60 E E E TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDI Jung," Member, IEEE, SC Changes in the electroen- nous, accurate, noninvasive, and near real-time operator's global level of alertness is feasible ures recorded from as few as two central scalp on monitoring tasks periods from two sec0 or complete unrespons formance and the EEG pow by using an event rate high scale changes in perform I. INTRODUCTION Y studies of vigilance during the past half century e shown that retaining a constant level of alertness or impossible for operators of automatized systems who perform monotonous but attention-demanding monitoring tasks [ 11. Alertness deficits are a particular problem i the-clock operations, and can lead to severe consequences for ship, air, truck, rail, or plant operators, air traffic c security officers, and workers in many other occ most such work environments, continuous meas ator performance are not available. Accurate an real-time monitoring of operator alertness would thus be highly desirable in a variety of operational environments, particularly if this measure could be shown to predict chan performance capacity. It has also been known for more than half signal changes related to alertness, arousal, sl tion are present in electroencephalographic ( arousal monitoring tasks), d changes in operator performance is not a an EEG-based pe*Omance mo assessment. for many Operators, gro accuratelY Predict changes in linear regression models to Manuscnpt received April 21, 1995, revised A S Makeig was supported by the Department of the Navy, Naval Research and Development Command under Grant ONR.WR. J Sejnowsh was supported by the Department of the indicates corresponding author. than linear models 1131, and between EEG spectra and p information to develop, for each op Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9294(97)00606-X 0018-9294/97$10 00 0 1997 E E E 61 JUNG et a1 ESTIMATING ALERTNESS FROM THE EEG POWER SPECTRUM individual differences in EEG dynamics accompanying loss of alertness. We then compare the accuracy of our estimates to those obtained from linear regression models. Finally, we present a benchmark study in which the accuracy of our alertness estimates compares favorably to non-EEG-based a priori models, and show that our estimation results approach a lower bound for error rate estimation. 11. METHODS A. Subjects A total of 15 subjects (ages from 18 to 34 years) participated in a dual-task simulation of auditory and visual sonar target detection. All had passed standard Navy hearing tests or reported having normal hearing. Each subject participated in three or more simulated work sessions each lasting 28 min. We selected for intensive analysis data from all subjects having at least two sessions containing a minimum of 25 lapses. For each of these ten subjects, we selected the two sessions with the highest number of lapses for training and testing, and reserved the session with the third highest number of lapses for neural network training validation. The 20 selected test sessions included a mean of 68 lapses (range: 27-160). B. Stimuli auditory or visual response buttons each time they detected an auditory or visual target respectively. D. Data Collection EEG data were recorded at a sampling rate of 312.5 Hz from two midline sites, one central (Cz) and the other midway between parietal and occipital sites (Pz/Oz), using 10-mm gold-plated electrodes referenced to the right earlobe. EEG data were first preprocessed using a simple out-of-bounds test (with a f 5 0 UV threshold) to reject epochs that were grossly contaminated by muscle and/or eye-movement artifacts. Moving-averaged spectral analysis of the EEG data was then accomplished using a 256-point Hanning-window with 50% overlap. Windowed 256-point epochs were extended to 512 points by zero-padding. Median filtering using a moving 5-s window was used to further minimize the presence of artifacts in the EEG records. The EEG power spectrum time series for each session consisted of 1024 EEG power estimates at 81 frequencies (from 0.61 to 49.41 Hz) at 1.6384s (512-point per epoch) time intervals. For spectral correlation and error rate estimation, data from each session were first converted to a logarithmic scale and then normalized at each frequency separately by subtracting the session mean and dividing the result by half the difference between the 25th and 75th percentiles of the log power distribution during the session. Logarithmic scaling linearizes the expected multiplicative effects of subcortical systems involved in wake-sleep regulation of EEG amplitudes [15]. Auditory signals, including background noise, tone pips, and noise burst targets, were synthesized using a Concurrent work station which was also used to record the EEG. In a continuous 63-dB white-noise background, task-irrelevant auditory tones at two frequencies (568 Hz and 1098 Hz) were E. Alertness Measure Auditory targets were classified as Hits or Lapses depending presented in random order at 72 dB (normal hearing