2013 PUBLIC SYMPOSIUM 24–25 June 2013 New Economic Approaches

U n i t e d N at i o n s C o n f e r e n c e o n T r a d e A n d D e v e l o p m e n t
24–25 June 2013
Palais des Nations – Geneva
New Economic Approaches
for a Coherent Post-2015 Agenda
1. Macroeconomic and financial governance on the road to 2015
2. T
rade and investment rules for inclusive and sustainable development
Efforts now under way to renew the global partnership for development are taking place
in a very different world from the one that gave rise to the Millennium Development
Goals at the turn of the century. The recent confluence of global crises (economic,
financial, food, energy and climate crises) served as stark reminders that “business
as usual” is no longer an option. There is an urgent need for new economic approaches
for a coherent post-2015 development agenda capable of tackling these multiple
challenges – manifest notably in rising inequalities, persistent high unemployment,
growing economic insecurity and environmental disasters.
With a view to advancing the global debate on the post-2015 development
agenda, the 2013 edition of the Public Symposium will examine these issues through
the above topics:
In collaboration with:
Website: unctad.org/Symposium2013
Registration is mandatory and available online till 1 June 2013
E-mail: publicsymposium@unctad.org
1. Macroeconomic and financial governance on the road to 2015
The moderated plenary session of the first day will discuss challenges and opportunities in creating
a global partnership for development that could support a new deal to build truly inclusive and
sustainable outcomes in countries at all levels of development. More specifically, sessions on this
first day will address different perspectives on how to establish better economic governance of a
world that is growing both more interdependent and more unequal – a world that faces a series
of challenges, including longstanding systemic issues affecting the right to development, such as
boom-bust cycles and persistent decent job deficits. The session will explore concrete steps at
national, regional and global levels that could stabilize and redirect finance towards investments
in productive employment and environmental sustainability.
2. Trade and investment rules for inclusive and sustainable development
Building on the discussions of the first day, the second moderated plenary meeting will focus
on specific trade, technology and investment policy questions (including policy space issues)
that need to be addressed at the national and international level to bring about a more balanced
world economy. The objective is to identify emerging best practices in the respective policy areas,
including trade and investment policies and rules supporting sustainable development strategies,
the management of international production networks, food security issues, aid for trade and
regional cooperation. This session will have a fresh look at a range of sectoral policies (including
agriculture, services, environment and natural resources, and technology) that have potential to
foster greater poverty reduction, decent job creation, gender equality, youth empowerment and
access to essential services.
The Public Symposium is the annual outreach event of UNCTAD where government officials, civil
society representatives, academics, the private sector, international organizations, parliamentarians
and other interested observers engage in an open and interactive dialogue on key trade and
development issues. With its broad participation and emphasis on multi-stakeholder cooperation,
this fourth edition of the Symposium offers a unique opportunity for sharing best practices and
engaging a wide range of development actors in constructive policy dialogue.
The Public Symposium will include a combination of moderated plenary sessions with leading
experts and personalities from developed and developing countries and parallel group sessions
organized by UNCTAD, civil society and partner organizations. The closing plenary will be convened
in the afternoon of the second day.
Simultaneous interpretation into the official United Nations languages (Arabic, Chinese, English,
French, Russian and Spanish) will be available during the plenary sessions.
As per past practice, the outcome of the Symposium will be submitted as an input to upcoming
sessions of the Trade and Development Board. It may also be transmitted to the United Nations
General Assembly, and may serve as an input to the consultation process on the post-2015
international development agenda.
UNCTAD/OSG/CIO/2013/4 – Photo credit: Fotolia © Antonis Papantoniou, 3ddock, EvrenKalinbacak, Ozphotoguy, Photocreo – Jerry Franck