CITY OF CAPE TOWN Water and Sanitation Presented by: Sipho Mosai Presented to: Neighbouring Mun. Date: 26 September 2007 Overview of the Service BULK CONSUMERS RAW RAW WATER IMPOUNDMENTS CONVEYANCE POTABLE TREATMENT RETICULATION STORAGE SERVICE BULK STORAGE CONVEYANCE CONSUMERS IN CCT BULK WASTEWATER COLLECTION WASTEWATER CONVEYANCE RE-USE WASTEWATER TREATMENT ENVIRONMENT Water Requirements • No. of Dams : 11 • No. of Water Treatment Works : 12 (Range 3 to 500 Ml/d) • Bulk Service Reservoirs : 20 (Range 3.4 to 614 Ml) • Total Water Supplied: : 850 Ml /d Western Cape Voelvlei Dam Water System Wemmershoek Wemmers- Steenbras Steenbras hoekDam Dam Dam Dam Theewaterskloof Dam Theewaterskloof Dam Saleable Water DWAF Palmiet Dam Palmiet River City City ofof Cape Town Cape Town Saleable Water Skuifraam Berg RiverDam Dam TCTA TCTA Agric Water Water Income TCTA Water Income Demand vs Supply dynamics Demand Management Supply Augmentation y Implementation of various Water Demand y Management Initiatives Development of water resources through the implementation of various supply schemes such as desalination, dams and groundwater exploitation Demand vs Supply dynamics Bulk Water Supplied by the CCT 480,000 20% WDM SAVING REQ. 430,000 NEW SOURCES REQUIRED ACTUAL DEMAND 380,000 BERG WATER PROJECT 330,000 LOW WATER DEMAND CURVE 280,000 AVAILABLE SUPPLY 14/15 12/13 10/11 08/09 06/07 04/05 02/03 00/01 98/99 96/97 94/95 92/93 230,000 90/91 Megalitres per annum "DO NOTHING" SCENARIO EXISTING SOURCES BERG RIVER DAM • Completion Date - 2007 • Amount of water available - 81 000 000 kl Current Water Resource Investigations: TMG Aquifer Feasibility Study & Desalination Pilot Project Extent of TMG Aquifer Study area Study ar ea Water Demand Management - 10 Point Plan Reduce network and commercial losses Reduce low income household leakage Reduce council consumption Ensure equitable tariffs Control water wastage and ensure new developments are water efficient Promote retrofitting Communication, education and informative billing Promote alternative technology Conserve CCT water supply Create an environment for long term effective WDM Water Demand Management 10 year Plan Major Capital Projects Pressure Management Meter Management / replacement Treated Effluent recycling Management Information System Upgrade Telemetry System Major Operating Programmes Leak Detection Teams Integrated Leak Repair Project Preventative Maintenance Data Validation of billing system Customer Awareness Education Campaign School Education Retrofit Programme Support for Large Consumers (TOTAL) R56 mil R97 mil R82 mil R25 mil R24 mil (ANNUAL) R2.0 mil R10 mil R1.1 mil R1.1 mil R2.0 mil R1.2 mil R1.7 mil R8.0 mil R0.6 mil LEAK REPAIRS IN INDIGENT HOUSEHOLDS MayCo policy acceptance of work in private indigent households, in agreement with owner Two projects undertaken: Pilot leaks repair – community labour-based with training and community awareness sharing 1 200 leaks repaired @ R80ea Reducing consumption 40 – 15 kl /month/hh Mfuleni with DWAF funding Differs in one aspect – generating enterpreneurship and sustainability, larger scale PRV’s installed (50% night-flow saving) Training basic plumbing & awareness programme developed On-site audit Potential in 12 000 indigent homes for 11Ml/day >1,5% total City demand Option Pressure management User education Elimination of automatic flushing urinals Tariffs, metering and credit control Voëlvlei * Leakage repair Lourens River Diversion TMG Aquifer * Eerste River Diversion Cape Flats Aquifer Treated wastewater for local urban and industrial use Promotion of private boreholes Desalination * Introduction of water-efficient fittings Promotion of greywater use Treated wastewater for commercial irrigation farmers Treated wastewater reclaimed