889 REpORT To EXECUTIVE MAYOR 16 FEBRUARY 2011 em OF CAPE TOWN IISIXEKD SASEKAPA I STAO KlAPSTAD Me 76/02/11 1 ITEM NUMBER: 2 201012011 SECOND QUARTER'S PROGRESS REPORT ON CORPORATE PERFORMANCE AND PERFORMANCE OF THE CITY'S ENTITIES INGXELO YEKOT A YESIBINI YONYAKA-MALI KA-2010/2011 ENGENKQUBELA-PHAMBILI MALUNGA NENDLELA YOKUSEBENZA KWEZIKO NAMAQUMRHU AZIMELEYO ESIXEKO VORDERINGSVERSLAG OOR KORPORATIEWE PRESTASIE EN PRESTASIE VAN DIE STAD SE ENTITEITE VIR DIE TWEEDE KWARTAAL VAN 2010/2011 3 RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE: HOUSING PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: 04.02.2011 FINANCE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: 04.02.2011 HEALTH PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: 04.02.2011 UTILITY SERVICES PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: 04.02.2011 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: 01.02.2011 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: 01.02.2011 COMMUNITY SERVICES PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: 01.02.2011 TRANSPORT, ROADS & STORMWATER PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: 03.02.2011 RECOMMENDED that the 2010/2011 second quarter's progress report on corporate performance and performance of the City's entities, be approved. KUNDULULWE ukuba makuphunyezwe ingxelo yekota yesibini yonyaka-mali ka-2010/2011 engenkqubela-phambili malunga nendlela yokusebenza kweziko namaqumrhu azimeleyo esixeko. AANBEVEEL dat die korporatiewe prestasie en prestasie van die stad se entitieite vir die tweede kwartaal van 2010/2011, goedgekeur word. 890 RECOMMENDATION FROM COMMITTEE: 03.02.2011 THE SAFETY & SECURITY PORTFOLIO Mr A Visser pOinted out a number of mistakes as reflected under Strategic Focus Area 6: Safety and Security. Subsequently the following corrections were supported by. the Safety and Security Portfolio Committee. SA.1 Annual Target 2010/11;::3 be corrected to read 2,7% SA.2 Annual Target 2010/11That the word "Reduction" be added after 5% = 5% (Reduction) That 76 accidents be corrected to read "less than 177 accidents" That the Target Quarter ending 31 December 2011 be corrected from 181 accidents to "less than 88 accidents" SA.3 Annual Target 2010/11That the word "increase in arrests" appear after 5% = 5% (increase in arrests) That the words "actual arrests" appear after 1002 1002 (actual arrests) Target Quarter ending 31 December 2011 - That the amount 978 be corrected to 501. = SA.4 In order as per schedule RECOMMENDED that subject to the abovementioned corrections being made to Strategic Focus Area 6: Safety and Security, Mayco approves the performance within its functional area for the second quarter of the 2010/11 financial year. IZINDULULO kundululwe ukuba ngokuxhomekeke kwizilungiso ezenziweyo ezikhankanywe ngentla apha kwiishedyuli eziqhotyoshelweyo, iKomiti yoLawulo lukaSodolophu/i-Mayco mayiphumeze indlela yokusebenza kwicandelo layo lomsebenzi kwikota yesibini kumnyaka-mali wama-201 0/11. AANBEVEEL dat die burgemeesterskomitee die prestasie binne sy funksionele gebied vir die tweede kwartaal van die 2010/11-boekjaar goedkeur, onderworpe aan die aanbring van die bostaande regstellings in die aangehegte skedules. RECOMMENDATION FROM THE CORPORATE SERVICES & HUMAN RESOURCES PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: 1 FEBRUARY 2011 (CORHR 07/02/11) Dr M van der Merwe advised that the second quarter's performance was good. He was however concerned about the low percentage of the capital budget spent. The Finance Directorate had given him the assurance that the target for capital expenditure would be met. 891 Councillor Qually enquired why under section 2A of the corporate scorecard (Provide access to basic services) it stated that the information regarding the number of customers receiving sewerage services, electricity, refuse collection etc. would be available in February 2011. Dr van der Merwe advised that the line departments were getting the information and it was important that the information be correct so as not to pose an audit risk. Councillor Qually enquired why the City has been asked to give so much detail and whether the same was expected from other municipalities. Dr van der Merwe advised that the National Treasury Department required the actual figures and not the percentage of households receiving the services. He said that he was unable to say whether the guidelines set by National Treasury was applied to all municipalities. Alderman Walker said that the Auditor General wanted a list of all the properties where electricity was being provided. She explained that in order to get the information a survey would have to be conducted