ALTERNATIVE ELECTRICAL ENERGY SOURCES FOR MAINE W.J. ones M. Ruane Appendix A CONVERSION OF BIOMASS C. Glaser M. Ruane Prepared for the Central Maine Power Company. Report No. MIT-EL 77-010 MIT Energy Laboratory July 1977 This appendix is one of thirteen volumes; the remaining volumes are as follows: B. Conservation; C. Geothermal Energy Conversion; D. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion; E. Fuel Cells; F. Solar EnergyConversion; G. Conversion of Solid Wastes; H. Storage of Energy; I. Wave Energy Conversion; J. Ocean and Riverine Current Energy Conversion; K. Wind Energy Conversion, and L. Environmental Impacts. Acknowledgments Initial literature reviews and drafts of the various technical appendices were prepared by the following people: Appendix A Conversion of Biomass - C. Glaser, M. Ruane Appendix B Conservation - P. Carpenter, W.J. Jones, S. Raskin, R. Tabors *Appendix C Geothermal Energy Conversion - A. Waterflow Appendix D Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion - M. Ruane Appendix E Fuel Cells - W.J. Jones Appendix F Solar Energy Conversion Appendix G Conversion of Solid Wastes - M. Ruane Appendix H Storage of Energy - M. Ruane Appendix I Wave Energy Conversion - J. Mays Appendix J Ocean and Riverine Current Energy Conversion - J. Mays Appendix K Wind Energy Conversion - T. Labuszewski Appendix L Environmental Impacts - J. Gruhl S. Finger, J. Geary, W.J. Jones Numerous people shared reports and data with us and provided comments on the draft material. We hope that everyone has been acknowledged through the references in the technical sections, but if we missed anyone, thank you! Ms. Alice Sanderson patiently weathered out many drafts and prepared the final document. A Preface The Energy Laboratory of the Mass. Inst. of Tech. was retained by the Central Maine Power Company to evaluate several technologies as possible alternatives (a 600 MWe coal fired to the construction of Sears Island#1 generating plant scheduled for startup in 1986). This is an appendix to Report MIT-EL 77-010 which presents the results of the study for one of the technologies. The assessments were made for the Central Maine Power Company on the basis that a technology should be: 1) an alternative to a base-load power generation facility. electric Base-load is definedas ability to furnish up to a rated capacity output for 6 5 7 0 hrs. per year. 21 not restricted may be several Maine. to a plants single plant. within It the state of The combined output, when viewed in isolation, must be a separate, "standalone", source of power. 3) available to deliver energy by 1 985. f· APPENDIX A CONVERSION OF BIOMASS Page 1.0 Introduction 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.0 3.0 Marine Biomass A-2 1.1.2 Terrestrial Biomass A-4 1 1.3 Agricultural Residues A-7 Field Crops and Livestock A-7 Forestry Residue A-8 1Biomass Conversion 1.2.1 Biological 1.2.2 Thermochemical Direct Burning Electric:ity from Biomass A-8 A-8 A-9 A-1i A-13 A-14 2.1 Fuel Heat Content A-14 2.2 Chemical Analysis A-15 2.3 Equivalent Fuel Costs A-17 Biomass Supply 3.2 5.0 A-2 1.1.1 Forest Residues in Fuel 3.1 4.0 A-1 I3iomass Production A-18 Ultimate Reserves A-18 3.1.1 Production A-18 Definitions A-18 Commercial Growing Stock -- Merchantable Bole A-20 Commercial Growing Stock -- Residues and Merchantable Bole A-20 Non-Merchantable Bole A-21 3. 1.1.5 Total Ultimate Reserves A-22 3.1.2 Removals A-23 Commercial Growing Stock Removals A-23 3. 1.2.2 Energy Equivalent of Removals A-24 Extractions and Processing Wood Conversion Systems A-25 A-26 4.1 Waterwall Incinerators A-26 4.2 Multiple Boilers A-29 4.3 Gas Turbine Systems A-31 Environmental Considerations 5.1 Boiler Emissions 5.2 Boiler Residues 5.3 Water Pollution 5.4 Land Use A-31 A-31 A-34 A-34 A-35 Page 6.0 ECONOMICS 6.1 A-37 Wood Fuel Costs A-38 6.1.1 Procurement Costs A-38 6.1.2 Harvesting Costs A-38 6.1.3 Hauling Costs A-39 6.2 Forest Management A-39 6.3 Power Plant Costs A-39 6.4 6.3.1 Capital Costs A-40 6.3.2 Operating and Maintenance Costs A-40 6.3.3 Cooling Equipment A-40 Total Costs A-40 7.0 CONCLUSIONS A-43 8.0 REFERENCES A-44 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1.1 Aboveground, Dry Biomass Yield of Selected Plant Species A-5 Table 1.2 Field Crops in Maine A-8 Table 1.3 Livestock in Maine A-8 Table 1.4 Comparison of Waste-to-Energy Processes A-11 Table 1.5 Examples of Waste-to-Energy Pilot Demonstration, and Commercial Projects in the United States Table 1.6 A-12 Energy Efficiencies for Utilization of Organic Wastes A-13 Table 2.1 Heating Value of Wood A-14 Table 2.2 Chemical Ingredients of Wood A-14 Table 2.3 Chemical Composition of Parts of Trees A-16 Table 3.1 Major Commercial Species in Maine A-18 Table 3.2 Conversion Factors A-19 Table 3.3 Biomass Weight Relationships A-19 Table 3.4 1971 Inventory of Merchantable Growing Table 3.5 1970 Gross Growth in Merchantable Stock A-20 Growing Stock Table 3,6 A-20 1971 Total Biomass of Merchantable Growing Stock Trees Table 3.7 1971 Total Biomass of Rough and Rotten Trees Table 3.8 A-21 Estimates of Biomass Production in Maine's Forests A-22 Table 3.9 Merchantable Biomass Removals Table 3.10 Biomass Removals and Biomass Available for Energy Table 3.11 Energy Equivalents of Biomass Available A-24 Boiler Sales by Capacity and Firing Method Table 4.2 A-28 Boiler Efficiencies as Function of Moisture Content Table 4.3 A-24 A-24 for Energy Table 4.1 A-21 A-29 Estimated Biomass Available for Energy Per Acre A-30 i Table 4.4 Harvest Area and Distances from 50 MW Plant at 70% Load Factor Table 5.1 A-30 Emission Factors for Wood and Bark in A-37 Boilers Table 5.2 Calculated Wood Ash Collection Efficiencies Table 5.3 Total Annual Emissions from Different for Various Control Equipment Fueld (50MW Plant) (ton/year) A-33 A-33 A-34 Table 5.4 Analysis of Wood Fuel Ash Table 5.5 Comparison of Two Harvesting Techniques Table 5.6 Replenishment of Soil Nutrients in Table 6.1 Wood Harvesting Costs in 1972 Table 6.2 1986 Fuel Cost Components for Wood A-39 Table 6.3 Cost Assumptions A-40 Table 6.4 Annual Electricity Cost from 50 MW in Finland, Nutrients Removed North Carolina Hardwood Forest 10.3 million tons A- 35 A-36 A-38 Wood-Burning Plant - 70% Load Factor A-41 28% Efficiency ii LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1.1 Energy From Biomass Figure 1.2 Conceptual Design of 1,000-Acre Ocean Figure 1.3 Water Hyacinth Farm Layout A-3 Figure 1.4 ERDA Fuels from Biomass Program A-4 Figure 1.5 Territory Unsuitable for Energy A-1 Food and Energy Farm Unit PlantationsTM A-2 A-6 Figure 2.1 Heating Value of Wood Fuel A-15 Figure 2.2 Equivalent Cost of Wood Fuel A-17 Figure 3.1 Parts of a Tree A-19 Figure 3.2 Maine Forest Inventory 1960 - 2000 A-23 Figure 4.1 Typical Wood-Burning Boiler A-27 Figure 4.2 Boiler Heat Loss Versus Wood Moisture Figure 5.1 Size Distribution of Wood and Coal Fly Content A-28 Ash Figure 6.1 A-32 Electricity Costs for Wood-Burning Power Plant - 50 MW, 1986 Dollars iii A-42 1.0 INTRODUCTION Depending on location, an annual average of between 1150 and 1250 Btu/ft2 of solar energy falls on Maine every day. A small percentage of this energy (0.5% to 3%) can be converted into stored energy in the form of organic matter. This organic matter is called biomass. As an indirect means of collecting, storing, and utilizing solar energy, biomass represents a vast, renewable, supply of materials which can be converted into a variety of products, including liquid, gaseous, or solid fuels (Young, H., I, 1975). This appendix will not attempt to consider all of the potential direct and indirect impacts biomass could have on the energy supply of Maine [see, for example, (Page, et al., 1976, Vol.. I, pp. 4-10) or (Ward, 1976)], but will focus on one narrow, but near-term contribution, i.e., the generation of electricity. There are two general technological areas involved in the extraction of energy from biomass: biomass production and biomass conversion. Biomass production includes the growing, harvesting, and collection of terrestrial and marine energy crops, and the collection of agricultural, feedlot, and forestry residues. Biomass conversion can be accomplished by several methods: chemical and direct combustion. in Figure 1.1. biological, thermo- Possible paths from solar energy to end use via biomass are shown Each of the various paths requires a different level of technical development, and has costs and environmental impacts associated with its implementation. By discussing briefly the components of Figure 1.1, we shall attempt to show that only one path is an attractive candidate for electricity production in Maine at present. PRODUCTION PRODUCTION ENERGY FROM BIOMASS END END USES USES ProcessHeat Electricity Direct Use Figure 1.1 A-1 1.1 Biomass Production 1.1.1 Marine Biomass Marine biomass plantations involve seeding, growing, and harvesting fast-growing aquatic plants in terrestrial ponds or at sea. Primary candidate species in proposed schemes include giant brown kelp (Lease, 1976, p. 253) and water hyacinth (Lecuyer, 1976, p. 267) (Figures 1.2 and 1.3). These systems are unlikely methods for biomass production in Maine since the economical marine crop species are warmclimate plants and could not survive Maine's harsh winters, especially the freezing of ponds. Reseeding and seasonal production would be required with severe economic penalties. Even given a favorable climate, the technology of marine biomass production is not well developed. As can be seen from Figure 1.4, which shows the research program plant of the federal government in fuels from biomass, the earliest marine biomass demonstration plants in the most favorable locations (Florida and California) will not begin operation until after 1985. It seems unlikely that marine biomass schemes will ever be used in Maine, and certain that they will have no impact in the state before 1990. Figure 1.2 Conceptual Design of 1,000-Acre Ocean Food and Energy Farm Unit PLANTS, HULUING SPACtS, RTERS, BUOYANCY CONTROL JTION R PLATFORM - E ACTUATED UPWELLING PUMP BUOY -'" -KEEPING PROPULSOR /EMBERS T DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM) //'//.,, (from Lesee, 1976, p. 260). A-2 Figure 1.3 WATER t1HY CITi 1, LAYOUT FLF W (221,300 Acresor 346 Sq Mites) I|- Miles -12 I Unit HyacinthSystem l IAA ,-, =. :_.2 Direction of Canals rD.rt -. 4-qu Hyacinth Slurry To .Plant ,-Gas Conversion/Processing Facility (1960 Acres) ::A ----I~~~~~a 29 Miles a i'. .- , Pipe"Alley" Water and Nutrients To Growing Areas 198,800 Active Acres of Hyacinth Growing Area 4 (2 million SCF/day Methane Production) (from Lecuyer, 1976, p. 278). A-3 ERDA Fuels from Biomass Program* FISCAL YEAR PROGRAM ELEMENT e 7s 78 77 78 79 BO 1 82 83l S AFTERs AGRICULTURALRESIDUEPROJECTS SystemStudieS Crop Rei e PilotPlant Feedot ExperimentalFacility Fedlot Pot Plant - Dairy FarmAnimalWastePilot Plant TERRESTRIALBIOMASSPRODUCTION & CONVERSION PROJECTS SystemSIudges _ ' IntensiveAgriculturePilot Plant - Controllel EnvironmentAgriculturePilot Plant Intense AgricultureDemonstration Wood Plantation Pilot Plant _ Wood PlantationDemnonstraion MARINE BIOMASSPRODUCTION & CONVERSION PROJECTS SystemStudies MarineBiomasPilot Plant(s) MarineBiomas Demonstration RESEARCHDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS BiomassProduction TechnologyProjects ConversionTechnologyProjects · Proler Imtlo l v Itin Opelsaon * Polfon Copleon *from (Ward, 1976, p. 427) Figure 1.4 1.1.2 Terrestrial Biomass Terrestrial biomass plantations involve seeding, growing, and harvesting fast-growing plants on land for the sole purpose of biomass production. The choice of species is made primarily on the basis of potential biomass yield in tons/acre-year, which varies with available sunlight and rainfall, the fertility of the region, and methods of harvesting. Common plants which produce the best yield are shown in Table 1.1. There is no consensus on the best methods for the maximization of biomassyield which is affected by crop mix and harvesting practice. The use of annuals, in a multiple-harvest-per-year mode lies at one end of a spectrum of suggestions (Alich, 1976, p. 293). A-4 At the other end is an exclusive Table 1.1 ABOVEGROUND, DRY BIOMIASS YIELD OF SELECTED PLANT SPECIES* I - -- - Species , - LocadIlon . Yield ton/acre-year Annuals -- - Sunflower hybrids (seeds only) California 1.5 Forage Sorghum (irrigated New Mexico 7-10 Forage Sorghum (irrigated) Kansas -12 Kenaf Florida 20 Kenaf Georgia 8 - ----- Perennials Sugarcane Mississippi 20 Sugarcane (10 yr. average) Hawaii 26 Sugarcane (best case) Texas Sugarcane (experimental) Bamboo 30.5 Alabama Hybrid Poplar 7 Pennsylvania American Sycamore Georgia Red Alder 4-8.7 2.2-4.1 Washington Eucalyptus .. 50 California 10 California 13.4-24.1 Miscellaneous Puckerbush (average) Maine *exerpted from (Alich, 1976, p. 298) 4.4 '. use of woody deciduous (hardwood) perennials (Fraser et al., 1976, p. 373). Effective use of plantationing for most species requires that a region have the following attributes: * e * * adequate water availability (200-300 ton H 2 0/oven dry ton of biomass yield) plentiful available acreage high levels of solar radiation and minimum cloud cover long growing season * mild winters Figure 1.5 shows the regions of the U.S. which are unsuitable to plantationing on the basis of the first two attributes (no irrigation assumed). Maine passes these tests, with the exception of three counties, Somerset, Franklin, and Oxford, which are considered too hilly. Regions of the A-5 country satisfying the last three criteria are found principally in California, Arizona, coastal Texae, and parts of New Mexico (Alich, 1976, p. 296). For most species, Maine is clearly not an acceptable plantation site. An exception might be made for some deciduous species which can thrive in Maine's northern climate. Examples of such species are aspens, hybrid aspens, and pin cherry which have been sug- gested as plantation crops of New Hampshire and hybrid poplars which have been suggested for Nova Scotia and Ontario (Fraser, et al., 1976, p. 390). crops as a biomass source in Maine. Some considerable problems exist in using these Production rates for plantationing in Maine's climate can only be estimated, although puckerbush rates (4.4 ton/acre yr) are a reasonable lower bound. TERRITORY UNSUITABLE FOR ENERGY PLANTATIONSTM *from (Fraser et al., 1976, p. 394) Figure 1.5 Plantationing for hardwood biomass in general is still a new technology, as can be seen from Figure 1.4, and Maine's climate might produce special problems, especially seasonal variations in harvesting rates. Most significantly, the efficient operation of a plantation in terms of utilizing its capital equipment requires a size of approximately 35,000 acres. Acquisition of this much land in an area which could be operated as a plantation will be difficult in Maine. A-6 Assuming these obstacles are overcome, what would be the resulting energy value of such a For a production rate of 6 dry tons/acre year, a biomass heat content of 9000 plantation's output? Btu/dry lb and a plantation size of 35,000 acres, the annual harvest would be 3.78 x 106 MBtu. Using a typical value for combustion systems of a 20% conversion efficiency to electricity, this would be roughly equivalent to a 32 MW plant at 80% load factor. these optimistic assumptions, would require Six hundred MW of capacity, under 19 plantations with about 66 million acres or roughly 3.3% of Maine's total land area. This is 145% of the total land estimated to be under cultivation as cropland in Maine (460,000 acres). While plantationing may contribute to Maine's electricity needs, it would represent a major change in land use and certainly would take many years to implement. 