to potable standard Yield Financial Socioeconomic Acceptability Environmental Overall Score 64 84 62 95 93 83 64 57 78 76 68 59 91 94 93 93 80 79 69 100 69 29 93 75 87 52 78 83 64 84 54 85 66 83 75 74 51 93 44 74 73 72 70 70 75 75 73 54 79 78 39 53 70 69 66 41 69 75 57 31 75 68 70 97 69 67 38 59 61 74 37 57 73 48 25 50 63 64 85 38 82 93 57 56 29 55 28 63 82 54 48 72 10 26 82 51 71 17 71 38 97 47 Water Demand Management - 10 Point Plan Reduce network and commercial losses Reduce low income household leakage Reduce council consumption Ensure equitable tariffs Control water wastage and ensure new developments are water efficient Promote retrofitting Communication, education and informative billing Promote alternative technology Conserve CCT water supply Create an environment for long term effective WDM Water Demand Management 10 year Plan Major Capital Projects Pressure Management Meter Management / replacement Treated Effluent recycling Management Information System Upgrade Telemetry System Major Operating Programmes Leak Detection Teams Integrated Leak Repair Project Preventative Maintenance Data Validation of billing system Customer Awareness Education Campaign School Education Retrofit Programme Support for Large Consumers (TOTAL) R56 mil R97 mil R82 mil R25 mil R24 mil (ANNUAL) R2.0 mil R10 mil R1.1 mil R1.1 mil R2.0 mil R1.2 mil R1.7 mil R8.0 mil R0.6 mil LEAK REPAIRS IN INDIGENT HOUSEHOLDS MayCo policy acceptance of work in private indigent households, in agreement with owner Two projects undertaken: Pilot leaks repair – community labour-based with training and community awareness sharing 1 200 leaks repaired @ R80ea Reducing consumption 40 – 15 kl /month/hh Mfuleni with DWAF funding Differs in one aspect – generating enterpreneurship and sustainability, larger scale PRV’s installed (50% night-flow saving) Training basic plumbing & awareness programme developed On-site audit Potential in 12 000 indigent homes for 11Ml/day >1,5% total City demand Water Services Reticulation Reticulation Vital Statistics • • • • • • 9200 km water mains 103 water pump stations Reservoirs 8600 km sewers 376 wastewater pump stations 29 stormwater pump stations DEALING WITH BACKLOGS In 6 months since Water Services’ active involvement: 1 878 toilets installed, serving 22 050 hh (total 4 280) 882 standpipe taps installed serving 9 390 hh (total 10 080) Low-Cost Housing provided 2 460 houses Reducing backlogs to Water 7 000 hh Sanitation 50 000 hh 99,2% 94,1% AM Water Services Customer Charter 2001-2002 Satisfaction levels - overall performance Overall 2002 100 2003 2004 2006 Overall performance Overall performance Overall performance 1 0.4 * High satisfaction 80 levels of 80%+, a 60 significant increase of % ‘very’ satisfied 40 20 0 Overall performance Not sure Very dissatis fied 4 7 4 4 Dissatisfied 12 10 13 8 Somewhat satisfied 39 36 42 32 Very satisfied 46 46 41 55 Source: Project Water ‘02, ‘03, ’04, ‘06 n=497, 520, 400, 397 How satisfied are you with the overall performance of the City of Cape Town in providing services to residents? © African Res pons e, 2006 L:\Team 2\Cap e Town Water Servic es\Project Pud dle\Pres entati on Area Model: Eight Areas Head Office Manager Reticulation District 1 District 2 District 3 Manager Manager Manager etc WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT T0 2 S # CITY OF CAPE TOWN LOCATION OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT WORKS S T1 4 # T0 3 # S Ú Ê F isan te kr aa l P0 5 T $ P 25 P 24 S are pt a N o 2(n ew ) S are pt a N o 1(o ld ) P 10 P 27 P 14 P 08 No oi ens fo nt ei n M on wa bis i M ac assa r M os selb an k P 07 P 09 P 28 P 03 A sco t S t ree t M ul le r S tre et K oe be rg Ro ad T abl e V i ew E a st P 26 P 11 P 23 P 05 K ha yel it sha M a in S co tt sd ene E