which would cost the City approximately R500m. The Finance Directorate was in the process of engaging with the office of the Auditor General. Alderman Walker questioned whether the City had a compliance plan driven by the office of the Auditor General and a plan that drives service delivery in the City. RECOMMENDED that the corporate performance and the performance of the City's entities for the second quarter of 201 0/2011, be approved. KUNDULULWE ukuba mayiphunyezwe indlela yokusebenza yeziko kunye nendlela yokusebenza kwamaQumrhu azimeleyo esiXeko kwikota yesibini kunyaka-mali ka-2010/2011. AANBEVEEL dat die korporatiewe prestasie en die prestasie van die Stad se entiteite vir die tweede kwartaal van 2010/2011 goedgekeur word. RECOMMENDATION FROM THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TOURISM PORTFOLIO COMMITIEE (EDT 17/02111): 03.02.2011 AND Discussion centred around global competitiveness and the figures pertaining thereto on annexure A under indicators 1A.3 and 1A.4 of the report and whether the percentage given was in terms of national rather global competiveness. The Director: Economic & Human Development indicated that appointed conSUltants had been given indicators from various cities world-wide to look at comparative figures to undertake a Global Competitive Study and to also determine the necessary ingredients for becoming globally competitive. It was antiCipated that the aforementioned study would be ready by middle of May 2011. 892 RESOLVED that the Global Competitive Study be made available to the portfolio committee as soon as the consultants had finalised their results. RECOMMENDED that Mayco approves the performance within its functional area for the second quarter of the 2010/2011 financial year. REPORT To MAYCO REPORT To COUNCIL 893 CITY OF CAPE TOWIII1SIXEKO SASEKiPA I STAD KAAPSTAO 1. ITEM NUMBER: 2. SUBJECT LSUB0019 To be inserted by Executive Support 2010/2011 SECOND QUARTER'S PROGRESS REPORT ON CORPORATE PERFORMANCE AND PERFORMANCE OF THE CITY'S ENTITIES ISIHLOKO INGXELO YEKOT A YESIBINI YONYAKA -MALI KA - 2010/2011 ENGENKQUBELA-PHAMBILI MALUNGA NENDLELA YOKUSEBENZA KWEZIKO NAMAQUMRHU AZIMELEYO ESIXEKO ONDERWERP VORDERINGSVERSLAG OOR KORPORATIEWE PRESTASIE EN PRESTASIE VAN DIE STAD SE ENTITEITE VIR DIE TWEEDE KWARTAAL VAN 2010/2011 3. PURPOSE The purpose of the report is to enable Mayco to consider and Council to note: • the progress on the City's performance during the second quarter of the 2010/11 financial year covering the period 1 July 2010 to 31 December 2010 (performance year to date), as required by legislation. 4. FOR DECISION BY Executive Mayor together with the members of the Mayoral Committee. System of delegations as amended by Council on 09 December 2010 - Section (3)(b) Evaluates progress against the key performance indicators (The Executive Mayor has delegated this power to all Mayoral Committee members, within the functional area of their relevant portfolios only) & section (3)(c) Reviews the performance of the municipality in order to improve(i) the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the municipality; (ii) the efficiency of credit control and revenue and debt collection services; and Cover letter to Mayco and Council.docx [September 2009) Page 1 of 5 ~ ~ , , . 894 (iii) the implementation of the municipality's by-laws. 5. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Municipal Systems Act and Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations require municipalities to submit regular reports on matters related to their performance. Accordingly, the City's corporate performance and performance of the City's entities for the period 1 July 2010 to 31 December 2011 are covered in the report attached as Annexure A, B & C. 6. RECOMMENDA nONS LSU4148 (reference number Language Services) "Delegated: for Decision bv the Executive Mayor: Recommended that the report be considered and approved by Executive Mayor and Mayco, and noted by Council. AANBEVELINGS "Gedelegeer: vir besluit deur die uitvoerende burgemeester: Aanbeveel dat die uitvoerende burgemeester en die burgemeesterskomitee die verslag oorweeg en goedkeur en die Raad van die verslag kennis neem. IZINDULULO "Zigunyazisiwe: iSiggibo sesikaSodolophu weSiqqeba: Kundululwe ukuba makuqatshelwe ingxelo nguSodolophu weSigqeba, yiKomiti yoLawulo (i-Mayco) neBhunga. 7. DISCUSSION/CONTENTS 7.1. Constitutional and Policy Implications The process of reporting on the City's performance and that of the City's entities is driven by legislation and the City's approved performance management policy. 