Publications by HHMI-Sponsored Undergraduate Researchers

Publications by HHMI-Sponsored Undergraduate Researchers
By Department and Lab at the University of Delaware 1999-2014
Department of Biological Sciences
Dr. Kamil Akanabi
Brian Jensen, Mary C. Farach-Carson, Erin Kenaley, and Kamil A. Akanbi, (2004) High
Extracellular Calcium Attenuates Adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes, Exp Cell Res.
Dr. Daniel Carson
Catherine B. Kirn-Safran, Daniel S. Oristan, Richard J. Focht, Shaila G. Parker, Jay L.
Vivian, and Daniel D. Carson (2007) Global Growth Deficiencies in Mice Lacking the
Ribosomal Protein HIP/RPL29, Developmental Dynamics 236, 447-460.
Dr. Mary C. Farach-Carson
Ronald R. Gomes, Sonali S. Joshi, Mary C. Farach-Carson (2006) Ribozyme-Mediated
Perlecan Knockdown Impairs Chondrogenic Differentiation of C3H10T1/2 Fibroblasts.
Differentiation, 74(1):53-63.
Laura G. Sloofman , Verdelis K, Spevak L, Zayzafoon M, Yamauchi M, Opdenaker
LM, Farach-Carson MC, Boskey AL, Kirn-Safran CB. (2010) Effect of HIP/ribosomal
protein L29 deficiency on mineral properties of murine bones and teeth. Bone 47: 93-101.
Lowe Dylan A, Lepori-Bui N, Fomin PV, Sloofman Laura G, Zhou X, Farach-Carson
MC, Wang L, Kirn-Safran CB. (2014) Deficiency in perlecan/HSPG2 during bone
development enhances osteogenesis and decreases quality of adult bone in mice. Calcif
Tissue Int. 95(1):29-38. doi: 10.1007/s00223-014-9859-2
Drs. Carlton Cooper and Robert Sikes
Robert A. Sikes, Carlton R.Cooper, G. L.Beck, Freddie Pruitt, M. L. Brown, and G.
Balian (2004) Bone stromal cells as therapeutics targets in osseous metastasis. 2005.
Chapter 21, pp. 369-386, In: Cancer Growth and Progression, Volume 15,
"Integration/Interaction of Oncologic Growth." Ed. Gary Meadows, Series Ed. Kaiser H.,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA.
Robert A. Sikes, Carlton R. Cooper, G. L. Beck, Freddie Pruitt, M. L. Brown, and G.
Balian (2005) Bone stromal cells as therapeutics targets in osseous metastasis. Chapter
21, pp. 369-386, In: Cancer Growth and Progression, Volume 15, "Integration/Interaction
of Oncologic Growth." Ed. Gary Meadows, Series Ed. Kaiser H., Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Boston, MA
Dr. Patricia A. Martin-DeLeon
Patricia A. Martin-DeLeon, L. Canaff, R. Korstanje, V. Bhide, Maryanne Selkirk, G.
N. Hendy (1999). Rabbit Calcium-sensing Receptor (CASR) Gene: Chromosomal
Localization and Evidence for Related Genes. Cytogenet. Cell Gen. 86: 252-258.
Eric A. Evans, Hong Zhang, and Patricia A. Martin-DeLeon, (2003) SPAM1 (PH-20)
protein and mRNA expression in the epididymides of humans and macaques: utilizing
laser mircodissection/RT-PCR. Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 1:54.
Hong Zhang, Stacy Shertok, Kimberly Miller, Taylor L., Martin-DeLeon, P. A. (2005)
Sperm Dysfunction in the Rb(6.16)- and Rb(6.15)-bearing mice revisited: Involvement of
Hyalp1 and Hyal5. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 72(3):404-10.
Kimberly A. Miller, Minghai Shao, and Patricia A. Martin-Deleon (2007) Hyalp1 in
Murine Sperm Function: Evidence for Unique and Overlapping Functions with Other
Reproductive Hyaluronidases. J Androl. 28, 67-76.
Geneveve S. Griffiths, Kimberly A. Miller, M. Shao, Deni S. Galileo, Patricia A.
Martin-DeLeon (2007) SPAM1 is secreted by the estrous murine uterus and oviduct in a
form which can bind to sperm during capacitation: Acquisition enhances HA-binding
ability and cumulus penetration efficiency. Reproduction In press.
Geneveve S. Griffiths, Kristin L. Reese, Deni S. Galileo, Patricia A. Martin-DeLeon
(2008) Investigating the role of Murine Epididymosomes and Uterosomes in GPI-linked
protein transfer to sperm using SPAM1 as a model. Mol Reprod Dev. 75(11), 1627-36.
Reese KL, Aravindan RG, Griffiths GS, Shao M, Wang Y, Galileo DS, Atmuri V,
Triggs-Raine BL, Martin-Deleon PA (2010). Acidic hyaluronidase activity is present in
mouse sperm and is reduced in the absence of SPAM1: evidence for a role for
hyaluronidase 3 in mouse and human sperm. Mol Reprod Dev. 77(9):759-72.