1.1.3 Agricultural Residues The use of agricultural residues for biomass involves the harvesting and collection of unused byproducts related to field crops, livestock and forestry. The intention here is to maximize the use of materials which would otherwise have no value or negative value as disposal problems. Usually no specific actions are taken to increase the residue production although centralization of production usually improves the logistics and economics of residue collection and utilization. Field Crops and Livestock Field crop production in Maine is summarized in Table 1.2. Several things are noteworthy. First, the agricultural industry in Maine is consolidating as smaller farms are abandoned, resulting in a net decrease in crop production. Secondly, wastes available for energy conversion are only a fraction of the biomass of each crop. With total aboveground biomass yields optimistically assumed on the order of 1-2 tons/acre-year, the acreage and biomass residue are seen to be inadequate for any serious energy production. Third, the acreage is divided among numerous farms, presenting serious logistical problems and energy penalties for residue collection. Except for the development of small-scale con- version systems which might provide local energy on a farm, no impact of crop residues on electricity production is likely. Table 1.2 Field Crops in Maine Item No. of Farms Cropland Corn-silage, Fodder, Hogged or Grazed No. of Farms Sorghum-Silage Fodder, Hogged or Grazed No. of Farms Hay, excluding Sorghum No. of Farms Units - 1959 1964 1969 17260 12875 7971 Acres 698188 594434 457935 Acres 8818 - 10048 - 19763 - Acres - 10 1 469 30 Acres 451067 - 367476 - 208162 4041 Potatoes No. of Farms Acres 133349 - 130707 - 152070 2210 Vegetables No. of Farms Acres - 14701 1392 17491 932 13188 644 Berries No. of Farms Acres 25212 - 22242 1446 17151 652 Orchards No. of Farms *from (USDA,1972, p. 5) Acres - 11050 1635 8693 885 7365 383 A-7 Except for possible isolated uses, the farm animal population of Maine makes the conversion of manure to energy of negligible importance. has been proposed. Conversion of manure from cattle feedlots in the midwest Approximately 25,000 head of cattle (117 tons manure/day) are needed to produce one million CFD (cubic feet/day) of methane (Douglas, 1976, p. 195). In a conventional utility boiler with 34% efficiency, this would be equivalent to 100 MWh/day, or roughly a 5 MW plant. tration of the feedstock is of critical importance to collection efficiency. A concen- Maine's farm animal population (Table 1.3) is too small and dispersed to exceed significantly this small capacity (perhaps 10 MW of capacity under optimistic conditions). can be found in Appendix Further discussion of field and livestock biomass , Conversion of Solid Wastes. Table 1.3 Livestock in Maine* 1964 1969 186216 10500 157594 7014 127018 3389 Hogs & Pigs No. of Farms 24646 4134 13117 1662 7350 609 Sheep & Lambs No. of Farms 40615 1627 23381 1008 14332 504 Stock Cattle & Calves No. of Farms Horses & Ponies No. of Farms 1959 - 7730 3853 7373553 - 4795565 2534 Chickens older 4480993 5773 than 3 months Broilers less than 3 months 4930 1379 - - 13057223 459 *from (USDA, 1969, p. 5) Forestry Residue Forestry residues are an obvious biomass source for electricity production in Maine. Covering 90% of Maine's land area, the forests are a renewable resource, but with an important distinction. Forestry residues are unlike solar, wind, wave, or tidal energy, which must be used, or at least converted and stored, when available. Forests both convert and store energy. Wood fuel supplies that are not now competitively priced may become competitive as conventional fuel costs rise or forestry technology improves. And if necessary, with proper forest management, the forest, not unlike a coal seam, can be temporarily "mined," removing a supply of biomass greater than the forest's natural renewable production. Then, during the following periods (many years), the forest can be replanted and fertilized at Prought ad rate greater than if left alone. There is, however, great risk in such an action. ther natural events plus collapse of social concern" could remove the sections so farmed from any further productivity for several life times of man. 1.2 Biomass Conversion 1.2.1 Biological Biological conversion of biomass to energy supplies uses microorganisms to reduce complex organic compounds to simpler, more stable forms. gical conversion: Four processes have been suggested as candidates for biolo- acid hydrolysis, enzymatic hydrolysis, anaerobic digestion, and biophotolysis. The first three result in methane gas or alcohol production. A-8 Biophotolysis produces hydrogen. Acid hydrolysis,currently in commercial use in the pulping industry, decomposes the cellulosic materials in biomass to form glucose. This simple sugar can ultimately be converted through fermentation to form alcohol. Acid hydrolysis has several disadvantages. It requires expensive, corrosion- resistant equipment. The high temperatures and acid concentrations needed for hydrolysis tend to destroy the byproduct glucose, requiring high hydrolysis rates for reasonable glucose production. And the acid also reacts with impurities in the cellulose, producting impurities which appear in the alcohol and reversion compounds which slow glucose production (Spano, 1976, p. 326). Enzymatic hydrolysis uses an enzyme from a mutant fungus, Trichoderma viride, to convert cellulose to glucose. As in acid hydrolysis, the sugar then undergoes fermentation to form the ulti- mate fuel of the process: alcohol. Enzymatic hydrolysis occurs at moderate temperatures and acidity (pH: 4.8) so glucose is not destroyed and impurities are less critical. Unlike acid hydrolysis, enzymatic hydrolysis is still in the basic research stage (Spano, 1976). Anaerobic digestion occurs at atmospheric pressure and temperatures between 20°C and 50°C as a variety of acidogenic (acid-producing) bacteria decompose the organic feedstock and methanogenic (methane-producing) bacteria act upon the decomposed matter to yield methane and carbon dioxide. The same process is presently used to treat sewage before disposal. An upper estimate of process efficiency is 62% (10 million Btu/ton of pipeline quality gas produced from 16 million Btu/ton of feedstock heat content) and a demonstration plant is expected by the mid 80's (CEQ, 1975, p. 10-8). Biophotolysis is in the laboratory basic research stage. In this process, pigments such as chlorophyll, when stimulated by light, change the oxidation-reduction potential of electrons released from water. These electrons can chemically reduce hydrogen ions in the presence of selected enzymes to form hydrogen gas (Ward, 1976, p. 430). In order to generate electricity from the products of biological conversion, it would be necessary to burn the alcohol, methane, or hydrogen, or use them in fuel cells. internal combustion engines, gas turbines, or boilers. technologies all provide peaking power. Alcohol can be fired in With the exception of boiler use, these Given Maine's position at the end of the natural gas pipe- line systems, methane would be more valuable if used in the natural gas market rather than burned for electricity production. Intrastate prices of $4.00/MBtu are a low estimate of possible methane prices in Maine (Monks, 1975, p. 29). These are equivalent to 36 Mills/Kwh for fuel costs alone. Furthermore, the federal government has voiced opposition to the future use of gas supplies for utility power generation. Using biomass alcohol, methane, or hydrogen to produce electricity seems highly unlikely to happen in Maine. Therefore, biological conversion should not be considered as a candidate for conversion of biomass to electricity. It is, however, potentially important as a com- petitor for the forestry residues of Maine if the demand for alcohol and methane grows. 1.2.2 Thermochemical The leading thermochemical conversion methods for biomass include hydrogenation (hydrogasification) and pyrolysis. Both of these processes break down complex organic molecules under high temperature and pressure and form fuels containing simpler molecules. Hydrogenation involves the addition of hydrogen atoms to an inorganic molecule. As the organic molecules in the biomass feedstock decompose, this process adds hydrogen from an external source (such as steam) to form either gaseous or liquid fuels. A hydrogenation pilot plant utilizes temperatures on the order of 300-400°C and pressures between 3000 and 4000 psi (CEQ, 1975, p. 10-7). This technology should be commercial by the early 1980'sand is probably the most expensive conversion method. Conversion efficiencies to electricity are about 15%. A-9 Pyrolysis is the chemical decomposition of biomass at atmospheric pressures, high temperatures and :n the absence of oxygen. Neither hydrogen nor catalysts are needed. The disadvantages of pyrolysis are that several forms of fuel are produced, with the ratio of fuel forms determined principally by a factor not under direct control -- the moisture content of the feedstock. A number of groups are developing pyrolysis technology with Monsanto EnviroChem Systems, Occidental, the Bureau of Mines, and Union Carbide, having advanced concepts. Monsanto's LANDGUARD System has been in operation in Baltimore for several years using processed municipal waste as its source of organic feedstock. Because its product gas has a low heat content (100 Btu/ft3), transportation is uneconomical and the gas is burned on site for steam production. Baltimore Gas and Electric uses the steam in its municipal district heating system. impurities which preclude its use in gas turbines (CEQ, 1975, p. 10-9). The gas has The Baltimore system, which is a 1000 ton/day commercial-size facility, had several design failures in early 1977 and may be shut down. The Occidental FLASH PYROLYSIS process has been operated using municipal waste on a 4 ton/day pilot plant level and is being scaled up to 200 ton/day in California. duced. Gas, oil, and char are pro- All of the gas and char are used for process heat. The process produces an oil which can be used as a supplementary fuel in electric power boilers; the ash content of the pilot plant char has been too high for utility use. With a pure biomass feedstock, as opposed to municipal waste, the ash problem should be reduced and the char might have application as a supplementary fuel (CEQ, 1975, p. 10-12). The Bureau of Mines pyrolysis has operated on a pilot plant scale with a variety of municipal wastes and manure as feedstocks. changes. Depending on temperature regimes the ratio of gas, oil, and char Roughly 25% of the 500 Btu/ft3 product gas is needed for process heat. The remaining gas could be burned in industrial or utility boilers, but is unacceptable for pipeline use because of its poor heat content, combustion properties and excessive carbon monoxide content. might have application as supplementary fuels. The oil and char The electric conversion efficiency of the process is between 22 and 26%. Union Carbide's PUROX process is at a commercial stage of development with a 200 ton/day plant in S. Charleston, W. Virginia, processing municipal wastes. better with homogeneous biomass as input. The PUROX process produces a medium Btu fuel gas (360 Btu/ft3 ) and glassy aggregate from municipal waste. aggregate. Operation should be comparable or Biomass would result in char instead of The fuel gas is principally H2, CO, and CO2 and can be used as a utility or industrial boiler fuel. Conversion efficiencies to electricity are between 26 and 30% when supplementary firing (using coal or oil) in a utility boiler is used. The variation is due to ancillary power needs in the PUROX system (Fisher, 1976, p. 457). These four systems are representative of the status of pyrolysis as a biomass conversion technique. The technology is currently in transition from pilot plant to commercial plant size with virtually all of its experience derived from treatment of municipal wastes. Biomass feedstock should produce minimal problems if introduced into such systems (Monks, 1975, p. 7). -The end products are low to medium Btu gas (which must be burned on site or nearby) and possibly supplementary boiler fuels in the form of oil or char. Once pyrolysis has been commercialized (the present Monsanto and Garrett plants have substantial Environmental Protection Agency subsidies), it appears to offer a potential for producing utility fuels from biomass. Chemical reduction and catalytic gasification are two less advanced thermochemical processes. Chemical reduction is being tested by the Bureau of Mines in Pittsburgh using manure as a feedstock. A-10 A synthetic oil is produced using a CO-H2 0 reaction although less hydrogenation can lead to gas Catalytic methanation or gasification is still CO must be supplied to the reaction. production. at a laboratory stage of development although a proposed N.E. Massachusetts