7.2. Environmental implications -- ------ --- ----- - Does your report have any ~nvlronmentalimplications: Cover letter to Mayea and CounciLdocx ISeptember 2009J --- No [gJ .... Yes D 895 7.3. Legal Implications 7.3.1 Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (Act 56 of 2003). 7.3.2 Local Government: Municipal Systems Act (Act 32 of 2000) (Chapter 6), as read with the Local Government: Municipal Systems Amendment Act (Act 44 of 2003). 7.3.3 Local Government: Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations, 2001. In terms of Section 41 (1) (e) of the Systems Act and Regulation 7 (1) and (2) (e) of the Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations, the City (through the Integrated Development Planning and Organisational Performance Management Department) is required to submit quarterly corporate progress reports to the Council and its relevant Committees on matters connected with the City's performance. Therefore, this report deals with the monitoring of an existing, ongoing process that is prescribed by legislation. 7.3.4 System of delegations as amended by Council on 09 December 2010. (vi) Section (3)(b) Evaluates progress against the key performance indicators (The Executive Mayor has delegated this power to all Mayoral Committee members, within the functional area of their relevant portfolios only) & Section (3)(c) Reviews the performance of the municipality in order to improvethe economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the municipality; the efficiency of credit control and revenue and debt col/ection services; and the implementation of the municipality's by-laws. 7.4. Staff Implications (iv) (v) Does your report impact on staff resources, budget, grading, remuneration, allowances, designation, job description, location or your organisational structure? ~ No Yes D (if yes, please indicate whether or not it is part of the approved staffing structure, whether the posts are budgeted for etc.) 7.5. Other Services Consulted All Directorates. Cover letter to Mayco and Council.docx INovember 2009] Page 301 5 896 ANNEXURES Annexure A: 2010/2011 SECOND QUARTER'S PROGRESS REPORT ON CORPORATE PERFORMANCE Annexure B: 2010/2011 SECOND QUARTER'S PROGRESS REPORT ON CONVENCO'S PERFORMANCE (Municipal entity) Annexure C: 2010/2011 SECOND QUARTER'S PROGRESS REPORT ON KYAYELITSHA COMMUNITY TRUST PERFORMANCE (Municipal entity) Cover letter to Mayco and Council.docx [November 2009J , , , .' ' 897 FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT: r" NAME Willem Claassens CONTACT NUMBERS E-MAIL ADDRESS 021-4009823/082341 9070 Willem. claassens@capetown.gov.za Office of the City Manager DIRECTORA TE .n r-JJ IV / "- ~PORT h olt COMPLIANT WITH THE PROVISIONS COUNCIL'S DELEGATIONS, POLICIES, BY-LAws AND ALL LEGISLATION RELATING TO THE MATTER UNDER CONSIDERATION. o LEGALC NON-COMPLIANT Comment: NAME TEL DATE Based on the contents of the re art, Comment: CITY MANAGER ~ilial Ebillllim ~ f< I~~ DATE / Cover letter to Mayea and Couneil.docx [November 2009) i Page 5 of 5 ANNEXURE A . '" 2010/2011 ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBIP) Changes are indicated in bold italics DRAFT 2nd QUARTER PROGRESS REPORT ON CORPORATE PERFORMANCE Rating Key: ALIGNMENT & LINKAGE ~ - Meets or exceeds target ; ~ - Currently does not meet target ; .. ~ - Information not available or work on hold; ~ 898 - Original target to be amended PERFORMANCE PROGRESS INDICATOR DETAIL co'" ZW LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE 5~ !!!o ",II-C) INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 2010/11 RATING ZW 0'" TARGET QUARTER ENDING 31 DECEMBER 2011 ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING 31 DECEMBER 2010 REASON FOR VARIANCE REMEDIAL ACTION RO.988bn Reasons for variances and remedial action proposed by Director where relevant, are provided per monthly FMR to Mayoral Committee and EMT Reasons for variances and remedial action proposed by Director where relevant, are provided per monthly FMR to Mayoral Committee and EMT C)Q Strategic Focus Area 1 : Shared Economic Growth and Development Corporate Objective: 1A. Create an enabling environment for the economy to grow and become globally competitive 1A.1 Capital budget spend R4bn ~ R1.25bn 16000 i;, 6000 6094 Target Exceeded Maintain the momentum 1A.3 % of Land Use applications finalised within statutory timeframes 80% i;, 80% 91% Target Exceeded Maintain the momentum 1AA % of Building plans finalised within statutory timeframes 70% i;, 70% 90% Target Exceeded Maintain the momentum 629536 ~ 627970 New indicator. Information will be available in February 2011. New indicator. Information will be available in February 2011 SAP system configuration underway to report on this indicator A higher delivery rate has to be achieved and maintained for duration of the third and fourth quarter SAP system configuration underway to report on this indicator Finance Housing 00:: ::> Strategy and Planning - 1A.2 Number of EPWP job opportunities created Corporate Objective: 2A. Provide access to basic services - 2A.1 Number of formal domestic customers receiving sewerage services - 2A.2 Number of sanitation service points (toilets) installed for informal settlement cu stomers - 2A.3 Number of formal domestic customers receiving water services - 31276 ~ 30276 30168 Slightly behind schedule by 108 toilets due to on site delays. Installations will increase by rectifying on site delays. 