The Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plan 2006 - 2007 The Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plan 2006 - 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2 1.1 Integration of IDP, Budget and PMS 2 1.2 Legislative Imperative 3 1.3 Realigned Directorates 4 1.4 The SDBIP Process at City of Cape Town 7 1.5 Structure of the SDBIP 2006-2007 Document 9 2. Institutional Scorecard 10 3. Three Year Capital Plan 20 4. Revenue and Expenditure Projections 22 4.1 Monthly Projections of Revenue by Source 23 4.2 Monthly Projections of Expenditure by Vote (Department) 25 5. Reporting on the SDBIP 44 5.1 Monthly Reporting 44 5.2 Quarterly Reporting 44 5.3 Midyear Reporting 44 6. Conclusions and Recommendations 45 6.1 45 Recommendations for SDBIP Process 2007-2008 Mayor's Approval 45 Annexure A (Capital Budget for 2006-2007) 46 1 1. Introduction In a recent speech, Mayor Helen Zille1 reported on the key developmental challenges that Cape Town must address. The mayor noted, “In recent years infrastructure investment and maintenance have failed to keep up with economic and population growth. The consequences of this have become tangible in a number of key service areas over the past two years. Power outages, sewerage leaks, water shortages, traffic congestion and poor rail services have become an ordinary part of life for the people of Cape Town. At the same time, our housing backlog has swelled to 400 000 units. These problems have a direct and serious impact on economic growth, and also damage the attractiveness of our City as an investment destination.” Since the 2006 local government elections on 1 March, the City of Cape Town has been led by a Multi-Party government formed during May. The vision of this Multi-Party government is to make Cape Town a cleaner, safer, sustainable and economically-growing city. Aligned with this strategy, the City's budget has been reoriented toward economic growth, while keeping a strong focus on social spending. The goal is to ensure that economic growth, led by investment, leads to an improvement in the lives of everyone in Cape Town, especially the poor. Cape Town's vision resonates with the Minister for Provincial and Local Government, the Honourable Sydney Mufamadi's recent address to City Mayors2: “The tasks given to local government entail more demanding capabilities and performance. This means that you are not only expected to find the means for addressing traditional local government challenges of delivering basic services to the people, but we are supposed to find strategies and mechanisms that are potent enough to remove the many bottlenecks which stand in the way of sustainable development in a local jurisdiction”. 1.1 Integration of IDP, Budget and PMS The Integrated Development Plan (IDP) outlines how the challenges of sustainable development in a municipality are to be met through strategic intervention and optimum service delivery over a five year period. The IDP is developed by a municipality in conjunction with its community, and a credible IDP must be supported by a realistic and sound budget. The actual implementation of the IDP over a single financial year is given effect through the performance contracts of the municipal manager and the senior managers. An effective performance management system monitors actual performance against contractual obligations. Effective service delivery relies upon the IDP, the budget and the performance management system being closely integrated. The Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP) is a dynamic tool that facilitates this integration. The SDBIP must be informed by the budget, the IDP and the performance agreements of senior management. It thus facilitates oversight over financial and nonfinancial performance of the municipality. The City of Cape Town has prepared the SDBIP for 2006-2007 in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Finance and Management Act (MFMA). The MFMA is described as the last chapter in the modernisation of budgeting and financial management in South Africa3. Among the Act's objectives is to enhance transparency, efficiency and accountability. 1 German Chamber of Commerce, 2 October 2006 Mayors’ Conference, 25 May 2005 3 Trevor Manuel, South Africa's Minister of Finance, speaking at the launch of the MFMA 2 2 The SDBIP will ensure that appropriate information is circulated internally and externally for purposes of monitoring the execution of the budget, performance of senior management and attainment of strategic objectives set out by Council4. In other words, the SDBIP will allow the City Manager to monitor the performance of the Executive Directors, the Mayor/Council to monitor the performance of the City Manager, and the Community to monitor the performance of the City Government. This document is the high level City SDBIP for 2006-2007, formulated from departmental SDBIPs. The content of this document is high-level and strategic and is intended for consumption by the general public and Councillors. The SDBIP is a layered plan, with the top layer of the plan dealing with consolidated service delivery targets and linking such targets to top management (MFMA Circular No. 13). Only the tip of the information pyramid is published as the SDBIP. This document therefore correlates with the Published SDBIP as required by National Treasury. 1.2 Legislative Imperative In terms of Section 53 (1) (c) (ii) of the MFMA, the SDBIP is defined as a detailed plan approved by the mayor of a municipality for implementing the municipality's delivery of municipal services and its annual budget, and which must indicate the following (a) projections for each month of (i) (ii) revenue to be collected, by source; and operational and capital expenditure, by vote (b) service delivery targets and performance indicators for each quarter, and (c) any other matters prescribed According to Section 53 of the MFMA, the Executive Mayor is expected to approve the SDBIP within 28 days after the approval of the budget. In addition, the Executive Mayor must ensure that the revenue and expenditure projections for each month and the service delivery targets and performance indicators as set out in the SDBIP are made public within 14 days after their approval. As per MFMA Circular No. 13, National Treasury currently prefers not to prescribe other matters to be included in the SDBIP. This is to ensure good governance and accountability on the part of municipalities. However, there are five minimum requirements that the National Treasury requires to form part of the SDBIP (MFMA Circular No.13). These are outlined below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Monthly projections of revenue to be collected by source Monthly projections of expenditure (operating and capital) and revenue for each vote Quarterly projections of service delivery targets and performance indicators for each vote Ward information for expenditure and service delivery Detailed capital works plan broken down by ward over a 3 year period In terms of the MFMA, a vote is a department or a functional area of a municipality and represents the various levels at which the Council approves the budget. For the purposes of this document, a vote is a department. 4 2006/07 SDBIP Johannesburg 3 As concluded by the National Treasury in MFMA Circular No. 13, the biggest challenge for municipalities is to develop meaningful non-financial service delivery service targets and indicators. This document presents annual targets in its Institutional Scorecard. 1.3 Realigned Directorates Since the establishment of the Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality more than five years ago, the City of Cape Town has undergone tremendous restructuring and organisational change. Within this period, mid-term political changes characterised by significant shifts in strategy and political thinking have had an important impact on the municipality's mode of delivery and service offering and also its institutional configuration. The City has therefore undergone realignment of its organisational structure, in order to align the top management structure with the political structure. This has led to the expansion of the Executive Management Team (from nine Executive Directors to eleven plus Internal Auditor). The 2006/2007 performance contracts of the Executive Directors have been completed. Table 1 captures the Directorates and their purposes as finalised in the latest structure of the City. Information regarding staff per directorate was not available at the time of writing this document, as the organisation was still undergoing final restructuring. 4 5 9. Health 8. Community Development 7. Utility Services R 978 682 683 R 236 656 994 R 2 5 844 028 R 6 989 002 242 R 795 293 472 R 339 144 079 R 427 164 436 R 741 797 675 R 730 749 528 R 87 224 661 R 835 158 796 R 1 054 422 611 R 59 287 050 R 195 614 122 4. Safety and Security 5. Integrated Human Settlement Services 6. Transport, Roads and Stormwater R 65 029 719 R 390 226 077 To provide internal support services that enable the administration of the City to achieve its mandate and priorities as per the IDP To provide an enabling environment for economic growth and reduction in unemployment To facilitate community building and poverty reduction through an integrated package of services To enrich community life by encouraging economic and social integration and supporting the development of Arts and Culture To manage the Citys portfolio of properties and land To provide the public with business information and facilitation services To develop and market tourism in Cape Town To promote a safe and secure environment for all residents and visitors through the provisioning of effective crime prevention, traffic policing and by-law enforcement To provide sustainable human settlements to all in Cape Town in support of the National Policy called Breaking New Ground , which is aimed at addressing housing backlogs, upgrading of informal settlements, affordable inner city housing, provision of social and economic infrastructure and rental housing. To ensure integrated transport planning, operations, and transport information services, as well as public transport service improvements. To develop, extend, manage and maintain the transport, roads and stormwater infrastructure in the City. To manage flood risks and to protect receiving waters such as rivers, wetlands, vleis and coastal waters from the impact of pollution. To maintain and expand the current electricity distribution network and ensure the quality of electricity supplied in the Citys area of distribution To provide and maintain water and sanitation services and infrastructure To provide and maintain solid waste management services at the household and city wide level To provide and maintain attractive and functional open spaces and municipal sports and recreational amenities across the city To promote Cape Town as a national and international sport, recreation and events city To empower communities by facilitating access to the services and resources required for their informational, educational, recreational and cultural needs To provide Municipal Health Services as defined in the National Health Act (No.61 of 2003) R 27 548 148 CAPEX 2. Corporate Services 3. Economic and Social Development Budget R 756 890 347 OPEX To provide effective, efficient, socially responsible and economically sound management of the Citys financial resources Purpose 1. Finance Directorate Table 1: Directorates of the City of Cape Town 6 12. Internal Audit and Risk Management 11. Strategy and Planning Directorate 10. Service Delivery Integration Purpose To implement the 2010 World Cup Implementation Plan, keeping in mind strategic and sustainable development objectives To manage Integrated Development Planning and budget implementation processes in the City To implement and maintain an Operations Integration Model in respect of all City Services To plan, manage and monitor the delivery of large-scale, multi-sector priority programmes and projects To bring the benefits of City investments in information and communication technology to the community at large To deliver integrated, high-quality, specialised strategy solutions and development services geared towards the long-term sustainable development of the City of Cape Town To manage spatial planning, urban design and land use processes To ensure that the Citys natural environment is protected and used in a sustainable manner for the benefit of both current and future generations To coordinate and ensure compliance with the City, and by the City, to environmental legislation and governance To provide an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity to add value and improve the organisations operations To help the City accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes R 33 301 362 R 85 996 048 R 340 207 R 245 780 193 R 12 450 820 Budget R 264 013 189 1.4 The SDBIP process at City of Cape Town June to August 2005 The process plan for delivery on the IDP, Budget, Public Engagement, SDBIP and performance management system was developed during June to August through an internal and external stakeholder process. This plan was adopted by Council on 30 August 2005. September/ October 2005 The strategic trend analysis report of the City was developed through a needs and opinion survey, in preparation for determining the strategic priorities and for inclusion into the IDP. Workshops were run with the Integrated Intergovernmental Development Task Team to align local, provincial and national strategies. Community and Sector organisations participated in the prioritisation of Council initiatives at Ward, Sub-council and City-wide level. MTIEF guidelines were used to identify affordability. Ward allocation priorities were finalised. Projects were identified at local level. Sub-council, Ward and business were consulted for strategic and draft capital budget input. The draft IDP was developed containing outcome objectives. Input into the strategic objectives of the IDP was developed through an iterative internal process. The inputs developed for the Directorate and Departmental business plans were used to feed into the IDP, and the strategic goals determined for the IDP were used to develop the Directorate and Departmental SDBIPs. The business plan consisted of a narrative section and a measurement section which translated into the SDBIPs. February 2006 A review of the inputs into the IDP was undertaken, which showed that there was room for improvement. A decision was taken to direct training in Business Planning to uplift the standard of input received and to use similar formats for the Departmental Strategies as those used to gather the input strategies into the IDP process. The training was directed at the Support Directors and the Performance Managers of each Directorate as they would be working with the Executive Director, the Directors and line management to extract the relevant information. Departmental objectives were set in line with business planning thinking. The Directorate and Departmental SDBIPs were aligned to the outcome indicators in the IDP and further interpreted the outcomes into measurable performance indicators. March 2006 The draft IDP and budget were taken out for public comment after which they were submitted to Council for approval. At this stage the City underwent changes that impacted the contents of the final set of SDBIPs. The 2006 Local Government Elections took place on 1 March and the leadership of the City was replaced by a Multi-Party government formed during May. Under this Multi-Party government, the City's budget was reoriented toward economic growth, while keeping a strong focus on social spending. The City undertook realignment initiatives to its organisational structure, in order to align the top management structure with the political structure. This led to the expansion of the Executive Management Team. 7 May 2006 The budget and IDP were submitted to Council on the 28 May 2006, but a budget adjustment and organisational realignment process was underway. June 2006 The draft Directorate SDBIPs, aligned to the IDP, but not taking the proposed changes to the organisational structure and budget into account, were completed and submitted to the City Manager by 13 June 2006. They were not submitted to the Executive Mayor, as the newly appointed City Manager had required an extension of time to allow for the completion of a new organisational structure, the corporate scorecard and performance framework for Executive Directors and Directors. A new City Scorecard and Executive Directors' performance contracts have since been completed. September 2006 The Executive Mayor conditionally approved the draft SDBIPs on 29 September 2006. The conditions attached to the approval were that the changes to the corporate scorecard, the structural changes to the administration and resource, and outcome, output and input indicators be reviewed. The SDBIP was therefore only submitted for notification to Council on 30 August 2006 in terms of the guidelines of Circular 13 of the MFMA. October 2006 The process to realign the Directorate SDBIPs to the budget and organisational structure is undertaken through the Support Directors and the Performance Managers. These may however be amended further to make provision for any changes in the departmental scorecards and budgetary amendments, as soon as the revised organisational structure has been fully implemented. 8 1.5 Structure of the SDBIP 2006-2007 document Table 2: Structure of the 2006-2007 SDBIP Section Introduction o o o o Institutional Scorecard o o o Description This section places the need for an SDBIP within a larger context. A conceptual understanding of the SDBIP is presented followed by the legislative requirements that the document needs to fulfil. The Citys administration is articulated through a list of its recently restructured directorates, their purposes and budgets. The process of developing the SDBIP at the City is reflected upon, narrating the challenges faced in implementing an iterative process. High level city-wide service delivery breakdown is presented in this section Strategic KPAs are based on DPLG regulations a nd own defined areas of action Service Delivery Targets and Performance Indicators are drawn from ED Scorecards and Directorate-level SDBIPs. Capital Plan o The 3 year capital plan is one of the requirements that an SDBIP must include. The Capital Plan is presented as per the 2006-2007 IDP themes. Revenue and Expenditure Projections This section contains the financial information as required of the SDBIP. o Monthly projections of revenue collected by source o Monthly projections of expenditure and income by vote (department) Reporting This section covers reporting on the SDBIP as a way of linking the SDBIP with the oversight and monitoring operations of the City administration. Conclusion Recommendations for SDBIP 2007-2008 are included since it is acknowledged that this process will continue to be refined and improved. Annexure A Annexure A contains the Project-level Capital Budget for 2006-2007 9 2. Institutional Scorecard The Institutional Scorecard captured in Table 3 draws upon the City Manager's and Executive Directors' scorecards. It measures performance on 8 Key Performance Areas which are derived both from DPLG Regulations as well as the City's priorities over the planning and implementation cycle. In this regard the Institutional Scorecard captures strategic information. Strategic Key Performance Areas: 1. Integrated service delivery provision that addresses improved basic municipal services and customer satisfaction 2. Sustained excellence in financial management and viability 3. Local Economic Development 4. Hosting of the FIFA 2010 World Cup in the City of Cape Town in accordance with FIFA's requirements and the City's developmental objectives 5. A safe and secure City 6. Establishment of Good Governance, Institutional Development and transformation in terms of improved service delivery 7. Encouraging Community Development and Public Participation 8. Protection and sustainable use of the City's natural assets Each Strategic Key Performance Area is delivered upon by various directorates. Delivery is measured through Key Performance Indicators which include the 10 National KPIs (NKPI) as set out in Provincial Regulations. It must be noted that the Institutional Scorecard represents the consolidation of service delivery targets and performance indicators in the more detailed Directorate and Departmental SDBIPs. Each Key Performance Indicator is linked to one of the following seven IDP themes as outlined in the 2006/07 IDP: 1. Creating Integrated Human Settlements 2. Economic Growth and Job Creation 3. Building Strong Communities 4. Access and Mobility 5. Equitable Services 6. Enabling Institutional Framework 7. Financial Sustainability 10 11 Strategic Key Performance Area 1.Integrated service delivery provision that addresses improved basic municipal services and customer satisfaction Percentage of households earning less than R1100 with access to basic levels of