ls ies R ive r M ain O uS ki p P 29 P 30 O ud ekra al M il le rs P oin t T0 4 Mi ll ers P oin t T1 9 P ot s dam T1 2 P arow T1 7 Go rdon s B a y T0 5 Ma c as s a r T1 8 B ell v ill e T2 0 K uil s riv er T1 6 Za ndv l iet T1 5 K raai fo nt ein T0 3 Me lk b os s t ran d T1 4 W es f leu r (A tl ant is ) T1 0 S c ot ts d ene T0 2 Gro ot S p ring f ont ei n S# Ú Ê T $ Ú Ê W as te wa te r Tr e atm e n t W o rk s P o ss ible F u tu re W or ks P u m ps ta tio ns M a in Rive r s R isin g Ma in s P ip e line s W a s te w a t e r T re a t m e n t W o r k C a tc h m e n ts A th l o n e Viss er sh o k A t hlo ne / Ca p e Fla ts A t lan tis B e llvil le / Z a nd vlie t P03 S T1 5 # T P0 8 $ T 19 P2 8 O3 S # ### # ## ## ## ##### ## # # # ## # # ## # # ## # ## ########## # O4 # S T $ P 06 P2 9 $T # S T1 3 T1 2 S # # # # ## # # # # # # ## # ## ## ## # # # ######## ### # ### # #### #### ###### ## ## ### ### #### ## ### #### ## ## ##### ### # #### #### ##### # ## ## # # ## # ### # # ## # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # # ### # # # # #### # # T $ P 02 T $ S T 07 # P13 $T P 18 T $ T# $ S O2 P 23 T2 2 S # T1 1 S # P1 6 # S T 09 # # # ## # # # ## # # # # ## # # # # # # ## ## # # # # ## ## ## # # # ## ### ## ## # # # # # ## # # # ## # # # # # ## ## # ## ## # # ## # ## # ## # # # # # # G re e n P oin t H ou t B a y K r aa if on te in L lan d ud no M a ca ssa r S # T 10 P1 1 T $ M e lkb os str a nd M itc he lls P la in N ot a ca tch m e nt P a ro w P o ts da m S c ot tsd en e S im o ns T o wn $ P2 5 T T 1 8 $T P2 4 S $T # ## # ## ## # ## # ## ### # # ## # ## ## # # # # # ### ## # # # # # # # # # #### #### #### ## ## ### ###### ## ## # ## # ## # # ## # ##### ### ### ### # ## ### ##### # # ########## ##### ##### # # # ## # ## ## #### ## #### ### ## # ## ## ## ## ## # # # # # ## # # ## # # # ## # # # # # # ## # # # # # # ## ## # ## # # # ## ## ## # # # # ## ## # # # # # # # ## # ## # # # ## # # ## # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # ## ## #### ## # T0 6 # S P1 7 $T C ap e F lat s G or d on s B ay T P0 7 $ $ P 09 T S T# $ $ T # ## # # # ## #### # # # # ## # ## # # # ## # ## # # ## ### B e lvill e B o rc ha r ds Q ua rr y C am p s B a y W ild ev oe lvle i Z a nd vlie t P1 2 T 20 # S $T P1 0 # # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # ## # ## # # # # # # ## # ## # # ## # # ## ### ### # # #### #### #### # ##### # ##### ## ##### ### ### ###### ## # # ### ## # # # ## # # ## # ### # # # #### ## ##### # # ######## ########## # #### # # ### # ## # ##### # # ## # ## P2 6 N S T 16 # T $ P2 7 $T ##### #### #### ##### ### ## ## ### #### ## ### #### # #### ### ## ## ## ## ## # ## ## ### ## # T P 14 $ S T 05 # P0 4 T $ T 21 S # S T1 7 # T P 15 $ T P 21 $ $ P2 2 T T0 8 # S T P 19 $ T P2 0 $ T0 4 # S$T P3 0 CURRENT TOTAL VOLUME OF WASTEWATER TREATED PER YEAR: 200 000 Ml = 548 Ml/day TOTAL TREATMENT CAPACITY = 701 Ml/d EXCESS CAPACITY IN SOME AREAS BUT SHORTFALL IN OTHERS WASTEWATER TREATMENT WORKS Wastew ater Treatment W orks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Cape Flat s Athlone Borc herds Quarry Parow Mitchells Plain Kraaifont ein Scot tsdene Fisant ekraal Bellville Zandvliet Macas sar Gordons Bay Wildevoelvlei Pots dam Melkboss trand Simons Town Millers P oint Wes fleur (Indus trial) Wes fleur (Domes tic) Llandudno Oudekraal Klipheuwel Philadelphia Groot Springfontein Green Point Outfall Camps Bay Outfall Hout Bay Outfall Hydraul ic Capacity Organi c Capacity # Ml /d Population equi val ents Current Raw flow Excess/ Current Excess/ 2003/ 2004 Deficit 2003/2004 Defici t 200 129.29 70.71 1, 645,000 1, 106,000 539,000 105 89.55 15.45 900,000 745,600 154,400 30 26.58 3.42 330,000 298,400 31,600 1.2 1.53 -0.33 6, 800 9, 250 -2,450 48 30.84 17.16 511,000 400,100 110,900 17.5 8.02 9.48 159,000 56,700 102,300 12 8.65 3.35 92,700 58,950 33,750 0 0 0 54.6 53.08 1.52 581,100 460,900 120,200 59 48 11 375,000 284,220 90,780 57 37.26 19.74 370,000 212,000 158,000 3.1 2.7 0. 