Dr. Melinda Duncan
Justin R. DiAngelo, Trusha K. Vasavada, William Cain, and Melinda K. Duncan (2001)
Production of monoclonal antibodies against chicken Pop1 (BVES). Hybridoma and
Hybridomics 20:377-382
Nicole L. Hill, Andres Laib and Melinda K. Duncan (2002) Mutation of The
Ectodysplasin-A gene results in bone defects in mice. J. Comp. Pathology 126:220-225.
Trusha Vasavada, Justin DiAngelo and Melinda K. Duncan (2004) Developmental
expression of Pop1/Bves. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, 52, 371-377
Janine E. Collinge, Vladimir N. Simirskii, Melinda K. Duncan (2005) Expression of
tissue plasminogen activator during eye development. Experimental Eye Research 81:
Liang I Kang, Yan Wang, Arthur T. Suckow, Kirk J. Czymmek, Vesselina G. Cooke,
Ulhas P. Naik and Melinda K. Duncan (2006) Deletion of JAM-A causes Morphological
Defects in the Corneal Epithelium. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell
Biology. In press.
Xiaoren Chen, Jennifer R. Taube, Tapan P. Patel, and Melinda K. Duncan (2007) Dual
roles for Prox1 in the regulation of chicken betaB1-crystallin expression, Investigative
Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, in press
Xiaoren Chen, Tapan P. Patel, Vladimir I. Simirskii and Melinda K. Duncan (2008)
PCNA interacts with Prox1 and represses its transcriptional activity, Molecular Vision
14: 2076-2086.
Brian P. Danysh, Tapan P. Patel, Kirk J. Czymmek, David A. Edwards, Liyun Wang,
Jayanti Pande, and Melinda K. Duncan (2010) Characterizing Molecular Diffusion in the
Lens Capsule. Matrix Biology 29: 228-236.
Vivek D. Desai, Yan Wang, Vladimir N. Simirskii and Melinda K. Duncan (2010) CD44
expression is developmentally regulated in the mouse lens and increases in the lens
epithelium during epithelial-mesenchymal transition, Differentiation 79: 111-119.
Bhagwat V. Alapure, Jaime K. Stull, Zeynep Firtina and Melinda K. Duncan (2012) The
Unfolded Protein Response is activated in Connexin50 mutant mouse lenses
Experimental Eye Research 102, 28-37.
Fahmy A. Mamuya, Yan Wang, Victoria H. Roop, David A. Scheiblin, Jocelyn C. Zajac
and Melinda K. Duncan (2014) The Roles of αV Integrin in Lens EMT and Posterior
Capsular Opacification. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 18, 656-670.
Abby L. Manthey, Anne Terrell, Yan Wang, Jennifer R. Taube, Alisha R. Yallowitz, and
Melinda K. Duncan (2014) The Zeb proteins, dEF1 and Sip1, may have distinct functions
in lens cells following cataract surgery Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences,
In press.
Dr. Deni Galileo
Erin M. (Henninger) Stettler and Deni S. Galileo (2004). Radial glia produce and align
the ligand fibronectin during neuronal migration in the developing chick brain. J. Comp.
Neurol., 468:441-451.
Alexandra Cretu, Joseph S. Fotos, B. W. Little, and Deni S. Galileo, (2005). Human
and rat glioma growth, invasion, and vascularization in a novel chick embryo brain tumor
model. Clin Exper Metas. 22:225-236.
Joesph S. Fotos, Vivek P. Patel, Norman J. Karin, M. K. Temburni, John T. Koh, and
Deni S. Galileo (2006) Automated time-lapse microscopy and high-resolution tracking of
cell migration. Cytotechnology 51(1): 7-19.
L. M. Masiello, Joseph S. Fotos, Deni S. Galileo, Norman J. Karin (2006)
Lysophosphatidic acid induces chemotaxis in MC3T3-E1 osteoblastic cells. Bone. 39(1)
Jing Tian, , Carrie A. Paquette-Straub, E.H. Sage, S.E. Funk, Vivek Patel, Deni S.
Galileo, and Mary Ann McLane (2007). Inhibition of melanoma cell motility by the
snake venom disintegrin eristostatin, Toxicon, 49(7), 899-908.
Genevieve S. Griffiths, Kristin L. Reese, Deni S. Galileo, Patricia A. Martin-DeLeon
(2008) Investigating the role of Murine Epididymosomes and Uterosomes in GPI-linked
protein transfer to sperm using SPAM1 as a model. Mol Reprod Dev. 75(11), 1627-36.
Genevieve S. Griffiths, Kimberly A. Miller, Deni S. Galileo, Patricia A. Martin-DeLeon
(2008). Murine SPAM1 is secreted by the estrous uterus and oviduct in a form that can
bind to sperm during capacitation: acquisition enhances hyaluronic acid-binding ability
and cumulus dispersal efficiency. Reproduction, 135(3):293–301.