Electricity (NKPI) Percentage of households with access to basic levels of Sanitation (NKPI) Percentage of households with access to basic levels of Electricity (NKPI) Percentage of households with access to basic levels of Solid Waste Removal (NKPI) Ratio of informal households per tap 5 5 5 5 **Note: Ratio based on a total of 115 000 informal households in relation to number of working taps (No. of targeted service points to be added in 2006/07 = 938) Percentage of households earning less than R1100 with access to basic levels of Solid Waste Removal (NKPI) 5 5 Percentage of households earning less than R1100 with access to basic levels of Sanitation (NKPI) 5 **Note: Number of households earning less than R1100 based on the Indigent list plus the informal settlement estimate (proxy measure) Percentage of households earning less than R1100 with access to basic levels of Water (NKPI) 5 5 Number of houses delivered based on government subsidy Number of serviced sites provided Key Performance Indicator 5 IDP theme Table 3: Institutional Scorecard for 2006-2007 20.3 : 1 97% 88.9% 95,4% 63% 97% 85.5% 100% 4800 Baseline as at 30 June 2006 6500 19 : 1 98% 90% 95.8% 63% 98% 85.7% 100% 1000 Target for 30 September 2006 1100 18.9 : 1 99% 90% 96.2% 63% 99% 85.8% 100% 1900 Target for 31 December 2006 2050 18.1 : 1 99% 90% 96.6% 63% 99% 86% 100% 2800 Target for 31 March 2007 3050 17.4 : 1 99% 90% 96,9% 63% 99% 86.1% 100% 4110 Target for 30 June 2007 4225 Quarterly reports Quarterly reports Quarterly reports Quarterly reports Quarterly reports Quarterly reports Quarterly reports Completion Certificates Quarterly reports Quarterly reports Evidence 12 Strategic Key Performance Area 5 5 5 5 5 IDP theme ** Note: Water Quality Standards as prescribed by DWAF for full and intermediate contact recreation apply. **Note: Percentage reduction of collected solid waste versus what is finally land-filled Ensure recreational waters (bathing beaches, vleis, lagoons, etc.) are not polluted by stormwater discharges and comply with applicable water quality standards to safeguard public health **Note: Average percentage effluent samples passing the DWAF standard in each of the tested parameters Percentage reduction of airspace saved in relation to volume of waste disposal **Note: Percentage reduction in water use below what was predicted in 2001 with no water-saving measures in place Percentage compliance with 4 critical DWAF effluent standards (E-coli count, Ammonia content, Oxygen demanding substances, Total suspended solids) **Note: Ratio based on a total of 115 000 informal households in relation to number of working toilets (No. of targeted service points to be added in 2006/07 = 3490) Percentage reduction in unconstrained water demand Ratio of informal households per toilet Key Performance Indicator 75% of points sampled comply 13% 73.9% 27.7% Baseline as at 30 June 2006 9.7 : 1 - 13.25% 74.2% 28% Target for 30 September 2006 9.6 : 1 - 13.5% 74.7% 28% Target for 31 December 2006 8.5 : 1 - 13.75% 75.3% 28% Target for 31 March 2007 8:1 (maintain status quo until programme s show results) sampled comply 14% 76% 29% Target for 30 June 2007 7.5 :1 Annual report Quarterly reports Annual report Annual report Quarterly report Evidence 13 Strategic Key Performance Area Percentage completion of Integrated Public Transport Plan A single transport operational entity established 2 ** Note: Only applicable for rainfall events with a greater than 50% probability of occurrence in a year. These represent storms for which the stormwater reticulation system is designed; they are not unusually big storms. Kilometres of road rehabilitated and resealed Reduction in number of dwellings (incl. informal) flooded annually. Key Performance Indicator 2 5 5 IDP theme Non-alignment between Province and the City on the appropriate institutional arrangement for transport in the city Draft ITP 70km resealed and 8km rehabilitated 1500 dwellings flooded Baseline as at 30 June 2006 - 1km rehabilitated - Annual Tenders awarded Target for 31 December 2006 - Completion of service delivery agreement for the PTOE Final Draft ITP completed Additional 70km resealed and 8km rehabilitated. 1400 dwellings flooded Target for 30 June 2007 Final Draft ITP tabled at Council in June 2007 Service Delivery Agreement Half-yearly report Annual Report Evidence 14 3. Local Economic Development Strategic Key Performance Area 2. Sustained excellence in management and financial viability Percentage completion of General Valuation Roll process by end June 2007 Improved turnaround time of tender procurement processes Maintain Citys credit rating Direct investment in Cape Town Number of direct sustainable jobs created through Municipalitys LED initiatives (NKPI) 5 2 2 2 2 Percentage of Citys operating budget spent ** Note: Debt coverage is the ratio of total own billed income to total debt Percentage of Citys capital budget spent (NKPI) ** Note: Cost coverage is the ratio of total cash and investments (short-term) to monthly operating expenditure Ratio of outstanding service debtors to revenue actually received for services (NKPI) Debt coverage by own billed revenue (NKPI) Revenue collected as a percentage of billed amount Percentage of total procurement value dedicated to BEEs and SMMEs Ratio of cost coverage maintained (NKPI) Key Performance Indicator 7 7 7 7 7 2 IDP theme 7 A.1/A+ New 10 000 15 weeks 0% 95% 70% 2.92:1 1:5 A.1/A+ > or = R 2 billion > 7000 12 weeks 100% 95% 95% 2.92:1 1:5 1.85:1 40% 40% 1.85:1 Target for 30 June 2007 94% Baseline as at 30 June 2006 94% Annual report Annual report Annual report Audited financial statements approved by Mayoral Committee Audited financial statements approved by Mayoral Committee Valuations report approved by Mayoral Committee Annual report Financial report Financial report Financial report Audited financial statements signed off by Auditor General Affirmative Procurement report Evidence 15 5.A safe and secure City Strategic Key Performance Area 4.Hosting of the FIFA 2010 World Cup in the City of Cape Town in accordance with FIFAs requirements and the Citys developmental objectives 3 1 3 3 4 3 IDP theme 2 **Note: This survey forms part of the customer satisfaction survey Percentage decrease in number of preventable disasters Expansion of the Citys CCTV network by increasing the number of working cameras **Note: This survey forms part of the customer satisfaction survey Public perception of cleanliness and orderliness of the City **Note: This survey forms part of the customer satisfaction survey Public perception on the efficiency, effectiveness and relevance of traffic policing Percentage calls responded to within 14 minutes from receipt of emergency call to arrival at scene Public perception on state of safety and security in the City in terms of the Likert scale Ensuring post-event sustainable use of, and optimum return on infrastructure investment Ensuring that optimum benefit is derived from the hosting of the event Delivering on all services required during the hosting of the event Delivering on all pre-event requirements Timeous securing of the land required for stadium and related facilities Implementation of 2010 World Cup programme to achieve the following objectives: Timeous delivery on the Citys obligations in respect of bulk and link infrastructure services in support of the stadium Key Performance Indicator 22 New New New New 75% Baseline as at 30 June 2006 New 27 (to a total of 232) 50% 3 3 3 78% Target for 30 June 2007 100% implementation to the Councils satisfaction Quarterly report Customer Survey report Customer Survey report Customer Survey report Customer Survey report Quarterly report Annual report Evidence 16 Strategic Key Performance Area 6. Establishment of Good Governance, Institutional Development and transformation in terms of improved service delivery 6 6 6 IDP theme 6 Number of community/ward participatory mechanisms Review and assessment of ERP/SAP with recommendations to optimise and extend benefits from SAP Percentage of municipalitys budget spent on implementing its Workplace Skills Plan (NKPI) Completion of realignment project Phase 1 (Staffing Strategy) Staffing Structure Mapping process Standardised conditions of service Key Performance Indicator New 100 New Baseline as at 30 June 2006 0.93% 100% Completion of roll-out project plan for Phase 2 by June 2007 105 Target for 30 June 2007 1% of taxable payroll spent on WPSP by June 2007 Completion of Phase 1 by March 2007 ERP/SAP review report with recommendations for: o Reducing irregular transactions o Activating dormant functionalities o Activating Business Intelligence capability of SAP o Bringing transformative benefits of investment to citizen, supplier, client and partner organisation Annual Report Phase 2 roll-out project plan completed Standardised Conditions of Service established Financial report Evidence 17 Strategic Key Performance Area Development of an Operating Model to structure the administration to meet strategic objectives Percentage implementation of the Performance Management System for Section 57 employees and City Manager Percentage improvement on turnaround time on applications for building plan approval Audit from Auditor General Preparation of EE plan based on provincial demographics Percentage compliance with EE approved plan with regards to the 3 highest levels of management (NKPI) 6 6 6 6 6 6 Review, restructure and where necessary redirect the cross-cutting corporate projects, and where possible align with major public funding and public spending programmes Review and restructure the Project Office Key Performance Indicator 6 IDP theme 6 66% compliance by December 2006 and March 2007 Unqualified audit received New New 100% New New Baseline as at 30 June 2006 New 80% compliance by June 2007 Unqualified audit received from AG EE Plan approved 10% 100% 100% 100% Target for 30 June 2007 100% Receipt of clean audit report for financial year 2006/2007 Council-approved EE plan by June 2007 Annual report Annual report Project Office review report with recommendations for supporting corporate projects and 2010 World Cup Review report for the following cross-cutting corporate projects: o Urban Renewal Programme o Violence Prevention Urban Upgrade o Extended Public Works Programme o Municipal Infrastructure Grant An Operating Model for the City which includes an areabased service delivery coordination and reporting system Signed Performance Contracts Annual report Evidence 18 Strategic Key Performance Area 7.Encouraging community development 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 IDP theme 3 **Note: National standard Percentage cure rate of new smear positive TB cases TB incidence (Rate per 100 000 population) Percentage of pregnant women HIV positive Monitoring and developing plans for reducing infant mortality rate over the next 5 years Environmental education and training services to citizens **Note: Minimum standards vary depending on the category of library. Details available in Departmental SDBIP. Improvement in ratio of environmental health practitioners to citizens Community satisfaction measured in terms of the Likert scale Percentage of facilities (sports and recreation, cemeteries, beaches, open spaces) adhering to standards of maintenance Percentage utilisation of community facilities Implement minimum standard of service to libraries Key Performance Indicator 25 000 students, 50 organizations New 16,5% 874 70% New New New New Baseline as at 30 June 2006 New 30 000 students, 200 schools, 1000 educators Plan completed by June 2007 < 18.5% 980 > 71% > 1:15 000 100% 50% 70% Target for 30 June 2007 3 Annual report Annual report Annual report Annual report Annual report Annual report Annual report Annual report Annual report Customer Survey report Evidence 19 Strategic Key Performance Area 8. Protection and sustainable use of the Citys natural assets 2 IDP theme 2 **Note: Long-term target to achieve 10% reduction in levels by 2010. Percentage reduction in CO2 emissions Ensure that the minimum area-based targets, species targets and freshwater targets as set for each of the Citys unique vegetation types in the Citys Biodiversity Network are protected and managed for biodiversity Key Performance Indicator Baseline as at 30 June 2006 55% of total (combined for all vegetation types) biodiversity area targets are under biodiversity management (includes the Table Mountain National Park area) New 2.5% Target for 30 June 2007 58% of total (combined for all vegetation types) biodiversity area targets under biodiversity management Annual report Annual report Evidence 20 Access and Mobility SUB -TOTAL SUB -TOTAL Building Strong Communities SUB -TOTAL Economic Growth and Job Creation IDP Theme Creating Integrated Human Settlements 308 309 310 Improving Crime Prevention Improving Emergency Preparedness Neighbourhood Development / Area Forums 402 307 Minimising the Impact of HIV/Aids and TB 308 306 Targeted Social Support Improved Public Transport 302 Early Childhood Development Improving Crime Prevention 301 205 Youth Development 203 107 Creating Environmentally Sustainable Neighbourhoods Opportunities for Small Business 106 Decentralised Industrial and Commercial Development Infrastructure and Services 105 Developing the Urban Core 202 104 Administering and Maintaining Council Housing Stock 201 103 Improving Settlement Planning Supporting Key Sectors 102 Investing in People 101 Increasing Shelter and Service Provision Prog. No. Area-based Urban Renewal IDP Programme 97,150,000 0 26,849,783 650,000 60,000 20,123,000 3,100,000 2,606,783 200,000 110,000 197,496,528 27,099,998 159,596,530 10,200,000 600,000 899,166,831 111,430 11,500,000 16,900,000 7,955,000 28,280,860 480,410,529 354,009,012 Provision 2006-2007 76,800,000 200,000 21,917,000 900,000 92,000 9,000,000 8,360,000 3,225,000 200,000 140,000 160,372,500 28,080,000 125,352,500 6,940,000 0 494,855,960 165,000 750,000 19,300,000 6,730,000 26,358,000 367,117,960 74,435,000 Provision 2007-2008 CITY OF CAPE TOWN IDP PER THEME AND PROGRAMME CAPITAL BUDGET 2006/2007 - 2008/2009 Table 4: Three year Capital Plan as per the 2006-2007 IDP themes 3. Three Year Capital Plan 29,400,000 200,000 17,540,800 1,200,000 105,800 9,000,000 2,650,000 4,225,000 200,000 160,000 165,300,000 31,700,000 132,600,000 1,000,000 0 482,849,064 2,700,000 0 18,300,000 6,607,800 27,998,000 338,673,264 88,570,000 Provision 2008-2009 21 106,995,108 504 505 506 507 508 509 511 512 A Cleaner City Effective Catchment, Stormwater and River Management Maintain and Improve a Healthy City Provision, Maintenance and Accessibility of Community Facilities Provision and Management of Sport and Recreation Infrastructure and Opportunities Maintain and Improve a Safe and Secure City Developing Integrated Centres of Learning (Libraries) Sustainable Management of the Environment TOTAL CAPITAL BUDGE T TOTAL 701 16,965,020 606 Revenue and Expenditure Management and Enhancement 165,720,110 605 SUB -TOTAL Financial Sustainability 175,000 604 Communications and Marketing Internal Systems Infrastructure and Delivery (Internal Asset Management) Improving Systems and Processes (Service Improvement [Time, Cost and Quality]) 3,023,488,935 35,932,200 189,540,130 2,680,000 603 Improving Governance Management 4,000,000 601 Administrative Transformation, Stability and Sustainability Enabling Institutional Framework 12,890,340 7,603,000 12,844,660 42,370,781 33,354,688 52,717,100 109,590,000 300,595,000 1,163,427,397 Greening the City (Maintain and Improve) 35,893,000 503 Upgrading and Maintaining Waste Water Treatment and Conveyance 130,576,500 502 317,997,220 501 511,076,066 52,230,000 Managing Water Supply and Demand to meet future needs 405 Promote Non-Motorised Transport 214,457,066 147,239,000 Maintaining the Quality of Electricity Supply in existing areas 404 Improved Transport Networks SUB -TOTAL Equitable Services SUB -TOTAL 403 Integrated Transport Corridors 89,890,000 2,649,620,615 26,709,495 150,146,310 7,177,500 139,638,810 180,000 150,000 3,000,000 1,472,670,350 15,173,500 7,025,000 0 24,005,000 61,350,000 37,412,000 38,774,500 28,700,000 120,020,000 416,400,000 399,502,250 324,308,100 322,949,000 34,500,000 121,559,000 2,749,778,486 14,170,976 117,537,430 2,385,000 114,777,430 225,000 150,000 0 1,654,914,500 17,140,000 6,435,000 0 23,138,500 35,500,000 71,700,000 22,647,000 19,000,000 121,700,000 315,160,000 744,672,000 277,822,000 297,465,716 41,401,716 97,269,000 129,195,000 4. Revenue and Expenditure Projections Figure 1 captures the total revenue and expenditure projections for the City over the 20062007 financial year. The figure indicates that during the month of July there is a significant difference between revenue and expenditure, in favour of revenue. From the month of January to June there is a small difference between revenue and expenditure, as depicted by the graph below. Projections for the 2006-2007 financial year suggest that the City will have an 8% surplus on its budget. Figure 1: Revenue and expenditure projections for 2006-2007 In this section the following financial information is provided to assist in monitoring of the City's financial performance: · Monthly projections of revenue by source in a table. · Monthly projections of revenue by source in a pie chart to enable comparison across different sources. · Monthly projections of revenue and expenditure (broken down into capital and operating expenditure) for each vote or department in 4 tables. Each table captures the figures in each of the four quarters of a municipal financial year. · Graphical comparison of annual revenue and expenditure for each of the 12 directorates. · Breakdown of capital expenditure per ward by listing all projects being implemented by different departments. 22 23 4.1 68278 47756 58065 48253 36580 342868 Refuse Removal From Tariff Billings Grants Interest and Investment Income Rent of Facilities and Equipment Interest Earned Outstanding Debtors Fines Licences and Permits Income from Agency Services Total 239218 205153 15603 1915 12083 9765 200 16454 948840 15603 1716 12083 9765 200 786 1469543 39961 342868 9583 145156 8621 940674 200 12083 9765 1700 15603 41380 342868 48354 65620 234557 9583 150340 8621 957658 200 12083 9765 1710 15603 41153 342868 49291 69012 231877 9583 165892 8621 943132 200 12083 9765 2339 15603 40571 342868 49907 74118 216766 9583 160708 8621 915044 200 12083 9765 2332 15603 40571 342868 51855 77539 178132 9583 165892 8621 1004512 200 12083 9765 2381 15603 40571 342868 52985 88365 255595 9583 165892 8621 974633 200 12083 9765 2175 15603 40571 342868 50532 94646 222094 9583 165892 8621 949909 200 12083 9765 2361 15603 40571 342868 50853 81011 210498 9583 165892 8621 976393 200 12083 9765 1784 15603 40574 342868 50587 82799 236034 9583 165892 8621 968834 200 12083 9765 1690 15603 40565 342868 49493 81318 231153 9583 2400 144996 117180 23797 187236 483537 4114416 599249 932497 2762747 114996 2529854 8621 103450 1067183 12116355 200 12083 9765 1694 15603 40469 342868 49383 91726 301670 9583 165892 183518.00 August September October November December January February March April May June Total Rev R' 000 Rev R' 000 Rev R' 000 Rev R' 000 Rev R' 000 Rev R' 000 Rev R' 000 Rev R' 000 Rev R' 000 Rev R' 000 Rev R' 000 9583 728888 July Rev R' 000 Property Rates Penalties Imposed & Collection Charges Electricity Revenue from Tariff Billings Water Revenue from Tariff Billings Sanitation Revenue from Tariff Billings Monthly Projections of Revenue by Source Regional Levies Property Rates Table 5: Monthly revenue projections per source for the City of Cape Town Monthly Projections of Revenue by Source Figure 2: Revenue Projections for 2006-2007 by source 24 25 Monthly Projections of Expenditure by Vote (Department) Department 3,185,076.38 Economic and Human Development 163,275.01 Employment Equity 923,323.80 563,150.36 External Relations 25,109,699.59 437,622.17 Expenditure Existing Settlements Executive Support 3,471,950.01 20,753,714.83 Emergency Services Environmental Resource Management 118,150,375.56 Electricity Services - 1,421,978.02 Economic and Social Dev Management 4,996,168.19 Development Services 195,369.13 Corporate Services Management Corporate Shared Services 305,574.97 643,068.17 Community Development Support Corp Supp Serv : Support Services 224,950.45 2,100,951.76 City Spatial Development Community Development Management 4,131,980.82 City Improvement District 373,506.18 1,807,169.15 Communication and Marketing 1,079,761.51 Citizen Relationship Management 917,082.42 - 1,923,483.68 Budgets Administrative Services Abattoir 2010 Soccer World Cup Expenditure 2,000,000.00 - - - 658,167.00 3,975,178.00 - - - - - 60,000.00 - - 262,610.00 Jul 06 Capex - -227,685.49 -18,601,509.33 - -632,666.67 -1,029,421.12 -247,573,292.97 - -997,301.02 -270,529.17 -625,859.11 - - -3,046.40 -3,278.71 -831,618.75 -4,301,484.68 -416,666.65 -595,000.00 -262.50 - -943,732.16 Income 655,513.68 927,300.32 25,270,762.84 437,622.07 3,414,945.53 163,422.66 21,377,355.32 327,797,626.75 - 3,222,551.27 1,464,822.04 4,955,885.44 221,134.29 305,575.14 604,806.58 355,730.97 1,238,333.41 2,123,954.85 4,131,980.86 1,802,709.92 