level) with stimulus onset asynchroniesbetween 2-4 s. These signals were on whether or not the subject pressed the auditory response introduced to assess the information available in event-related button within 120 ms to 3000 ms of target onset. To quantify potentials [13], and are not reported in this study. In half of the level of alertness, auditory responses were converted into the inter-tone intervals, target noise bursts were presented at 6 local error rate, defined as the fraction of targets not detected dB above their detection threshold. The mean target rate was by the subject (i.e., lapses) within a moving time window. thus 10 per minute. Positions of target onsets in the inter-tone Each error rate time series consisted of 1024 points at 1.6384intervals were pseudorandom, and did not occur within 400 s intervals, and was computed using a causal 93.4 s (57 epoch) exponential window whose gain varied from 1.O at the leading ms of the nearest probe tone. Visual stimuli were produced by a 386 PC with a VGA color edge to 0.1 at the trailing edge. Error rate and EEG data from display (13-cm wide by 9-cm high). The display background the first 93.4 s of each run were not used in the analysis. For was composed of l-mm grey scale squares resembling visual each window position, the sum of window values at moments television noise (“snow”). Visual targets were introduced at a of presentation of undetected (lapse) targets was divided by mean rate of l/min, and were not correlated with auditory tar- the sum of window values at moments of presentation of gets. Visual targets consisted of 20 consecutive white squares all targets. The window was moved through the session in forming a vertical line. The display was updated twice each 1.6-s steps, converting the irregularly-sampled, discontinuous second by adding a new line of squares to the top of the screen performance record into a regularly-sampled, continuous error and scrolling the existing display down one line, creating a rate measure with range [O, 11. slowly descending “waterfall” effect. F. Numerical Methods C. Procedure Numerical results in this study were computed on a SiliEach subject participated in three or more 28-min experi- con Graphics Indy computer (R4OOOPC CPU). The stability mental sessions on separate days. Subjects sat in a chair with of minute-scale fluctuations in performance concurrent with their right index and middle fingers resting on visual and changes in the EEG power spectrum over time and subauditory target response buttons, respectively. The subjects jects was analyzed using a cluster analysis program, UNIX viewed the CRT waterfall display while receiving auditory pcdcluster, based on the centroid method [161. Multivariate stimulation bilaterally through headphones, and pressed the linear regression and analysis of variance were performed 62 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENG anipulation an data-analysis programs [17]. Analysis using feedforward multilayer perceptrons was per- inputs, which is then passed through squashing function. In this study, the of the network were adjusted using the ize sum-squared error be- data. Training was terminated when estimation performance ed to improve. Upon completion of the y took several minutes of CPU time, the network was tested on the last 967 data points from a separate F1g 1. Fluctuations in error rate one test session Note the correlatio square (rms) estimation errors during each run (excluding the first 93.4 s). LATIONSHIP BETWEENTHE! og EEG spectrum at the figure, the EEG log spect” has been ting the mean log spectrum d u n g the and performance in two and 14.7 Hz. In both exceeds 75%. Third, appreciably, relative e relationship of minute-scale fluctuations local error ra spectrum at each time point and the mean “alert” spectrum ects. Depth indexes local visual task perform auditory task perfor 63 JUNG et al.. ESTIMATING ALERTNESS FROM THE EEG POWER SPECTRUM cz - 4 4 - - Power near 14 Hz 3 .92 E1 4 c Y $0 0 OO 20 (a) OO (C) 80 100 80 100 (b) - Frequency ( H ~ ) 40 60 Error Rate (%) - Power near 14 Hz 20 40 60 Error Rate (%) (d) Fig. 2. Grand mean error-sorted spectra showing mean group differences between drowsy and alert log spectra for each local error rate level (indexing levels of drowsiness). Grand mean of 20 sessions from ten subjects. Error rate smoothing in this and following figures: causal 93-s exponential window: (a) at the vertex (Cz), spectral changes are largest near 4 Hz and 14 Hz at high error rates and (c) at PUOz (midway between midline parietal and occipital sites), power increases near 4 Hz beginning at moderate error rates, and decreases slightly near 10 Hz. (b) and (d) show cross secbons of power change with error rate at those frequencies). As suggested by the peaks in the error-sorted spectral surfaces (Fig. 2), the mean correlation between performance We then measured correlations between changes in the and EEG power is positive at both sites near 4 Hz, and at EEG log power spectrum and local error