Muhua Yang, Shalini Adla, Murali K. Temburni, Vivek P. Patel, Errin L. Lagow, Owen
A. Brady, Jing Tian, Magdy I. Boulos, and Deni S. Galileo (2009) Stimulation of glioma
cell motility by expression, proteolysis, and release of the L1 neural cell recognition
molecule. Cancer Cell International, Oct 29;9:27.
Deni S. Galileo and Vivek P. Patel (2009). FOCUS: Tracking Migrating Cells with
MetaMorph® Software. MetaMatters, 1(4), 1-3.
Kristin L. Reese, Aravindan RG, Griffiths GS, Shao M, Wang Y, Galileo DS, Atmuri V,
Triggs-Raine BL, Martin-Deleon PA (2010). Acidic hyaluronidase activity is present in
mouse sperm and is reduced in the absence of SPAM1: evidence for a role for
hyaluronidase 3 in mouse and human sperm. Mol Reprod Dev. 77(9):759-72.
Muhua Yang, Yupei Li, Kalyani Chilukuri, Owen A. Brady, Magdy I. Boulos, John C.
Kappes, Deni S. Galileo (2011). L1 stimulation of human glioma cell motility correlates
with FAK activation. J Neurooncol., 105(1):27-44.
Dr. Norman Karin
Suzanne E. Biehn, Kirk J. Czymmek, Karla Leavens, and Norman Karin (2004)
Expression of the Sarco/Endoplasmic Ca2+-ATPase, SERCA1a, in Fibroblasts Induces
the Formation of Organelle Membrane Arrays. Experimental Cell Research, Exp. Cell
Res. 292:78-88
Joesph S. Fotos, Vivek P. Patel, Norman J. Karin, M. K. Temburni, John T. Koh, and
Deni S. Galileo (2006) Automated time-lapse microscopy and high-resolution tracking of
cell migration. Cytotechnology 51(1): 7-19.
L. M. Masiello, Joseph S. Fotos, Deni S. Galileo, Norman J. Karin (2006)
Lysophosphatidic acid induces chemotaxis in MC3T3-E1 osteoblastic cells. Bone.
39(1) 72-82.
Dr. Catherine Kirn-Safran
Stephanie A. Miller, Anissa J. Brown, Mary C. Farach-Carson, and Catherine B. KirnSafran (2003) HIP/RPL29 down-regulation accompanies terminal chondrocyte
differentiation. Differentiation, 71:322-336. (source of cover photo for the issue.)
Catherine B. Kirn-Safran, Daniel S. Oristan, Richard J. Focht, Shaila G. Parker, Jay L.
Vivian, and Daniel D. Carson (2007) Global Growth Deficiencies in Mice Lacking the
Ribosomal Protein HIP/RPL29, Developmental Dynamics 236, 447-460.
Laura G. Sloofman , Verdelis K, Spevak L, Zayzafoon M, Yamauchi M, Opdenaker
LM, Farach-Carson MC, Boskey AL, Kirn-Safran CB. (2010) Effect of HIP/ribosomal
protein L29 deficiency on mineral properties of murine bones and teeth. Bone 47: 93101.
Lowe Dylan A, Lepori-Bui N, Fomin PV, Sloofman Laura G, Zhou X, Farach-Carson
MC, Wang L, Kirn-Safran CB. (2014) Deficiency in perlecan/HSPG2 during bone
development enhances osteogenesis and decreases quality of adult bone in mice. Calcif
Tissue Int. 95(1):29-38. doi: 10.1007/s00223-014-9859-2.
Dr. Eric Kmiec
L. Liu, Y. Hu, Michael Usher, and Eric B. Kmiec (2003) The nuclease activity of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mre11 functions in targeted nucleotide alteration. Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 69(10):6216-6224.
M. C. Rice, Brandy Heckman, Y. Liu, and Eric B. Kmiec (2003) Fluorescent detection
and isolation of DNA variants using stabilized RecA-coated oligonucleotides. Genome
Research 14:116-125.
Dr. Gary Laverty
Gary Laverty, C. McWilliams, Amanda Sheldon, and S. S. Arnason, (2003). PTH
stimulates a Cl-dependent and EIPA-sensitive current in chick proximal tubule cells in
culture. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 284:F987-F995
Dr. Ulhas Naik
James J. Parris, V. G. Cooke, W. C. Skarmes, M. K. Duncan, and Ulhas P Naik (2005)
JAM-A Expression During Embryonic Development. Developmental Dynamics 233,
Liang-I Kang, Wang, I., Arthur T. Suckow, Kurt J. Czymmek, V. G. Cooke,
Ulhas P. Naik, and Melinda K. Duncan, (2006) Deletion of JAM-A causes morphological
defects in the corneal epithelium. International J. Biochemistry and Cell Biology. In
Dr. Anja Nohe
Mukherjee J, Menegazzo N., Booksh K., Smorodin V., Dhurjati P., Nohe A (2012).