waste disposal system will use this process on municipal refuse. which uses catalysts to accelerate Synthetic natural gas is the result of this process the decomposition of complex organic molecules into methane. Direct Burning Combustion involves using biomass as a primary or supplementary fuel in a boiler. The output can be low pressure and temperature steam for process application or high pressure and temperature steam for electricity production. Before biomass can be burned, particularly as a supplementary fuel, processing is usually necessary. This involves drying and shredding or pulverizing the biomass to an acceptable size. Separating is used to describe the preparation of biomass, especially municipal refuse, for use as a supplementary fuel. Considerable experience exists with direct burning technology, although not with all biomass fuels, and not with high pressure and temperature conditions. dered the best established conversion technology. Still, direct burning must be consi- Wood and wood residue must be considered as the biomass source with the most direct burning experience. Conversion efficiencies to electricity can range up to 39% (CEQ, 1975, p. 10-16) for supplementary direct burning. conversion efficiencies vary from 18% to 30%. As a primary fuel, biomass Descriptions of several large wood burning systems can be found in (Wheelabrator-Frye, 1976). Tables 1.4 and 1.5 are a recent summary of the development status of potential biomass to energy conversion process (Klass, 1976, pp. 46-49). Table 1.4 --- Comparison of Waste-to-Energy Processes* Process Energy Products Status** Btu's Combustion Commercial X Separation Commercial - Gas Oil - - Char - Other X X Pyrolysis Commercial - X X X X Anaerobic Digestion Commercial - X - - X Fermentation Commercial - X - - X Acid Hydrolysis Commercial - X - - X Chemical Reduction Small Pilot - - X - X Hydrogasification Small Pilot - X X X X Enzyme Hydrolysis Small Pilot - - - - X Biophotolysis Laboratory - - - X Catalytic Gasification Laboratory - - - X X *"Commercial" pertains to experience with specific waste feedstocks only **(Klass, 1976, p. 49) A-11 E c 0 0 o_ z e r0 o o 0 o o oo v 00 I 00 U 0 0 0=000 0 -_ y o f0 I ._ Eo 0 22E2 0.0 00'000 I, "4 C 0 <0 D u e 0 o H U " a- o .S - a0 . o o H.C . b Vl 6 e7io oHF 1. _ - ooo ~ . v ee . cr r 9 <0. _a <0 u - 1,, 0 v 0 < <<- <0< I Iz o o !:: a v a2 U § V - . .90~ ._ '00 .E Io Oo' O o, 0 O h, c1 e . o'0 0 o 0. C Vn 0 00 u .<U 0 D o Sf ~ >v' gz) I= z; U- 0 o ~0 '0c0. '. HO 02. O H CI v2 U u v, V . o~ - 5 E. 0 0 o o" 0I oO O h .' - '0 03 >,U , .n - 0 o 0 0 ' .... e ~< * o c o - I o o 1 n P. 0> 0... ~ . o.'0p. oo-,,I~ 0000, 0 0 C w o * , .2i .2~ g .U . U _ o 0 . U, , , 7> ..n I. I11 >. .0 . H~ aL 0 v, C .r- 22 !2 .I .. .. ., llI , , X ex 2,* , o I . zzz I'll - Iv . C. o , v - z . . p. I ,V o O oo~ oO O2O1 0 o_0oo, oo 3o 2o 0, -w'0 Hr * '2 ' '2 e o2 o -o hz . 2 .'0~ o'0 00 3 ~o '24 : xZ : ( . , 0'2 O 0 z . 0 .- 0 O~~~~~~~~~~1 1- oO c9o Io o= o o >' ,~l-. ~ 10' o 0. . o2~ l 0 I - . c o 0'2 '0. o,v - oc c- - o ° - o o 0 o . _ . 2 H I e- oP :0 0. 0~ 0 0 :':00 . EE . - Ir-c!E1 .0E. 1 n , , C 0 v C '000 O O0O0O 0_00 .i e0 0 0 0e 1:I 0 > V .... v, I 0 2 .0 ..2 2.2 E 2 00 v. vI . 000 .v. xS uz 00 b V I 1f . 1 4 -. "; 0 0020 v, v, l ao -I ( 0~. m" ooo 004 1 DOh E r. -00 E_ - '.03 t. r_ . 00 00~ o >1I 11 'nH hI < . "I c c c c 0 Q0* 0 E 1 0 o v 0. E o00. l_1 _1 0 Uc v. I 0 c 0 w 2 cot. E 'oo '0 : ,,o0 _ N o_oo _0 00u . .n I'A ov >' ¢kS 0 0. 0. 0. 000 01_ ~ ~~ 6I -.I >, Icl . 2 0 0 )p 00.0 0. 0_00 I0 2, I's -°h . . v § .2 o mI .2. 2. E . >.. >.> I 0 '0 2_ .. . 0 O w r I I0 Q. .g co < E 0 Clo 0 0 h' 0 0 0 0 00X X e 0 I00 I 0, 00 NILO I 0 e I0 (U bU U (U A-1 2 (U 0 I I e e0 e0 e (U (U (U I u I00 bU 00 I e (U(U(U (U I 0 0 4 n u 00 e nmm Table 1.6 summarizes the efficiencies of the various conversion technologies we have discussed. It shows that direct burning, which is the most well established conversion technology, is also the most energy-efficient for electricity production since no intermediate fuel products are made. the present time direct burning is the best technology choice for electricity production. At That the greatest direct burning experience has been with forestry products coincides nicely with the conclusion reached earlier concerning forest residues as the most likely biomass source in Maine. Table 1.6 Energy Efficiencies for Utilization of Organic Wastes ProdAi&~ Process Hydrogenation oil Bioconversion natural gas Pyrolysis,Monsanto low-Btu gas (spaceheating) Efficiencya (percent) Trajectory EfficiencyA (processing and electric generation) (percent) 39 15 unknownc unknown 71 45.6 Pyrolysis, Garrett oil Pyrolysis,BuMines gas, oil Direct burning electricity 59 to 68 NA NA 17.3 22 to 26 34 NA = not applicable aIncludes process heat. bProcess efficiencytimes 38 percent electric power generationefficiency. CProcess heat requirementis unknown; efficiency without process heat is 62.4 percent. from (CEQ, 1975, p. 10-18) 1.3 Electricity from Biomass Our introductory discussion has indicated the following: BIOMASS PRODUCTION e Marine biomass plantations will not contribute to Maine's energy sypply before the 1990s if ever. · Terrestrial biomass plantations are limited by Maine's climate to a few hardwood species; hardwood plantationing is an unproven technology with high land use impacts. e Forestry residues are an existing resource for potential biomass utilization. BIOMASS CONVERSION e Biological conversion has not been conmierciallydemonstrated and results in fuels which have more desirable uses than electricity production. * Thermochemical conversion, especially pyrolysis, is just beginning commercial operation; selected methods produce low to medium Btu gas or synthetic oils which can be used as supplementary utility boiler or gas turbine fuels. * Direct buirningtechnologies have extensive commercial experience, especially systems burning wood and wood waste alone or as a supplementary fuel. A-13 Because of these observations, we consider wood residues-direct burning as the most likely biomass path to electricity production in Maine. Let us now examine in more detail the wood resi- due rources of Maine and the technologies for their conversion to electricity in more detail. The remaining sections of this appendix will consider the properties of wood as a fuel, the availability of wood residues for energy in Maine, the technology for direct burning of wood residues, the associated environmental impact of using wood fuels, and the economics of electricity from wood residues. 2.0 FOREST RESIDUES IN FUEL Fuelwood in the past has been used principally (2/3 of the supply) for residential space heating and (1/3 of the supply) for industrial process heat and electricity production. We will consider conversion systems of much larger heat inputs for electricity production. 2.1 Fuel Heat Content With the variety of species of trees, and the many forms that their biomass can take when collected as residues, it would appear difficult to establish any general facts about forest biomass as a fuel. However, most common species of trees have very similar chemical composition, consisting of about 90-95% cellulosic materials (heating value about 8300 Btu/lb) and 5-10% resins, volatiles, fatty acids, and other non-cellulosic materials (heating value about 16,900 Btu/lb) (Beardsley, 1976, p. 350). This small percentage of non-cellulosic material, varying with species, part of the tree and season, produces inherent heating variations on the order of 10% between species. A much more critical fuel parameter is the moisture content, M, of the material, expressed in percentage of total weight. A typical selection of heating values for green wood is shown in Table 2.1. Table 2.1 Heating Value of Wood VARIETY OF WOOD from HEATINGVALUE (BTU/LB) GREEN 12% MOISTURE White Ash Beech YellowBirch Chestnut CottonWood White Elm Hickory Sugar Maple Red Maple Red Oak White Oak BlackWalnut 6019 5576 5302 3879 4082 4568 5115 5437 5267 4774 5062 4751 7669 7679 7677 7667 7698 7683 76§1 7677 7690 7677 7683 7690 YellowPine White Pine 4969 5340 8025 8044 Hagen, 1977, p.5) When the several green wood heating values are normalized to the same moisture content, Table 2.1 shows a consistent heating value, with the exception of the two pine wood heating values. As Figure 2.1 shows, the heating value of all woods can be approximated by a linear relationship between a dry value of 9000 Btu/lb and zero at "100%" moisture: A-14 HV = 9000 (1 - M) HV = heating value; M = moisture content, % be weight (2.1) Figure 2.1 Heating Value of Wood Fuel 12000 11COG PlE OAK 10000 / 9000 D..F. BRIQUETTES PIN000 E / 8000 FIR DOULAS SH '000 10 .N NA 20 !. .F.SAW HLDUST 70 60 50 40 30 L INFUEL-WT..PERCENT MOISTURE 9 80 0 adapted from (Hagen, 1976, p. 5) For softwoods, this produces a somewhat conservative estimate, while for hardwoods, it is slightly optimistic (Hagen and Berg, 1976, p. 5). Since Maine's forests are 69% softwoods (Ferguson and Kingsley, 1972, p. 54), 9000 Btu/lb is probably a slightly conservative overall value. Green wood can contain more than 50% moisture while air- dried chips of wood typically have a moisture content around 20%, resulting in a heating value variation of over 100%. Clearly, varia- tions in wood heat contents due to moisture will dominate variations between species. As moisture content nears 60%, it becomes difficult to support continued steady combustion without supplementary fuel. At all moisture content levels, there is heat loss due to the vaporization of water. This results in reduced boiler efficiency. In addition, variability in the moisture content of feedstock to a boiler can cause other problems, such as "hot spots" and boiler instabilities. "Hot spots," concentrations of relatively dry fuel being burned in a boiler produce uneven temperature distributions, causing possible damage to boiler materials. Energy input into a boiler is regulated through control of the flow of wood. Sudden heat content variations in the fuel ar-edifficult for the reguldtion to follow and instabilities result. This problem worsens with larger capacity systems and is an incentive to burn wood which has as low and as uniform a moisture content as is available. Air drying of wood fuel variations in heat content. If wood is exposed to the air, much of its moisture will evaporate. The rate of evaporation will vary with temperature, humidity, and the circulation of air around the wood. The wood ideally should be sheltered from rain and snow. To reduce saw log wood from 50% to 20% moisture content would require a time on the order of months. Wood chips, because they can pack closer than saw logs, would require longer and might require overturning to get uniform exposure Storage and fuel retrieval equipment would be required to handle several months' supply to the air. of wood chips as green wood would enter the fuel inventory, dry, and be burned. There does not appear to be much commercial experience with chip drying on the scale required for electricity production. 2.2 Chemical Analysis Chemical analysis of green wood is misleading because of its high moisture content. On a dry basis, we see a consistency in composition, as shown in Table 2.2, which can be summarized in the following average values (Hagen and Berg, 1976, p. 5): H 6% C 0 51% 42% ASH i% Wood contains little or no sulfur, so it is an ideal fuel from the point of view of sulfur dioxide air pollution requirements. A-15 Table 2.2 CHEMICAL INGREDIENTS OF WOOD VARIETY OF WOOD H Typical Redwood Henlock Fir Tanbark Oak Pine 0.072 0.035 0.089 0.080 0.095 0.060 0.070 GREEN ANALYSIS C N 0 0.379 0.265 0.212 0.335 0.142 0.502 0.526 0.001 0.001 0 0.001 0 0.001 0 ASH 0.538 0.648 0.690 0.579 0.749 0.433 0.401 0.010 0.001 0.009 0.005 0.013 0.004 0.003 WATER % H 24.0 50.4 57.9 35.9 71.8 0 0 0.0596 0.0585 0.0586 0.0626 0.0575 0.0600 0.0700 DRY ANALYSIS C 0 0.499 0.534 0.504 0.523 0.504 0.502 0.526 0.427 0.403 0.416 0.405 0.393 0.433 0.401 , ASH 0.0132 0.0020 0.0214 0.0078 0.046 0.004 0.003 from (Hagen and Berg, 1976, p. 6) The average ash content figure of 1% conceals extremes found in certain types of wood or parts of the tree. Bark, for instance, can contain 5% ash and maple has an ash content of 4.3% (Hall, et al., 1976, p. 54) Since the heat content of air-dried wood is at best only 7000-8000 Btu/lb. as compared to coal at 12,000-13,000 Btu/lb, these ash contents are equivalent to coal with 7-8% ash and generally require particulate control equipment. Qualitatively, wood ash is generally high in compounds such as CaO, N 20 which can react with slag from coal, if wood and coal are burned together, to reduce the viscosity of the slag. Systems which burn wood as a supplementary fuel with coal will probably experience increased slagging which will impede heat transfer in the boiler and reduce overall efficiency. Wood has 50 to 100 times the fouling potential of residual fuel oil and can be expected to cause severe slagging problems if burned as a supplementary fuel in residual oilfired boilers. Because ash from wood combustion is high in Ca, K, and N, it has potential value as a fertilizer. As can be seen from Table 2.3, there is some variability in chemical composition among the different parts of a tree before burning (Dyer, 1967, p. 31). The resulting ash would be expected to vary simi- larly. Table 2.3 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF PARTS OF TREES Forest Type Component Essential Elementsin Grams per Acre for All Species Combined Group Nitrogen Calcium Potassium MagnesiumPhosphorus Manganese ron MolybdenumZinc Coe Softwood top, branches 108,670 123,894 stump &roots merch.bole CompleteTrees Mixedwoodtop, branches stump&roots merch.bole CompleteTrees Hardwood top, branches stump& roots merch.bole CompleteTrees 43,093 13.536 22,397 17.638 57,565 20.972 6.579 4.043 6.080 140,173 181,459 64,065 20,1:5 26,440 31.503 1.938 81- 23.718 2,749 on 19C 881 161 257 96 556 24 5 286 1.437 409 350 82,012 95,979 41,474 9,856 13.720 7,955 1,399 50 869 162 191 28.297 50.808 17,691 4,778 2.999 3,916 530 33 699 172 68 110,309 146,787 59,165 14.634 16,719 11,871 1,929 83 1,568 334 259 9,861 14.509 52 1.128 191 193 90,879 108,898 53,039 42.114 73,032 24.061 5.265 3.665 4.346 534 38 1,080 177 94 132,993 181,930 77,100 15,126 18,174 10,649 2,019 90 2,208 368 287 NOTE:1,000 