corollary is a consequence of independence of ∆ N and ∆′N , ∞ together with the fact that 12 −∞ sech(π x/2)eit x dx = sech(t), [6, 17.23–16]. 4. Representation of P(R = 2k|H < ∞) k Define the Legendre polynomial Pk (s) of degree k, by (1 − 2st + t 2 )−1/2 = ∞ k=0 Pk (s)t ; µ see [13, 15.1]. One of its relatives in a whole family of associated Legendre functions Pν (s) 2024 G.J. Morrow / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125 (2015) 2010–2025 s (see [1, Chapter 3]) is: Pk−1 (s) = (s 2 − 1)−1/2 1 Pk (s)ds, so that √ ∞ 1 − 1 − 2st + t 2 1 −1 k π(s, t) := Pk (s)t = −√ . √ t s2 − 1 s2 − 1 k=0 (4.1) We aim to match the generating function of Corollary 3 of Section 3 for z = 1, namely c(u + 1) c K (y, 1) = 1 + ξ u − (1 − ξ u)2 − 4ξ , = 4ξ 1 + ξ u + (ξ u − 1)2 − 4ξ √ for c = 1 + 1 − 4ξ , with the generating function π(s, t) of (4.1). We accomplish this by setting s = (1 + ξ )/(1 − ξ ), and t = ξ y 2 /(1 − ξ ) in (4.1). Hence we obtain the following representation of the distribution of R. Corollary 4. ξ 1−ξ k 1+ξ , k ≥ 2; 1−ξ √ and P(R = 2|H < ∞) = c/[2(1 − ξ )], where c = 1 + 1 − 4ξ . √ µ 2 −µ/2 π µ We have the formulae: Pν (s) = 2√(s −1) s 2 − 1 cos θ]ν+µ (sin θ )−2µ dθ , and 1 0 [s + c P(R = 2k|H < ∞) = √ 4ξ µ µ −1 Pk−1 π Γ ( 2 −µ) P−ν−1 (s) = Pν (s); [1, 3.4(7) and 3.7(6)]. Thus by Corollary 4 and these formula, with ν = k −1 and µ = −1, so that −ν − 1 + µ = −k − 1, we obtain an integral representation as follows. Remark 3. For all k ≥ 2, we have ξk π sin2 (θ )dθ . P(R = 2k|H < ∞) = 1 + 1 − 4ξ √ π 0 (1 + ξ + 4ξ cos θ )k+1 (4.2) We match the generating function Prook (t) of Section 3 with the generating function π(s, t) of (4.1) by setting s = 53 . Thus we see that the integer sequence {a(n)} of [10, A059231] and discussed in Section 3, satisfies a(n) = 21 3n Pn−1 ( 53 ), n ≥ 1. Hence by Corollary 4 we obtain the following. Remark 4. If p = 21 , then the integer sequence {a(n)} may be written: a(n) = 1 2n+1 3 P(R = 2(n + 1)), 2 n ≥ 0. References [1] H. Bateman, A. Erdelyi, Higher Transcendental Functions. Vol. I, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1953–1955. [2] P. Biane, J. Pitman, M. Yor, Probability laws related to the Jacobi theta and Riemann zeta functions, and Brownian excursions, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 38 (4) (2001) 435–465. [3] N.G. de Bruijn, D.E. 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