Welcome Namkelekile Welkom Presentation to “IDP Engagement with other Municipalities”- Workshop 26th September 2007 Henry Du Plessis Director: Roads and Stormwater Roads and Stormwater Directorate Service overview Develop, Manage and Maintain the Road and Stormwater Network for the City Capital Infrastructure Development for TR&S e.g. Bridges, seawalls, new roads, cycle tracks, footways Asset management Asset maintenance Road rehabilitation and reseal programmes Policy formulation and advocacy Focused programmes e.g. Vuku’hambe Development facilitation of engineering services Roads and Stormwater Directorate Service overview cont’ Management of Flood Risks Improved Inland and Coastal Water Quality Management of Stormwater assets Focused stormwater programmes e.g. Winter Preparedness Policy development and advocacy e.g. Stormwater By-law - approved Integrated planning Roads and Stormwater Directorate IDP Linkages Shared economic growth and development Sustainable Urban Infrastructure and Services Public Transport Systems Integrated Human Settlements Safety and Security Health, Social and Human Capital Development Good Governance and Regulatory Reform TRANSPORT, ROADS AND STORMWATER and the IDP 2007-2012 Urban Efficiency (Community Perspective) A prosperous city Effective and equitable service delivery A well governed and efficiently run administration 5 YEAR PLAN FOR THE CITY 1. Shared economic growth and dev elopment 2. Sustainable Urban Infrastructure and Services 3. Public Transport Systems 4. Integrated Human Settlements 5. Saf ety and Security 6. Health, Social and Human Capital Dev elopment 7. Good Gov ernance and Regulatory Ref orm Institutional Effectiveness (Financial, Internal Process es, Organisation & Growth Perspecti ves) Programm es / Str ategies / Focus for T,R&S • Capital Investment in new Infr astructure, including the building of capability and c apacity • R&S Operati ons and Process es (day to day) • Infrastr ucture Ass et Management and maintenance • Integrated Trans port Plan (Statutor y Plan) • Single Trans port Authority (CSC Pl an) • Moving Beyond Congestion Programme • Public Transport/Roads Infras tructure and Operations • Host City Trans port Planning, Operations & Impl ementati on for 2010 Socc er World Cup • Non- motorised tr ans port, footways & c ycle paths • Stormwater development planni ng and integrated urban water management • Public s afety and environmental protection • Relationship management, c ommunity communicati ons & advice • Resealing and rehabilitation of roads • Appr opriate Development facilitation Programm es / Str ategies / Focus for T,R&S T,R&S indicators on Corporate Scorecard 2007-2012 T,R&S indicators on Corporate Scorecard 2007-2012 9 Reduce average commuter travel time from 45mins to 9 Reduce average commuter travel time from 45mins to 35mins by 2012 35mins by 2012 9 Move towards a single point of authority for Transport 9 Move towards a single point of authority for Transport by June 2008 by June 2008 9 Increase MRPT lanes from 45km’s to 80km’s by 2012 9 Increase MRPT lanes from 45km’s to 80km’s by 2012 9 Improve recreational water quality compliance from 9 Improve recreational water quality compliance from 75% to 85% of points sampled by 2012 75% to 85% of points sampled by 2012 Objectives lead by Roads and Stormwater in the IDP Objectives lead by Roads and Stormwater in the IDP 9 Improv e Public Transport Infrastrastructure and Serv ices 99Improv e Public Transportand Infrastrastructure Serv&ices Effectiv e Management Maintenance ofand Roads 9 Effectiv e Management and Maintenance of Roads & Stormwater Infrastructure and Resources Stormwater Infrastructure and Resources 9 Saf eguard human health, protect natural aquatic 9 Saf eguard human health, protect natural aquatic env ironments, improve and maintain recreational water env ironments, improve and maintain recreational water quality quality 9 Reduce the impact of flooding on community liv elihoods and 9 Reduce the impact of flooding on community liv elihoods and regional economies regional economies (Detailed s trategies and milestones in the Servic e Deli ver y and Budget (Detailed s trategies milestones the Servic e Deli ver y and Budget Impl ementatiand on Plans for theinDirectorate and Departments) Impl ementati on Plans for the Directorate and Departments) • Strategy, decision maki ng and guidanc e: Integrated Business Planning, monitoring, review, and r eporting • Regulator y reform and l egal compliance • Ser vice deli ver y clarity: Ser vice menu • Business Proc esses and Systems: Business improvement and c ompliance, IT management s ys tems: Intelligent Trans port Sys tems, Pavement and Bridge Management Systems, Monitoring Systems, GIS, SCM • Organisational Design- roles and accountability, s ervic e deliver y arrangement • Resource Management:: Financial M anagement , Budgeting and MFMA compliance, Admi nistrati ve s ystems, Management s ys tems • Employee moti vation and performanc e: Staff development, appointments and retention Roads and Stormwater Operating model Four Regions 5 (Five) Branches (Policy / Strategy formulation / integrated planning / special programmes / service coordination) - Operations and Assets - Capital Programme Implementation for TRAP - Infrastructure Maintenance (Depots) - Catchment, Stormwater and River Mgt - Support Services 8 (Eight) Districts (Development facilitation / service integration / policy and strategy implementation / Project implementation / maintenance planning ) 20 (Twenty) Depots (Infrastructure maintenance) Roads and Stormwater Directorate Current staffing scenario Depleted – no appointments since 2000 Currently in the process