4 14,000 14,700 -700 14 9.19 4.81 86,000 74,200 11,800 32 34.49 -2.49 306,000 357,000 -51,000 5.4 2.28 3.12 29,000 10,700 18,300 4.5 1.73 2.77 25,000 9, 360 15,640 0.06 0.06 0 600 600 0 6 5.32 0.68 65,500 76,250 -10,750 8 6.07 1.93 87,000 45,800 41,200 0.3 0.21 0.09 1, 200 1, 000 200 0.03 0.03 0 300 300 0 0.07 0.07 0 450 700 -250 0.086 0.06 0.026 0 0.025 0.005 0.02 0 30 25.96 4.04 n/a n/a 3.7 2.08 1.62 n/a n/a 9.8 4 5. 8 n/a n/a NOTE: Excess/ defi cit hydrauli c and organi c capaci ty based on current data # 1 Populati on equivalent (pe) based on 110grams COD per person Treatment P rocess Used A ctivated Sludge A ctivated Sludge A ctivated Sludge A ctivated Sludge A ctivated Sludge A ctivated Sludge/Bio Filters A ctivated Sludge W ill be A ctivated Sludge A ctivated Sludge A ctivated Sludge A ctivated Sludge A ctivated Sludge A ctivated Sludge A ctivated Sludge / Bio Filt ers A ctivated Sludge B io Filt ers A ctivated Sludge A ctivated Sludge A ctivated Sludge Rotat ing Disc Unit Rotat ing Disc Unit Rotat ing Disc Unit Oxidat ion Pond Oxidat ion Pond S ea Out fall S ea Out fall S ea Out fall WASTEWATER TREATMENT WORKS Waste wa ter Treatment Wo rks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cape Flat s At hlone Borc herds Q uarry Parow Mit chells Plain Kraaifont ein Sc ot ts dene Fisantekraal Bellville Zandvliet Macass ar Gordons Bay Wildevoelvlei Pots dam Melkbos strand Simons Town Millers Point Wes fleur (Indust rial) Wes fleur (Domes tic ) Llandudno Oudek raal Klipheuwel Philadelphia Groot Springfont ein Green Point Out fall Camps Bay Outfall Hout Bay O utfall Capped Y/ N N Y Y N Y Y N N N N N N N Y(47) N N N N N N N N N N N N N Possibl e flow diversions (Refer to col umn 1 numbe r) From To Ml/ d 2, 3 1 1 2 10 8 6 Infil tr ati on probl ems Y/N 25,xs 30 25 x s30 2 30 x s17.5 x s12 Y Y N N N Y Y 3 25,12/10, 30 25, 12, 3/ 12 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N N N N N N N Y Y N Rational isation (WWTW Cl uster s) Se e co mm ents bel ow 1 6 1 6 1 1 8 6,7,9 9,11 9, 10,12 8 11, 5 10 11 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 7 7 8 8 8 3 3 RATI ONALI SATI ON: At hlone and Borc herds Q uarry WWTW 's to be capped and exc es s flow divert ed t o Cape Flat s WWTW. Parow WWTW t o ext ract it 's requirement from adjacent s ewer. Bellville, Zandvliet and Macass ar WW TW's t o be c ons idered as a combined cat chment. Pos sibly c ap Belllville and expand Zandvliet and Macas sar WWTW's. Bott elary (25Ml/ d) t o Zv/ Mac. Pots dam WWTW t o be c apped with exc ess flow divert ed t o Melkboss trand WWTW. Kraaifont ein, Sc ot ts dene, Bellville and Fisantekraal (proposed) WWTW'S to be c onsidered as a combined cat chment. All excess flow to Fisant ek raal W WTW. As for 2 above but cap Gordons Bay WWTW and divert ex ces s flow t o Macass ar WW TW. At hlone WWTW t o be c apped with all ex cess flow t o Cape Flats WW TW. Zandvliet and Macassar WWTW's t o be cons idered as a combined c at chment . Zandvliet WWTW to be a regional WWTW . EFFLUENT COMPLIANCE FINAL EFFLUENT QUALITY COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARD/PERMIT (%) CAPACITY >15 Ml/d Susp Solids Athlone Bellville Borcherds Quarry Cape Flats Macassar Mitchells Plain Potsdam ASP Potsdam BIO Zandvliet MORE THAN 90% COMPLIANCE LESS THAN 75% COMPLIANCE 96 86 98 44 96 92 92 88 98 YEAR TO MAY 2005 Chem Ox Ammonia Demand 98 96 82 66 96 77 48 100 94 85 92 88 90 94 10 12 98 98 E.coli 0 2 74 100 75 32 2 0 96 FINAL EFFLUENT QUALITY COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARD/PERMIT (%) CAPACITY <15 Ml/d Susp Solids Gordons Bay Klipheuwel Kraaifontein