gramusequals 2.2 pounds from (Dyer, 1967, p. 3). A-16 6,303 1,485 2.3 Equivalent Fuel Costs It is useful to consider the dollar value of wood as a fuel as compared with alternative fuels. As we have seen, the heat content of wood varies with species and moisture content. By varying these parameters, we can determine the value of the heat content of wood in terms of coal prices. The comparison is performed for two wood dry heat contents, 9000 and 8000 Btu/lb, and two moisture contents, 15% and 50%. As shown later in Table 4.2 (page 29 ), the corresponding boiler efficiencies for 15% and 50% moisture content are 76% and 66%; for coal, a boiler efficiency of 82% and heat content of 13,000 Btu/lb were assumed. The comparison, shown in Figure 2.2, results in a pair of straight lines corresponding to 8000 Btu/lb (the upper line in each pair) and 9000 Btu/lb (the lower line). For example, if coal delivered to Maine costs $50/ton ($1.90/106 Btu), then the equivalent value of wood as a boiler fuel would be: Moisture Content Value of Wood (Percent of Wet Weight) 8000 Bty/dry lb 9000 Btu/dry lb 15% $24.24/ton $27.30/ton 50% $12.40/ton $13.90/ton Another interpretation would be that if wood with a heat content of 9000 Btu/dry lb and 15% moisture content could be purchased for $25.00/ton, it would be competitive with coal selling for roughly $47.50 per ton. It its moisture content were instead 50%, the wood would be competitive with coal at about $88.00/ton. Figure 2.2 mU 80 70 o 60 Z 50 0 40 4O 4 40 0 30 20 10 5 10 I 15 20 25 Cost of Wood $/ton Eauivalent Cost of Wcod Fuel A-17 30 Figure 2.2 does not imply that wood at 50% moisture content could be purchased, dried to 15% moisture, and have its value increased nearly 100%. When dried to 15%, the original ton becomes 1300 lbthrough the loss in water of 35% of its weight. The dried wood is worth $24.25/ton, but the total value is now 65% of $24.25, for an actual increase in value of only 27%. This increase in value results from improved boiler efficiency (Hall, et al., 1976, p. 9). An equivalent fuel cost comparison does not tell the whole story, because the different fuels have different processing requirements. For example, wood fuel might require investment in fuel drying facilities which are not needed in a coal plant. Conversely, wood fuel plants might not require flue gas desulfurization equipment, which would reduce investment and operating costs. In general, the optimal design of a wood fuel power plant will involve the complex trade-offs between fuel characteristics, fuel processing equipment,and combustion equipment design. 3.0 BIOMASS SUPPLY Factors which must be considered in measuring the supply include the extent of the basic resource (ultimate reserves), the problems associated with removing the reserves (extraction or harvesting), and the problems associated with preparing the reserves for conversion (processing). This section will examine several estimates of the potential supply of Btu's from biomass in Maine by considering these three issues. 3.1 Ultimate Reserves 3.1.1 Production Definitions Biomass reserves are qualitatively different from reserves of fossil energy sources. For a given level of price and technology, we can say that fossil reserves are fixed (although new discoveries are always possible). Biomass reserves are more correctly considered as a flow since under natural conditions biomass is continually being created through forest growth and destroyed by fires, weather, insects., etc. The flow is altered by utilization by man. or decreased by artificial means. The flow rate can be increased To describe ultimate reserves of biomass requires both a number (the current inventory) and a rate (the net difference of forest growth, natural destruction, and removals [not natural]). Keserves are estimated by a variety of direct and indirect techniques. Unfortunately, interest in biomass as a fuel is a recent development, so there is not a long record of biomass data. is, however, a long record of data on one portion of the total biomass: There the volume of wood which has commercial value to the wood products industry. This wood is identified as the "merchantable bole," and consists of the main trunk of commercial species (Table 3.1) from the stump to some upper limit of merchantability which is determined by local custom (Figure 3.1) and the market. Table 3.1 Major Commercial Species in Maine Spruce Hemlock Sugar Maple Balsam Fir White Cedar Aspen White Pine Soft Maples Paper Birch Commercial species trees are considered merchantable if they have a 5.0" D.B.H. (diameter at breast height or 4.5 ft. above the ground). "Growing stock" includes that part of a merchantable tree between a minimum one-foot stump to a minimum 4.0" top diameter (outside bark) on a central trunk. It is the volume of merchantable bole or growing stock, a limited portion of a limited number of trees in the forest, which is periodically surveyed by the U.S. Forestry Service (Ferguson and Kingsley, 1972) or recorded by the Maine Bureau of Forestry from industry records. (Bureau of Forestry, 1975). These limited data pose two problems. First, the data are expressed in a confusing set of measures of volume (cords, cubic feet, board feet). Since the uniformity of shape of the merchantable bole is lost when we also consider branches, roots, and stumps, biomass is more appropriately quantified in units of weight. Second, the data record requires extrapolation to provide estimates of the total biomass available. A-18 8 6 4# 1: Roots less than one inch 2: Medium roots 3: Large roots 4: Stump 5: Merchantable stem 6: Large branches 7: Branches smaller than one inch 8: Unmerchantable stem Figure 3.1 `L83IV <5~~~~~~~~~ PARTS OF A TREE 'a9a hfr poec b4hd s Tb f h s pd v - l d c e r Thefirtrobemcanbehanledbyusig evealaveag conversion factors shown in Table 3.2. Table 3.2 Conversion Factors* 1 cord (green) softwood = 2.4 tons 1 cord (green) hardwood = 2.7 tons 1 cord = 85 cu. ft. solid wood 10 cu. ft. bark = 500 board feet timber (Bureau of Forestry, 1976) 1 cord *from (Young, 1974, I, p. 98). The second problem has a more demanding solution: biomass surveys are required to develop cor- relations between the observed parameters of the U.S. Forestry Service surveys and the total biomass available. Such biomass surveys have been performed in Maine on small samples of the total forest [(Young, et al., 1973)(Young, II, 1974)]. In addition, weight tables have been prepared for a number of species of trees relating the biomass of the entire tree to the weight of the merchantable bole [(Young, et al., 1964)(Dyer, 1967)]. Some generalized approximations have been made based on these biomass studies and weight tables, and are summarized in Table 3.3. Table 3.3 Biomass Weight Relationships* A. Moisture content of fresh tree or shrub = 50% B. Fresh weight is composed of : 55%-merchantable bole 25%-tops and branches 20%-stump and roots C. Bark content of tree, dry basis = 14% D. Leaves as percentage of hardwoods = Needles as percentage of softwoods = 4% 11% *from (Young, et al., 1973, p. 300) A-19 Commercial Growing Stock -- Merchantable Bole Recognizing that these rules of thumb are the best that can be done without further specific biomass surveys, we can begin the task of estimating total biomass from the available survey data. The total biomass will be determined by converting the survey volumetric data into weight data and then applying our rules of thumb to extrapolate to the total biomass. This approach initially includes only commercial growing stock trees. Converting to weight, the 1971 inventory of merchantable growing stock (i.e., merchantable bole only) totaled 311.5 million dry tons of biomass (Table 3.4). The growth of the biomass reserves due to merchantable growing stock was 13.0 million dry tons, or 4.2% of inventory (see Table 3.5). The net growth of merchantable growing stock was composed of the gross growth, less Table 3.4 1971 Inventory of Merchantable Growing Stock* 106 Cubic Feet 106 Dry Tons Softwood Hardwood Total 14,763.2 6490.2 21,253.4 208.4 103.1 311.5 *from (Ferguson and Kinglsey, 1972, p. 53) Table 3.5 1970 Gross Growth in Merchantable Growing Stock* Softwood 106 Cubic Feet 106 Dry Tons Hardwood Total 658.5 235.7 894.2 9.3 3.7 13.0 *from (Ferguson and Kingsley, 1972, p. 50) mortality, less the cull increment (that part of the growing stock which became non-commercial due to poor form,rot, or damage). In the period from 1958 to 1970, mortality was equal to 13.8% of gross growth and cull increment was 15.3% of gross growth (Ferguson and Kingsley, 1972, p. 59). We will assume that only half of the losses under the headings of cull increment and mortality (poor form, disease, weather, insects, etc.) are accompanied by loss of the fuel value of the wood, even though the entire commercial value is lost. Loss in fuel value of biomass that has no "commercial" value (due to mortality) can be 100 percent and permanent if not collected and properly stored. The rate of loss of fuel value depends upon the type of wood, the cause of mortality, the weather, etc. Thus, the net rate of growth of our fuel biomass from growing stock is 85.45% of the gross growth, or 11.14 million dry tons (3.6% of inventory). Note that in this calculation of ultimate biomass reserves, we need not consider removal rates for commercial wood industry applications. Commercial Growing Stock - Residues and Merchantable Bole Applying our biomass rules of thumb to the inventory and growth rates for merchantable growing stock, we find that there was an ultimate existing reserve of 566.4 million dry tons in 1971 (Table 3.6) and that it was growing at a rate of 23.6 million dry tons annually. A-20 Table 3.6 1971 Total Biomass of Merchantable Growing Stock Trees 106 Dry Tons Softwood Merchantable Bole 208.4 103.1 Tops and Branches 94.7 46.9 Stumps and Roots 75.8 37.5 378.9 187.5 Totals , Total Hardwood 311.5 141.6 _113. 566.4 Non-Merchantable Biomass Now let us turn our attention to determining the biomass of the non-merchantable trees. merchantable trees are called rough or rotten, depending on their species or condition. Non- Rough trees do not meet wood industry specifications for form, or are trees of non-commercial species (e.g., sumac or hawthorn). Rotten trees are live trees of commercial species which suffer substantial rot. Numerically, rough and rotten trees make up 15% of all softwood trees and 36% of all hard- wood trees (Ferguson and Kingsley, 1972, p. 50). They represented an additional 76.8 million dry tons of biomass in 1971 (Table 3.7). Data on the growth of rough and rotten trees were assumed to be one-half that of the merchantable species when expressed as a fraction of inventory. This assumption attempts to account for the lower productivity of new biomass by rough and rotten trees. Note that this is a growth assumption for trees that are already rough and rotten. It is separate from the annual cull increment, the biomass of healthy trees that become rough and rotten. Cull increment already was accounted for in the assumptions on growth rates for commercial growing stock trees. Rough and rotten biomass, therefore, is assumed to increase at 1.8% of inventory, or 1.4 million dry. tons/year. Table 3.7 1971 Total Biomass of Rough and Rotten Trees 6 10 Dry Tons Hardwood Softwood Total "Merchantable Bole" Portion 19.2 23.0 42.2 Tops and Branches 8.7 10.5 19.2 Stumps and Roots Totals One final source of biomass exists: 7.0 8.4 34.9 41.9 ]5.4 76.8 shrubs, which are woody plants without a well-developed trunk or with a mature height under 12 feet. In a biomass survey of public lands in Maine, these were found to represently only about 0.6% of the total biomass, or 3.9 million dry tons (Young, 1976, p. 7). Annual production is assumed to be 1.8% of total reserves, the same assumption used for rough and rotten trees. A-21 Total Ultimate Reserves As of the 1971 U.S. Forestry Service survey, Maine had an ultimate reserve of biomass of 647.1 million dry tons. Before removals, this reserve was growing at a rate of 25.1 million dry tons per year. On a per-acre basis, these figures represent 36.46 dry tons per acre reserves with a growth rate of 1.41 dry tons per acre year. These figures represent a snapshot of forestry practice in 1971. One of the major conclusions of the forestry survey was that Maine's forests are not producing near their potential. With improved forest management, particularly the removal of rough and rotten trees which are causing overstocking and reduced growth, it is estimated that per-acre production could be raised from 1971 levels of 42 cubic feet of merchantable wood per acre to 63 or more cubic feet per acre,* an increase of at least 50% (Ferguson and Kingsley, 1972, p. 28). Assuming that the increased production is appor- tioned equally to hardwoods and softwoods will allow us to increase our biomass estimates by the same percentage. Since we have assumed that rough and rotten trees are controlled, our 50% increase applies only to the merchantable trees, to give an annual growth of 35.4 million dry tons. How do these figures compare with other estimates that have been made? Two other estimates of the sustainable wood production of Maine's forest are between 1.1 and 3.8 times as large as our extrapolations (Table 3.8). Table 3.8 Estimates of Biomass Production in Maine's Forests 106 Dry Tons/Year (Young, 1975, p. 3] [Monks, et al, 1975, p. 22] Total Above Ground Below Ground 40.00 30.00 10.00 - - 28.30 7.00 132.75 MIT Extrapolation of U.S. Forestry Service Information 35.40 Young's estimate also included 30 million dry tons of leaves and needles which we will not consider. The paper by Monks utilized the opinions of a variety of forestry industry representatives. It is observed that the estimates of Monks are usually higher than those of others. Both estimates are for the total biomass which could be obtained on a continuing basis (production equalling removals) with improved forest management. The MIT extrapolation also assumes aggressive forest management. It should be remembered that these figures are for sustained annual production, and do not consider the transient period from now to the time when forestry management is highly developed. During that transient period several sources of biomass could be exploited, including: *(Ferguson and Kingsley, 1976) estimate 45% of commercial forest land could yield more than 85 cu ft per year; 80% could yield more than 50 cu ft/yr. We estimated that the remaining land (20%) would produce at the current rate of privately owned land, or 38 cu ft/yr. This results in: (.45 x 85) + (.35 x 50) + (.20 x 38) = 63.4 cu ft/acre. This is a conservative estimate since some of the acreage will produce above the stated levels. A-22 e removal of rough and rotten trees by thinning (76.8 million dry tons) e one-time removals of large volumes of trees (Dickey-Lincoln site, 5.5 million dry tons); spruce budworm infestation (312 million dry tons) (Monks, et al., 1975, p. 30) e stores of unused bark and mill wastes (1.4 million dry tons) (Monks, et al., 1975, p. 30) In addition, there exists the potential for "mining" the forest by deliberately removing a greater biomass than is being replaced by growth. The only available estimate of the total biomass for comparison with our figure (647.1 million dry tons) is 800 million dry tons (Young, 1975, p. 3). 