1,080,893.29 908,786.86 - 1,923,483.69 Expenditure Aug 06 11,400,000.00 50,000.00 - 30,000.00 658,167.00 8,037,127.00 - - - - 25,000.00 15,000.00 701,572.00 - 200,000.00 Capex Table 6.1: Projections for monthly expenditure and revenue per vote for the City of Cape Town for July and August 2006 4.2 Income - -227,685.50 -18,601,509.25 -632,666.66 -1,035,006.84 -281,181,026.11 -997,300.96 -272,629.20 -625,859.21 - - -3,046.40 -3,278.75 -831,618.75 -4,301,484.64 -416,666.70 -595,000.00 -262.50 - -943,732.24 26 193,782.34 357,849.15 226,096.35 Service Delivery Integration Strat Supp Shareholders Management Unit 44,067,759.84 Service Delivery Integration Management 10,921,627.67 Roads and Stormwater 109,474,522.32 633,270.84 3,667,229.74 Revenue Rates & Other Public Engagement Property 23,558,797.15 Parks 251,294.06 14,766,713.11 Organisational Optimisation Ombudsperson 25,145,175.24 New Settlements 689,085.69 44,302,180.89 Metro Police Office of the City Manager 10,559,535.76 Library Services 1,781,071.13 288,430.68 Land Restitution Legal Services 995,444.81 Internal Audit 11,338,744.43 387,573.34 IDP Process Manage & Business Planning Informations Systems and Technology 556,831.61 Human Settlement Management 3,351,362.85 298,673.95 Housing Policy and Research HR Management and Development 600,928.80 Housing Finance & Leases 27,648,454.54 Health Services 332,407.24 11,044,893.34 Financial Support Governance & Interface 136,269.99 Expenditure Finance Management Department - - - 3,055,388.00 250,000.00 - - 330,000.00 - - 4,050,000.00 - - - - - 1,386,643.00 - 80,000.00 Jul 06 Capex - - - - - -10,326,367.01 -10,823,870.59 -971,508,009.11 -7,337,321.56 -807,831.65 -8,996,105.83 - - -22,773,948.83 -3,981,663.44 -1,550,595.82 -26,250.00 -95,333.33 -2.79 -11,613.78 - - -333,333.33 - -24,405.31 -12,054,953.63 -140,846.85 Income 226,096.34 357,849.15 260,072.11 44,437,970.92 11,647,386.51 109,752,091.28 729,308.04 3,662,703.24 24,430,237.57 14,742,389.39 346,434.69 730,912.72 25,225,590.61 46,128,961.35 10,532,114.58 1,805,952.19 288,430.71 992,204.99 11,853,053.54 341,387.30 556,973.59 3,352,302.72 296,877.15 595,878.80 27,572,265.51 11,673,731.61 334,153.14 163,866.91 Expenditure 30,000.00 Aug 06 - - 8,179,834.00 1,500,000.00 - - 434,390.00 - - 6,670,000.00 - 1,702,119.00 100,000.00 - 50,000.00 847,240.00 - 859,119.00 Capex Income - -10,326,366.98 -26,490,557.38 -280,697,982.55 -7,337,321.59 -807,830.99 -8,996,105.84 - -22,773,948.84 -3,981,663.54 -1,550,596.98 -26,250.00 -95,333.34 -2.79 -11,613.80 - -333,333.34 - -24,405.32 -12,054,953.77 -140,846.80 - - 27 430,059.82 0.00 Water Services 201,038,018.07 3,824,696.10 Utility Services Support Valuations -0.00 Utility Services - Project Moni Unit 2,819,804.86 Urban Renewal Project 72,642,712.68 Treasury 1,889,083.45 40,234,693.06 Transport TRS Corporate Centre 11,551,034.88 9,337,292.66 987,002.25 2,500,663.08 Town Planning Tourism Development Support Services Supply Chain Management Strategy & Planning Management 1,144,610.38 27,064,362.05 Strategy 72,161,757.79 Sport , Recreation and Amenities 3,830,477.09 Expenditure Solid Waste Services Social Development , Arts & Culture Department - 24,915,911.00 - - - 9,347,772.00 200,000.00 - - - - 1,780,114.00 4,090,000.00 Jul 06 Capex -204,417,341.40 -42,437.49 - - -2,440,962.04 - -48,943,116.31 -25,989,584.31 -7,358,908.89 -433,241.67 - -719,679.72 -425,000.00 -7,127,995.50 -74,475,632.54 -970,013.56 Income 223,951,410.05 3,832,696.14 0.00 0.00 2,819,802.64 2,055,560.84 36,346,116.58 41,465,467.98 11,504,389.16 1,055,962.94 988,014.83 2,503,630.06 453,462.70 1,268,789.36 27,785,033.23 73,191,691.07 3,774,736.89 Expenditure - Aug 06 23,786,888.00 60,000.00 - - 12,226,620.00 300,000.00 - 850,000.00 - 12,453,752.00 4,000,000.00 Capex Income -214,855,311.96 -42,437.48 - -2,440,962.07 - -48,687,244.98 -25,989,584.13 -9,957,658.86 -433,241.66 - -719,679.73 -425,000.00 -7,324,405.45 -77,857,078.66 -970,013.55 28 7,283,182.85 Economic and Human Development 160,633.32 Employment Equity 186,985.98 334,290.29 Finance Management Financial Support 11,529,204.94 531,912.90 Governance & Interface 927,254.90 External Relations 25,823,006.84 437,622.21 Expenditure Existing Settlements Executive Support 4,063,148.71 21,222,114.44 Emergency Services Environmental Resource Management 331,890,319.60 Electricity Services 500.00 3,567,148.30 Economic and Social Dev Management 5,216,017.70 234,959.85 Corporate Services Management Development Services 305,574.97 Corporate Shared Services 603,639.83 1,278,703.32 Communication and Marketing Corp Supp Serv : Support Services 2,194,260.90 City Spatial Development Community Development Support 4,131,980.82 City Improvement District 432,642.85 1,796,274.43 Community Development Management 1,083,295.50 Citizen Relationship Management 912,502.86 - 1,863,483.69 Budgets Administrative Services Abattoir 2010 Soccer World Cup Department Expenditure 187,000.00 11,354,502.00 25,000.00 305,000.00 20,000.00 1,477,667.00 18,332,690.00 544,000.00 20,000.00 340,000.00 - 25,000.00 25,000.00 1,587,148.00 - 330,000.00 Sep 06 Capex -416,666.65 -595,000.00 -262.50 - -943,732.16 -140,846.85 - - - -227,685.49 -18,601,509.33 -632,666.67 -982,610.09 -276,813,478.21 -997,301.02 -272,629.17 -625,859.12 - - -3,046.40 -3,278.71 -831,618.75 -4,301,484.68 Income 11,647,293.97 334,290.25 214,387.40 383,938.65 925,578.18 25,297,926.56 437,621.86 4,074,533.07 160,132.11 21,256,468.61 238,999,965.20 4,500.00 5,998,682.81 1,465,401.02 4,825,962.71 268,324.96 300,575.17 606,865.80 487,917.98 729,686.69 2,209,032.18 4,131,980.82 1,796,274.36 1,080,545.77 892,101.77 - 1,863,483.66 Expenditure Capex - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Oct 06 Income 6.2: Projections for monthly expenditure and revenue per vote for the City of Cape Town for September and October 2006. -140,846.85 - - - -227,685.49 -18,601,509.33 -632,666.67 -1,087,785.58 -273,766,702.09 -997,301.02 -272,629.17 -625,859.11 - - -3,046.40 -3,278.71 -831,618.75 -4,301,484.68 -416,666.65 -595,000.00 -262.50 - -943,732.16 29 45,998,649.78 25,250,487.92 Metro Police New Settlements 226,096.35 Shareholders Management Unit 73,722,399.39 28,024,328.69 Solid Waste Services Sport , Recreation and Amenities 3,858,058.50 357,849.15 Service Delivery Integration Strat Supp Social Development , Arts & Culture 358,399.03 44,369,676.43 Service Delivery Integration Management 11,387,040.06 Roads and Stormwater 109,975,924.22 644,680.69 3,687,451.01 Revenue Rates & Other Public Engagement Property 24,245,058.98 Parks 421,567.36 14,742,272.64 Organisational Optimisation Ombudsperson 1,830,078.73 10,515,773.00 Library Services Office of the City Manager 1,935,774.91 288,430.69 Land Restitution Legal Services 992,270.66 Internal Audit 9,505,207.77 547,981.79 IDP Process Manage & Business Planning Informations Systems and Technology 556,973.62 Human Settlement Management 3,511,072.31 297,177.35 HR Management and Development 596,078.83 Housing Policy and Research 27,535,723.99 Expenditure Housing Finance & Leases Health Services Department 14,383,068.00 4,028,342.00 - - - 21,127,702.00 1,600,000.00 - - 1,199,415.00 20,000.00 - 9,438,445.00 150,000.00 253,760.00 - - 95,000.00 935,000.00 - 1,230,000.00 Sep 06 Capex -7,145,984.98 -79,275,623.68 -970,013.56 - -10,326,367.01 -18,657,203.91 -280,697,982.80 -7,337,321.56 -807,831.65 -8,996,105.83 - -22,773,948.83 -3,981,663.44 -1,550,595.94 -26,250.00 -95,333.33 -2.79 -11,613.78 - -333,333.33 - -24,405.31 -12,054,953.76 Income 28,338,045.38 73,570,465.31 3,916,916.79 226,096.34 357,849.17 395,600.48 44,274,023.94 12,573,838.31 110,162,479.42 733,803.87 3,640,813.30 24,250,753.26 14,604,338.16 220,284.55 7,400,766.13 25,255,661.70 45,866,746.89 10,542,318.55 1,889,497.35 288,335.27 992,270.64 11,964,961.91 547,981.60 556,973.60 3,345,162.36 297,177.34 595,406.64 27,536,651.10 Expenditure Capex - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Oct 06 Income -7,520,510.34 -79,048,261.98 -970,013.55 - -10,326,367.01 -18,657,203.91 -285,985,415.08 -7,337,321.57 -807,831.65 -8,996,105.83 - -22,773,948.83 -3,981,663.44 -1,550,595.51 -26,250.00 -95,333.33 -2.79 -11,613.78 - -333,333.33 - -24,405.31 -12,054,953.77 30 0.00 Water Services 225,170,521.38 3,833,311.65 Utility Services Support Valuations -0.00 Utility Services - Project Moni Unit 2,819,804.88 Urban Renewal Project 37,081,380.37 Treasury 2,132,886.91 40,512,759.15 Transport TRS Corporate Centre 11,769,107.01 1,206,369.07 987,349.32 2,491,542.74 545,195.67 1,147,651.15 Expenditure Town Planning Tourism Development Support Services Supply Chain Management Strategy & Planning Management Strategy Department - 26,595,927.00 60,000.00 250,000.00 - 14,067,569.00 1,600,000.00 - 600,000.00 893,600.00 Sep 06 Capex -433,241.67 - -719,679.72 -425,000.00 -213,470,386.68 -42,437.49 - -2,440,962.06 - -48,687,244.95 -25,989,584.31 -7,253,908.89 Income 224,552,693.27 3,833,311.61 0.00 -0.00 2,819,804.81 2,218,268.66 41,000,114.66 39,949,894.82 11,692,575.87 9,727,962.96 984,571.15 2,492,259.04 558,856.81 1,125,155.15 Expenditure Capex - - - - - - - - - - Oct 06 Income -217,959,354.27 -42,437.49 - -2,440,962.04 - -48,687,244.96 -25,989,584.31 -7,253,908.89 -433,241.67 - -719,679.72 -425,000.00 31 2,107,937.51 4,131,980.86 2,777,859.75 1,895,565.53 Citizen Relationship Management City Improvement District City Spatial Development Communication and Marketing 530,102.29 Corporate Services Management 259,554.04 Employment Equity 822,759.35 451,315.93 Financial Support 14,243,207.19 308,310.76 Governance & Interface 704,336.63 Finance Management 1,411,545.32 29,743,709.56 External Relations Expenditure Existing Settlements Executive Support 5,432,138.94 29,281,900.79 Emergency Services Environmental Resource Management 255,107,100.92 Electricity Services 17,500.00 6,232,519.45 Economic and Human Development Economic and Social Dev Management 2,417,788.09 Development Services 10,118,208.08 654,576.13 Corp Supp Serv : Support Services Corporate Shared Services 1,186,401.15 Community Development Support 717,581.98 1,355,716.80 Budgets Community Development Management 1,464,475.44 - 1,979,097.33 Expenditure Administrative Services Abattoir 2010 Soccer World Cup Department 61,000.00 8,703,600.00 - 555,590.00 50,000.00 2,011,782.00 15,305,987.00 3,880,000.00 12,000.00 377,796.00 - 21,035.00 15,000.00 1,890,313.00 - 5,100,000.00 Nov 06 Capex -140,846.80 - - - -227,685.50 -18,601,509.25 -632,666.66 -1,096,185.52 -257,017,791.17 -997,300.96 -272,629.20 -625,859.21 - - -3,046.40 -3,278.75 -831,618.75 -4,301,484.64 -416,666.70 -595,000.00 -262.50 - -943,732.24 Income 11,662,262.58 334,290.25 214,328.43 382,830.92 925,578.38 26,297,853.10 437,622.14 4,093,307.14 159,633.32 21,843,277.26 236,588,243.71 12,000.00 4,935,182.87 1,429,293.51 5,296,481.63 268,390.55 296,575.19 606,865.98 487,918.36 2,173,587.47 2,207,332.25 4,131,980.82 1,796,274.45 1,078,588.79 960,360.10 - 1,863,483.69 Expenditure Dec 06 173,620.00 7,669,757.00 - - - 3,413,167.00 11,725,753.00 279,099.00 335,000.00 174,565.00 39,100.00 - 39,100.00 3,659,889.00 65,000.00 710,000.00 Capex Income 6.3: Projections for monthly expenditure and revenue per vote for the City of Cape Town for November and December 2006 -140,846.85 - - - -227,685.49 -18,601,509.33 -632,666.67 -1,096,208.97 -216,080,576.38 -997,301.02 -272,629.17 -625,859.11 - - -3,046.40 -3,278.71 -831,618.75 -4,301,484.68 -416,666.65 -595,000.00 -262.50 - -943,732.16 32 60,145,953.02 31,988,323.40 Metro Police New Settlements 497,430.63 Shareholders Management Unit 87,850,633.54 32,674,017.21 Solid Waste Services Sport , Recreation and Amenities 4,419,803.31 823,040.65 Social Development , Arts & Culture 657,373.09 Service Delivery Integration Strat Supp 53,354,931.04 Roads and Stormwater Service Delivery Integration Management 14,834,443.81 Revenue 112,092,680.50 1,083,402.73 Public Engagement Rates & Other 5,267,217.84 34,248,925.47 Parks Property 15,768,631.11 532,901.84 Organisational Optimisation Ombudsperson 1,366,960.21 14,416,854.01 Library Services Office of the City Manager 2,763,825.93 422,520.07 1,529,221.16 Legal Services Land Restitution Internal Audit 17,679,302.56 845,713.19 Informations Systems and Technology 715,741.40 IDP Process Manage & Business Planning 4,517,897.92 507,448.00 1,014,649.74 36,171,556.80 Expenditure Human Settlement Management HR Management and Development Housing Policy and Research Housing Finance & Leases Health Services Department 16,317,982.00 5,875,000.00 88,150.00 - - 28,660,900.00 2,500,000.00 - 200,000.00 2,462,220.00 34,255.00 - 17,570,000.00 9,844,109.00 550,000.00 200,000.00 300,000.00 100,000.00 935,000.00 90,000.00 2,299,138.00 Nov 06 Capex -8,358,376.90 -78,466,586.68 -970,013.53 - -10,326,366.98 -18,657,224.06 -301,847,711.72 -7,337,321.58 -862,830.99 -8,996,105.84 - -28,923,948.84 -3,981,663.54 -1,550,596.71 -26,250.00 -95,333.34 -2.79 -11,613.80 - -333,333.34 - -24,405.32 -12,054,953.76 Income 28,446,001.52 75,874,310.88 3,916,930.39 226,096.35 357,849.18 395,600.51 44,279,031.81 12,575,023.79 110,162,479.45 785,092.73 3,736,792.73 24,746,943.34 14,777,122.81 368,305.47 1,046,574.42 33,180,656.08 45,888,846.45 10,541,082.68 1,931,361.09 288,814.52 992,270.67 16,409,789.01 548,378.23 1,806,973.62 3,416,621.08 297,177.33 596,351.40 27,258,229.22 Expenditure Dec 06 10,300,046.00 6,145,000.00 - - - 20,632,605.00 1,300,000.00 - 200,000.00 888,078.00 - - 22,435,860.00 1,953,470.00 1,120,629.00 100,000.00 522,000.00 - 1,035,000.00 - 2,384,709.00 Capex Income -8,628,166.14 -78,466,586.56 -970,013.59 - -10,326,367.01 -18,657,203.91 -392,005,415.07 -7,339,432.07 -862,831.65 -10,983,688.11 - -30,623,948.83 -139,981,663.44 -1,550,596.38 -26,250.00 -95,333.33 -2.79 -11,613.78 - -333,333.33 - -24,405.31 -12,054,953.77 33 Water Services 247,049,650.22 4,779,852.24 0.00 Valuations 0.00 Utility Services Support 3,085,545.04 Urban Renewal Project Utility Services - Project Moni Unit 2,760,419.65 37,092,782.39 TRS Corporate Centre Treasury 1,650,158.63 Tourism Development 41,465,790.81 1,337,458.83 Support Services Transport 3,496,156.63 Supply Chain Management 16,516,499.55 1,047,647.16 Strategy & Planning Management Town Planning 1,629,219.77 Expenditure Strategy Department - 41,865,557.00 47,500.00 - - 14,629,938.00 1,478,820.00 300,000.00 500,000.00 4,000,000.00 Nov 06 Capex -223,729,500.94 -42,437.48 - -2,440,962.07 - -48,687,244.98 -25,989,584.13 -7,253,908.86 -433,241.66 - -719,679.73 -425,000.00 Income 228,566,259.84 3,833,584.66 0.00 -0.00 2,819,804.95 2,218,268.69 41,175,085.15 39,600,279.40 11,682,520.66 1,135,963.03 994,217.51 2,492,391.22 555,726.32 1,118,988.93 Expenditure Dec 06 18,025,818.00 - - - 10,266,629.00 894,011.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 1,950,000.00 5,950,000.00 Capex Income -230,073,670.10 -42,437.49 - -2,440,962.05 - -48,687,244.96 -25,989,584.31 -7,253,908.89 -433,241.67 - -719,679.72 -425,000.00 34 Department 3,275,531.34 Economic and Human Development Economic and Social Dev Management 159,632.10 Employment Equity 925,369.26 403,778.37 214,379.74 334,372.34 External Relations Finance Management Financial Support 26,728,267.59 436,143.93 Expenditure Existing Settlements Executive Support 4,094,759.33 21,909,434.45 Emergency Services Environmental Resource Management 232,459,997.96 Electricity Services 10,000.00 1,430,402.32 268,390.32 Corporate Services Management 5,196,712.22 296,574.94 Corp Supp Serv : Support Services Development Services 606,865.82 Corporate Shared Services 484,717.43 2,212,531.02 City Spatial Development Community Development Support 4,131,980.82 City Improvement District 815,065.25 1,796,290.07 Citizen Relationship Management Communication and Marketing Community Development Management 1,078,588.65 961,019.13 - 1,863,483.64 Budgets Administrative Services Abattoir 2010 Soccer World Cup Expenditure 6,672,950.00 - 41,310.00 - 3,374,816.00 19,097,975.00 4,530,612.00 - 840,000.00 - - - 2,780,125.00 - 800,000.00 Jan 07 Capex -416,666.65 -595,000.00 -262.50 - -943,732.16 - - - -227,685.49 -18,601,509.33 -632,666.67 -1,096,209.00 -298,062,734.53 -997,301.02 -272,629.17 -625,859.11 - - -3,046.40 -3,278.71 -831,618.75 -4,301,484.68 Income Capex 334,372.22 214,409.55 388,104.12 925,290.45 25,785,907.71 436,143.85 4,138,921.24 159,632.19 23,154,268.12 230,255,880.23 12,000.00 3,550,531.29 1,430,402.41 4,911,979.88 268,390.71 296,574.93 606,866.05 484,717.63 1,122,412.53 2,245,223.06 4,131,980.86 1,796,290.20 1,078,588.67 961,094.45 - 1,863,483.69 Expenditure Income 5,760,000.00 - 1,600,650.00 30,000.00 5,828,167.00 26,975,836.00 10,180,000.00 11,764.00 1,956,139.00 - - 55,000.00 3,513,829.00 - 580,000.00 Feb 07 6.4: Projections for monthly expenditure and revenue per vote for the City of Cape Town for January and February 2007. - - - -227,685.50 -18,601,509.25 -632,666.66 -1,096,208.95 -262,726,046.29 -997,300.96 -272,629.20 -625,859.21 - - -3,046.40 -3,278.75 -831,618.75 -4,301,484.64 -416,666.70 -595,000.00 -262.50 - -943,732.24 35 25,373,491.23 Parks 226,096.35 Shareholders Management Unit 3,925,083.06 357,849.14 Social Development , Arts & Culture - 395,600.49 - 75,000.00 19,645,895.00 44,285,999.42 Roads and Stormwater Service Delivery Integration Management Service Delivery Integration Strat Supp 1,300,000.00 12,577,886.27 110,162,479.45 706,885.54 - 713,580.00 410,000.00 - 19,260,000.00 1,343,185.00 1,403,305.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 - Revenue Rates & Other Public Engagement 3,708,959.43 14,582,271.37 Organisational Optimisation 368,305.42 New Settlements Ombudsperson 32,018,455.68 Metro Police 999,892.03 45,925,114.61 Library Services Office of the City Manager 1,876,428.35 10,558,196.58 Legal Services 288,814.48 Land Restitution 18,426,358.28 1,035,000.00 3,407,217.25 297,518.78 597,396.07 27,575,248.64 -970,013.55 - -10,326,367.01 -18,657,203.91 -301,847,711.98 -7,337,321.56 -912,831.65 -10,983,688.12 - -29,523,948.83 -3,981,663.44 -1,550,595.37 -26,250.00 -95,333.33 -2.79 -11,613.78 3,925,275.74 226,096.34 357,849.13 395,600.51 44,291,208.21 12,578,049.62 110,162,480.45 695,808.00 3,643,202.14 25,738,788.65 15,059,671.26 367,751.59 988,891.92 31,820,241.98 45,942,007.40 10,567,607.17 1,926,396.15 288,814.53 992,337.40 12,179,139.57 548,378.26 - -333,333.33 - -24,405.31 Capex 11,653,170.42 Expenditure 548,378.31 - -140,846.85 -12,054,953.76 Income 556,982.64 992,338.61 Property 2,558,730.00 Jan 07 Capex 556,982.64 Internal Audit Informations Systems and Technology Human Settlement Management IDP Process Manage & Business Planning 3,236,027.08 297,518.93 Housing Policy and Research HR Management and Development 596,472.68 27,553,906.13 Health Services Housing Finance & Leases 11,622,982.08 Expenditure Governance & Interface Department - Income 1,110,300.00 - - 45,918,369.00 1,300,000.00 - - 1,095,750.00 410,000.00 - 25,457,208.00 938,175.00 1,985,000.00 380,000.00 250,000.00 50,000.00 1,035,000.00 30,000.00 3,069,709.00 Feb 07 -970,013.53 - -10,326,366.98 -18,657,224.06 -301,847,711.63 -7,337,321.59 -912,830.99 -10,983,688.12 - -29,323,948.84 -3,981,663.54 -1,550,596.65 -26,250.00 -95,333.34 -2.79 -11,613.80 - -333,333.34 - -24,405.32 -12,054,953.76 -140,846.80 36 Water Services Valuations Utility Services Support 228,163,346.02 3,833,768.76 0.00 -0.00 2,820,075.42 Utility Services - Project Moni Unit 2,218,268.61 36,379,626.70 Treasury Urban Renewal Project 39,562,260.45 TRS Corporate Centre 11,876,407.04 Transport 9,636,469.67 995,816.50 2,493,848.65 631,101.90 Town Planning Tourism Development Support Services Supply Chain Management Strategy & Planning Management 1,119,553.90 28,536,791.08 Sport , Recreation and Amenities Strategy 75,550,904.87 Expenditure Solid Waste Services Department 27,901,339.00 - - - 10,145,896.00 925,000.00 100,000.00 500,000.00 - 100,000.00 11,022,691.00 13,145,000.00 Jan 07 Capex -243,944,689.86 -42,437.49 - -2,440,962.03 - -48,687,244.95 -25,989,584.31 -7,253,908.89 -433,241.67 - -719,679.72 -425,000.00 -8,578,603.72 -78,466,586.52 Income Capex 226,599,240.60 3,833,768.80 0.00 0.00 2,820,073.33 2,418,251.34 36,379,626.04 39,506,723.07 12,023,394.08 1,106,469.68 996,554.53 2,493,912.51 539,616.84 1,119,553.87 28,580,903.41 74,789,590.95 Expenditure Income 34,712,164.00 - - - 16,668,000.00 1,795,000.00 - 1,087,400.00 - - 16,343,614.00 14,345,000.00 Feb 07 -247,388,466.95 -42,437.48 - -2,440,962.07 - -48,687,244.98 -25,989,584.13 -7,253,908.86 -433,241.66 - -719,679.73 -425,000.00 -8,237,397.14 -78,466,586.68 37 606,836.37 296,575.19 268,390.39 Community Development Support Corp Supp Serv : Support Services Corporate Services Management 159,632.15 Employment Equity 925,181.71 379,021.45 214,344.90 External Relations Finance Management 26,032,484.37 436,143.98 Expenditure Existing Settlements Executive Support 4,098,687.93 23,222,806.94 Emergency Services Environmental Resource Management 230,453,050.04 Electricity Services 9,500.00 5,088,031.43 484,717.53 1,430,402.48 1,235,322.32 Communication and Marketing Community Development Management Economic and Human Development Economic and Social Dev Management 2,265,657.29 City Spatial Development Development Services 4,131,980.82 City Improvement District 4,875,279.41 1,796,290.12 Corporate Shared Services 1,078,588.81 Citizen Relationship Management 961,145.80 - 1,863,483.69 Budgets Administrative Services Abattoir 2010 Soccer World Cup Department Expenditure 6,743,658.00 - 1,592,740.00 - 13,736,139.00 32,992,747.00 11,586,000.00 20,000.00 4,100,000.00 - - 17,993.00 5,826,989.00 - 730,000.00 Mar 07 Capex -416,666.65 -595,000.00 -262.50 - -943,732.16 - - -227,685.49 -18,601,509.33 -632,666.67 -1,094,444.68 -250,853,036.88 -997,301.02 -272,629.17 -625,859.12 - - -3,046.40 -3,278.71 -831,618.75 -4,301,484.68 Income Capex 214,353.34 376,805.88 925,137.63 25,806,325.68 436,143.67 4,107,288.24 159,633.31 21,848,042.74 238,287,006.77 2,000.00 3,175,825.62 1,430,402.22 5,213,641.19 268,390.54 296,574.96 606,836.29 587,341.13 1,212,148.80 2,265,657.28 4,131,980.82 1,796,326.47 1,078,588.71 961,448.97 - 1,863,483.66 Expenditure Apr 07 6.5: Projections for monthly expenditure and revenue per vote for the City of Cape Town for March and April 2007. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Income - - -227,685.49 -18,601,509.33 -632,666.67 -997,897.35 -278,356,554.05 -997,301.02 -272,629.17 -625,859.11 - - -3,046.40 -3,278.71 -831,618.75 -4,301,484.68 -416,666.65 -595,000.00 -262.50 - -943,732.16 38 297,518.98 - 44,286,886.85 395,600.55 357,849.17 226,096.35 Shareholders Management Unit 1,050,000.00 56,294,965.00 12,578,646.52 - - Roads and Stormwater Service Delivery Integration Management Service Delivery Integration Strat Supp 110,162,479.48 695,808.07 2,033,390.00 410,000.00 - 28,126,503.00 539,975.00 1,873,426.00 200,000.00 350,000.00 Revenue Rates & Other Public Engagement 3,643,875.20 25,017,150.40 Parks 367,751.45 16,077,264.50 Organisational Optimisation Ombudsperson 33,467,037.85 New Settlements 990,838.18 45,950,074.93 Metro Police Office of the City Manager 10,557,401.66 Library Services 288,814.49 1,926,749.26 Legal Services Land Restitution - - -10,326,367.01 -18,657,203.91 -397,160,791.34 -7,337,321.56 -907,831.65 -10,983,688.11 - -30,973,948.83 -3,981,663.44 -1,550,596.20 -26,250.00 -95,333.33 -2.79 -11,613.78 - 3,347,473.99 297,518.97 597,396.06 27,565,082.99 11,713,814.25 226,096.34 357,849.15 395,600.51 44,289,800.73 12,579,854.70 110,162,479.45 695,808.05 3,712,294.26 25,044,041.78 15,574,008.59 367,751.45 990,838.05 33,318,357.08 45,953,611.91 10,557,107.49 1,676,396.16 288,814.48 992,338.59 18,540,683.56 548,378.30 12,179,294.98 6,035,000.00 -333,333.33 - -24,405.31 Capex 334,372.30 Expenditure 548,378.27 182,000.00 -140,846.85 - -12,054,953.77 Income 556,982.64 992,338.63 Property 3,125,317.00 Mar 07 Capex 556,982.65 Internal Audit Informations Systems and Technology Human Settlement Management IDP Process Manage & Business Planning 3,630,272.40 Housing Policy and Research HR Management and Development 597,396.09 27,563,889.68 Housing Finance & Leases 11,634,234.35 Health Services 334,372.33 Expenditure Governance & Interface Financial Support Department Apr 07 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Income - -10,326,367.01 -18,657,203.91 -301,847,711.98 -7,337,321.57 -907,831.65 -10,983,688.12 - -30,823,948.83 -3,981,663.44 -1,550,595.58 -26,250.00 -95,333.33 -2.79 -11,613.78 - -333,333.33 - -24,405.31 -12,054,953.76 -140,846.85 - 39 598,739.76 Water Services 225,339,195.19 3,833,768.79 0.00 Utility Services Support Valuations -0.00 Utility Services - Project Moni Unit 2,820,075.53 Urban Renewal Project 36,379,626.71 Treasury 2,418,268.74 40,303,158.72 Transport TRS Corporate Centre 12,110,230.70 1,136,469.69 994,952.62 2,493,773.79 Town Planning Tourism Development Support Services Supply Chain Management Strategy & Planning Management 1,119,576.67 28,445,402.50 Strategy 74,783,488.97 Sport , Recreation and Amenities 3,924,864.56 Expenditure Solid Waste Services Social Development , Arts & Culture Department 52,898,197.00 - - - 26,570,352.00 1,725,250.00 - 625,000.00 - - 23,011,205.00 18,545,000.00 895,250.00 Mar 07 Capex -970,013.59 -236,794,021.72 -42,437.49 - -2,440,962.06 - -48,687,244.96 -25,989,584.31 -7,253,908.89 -433,241.67 - -719,679.72 -425,000.00 -8,198,143.87 -78,466,586.54 Income Capex 226,798,236.65 3,833,768.75 0.00 -0.00 2,820,075.52 2,418,268.64 36,379,626.63 40,309,165.99 12,176,735.01 9,106,469.66 995,162.54 2,493,791.91 552,142.61 1,119,845.84 28,421,170.72 75,585,060.99 3,924,915.64 Expenditure Apr 07 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Income -233,216,732.40 -42,437.49 - -2,440,962.04 - -48,687,244.95 -25,989,584.31 -7,253,908.89 -433,241.67 - -719,679.72 -425,000.00 -7,685,223.77 -78,466,586.53 -970,013.53 40 1,796,326.54 4,131,980.86 2,265,657.24 1,006,833.01 Citizen Relationship Management City Improvement District City Spatial Development Communication and Marketing Community Development Management 3,176,708.50 Economic and Human Development Economic and Social Dev Management 159,630.99 Employment Equity 4,104,315.79 21,515,995.91 Emergency Services Environmental Resource Management 236,860,982.05 Electricity Services 15,000.00 1,430,402.48 Development Services 268,390.49 Corporate Services Management 5,287,953.74 296,575.13 Corp Supp Serv : Support Services Corporate Shared Services 607,251.11 Community Development Support 484,717.55 1,078,588.62 961,594.59 - 1,863,483.69 Budgets Administrative Services Abattoir 2010 Soccer World Cup Department Expenditure May 07 653,260.00 - 14,958,167.00 92,015,623.00 7,110,000.00 - 16,157,500.00 - - 15,000.00 5,750,364.00 - 400,000.00 Capex -632,666.66 -997,872.19 -273,300,629.15 -997,300.96 -266,329.20 -625,859.21 - - -3,046.40 -3,278.75 -831,618.75 -4,301,484.64 -416,666.70 -595,000.00 -262.50 - -943,732.24 Income 4,111,343.83 487,494.41 21,924,323.38 583,610,073.79 7,000.00 5,152,683.59 3,113,283.86 5,756,590.51 291,606.78 296,574.96 610,364.03 555,503.83 7,793,109.16 2,271,297.70 4,131,980.82 1,796,326.51 1,081,038.89 985,474.60 - 1,863,523.68 Expenditure 1,100,000.00 - 8,270,163.00 154,168,023.00 1,700,000.00 120,000.00 19,028,501.00 - - - 25,202,596.00 75,000.00 120,000.00 Jun 07 Capex 6.6: Projections for monthly expenditure and revenue per vote for the City of Cape Town for May and June2007. -632,666.67 -964,468.96 -344,728,754.75 -997,301.02 -266,329.17 -625,859.11 - - -3,046.44 -3,278.71 -831,618.75 -4,301,484.68 -416,666.65 -595,000.00 -262.50 - -943,732.16 Income 41 - May 07 367,739.56 41,318,009.42 New Settlements Ombudsperson 45,947,169.46 Metro Police 990,838.14 10,556,803.38 Library Services Office of the City Manager 1,676,533.04 288,814.52 Land Restitution Legal Services 992,337.53 6,995,570.28 - 46,053,844.00 383,980.00 5,477,835.00 - 400,000.00 - 6,035,000.00 - -38,823,948.84 -3,981,663.54 -1,550,596.72 -26,250.00 -95,333.34 -2.79 -11,613.80 367,567.90 3,145,420.71 58,567,225.66 47,799,777.25 10,574,734.20 1,676,698.10 288,814.49 995,446.41 13,083,884.70 548,378.29 - 4,492,770.02 297,518.96 600,294.53 27,599,085.93 38,660,834.11 336,481.12 212,773.06 2,274,457.20 929,259.61 28,664,774.53 436,143.91 Expenditure 548,378.22 -333,333.34 - -24,405.32 -12,054,953.77 -140,846.80 - - - -227,685.50 -18,601,509.25 Income 1,807,124.70 - 2,911,922.00 - 6,640,000.00 Capex 556,982.63 Internal Audit Informations Systems and Technology Human Settlement Management IDP Process Manage & Business Planning 3,730,595.56 297,518.77 Housing Policy and Research HR Management and Development 598,341.66 Housing Finance & Leases 27,563,984.58 334,735.13 Financial Support Health Services 214,346.33 Finance Management 11,664,294.77 371,754.57 External Relations Governance & Interface 925,048.82 25,708,101.39 436,143.90 Expenditure Expenditure Existing Settlements Executive Support Department - 370,000.00 89,854,939.00 - 6,291,707.00 120,000.00 622,000.00 - 6,001,530.00 4,200,000.00 1,229,323.00 20,622,120.00 10,933,270.00 Jun 07 Capex - -55,923,948.83 -3,981,663.44 -1,550,595.76 -26,250.00 -95,333.33 -2.79 -11,613.78 - -333,333.33 - -24,405.31 -12,054,953.51 -140,846.85 - - - -227,685.49 -18,601,509.33 Income 42 226,096.35 Shareholders Management Unit 36,379,625.98 Treasury 2,418,251.32 40,730,512.83 Transport TRS Corporate Centre 12,307,599.87 1,106,469.66 995,653.76 2,493,859.68 587,754.28 Town Planning Tourism Development Support Services Supply Chain Management Strategy & Planning Management 1,119,845.80 28,392,161.98 Sport , Recreation and Amenities Strategy 75,678,673.73 Solid Waste Services - 28,017,468.00 900,000.00 - 500,000.00 - - 21,609,453.00 11,415,000.00 498,510.00 - 357,849.15 3,925,085.27 - 395,600.50 Social Development , Arts & Culture 55,673,860.00 44,289,967.44 Roads and Stormwater Service Delivery Integration Management Service Delivery Integration Strategic Support 50,000.00 - 200,000.00 2,766,000.00 12,580,932.85 110,162,480.44 709,101.02 May 07 410,000.00 Capex Revenue Rates & Other Public Engagement 3,720,596.30 25,011,773.86 Parks Property 16,426,993.76 Expenditure Organisational Optimisation Department - -48,687,244.98 -25,989,584.13 -7,253,908.86 -425,891.66 - -719,679.73 -425,000.00 -7,367,949.94 -78,457,367.66 -970,013.54 - -10,326,366.98 -18,657,224.06 -301,847,711.70 -7,337,321.58 -907,830.99 -10,983,688.12 Income 3,586,906.15 36,384,531.83 41,070,113.15 12,820,610.94 1,849,449.26 996,879.61 2,504,081.82 751,163.77 1,120,075.13 28,885,773.29 105,516,093.08 3,925,614.87 226,096.22 357,849.15 395,600.50 44,731,831.89 16,498,464.85 128,758,503.80 1,106,931.85 3,833,209.91 25,868,864.90 18,574,557.83 Expenditure - 6,828,948.00 150,943,411.00 337,500.00 - 1,248,500.00 - 500,000.00 23,534,751.00 12,815,000.00 300,000.00 - 100,000.00 55,185,404.00 50,000.00 117,000,000.00 500,000.00 8,795,390.00 Jun 07 Capex - -50,111,373.61 -25,989,584.31 -7,275,958.89 -425,891.67 - -719,679.72 -425,000.00 -7,372,944.94 -78,361,586.54 -970,013.56 - -10,326,367.01 -18,657,203.91 -319,824,982.57 -7,337,352.37 -860,831.65 -10,996,385.13 Income 43 Water Services 226,983,916.05 3,833,768.81 0.00 Utility Services Support Valuations 0.00 2,820,073.27 Expenditure Utility Services - Project Moni Unit Urban Renewal Project Department - - May 07 47,004,481.00 Capex -231,736,108.13 -42,437.48 - -2,440,962.07 Income 254,259,158.39 3,842,146.44 0.00 -0.00 2,820,075.55 Expenditure 56,498,878.00 - 57,185.00 Jun 07 Capex -240,886,061.24 -42,437.49 - -2,440,962.04 Income 5. Reporting on the SDBIP A series of reporting requirements are outlined in the MFMA. Both the mayor and the accounting officer have clear roles to play in preparing and presenting these reports. The SDBIP provides an excellent basis for generating the reports, for which MFMA gives very clear outlines. The reports then allow the Councillors of the City of Cape Town to monitor the implementation of service delivery programmes and initiatives across the City. 5.1 Monthly Reporting Section 71 of the MFMA stipulates that reporting on actual revenue targets and spending against the budget should occur on a monthly basis. This reporting must be conducted by the accounting officer of a municipality no later than 10 days after the last working day of each month. Reporting must include the following: a. b. c. d. e. actual revenue, per source; actual borrowings; actual expenditure, per vote; actual capital expenditure, per vote; the amount of any allocations received If necessary, explanation of the following must be included in the monthly reports: a. any material variances from the municipality's projected revenue by source, and from the municipality's expenditure projections per vote b. any material variances from the service delivery and budget implementation plan, and; c. any remedial or corrective steps taken or to be taken to ensure that the projected revenue and expenditure remain within the municipality's approved budget 5.2 Quarterly Reporting Section 52 (d) of the MFMA compels the mayor to submit a report to the council on the implementation of the budget and the financial state of affairs of the municipality within 30 days of the end of each quarter. The quarterly performance projections captured in the SDBIP form the basis for the mayor's quarterly report. 5.3 Midyear Reporting Section 72 (1) (a) of the MFMA outlines the requirements for mid-year reporting. The accounting officer is required by the 25th January of each year to assess the performance of the municipality during the first half of the year, taking into account (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) the monthly statements referred to in section 71 for the first half of the year the municipality's service delivery performance during the first half of the financial year, and the service delivery targets and performance indicators set in the service delivery and budget implementation plan; the past year's annual report, and progress on resolving problems identified in the annual report; and the performance of every municipal entity under the sole or shared control of the municipality, taking into account reports in terms of section 88 from any such entities Based on the outcomes of the mid-year budget and performance assessment report, an adjustments budget may be tabled if actual revenue or expenditure amounts are materially different from the projections contained in the budget or the SDBIP. The SDBIP is also a living document and may be modified based on the mid-year performance review. Thus the SDBIP remains a kind of contract that holds the City accountable to the community. 44 6. Conclusions and Recommendations This SDBIP has been developed after the Corporate and ED scorecards were completed. The SDBIP is consistent with the information contained in these scorecards as well as latest financial information. The staff figures per directorate were not finalised at the time of writing this document and can be incorporated once they are finalised. 6.1 Recommendations for SDBIP Process 2007-2008 The process of drafting the City SDBIP for 2006-2007 has generated several best practice options for the process going forward. Key areas where improvements can be made to the content of the City SDBIP so that it enhances the ability of the council to monitor the administration's performance and for the public to hold the City accountable are listed below: l The Institutional Scorecard, since it is compiled from Directorate level and Department level SDBIPs, relies upon the directorates and their component departments to produce strong service delivery targets and performance indicators. Such targets and indicators should focus on tracking the delivery of outputs as well as outcomes that fall within the mandate of departments and directorates. l Performance Scorecards for each of the Executive Directors should be informed by the SDBIPs. This means that the drafting of the SDBIP should lead the process of finalising the scorecards. The performance scorecards of Executive Directors have been completed and the process is being rolled out to the next levels of management. The drafting of these performance scorecards will yield interesting lessons for the generation of performance indicators to be captured in the SDBIP for 2007-2008. l Financial information as it is legislatively required in the SDBIP means that departments have to take responsibility for not only expenditure but also revenue collected by their units. Departments and directorates are required to monitor and remedy their financial performance. This ensures that in the next round of SDBIP drafting, financial information should come from individual departments and not the finance department. Mayor's Approval Approved by the Executive Mayor: Date: 45 46 Parks Parks Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Environmental Resource Management Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Electricity Services Parks Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Health Services Metro Police Environmental Resource Management Parks Community Development Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Health Safety & Security Strategy and Planning Community Development Department Community Development Directorate Annexure A (Capital Budget for 2006-2007) Supply & Install Playgnd Equip Groenvlei Upgrade Fencing Property Improvement: Parow Offices Laboratory & Resource Services resurfacing of court 6 Ajax Football Club: Goalposts Paving of median islands:Voortrekker Rd Paving of median islands:Frans Conradie Paving of media islands:Willie v Schoor Wingfield Elec -EFF Funded Monte Vista- traffic signs replacement Bloulelie sidewalk construction-P.Kloof Upgrading - Tygerberg Nature Reserve DisMan Centre Additions/Alterations Computer : Laptop Equipping of Disaster Mgmnt Centre Purchase of Radio Base Stations Radio - Handsets replacement PC's Desktop x 4 PC's Laptop x 2 Biometric scanning device Vehicles : Mini Busses Communication Equipment Disaster Management Vehicle Replacement Replace Control Vehicle Disaster Management Vehicle Replacement Computer Equipment Training/Safety Training Centre : Training aids New play park equipment:Tygerdal Resurfacing of pathway:Plattekoof WBS Element Description Ward 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 25,000 253,260 150,000 60,000 40,000 23,401 30,000 30,000 20,000 935,650 30,000 40,000 75,000 1,694,500 20,000 1,000,000 50,000 40,000 20,000 18,000 30,000 1,000,000 300,000 300,000 3,300,000 300,000 60,000 100,000 40,000 60,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 47 Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Health Services Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Parks Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Health Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Environmental Resource Management Strategy and Planning Community Development Emergency Services Safety & Security Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Community Development Community Development Sport, Recreation & Amenities Community Development Water Services Library Service Community Development Roads And Stormwater Library Service Community Development Utility Services Water Services Utility Services Transport , Roads & Stormwater Electricity Services Utility Services Roads And Stormwater Metro Police Safety & Security Transport , Roads & Stormwater Health Services Health Environmental Resource Management Supply Chain Management Finance Services Environmental Resource Management Sport, Recreation & Amenities Community Development Strategy and Planning Parks Community Development Strategy and Planning Parks Department Community Development Directorate Develop Cemetery: Wallacedene Edgemead High School Drop & Go C/O Bothma & Vryburger Sidewalk con. Bothasig Clinic: Replacement New playground equipment :Nicobar Park Replacement of playground equip:Combrinc New playground equip:Westhoven Park,Edgm Replacement of plg equip:Donkin Way Security lights on Parks:Blinkwater Cres Landscaping in Ward 5:Bothasig Circle Landscaping in ward 5:Edgemead Library Replacement of playground equip:Garbonne Replacement of playground equip:Steenove Potsdam Wastewater Treatm footway constr - briza rd - tableview CARP Project: Du Noon: Rds & Cycle Trcks Upgrade Fencing Rietvlei Office Vehicle for Rietvlei Fire Stations : Refurbishment Milnerton TC - resurface tennis courts Milnerton Cricket C - upgrade ptich/nets Structural Upgrades Libraries Various Table View Library P/Station Dist 9 : Blomtuin - Ops Man 66kV line Upgrade(Bloemhof) Walk-in Firearm Safe at Reed Street Du Noon Clinic Alarm sysem Kilarney store Bellville Sports Complex: Upgrade FMC Supply & Install Ballards & Cables Install Ballards: Parks in Bellville WBS Element Description Ward 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 200,000 30,000 20,000 1,500,000 9,700 12,000 15,700 13,100 20,000 21,400 10,000 6,100 12,000 58,200,000 75,000 1,280,000 30,390 600,650 200,000 500,000 48,000 50,000 340,872 626,071 149,183 206,400 170,000 100,000 8,100 113,271 30,000 5,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 48 Parks Parks Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Health Services Health Services Environmental Resource Management Environmental Resource Management Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Transport Transport Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Parks Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Health Services Electricity Services Parks Parks Roads And Stormwater Parks Parks Parks Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Health Health Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Health Utility Services Community Development Community Development Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Department Community Development Directorate Development of New Park Upgrading of the Stikland Cemetery Ext of Waste water distribution system Dip footways Protea Road B'Fell Upgrade Park:Jakaranda Str. Brackenfell Dev. of pathway Suikerbossie & Kruin Pat Kraaifontein Upgrade Birghton Clinic: Upgrade Reception Area Redevelopment of sportsfield N/Pine Park upgrade:Joseph Ave, Scottsdene Fencing of graveyard:Van der Ross Eikend Upgrade Kraaifontein Cemetery - Roof Scottsdene WWTW ~Flood Disaster Wallacede-Sewer Flood Disaster Wallacedene Flood Disaster Wallacedene Wallacedene FloodDis Streetlights (CMIP) Wallacedene Streetlighting