Llandudno Millers Point Melkbosstrand Oudekraal Parow Scottsdene Simons Town Wesfleur DOM Wesfleur IND Wildevoelvlei MORE THAN 90% COMPLIANCE LESS THAN 75% COMPLIANCE 98 87 87 84 90 100 86 98 94 87 100 85 88 YEAR TO MAY 2005 Chem Ox Ammonia Demand 98 100 31 6 58 50 98 96 60 79 98 100 68 73 84 67 96 81 13 75 98 100 25 54 88 98 E.coli 68 86 61 20 0 76 73 75 54 85 94 2 98 EXISTING & POTENTIAL POTABLE WATER REPLACEMENT Athlone Bellville Borcherd’s Quarry Cape Flats Gordon’s Bay Kraaifontein Macassar Melkbosstrand Mitchellsplain Parow Potsdam Scottsdene Atlantis Wildevoelvlei Zandvliet TOTAL 3 Ml/d 6.5 2 4.5 0.5 1.4 2.1 2 0 1.2 7 0.3 0.3 0 0 30.8 Ml/d 15 Ml/d 19 2 14 2 3 12 2 4 2 24 3 5 5 5 120 Ml/D CURRENT MAIN CAPITAL PROJECTS 4. POTSDAM - UPGRADING & EXTENSION (R140- 150M) GREEN POINT – UPGRADING (R6.3M) SCOTTSDENE – UPGRADING (R5.0M) KRAAIFONTEIN – DEWATERING EQUIPMENT (R3.5M) 5. BELLVILLE, FISANTEKRAAL, MELKBOS – ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 1. 2. 3. ASSESSMENTS IN PROGRESS 6. ZANDVLIET – EXTENSION (N2 GATEWAY) (R53M) OTHER PROJECTS 1 STAFF TRAINING 2 PLANT OPTIMISATION 3 IMPROVING DATA COLLECTION & UTILISATION 4 DRAWING UP OF SAFE WORK PROCEDURES 5 CONTINGENCY PLANS The SCIENTIFIC SERVICES SECTION CORE BUSINESS: • Perform physical, chemical, hydrobiological and bacteriological analyses relevant to water, landfill and air quality • Provide treatment advice for process optimisation • Conduct ad hoc investigations relevant to water and wastewater treatment • Conduct and participate in Water Research Projects • Inspect and monitor industrial effluent discharges • Issue water usage accounts & penalties to industry • Sampling of environmental and process waters • Provide and and interpret scientific data into management information • Provide data and advice for public forums • Pollution abatement OUR CLIENTS: 1. BULK WATER TREATMENT DEPT. 2. WASTEWATER TREATMENT DEPT. 3. WASTE MANAGEMENT 4. RETICULATION DEPT. 5. HEALTH DEPT. 6. CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT 7. DEPT. OF WATER AFFAIRS & FORESTRY 8. INDUSTRY CHALLENGES BRAIN DRAIN SERIOUS STAFF CONSTRAINTS LOCKED EXPERTISE LACK OF MULTI-SKILLING RETAINMENT OF SKILLS/STAFF SILO’s MISSION The Scientific Services Department is committed in providing a cost effective monitoring, analytical, consultative and advisory service to the City of Cape Town and its residents. Water Services : Saving Water is a Way of Life HISTORIC STRUCTURE ADMINISTRATION MICROBIOLOGY HYDROBIOLOGY TRADE WASTE SEWAGE LAB Water Services : Saving Water is a Way of Life WATER LAB AIR QUALITY CURRENT STRUCTURE AN ALYTIC Water AL Biology Sampling Analytical Water Services : Saving Water is a Way of Life Planning and Strategy (WDM and Strategy) Water Services Planning WSDP Economic modelling IWRP Business Planning Knowledge Management Benchmarking Water Services Development Plan (WSDP) IDP 2005/06 INTEGRATION Goals for 2020: Universal access to basic water and sanitation services (currently 96% and 91% respectively) Total water demand down by 30% on unconstrained projected demand (Target was 20% by 2010, have achieved 17% by 2005) Water Services contribute to 4 of 5 City Strategic Themes: Integrated human settlement Service infrastructure provision and maintenance Economic growth and job creation Expanded public works programme for job creation Enabling economic urban developments Building strong communities Free basic services (survival and sanitation improved) Leak reduction Equitable and effective service delivery Service infrastructure Managing Water Supply and Demand to meet future needs Managing Wastewater Treatment FINANCE Require R5.5 bil WATER SER VIC ES 10 YR CAPITAL REQU IREMEN T : DEPAR TMENT AL TR END C OMPAR ISON 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 