3.1.2 Removals Commercial Growing Stock Removals At the present time, removals of biomass are generally restricted to the merchantable bole. maining parts of the tree, about 45% by weight, are being left in the forest as logging slash. The re- The slash eventually rots to return nutrients to the forest floor but in the interim can constitute a fire hazard. Actually, only 25% constitutes slash and fire hazard, 20% is stumps and roots. During the period from 1959 to 1970, the removal rate for growing stock was increasing faster than the growth rate. The growth rate itself was high due to epidemic of the early 20th century. the recovery from the spruce budworm Many of the trees planted after that epidemic first qualified as growing stock between 1959 and 1970. The implications were that hardwood removals would exceed annual growth by 1973 and softwood removals would exceed growth by 1994. Net removals would ex- ceed net growth by the late 80's (Figure 3.2). This means that by the late80's the forestry industry will have begun mining the forest for its merchantable wood. . 3- I ,. t. ~ Z MILLION t¢ _ ' UDE FEET '1. -1000 l -400 1,0 t§6 1916 1 do _2 MAINE FOREST INVENTORY 1960 - 2000 Figure 3.2 from (Ferguson and Kingsley, 1972) What are the implications for biomass as an energy source? Wewill see in the next section that biomassremoval for energy is most easily accomplishedin conjunction with removals for woodproducts. Biomass for energy is therefore related Determining the exact relationship to the biohlass removed for wood industry is speculative use (Table 3.9). since there has been no experience with such A-23 Table 3.9 Merchantable Biomass Removals* 106 Dry Tons Total Hardwood Softwood 1970 3.89 2.12 6.01 1974* 4.46 1.87 6.33 1975* 3.63 1.35 4.98 *from (Bureau of Forestry, 1976, p.1) As a general rule, it makes no sense to divert operations on a commercial, or even pilot, plant scale. economically valuable wood to use as a fuel, so we will assume that only the non-merchantable portion This would mean that the biomass removal for of commercial trees are available as biomass for energy. energy will be about 45/55% of the merchantable wood removals (using our biomass rules of thumb); 20/55% will be stumps and roots and 25/55 % will be branches and leaves. 2.24 million dry tons. In 1975, this would have amounted to In the long term, with improved forest practices and with removals equal to growth, biomass for energy will be about 15.9 million dry tons (Table 3.10). Of course, commercial wood will be diverted to fuel use if its fuel value is higher than its commercial raw material value. No attempt was made to evaluate this possible competition and its effects on the Maine wood industry. Table 3.10 Biomass P.movals and Biomass Available for Energy 106 Dry Tons/Year Commercial Biomass Removals Biomass Available for Energy Tops/Branches Total 1.8 2.3 4.1 22.0 8.0 10.0 18.0 (Monks, et al., 1975, p. 22)* 73.0 26.5 33.2 59.7 MIT Extrapolation of U.S. Forestry Service Information* 19.5 7.1 8.8 15.9 Stumps/Roots 5.0 1975 (Young, 1975, p. 3)* *Production = Removals Energy Equivalent of Removals The energy equivalent of this biomass is found by using our assumption of 9000 Btu/dry lb (Table 3.11). In 1975, 0.73 x 1014 Btu were available from the unused portions of merchantable trees. Table 3.11 Energy Equivalents of Biomass Available for Energy 1014 Btu/year Biomass Available for Energy Total Stumps/Roots Tops/Branches 1975 0.32 0.41 0.73 [Young, 1975, p. 3]* 1.44 1.80 3.24 5.98 10.75 1.58 2.86 [Monks, et al, 1975, p. 22]* MIT Extrapolation of U.S. Forestry Service Information Production = Removals A-24 1.28 This is approximately one-eighth of Maine's total energy use (Page, et al., 1976, pp. 4-12). In the long term, 2.86 x 1014 Btu could be available on a continuing basis with improved forest practices. In addition, there is the Btu content of rough and rotten trees. Their current growth of 1.6 million tons per year has an energy equivalent of 0.029 x 1014 Btu/year. Improved forest practices would no doubt alter this figure. The inventory of rough and rotten trees which could be removed for energy use and forest management was 76.8 million tons, with a heat content of 13.82 x O more than four times the annual energy use of Maine in 1975. 14 Btu. This is If our extrapolations are replaced by the larger estimates which have been proposed by Monks, the energy available from biomass is seen to far exceed Mainels total energy requirements, well into the 1980's. To summarize our examination of the available biomass for enerqy in Maine, we can say: 3.2 * There is a need for detailed biomass surveys to remove the large uncertainties associated with biomass projections. * 1975 forestry practices could have made available sufficient biomass to supply one-eighth of Maine's total energy demand. · Improved forest management and removal of non-merchantable portions of commercIal species have been predicted to yield between 2.86 and Btu/year when removals are equal to growth. 10.75 x 10 * Rough and rotten trees form an energy stock of 13.82 x 1014 Btu. * The ultimate reserves of biomass from Maine's forest, with improved forestry management, is adequate to meet the demands of the wood industry and to supply significant portions of Maine's energy demand. Extractions and Processing The previous section showed that there are sufficient reserves of biomass to supply both the wood products industry and significant parts of the energy needs of Maine. This section will look more in detail at the technological problems associated with the extraction (including transportation) and processing of the biomass before conversion to energy. to us: Two major harvesting practices are of interest the commercial timber harvest and the stand improvement harvest. The commercial timber harvest involves removing the merchantable portions of growing stock trees from a stand. The technology for this operation is well developed and increasingly mechanized. Wood is removed in two forms: logs or chips. Logs have application in a number of industries where the form and strength of the wood is improtant. They are also used in the pulp and paper industry, where they are usually reduced to chips at the mill. Recent years have seen the increasing use of portable chippers for pulp logs, which chip the logs at the roadside in the forest. allow a greater harvest of fiber, since parts other than the bole can be chipped. The chippers Since chipping for pulp fiber can use parts of the tree which have traditionally been non-commercial, there may be competition between pulp and fuel wood interests for such parts. This would effectively reduce the amount of fuel wood available. Chippers offer reduced manpower and equipment needs (St. George, 1977, p. 54). A typical portable chipper can chip a whole tree in about 30 seconds, or more than 50 cords per eight-hour shift. Biomass for energy would be collected in a commercial harvest by having a separate container for chips from non-commercial portions of the merchantable trees. usual way. The logs or pulp chips would be harvested in the Such a system simplifies the harvest steps of felling, topping, delimbing, and bucking since the whole tree can be skidded to the chipper, and can make stands commercially attractive that were previously too dense for normal harvesting. When such complete tree chipping is combined with new mechanized harvesters, a highly efficient operation results. Equipment is under development and testing which can remove the entire tree and transport it to the chipper. Such harvesters are expected to appear commercially by 1980, with a second generation technology availabl3 in 1985 (Young, III, 1974, p. 48). One drawback has been that complete tree harvesters have generally been developed for bog use and experience difficulty A-25 when used in rocky, mineral soils. Maine. This problem might restrict the harvesting of stump-root systems in The stump root systems, while unavailable for energy, do return nutrients to the soil and prevent surface erosion. Stand improvement harvests are like weeding a garden. They remove cull timber and rough and rotten trees in order to increase the growth of commercial species in the stand. The technology is more complicated in that culls must be removed without damaging the commercial trees left behind. Much of this work is not mechanized and relatively expensive. Once the culls are felled and skidded, they can be chipped like commercial timber. A market for wood chips from cull trees should be an incentive for the performance of this beneficial forestry management practice (Hall, 1976, p. 2). Once the trees or parts of trees are chipped, the chips are blown into trucks for transport out of the forest. Chips are somewhat less dense than logs. When chipped, a cord of wood occupies a volume of 200 cubic feet, a 56% increase in volume. Since chips are a satisfactory form for input into a wood combustion system, no further processing, except possibly drying, is needed. Mechanized har- Harvesting operations could be seriously hampered by weather conditions in Maine. vesting will be difficult or impossible during periods of heavy snow cover and during spring thaw when mud conditions prevail. The severity of these conditions will vary from year to year. Harvesting schedules would have to stockpile sufficient wood to continue plant operation during these periods. If air drying is used, harvesting will have to be done in advance anyway, and the critical period of possible shortages would be several months after the winter and spring thaw periods. Scheduling of harvest quantities and drying inventories will be a highly complex problem. Summarizing extraction and processing, we can say: * Commercial technology is available for removing as chips the above-ground, non-merchantableportions of commercialtrees. 4.0 * tor mechanized complete tree removal (stumps and Commercial technology roots included) should be available by 1980, but may not initially work well in Maine's mineral soil. * Technology for thinning and stand improvement is commercially available but not highly mechanized. Chips are the final product. e Weather and drying schedules will complicate harvesting plans. WOOD CONVERSION SYSTEMS The previous section has shown that there is a significant amount of energy which can be obtained from the forest in Maine inthe form of wood chips, without interfering with normal wood industry operWe also saw in the introductory section that direct burning of the wood is the best developed method of converting this energy into electricity. In this section we will examine in detail ations. the technology for direct burning of wood for electricity production. 4.1 Waterwall Incinerators A waterwall incincerator has the walls of its combustion area covered with boiler tubes through which water flows. Typically there may be other boiler tubes lining the walls in the portion of the boiler outside the immediate combustion zone. The combustion gases, on their way to the smokestack, deliver their energy to the water, converting it to steam inside the tubes. The steam is then used to drive a turbine which turns a generator to produce electricity. Waterwall incinerators are the only technology used for large-scale steam and electricity production. The technology can be further differentiated by describing the method used to feed to the combustion area. the fuel in- For solid fuels (coal, wood, wastes) there are three common methods: cyclones, suspension firing, and stokers. Cyclones require a very fine and dry fuel, which is blown into the combustion chamber where, upon firing, it forms a vortex (cyclone) of hot gases. They are not commonly used for wood firing because of the difficulty in preparing the wood. Suspension systems also require a great deal of fuel preparation (breaking below 1/4 inch) although not as much as cyclones. In suspension firing, the fuel is blown into the combustion area where it burns in suspension while falling to the bottom. When wood is fired in suspension, an auxiliary fossil (coal or oil) fuel is required to maintain combustion stability. A-26 Typically, the wood accounts for about 50% of the total heat content of the boiler fuel input (Hall, et al., 1976, p. 48). Stokers are the most common technology for large-scale burning of wood and can be further described as spreader stokers, underfeed stokers and overfeed stokers. All stokers have at least part of their fuel burning in a bed at the bottom of the combustion chamber. Overfeed stokers add new fuel to the bed from the top or side, using a moving grate or inclined grate which carries the fuel into the combustion chamber and passesout the other side with the remaining ash. force the fuel underneath the burning bed of old fuel. Underfeed stokers Combustion takes place on the top of the bed and ash is removed from the edges of the pile. A spreader stoker (Figure 4.1) is a special overfeed stoker. type of Instead of the fuel being placed on the moving grate and carried into the combustion zone, it is projected into the combustion region and falls onto the moving grate at the bottom. Most of the fuel burns in suspension with unburned fuel forming a thin layer (2-4 inches) at the bottom which burns quickly. The spreader stoker can burn a greater variety of