Title of Your Paper (Times Roman 14pt. Bold) Author1, Author2, and Author3 (TR 12 pt. plain) 1. Introduction (TR 12 pt. bold) Lay out brief but to-the-point introduction. It could describe motivation, goal, and or plan of this paper [1]. The length of the paper should not exceed 5 pages of single space double column format in plain TR 10 pt. font. No space should be left between the title of the section and the first line and no indentation in the first paragraph of each section. Your report in PDF will be submitted electronically by e-mail to your instructor at yoonslee@phys.ufl.edu no later than April 11, 2011 (Monday). Your presentation time will be announced in early April. 2. Title of section 0 1- 2+ It is m * / m 1 F1s / 3 + 2- 1+ 0 2.1. Title of subsection (TR 11 pt. bold) Equations could be numbered if necessary. recommended to use MS Equation editor. orbital and spin space in 3He-B, i.e. spontaneously broken relative spin-orbit symmetry [4]. B 00- B Figure 1. Each figure should be numbered and the caption is in plain TR 10 pt. that determines the heat capacity. 4. Summary or Conclusions 2.2. Bose-Einstein condensation This report is brilliantly written and the authors have spent tremendous amount effort. Therefore, all the authors of this paper deserve A+ in this course. Figures or pictures should be inserted in text near where the relevant discussion occurs. Each figure should have a figure caption. Figures or pictures could be in color or in grayscale. The same applies to tables. References should appear in appropriate places in text as [ref. number]. The reference number should match with the number in the Reference section at the end of the manuscript. One of the most interesting features of these order parameters is that combinations of various components may oscillate about their equilibrium positions with a frequency of the order of the gap frequency. This coherent oscillation of order parameters is called an order parameter collective mode (OPCM) [15]. The detailed spectra of OPCM’s reflect the symmetry of the phase and provide a fingerprint of the phase. Here, we will focus our discussion on the OPCM’s in 3He-B. 3. Superfluid 3He Liquid 3He is an unfathomable source of new phenomena. Rich physics in this system evolves from the combination of the Fermi liquid properties and the exotic broken symmetry in the superfluid states. The acoustic Faraday effect is an excellent experimental manifestation of these combined properties. As mentioned above, the acoustic Faraday effect provides the first clear evidence of propagating transverse sound in liquid 3He and the existence of the coupling between Acknowledgements We would like to thank all my heroes who made me who I am. References [1] See the format of references below. [2] K. Mendelssohn, The Quest for Absolute Zero, Taylor & Francis, London, 1977. [3] F. Pobell, Matter and Methods at Low Temperatures, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992. [4] D.D. Osheroff, R.C. Richardson, and D.M. Lee, Phys. Rev. Lett. 29, 920 (1972). [5] J. Wilks, The Properties of Liquid and Solid Helium, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1967. [6] A.J. Leggett, Rev. Mod. Phys. 47, 331 (1975); J.C. Wheatley, Rev. Mod. Phys. 47, 415 (1975).