350.00 300.00 RANDS (MILLIO NS) 250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 0.00 B ulk Water W astewater Treatment Reticulation Water incl Basic Reticulation Sewer incl B asic 2014/15 Water Services is financially insolvent Collection Ratio improved Rates cross-subsidization stopped Corporate services charges reduced Tariff increase close to the cost of water Asset Management Services Asset Management Services Infrastructure Asset Management Electrical Engineering Maintenance Mechanical Engineering Maintenance Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Design & Contracts Water Fleet AMS staff compliment of ~300 Total IAM Process Logistics Total Fleet compliment (operations + maintenance) = 986 Maintenance staff = approx. 280 (general worker to manager) Maintainers Process Control Systems Reliability Engineering Design and Contracts Safety Management Electrical Department Mechanical Department Fleet Services EAM Telemetry Systems optimisation Scada Data routing and logging Link machine with operators Condition monitoring Maintenance programming Asset Acquisition and Disposal Performance Management Design and Contract Interface Electrical Designs Mechanical Designs Quantity Surveying Legal compliance Safety Systems (ISO, Nosa,, Security, Occupational Health ) SWP, SOP, etc Customer and Meter Management Key Functional Areas • • • • • • • An Effective Debt Management Process Meter Verification and Meter Accuracy Meter Management and Billing Technical Operation Center (24hr Emergency Service) Meter Reading Corporate Call Center Customer Interaction Communication Processes With Respect to Customer Needs Customer Needs Mayor’s List Camp. Corp Call Cent Queries EMT Tech Liaison WS Man Team R WW Exemptions Man. Info BW Cust Survey Complaints Requests Man. Info National Cust F/back Law Enf Restric Process TOC Tech Support GIS SAP Other Dir. Leadership Strategy o become a leader in he provision of equitable, ustainable, people-centred, ffordable and credible ater services to all STRATEGIC GOALS EQUITABLE basic water by 2008 basic sanitation 70% informal settlements by 2010 SUSTAINABLE available and reliable water resources safe drinking water protect environment; 90% treated effluent compliance by 2010 PEOPLE-CENTRED 80% customer satisfaction skills, competencies, innovation of employees to meet objectives meaningful stakeholder relationships AFFORDABLE Fair tariffs CREDIBLE International best management practice the preferred water services institution QUICK WINS Installation of more standpipes and toilets; ensuring these functioning properly. AM 2. Repairing of leaks in already identified areas. ZB 3. Moving to Goodwood. CM 4. Bulk water meter audit – water balance. LM 5. Costing of various aspects of the business. MB 6. Implementation of HR projects. CM 7. Sorting out the structure which will include… distinguishing core and noncore business; integrating mechanical maintenance; integrating all planning processes; integrating TOC with information management. SM 8. Technological advancement. LM 9. WSP – WSA split. ZB 10. Establishment of department business plans to be presented to Sipho, Oct 05. (Using language and logic of the Achievement Process). All 11. Communicating the Vision to Organisation. CM 1. CONCLUSION Set out your vision and objective upfront and revisit them Develop a set of quick wins Deal with Debt management/Collection Rate aggressively Attack service backlog by allocating sufficient resources Develop a financial strategy- Capital Development Needs – we need R5.5 bil over next 10 years Identify cost drivers and do something about them Identify Asset Maintenance and Replacement Needs and have a plan Water Services Development Plan – 5-10 year plan Thank you Managing Water Wisely