892 toilets installed in the first half of the current financial year 622811 ~ 621262 New indicator New indicator 11 574 i;, 11474 11 488 713584 ~ 710254 New indicator. Information will be available in February 2011. 6105 ~ 2775 2A.7 Number of formal domestic customers receiving a kerbside refuse collection service 571 327 i;, 568770 606 016 Target exceeded SAP system configuration underway to report on this indicator 2A.S Number of informal settlement dwellings receiving a door-to-door refuse collection and area cleaning service 200722 ~ 193758 New indicator. Information will be available in February 2011. New indicator. Information will be available in February 2011 The next informal dwelling counts is planned for Feb 2011. The approved number of 190,006 is therefore still applicable 2A.4 Number of water service points (taps) installed for informal settlement customers Target exceeded Que to higher delivery rate Delivery rate will be maintained and target should be achieved Utility Services - - 2A.S Number of electricity meters serving domestic customers 2A.S Number of additional electricity subsidised connections installed New indicator. Information will be available in February 2011 Information not auditable at the Reported figures as at end of November 2010. time of reporting. To be Excel spreadsheet and validity is not guaranteed as reported in 3rd quarter. per audit requirements Page 1 SAP system configuration underway to report on this indicator The electrification unit is undergoing are-engineering process, review alternate report mechanism via SAP Copy of 2nd Quarter 1011 New Corporate SDBIP Performance Scorecard (4).xIS ANNEXURE A . .. ' Changes are indicated in bold italics Rating Key: ALIGNMENT & LINKAGE 2010/2011 ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBIP) DRAFT 2nd QUARTER PROGRESS REPORT ON CORPORATE PERFORMANCE '" ~ - Meets or exceeds target; ~ - Currently does not meet target; t} - Information not available or work on hold; INDICATOR DETAIL . 899 "tI _ Original target to be amended PERFORMANCE PROGRESS "., ZW LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE g~ !!!o "'...ZW...1.> INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 2010/11 RATING TARGET QUARTER ENDING 31 DECEMBER 2011 ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING 31 DECEMBER 2010 REASON FOR VARIANCE REMEDIAL ACTION 0'" 1.>0 Corporate Objective: 2B. Conserve natural resources 2B.1 Percentage reduction below unconstrained water demand 27% - ~ 27% 28% A higher than anticipated reduction has been achieved as borne out by the year-an-year total water treated (smoothed) figure seen in the indicator calculation sheet dipping below +2% as from June 2010, reaching a reduction (-1.4%) below previous Maintain the momentum year. Utility Services 2B.2 Percentage of waste diverted from Council Waste Management Facilities - 9.95% ~ 9,35% 9.68% (As at 30 Nov 2010. Dec 2010 stats to be finalised mid Jan 2011.) Target exceeded Maintain the momentum Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target 1.05 Target exceeded Maintain the momentum Corporate Objective: 2C. Effectively manage the City's Infrastructure and Resources Finance - - Utility Services 2C.1 Amount spent on repairs and maintenance 2C.2 Average number of customer power interruptions experienced per annum 2C.3 Percentage unaccounted for water 2C.4 Percentage drinking water compliance to SANS 241 R1,65 bn ~ <1.3 ~ Annual target <1,3 Implementation of Water balance review strategy is Focussed attention on implementation of measures especially progressing slower than planned. metering gaps required. 