rate by computing Cz another positive correlation occurs near 14 Hz. At high the correlations between the two time series at each EEG error rates, a modest negative correlation also appears near frequency. We refer to the results as forming a correlation spectrum. Since most spectral variance in the error rate time 10 Hz. In an earlier study using the same auditory detection series for this task occurs at cycle lengths longer than 4 task, where subjects kept their eyes closed [SI, the spectral minutes [91, we smoothed the EEG power and error rate time correlation between performance and EEG power contained a series using a noncausal 93.4-s bell-shaped moving-average prominent negative correlation in the alpha frequency range. filter to eliminate variance at cycle lengths shorter than 1-2 This negative peak was not found in the present experimin. For each EEG site and frequency, we then computed ments in which subjects performed with eyes open. Fig. 3(a) spectral correlations for each session separately and averaged gives the impression that two frequency bands dominate the results across all 20 sessions. Results for 40 frequencies the relationship between performance and the EEG power spectrum. between 0.61 Hz and 24.4 Hz are shown in Fig. 3(a). B. Spectral Correlation Frequency (Hz) 0 5 10 15 20 Frequency (Hz) 25 Frequency (Hz) (cf. Fig. l), (d) correlation spectra from the least similar within-subject session pair (Subject D14). Next, we compared correlation spectra for individual sessions to examine the stability of this relationship over time and subjects. Figs. 3(b), (c), and (d) show that correlation spectra subjects are consistent between sessions, but differ subjects. Subject D3 shows a positive correlation D2 does not. Cluster analysis of spectral correlations between pair of sessions mo separated by the cluster analysis ve correlation between 1 Hz and Fig. 3(d)). Thus, changes in the loss of alertness appear to be spectrum at several frequencies. JUNG et a1 ESTIMATING ALERTNESS FROM THE EEG POWER SPECTRUM individual changes in alertness and performance. Rather information about alertness may be distributed over the entire EEG spectrum. In this study, we assess the potential accuracy of error rate estimation using full spectrum EEG. First, we describe a lower bound for estimation error and two a priori error rate models. Next, we explore the benefits of estimating error rate from the full EEG spectrum at two scalp sites using neural networks. Finally, we compare the results of EEG-based error rate estimation to the lower bound and a priori models. 65 Mean local error rate trend i 0‘5 A. Non-EEG-Based Estimation 1) Estimation Error in a priori Models: The best available a priori estimate of local error rate in our task is the group mean local error rate at each instant. The estimate is based on the assumption that for each subject and session the tendency of failing to respond to targets is the same. We computed this “group trend” by averaging performance results of a total of 98 similar 28-minute auditory detection sessions, including the 30 sessions used in the present analysis. The results (Fig. 5 ) follows a well-known trend of vigilance data: Initial nearperfect performance begins to decay after about one minute. Thereafter, error rate rises steadily until 10 min into the task, after which it remains more or less stable near 30%. Thus, this group trend should give a best available a priori estimate of alertness decrements. Root mean square errors between the group trend and observed error rate time courses in these Jxperiments thus provide a conservative benchmark for the accuracy of EEG-based alertness estimation. If EEG-based estimation can perform better than this a priori estimate, its further development would appear justified. Note that in more complex real-world work environments in which EEG-based monitoring would be of most value, detailed knowledge of the time course of error rates would not normally be available. A second, less conservative standard can be derived from a model which assumes that operators experience no lapses in alertness at all (a “right stuff’ model), ignoring the tendency for vigilance decrements in stimulus-poorenvironments. Many current system designs may incorporate this model tacitly if they assume that their human operators will be able to respond at any time to new events or conditions. The prediction error of this “right stuff’ model, the actual rms error rate for each session, thus provides a second standard against which to compare the performance of EEG-based models. 2) Expected Minimum for Estimation Error: Our performance analysis is based on the assumption that the timevarying error-rate measure indexes more or less continuous changes in subjects’ levels of alertness. As a probability measure, error rate cannot itself predict individual responses to targets, even if it is known precisely. Since target stimuli in our experiments were delivered at semi-random intervals at a limited sampling rate, the resulting sparse sampling and sampling jitter in the performance records produced uncertainty in error rate estimates computed from those records. In this sense, a local error rate time series cannot be recaptured perfectly from a single performance record. Therefore, any measure partially or wholly correlated with performance, including the EEG spectrum, cannot to be o OO 5 10 . 