Synthesis of L-Cysteine Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles and their Effects on Cell
Viability. Advanced Science Letters, 6 (8), 26-33, 2012.
Beth Bragdon, Alex D'Angelo, Lauren Gurski, Jeremy Bonor, Kathryn L. Schultz,
Wesley G. Beamer, Clifford J. Rosen and Anja Nohe. Altered Plasma Membrane
Dynamics of Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor Type Ia in a Low Bone Mass Mouse
Model. Bone, Accepted.
Mukherjee S, Menegazzo N., Booksh K., Smorodin V., Dhurjati P., Nohe A (2012)
Synthesis of L-Cysteine Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles and their Effects on Cell
Viability. Advanced Science Letters, 6 (8), 26-33.
Dr. Erica Selva
R. M.Goodman, S. Thombre, Z. Firtina, D. Gray, Daniella Betts, J. Roebuck, E. P.
Spana, and Erica M. Selva (2006) Sprinter: A novel transmembrane protein required for
Wg secretion and signaling. Development, 133, 4901-4911.
Dr. Malcolm Taylor
Bills, M. L., Callaway, S. B., Kessler, A. T. and Taylor, M. H. (2008) Ovarian
contractions in various teleost families, J. Fish Biology 72, 671-680.
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Dr. Brian Bahnson
D. T.Yeung , D. Josse, J. D. Nicholson, A. Khanal, Christopher W. McAndrew, Brian
J. Bahnson, D. E. Lenz, D. M. Cerasoli (2004) Structure/function analyses of human
serum paraoxonase (HuPON1) mutants designed from a DFPase-like homology model.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 1702(1):67-77
Dr. Svilen Bobev
Sheng-qing Xia, Jonathan Hullmann, Svilen Bobev, Arif Ozbay, Edmund R. Nowak
and Veronika Fritsch (2007) Synthesis, crystal structures, magnetic and electric transport
properties of Eu11InSb9 and Yb11InSb9, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 180, 20882094.
Jonathan Hullman, Sheng-quin Xia, and Svilen Bobev (2007) Sr11SbY9 from molten In,
Acta Crystallographica, E63, i178.
Svilen Bobev, Jonathan Hullmann, Thomas Harmening, and Rainer Pottgen (2010)
Novel ternary alkaline-earth and rare-earth metal antimonides from gallium or indium
flux. Synthesis, structural characterization and 121Sb and 151Eu Mossbauer spectroscopy
of the series A7Ga8Sb8 (A = Sr, Ba, Eu) and Ba7In8Sb8. Dalton Trans., 39: 6049–6055.
Dr. Brian Bahnson
Stephanie A. Schaefer, Ming Dong, Renee P. Rubenstein, Wayne A. Wilkie, Brian J.
Bahnson, Colin Thorpe, and Sharon Rozovsky. (2013) 77Se Enrichment of Proteins
Expands the Biological NMR Toolbox. Journal of Molecular Biology 425, 222-231
Dr. Karl Booksh
Mukherjee S, Menegazzo N., Booksh K., Smorodin V., Dhurjati P., Nohe A (2012)
Synthesis of L-Cysteine Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles and their Effects on Cell
Viability. Advanced Science Letters, 6 (8), 26-33.
Dr. Steven D. Brown
A. J. Myles, Tyler A. Zimmerman, Steven D. Brown (2006) Transfer of Multivariate
Classification Models Between laboratory and Process Near-Infrared Spectrometers for
the Discrimination of Green Arabica and Robusta Coffee Beans, Appl. Spectrosc. 60:
Dr. Junghuei Chen
Zhaoqin Zhang, Amanda M. Simons, Vidhya P. Prabhu, Junghuei Chen (1998) Strand
exchange protein 1 (Sep1) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae does not promote branch
migration in vitro. Journal of Biolological Chemistry 273(9):4950-4956.
Junghuei Chen, Eugene Antipov, Bertrand Lemieux, Walter Cedeno, and D. H. Wood.
(1999) DNA Computing Implementing Genetic Algorithms” in L. Landweber, E.
Winfree, R. Lipton, and S. Freeland (eds.) Proceedings of DIMACS Workshop on
Evolution as Computation, pp 39-49.
David Harlan Wood, Junghuei Chen, Eugene Antipov, Bertrand Lemieux, Walter
Cedeno, (2000) In vitro selection for a max-1s DNA genetic algorithm. In David K.
Gifford and Erik Winfree, editors, DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and
Theoretical Computer Science. 54, 23-37.
David Harlan Wood, Junghuei Chen, Eugene Antipov, Walter Cedeno, and Bertrand
Lemieux. A DNA implementation of the Max-1s problem. In Wolfgang Banzhaf, A. E.
Eiben, Max H. Garzon, Vasant Honavar, Mark Jakiela, and Robert E. Smith, editors,
GECCO-99: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, July
13-17, 1999, Orlando, Florida USA, San Francisco, 1999. Morgan Kaufman.