Bulk Roads:Wallacedene Bulk Roads:Wallacedene Flood Disaster: Wallacedene CSRM: Wallacedeane: Stormwater Upgrade Fencing Upgrade of Bracken Nature Reserve B'fell Clinic: Upg Dispens & Wait Area Scottsdene Clinic: Site Works Spectator stand Old Wallacedene Ward 6 Install sound equipment & big screen 101 Upgrade Park Buiten Crescent, Bernadino Upgrade Park:Rosanna Cres, Wallacedene Upgrade Park:Watsonia Str,Wallacesdene Park Dev Bharu Park Erf 14068 WBS Element Description Ward 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 60,000 90,000 50,000 8,000 35,000 72,000 1,562,200 60,000 100,000 45,000 55,000 40,000 3,763,617 574,297 950,121 1,288,436 558,896 2,102,928 2,740,000 2,663,562 640,609 1,600,000 192,480 30,000 100,000 80,000 65,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 5,000 100,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 49 Parks Parks Health Services Existing Settlements Emergency Services Metro Police Transport Electricity Services Water Services Parks Existing Settlements Transport Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Roads And Stormwater Parks Health Services Health Services Roads And Stormwater Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Community Development Health Integrated Human Settlement Safety & Security Safety & Security Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Utility Services Community Development Integrated Human Settlement Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Health Health Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Department Community Development Directorate Dev of plypark Cnr Umvoti&Umfuli Str Development of plypark:Cnr Thaba&Afram Upgrade Nelson Mandela Peace Park Upgrade of Parks - Delft Ugrade of Parks - Delft New Delft Cemetery New Delft Cemetery Lights Springfield Park Belhar : Ward 12 Wolwe Dans Street, Belhar : Ward 12 Herschell Way, Belhar : Ward 12 Buren & Merwede Str, Belhar : Ward 12 Kanala Street, Belhar : Ward 12 McClear Way, Belhar : Ward 12 Tar s/walk- Edison, between Erica and Ba St Vincent Clinic - upgrade Extension of Shelter at St Vincent CHC Drip Irrig, S'bosch Arterial Rd, Belhar Langverwacht Canal Design & construct Netball/Basket courts on tarred area Ply equip cor:Exceisior str/ Highbury Rd Upgrade High Mask Lights - Ravensmead Dreyer Street, Bellville: Ward 10 Upgrading of Park:Purchasing of Ply equi Bellville WWTW Bellville South Upgrade Upgrading of s/lights in Labianc: Ward 9 Property Improvement: Bellrail Equipment : Rescue/Hazmat Steel Railings - Bellville South Flats Bellville South Clinic: Extensions Tarring of footpath in Franklouw Park Provision of ply equip Burkea Crec-park WBS Element Description 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 10 Ward 20,000 20,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 60,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 8,000 12,000 12,000 8,000 25,000 160,000 30,000 50,000 2,000,000 40,000 15,000 48,500 15,500 20,000 51,019 3,925,700 20,000 50,000 1,400,000 50,000 500,000 10,000 30,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 50 Sport, Recreation & Amenities Economic & Human Development Economic & Human Development Parks Parks New Settlements Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Transport Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities New Settlements Emergency Services Environmental Resource Management Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Water Services Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Health Services Health Services New Settlements Water Services Water Services Water Services Economic and Social Development Economic and Social Development Community Development Community Development Integrated Human Settlement Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Integrated Human Settlement Safety & Security Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Community Development Community Development Community Development Health Health Integrated Human Settlement Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Department Community Development Directorate Mfuleni (Bardale) Water Mfuleni (Bardale)Sewer Mfuleni (Bardale) Water Mfuleni Ext 2 - 1500 Units New facility Eerste River Mfuleni - New Clinic Mfuleni Recreational Centre Community Park -Mfuleni Develop Metro South-East Cemetery Zandvliet Wastewater Trea Construct Sidewalks Firgrove Construct Sidewalks Macassar Erf 2633 Macassar:Rds Erf 2633 Macassar:Rds CSRM: Main Stormwater System Macassar Infrastructure : Wolfgat/Macassar Upgrading of Fire Stations Kalkfontein Ph 2: 309 Units Acquisition of Equipment Facilities Improve Netball Club Salvo Park Macassar Establishment of Park : Macassar Kloof Street, Dumas Park, CBD: Ward 14 Blackheath SW - Design&Construct bulk SW Malibu Area TC Albert Philander Rd - Design/Upgrade Albert Philander Rd - Design/Upgrade Happy Valley Phase 2 - 1000 Units EquipParks:Jagtershof,Penhill,Blackheath Upgrading of Park: Penhill Happy Valley Uluntu Plaza Wesbank Uluntu Plaza Wesbank Sportsfield: Upgrade WBS Element Description 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 Ward 1,611,200 1,439,698 236,215 3,000,000 200,000 7,488,144 609,102 150,000 200,000 18,595,991 9,600 60,510 1,200,000 500,000 1,810,263 270,000 1,000,000 200,000 22,602 47,000 30,000 10,000 1,402,920 9,370 1,912,930 4,000,000 2,500,000 60,000 30,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 846,783 2006/2007 Current Budget 51 Water Services Parks Parks Parks Parks Roads And Stormwater Transport Transport Parks New Settlements Metro Police Metro Police Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Transport Transport Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Economic & Human Development Economic & Human Development Health Services New Settlements City Spatial Development Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Transport Transport Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Environmental Resource Management Roads And Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Integrated Human Settlement Safety & Security Safety & Security Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Economic and Social Development Economic and Social Development Health Integrated Human Settlement Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Department Utility Services Directorate Imp to Eversdal Moredou Intersection Upgrade - Durbanville Nature Reserve New surface & improvement Delft Community Facilities: Upgrade Durbanville Rose Garden - Alt Water Srce Voorbrug Sportsfield Development Himast Westbank Crossing : Ward 19 Himasts Silversands Rd : Belhar: Ward 19 Sunbird Park - Design&construct Rds&sw Delft CBD Uluntu Plaza Sunbird Park - Design&construct Rds&sw Kalkfontein Ph 3: 1000 Units Westbank Clinic - Replacement Purchase of Soap Making Machine Nooiensfontein Livestock Managem Project Upgrading by replacing of equip Finch Rd Construction- Westbank Community Centre Establishment of Park Mfuleni Bardale Erf 451: S/lighting Mfuleni Ext 5: Bus/Taxi Rank (South) Bardale (erf 451): Bulk Roads (EFF) Bardale (erf 451): Bulk SW (EFF) Bardale (erf 451): Bulk SW (MIG) Bardale (erf 451): Bulk Roads (MIG) Property Improvement-Kuilsriver Offices Property Improvement:Testing centre Bardale / Fairdale: Develop 4000 Units Floodlighting: The Hague Road: Ward 17 Upgrade Kuils River Cemetery Floodlighting POS Rio Street: Ward 17 Melton Rd - Design & construct/Upgrade New parks:Honeysuckle Rd,Hillcrest Youth Playfield:Honeysuckle&Chestnut Rd Upgrade of Cemetery : Kleinvlei Youth Playfield:Lima rd, Malibu Village Mfuleni (Bardale)Sewer WBS Element Description 21 21 21 20 21 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 17 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 Ward 28,000 60,000 60,000 282,147 10,000 42,934 45,000 40,000 3,850,000 1,268,033 4,730,000 1,000,000 2,750,000 41,029 600,000 20,000 3,270,922 30,000 848,000 50,000 6,500,000 10,137,960 9,973,567 4,000,000 70,000 400,000 21,000,000 15,000 50,000 15,000 3,630,000 30,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 915,840 2006/2007 Current Budget 52 Roads And Stormwater Parks Parks Existing Settlements Existing Settlements New Settlements Transport Transport Water Services Water Services Parks Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Emergency Services Metro Police Environmental Resource Management Environmental Resource Management Roads And Stormwater Transport Water Services Parks Parks Roads And Stormwater Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Health Services Existing Settlements Metro Police Community Development Community Development Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Utility Services Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Safety & Security Safety & Security Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Community Development Community Development Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Health Integrated Human Settlement Safety & Security Department Transport , Roads & Stormwater Directorate Property Improvement: Elsies River Major Upgrading of Uitsig Houses Uitsig Clinic: Security Fencing Installation of training lights Upgrading of lighting Park development:Barlinka Park Park development: Saron Park Park development:Cantebury Park Park development: Fairview Park Park development: Adonis & Zeus Park development: Drie Susters Park Park development :Connaught Park Bishop Lavis CBD area-premix Park development:Vygie Park,Bishop Lavis Park development:Concorde Park,Bishop L R27: Addtl lanes and intersection impr Melkbos Wastewater Treatm Humewood TC Erosion Control Blaauwberg Conserv Area Blaauwberg Conservation Area Property Improvement:Atlantis Melkbos Beach Development Upgrade Melkbosstrand Fire Station Footpath bridge KleinSoutrivier to Beach New refuse drums & benches Ward 23 Landscape & Panting-Palm Trees Tble View Remove midblock water network-Bishop Lav Lighting Parking Area Delft : Ward 22 Remove midblock sewer network-Bishop Lav Park in Lavender Street, Belhar: Ward 22 Belhar/Pentech Strip: 350 Houses Major Upgrading - Belhar Area Reading Room - Chestnut Place Modderdam Cemetery Upgrade Upgrade Modderdam Cemetery - Replace Bou Traffic Calming:Mosselbank and Stepping WBS Element Description 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 24 24 24 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 Ward 50,000 500,000 35,000 40,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 6,000 265,000 16,000 15,000 1,000,000 333,536 50,000 30,390 550,000 30,000 133,594 1,000,000 15,000 10,000 50,000 1,000,000 20,000 1,500,000 20,000 1,000,000 100,000 42,000 80,000 108,000 55,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 53 Library Service Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Supply Chain Management Existing Settlements Roads And Stormwater Transport Library Service Parks Parks Health Services Metro Police Roads And Stormwater Sport, Recreation & Amenities Existing Settlements Transport Parks Economic & Human Development City Spatial Development Town Planning Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Transport Electricity Services Water Services Existing Settlements Existing Settlements Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Water Services Parks Parks Parks Parks Community Development Community Development Community Development Finance Services Integrated Human Settlement Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Health Safety & Security Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Integrated Human Settlement Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Economic and Social Development Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Utility Services Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Department Community Development Directorate Park development:Lesagra Park Park development:Downing Park Park development:Simon and Jean Str Remove midblock sewer network-Ruyterwach Ext of Waste water distribution system Bishop Lavis- Sidewalk construction Valhalla-Uintjie Intersection upgrade Upgrade Old Age Home - Matroosfontein Upgrade Kitchens - Kalksteenfontein Atlantis Neutral Earth Resistors Atlantis - Admin building Str lighting Klapmuts Ave Mamre: Ward 29 TRAFFIC CALMING - ATLANTIS Traffic calming in Mamre bus shelters - ATL / MAMRE / PELLA Atlantis Uluntu Plaza Mamre Heritage Resources Furbished Container : Mamre Taxi Stand Inf Settlements: Prov Of Parks Atlantis Public Lighting in Salberau: Ward 28 Major Upgrading - Adriaanse Area Hugo St: extend parking area Resurfacing netball court Property Improvement: Goodwood Upgrading shelter at Dirkie Uys CHC Tree replacement Play equipment at parks Frans Conr Rd to De Grendel RW: Ward 26 Goodwood Library : Fencing Upgrade Existing Parking:Parow Major Upgrading - Leonsdale Area CCTV Camera - Parow store Benches Fencing of open space:Marais & Glen Lily Fencing Leonsdale Library WBS Element Description 31 31 31 30 31 30 30 30 30 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 28 28 27 28 27 27 27 27 26 27 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 Ward 14,000 14,000 25,000 1,200,000 40,000 70,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 735,000 40,000 100,000 32,000 6,000 12,000 300,000 500,000 15,000 50,000 20,000 800,000 700,000 40,000 60,000 30,000 30,000 20,000 50,000 100,000 233,064 1,300,000 35,500 6,000 20,000 10,000 735,573 2006/2007 Current Budget 54 Parks Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Health Services Health Services Existing Settlements Existing Settlements New Settlements Metro Police Metro Police Transport Water Services Parks Parks Health Services New Settlements Town Planning Transport Transport Water Services Water Services Parks Health Services New Settlements City Spatial Development City Spatial Development City Spatial Development Transport Electricity Services New Settlements Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities City Spatial Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Health Health Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Safety & Security Safety & Security Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Community Development Community Development Health Integrated Human Settlement Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Utility Services Community Development Health Integrated Human Settlement Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Integrated Human Settlement Community Development Community Development Community Development Strategy and Planning Department Community Development Directorate Philippi East Uluntu Plaza Mandalay Community Hall Upgrade parks Philippi-East Philippi Park Flooding Install Boreholes - Louw Street Electrification: Kosovo (EFF) High Mast Samora Machel, Philippi Tsoga Environmental Resource Centre Oliver Tambo Drive Phase 2 Browns Farm Phase 6(PLF&UISP) Oliver Tambo Dr - Public Fac Weltevreden Valley clinic Play park dev:Fencing for Masiphumelele Informal Settlement Proj - Standpipes Incremental Upgrade Areas - Standpipes Str lighting Nottingham Witsand: ward 32 Lights Witsand Informal Camp: Ward 32 Protea Park Improvements Witsand Housing Project - Phase 2 Protea Park Clinic - upgrade Container Magnolia Street Park Borcherds Quarry WWTW Provision of a container for Disa Park Lighting V/halla Pk Replace power supply and equipment box Claim 8/70/05-06 GW2/50/2005-6 CCTV came Netreg Housing Project Upgrade Staircases - Nooitgedacht Major Upgrading - Bishop Lavis Area Valhalla Park Clinic: Upgrade New Roof Valhalla Park Clinic Artificial cricket wicket Netreg Comm centre - fit wheel chair ram Park development:Eleanor Park Park development:Downing Str Crescent 1 Pard development:Nevada Park WBS Element Description 35 35 35 34 35 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 31 32 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 Ward 1,000,000 2,983,278 50,000 70,000 150,000 5,854,430 120,000 2,319,789 1,000,000 4,500,000 288,506 399,841 20,000 600,000 2,000,000 20,000 70,000 220,000 5,000,000 40,000 25,000 105,710 25,000 26,600 5,769 27,254 100,000 47,000 150,000 100,000 130,000 25,000 10,000 26,000 17,000 20,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 55 Transport Transport Parks Health Services Health Services Roads And Stormwater Transport Parks Parks Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities New Settlements Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Parks City Spatial Development Roads And Stormwater Social Development, Arts & Culture Health Services Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Existing Settlements City Spatial Development Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Health Health Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Integrated Human Settlement Community Development Community Development Community Development Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Economic and Social Development Health Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Integrated Human Settlement Strategy and Planning Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Department Transport , Roads & Stormwater Directorate Erection of practice lights_Rocklands SF Upgrading Rocklands SF Toilets Strandfontein Swimming Pool: Upgrade Upgrading Parks:Tempest close,Rocklands Upgrading of Old Bandstand area Upg of parks - Firefly Road - Rocklands Upg of parks - Spitfire Road -Rocklands Upg of parks - Tomahawk Road -Rocklands Manenberg the Downs Ph 3 Upgrading The Downs CC Major Upgrading - Manenberg Area Further Development of Play Park Upgrading Concrete Roads Gugulethu WARD 41:SIDEWALKS IN WARD 41 Gugulethu Clinic: X-ray Equipment WARD 40:SIDEWALK IN NY 137,GUGULETHU Establish Creche Nonkubela Street Gugule Kanana Cultural Centre Inf Settlements: Prov Of Parks Guguletu Extension of Hlazo Mini Hall Cemeteries Infrastructure SR Facilities Nyanga & Langa: Upgrade Lansdowne Infill Project - Erf 8448 Renovate Youth Centre as a library Nyanga Soccer Stadium Water Pumps - New Graves Grave Shutters Construction of play park @NY74 Ward 38 - Park - old location Gugulethu Various Lighting: Ward 37 CSRM: Lotus Canal Widening:Gugulethu N2 Gateway Project N2 Gateway Project Lentegeur & Mandalay Station PTI's:Dsg Upgrade Park, Crossroads Klipfontein Mission, K/fontein: Ward 35 WBS Element Description 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 42 42 42 42 41 41 41 40 41 40 40 39 39 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 37 37 37 37 35 36 35 Ward 50,000 60,000 22,713 15,000 50,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 840,260 80,000 600,000 120,000 6,000,000 200,000 520,000 130,000 198,510 200,000 80,000 150,000 100,000 254,546 3,698,000 882,774 150,665 25,330 30,390 19,470 86,945 100,000 5,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 7,000,000 100,000 10,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 56 City Spatial Development Roads And Stormwater Transport Water Services Existing Settlements Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities New Settlements Metro Police Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Health Services Existing Settlements Existing Settlements City Spatial Development Transport Economic & Human Development Economic & Human Development City Spatial Development Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities New Settlements Transport Electricity Services Water Services Library Service Library Service Library Service Parks Parks Parks Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Integrated Human Settlement Community Development Community Development Community Development Integrated Human Settlement Safety & Security Community Development Community Development Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Health Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Economic and Social Development Economic and Social Development Strategy and Planning Community Development Community Development Community Development Integrated Human Settlement Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Utility Services Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Department Strategy and Planning Directorate Park development:Vyeboom Park Park Development - Date Palm Park Park Development - Bessie Park Bonteheuwel Library Bonteheuwel Library Bonteheuwel Library Athlone Wastewater Treatm Philippi - Athlone Reinforcement General PTI Improvements Athlone Stadium: General Upgrading Kewtown Infill Development Athlone Stadium: General Upgrading Upgrading Athlone Regional Park Gatesville CBD Uluntu Plaza Gatesville/Rylands F&V Market Hanover Park Transport Interchange:EFF Athlone Fish Market Hanover Park CBD Uluntu Plaza Major Upgrading - Hanover Park Area Water Points - 26 Blocks of Flats H/Park Hanover Park Clinic - Upgrading security Concrete rds TRS Dist 6 (EFF) TAR GRAVEL AREA:DAWOOD BUTCHERY Concrete rds TRS Dist 6 (MIG) Rehabilitation of Ablutions POS:Dev Thames Ave-Manenberg Ave Fencing CCTV: Roll-out (Gugulethu/Nyanga Manenberg/Sherwood Park Hall Phoenix [UISP(64)] Development of Chrildren play park Upg of Letaba Road Park - Manenberg Major Upgrading - Heideveld Area Mitchells Plain WWTW CSRM: Schaapkraal Stormwater A.Z.Berman Xmas illumination