15 20 25 l30 Time (min) Fig. 5. Group mean local error rate trend for each time-on-task, averaged across 98 sessions. This group mean trend gives a conservative a priori standard of comparison for EEG-based estimation errors in the auditory detecuon task. expected to generate an error-rate estimate with more accuracy sible in computing local error rate from the ws us to compute an expected lower r-rate estimation. For each session, we first generated 50 surrogate data sessions, series of simulated hits and lapses based on target delivery times generated by the same algorithm that produced the experimental sessions, and counted each target depending on a random number weighted by the observed error rate time series (considered as an experimentally-derived time-varying probability of a performance lapse at each target delivery time). Next, we low-pass filtered the resulting surrogate performance records using the same smoothing window used to derive the actual error-rate time series. Finally, we computed the rms difference between the resulting surrogate error rate series and the original error rate series for the session. By this method, 50 surrogate error rate functions were created and evaluated for each of the 20 experimental sessions. Fig. 6 shows the error rate time series from one session (top panel) and 20 surrogate error rate time series generated from the non-EEGbased model. B. EEG-Based Error Rate Estimation Multiple linear regression models and feedforward multilayer networks were trained to estimate the behavioral errorrate time series from information available in the EEG power spectrum. Except where indicated, principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to the full EEG log spectrum to extract the directions of largest variance for each session used to train the network. Projections of the EEG log spectral data on the subspace formed by the eigenvectors corresponding to the largest eigenvalues were then used as input to train various models to estimate the time course of the local error rate. Each model was trained on one session and tested on a separate test session for each of the ten subjects. PCA eigenvectors derived IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOME 66 11 I I I I I 1 Observed error rate time series 0.8 COMPARISON OF MEANESTIMATION ERRORS I MULTIPLE LINEARREGRESSION A FROM Two EEG CHANNELS AV REGRESSION MODEL FOR E 2) Advantage of Using the F 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 cused on a small number ori, rather than the full-s Time (min) trum, we compared linear regression on at five frequencies previous1 spectra resulted in lo training-testing pairs input, rather than a subset 3) Advanfaage of Usi vestigation using a si gression models to the channels to estimate ale the results of using log testing pairs, as estimated log spectra (0.6-24.4 Hz), channels than using either or Pz/Oz (F(1,lO)= 8.0 further comparisons we same way. Mean and standard deviation rates were the two-layer (no hidden layer) network varied from the time course of e for each of the 20 of neural network estima introduced into the model. This result confirms a recent finding 221 who showed significant correlations eigenvectors of EEG spectral variance same detection task. In further model ur principal components as use three-layer net JUNG et al.: ESTIMATING ALERTNESS FROM THE EEG POWER SPECTRUM 61 TABLE I1 COMPARISON OF MEANESTIMATION ERRORSIN ERROR-RATE ESTIMATES USING MULTIPLE LINEARREGRESSION AND NEURAL NETWORKS FOR EACHSUBJECT, THE FULLEEG SPECTRUM FROM ONE SESSION, PREPROCESSED USING PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS (PCA), WAS USED TO TRAINTHE MODELS TO ESTIMATE THE TIMECOURSE OF ERRORRATEIN A SECOND SESSION FROM THE SAME SUBJECT THETABLE SHOWS THE MEANSAND STANDARD DEVIATIONS OF THE (RMS) ESTIMATION ERRORFOR 20 SESSIONS FROM TEN SUBJECTS Measure Linear Regression rms est. error std. deviation 1.2 I I Estimate 0.163 Neural Network (no hidden layer) 0.158 0.0452 0.0429 Neural Network (1 hidden layer with 3 units) 0.156 1 0.0475 Subject D18 I I I I I 1 Observed error rate Neural net estimate rms=0.08) ---Linear reg. estimate [rms=o.i 1) c 0.8 I 0.6 - 0.5 - 0.4 - EEG-based neural net estimate Linear regression estimate Group trend upper bound Session rms error rate +-t .- 0.3 0.4 0.2 .n 0 0.1 o.2 5 10 15 Time(min) 20 25 i 30 (a) Subject D3 Observed error rate Neural net estimate rms=0.137 ---Linear reg. estimate [rms=0.142{ 0.6 - EEG-based neural net estimate +Lower bound (+/- 2 s.d.) ---Session rms error rate 0.8 ,/ ._...___.._...... 