David Harlan Wood. Junghuei Chen, Eugene Antipov, Bertand Lemieux, W. Cedeno
(2001) A Design for DNA Computation of OneMax Problem. Special issue on
Biomolecular Approaches to Soft Computing. Soft Computing 5:19-24.
Zhaoquin Zhang, Dennis Yoon, Jacob R. LaPorte, and Junghuei Chen (2001)
Appropriate Initiation of Strand Exchange Reaction Promoted by RecA Protein Requires
ATP Hydrolysis, J. Mol. Biol. 309:29-43.
L. Cai, Ulf Marquardt, Z. Zhang, M.ark J. Taisey and Junghuei Chen (2001) Influences
of DNA Topology on Synaptic Complex Formation Promoted by RecA Protein of E. coli,
Nucleic Acids Research 29:1389-1398.
Vidhya Prabhu VP, Amanda M. Simons AM, H. Iwasaki, D. Gai, Daniel T. Simmons,
and Junghuei Chen (2002) The Effect of p53 on the Rate of Spontaneous Branch
Migration and Resolution of the Holliday Junction by RuvC. J. Mol. Biol. 316:10231032 .
Dennis Yoon, Y. Wang, Kenneth Stapleford, L. Wiesmüller, and Junghuei Chen. (2004)
P53 Inhibits Strand Exchange and Replication Fork Regression Promoted by Human
Rad51, J. Mol. Biol. 336, 639–654.
Dr. Roberta F. Colman
J. Wang, Susan Bauman, and Roberta F. Colman, (1998) Photoaffinity Labeling of Rat
Liver Glutathione S-Transferase, 4-4, by Glutathionyl S-[4-(Succinimidyl)Benzophenone]. Biochemistry 37:15671-15679.
J. Wang, Susan Bauman, and Roberta F. Colman (2000) Probing Subunit Interactions in
Alpha Class Rat Liver Glutathione S-Transferase with the Photoaffinity Label
Glutathionyl S-[4-(Succinimidyl)-benzophenone]. J. Biol. Chem. 275:5493-5503.
Jennifer B. Palenchar, Jennifer M. Crocco, and Roberta F. Colman (2003) The
Characterization of Mutant Bacillus subtilis Adenylosuccinate Lyases Corresponding to
Severe Human Adenylosuccinate Lyase Deficiencies. Protein Science 12:1694-1705.
Sambanthamurthy Soundar, Molly O'Hagan, Kenneth S. Fomulu, and Roberta F.
Colman (2006) Identification of Mn2+-binding Aspartates from alpha , beta and
gamma Subunits of Human NAD-dependent Isocitrate Dehydrogenase J. Biol. Chem.
281(30): 21073-81.
Mark L. Segall, Meghan A. Cashman, and Roberta F. Colman (2007) Important roles of
hydroxylic amino acid residues in the function of Bacillus subtilis adenylosuccinate lyase
Protein Sci. 16, 441 - 448.
Ariyananda, L.D. Z., Lee, P., Antonopoulos, Christina and Colman, R.F.
(2009). Biochemical and Biophysical Analysis of Five Disease-Associated Human
Adenylosuccinate Lyase Mutants. Biochemistry 48, 5291-5302.
Anastasia F. Thevenin, Chati L. Zony, Brian J. Bahnson, and Roberta F. Colman
(2011). GSTpi Modulates JNK Activity Through a Direct Interaction with JNK
Substrate, ATF2" Protein Science, 20(5), 834-848.
Lushanti Ariyananda, Christina Antonopoulos, Jenna Currier, Roberta F. Colman,
(2011) "In Vitro Hybridization and Separation of Hybrids of Human Adenylosuccinate
Lyase from Wild Type and Disease-Associated Mutant Enzymes" Biochemistry 50(8),
Anastasia F. Thevenin, Chati L. Zony, Brian J. Bahnson, and Colman, R.F. (2011).
Activation by Phosphorylation and Purification of Human c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase
(JNK) Isoforms in milligram Amounts. Protein Expression and Purification. 75 (2) 138146.
Dr. Joseph M. Fox
Z. Dong, Richard J. Karpowicz, Jr., Shi Bai, Glenn P. A. Yap, Joseph M. Fox, (2006)
Control of Absolute Helicity in Single-Stranded Abiotic Metallofoldamers. J. Am. Chem.
Soc. 128(44): 14242-14243.
Dr. Mahendra K. Jain
Allison Liechty, J. Chen, and M. K. Jain. (2000) Origin of Antibacterial Stasis by
Polymyxin B in Escherichia coli. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 1463:55-64.