Hero's Acre: Design Lookout Space design WBS Element Description 50 50 50 50 50 50 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 48 48 47 48 47 47 47 47 46 46 46 46 46 45 45 45 45 45 44 43 43 43 43 Ward 12,000 9,000 15,000 2,023,426 356,349 123,408 472,818 5,070,000 6,500,000 30,000,000 3,638,000 48,251,288 60,000 2,118,659 3,500,000 2,750,000 1,000,000 2,103,284 400,000 50,000 100,000 1,074,712 140,000 3,602,612 132,281 25,000 2,000,000 2,613,931 1,800,000 200,000 45,000 400,000 370,884 3,000,000 25,000 200,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 57 Sport, Recreation & Amenities Existing Settlements Transport Parks Parks Parks Existing Settlements Existing Settlements City Spatial Development Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Health Services Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Supply Chain Management Existing Settlements Emergency Services Emergency Services City Spatial Development Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Transport Water Services Library Service Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Economic & Human Development Metro Police City Spatial Development Transport Transport Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Integrated Human Settlement Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Health Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Finance Services Integrated Human Settlement Safety & Security Safety & Security Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Community Development Community Development Community Development Economic and Social Development Safety & Security Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Department Community Development Directorate Lagoonwall Beach Development Upgrade Roads: Maitland Cemetery Sanddrift Park - Corsair Close Granger Bay Boulevard Extra lighting street & POS: Ward 54 Green Point Alt Inf Trading Market Property improvements at Stables Green Point Alt Informal Trading Site Sea Point Promenade: Paving Sea Point Library : Equipment -WAWG 791 Green Point Stadium: Equipment & Seating Replacement of Langa Sewer Streetlighting-Elsieskraal River Reserve Watkyns Continuation of Barrier Traffic Calming Victory Ave Additional Fire Engine Athlone Power Station Additional Fire Engine Upgrade Ablutions Special Quarters Langa Fencing Ndabeni store Bhunga Square bathhouse upgrade Provide add plypark equip Coniston Way Langa Pool - upgrade Upgrade Papu Park Upgrade and extensions Langa Clinic Langa:Rds Upgrading Langa:Rds Upgrading Hostels - Phase 4 (EFF) Langa Interchange Hostels - Phase 4 (SDCF) Further Dev Basketball Field&chairs Lang Further Dev Children Park Gumba Close Inf Settlement:Prov of Parks Dev - Langa Upgrade Offices & Toilets - Bonth Shops Hardepeer Park, Bonteheuwel: Ward 50 Bluegum Com centre - fit wheel chair ram WBS Element Description 55 55 55 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 52 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 50 50 50 Ward 22,731 94,280 42,000 1,000,000 50,000 1,000,000 50,000 4,300,000 300,000 50,000 121,509 600,000 17,745 10,000 25,000 2,300,000 500,000 2,300,000 65,200 68,100 7,000 12,000 20,000 13,055 549,560 18,724 2,422,819 343,827 1,000,000 2,000,000 70,000 130,000 50,000 50,000 20,000 10,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 58 Sport, Recreation & Amenities Health Services Emergency Services Metro Police Metro Police Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Electricity Services Parks New Settlements New Settlements Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Transport Water Services Water Services Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Metro Police City Spatial Development Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Parks Parks Parks Parks Roads And Stormwater Transport Transport Transport Electricity Services Health Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Community Development Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Utility Services Community Development Community Development Community Development Safety & Security Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Department Community Development Directorate Loch Road Transformer Replacement Claremont CBD: Taxi Facilities (CMIP) Claremont CBD:Taxi Facilities Pedestrian crossing improvements, Victor Claremont CBD:Taxi Facilities Upgrade of Liesbeek Trail Upgrade of playparks in ward 58 Tree planting in ward 58 Rondebosch Common Upgrade Fencing, barriers Traffic Calming Ward 57 Raised Intersection Long & Albert Roads Salt River / Woodstock Urban Upgrade CCTV: Woodstock CCTV Roll-out Hartleyvale Stadium: Upgrade & Improve Upgrade Parks,Ward57 Upper Rd Roodebloom Shelley Str. SF install irrigation Bulk Infrastructure : Wingfield Sewer Bulk Infrastructure : Wingfield Devel Additional Lighting : Ward 56 Additional directional signage: Roodeblo Road construction Kensington Ward 56 CSRM: Bulk Infrastructure: Wingfield Dev Salamander Plain- Factreton - Hsg Proj Wingfield Housing Project Park Dev Fac'ton 13th Ave&Sutherland Str Koeberg Rd Switch Station Upg - Phase 1 Imprvements : Bosmansdam Rd(BICL) Traffic Mirrors -Sanddrift & Brooklyn footway constr - sanddrift Improvements - Bosmansdam Rd N Panorama: Upgrading of Security Property Improvement: Milnerton Albow Gardens\Goodhope CHC extensions Specialised Vehicles : Fire Engines Floodlights Saxon Rovers FC WBS Element Description 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 Ward 120,800 6,959,041 5,000,000 50,000 6,000,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 25,000 112,000 121,620 55,000 3,990,084 2,000,000 235,979 26,000 22,000 2,386,703 2,660,605 89,000 20,000 111,000 13,605,000 471,000 10,000,000 50,000 1,130,600 2,000,000 8,000 202,000 1,100,000 20,500 50,000 599,000 61,539 50,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 59 Library Service Parks Parks Parks Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Transport Parks Parks Parks Town Planning Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Existing Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements Roads And Stormwater Electricity Services Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Land Restitution Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Electricity Services Parks Parks Parks Community Development Community Development Community Development Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Integrated Human Settlement Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Community Development Community Development Community Development Department Community Development Directorate Playground Equipment: Aintree Rd, Ottery Playgrd Equip: New Market St, Ottery Playgrd Equipment: Lingfield Rd, Ottery Constantia Nek Circle Rehab Bisschop Road Palisade fencing - Plumstead station Gabriel Road Housing Development Fence: Springfield Cnvent/Wynberk Pk Upgrade of Liesbeek Trail Maynardville Park Upgrading Signs for greenbelt walkway Install Boreholes - Wynberg Park Maynardville Phase 1 - Upgrade Maynardville Park Upgrade Clovelly Main Substation Dido Valley Housing Development CSRM: Sunnydale: Stormwater System Dido Valley - Additional Servicing Ocean View Housing Project Major Upgrading - Ocean View Area Upgrade Squash Simons Town Country Club Upg Open Space Entrance To Masiphumulele Soetwater: Upgrade SWater: Lansdowne Corridor Development Cycle path signage for schools Lansdowne Ind Area Rehab Signage for Parks in Ward 60 Centre Island - Wetton Rd Circle, L'down Upgrade of playparks in ward 60 Upgrading of lighting in Ward 59 RESTORE FOUNTAIN & UPGRADE I/SECTION Installation of dipped curbs for wheelch Upgrade of Liesbeek Trail Centre Island - Doncaster Rd Arderne Gardens:Install irrigation sys Claremont Library Shelving and Furniture WBS Element Description 63 63 63 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 60 60 60 60 60 60 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 Ward 19,835 24,460 19,835 560,820 26,751,000 40,000 622,000 30,000 10,000 30,000 10,000 180,000 600,000 210,000 12,791,500 1,500,000 8,190,977 1,000,000 1,000,000 150,000 25,000 50,000 606,528 1,589,600 7,500 250,000 10,000 60,000 80,000 50,000 50,000 12,500 45,000 85,000 24,000 1,003,305 2006/2007 Current Budget 60 Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Roads And Stormwater Electricity Services Parks Parks Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Social Development, Arts & Culture Health Services Metro Police Electricity Services Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Existing Settlements Environmental Resource Management Transport Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Community Development Community Development Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Economic and Social Development Health Safety & Security Utility Services Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Integrated Human Settlement Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Department Community Development Directorate Parkwood Sports Complex: Develop Playgrd Equip: Field Ave, Lotus River Playgrd Equip: Stanley/ Klip Rds, Lotus Playgrd Equip: Behind Beulah Crt, Parkwo Playgrd Equip: Grasryk Crt Park, Ottery Ottery: Upgrade public open space. Upgrade Play Park at Cavalry & Minstrel Install play equipment Upgrade Klip North West Cemetery Christmas Lighting in Ward 65 Install play equipment Replace Viewing Towers Major Upgrading - Grassy Park Area Playgrd Equipment: 3rd Ave, Lotus River Playgrd Equipment: 4th Ave, Lotus River Playgrd Equip: Koraal Court, Lotus River Playgrd Equipment: Buck Road, Lotus Rive Playgrd Equip: Ibis Rd, Grassy Park Playgrd Equip: Heron Rd, Grassy Park Playgrd Equip: Nita Rd, Grassy Park Playgrd equip on new tarmac base Improvements to Muizenberg offices Muizenberg - Phase 2 Seawinds Clinic - Extensions Est of Food Garden: Vrygrond Enhancement of Bathing Boxes: St James Sea Winds: Develop regional sportsfield Boreholes - Uitsig Rd, Marina da Gama Upgrading of Sandvlei Rugby Facility Centre Island - Sunrise Circle, Muiz'brg Upgrade Muizenberg Cemetery Rosmead Ave Transformer Replacement Old Strandfontein:Kerbs & Sidewalks Playground Equipment: Sandown Rd, Ottery William Herbert Womens Changeroom Playground Equipment: Epsom Rd, Ottery WBS Element Description 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 65 66 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 63 63 63 63 63 Ward 1,400,000 39,308 20,000 27,188 44,768 30,000 60,000 15,000 438,078 50,000 30,000 50,650 250,000 12,734 15,196 27,929 27,929 12,734 15,196 7,102 15,789 153,000 11,235,000 1,806,383 10,000 50,000 740,000 150,000 70,000 80,000 130,000 25,100,000 96,195 19,835 350,000 19,835 2006/2007 Current Budget 61 Sport, Recreation & Amenities Existing Settlements Metro Police Metro Police Metro Police Metro Police Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Transport Transport Parks Parks Existing Settlements Existing Settlements New Settlements New Settlements Environmental Resource Management Transport Water Services Parks Parks Existing Settlements Transport Parks Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Health Services New Settlements City Spatial Development Parks Parks Parks Parks Social Development, Arts & Culture Integrated Human Settlement Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Community Development Community Development Integrated Human Settlement Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Health Integrated Human Settlement Strategy and Planning Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Economic and Social Development Department Community Development Directorate Est of Food Garden: Westlake Upgrade Soccerfield: Westlake Paved footpath:Door-de-Kraal Dam Lights along footpath:Door-de-Kraal Dam Planting of tree:Door-de-Kraal Dam Masiphumelele Uluntu Plaza Masiphumelele Housing Project - Phase 4 Masiphumlele Clinic - Extensions Upgrading of Museum : Fishhoek Reconstrct Wooden bridge: Fishhoek Upgrade Civic Hall: Fishhoek Install F/Ball post and seating: N/Hoek Develop Play Parks Beethoven Street, Steenberg: Ward 68 Major Upgrading - Retreat Area Water points: community gardens: Ward 68 Playgrd Equip:Lavender Hill/Montague Vil Cape Flats Wastewater Tre Walton Close Pathway, Retreat: Ward 67 Upgrade Fencing:Rondevlei Rondevlei Housing Project Extend Vibracrete Wall - House Morea Pelican Park Phase 1 Housing Project Construct Vibracrete Wall Walton Rd Retr Playgrd Equip:St Bruno Rd, Montague Vill Pelican Park: Upgrade public open space Christmas lighting in Ward 66 Concrete rds TRS Dist 6 (MIG) Malibongwe Park Streetlighting Blackbird Rd / Montagues Gift Upgrading of Security at Hillstar Property Improvement: Hillstar Property Improvement: Ottery Testing Sta Major Upgrading - Parkwood Area Improvements to Ottery offices Ottery Stephanians Sportsfield WBS Element Description 71 71 70 70 70 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 68 68 68 68 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 Ward 40,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 20,000 624,180 2,000,000 200,000 20,000 200,000 80,000 50,000 50,000 56,000 650,000 14,000 48,000 300,000 12,000 45,590 5,330,000 20,000 2,000,000 50,000 25,000 30,000 50,000 9,381,433 462,900 1,093,883 200,000 170,000 500,000 250,000 114,500 250,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 62 Parks Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Supply Chain Management Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Supply Chain Management Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Existing Settlements New Settlements Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Roads And Stormwater Transport Transport Library Service Community Development Community Development Community Development Finance Services Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Finance Services Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Department Community Development Directorate Central Library, Old Drill Hall Lentegeur&Mandalay Statn PTI:Cons (CMIP) A.Z.Berman Xmas illumination Establishment Park:Lupin&Kameeldoring Raised Intersec Sunflower & Keurboom MP Establishment of Parks:Snapdragon Street Upgrading Park:Tritonia str Netball&Bask Upgrading of Park:Haakdoring street Upgrading Parks:Begonia Play equipment Skateboard Ramp:cnr Washington Drive Signage for Parks:Colorado Park upgrading:Appolo Crescent Colorado Centre Islands - Morgenster Rd Centre Island - C/o Highlands & Vanguard Upgrade parks New Woodlands Construct Rds:Victoria Ave Upgrading Construct Rds:Victoria Ave Upgrading Victoria Rd Slope Rehabilitation Imizamo Yethu - Ph 2: New Services Major Upgrading - Hout Bay Area Diep River Main Rd Culvert Installation of flow monitor Ward 73 Bus Shelters Bergvliet High School Fencing at Constantia store Meadowridge Common:Continuation Bollards Bollards along Kendal Rd Ply Park Myburg Upgrading of playpark in ward 73 Upgrade Plumstead Cemetery Die Oog: Brick pathway for wheelchair Insurance: replacement of trunking radio Construct tarred sidewlk:2nd Ave,G/Park Security gates at Southfield store Princess Vlei Eco-Advent: Construct hall Centre Islands - C/o M5 & Victoria Rd Pipe Fencing: Retreat Install drip irrigation system WBS Element Description 77 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 75 75 75 75 75 75 74 74 74 74 74 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 Ward 12,052,607 1,325,000 25,000 89,250 43,389 18,400 12,000 43,350 12,000 40,000 20,000 20,000 50,000 80,000 50,000 540,000 200,000 1,542,409 5,000,000 300,000 1,000,000 20,000 30,000 22,000 28,000 40,000 30,000 100,000 20,000 6,578 30,000 23,000 1,559,924 50,000 15,000 15,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 63 Library Service Library Service Library Service Library Service Parks Parks Property Existing Settlements Metro Police City Spatial Development City Spatial Development City Spatial Development Town Planning Roads And Stormwater Transport Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Roads And Stormwater Transport Transport Transport Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Metro Police Metro Police Town Planning Roads And Stormwater Transport Transport Health Services New Settlements Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Economic and Social Development Integrated Human Settlement Safety & Security Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Safety & Security Safety & Security Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Health Integrated Human Settlement Department Community Development Directorate Phillipi East 5 Housing Project Mzamomhle Clinic - completion of project Mitchells Plain Station TI (East) Construction Median Island Alpine Rd MP A.Z.Berman Xmas illumination Mitchells Plain Urban Renewal Property Improvement: M'Plain Drive Test Traffic Lic Mplain:Building Improvements Upgrading of Parks:Orphues Crescent Upgrading of Parks:Fidelio Crescent Upgrading Park:Peugeot Cresc:Bollards Upgrading Parks:Yvonne Str in Morgenster Upgrading of Park:Grand Canyon&Wakki Upgrading Park:Aintree Cresc:Bollards Boreholes - Bentley Str, Eastridge Mitchell's Plain Station TI Mitchell's Plain Station TI A.Z.Berman Xmas illumination Construction Sidewalks in Broadway Rd MP Upgrading of Stephan Reagan SF Upgrading of Park:New,Bollards,Play equi ICS/Powerstation site Station Deck Long Distance Prestwich St Remains Memorial Cape Town CBD Upgrade Pedestrian Links Grand Parade Revitalisation CBD Pedestrianisation Bo-Kaap - Structural Upgrade of Houses claim 8/48/05-06 CT03/60/2005-6 CCTV cam Replacement of GIS Equipment Upgrade Company's Garden CCTV Cameras - Company Gardens Central Library, Old Drill Hall Central Lib, computer and off. equipment Central Lib, Furn and Fittings Central Lib, surveillance equipment WBS Element Description 80 80 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 78 78 78 78 78 78 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 Ward 6,350,000 1,224,021 5,000,000 60,000 25,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 500,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 41,000 14,000 30,000 150,000 13,000,000 5,863,359 50,000 56,216 50,000 100,000 295,387 1,500,000 5,837,500 2,203,877 1,600,000 180,000 120,000 33,885 400,000 350,000 500,000 5,000,000 350,000 3,825,600 780,070 2006/2007 Current Budget 64 Metro Police Metro Police Metro Police Environmental Resource Management Electricity Services Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Health Services Emergency Services Transport Transport Transport Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Health Services Environmental Resource Management Environmental Resource Management Town Planning Roads And Stormwater Transport Transport Transport Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Economic & Human Development Economic & Human Development Environmental Resource Management Safety & Security Safety & Security Strategy and Planning Utility Services Community Development Community Development Community Development Health Safety & Security Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Health Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Economic and Social Development Economic and Social Development Strategy and Planning Department Safety & Security Directorate Reserve Development: Helderberg Sir Lowry's Pass Business Hives Tunnel Farming, Somerset West Upgrade Helderzicht Park Provide plyequip Park in Kleinbos Str Upgrade Fencing: Rusthof Cemetery Upgrade Roadways at Goedehoop Cemetery Sir Lowry's Pass Development Public Open Space Dev: Sercor Park Ph 2 A.Z.Berman Xmas illumination Bokkeveld POS: Ward 82 ARARAT P.O.S: Ward 82 Construct Median Island Paulsberg Rd MP ~Tafelsig Multi-purpose Centre: Create P Upgrade Footpaths Tafelsig Clinic - Upgrade Fire Roads: Wolfgat Erection of practice lights_Dolomite SF MPlain Youth & Family Centre Construction of M/Plain Youth and Family MPlain Youth & Family Centre Upgrading Parks.P.O.S:Leeukop,Bollards Upgrading Parks P.O.S:Bokkeveld&Bollards Martingale Street POS: Ward 81 A.Z.Berman Xmas illumination POS Welkom, Portlands: Ward 81 G.P.S. Navigational Complete Unit Swartklip Soccer Development 2010 Rockland Clinic:Ext Dist OfficeWait area upgrading of sportfields_MitchellsPlain Upgrading Parks:Monsoon&Temparal Str Sweethome: Electrification Edith Stephens Fencing Property Improvement at Phillipi M Plain -Specialised equipment Installation of Firearm Safe at Phillipi WBS Element Description 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 80 80 80 80 80 Ward 150,000 1,500,000 36,228 30,000 35,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 40,000 25,000 10,000 55,000 65,447 3,044,011 151,960 1,062,391 101,310 50,000 1,500,000 6,696,284 300,000 35,000 25,000 20,000 25,000 85,000 5,965 1,000,000 100,000 212,931 10,000 783,660 150,000 200,000 15,000 200,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 65 Environmental Resource Management Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Emergency Services Water Services Parks Parks Parks Parks Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Parks Parks Parks Health Services New Settlements Environmental Resource