woods and respond more quickly to load changes than can standard overfeed or underfeed boilers. TYPICAL WOOD-BURNING BOILER Figure 4.1 [Wheelabrator, Frye, 1976, p. 5] A-27 Between 1965 and 1975, 230 boilers with the capability to burn wood as the primary-or supplemcntary fuel were sold in the United States. The distribution of sales in terms of size, range and type of fuel-feeding systems (Table 4.1) shows that spreader stokers, while making up 44.7% of all boiler sales, accounted for 83% of all sales in sizes above 25 MW of electric capacity. Note that these sales were generally not for electric power generation; the equivalence of steam production and electric generating capacity is given for comparison only. Also note that in the largest category wood was used as a supplementary fuel. No wood-fueled boilers were sold having a capacity above 500 x 103 lb steam/hr (Hall, et al., 1976, p. 12). Table 4.1 Boiler Sales by Capacity and Firing Method Firing Method 0 lb steam/hr MW electricity 10-16 1-2 16-100 2-10 Spreader Stoker 1.1 25.2 Underfeed Stoker 0 1.4 Overfeed Stoker 0 24.8 Suspension 0 Other 1.1 0 2.15 100-250 10-25 13.3 250-500 25-50 Over 500_ Over 50 2.2 2.9 0 0 0 3.7 0 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.9 0 1.0 [Adapted from Hall, et al, 1976, pp. 50-51] The efficiency of boilers burning wood is less than that of boilers burning conventional fuels. The difference is due largely to the heat lost through vaporization of the moisture content of the wood. This heat is not available to the boiler tubes and escapes out the stack (Figure 4.2). For assumed moisture contents of 50% (green) and 15% (dried), the corresponding overall boiler efficiencies are 66% and 76% (Table 4.2). Figure 4.2 BOILER HEAT LOSS VEMIUS WOOD MOISTURE CONTENT a. 0 a I *6 Moisture. percent (wet bosis) [Hall, et al, 1975, p. 41) A-28 Table 4.2 Boiler Efficiencies as Function of Moisture Content Percent Loss Heat Loss Factors 15% Moisture 50% Moisture Dry stack gases 9% 9% Moisture in fuel 3% 13% Moisture from H2 in fuel 8% 8% Incomplete combustion, radiation, unaccounted for 4% 4% 76% 66% Boiler efficiency [Adapted from Hall, et al, 1976, p. 42] All boiler systems designed for "dirty" fuels with high ash contents such as coal or wood require bottom ash facilities to collect ash and unburned fuel, soot-blowing equipment to remove ash from the boiler tubes where it reduces heat transfer, and pollution control equipment for flyash removal. Such equipment is readily available for wood systems. Load variation can lead to instability in wood boilers. The less the mass of wood fuel burning in the boiler at any given time, the more likely that instabilities will occur. Suspension systems are most sensitive while overfeed or underfeed stokers are least sensitive. Spreader stokers fall in the middle range of sensitivity. This sensitivity can be eliminated by burning conventional fuels in addition to the wood. for suspension systems. Limiting heat input from wood to 40-50% of total heat content is recommended Spreader stokers which are smaller than 500 x 10 3 lb steam/hour (about 50 MW electric) are relatively insensitive to instabilities; this situation has given rise to the limit of spreader stokers burning solely wood to 50 MW electric and smaller size plants. Larger plants would incur the expense and complexity of dual fuel firing. After the steam is produced, it must be converted into electricity using conventional turbine and generator technologies. Efficiencies for turbines are a function of the steam conditions and turbine size. We will assume that a 50 MW turbine generator combination is used. Estimates of the total efficiency of such plants have been stated as being between 27.4% (Hall, et al., p. 109), and 18.3% (Lloyd, et al., 1975, p. 33). These 50 MW plants are base load capacity due to the difficul- ties in load following with wood-fired boilers, and are assumed to have a 70% load factor; i.e., they produce 70% of the energy theoretically possible from round the clock,full capacity operation. Estimates for load factors have ranged from 82% (Schultz ,1977, p. 6) to 65% (Lloyd, et al., 1975, p. 38). With a load factor of 70% and capacity of 50 MW, the energy generated in a year would be 306,000 MWH. With 27.4% efficiency, this would require 3.82 x 1012 Btu of heat input; at 18.3% efficiency, heat input would be 5.72 x 1012 Btu. Our assumed value of 9000 Btu/dry lb means that at 27.4% efficiency, 424,000 green tons/yr (212,000 dry) or wood are needed; at 18.3% efficiency, 636,000 green tons/yr are needed (318,000 dry). 4.2 Multiple Boilers Although the maximum size boiler unit is 50 MW, several units could possibly be combined to form a single plant of total capacity greater than 50 MW. These could operate independently with their own turbines, or several 50 MW boilers could use a common header arrangment, in which steam from the various boilers is fed to a single turbine. A common header arrangement might offer economies of scale for the turbine, auxiliary and cooling systems, and plant structures. The limiting consideration in either case will be the feasibility of maintaining an adequate wood supply. average biomass for energy removal rates. Recall that those rates A-29 In Section 3.1, we calculated assumed widespread forestry management, near theoretical yields and removals equalling annual growth. Continuation of current productivity per acre would yield about 33% less biomass. The per-acre biomass production rates (using 17,748 million acres of forestland) could be between 0.60 and 3.36 As a check against these numbers, removal rates calculated for Vermont dry tons/year (Table 4.3). were considered. For central Vermont, removal rates corresponding to our U.S. Forestry Service (current productivity) figures for branches and tops were estimated to be 0.25 dry tons/acre (Hall, et al., 1975, p. 128). This difference of 25% between estimates is considered an acceptable check. Table 4.3 Estimated Biomass Available for Energy Per Acre Dry Tons/Year Stumps/Roots Total Tops/Branches (Young) .45 .56 1.01 (Monks) 1.49 1.87 3.36 MIT-U.S. Forestry Service (USFS) (High productivity) .40 .50 .90 MIT-U.S. Forestry Service (USFS) (Current productivity) .27 .33 .60 With the data from Table 4.3, and our assumptions about the demand for wood by a 50 MWe plant, we can determine that the area required to support such a plant would be between 63,100 and 530,000 acres (8:1), (Table 4.4). Assuming that the plant will be centrally located in its harvest area, this would require a radial harvest distance of between 5.6 and 16.2 miles (3.1). If we were to assume that only the above-ground biomass could be harvested, as was done in the Vermont study, then our area would increase by 80% (113,000 - 934,000 acres), and the distance by 34%. When considering harvest areas, as in the case of multiple plants, the increase in area varies linearly while the harvest distance varies as the square root of the capacity. Because of this difficulty in maintaining wood supply, multiple separate 50 MW plants are preferable to one large central plant. The spread of numbers is huge. The only way a more exact number can be arrived at is through a pilot plant and time. such a project. Vermont and ERDA (U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration) plan It is anticipated to be funded in late 1977. Three or four years of data, after operation starts, will be needed before harder numbers are available. Table 4.4 Harvest Area and Distances from 50 MW Plant at 70% Load Factor Area in 103 Acres -Distance in Miles Eff = 27.4% Eff = 18.3% Dry Ton/Year Area Area Distance [Young] 1.01 209.9 10.2 314.9 12.5 [Monks] 3.36 63.1 5.6 94.6 6.9 MIT-USFS (High productivity) .90 235.6 10.8 353.3 13.3 MIT-USFS (Current nroductivity) 353.3 13.3 530.0 16.2 Rate Removal Assumption .60 A-30 Distance 4.3 Gas Turbine Systems A pilot plant test is under way in Masardis, Me., with Economic Development Administration support, to examine the performance of a gas turbine system fired by wood fuel (Hagen and Berg, 1976). The system will use a ceramic heat exchanger to transfer combustion heat to the gas turbine. The system, which has been developed by Hague International and the Maine Wood Fuel Corporation, provides a power source in the 1 to 2 MW range. It is intended as an industrial power source for the wood industry and can be modified to provide additional energy in the form of process steam or a bottoming cycle. These systems are still in the pilot demonstration stage and are relatively small and have specialized applications. They should not be expected to make any significant impact on statewide electricity supply in the near future. 6 x 106 MWH (Page, et al., 1976, pp. 1-2). In 1974, the pulp and paper industry consumed about If the proposed gas turbine systems produce 8.5 x 10 MWH/year (1.5 MW, 65% load factor [Hagen and Berg, 1976, p. 9]), and industrial electricity growth is 2%/year, nearly ninety gas turbine systems will have to be installed and operating to supply the required energy by 1985. This is unlikely to happen with the technology still in the pilot plant stage. We can summarize our discussion of wood combustion technology as follows: e Proven technology is available from commercial vendors to produce steam and electricity from wood fuels. e A 50 MWe waterwall spreader stoker boiler is the technology most likely to be used. * Biomass inputs for a 50 MWe plant range from 212,000 to 318,000 dry tons/year at 70% load factor. a Multiple boilers can be located in the same site but wood supply becomes difficult. The harvest area can vary by a factor of ten, depending on biomass availability assumptions. e Wood-fired gas turbine technology is not expected to make a large impact on electricity supply patterns in the near future because of its intended limitation to industrial use. 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS The environmental effects of utilizing wood combustion to produce electricity are presented in this section. These effects include boiler emissions, residue disposal, water pollution, and land use. A recent extensive study for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency of a proposed wood-burning electrical generating plant in Vermont is the basis for most of these discussions (Hall, et al., 1976). 5.1 Boiler Emissions The production of steam of electricity by combustion always results in emissions to the atmosphere. Emissions are usually expressed in terms of lbs of emissions per ton of green wood burned as fuel (Table 5.1). Table 5.1 Emission Factors for Wood and Bark in Boilers Pollutant Source: Emissions lb/ton Green Fuel Particulates 25-30 Sulfur Oxides (SO ) 0 (wood) - 3 (bark) Carbon Monoxide 2 Hydrocarbons (Methane) 2 Nitrogen Oxides (NO ) 10 (USEPA, I, 1973, p. 1.6-2) A-31 The lower ash content of wood is offset by the higher heat content of coal, resulting in wood particulate emissions per unit of output (.21 lb/106 Btu) that are higher than those of coal (.04 lb/106 Btu). Wood ash tends to be lighter and larger than coal ash (Figure 5.1), but the distribution of emission particles depends on reinjection practice. Since some of the ash is unburned, reinjection to the boiler of the ash collected by particulate control devices will increase thermal efficiency. Reinjection reduces the size of the ash and increases the total input loading on the ash collection device. Other factors affecting particulate emissions are the type of fuel (logs, sawdust, etc.), boiler type, grate design and fuel moisture content. .,... 1-/ -. ,..''.:.. Figure 5.1 SIZE DISTRIBUTION OF WOOD AND COAL FLY ASH 'i j .. .:-!-rl -- .. ,:I.. . ..... I . ... ... .... :' !" i .-/:- ... I ... j Wood /fiv- --- too =Wod f Iash- L~r---.~--' · I--· I: --. I fI . :-- +i,-- ! :::.:' · · !' L i : 200 - -- -. 1. . ` :" -:-4- .; .. I .. - ' us , :'.. , ,f * I. ' ..... --.. : -- --.. , : a. .. :!- ... 11.. 1:1:1:.-;...--. IC-;l -·: -··( -·-)·.. I o. : h :- - . - ... : ;'' .· - .-- -- ,,- ·- ' . . .i..;-f-.- ; -- -- /:-I;-· · . - IL : . -....-! : .. ..-t ' '.._;' I- .--. : =.--~=.:-..-::-'-''--- & I. ....... "-' 1... .......· · · · i- ·'·- · -·:-·-i·· -··- I 1. -1I _. -1 . ::. I ..... ... ..-. -·.--· F .. 1 ·- I :1"F7 I W 1. t...... _ .- ..d-'-i. · ·· · · · · -·· --- ... -,-'--- ··--- . , =. E. '.·._i:,_::r:i,.r.·------1_;: · ":! ---- ----t--- ... -t·- 1~ I- . .. ..i..1 - ..--... ~ ~:.-'-:-:T ~~~. ~ ~I:--~"---.:.-:;-',--~~~~~~~~~~~~~----':- --...- .:t. - .. ·':r -:Z ~~~ ~ ~ ~ I~ . . ... ::z ; . ·- · ,.·· ·. -.... -, _ t r'i;-'i 4- I--II- 325 mesh_ ' -' - ....... . mesh- =-:, -3--- ,-t_ , i 1t-I-j .:",, - ---.. ._ _ .:. ........ - _ -:: --;: .... , .....-: _-. - --.-..:J:: '--- '- -]'-=]- t-- : .h /~J z - .E 0' . .- with reinjection L.I ! t .... --- I S: .:.Si: .': --I:. --i'::-.. :. LfiiL14 ,: "'~'' .__... - -'-:k: *'..--"- - -1 - .. .. J , . · without reinjection . / I ··- r ·· · -·- ;··-· ·· ;·. i·· LL: :· ·. L i ii.-.. i· 1.!.LTi·ii I: -I·s.L: !li·-!·--· ..-i..i 'tj· .ri I ·/ i - '------- .: i"`lf!i '- - I '1.-.... '"' ·';. .'I. [ - ........ :·--: i :.:' .i.· ,.. :· .I.. i-i. I I. _ - - --. :---1 : 0.01 [Hall, et al, 1976, p. 63] 0.1 I :- 1:··: i ': " r : i I . .: ; ss 10 20 40 -·-ii-·-l' 70 · I · · -- "" i .! ::..-; .. j:: I : :-F . f _ :..L ._.:7 j~ I :t i . 1_.(·I···I :·.. l:L " % Smaller Than A-32 i'l ' " ::-;.,-.:.: '"'-:-- 1:..:..::,...I - . ;I .... . ' ............... !': : . .: . : ~~ ,`..I·· 0.1........ ............. - .:..: '" ·- ·- r :i . ..:... .·: ·'··i.' !