Dr. John Koh
Hai Fen Ye, John T. Koh* and Kathryn E. O'Reilly, A subtype-selective thyromimetic
designed to bind a mutant thyroid hormone receptor implicated in resistance to thyroid
hormone (RTH), J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2001, 123, 1521-1522. (featured in C&E News)
Kristian H. Link, Federico G. Cruz, Hai-Fen Ye, Kathryn E. O'Reilly and John T. Koh
(2004) Photo-caged agonists of the nuclear receptors RARg and TRb provide unique
time-dependent gene expression profiles for light-activated gene patterning. Bioorganic
& Medicinal Chemistry 12, 5949-5959.
Y. Shi, Hai-Fen Ye, Kristian H. Link, M.C.Putnam, Isaac Hubner, Sarah Dowdel, and
John T. Koh, (2005). Mutant-selective thyromimetics for the chemical rescue of thyroid
hormone mutants associated with resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH). Biochemistry, 44,
Joseph S. Fotos, Vivek P. Patel, Norman J. Karin, M. K. Temburni, John T. Koh, and
Deni S. Galileo (2006) Automated time-lapse microscopy and high-resolution tracking of
cell migration. Cytotechnology 51(1): 7-19.
Dr. Eugene Mueller
Vidhyashankar Ramamurthy, Steven L. Swann, Jennifer L. Paulson, Christopher J.
Spedaliere, and Eugene G. Mueller (1999) Critical Aspartic Acid Residues in
Pseudouridine Synthases, Journal of Biological Chemistry 274:22225-22230.
Eugene G. Mueller, Christopher J. Buck, Peter M. Palenchar, Lora J. Barnhart, and
Jennifer L. Paulson, (1998) Identification of a Gene Involved in 4-Thiouridine
Generation in tRNA, Nucleic Acids Research 26, 2606-2610.
Jaimie S. Robinson and Eugene G. Mueller (2001)Will Introduction of an E. Coli Gene
Lead to 4-Thiouridine in yeast tRNA? FASEB Journal 15, A188.
Christopher S. Hamilton, Todd M. Greco, Caroline A. Vizthum, Joy M. Ginter, Murray
V. Johnston, and Eugene G. Mueller (2006) Mechanistic Investigations of the
Pseudouridine Synthase RluA Using RNA Containing 5-Fluorouridine, Biochemistry
45, 12029-12038.
Chapman M. Wright, Glenn D. Christman, Ann M. Snellinger, Murray V. Johnston, and
Eugene G. Mueller (2006) , Direct Evidence for Enzyme Persulfide and Disulfide
Intermediates during 4-Thiouridine Biosynthesis, Communications of the Royal Society of
Chemistry, 3104-3106.
Dr. Sandeep Patel
Brad A. Bauer, Yang Zhong, David Meninger, Joseph E. Davis, and Sandeep Patel
(2010) Phase-Transfer Energetics of Small-Molecule Alcohols Across the Water-Hexane
Interface: Molecular Dynamics Simulation Using Charge Equilibration Models. Journal
of Molecular Graphics and Modeling, 29(6), 876-887.
Brad A. Bauer, T.R. Lucas, David J. Meninger, Sandeep Patel. (2011) Water Permeation
Through DMPC Lipid Bilayers using Polarizable Charge Equilibration Force Fields.
Chem Phys Lett. 508(4-6):289-294.
Di Cui, Shuching Ou, Eric Peters, and Sandeep Patel (2014) Ion-Specific Induced
Fluctuations and Free Energetics of Aqueous Protein Hydrophobic Interfaces: Toward
Connecting to Specific-Ion Behaviors at Aqueous Liquid–Vapor Interfaces. The Journal
of Physical Chemistry B 118(17), 4490-4504
Dr. Clifford Robinson
Damien Thévenin, Tzvetana Lazarova, Matthew F. Roberts, and Clifford R. Robinson
(2005) Oligomerization of the fifth transmembrane domain from the adenosine A2A
receptor. Protein Science 14, 2177-2186.
Damien Thévenin, Matthew F. Roberts, Tzvetana Lazarova, and Clifford R. Robinson
(2005) Identifying Interactions between Transmembrane Helices from the Adenosine
A2AReceptor. Biochemistry, 44 (49), 16239 -16245.
Dr. Joel Rosenthal
Honglan Qi, Justin J. Teesdale, Rachel C. Pupillo, Joel Rosenthal and Allen J Bard
“Synthesis, Electrochemistry and Electrogenerated Chemiluminesce of two BODIPYAppended Bipyridine Homologues” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, ASAP.
Dr. Sharon Rozovsky
Stephanie A. Schaefer, Ming Dong, Renee P. Rubenstein, Wayne A. Wilkie, Brian J.
Bahnson, Colin Thorpe and Sharon Rozovsky. 77Se Enrichment of Proteins Expands the
Biological NMR Toolbox Journal of Molecular Biology 425, 222-231 (2013)
Dr. Joel Schneider
Kyung Lee, Valeria Dzubeck, Lauren Latshaw, and Joel P. Schneider, (2004) De Novo
Designed Peptidic Redox Potential Probe: Linking Sensitized Emission to Disulfide Bond
Formation, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126(42):13616 -13617.