Management Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Transport Water Services Parks Parks Parks Economic & Human Development Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Safety & Security Utility Services Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Health Integrated Human Settlement Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Community Development Community Development Community Development Economic and Social Development Department Strategy and Planning Directorate Philippi East Market Development of play park:Philippi Park Upgrading of play park:Woodlands Monwabisi Pumpstation Development Ply park:Phase 3,Heinz Park Traffic Calming in : Tembokwezi Broadway/MR 27 Intersection CSRM: Morkels Cottage: Stormwater: EFF CSRM: Morkels Cottage: Stormwater Lwandle- Strand Stormwater CSRM: Lwandle: Bulk SW: Housing New Roads Morkel's Cottage Strand Signage & Development: Harmony Park 10 Ha Somerset West Housing Project Ikhwezi Clinic extensions Upgrading of Sportsfield:Abattoir Rd Play Park,Morkels Cottage Public Open Space Dev: 8th St Erijaville Construct Sidewalks Nomzamo Construct Rds:Onverwacht Rd Erf 17654 Strand:Roads Nomzamo / Lasandra : Play equipment Construct Rds:Onverwacht Rd Upgrade pub open space Chris Nissen park Sir Lowries Pass: Felling of dangerous/l Public Open Space Dev: Nomzamo Ext Upgrade Water Infrastructure - S/West SWest Business Park Main Sewer Upgrade Sommerset West Fire Station Gant's main sewer rehabilitation Strand High Risers sewer main Strand High Risers waster main Broadway/MR 27 Intersection Somerset West erf 10490: Roads and Storm CSRM: Somerset West 10HA: SW Access Control WBS Element Description 88 88 88 87 88 87 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 84 83 84 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 Ward 4,000,000 60,000 25,000 10,000,000 50,000 80,000 140,450 13,075,680 1,500,000 1,269,000 650,000 400,000 80,000 5,200,000 600,000 20,000 30,000 25,000 62,660 1,000,000 262,500 30,000 500,000 25,000 10,000 30,000 4,630,000 2,900,000 1,000,000 649,662 995,444 5,500,000 999,400 1,600,000 1,000,000 101,310 2006/2007 Current Budget 66 Economic & Human Development Economic & Human Development Transport Transport Parks Health Services New Settlements New Settlements Transport Parks Health Services Roads And Stormwater Transport Social Development, Arts & Culture Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Social Development, Arts & Culture Sport, Recreation & Amenities New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Parks Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Economic & Human Development Economic & Human Development Tourism Development City Spatial Development City Spatial Development Roads And Stormwater Economic and Social Development Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Health Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Health Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Economic and Social Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Economic and Social Development Community Development Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Economic and Social Development Economic and Social Development Economic and Social Development Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Department Economic and Social Development Directorate Upgrade Intersection: Spine/Ntlazane Khayalitsha Wall of Remembrance KBD Multi Purpose Centre Refurbishing of Training Centre Refurbishing of Training Cente Khayelitsha CBD Informal Market Khayelitsha CBD:New Multi-Purpose Centre Khayelitsha CBD:New Multi-Purpose Centre New Extension: Khayelitsha Cemetery Park Development Upgrade of Park - Khayelitsha Silvertown:Roads and Bulk Stormwater Silvertown Bulk Roads : EFF Nonqubela Phase 2 Green Point ( Phase 2 ) Housing Project Security Flood Lights : Public Toilets Silvertown Khayelitsha: 1400 Structures Building of Comm Facility in UT, ward 92 Develop Eyethu MPC Develop Eyetu MPC Khayelitsha Site B: Netball Courts Extend of creche in R59 section, ward 91 Upgrade of park : Site B (UT Section) Installation of high masts: Ward 90 Improve S/water ditch /canal SiteC Khaye Nolungile Clinic - extensions Khayelitsha Cemetery - Grave Preparation Site C : Survey & Subdivision (PHDB) Install S/Ligh in Njonga & Soloman Tshuk Site C : Survey & Subdivision (HSRF) Meat market stalls - Khayelitsha Water save ini'tive-Manyanani Peace Park Stock Rd Transport Interchange Value Added Complex: Philippi Market Stock Rd Transport Interchange Philippi East Market WBS Element Description 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 93 93 93 93 93 93 92 92 92 92 91 92 90 90 90 90 89 89 89 89 89 88 88 88 88 Ward 600,000 1,000,000 600,000 200,000 350,000 2,000,000 13,777,500 8,947,890 2,200,000 20,000 30,000 1,175,581 240,000 8,000,000 75,000 101,108 13,000,000 200,000 2,517,452 4,608,000 90,984 160,000 40,000 30,000 903,100 489,688 102,940 8,000,000 125,940 4,000,000 600,000 90,000 438,309 4,640,000 815,352 3,500,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 67 Roads And Stormwater Transport Transport Transport Transport Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Social Development, Arts & Culture Social Development, Arts & Culture Town Planning Town Planning Transport Transport Transport Transport Social Development, Arts & Culture City Spatial Development Sport, Recreation & Amenities Health Services Roads And Stormwater Social Development, Arts & Culture New Settlements Urban Renewal Project Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Social Development, Arts & Culture New Settlements Parks Parks Parks Parks Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Community Development Community Development Economic and Social Development Economic and Social Development Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Economic and Social Development Strategy and Planning Community Development Health Transport , Roads & Stormwater Economic and Social Development Integrated Human Settlement Service Delivery Integration Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Economic and Social Development Integrated Human Settlement Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Department Transport , Roads & Stormwater Directorate Faure Marine Centre Island Milkwood Park Gordon's Bay Upgrading Const Memorial Wall Gordons Bay Cemetery Mitchells Plain Infill PH 1: 1824 sites Upgrade Roadways at Rusthof Cemetery Building of Comm Facility: Ward 99 Monwabisi Sand Containment Swartklip Regional Sports Facility: URP Swartklip Regional Sports Facility: CMIP Monwabisi Complex: Upgrade URP khayelitsha CBD SIF Phase 1 Swartklip Regional Sports Facility:Upgra Dev of POS - Prov of Play Equipment VPUU - Harare Thubelisha Homes Project - Harare Upg of Intersection - Griffiths/ Mxenge Creche in Kuyasa: Ward 98 New Clinic - Khayelitsha Blue Downs Pool: Development Makhaza Square -Phase 2:Landscaping Youth Centre in Mrhabulo Triang: Ward 96 Khayelitsha Rail Extension (CMIP) Ped Footways/Bicycle Path: Ktsha/Mplain Khayelitsha Rail Extension TI Khayelitsha Rail Extension Macasser Civic Node Khayelitsha- Wall of Remembrance Khayelitsha Wall of Remembrance Creche in Makhaza: Ward 95 Mandela Park Sportsfield: Tennis Facilit Makhaza Sportsfield: Development High Mast Lighting, Khayelitsha Khayelitsha CBD PTI Khayelitsha CBD PTI (CMIP) Khayelitsha CBD PTI Upgrade Intersection: Spine/Ntlazane WBS Element Description 100 100 100 99 100 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 98 98 97 98 97 97 96 96 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 94 94 94 94 94 Ward 300,000 100,000 50,000 8,000,000 50,000 200,000 400,000 210,100 4,133,692 250,000 133,318 317,933 54,795 3,706,059 4,700,000 3,812,505 200,000 1,000,000 12,481,744 500,000 200,000 18,567,940 1,107,974 10,000,000 11,500,000 115,540 1,035,250 1,035,250 200,000 500,000 270,554 1,000,000 200,000 3,600,000 850,000 1,800,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 68 Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities New Settlements Metro Police Roads And Stormwater Water Services Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Health Services New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements Urban Renewal Project Urban Renewal Project Water Services Water Services Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Health Services Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Integrated Human Settlement Safety & Security Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Health Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Service Delivery Integration Service Delivery Integration Utility Services Utility Services Community Development Community Development Community Development Health Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Department Community Development Directorate Construct Rds:De Bron Rd Brackenfell Blvd Harmonie Clinic: Upgrade Reception Area Upgrade park Dalia str.Scottsville Upgrade Vibacrete fence B/Fell Sports CP Park upgrade:Wessel Lourens Park,Vredekl Replace Stolen Laptops Mobile Generators Emergencies Furniture, partitioning & renovation Wallacedene Ph4(UISP) Computers and other equipment Wallacedene Housing Projects(HDF) Wallacedene Phase 8 Housing Project Wallacedene Phase 7 Housing Project Wallacedene Phase 9 (UISP) Wallacedene Phase 10A (PLS) Wallacedene Phase 6 (UISP) Wallacedene Phase 5 Housing Project Wallacedene Ph3(UISP&PLF) Bloekombos Clinic:Site Works & Extension Purchase Big screen: Bloekombos Com Hall Upgrade Resorts Soccer goal post: Bloekombos Sportsfield Upgrade Sportsfields Upgrade Park:Blekie Park Bloekombos Dev and Landscape Entrance to Bloekombos Gordons Bay WWTW Upgrade & Extension Property Improvement at Gordons Bay Constr New Rd:Broadway Extension Temperance Town: 70 Housing Units Harmony Park Resort: Upgrade Upgrade Gordon's Bay Beach Front Upgrade of South Fork Park 8th Street, Erijaville Strand Sercor Park Phase 1 Tree Planting - Rusthof Cemetery WBS Element Description 102 102 102 102 102 102 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Ward 7,210,000 10,303,165 60,000 65,000 72,000 63,000 26,892 1,314,685 23,362 13,222,480 33,823 15,000,000 2,710,891 2,792,597 3,965,884 1,372,053 12,865,450 2,745,860 788,445 500,000 25,000 224,232 30,000 94,638 40,000 40,000 72,655 200,000 240,000 1,000,000 2,645,560 250,000 70,000 60,000 60,000 150,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 69 Roads And Stormwater Water Services Water Services Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Water Services Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Water Services Water Services Water Services Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Roads And Stormwater Water Services Water Services Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Emergency Services Transport Transport Transport Utility Services Utility Services Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Community Development Community Development Community Development Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Utility Services Community Development Community Development Safety & Security Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Department Transport , Roads & Stormwater Directorate Klipfontein Rd CCTV Cam Est of Roads-Appt of consultant Traf Eng Bus shelter c/o Milton&Sithunzi str Reconstruction of road Replace Motorola Radio (Insurance claim) Construction of a retaining wall New Northern Wastewater Treatment Works Klipheuwel WWTW Upgrade Blocking off unmade roads Boy Briers Fis Fisantekraal MPC Fisantekraal Sportsfield : Fencing Fisantekraal SG Cloak Rooms Ext of Waste water distribution system ~Install New Infrastructu Potsdam Outfall - De Grendal/ Doornbach Roadworks - Du Noon ~New Infrastructure: Park Diep River Bridge Bulk Stormwater Table View North - BICL CSRM:Bulk SW Table View North-EFF Du Noon Sportsfield: Upgrade Water Conn POS - Parklands & Sunningdale Provision of facilities at S/f Dunoon Kraaifontein/Fisantekraal Reconstruction:Fairtrees/Lubbe/Boland Rd Reconstruction:Fairtrees/Lubbe/Boland Rd Const of Footpath Hebronstreet Improvements to clubhouse Upgrade rugby club Morningstar Sports Park : Fencing Morningstar Sports Park Upgrade Morningstar SG Cloak Rooms Introduce measures rd vehicles Renovate Langeberg Reservoirs 1&2 Installation of New Infra Scottsville Stormwater Upgrading WBS Element Description 200 200 200 200 200 200 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 102 102 102 Ward 15,000,000 60,000 10,000 20,000 5,982 10,000 5,200,000 150,000 45,000 4,000,000 350,000 150,000 50,000 1,000,000 500,000 60,000 1,000,000 29,603,737 900,000 750,000 149,275 40,000 140,000 17,349 1,868,042 1,041,640 10,000 7,000 10,000 400,000 350,000 150,000 20,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,950,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 70 Library Service Library Service Library Service Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Department Community Development Directorate Beaches: General upgrade and improvement Resorts: General Upgrade Blue Flag Beaches: Upgrade Recreation & Community Halls: Upgrade Public Toilets: General Upgrade Dune System Rehabilitation & Management Pools: General Upgrade and Improvement Sports Field Development Informal Settlement Planning Lifesaving Clubhouses: Upgrade Stadia: General Upgrade All weather surfaces Irrigation: General Upgrade Community Facilities Atlantis SR Sportsfield Development: Multiward Soccer Club Development Fund: Multiward Public Toilets : Upgrade Provision of Electoral Voting Stations N2 Gateway Project N2 Gateway Project IT Equip - Area Offices,Facilities,Progr Community Facilities: Disabled Access Construction of Tennis/Netball Courts D5 Instal irrig pump sys-S'bosh Arterial Rd River Clean & Green N2 Gateway Project N2 Gateway Project Water Conservation Projects - Tygerberg Centre Islands - AZ Berman Dr Landscaping & Public Furniture Install Grave Shutters for Cem Upgrade Mitchells Plain Regional Park Tree Planting - World Cup 2010 - Athlone Structural Upgrades Libraries Various Structural Upgrades Libraries Various Structural Upgrades Libraries Various WBS Element Description 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Ward 1,000,000 1,500,000 300,000 1,100,000 100,000 200,000 850,000 2,500,000 200,000 400,000 1,000,000 300,000 3,000,000 482,886 60,754 207,561 318,155 456,593 3,825,000 7,400,000 30,477 75,587 255,473 30,000 3,000,000 4,436,500 3,430,000 40,000 80,000 300,000 20,000 60,000 110,000 635,000 100,547 622,837 2006/2007 Current Budget 71 Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Sport, Recreation & Amenities Administrative Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Economic & Human Development Economic & Human Development Economic & Human Development Economic & Human Development Economic & Human Development Property Property Property Social Development, Arts & Culture Social Development, Arts & Culture Social Development, Arts & Culture Tourism Development Health Services Health Services Community Development Community Development Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Economic and Social Development Economic and Social Development Economic and Social Development Economic and Social Development Economic and Social Development Economic and Social Development Economic and Social Development Economic and Social Development Economic and Social Development Economic and Social Development Economic and Social Development Economic and Social Development Health Health Department Community Development Directorate Danida Expanded Air Quality monitoring Equipment Tourism Development Facilities Brick Making Equipment SD Community Gardens & Soup Kitchens Brickmaking Community project Furniture and Equipment Acquisition of Land Replacement of Vehicles Film Studio: Bulk Infrastructure Wesbank & Happy Valley Uluntu Plaza Business Support/SMME Facilities Mitchell's Plain Urban Farming Informal Markets Ward 200: Alphen Centre Sec Measures - I Replacement: LDV (Police Van) x 1 Additional Motor Cycles 750cc x 6 Replacement: Minibus x 1 Additional Vehicles - LDVs Additional Vehicles - Trailers x 7 Making buildings disabled friendly Additional Vehicles - Sedans x 31 Replacement: Sedans 1600 x 8 Additional Off Road Motor Cycles x 3 Additional Vehicles Additional Vehicles - Armoured Vehicle Additional Vehicles - Breakdown Truck Additional Vehicles - Minibus x 4 Replacement: Motor Cycles 750cc x 6 Replacement Vehicles Additional Vehicles - Single Cab 4x4 Additional Vehicles - Double Cab 4x4 Integrated Service Centres Mobile Programme Equipment IT Infrastructure and Equipment Coastal signage WBS Element Description 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Ward 180,000 480,000 200,000 915,300 88,150 599,100 50,000 300,000 350,000 10,000,000 2,330,614 10,200,000 99,998 2,042,871 15,000 115,147 900,000 170,000 921,175 567,000 77,565 3,160,351 814,328 450,000 2,930,000 250,000 500,000 680,000 900,000 2,000,000 900,000 1,778,000 330,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 72 Health Services Existing Settlements Existing Settlements Existing Settlements Existing Settlements Existing Settlements Existing Settlements Existing Settlements Existing Settlements Land Restitution Land Restitution Land Restitution New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements New Settlements Governance & Interface Governance & Interface Rates Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Office of the City Manager Office of the City Manager Rates & Other Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Department Health Directorate Specialised Vehicles :Foam/Water Centralisation of Control Centres Upgrade : Fire Station Security Ward Committee Project Capital Contingency Provision Ward Allocations N2 Gateway Project (PHDB) N2 Gateway Project (HDF) Wallacedene Ph10B(UISP) Mau Mau Housing Project Nyanga Upgrading Project(PLF&UISP) Social Housing Developments Somerset West Housing Project Driftsands Housing Project Bokmakierie Housing Project Non Residential Sites Housing Projects - Additional Servicing BNG: Housing Developments Land & Assets Acquisition (EFF) Land Acquisition (HSRP) Land Acquisition (AFF/SDF) Enkanini UISP Project (1600 Units) Valhalla Park infill 500 units Inform Hsg - Upgr on Council Land Tramway Road Restitution (20 Subsidies) Crawford Land Restitution (9 Subsidies) Development in Urban Core - Restitution Hostels - Phase 6 A (Joe Slovo Fire)PHDB Hostels - Phase 5 Hostels - Phase 5 Land Acquisition - Buy Back Hostels - Phase 5 Hostels - Phase 6A (Joe Slovo Fire) Hostels - Ilinge Labahlali Project Hostels - Phase 6 A (Joe Slovo Fire) EFF Air Pollution Control - equipment WBS Element Description 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Ward 566,433 120,000 250,000 100,000 117,000,000 10,169,632 5,000,000 30,000,000 4,857,208 6,200,000 11,189,000 1,672,000 2,500,000 500,000 500,000 2,000,000 6,378,844 28,324,087 5,600,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 10,000,000 2,000,000 500,000 360,000 162,000 2,000,000 10,160,675 19,473,600 29,312,950 500,000 1,083,658 12,876,465 2,000,000 9,301,805 200,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 73 Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Emergency Services Metro Police Metro Police Metro Police Metro Police Metro Police Metro Police Metro Police Metro Police Metro Police Metro Police Metro Police Metro Police Metro Police Metro Police Metro Police Metro Police Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Department Safety & Security Directorate Purchase of Equipment Fire-arm Walk-in Safe Purchase of Specialised Equipment Purchase of IT Equipment Purchase of IT Equipment Improvements to Office Accommodation Purchase of Specialised Equipment Purchase of IT Equipment CCTV-Control Room Security Upgrade Purchase - B Lights, Sirens, PA & VTS T & L driving test centre improvements CCTV - Linking of Control Rooms CCTV:Radio and Related Equipment Purchase of IT Equipment Purchase of Specialised Equipment Refurbishment Hydraulic Platform CCTV: Spec Servs CCTV: Specialised Equip Plant : Mechanical Equipment Replace Hydraulic Platform Specialised Vehicles : Bush Unit Furniture : Replacement Fire Fighting Equipment Replacement of Call AssessmentSystem Replacement of Fire Engines Replacement of Water/Foam Tankers Replacement of Rescue Vehicles Major Additions: Refurbishment Specialised vehicles : Water Tankers Specialised vehicles : Fire Engines Vehicles : Sedan Vehicles : LDV Upgrade of Training Facility Replace Utility Vehicle Specialised Plant : B/A Compressor Specialised Vehicles : Bush Unit Plant : small items WBS Element Description 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Ward 50,000 200,000 250,000 200,000 160,000 60,000 250,000 40,000 300,000 500,000 471,000 2,000,000 500,000 760,000 1,000,000 650,000 1,000,000 100,000 7,500,000 616,433 300,000 3,521,649 280,000 20,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 100,000 457,000 4,200,000 180,000 2,400,000 30,000 300,000 500,000 4,500,000 300,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 74 Metro Police Metro Police Metro Police Metro Police Development Services