of appointing a few project managers Split posts – R&S as well as Water Services functions performed by Depot staff Urgent attention required to completion of “placement process” and a review of staffing policies Required as per organisational design – 2427 posts Urgent filling of 715 critical vacancies to improve Service Delivery output Staff Profile Branches and Districts Depots Management 41 20 Professional 16 0 Technical 61 16 Administrative 108 110 General w orker 8 1336 234 1478 TOTAL Critical Vacancies required Total Posts required 1712 715 2427 Management Levels 1-4 Executive Director: Transport, Roads and Planning Director: Roads and Stormwater Manager: Stor mwater Manager: Operations and Assets Manager: C apital Programme Impl ementati on Manager: Infras tructure Maintenance/ Depots Manager: Support Ser vices Regional Manager: Catchment Planning X 4 Manager: District Roads and Stormwater X 8 Regional Manager: Project Management X 5 Regional Manager: Wor ks X 4 Manager: Performance Management and Communication Manager: Strategy and Speci alist Support Manager: Pavements Materials and Rehabilitation Manager: R oad and Stormwater D esign Manager: Wor ks Polic y and Str ateg y Manager: H uman Resources Manager: Operational Support Manager: R oads Policy Manager: T enders and Contract Management Manager: Information Sys tems Manager: R oad Ass ets and Str ateg y Manager: Financ e Manager: Infras tructure Management Sys tems Manager: Administrati on Manager: Structures Manager: Operations Integration Manager: Special Projects Roads and Stormwater Directorate Capital Budget – T,R&S Directorate Budget 2006/07 Budget 2007/08 Transport R163,808,963 R286,405,956 Roads and Stormwater R350,564,101 R531,252,899 R514,373,064 R817,658,855 T,R&S Roads and Stormwater Directorate Operating Budget 2006/07 Budget Year R483,222,076 2007/08 Budget Year R851,398,404 Roads and Stormwater Directorate Major Programmes and Projects Major Programmes and Projects Vuku’hambe Rehabilitation or reconstruction of previous concrete roads to premixed standards. R16m (current 2007/08 budget year) Funding from both MIG and EFF. EPWP principles apply including training Supports Access and Mobility Phases 1, 2 & 4 (Gugulethu) and Tambo Village completed (R36m in 2006/07) Major Programmes and Projects Metro-Routes Rehabilitation Project Estim ate % Com plete Comment Rehabilitation of M5 R17 500 000 90 On track for completion in 2007/08 Contemanskloof Road Rehabilitation R10 000 000 10 On track for completion in 2007/08 Rehabilitation of Steenberg Rd / M3 phase 1 R8 000 000 100 Phase 1 complete. Design for Rehabilitation of Steenberg Rd / M3 phase 2 R17 000 000 90 On track for completion in 2007/08 Rehabilitation of MR200 Road R6 000 000 95 Contract completed Local road rehabilitation R1 500 000 10 Implemented by Districts TOTAL R60 000 000 Future projects: The backlog of rehab work on Metropolitan Roads is estimated at R350 million. The rehab of the M3, M5, Van Riebeeck Rd and Main Rd Muizenberg are priorities, requiring an estimated R100 million. In addition, the backlog on local roads is approximately R500 million. Major Programmes and Projects Road Reseal Programme 2006/07 Budget Year: R48 00 000 38% of the R&M budget 2007/08 Budget Year: R68 000 000 42% of the R & M Budget Currently in the period of maximum expenditure (Spring/Summer) Roads and Stormwater Directorate Links to Corporate Programmes ITP – Statutory Plan Single Authority for Transport – (Corporate Score Card Plan) Urban renewal through provision of infrastructure in the Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain e.g. Mitchells Transport Interchange. Awaiting funding confirmation for Lentegeur Facility EPWP ( Vuku’hambe, Winter Preparedness) 2010 World Cup N2 Gateway, & other related developments- roads and related infrastructure Integrated Human Settlements – access tracks in informal areas (Corporate Score Card Plan) Asset Mgt (Corporate Score Card Plan) Roads and Stormwater Directorate Intergovernmental Relations Represented on the Intergovernmental Task Team Regular liaison between Director Roads and Stormwater, and Provincial and National Government at National Level via Roads Coordinating Body (RCB) City driven Roads Committee: providing an management platform for intergovernmental engagement affecting roads matters in and around the immediate area of the Metro: SANRAL, PGWC Head Office and District Engineers, City Roads officials. Roads and Stormwater Directorate Stakeholder engagement Roads Coordinating Body SA Cities Network Water Institute for Southern Africa SAICE (South African Institution of Civil Engineering SAACE ( Represented on the Intergovernmental Task Team ECSA: Engineering Council of South Africa IMESA: Institute of Municipal Engineering of South Africa SANRAL: South African National Road Agency SAFCEC: South African Federation of Construction Engineering Council Roads Pavement Forum Roads Committee (CITY, PGW C, SANRAL) Table Mountain National Park Roads and Stormwater Directorate Areas of Concern Funding of backlogs Roads and Stormwater Directorate Future Preparations Business Planning for 07/08 Completed Strategy for 07/08 and operating model currently being reviewed. Challenge: Corporate Human Resource matters require urgent attention - Staff appointments - Structure finalisation - Placement Asset Management will enable to shift from reactive to proactive maintenance Welcome to the City of Cape Town Welcome to the City of Cape Town Faried & Mark: August 2002 Welcome to the City of Cape Town ! ! DANGER ASSET STRIPPING AHEAD ROAD CLOSED ! SORRY NO ENTRY ASSET STRIPPED EXPECT DELAYS IN BUDGET Thank You - Enkosi - Dankie