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0 5 10 15 Time(min) 20 25 30 0 '9 5 15 20 Experiment # (b) Fig. 7. Error-rate estimates for sessions from two subjects, based on three-layer feedforward neural network (dashed lines) and [O, 11-limited linear regression (dotted lines) processing of PCA-reduced EEG log spectra at two scalp sites, overplotted against actual local error rate time series for the sessions (solid lines). For both sessions, the nonlinear estimator gives the lower rms estimation error. Note differences at the end of (a) and beginning of (b). Fig. 7 plots actual and estimated error rate time series for single test sessions from the two typical subjects. The errorrate estimates were obtained using both linear regression and three-layer neural networks with three hidden units applied to two-channel EEG log power spectra projected on the four principal components. As can be seen in the figure, in both Fig. 8. Relative accuracy of EEG-based versus best a priori local error-rate estimators: (a) estimation errors produced by EEG-based linear-regression and three-layer neural network models (see key) compared to errors produced by optimum (observed group trend) and unrealistic (zero-error) a priori models. Neural network models give a lower estimation error than linear-regression models in 16 of 20 cases (F(1,9) = 6.37; p = 0.03), and a lower estimahon error than the optimum e priori model; in 18 of 20 cases and @) EEG-based rms estimation error compared to an expected lower bound for estimation error (mean f 2 s. d.) computed for each session using a Monte Carlo method (see Fig. 6). sessions the neural networks estimate changes in local error rate occurring throughout the sessions reasonably well and with less estimation error than the linear regression estimates. 5) P e ~ o r m a n c eof EEG-Based Alertness Estimates: Finally, we compared the accuracy of our best EEG-based estimates to IEEE TFL4NSACTIONS ON BIOMED 68 riori standards and the ’lower-bound near real-time knowledge of . 8 displays results for each session, of total rms error. The top panel shows that the estimation errors produced by both the more realistic (“group trend”) and unrealistic (“right stuff ’) a priori models were larger than those produced by the EEG-based linear and nonlinear (three-layer neural network) models. EEG-based nonlinear estimators gave lower rms estimation changes in EEG pow error than the conservative “group trend” estimates for 18 of a monotonic relations the 20 training-testing pairs, demonstrating that suitable EEGbased algorithms are capable of giving more accurate estimates of performance than even optimum a priori estimators. EEG- variable between subje based estimators wer rably more accurate than the predictions of the ght stuff’ model. The bottom panel of Fig. 8 shows the estimation errors neural networks. Our results show that ac expected from sampling error alone (mean& 2 s.d.). As can be seen, rms estimation error is within two standard deviations of spectral data appears reali the expected lower bound for 13 of the 20 EEG-based session estimates. On average, EEG-based estimation errors were 1.2 above the lower bound. These results ous EEG-based error-rate estimation using data channels is feasible, and can give more accurate information about minute-to-minute changes in operator alertness than the best a priori models. for the same ses [l] N. Mackworth, “The br arch,” Q J Exp Psy V. DISCUSSION derived from EEG data collected at two (central and posterior The computational load imposed by ow is is well within the capabilities of modern ing hardware to perform in real time using one or more channels of EEG data. Once an estimator has been developed for each operator, based on limited pilot testing, the only spontaneous EEG signals from the operator, require further collection or analysis of operator performance. Also, unlike proposed methods based on event, our method avoids introducing or secondary-task stimuli into the enient electrode sensory transmiss nments in which JUNG et aL: ESTIMATING ALERTNESS FROM THE EEG POWER SPECTRUM [16] P. Sneath and R Sokal, Numerical Taxonomy The Principles and Practice of Numerical Classzjication San Francisco, CA Freeman, 1973 [ 171 G Perlman, “UNIWSTAT Data-analysis programs,” Behavior Res Methods and Instrum, no 1, 1984 I181 D van Camp, User’s Guide for the Xerion Neural Network Simulator, Dept Computer Science, Univ of Toronto, 1993 [19] D E Rumelhart, G E Hiton, and R J Williams, “Learning internal representation by error propagation,” in Rummelhardt Parallel Distributed Processing Cambndge, MA, MIT Press, 1986, ch 8 [20] N Morgan and H Bourlard, “Generalization and parameter estimation in feedforward nets Some expenments,’’ in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, D S Touretzky, E d , vol 2 San Mateo, CA. Morgan Kaufmann, 1990, pp 630-637 [21] A Papoulis, “Minimum bias windows for high resolution spectral estimation,” ZEEE Trans Inform Theory, vol IT-19, pp 9-12, 1973 [22] S Makeig and T Jung, “Alertness is a prmcipal component of vmance in the EEG spectrum,” NeuroRep , vol 7, no 1, pp 213-216, 