Development Services Development Services Development Services Development Services City Spatial Development City Spatial Development City Spatial Development City Spatial Development City Spatial Development City Spatial Development City Spatial Development City Spatial Development City Spatial Development City Spatial Development Environmental Resource Management Environmental Resource Management Environmental Resource Management Environmental Resource Management Environmental Resource Management Environmental Resource Management Strategy Town Planning Town Planning Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Safety & Security Safety & Security Safety & Security Service Delivery Integration Service Delivery Integration Service Delivery Integration Service Delivery Integration Service Delivery Integration Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Department Safety & Security Directorate IM: Reconstruct Roads Metro IM: Project Vukuhmbe Concrete Rds CSRM: River Clean & Green Worldcup 2010: Roads & SW CSRM: River Clean & Green OPS Upgrading of depot facilities Subsoil drains B/Downs Design&construct Prop. Acquis. - Hardship LA 21 Projects Audit of Informal Settlements Local Environment and Heritage Projects Solar Water Heaters - Council Facilities Fencing and Facillity Dev FBEP : Various projects Biodiversity : Strategic Implementation Cape Care Eco-tourism Route : Integ Poverty Reduct & Biodiversity Cons Public Spaces Informal Settlement Upgr Public Spaces Strategic Housing Projects 2010 World Cup Public Spaces N2 Gateway: Zones of Action N2 Gateway: Zones of Action Uluntu Plaza Projects Zones of Actions (ZACS) Urban Node Regeneration - Urban Dev Mixed Use Mixed Income Housing Walter Sisulu Drive Uluntu Plaza 4 Data Projectors Office Furniture for the PM Office MIG : Project Management Unit 13 Laptops for PM Administrators 2 Schedule Plotters Purchase of Airconditioning Systems Specialised equipment Improvement to Operational room Property improvements - HQ WBS Element Description 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Ward 42,370,875 5,500,000 560,700 15,000,000 1,214,755 819,000 802,700 1,334,373 378,820 1,000,000 150,000 498,000 1,000,000 230,000 1,450,000 25,000 1,800,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 7,079,600 6,805,000 2,700,000 6,180,570 3,426,235 3,070,860 2,000,000 80,000 80,000 100,000 185,000 50,000 10,000 9,584 50,000 300,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 75 Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Department Transport , Roads & Stormwater Directorate Candidate Transport Projects Traffic Signal and system upgrade N1 Corridor - Granger Bay Boulevard Parking Development:City Wide Provision of Bus/Taxi shelters Transport Active Network Systems Informal Settlements:Area Lighting Traffic Signals Dev (Recoverable Works) Street Lighting: City Wide (EFF 20%) N2 Gateway: TR&S Services: MIG N2 Gateway: TR&S Services: EFF Construct Road Signs - City Wide Transport Systems Management Projects CCTV for Transport and Traffic M/ment Inform Settlmnts:Tracks&Drainage:IncrUpG SWater: Widen Lotus Canal:Duinefonte-NY3 Foreshore Freeway: Bearing Replacement SWater: Upgr: Jakkalsvlei Box Culvert Informal Settlements:Tracks & Drainage City Wide: Pedestrian & Cycle Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Rehab Structures Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities IM:Rehabilitation Coastal Structures:EFF IM: Construct Road Structures IM: Construct Footway and Verges Rehabilitation Roads Local Inform Settlmnts:Tracks&Drainage:IncrUpG Reconstruct Roads Local IM: Upgrade Roads Local Subsoil Drains B/Downs Design &construct Roads related Infrastructure-Recov Works CSRM General Stormwater projects IM: Rehabilitation: Metro Ro (CMTF) Renaming of Streets CSRM related Infrastructure-Recov Works WBS Element Description 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Ward 113,000,000 700,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 1,925,000 32,038,900 16,863,004 392,000 500,000 500,000 10,000,000 377,504 3,581,071 1,656,542 436,000 500,000 43,221,000 1,000,000 5,290,665 7,880,482 3,776,271 3,133,124 3,000,000 5,074,906 3,000,000 446,500 1,500,000 100,000 6,446,180 10,758,674 500,000 100,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 76 Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Department Transport , Roads & Stormwater Directorate UPS Battery Replacement System Equip. Replacement: North (AFF) System Equip. Replacement: South (AFF) Optic Fibre Installations Substation Protection Replacement Expansion-Protection wide area network Conversion to DNP3.0 - Helderberg RTUs HV Substation gate and fence replacement System Equip. Replacement: East (AFF) Protection Database Software program HV Substation Security Alarm upgrades City Upgrade PQ system expansion Sea Point Ph2 Transformer Replacement Sys Infrastr: N -DC Funded Roggebaai Upgrade Sys Infrastr: N -AFF Funded Prepayment Vending System Electrification (AFF) Sys Infrastr: E -AFF Funded SCADA W Masterstatn Replacemt (HW & Eng) Metering Replacement Electrification: N2 Gateway Eskom (INEP) Sys Infrastr: S -DC Funded Sys Infrastr: E -DC Funded Electrification (INEP) Sys Infrastr: S -AFF Funded S/L: City Wide MIG Funding (80%) N2 Gateway: TR&S Services: CMTF Bus/Taxi Embyments: General Prvsn (CMTF) Traffic Safety Bureau - Projects Public Transport Facilities: Sign (CMTF) Klipfontein Corridor: Public Trsprt Impr Integrated Transport Management Centre ATC: System Upgrades (SCOOT) BMT Lanes: Extension WBS Element Description 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Ward 180,000 2,000,000 2,900,000 960,000 3,771,400 320,000 180,000 950,000 2,800,000 168,000 150,000 1,620,400 200,000 8,900,000 5,900,000 18,849,800 14,900,000 6,660,000 13,400,000 11,100,000 14,300,000 520,170 3,536,000 7,300,000 6,000,000 15,022,000 12,900,000 6,500,000 10,000,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 500,000 3,000,000 1,000,000 316,156 500,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 77 Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Solid Waste Services Solid Waste Services Solid Waste Services Solid Waste Services Solid Waste Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Department Utility Services Directorate Replace & Upgr Sew Netw Repl&Upgr Sew Pumps Citywide Infrastructure Replace/Re Basic Sanitation: Informal Settlements Informal Incremental Areas Upgrade Replace & Upgrade Water Network N2 Gateway Projects N2 Gateway Projects Development of Additional Infrastructure D'urbanville Collectors Sewers Informal Settlements Water Extension of Bulk Pipelin Upgrade & Replacemnt Watermeters IT Equipment Replacement New Scientific Services Building TMS Aquifer Deep Borehole Replace & Upgrade Water Network Waste Info Systems & Infrastructure Development of Landfill Infrastructure Development of Landfill Infrastructure Development of Landfill Infrastructure Service Connections (Tariff): South New Specialised Area Cleaning Vehicles Conn Infr (Quote): N -DC Funded Serv Conn (Quote): E -Private Sec Funded Conn Infr (Quote): E -DC Funded Serv Conn (Quote): S -Private Sec Funded Service Connections (Tariff): East Conn Infr (Quote): S -DC Funded Serv Conn (Quote): N -Private Sec Funded Service Connections (Tariff): North SCADA System RTUs FIFA 2010 - System Reinforcements Weatherproof Transformer Bays: West Install aircon pressure sys at Roggebaai SCADA W integration (RTU) WBS Element Description 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Ward 9,000,000 7,500,000 3,050,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 15,786,905 111,709,000 200,000 2,500,000 1,894,529 735,000 15,000,000 1,500,000 1,200,000 8,700,000 7,000,000 2,500,000 15,000,000 31,400,000 48,090,000 2,300,000 3,600,000 10,500,000 4,000,000 6,000,000 4,700,000 2,500,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 1,500,000 1,494,380 49,500,000 400,000 370,000 1,840,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 78 Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Water Services Community Development Support Community Development Support Community Development Support Community Development Support Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Department Utility Services Directorate Depot Upgrades - Scottsdene Install extractor Fan - Noordhoek Depot Upg Reg Office Buildings/Depot-Muiz'berg Depot Upgrades - Tygerberg Plant & Equipmt Muiz'berg & N'hoek Depot Depot Upgrades - Tygerberg Small Plant - Central District Office Furniture & Equipment Furniture & Equip: Com Dev Supp Serv Office Equipment: Com Dev Supp Serv office equipment ~Basic Sanitation: Inform Helderberg / AECI Macassar system Informal Settlements : Grey Water Informal Settlements : Sand & Rag Trap Fisantekraal Main Sewer Laboratory Equipment ~Basic Sanitation: Inform Infrastructure Upgrade - Replacement of Plant & Equipment Replacement of Vehicles Sewer Network Emergencies Vo lvlei : replace S PLLP Informal incremental areas upgrade Refurbishment of Labs Informal Settlements : Sanitation Plant & Equipment Additional Replace & Upgr Sew Netw Servitudes -CLF - 15 Y Informal Settlement Proj - Standpipes Furniture & Equipment Sundry equipment at various WWTW Water Demand Management Infrastructure Replace/Refurbish - WWT Infrastructure Replace/Refurbish Replacement of Vehicles & Accessories WBS Element Description 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Ward 40,000 15,000 152,890 47,890 100,000 40,000 100,000 21,035 75,000 135,000 21,010 370,000 20,000,000 725,000 800,000 15,000,000 3,000,000 279,659 652,000 375,000 1,000,000 2,359,450 4,470,000 175,314 400,000 10,000,000 110,500 5,000,000 50,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 50,000 2,000,000 16,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 79 Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Administrative Services Administrative Services Administrative Services Administrative Services Administrative Services Administrative Services Administrative Services Administrative Services Administrative Services Communication And Marketing Communication And Marketing Communication And Marketing Communication And Marketing Communication And Marketing Communication And Marketing Communication And Marketing Corporate Services: Management Corporate Services: Management Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Community Development Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Department Community Development Directorate IT equipment Insurance: IT Equipment Laptop Replacement of furniture Display Cabinets Video Camera New Graphic Design software Data Projector Sony ZI Video Camera Replace old computers Replace / new Furniture and Equipment Replace / new Furniture and Equipment IT equipment Co 2 fire protection Establishment of Reference Library E- records management system CRM Project Infra. - Call Centres Record Management Storage Replace / new IT equipment Cape Town Gardens SCAG Upgrade : Strand Parks depot Upgrade depot : Kuils River Athlone Depot SCAG Upgrade depot : Blue Downs Upgrade of Strand Depot Plant & Equipment - Guguletu- Weedeaters Upg Athlone Depot Buildings-Athlone Area Dist Equip Roller Blower Mower 1.5 meter Upg & install IT network - Strand Depot Dist Equip Roller Blower Mower 1.2 meter Depot Upgrades - Tygerberg Plant & Equipment - Pinelands Computer Equipment Small Plant & Equipment Upgrade IT Network Infrastructure Replacement of LDV - Bluedowns Hardware Infrastructure WBS Element Description 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 Ward 15,000 8,933 27,993 25,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 39,100 60,000 60,000 20,000 60,000 500,000 550,000 2,962,610 5,000,000 510,000 65,000 25,000 50,000 42,890 25,000 45,000 30,000 10,000 167,890 50,000 7,000 50,000 40,000 40,000 8,607 50,000 50,815 140,000 78,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 80 Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Corporate Shared Services Employment Equity Employment Equity Hr Management And Development Hr Management And Development Hr Management And Development Hr Management And Development Hr Management And Development Hr Management And Development Legal Services Legal Services Legal Services Legal Services Organisational Optimisation Organisational Optimisation Organisational Optimisation Economic & Human Development Economic & Human Development Economic & Human Development Budgets Budgets Budgets Budgets Revenue Revenue Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Economic and Social Development Economic and Social Development Economic and Social Development Finance Services Finance Services Finance Services Finance Services Finance Services Finance Services Department Corporate Services Directorate Data purification & enhancement project New Office Premises Specialised IT Equipment Specialised IT Equipment Specialised IT Equipment Specialised IT Equipment PC's- Printers and IT related equipment. Furniture & Equipment Acquisition of Vehciles SAP Software Application Replace / New IT Equipment SAP Software Application Office Furniture and Equipment Municipal Court infrastructure Office Furniture and Equipment Replacement of Equipment Purchase of computer infrastructure. Replacement of computer equipment Replacement of furniture and equipment Electronic time and attendance hardware Purchase of optiplan cabinets Replace / New Furniture & Equipment New Exiframe Modular system Computer Equipment Vehicles - Replacement Pool Vehicles - Replacement Pool Corp Facilities construct & improve Security measures - Civic Centre Insurance Claim - Replacement Plant & Equipment Upgrade of Security Services Replace Airconditioners Computer Equipment Office Equipment Rationalisation of Corporate Service Radio Trunking Infrastructure WBS Element Description 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 Ward 5,000,000 100,000 35,000 20,000 35,000 50,000 250,000 100,000 300,000 34,255 20,000 2,050,000 36,000 1,064,000 270,000 90,000 180,000 400,000 50,000 4,000,000 32,000 20,000 10,000 110,000 3,500,000 8,140,000 5,000,000 58,667 16,859 41,000 70,000 20,410 125,000 50,000 198,399 12,000,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 81 Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Supply Chain Management Treasury Treasury Valuations Existing Settlements Existing Settlements Existing Settlements Existing Settlements Existing Settlements Existing Settlements Support Services Support Services Support Services Support Services Support Services Support Services Support Services Internal Audit Internal Audit Internal Audit Internal Audit Internal Audit Executive Support Governance & Interface Governance & Interface Finance Services Finance Services Finance Services Finance Services Finance Services Finance Services Finance Services Finance Services Finance Services Finance Services Finance Services Finance Services Finance Services Finance Services Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Integrated Human Settlement Internal Audit Internal Audit Internal Audit Internal Audit Internal Audit Office of the City Manager Office of the City Manager Office of the City Manager Department Finance Services Directorate Replace / new Furniture and Equipment Cllr Support: Computers and Equipment Office Equipment Replacement of Laptop Computer Hardware Furniture & Equipment Computer Software Internal Audit Automation Computer Equipment - Replacement Vehicles - Replacement (Insurance) Computer Equipment - New Furniture & Fittings Trunking Radios Vehicles - Additional Vehicles - Replacement Trunking Radios - Insurance Claims Plant & Equipment Major Upgrading of Offices Major Upgrading of Depots New Bonteheuwel Housing Office Housing Advisory Centre Replacement of high speed printer Replacement of Specialised PC's Contingency Provision - Insurance e-Procurement System Refurbishing of Office Space Additional Fleet Vehicles Cash Receipting system Replace old and obsolete equipment Sercurity Services Set-up Office Space New Office Premises Replacement and Service of Security CCTV Cameras - Cash Offices New Office Premises Upgrading of Alarm System WBS Element Description 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 Ward 40,000 303,240 75,000 14,909 140,000 100,000 60,000 25,298 100,000 87,400 235,000 100,000 50,000 2,000,000 3,613,500 46,554 205,000 900,000 500,000 850,000 500,000 25,000 227,500 6,777,465 8,500,000 200,000 300,000 600,000 150,000 350,000 1,300,000 100,000 350,000 2,500,000 570,000 150,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 82 Governance & Interface Governance & Interface Governance & Interface Governance & Interface Governance & Interface Ombudsperson Ombudsperson Emergency Services Emergency Services Development Services Informations Systems And Technology Informations Systems And Technology Informations Systems And Technology Informations Systems And Technology Informations Systems And Technology Informations Systems And Technology Informations Systems And Technology Service Delivery Integration Strat Suppo Service Delivery Integration: Management Urban Renewal Project Urban Renewal Project Urban Renewal Project Urban Renewal Project City Spatial Development Environmental Resource Management Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy Town Planning Roads And Stormwater Roads And Stormwater Transport Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Office of the City Manager Office of the City Manager Office of the City Manager Office of the City Manager Office of the City Manager Office of the City Manager Safety & Security Safety & Security Service Delivery Integration Service Delivery Integration Service Delivery Integration Service Delivery Integration Service Delivery Integration Service Delivery Integration Service Delivery Integration Service Delivery Integration Service Delivery Integration Service Delivery Integration Service Delivery Integration Service Delivery Integration Service Delivery Integration Service Delivery Integration Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Strategy and Planning Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Transport , Roads & Stormwater Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Department Office of the City Manager Directorate Facilities: Alterations & Upgrading Computer Equipment: Additional Mechanical Plant: Additional Computers & Office Equipment TR&S:Acquisition of computer hardware OPS Small Plant and Equipment Computer Equipment Enterprise GIS for City:BW & SEM Project Acquisition of one pair of GPS Receivers Acquisition of GPS receivers Acquisition of IT related equipment IT & office related equipment Computer Equipment Computers & other Equipment EPWP Office Upgrade Computers and other equipment URP offices -Khayelitsha Training Centre FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT - RUSHT LEHUTSO Furniture and Equipment Smart City Project Enterprise monitoring & mgt solution ERP Annual Disaster Recovery Growth ERP Annual Capacity Growth Data storage- security and accessibility Data cntre consolidn and bus continuity ERP Hardware Upgrade Computer Laptops Replace Siren warning system (Ins Claim) INS CLAIM RADIO-BELHAR FIRE-F1 Computers & Equipment Furniture & Equipment Replace / new IT equipment Furniture and Equipment New IT Equipment IT Equipment Replace IT equipment WBS Element Description 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 Ward 8,325,000 1,100,000 1,500,000 490,000 490,000 1,469,466 490,000 5,000,000 450,000 500,000 200,000 8,638 100,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 75,000 506,530 2,026,120 2,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 2,026,120 20,691,643 23,764 17,236 5,397 130,000 240,000 30,000 35,000 30,000 30,000 85,000 2006/2007 Current Budget 83 Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Electricity Services Services And Infrastructure Support Services And Infrastructure Support Services And Infrastructure Support Services And Infrastructure Support Solid Waste Services Solid Waste Services Solid Waste Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services Utility Services WBS Element Description New Specialised Area Cleaning Vehicles Replacement of Furniture & Equipment Ins claim Solid Waste Laptops Data Projector for Corp Centre Kitchen refurbishment Civic Computer Equipment Revenue Insurance: Radios Office Furniture & Equipment Revenue Insurance: Pressure Tester SAP Solution - RED1 Tools & Equipment Test Equipment Communication Equipment Vehicles: Replacement Mechanical Plant: Replacement Office Equipment & Furniture Computer Equipment: Replacement PABX replacement PAX and PABX Installations CO2 Fire Protection in BICC 2 Store Security Equipment * The amount of R10 196 632 still to be transferred to different ward and different departments Electricity Services Utility Services Utility Services Department Utility Services Directorate 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 Ward 9,000,000 200,000 2,912,540,233 28,342 60,000 20,000 150,000 6,632 130,000 139,272 65,000,000 700,000 2,500,000 1,000,000 13,000,000 440,000 212,000 500,000 30,000 100,000 480,000 723,000 2006/2007 Current Budget