Daniel J. Cline, Sarah E. Redding, Stephen G. Brohawn, James A. Psathas, Joel P.
Schneider, and Colin Thorpe (2004) Water-soluble Phosphines as Reductants of Peptide
and Protein Disulfide Bonds: Reactivity and Membrane Permeability, Biochemistry
Christopher M. Micklitsch, Patrick J. Knerr, Monica C. Branco, Radhika Nagarkar,
Darrin J. Pochan, and Joel P. Schneider, (2011) Zinc-Triggered Hydrogelation of a Self
Assembling β-Hairpin Peptide, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 50, 1577.
Dr. Douglass Taber
Douglas F. Taber, Gina Bui, and Bei Chen (2001) Synthesis of (-)-Delobanone. J. Org.
Chem. 66:423-3426.
Douglas F. Taber, Shweta Patel, Travis M. Hambleton, and Emma Winkel (2007)
Vanillin Synthesis from 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde, J. Chem. Educ. 84, 1158.
Douglass F. Taber, J. F. Berry, and Timothy J. Martin (2008) Convenient synthetic
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Dr. Klaus Theopold
Frederico A. Jové, C. Pariya, Michael Scoblete, Glenn P. A. Yap, and Klaus H.
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of bis(β-Diketiminate) Chromium(II) Complexes, J. Chem. Crystallogr. 2010, 40, 67.
Dr. Colin Thorpe
Raymond C Trievel, Rong Wang, Vernon E.Anderson, and Colin Thorpe (1995) The
Role of the Carbonyl Group in Thioester Chain Length Recognition by the Medium
Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase. Biochemistry 34:8457-8605.
Karen L. Hoober, Stacey L. Sheasley, Hiram F. Gilbert, Colin Thorpe (1999) Sulfhydryl
oxidase from egg white. A facile catalyst for disulfide bondformation in proteins and
peptides. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 274(32), 22147-22150.
Steven G. Brohawn, Irina R. Miksa, Colin Thorpe (2003) Avian Sulfhydryl Oxidase Is
Not a Metalloenzyme: Adventitious Binding of Divalent Metal Ions to the Enzyme,
Biochemistry, 42(37), 11074-11082
Daniel J. Cline, Sarah E. Redding, Stephen G. Brohawn, James A. Psathas, Joel P.
Schneider, and Colin Thorpe (2004) Water-soluble Phosphines as Reductants of Peptide
and Protein Disulfide Bonds: Reactivity and Membrane Permeability, Biochemistry
Jennifer Jaje, Holly N. Wolcott, Olajumoke Fadugba, Diane D. Cripps, A. J. Yang, Ian
H. Mather, Colin Thorpe (2007) A Flavin-Dependent Sulfhydryl Oxidase in Bovine Milk.
Biochemistry 46: On line Oct 18.
Stephanie A. Schaefer, Ming Dong, Renee P. Rubenstein, Wayne A. Wilkie, Brian J.
Bahnson, Colin Thorpe, and Sharon Rozovsky. (2013) 77Se Enrichment of Proteins
Expands the Biological NMR Toolbox. Journal of Molecular Biology 425, 222-231
Dr. Don Watson
McAtee, J. R.; Martin, S. E. S.; Ahneman, D. T.; Johnson, Keywon A.; Watson, D. A.
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Dr. Meredith Wesolowski
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Dr. Neal Zondlo
Agata A. Bielska and Neal J. Zondlo (2006) Hyperphosphorylation of Tau Induces Local
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Phosphothreonine Induces Particular Conformational Order. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136,
3803-3816. DOI: 10.1021/ja407156m
College of Engineering
Dr. Prasad Dhurjati
Mukherjee J, Menegazzo N., Booksh K., Smorodin V., Dhurjati P., Nohe A (2011).
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Frank Shen, Dora Ballesteros, Myron Sasser, Len Cimini, and Prasad Dhurjati, (2012)
Development of Pattern Recognition Alorithms for the Identification of Gut
Microorganisms using Fatty Acid Signatures, FASEB Journal, 26,
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Synthesis of L-Cysteine Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles and their Effects on Cell
Viability. Advanced Science Letters, 6 (8), 26-33.
Dr. Abraham Lenhoff
Dumetz, A. C., A. M. Chockla, E. W. Kaler and A. M. Lenhoff, "Effects of pH on
Protein-Protein Interactions and Implications for Protein Phase Behavior", Biophys.
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A. C. Dumetz, Aaron M. Chockla, Eric W. Kaler, and Abraham M. Lenhoff (2008)
Protein Phase Behavior in Aqueous Solutions: Crystallization, Liquid-Liquid Phase
Separation, Gels and Aggregate, Biophys. J., accepted. (cover picture)
André C. Dumetz, Aaron M. Chockla, Eric W. Kaler and Abraham M. Lenhoff (2009)
Comparative Effects of Salt, Organic and Polymer Precipitants on Protein Phase
Behavior and Implications for Vapor Diffusion, Cryst. Growth Des., 9, 682-691.