·: : I i_. :._.i.i:.l.:. i·· ' -: - i ' . !:!I! .:*j'. I :.,l . * 0o I 99 I -= 99.9 L- 1:IJ-1 : 1 99.99 Particulate emissions are sufficiently high to require removal devices in order to meet standards. Experience with wood boilers has been limited to cyclone collectors, but there should be no serious technical problems in using other well established collection devices (Table 5.2). We acknowledge that the effluents from a 100% wood furnace can be quite different, but believe that they could be handled. A survey of their performance and costs can be found in (Hall, et al., 1976, pp. 59-76). Table 5.2 CALCULATED WOOD ASH COLLECTION EFFICIENCIES FOR VARIOUS CONTROL EQUIPMENT Efficiency(a), % Type of Collector Long-cone cyclones 94.2 Multiple cyclone (6-in. dia) 98.4 Electrostatic precipitator 98.7 Wet-impingement scrubber 99.8 Venturi scrubber ' 99.96 Fabric filter 99.98 (Hall, et al., 1976, p. 71) Source: Wood fuels have negligible sulfur contents. As a result, they present little or not problems with respect to sulfur oxides emission standards. Carbon monoxide levels are similarly within acceptable ranges. No control equipment should be required for either pollutant. Hydrocarbon emissions from wood-fueled boilers are negligible during normal operation. Rare periods of poor combustion might release hydrocarbons at a rate ten times normal. Of principal concern are carcinogenic and photochemical compounds. There appears to be evidence that carcinogenic compounds may be emitted in low concentrations from wood-fired plants. Emissions are smaller than those expected from a similarly sized coal-fired plant. Photochemical compounds will be released during periods of poor combustion, and could lead to the formation of photochemical smog. Normal operating procedures should prevent photochemical smog formation from being a problem (Hall, et al., 1976, p. 78). 6 Btu, which is higher than the new Nitrogen oxide emissions are estimated to be 1.235 lb/10 6 Btu. While wood-burning plants are not regulated by the new be pessimistic source standards, these emissions are a cause for concern. The NO x emission rate may considering the manner in which it was determined. (The rate was calculated rather than derived source federal standard of 0.7 lb/10 from experimental data and assumed a rather low wood heat content of 4200 Btu/lb.) Boiler design (Hall, et could be modified to restrict excess air and reduce NO..emissions to an acceptable level al., 1976, p. 95). No information was found on operating experience for wood boilers with restricted excess air for NOx control. For a 50 MWe plant, with fuel collection and transport included, total emissions are comparable to, or less than, conventional fossil-fired plants (Table 5.3). Table 5.3 TOTAL ANNUAL EMISSIONS FROM DIFFERENT FUELS (50MW PLANT) (Ton/Year) Total Particulate Organics 540 348 423 3675 115 600 351 432 3825 248 48 5152 SO2 137 CO Dried Wood (280,000 ton) NOx 2227 Green Wood (410,000 ton) 2326 Low Sulfur Coal 1865 2685 305 Domestic Oil 1203 1075 21 89 59 2447 Pennsylvania Coal (stack gas cleanup) 1193 874 111 178 27 2382 A-33 ---- ~~~~A-33 derived from (Hall, et al., 1976, pp. 22-23) 5.2 Boiler Residues The combustion of wood results in ash, char, clinkers, and slag, in addition to the gaseous combustion products. There have been no unique problems identified for the disposal of these solid products. The residues are primarily inert silica and alumina (Table 5.4) and can be disposed of in sanitary landfill or as a slurry in lined lagoons. Treatment may be required to prevent leaching, groundwater contamination, or dust. Byproduct uses are still largely unexplored. Suggested applications have included soil conditioning, fertilizer, charcoal briquet manufacture, and preparation of a combustion preventative. Assuming a typical ash content of 1.3% (Table 2.2) and a fuel requirement of 212,000 ton/year (Section 4.1), total solid wastes would be on the order of 2,700 tons/year. These would include both boiler residues (about 2,400 tons/year) and collected particulates (about 300 tons/year). Table 5.4 ANALYSIS OF WOOD FUEL ASH Components Concentration, ppm Silicon (Si) [Hall 5.3 19.6 Aluminum (Al) 3.6 Calcium (Ca) 2.9 Sodium (Na) 2.1 Magnesium (Mg) 0.8 Potassium (K) 0.3 Titanium (Ti) 0.1 Manganese (Mn) 0.016 Zirconium (Zr) 0.006 Lead (Pb) 0.003 Barium (Ba) 0.010 Strontium (Sr) 0.002 Boron (B) 0.003 Chromium (Cr) Less than 0.001 Vanadium (V) Less than 0.001 Copper (Cu) Less than 0.001 Nickel (Ni) Less than 0.001 Mercury Nil Radioactivity Nil et al, 1976, p. 80] Water Pollution Water pollution can occur at the plant or in the forest. Environmental problems due to waste heat disposal at wood-fired plants are similar to those found in conventional fossil plants. With efficiencies between 28% and 18%, wood-fired plants must release between 2.5 and 4.5 units of heat to the environment for every unit of heat converted to electricity. Roughly 0.5 - 1.0 units are released to the atmosphere depending on fuel moisture content. The rest are released through the condenser as heated water. Adequate commercial technology exists for cooling the heated water with cooling towers. Cooling towers release cooling tower blowdown containing chemicals which can require environmental control. They also require makeup water. Neither of these should have any serious effects on local water quality. During wood removal several water pollution impacts are possible. These impacts depend on the nature of the forested land before harvesting (topography, soil composition), the physical and chemical status of local streams, and the harvesting practice used. Clear cutting and removal of the waste biomass, especially stumps and roots, has high potential impact on water quality. A-34 -- Water quality will be affected first by increased stream flow as runoff increases on the harvested land. This occurs because living vegetation no longer absorbs and transpires surface water. Water temperature in streams can change, especially if vegetation on stream banks is re- moved. Not only do the maximum temperatures increase with increased solar radiation, but the daily variation increases also. Turbidity changes in streams during normal above-ground logging operations are due principally to the construction of logging roads and skid trails. There is no experience with turbidity changes due to removal of the complete tree including stumps and roots, but they should be expected to increase since there will be widespread disruption of the surface soil layer. The final possible impact is increased nutrient loading of streams once ve- getation is removed. Contradictory experimental results have been obtained in different clear cut operations, depending on the harvesting method and the rate of regrowth. If large amounts of dis- solved nutrients like ammonium, nitrate, calcium, etc., enter the streams, they could cause eutrophication while simultaneously reducing the productive potential of the land. While these impacts are varied, they are similar to problems controlled in normal logging operations through simple forestry management procedures. We have much less experience with intensive biomass removal. It is believed that forestry management should be able to control any potential adverse water quality effects (Hall, et al., 1976, pp. 175-185), but only field experience can verify that no major problems have been overlooked. 5.4 Land Use The land required for fuel harvest for a wood-fired generating plant is subject to several possible impacts. While it is serving as a fuel source, the land is still available for normal commercial logging use and recreation. Land use impacts at the plant will include roads, fuel stockpiling and drying areas, and solid waste disposal facilities. The nutrient budget of the forest determines its productivity and longevity. Experience with the impact of whole tree removal on the forest's nutrient budget is limited. factors affecting the budget are: The three main nutrient removal, nutrient inputs and rotation period. Nutrient removal is a function of the parts of the biomass which are removed since different parts of the same tree have different concentrations of nutrients. By selectively leaving parts of the tree in the forest to rot, the removal rate can be regulated (Table 5.5). This has been studied for whole tree removal for pulping, where the discarded parts had no pulp value. For an energy recovery operation, any parts of the tree left in the forest to maintain nutrient balance would represent an energy loss. Table 5.5 Comparison of Two Harvesting Techniques in Finland Nutrients Removed kg/ha Technique N Ca K P 58 73 38 5.3 148 115 80 15.0 95 184 47 8.4 372 409 161 40.6 Pine Forest Timber Cut Whole Tree Harvest (including root) Spruce Forest Timber Cut Whole Tree Harvest (including root) [Hall, et al, 1976, p. 167] A-35 Nutrient inputs naturally come from soil decomposition, rainfall, and the decay of vegetation (Table 5.6). Fertilizer can also be applied, although this is a fairly recent practice which has been used to improve the productivity of soils which are naturally deficient or which have been exploited by previous harvest methods. It is expected that nutrient budgets for normal harvest periods should not be a limiting factor in utilizing biomass for fuel, since natural inputs will be adequate. Short rotation forestry, fast growing species or dense planting are practices which can depelete the budget quickly. Table 5.6 REPLENISHMENT OF SOIL NUTRIENTS IN A NORTH CAROLINA HARDWOOD FOREST Nutrients (kg/ha) N Source Rainfall Canopy Drip Stemflow Litter Annual Input to Soil 3.53 4.86 0.23 45.98 54.60 P K Ca 0.28 0.61 0.01 3.26 4.16 0.88 17.48 0.65 14.16 33.17 3.42 12.47 2.02 94.99 120.90 k .72 3.5 a24 1IL11 2.82 [Hall, et al, 1976 p. 174] Data on nutrient removal is site-specific and harvest-specific, while nutrient addition to offers us a meansfor forests are variable and poorly quantified at present. While fertilization compensatingfor imbalances caused by biomass harvests, close monitoring of nutrients will be necessary (Hall, et al., 1976, pp. 168-174). Erosion is also a site-specific problem which can largely be controlled by good forestry management. Experience has shown that logging roads and skid trails are the principal causes of erosion in a harvested area, even when clear cutting is used. which substantial numbers of stumps are removed. Data are not available for harvesting in Such an operation would disrupt the soil surface more than clear cutting, and the extent of erosion would probably be greater. Land use problems can also arise in terms of wildlife and aesthetics. Intensive forest use can possibly jeopardize wildlife habitats and ruin the attractive features of forest appearance. These problems are not unique to biomass and energy plans can be adquately managed with current forestry practices (Hall, et al., 1976, pp. 194-199). In summary, it can be said that: * Environmental impacts of wood combustion are well understood and are comparable to those of similarly sized fossil plants. ' Environmental impacts of wood procurement are well documented for conventional harvesting practices and can be controlled satisfactorily by forestry management methods. A-36 0 6.0 Biomass procurement for energy will put additional stress on the forest environment because of its increased removal of material and greater disruption of the soil; while these effects should be controllable by conventional forestry management, they must be monitored carefully to avoid site specific problems. ECONOMICS In our examination of wood supply we have seen uncertainty and a wide variation in the projected availability of wood on a continuing basis. For our economic analysis, we will initially consider a conservative wood supply case: e wood removal for energy will be limited to the unused above-ground portion of trees cut for merchantable timber or chips, and * commercial removals will occur at the 1975 rate From Table 3.10this will result in a removal rate of fuel wood of 0.26 green tons/acre year (50% moisture). This conservative assumption ignores the potential of increased mechanization of wood harvesting for the whole tree, improved forest management and the use of rough and rotten trees. A 50 MWe (net) plant will be considered. Assuming an efficiency of 28% and a capacity factor of 70%, about 415, 000 green tons/year would be required as fuel to generate 307 million KWh. The harvest area would be about 1.6 million acres with a collection radius of 28 miles. We will express our costs in terms of 1986 dollars. Escalation will be assumed at a simple 5% annual rate, and a levelized carrying charge of 18% will be used. At the end of our analysis, we will consider the sensitivity of costs to our wood availability assumption. A-37 6,1 Wood Fuel Costs The cost of wood fuel at the power plant is the sum of the costs of procurement, harvesting, chipping, and hauling. An estimate of the costs of these individual items will be developed by exami- ning similar costs for commercial wood operations. 6.1.1 Procurement Costs The cost of wood harvesting privileges, called stumpage costs, vary with the value of the wood, the difficulty of the harvesting conditions, and a number of other less critical factors. Stumpage prices for Maine are compiled by the Bureau of Forestry by species, end use and stumpage price zones. An average of recent stumpage prices (Maine Forest Service, 1976, p. 3) weighted by the volume of growing stock for each species, resulted in a cost of $3.50 per green ton (1976 dollars). This is somewhat higher than other available, but older, data which averaged $2.80/green ton and ranged from $2.45 to $3.15/green ton (Maine Office of Energy Resources, 1975, p. 2). This is an added conserva- tive factor. Stumpage prices are usually paid for the harvest of valuable sawlogs and poles, although sometimes woodland residues also will be chipped for pulpwood. Removing residues or dead and culled trees for stand improvement costs landowners on the order of $25/acre, so landowners might be willing to permit the removal of residues at no stumpage price. In Vermont, it has been suggested that $0.50 to $1.50/green ton (Hall, et al., 1976, p. 130) would be sufficient inducement to allow multiple harvesting (removing wood for both commercial and fuel purposes). A cost of $1.00/green ton (1975 dollars) will be used in this analysis. 