1995 [231 S Makeig, F Elliott, M. Inlow, and D Kobus, “Lapses m alertness Bran-evoked responses to task-irrelevant auditory probes,” Naval Health Research Center, San Diego, CA, Tech Rep 90-39, 1992 [241 S Hillyard and P Johnston, “Event-related brain potentials as predictors of target detection performance in a moving waterfall display simulatmg passive broad-band sonar monitoring,” Naval Health Research Center, San Diego, CA, Tech Rep 93-33, 1994 [25] J Isreal, C Wickens, G Chesney, and E Donchm, “The event-related brain potential as an index of display-monitoring workload,” Human Factors, vol 22, no n2, pp 211-224, 1980 Tzyy-Ping Jung (S’91-M’92) received the B.S. degree in electronics engineering from National Chiao Tung University, Tawan, in 1984, and received the M S and Ph D degrees in electncal engineermg from The Ohio State University, Columbus, in 1989 and 1993, respectively. He is currently a Research Associate at the National Research Council of the Nahonal Academy of Sciences. He is also a Research Associate with the Computabonal Neurobiology Laboratory at The Salk Institute in San Diego, CA His research interests are in the areas of speech production and perception, signal processing, artificial neural networks, time-frequency analysis of human EEG, and the development of neural human-system interfaces. Scott Makeig received the B A from the Univ of California, Berkeley, in 1972, completed the master’s degree program in music theory from the University of South Carolina, Columbia, in 1979, and received the interdisplinary Ph.D in music/psychobiology from the University of California, San Diego, in 1982 He is a Psychobiologist specializing in applying time-frequency and neural network analysis to human EEG and N R I time-series data He is on the faculty of the Department of Neurosciences at UCSD, and for several years has studied the EEG correlates of alertness lapses for the Office of Naval Research as a Research Psychologist at the Naval Health Research Center, San Diego, CA. 69 Magnus Stensmo received the M.Sc. in computer science and engineering in 1988 and the Ph.D. in computer science in 1995 from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. Thc present work was performed while he was a visiting graduate a student at the Computational Neurobiolog Lab at the Salk Institute, San Diego, CA. between 1992 and 1995 He is now a Postdoctoral Research Associate with the Computer Science Division at University of California, Berkeley. Terrence J. Sejnowski (M’83-SM’91) received the B.S. in physics from the Case-Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, the M.A. in physics from Pnnceton University, Princeton, NJ, and the Ph.D. in physics from Princeton University in 1978. From 1978 to 1979 Dr. Sejnowski was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Biology at Princeton University and from 1979-1982 he was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Neurobiology at Harvard Medical School. In 1982 he joined the Faculty of the Department of Biophysics at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, where he achieved the rank of Professor before moving to San Diego, CA, in 1988. He is an Investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and a Professor at The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, San Diego, CA, where he directs the Computational Neurobiology Laboratory. He is also Professor of Biology and Adjunct Professor in the Departments of Physics, Neuroscience, Psychology, Cognitive Science, Electrical and Computer Engineermg, and Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, San Diego, where he is Director of the Instltute for Neural Computation and Director of the McDonnell-Pew Center for Cognitive Neuroscience. Dr. Sejnowslu received a Presidential Young Investigator Award in 1984. He was a Wiersma Visiting Professor of Neurobiology at the California Inshtute of Technology in 1987. In 1988 he founded the journal Neural Computation, published by the MIT Press. He delivered the 1991 Messenger Lectures at Cornell University. With Patncia Churchland, he wrote The ComputationalBrain, (Cambridge, MA MIT Press, 1992). He was a Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Scholar at the California InsfitUte of Technology in 1993-1994 and continues as a Visiting Professor. The long-range goal Dr. Sejnowski’s research is to build linkmg principles from bram to behavior using computational models This goal is being pursued with a combination of theoretical and experimental approaches at several levels of investigation ranging from the biophysical level to the systems level. Hippocampal and cortical slice preparations are being used to explore the propertles of single neurons. Network models based on these data are used to study how populations of neurons code and process information. These studles may lead to new insights into how sensory informahon is represented in the visual cortex, bow memory representations are formed, and how sensorimotor transformations are organized.