Dr. Anne Skaja Robinson
K. J. Kauffman, E. M. Pridgen, F. J. Doyle, III, P. S. Dhurjati, and A. S. Robinson,
Decreased Protein Expression and Intermittent Recoveries in the BiP Levels Result from
Cellular Stress during Heterologous Protein Expression in Saccaromyces cerevisiae.
Biotech. Prog., 18, 942-950 (2002).
R.T.Niebauer, Allison Wedekind, and Anne Skaja Robinson (2004) Decreases in yeast
expression yields of the human adenosine receptor are a result of translational or posttranslational events, Protein Exp. Purif., 37 (1) 34-143.
Alison Wedekind, Michelle A. O’Malley, Ronald T. Niebauer, and Anne S. Robinson
(2006) Optimization of the Human Adenosine A2a Receptor Yields in Saccharomyces
cerevesiae, Biotechnology Progress 22(5): 1249-55.
Steven E. Bane, Javier E. Velasquez, and Anne Skaja Robinson, Expression and
Purification of Milligram Levels of Inactive G-Protein Coupled Receptors in
E. coli, Protein Expression and Purification, Protein Expr Purif 52(2): 348-55.
D. Raden, , S. Hildebrandt, P. Xu, Elizabeth Bell, Frank J. Doyle, III and Anne S.
Robinson (2005) Analysis of cellular response to protein over-expression, IEE Proc Syst
Biol 152(4): 285-9.
Matthew J. Gage, Jennifer L. Zak and Anne S. Robinson (2005). "Three amino acids
that are critical to formation and stability of the P22 tailspike trimer." Protein Sci 14(9):
Dr. Abhyuda Singh
Zachary Fox and A. Singh. (2014) Stochastic analysis of protein-mediated and
microRNA-mediated feedback circuits in HIV. In Proceeding of the IFAC World
Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 2014.
Dr. Millicent Sullivan
Millili, P.G., Selekman, J.A., Blocker, K.M., Johnson, D.A., Naik, U.P., and Sullivan,
M.O. (2010) Structural and Functional Consequences of Poly(ethylene glycol) Inclusion
on DNA Condensation for Gene Delivery, Microsc. Res. Tech. 73: 866-877.
Department of Medical Technology
Dr. Mary Ann McLane
Mary Ann McLane, Melissa A. Kuchar, C. Brando, D. Santoli, Carrie. A. PaquetteStraub, Mary Elizabeth Miele. New insights on disintegrin-receptor interactions:
Eristostatin and melanoma cells. Haemostasis 31:177-182, 2001
Mary Ann McLane, E. E. Sanchez, Alice Wong, C. Paquette-Straub, J. C.Perez (2004)
Disintegrins. Current Drug Targets-Cardiovascular and Haematological Disorders
Mary Ann McLane, Xiaoming Zhang, Jing Tian, Claire Zelinskas, Apoorva Srivastava,
Brett Hensley, Carrie Paquette-Straub (2005) Scratching below the surface: Wound
healing and alanine mutagenesis provide unique insights into interactions between
eristostatin, platelets and melanoma cells. Pathophysiology of Thrombosis and
Haemostasis, 34(4-5): 164-168.
Jing Tian, Carrie A. Paquette-Straub, E.H. Sage, S.E. Funk, Vivek Patel, Deni S. Galileo,
and Mary Ann McLane (2007). Inhibition of melanoma cell motility by the snake venom
disintegrin eristostatin, Toxicon, 49(7), 899-908.
Department of Plant and Soil Science
Dr. Pamela Green
Jeong, D.H, Thatcher, S.R., Brown, R.S.H., Zhai, J., Park, S., Rymarquis, L.A., Meyers,
B.C., and Green, P.J. Comprehensive Investigation of MicroRNAs Enhanced by
Analysis of Sequence Variants, Expression Patterns, ARGONAUTE Loading, and Target
Cleavage. Plant Physiol., 162: 1225-1245 (2013). EPub 2013 May 24.
Shawn R. Thatcher, Shaul Burd, Christopher Wright, Amnon Lers, and Pamela J.
Green (2014) Differential expression of miRNAs and their target genes in senescing
leaves and siliques: insights from deep sequencing of small RNAs and cleaved target
RNAs. Plant, Cell and Environment. doi: 10.1111/pce.1239
Dr. K. Eric Wommack
Kurt E. Williamson, Jennifer B. Schnitker, Mark Radosevich, David W. Smith, and
K. Eric Wommack (2008) Cultivation-Based Assessment of Lysogeny Among Soil
Bacteria, Microbial Ecology 56, 437-447.
Helen F. Schmidt, Sakowski EG, Williamson SJ, Polson SW, Wommack K. (2013)
Shotgun metagenomics indicates novel family A DNA polymerases predominate within
marine virioplankton. The ISME Journal