6.1.2 Harvesting Costs Harvesting in Maine could be nearly a year-round operation. A combination of mechanical and chainsaw harvesting is used with wood removed in the form of chips or logs. Since we have assumed that wood fuel harvesting will take place in conjunction with commercial harvesting, we need to determine only the incremental costs of harvesting equipment and labor and chipping the residues from the commercial harvest. Conventional harvesting costs for wood were estimated by considering the 1972 financial data for SIC 241 for Maine, Logging Camps and Logging Contractors (Table 6.1). stock was approximately 10.3 million green tons. The 1972 harvest of growing If all of the tree is chipped, there will be a saving, particularly in hardwood where so much of the tree is wasted. But, on a partial basis, where round, merchantable wood is sent to the mill and residue to the chipper, the savings would be much less. Assuming waste wood harvesting costs will be 50% of the normal harvest costs (we con- cede that this is optimistic), the incremental cost of harvesting residues in Maine will be $8.05/ton (1986 dollars). It may be necessary to increase this 50% as an incentive to keeping harvesting with- in the assumed transport radius of 28 miles. Table 6.1 Wood Harvesting Costs in 1972 10.3 million tons 106$* $/ton 25.1 2.44 4.15 Materials 65.3 6.34 10.78 Taxes, Profits, etc. 28.6 2.78 4.73 - (2.10) Payroll (Stumpage Cost) 9.46 *from (U.S. Bureau of Census, 1975, p. 1-139) A-38 1986 $/ton (3.57) 16.09 Chipping experience in Michigan averaged 1000 tons of green chips per chipper per week (Hall, et al., 1976, p. 34). Since a 50 MW plant requires 415,000 tons/year or 8650 tons/week, nine chippers would be needed if chippers operated 260 days/year. With maintenance and weather restrictions, 11 or 12 chippers would probably be needed. Chipper annual rental costs for a 12-chipper, whole tree chipping operation have been estimated at $0.73/cord (St. George, 1977, p. 54), or $0.30/ton (1975 dollars). The Michigan experience found operating costs of ancillarymachinery and the chipper itself to be $0.77/ton (1974 dollars). Wages for the labor in the chipper operation were estimated to be $0.65/ton (1975 dollars) (Hall, et al., 1976, p. 135). By 1986, the in-forest chipping costs of chipper rental, chipper operation, ancillary operation costs and labor will be $2 .7 0/ton. 6.1.3 Hauling Costs Hauling costs vary in different parts of the state and according to the type of equipment used. One estimate for Maine puts the cost at $1.00 per loaded truck mile (1975 dollars) for tractor-trailer vehicles. Such trucks carry about 33 tons of logs or 37 tons of chips; hauling for green chips therefore costs $0.027 per ton mile. The calculated collection distance of 28 miles (assumed to be the radius of a circle) is smaller than the actual maximum hauling distance since trucks must follow terrain features and logging roads are limited in number. If we assume that the maximum hauling distance is 50% greater than the radial collection distance, then the average hauling distance (2/3 of the radius) is 28 miles. The 1986 per-ton hauling rate will therefore be $1.17 per ton.. Total fuel costs are $13.47/ton (1986 dollars) (Table 6.2). Table 6.2 1986 Fuel Cost Components for Wood Item 1986 $/ton Procurement (Stumpage) 1.55 Harvesting 8.05 Chipping 2.70 Hauling 1.17 Total 6.2 13.47 Forest Management Removal of residues could have a positive economic effect on the productivity of Maine's forest, especially if rough and rotten trees are removed at the same time. This effect cannot be quantified without field experience with a wood-for-fuel removal program. If it is determined that nutrient removal is serious, fertilization may be needed. In Vermont this has been estimated to cost about $1.45 per ton of wood (1975 dollars) if all nutrients must be replaced with fertilizer (Hall, et al. , 1976, p. 138). Natural replacement should make most such treatment unnecessary, but we will assume that 25% of this possible cost should be included in our analysis, for a cost of $0.56/ton (1986 dollars). 6.3 Power Plant Costs The major components of the cost of the power plant are the capital costs, operating and maintenance costs, fuel costs, cooling facilities, and transmission. Fuel costs have just been calculated. A-39 6.3.1 Capital Costs Two estimates of capital investment are available for a 50 MW wood-burning plant. One reported number is from a vendor of wood and bark-burning boiler systems for the paper industry (WheelabratorFrye, as reported in [Schultz, 1977, p. 6]). For a two-boiler, two-turbine plant, installed costs will be between $48 and $55 million, or roughly $1000 to $1100/kw. Emission control costs are not given separately, and costs are in "mid-80's" dollars (assumed here to be 1986 dollars). The other number (Hall, et al., 1976) is based on a plant cost of $40 million and emission control costs of $2.5 million (1980 dollars). When adjusted to 1986, the second estimate is $55 million or $1105/kw. Using our assumed levelized carrying charge of 18% per year and $1100/kw costs, our annual carrying and capital charges will be $9.900 million. 6.3.2 Operating and Maintenance Costs Using the same two sources of information, we get 0 & M estimates of $710,000 per year (Hall, et al., 1976, p. 141) (1980 dollars) and 4.0 mills/kwh (Schultz, 1977, *p. 6) or $1,226,000 (1986 dollars). On a 1986 basis, the first cost would be $923,000. It is assumed here, though not mentioned in the references, that the 0 & M costs include the 0 & M for the emission controls. We will use the 4.00 mills/kwh assumption. 6.3.3 Cooling Equipment Recent years have seen considerable opposition to once-through cooling systems. Schultz does not mention whether cooling technology is included in his estimate. cooling is used. Hall et al. assume once-through This is probably an unrealistic assumption considering the inefficiencies of wood- burning plants (which cause large heat rejection to the environment) and the desirability of locating them in the center of a wood collection area. Cooling tower capital costs are approximately $55/kw (1986 dollars) for 800 MW coal plants in New England. The assumed 18% levelized charge yields an annual cost of about $495,000 for cooling investment. 6.4 Total Costs Using the assumptions summarized in Table 6.3, the costs of the various elements of a wood-burning plant can be combined to yield a total annual cost of electricity of $56.8 mills/kwh (Table 6.4). Table 6.3 Cost Assumptions e Above-ground removal of traditionally non-merchantable parts of commercial trees at 1975 production rate (0.26 green tons/acre). e 50 MWe (net) plant, 28% efficiency, 70% capacity factor. * 5% simple annual cost escalation rate. * 18% levelized carrying charge. * Harvesting of wood fuel in conjunction with commercial harvest ($1.00/ton stumpage fee - 1975 dollars). * Harvesting costs based on 1972 SIC-241 data; 50% incremental cost for fuelwood harvest. * Mobile chippers in forest chip fuel wood before hauling. e Truck hauling of chips with average 28 mile trip. e 25% nutrient replacement of fertilizer. * Capital costs include emission controls ($1100/kw). * Cooling towers used for cooling ($55/kw). e Site, site preparation, transmission, licensing, environmental survey costs, and financing during construction not included. A-40 _I We have been unable to determine the exact plant components which were included in the estimates of capital cost. For example, it is not clear what wood chip handling and storage equipment is in- cluded or whether ash disposal is considered. The capital charges on fuel inventory (the wood chip stockpile) may or may not be included in the stated 0 & M costs. These and other detailed costs can only be clearly defined during an actual design study, or through field experience, which was beyond the scope of this report. The costs given in Table 6.4 should be considered as an approximate lower bound to the costs expected from an actual plant beginning operation in 1986. By varying our assumptions on fuel cost and efficiency, we can generate trade-off curves of electricity cost from a 50 MW plant (Figure 6.1). Table 6.2 showed that hauling is only about 10% of the total fuel cost, or, by Table 6.4,about 4% of total costs. Our assumption of forest productivity is therefore seen not to be critical to overall costs. Table 6.4 Annual Electricity Cost from 50 MW Wood-Burning Plant - 70% Load Factor 28% Efficiency Item Annual Cost $ Millions Mills/kwh Basic Plant + Emission Controls 9.900 32.2 Operation and Maintenance (4.0 mills/kwh) 1.228 4.0 Cooling Towers 0.495 1.6 Fuel Cost ($13.47/ton) 5.590 18.2 Forest Management ($0.56/ton) 0.232 0.8 17.445 56.8 Totals We can summarize our economic analysis by saying the following: t Wood-burning plants might be able to produce electricity in the range of 50-70 mills/kwh * Fuel cost is roughly one-third of total cost at 28% efficiency. a Harvesting costs dominate fuel costs. e Efficiency and fuel costs are the two principal variables in determining price. * More reliable cost estimates will require a specific design study. A-41 - Figure 6.1 ELECTRICITY COSTS FOR WOOD BURNING POWER PLANT - 50 MW 1986 dollars 80 75 Of (I) 70 .=J .11 CJ 0M 65 :3 -j ct O.0 -j 60 0 U, IC__ Z 55 w C) -j LU 18 20 22 24 26 PLANT EFFICIENCY - % A-42 _ I__ __ __ I I_ 28 7.0 CONCLUSIONS * Accurate estimates of the biomass availability from Maine's forests have been prevented by inadequate biomass survey data. e The forests of Maine could provide at least 8.8 million dry tons of wood residues per year, with a heating value of 1.58 x 1014 Btu. e Advanced forestry practices could increase the potential supply of wood residues to as much as 59.7 million dry tons per year, with a heating value of 10.75 x 1014 Btu. e Commercial technology is available for harvesting the above-ground portion of the biomass in the forest without disrupting normal forestry industry operations. removal is not yet available. e Mechanized stump Maine's rocky mineral soil,will present problems. Commercial technology is available for burning wood chips to generate electricity. Boiler sizes are limited to about 50 MW by stability problems. e The logistics of obtaining a continuing supply of wood residues are potentially difficult. No wood burning plants of 50 MW size are in operation or being constructed for electricity production, so there is no experience with the full scale logistics problem of a biomass power plant. e Electricity costs from a wood burning plant are between 50 and 70 mills/KWH for a representative set of assumptions and data based on normal forestry experience. A-43 - - 8.0 REFERENCES Alich, J.A. and R.E. Inman, Energy from Agriculture, in Symposium Papers-Fuels from Biomass, Sewage, Urban Refuse, Agricultural Wastes, Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago, Illinoism March 1976. Beardsley, W.H., "Forests as a Source of Electric Power," in Symposium Papers-Fuels from Biomass, Sewage, Urban Refuse, Agricultural Wastes, Institute for Gas Technology, Chicago, Illinois, March 1976. Bureau of Forestry, "Maine Timber Cut for 1975," Department of Conservation, Maine Bureau of Forestry, August, Maine, 1976. Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), Energy Alternatives, University of Oklahoma, Stillwater, OK, 1973. Dyer, R.F., "Fresh and Dry Weight Tables, Nutrient Elements, and Pulping Characteristics of Northern White Cedar," Technical Bulletin No. 27, Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, August 1967. Edison Electric Institute (EEI), 1975 Survey of the Electric Power Industry, New York, NY, 1976. Ferguson, R.H. and N.P. Kingsley, The Timber Resources of Maine, USDA Forest Resource Bulletin NE-26, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, Upper Darby, Pa. 1972. Hagen, K.G. and C.A. Berg, "Wood Residue Fired Gas Turbine Cycle," paper presented at Forest Product Research Society Conference, Atlanta, Ga., November 1976. Hall, E.H., et al., "Comparison of Fossil and Wood Fuels," Report EPA-600/2-76-056, Battelle Columbus Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio, March 1976. Lecuyer, R.P. and J.H. Marten, "An Economic Assessment of Fuelgas from Water Hyacinths," in Symposium Papers - Fuels from Biomass, Sewage, Urban Refuse, Agricultural Wastes, Institute of Gas Technology, Chilcago, Illinois, March 1976. Leese, T.M. "The Conversion of Ocean Farm Kelp to Methane and Other Products," in Symposium Papers - Clean Fuels from Biomass, Sewage, Urban Refuse, Agricultural Wastes, Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago, Illinois, March 1976. Lloyd, S., et al., "Report of the Task Force on Wood as a Source of Energy," Vermont House of Representatives, Montpelier, VT, August 1975. Monks, R.A., et al., "Maine Methanol," Office of Energy Resources, State of Maine, Augusta, Maine, March 1975. A-44 Page, A., et al., "Maine Comprehensive Energy Plan - Vols. I, II, III - 1976 Edition," Maine Office of Energy Resources, Augusta, Maine, 1976. Schultz, A.J., "Feasibility of 50 MW Generating Plant Using Wood for Fuel," Consultants' report to Public Service Board, State of Vermont, Montpelier, VT, Jan. 1977. St. George, K., "Convert Forest Cull into Energy and Optimize Forest Resources - Part B," Pulp and Paper Canada, Vol. 78, No. 3, March 1977. U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1972 Census of Manufacturers, U.S. Department of Commerce, MC72(2)-24A, February 1975. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Census of Agriculture - State Data: Maine, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 1972. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), "Wood Waste Combustion in Boilers," Compilation of Air Pollution Emission Factors, 2nd Edicition, Research Triangle Park, N.C., 1973. Ruane, M.F., et al., "An Evaluation of GEM as a Long-Range Planning Tool," to be published 1977, MIT Energy Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, MA Ward, R.F., "Federal Fuels from Biomass Energy Program," in Symposium Papers-Clean Fuels from Biomass, Sewage, Urban Refuse, and Agricultural Wastes, Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago, Illinois, March 1976. Wheelabrator-Frye, Inc., "Wood to Energy Systems," Hampton, N.H., June 1976. Young, H.E. et al., "Preliminary Fresh and Dry Weight Tables for Seven Tree Species in Maine," Technical Bulletin 12, Maine Agricultural Experiment Stattion, November 1964. Young, H.E., et al., "A Forest Biomass Inventory of Some Public Land in Maine," Complete Tree Institute, University of Maine, Orono, Maine, 1973. Young, H.E., "The Potential of Maine's Forests as a Source of Fuel for Power Plants," School of Forest Resources, University of Maine, Orono, Maine, 1974. Young, H.E., I, "The Enormous Potential of the Forest - A Positive Rebuttal to Grantham and Ellis," Journal of Forestry, Vol. 73, No. 2, February 1975. Young, H.E., "The Forest Potential as a Source of Supply for Energy," Paper presented for Annual Meeting Alabama Chapter, Society of American Foresters, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, August 1976. A-45