22.5% ~ 24% 22.7% 96% ~ 96% 98% Water Quality standards met and exceeded due to consistent process application. Maintain the momentum Strategic Focus Area 3: Energy Efficiency for a Sustainable Future Corporate Objective: 3A Develop, adopt and implement a comprehensive response to Cape Town's energy and climate change challenges 3A.1 % reduction of electricity consumption below projected unconstrained electricity consumption Utility Services 10% ~ 8.40% 8.30% Within indicator tolerance. Reflective of consumer behaviour patterns. Maintain the momentum Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target Strategic Focus Area 4: Public Transport Systems Corporate Objective: 4A. Improve public transport system and services (for e.g. the implementation of phase 1A of the integrated rapid transit programme) Transport, Roads & Major Projects 4A.1 Form two Operating Companies to run IRT - Form two Operating Companies for Phase 1a of IRT ~ Annual target Not applicable - annual target Page 2 Copy of 2nd Quarter 1011 New Corporate SDBIP Pelionnance Scorecard (4).xIS Changes are indicated in bold italics Rating Key: ANNEXURE A ... , 2010/2011 ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBI P) DRAFT 2nd QUARTER PROGRESS REPORT ON CORPORATE PERFORMANCE 900 ~ - Meets or exceeds target ; ~ - Currently does not meet target ; ~ - Information not available or work on hold; ALIGNMENT & LINKAGE INDICATOR DETAIL ~ - Original target to be amended PERFORMANCE PROGRESS "", ZW !5~ LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE !!!o ",>- INDICATOR >-<> ZW ANNUAL TARGET 2010/11 RATING TARGET QUARTER ENDING 31 DECEMBER 2011 ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING 31 DECEMBER 2010 REASON FOR VARIANCE REMEDIAL ACTION 0'" <>0 Strategic Focus Area 5: Integrated Human Settlements Corporate Objective:5A. Provide equitable community facilities and services across the City 5A.1 Number of Community Parks maintained according to selected service standards 5A.2 Number of libraries open according to minimum planned open hours, including ad hoc Unforeseen ClOSing Hours Community Services 5A.3 Number of fenced formal Sport fields compliant with the defined level grass cover standard 5A.4 Number of halls maintained to specified standard North District: Staff in Killarney 15% behind Report submitted 23 December. 2010. Rectification date for schedule. Central District: LangeberglOld Oak 5% work on schedule was 31 December 2010 behind schedule. BelivilielDelft 5% behind schedule contractor working in area. Eastern District: Blue DownslMfuleni 5% behind schedule. Awaiting appointment of contractor 3133 ~ 3133 3085 63 ~ 63 63 Target achieved Maintain the momentum 450 ~ 450 468 Target exceeded Maintain the momentum 181 ~ 181 173 Target not achieved due to facilities being refurbished and undergoing major repairs Upgrades 1 Repair work being undertaken into annual Repairs and Maintenance Programme Corporate Objective: 5B. Deliver housing opportunities in accordance with the five year housing plan (reviewed annually) 5B.1 Number of housing opportunities ui .~~oda. provided per year 2= a.. .5 :E Q)o.!:ILL0i5 0) 0:: (f) _ 8400 ~ 2500 3369 Target exceeded Maintain the momentum 1 000 erven serviced ~ 450 erven serviced 384 erven serviced Target not achieved due to Four EHP sites yielding another 1390 sites could not be established due to community resistance Mayor is in the process of meeting with the relevant roleplayers in order to reach an agreement on the way forward ~~:EI- :o:;rJ) ::> Housing Il. >- '" :E=~ .., '1: ~ 0::::> ~~~ 5B.2 Implementation of informal settlement upgrade programme (UISP) and Emerging Housing Programme (EHP) Page 3 Copy of 2nd Quarter 1011 New Corporate SDBIP Performance Scorecard (4).xIS ANNEXURE A 2010/2011 Changes are indicated in bold italics ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBIP) DRAFT 2nd QUARTER PROGRESS REPORT ON CORPORATE PERFORMANCE Rating Key: " ~ - Meets or exceeds target ; ~ - Currently does not meet target ; ~ - Information not available or work on hold; INDICATOR DETAIL ALIGNMENT & LINKAGE '" .. 901 - Original target to be amended PERFORMANCE PROGRESS "", zUJ LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE ~~ mo ;;:00-<'> INDICATOR zUJ ANNUAL TARGET 2010/11 RATING TARGET QUARTER ENDING 31 DECEMBER 2011 ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING 31 DECEMBER 2010 REASON FOR VARIANCE REMEDIAL ACTION "3 t1 Annual target Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target 5% 176 accidents i;, 2.5% 181 accidents 63% reduction from a baseline of 186. 68 Accidents Target exceeded Maintain the momentum 5% 1002 i;, 2.5% 978 2.68% 536 00: <'>0 Strategic Focus Area S: Safety and Security Corporate Objective: SA. Foster a safe and secure environment en o1S en - Safety and Security - SA.l Survey score on 5 point symmetric scale SA.2 % reduction in accident rate at high frequency locations SA.3 % increase in arrests in drug related crimes SA.4 % response times for fire and other emergency incidents within 14 minutes from call receipt up to arrival 80% ~ 78% 72% Due to the positive and effective observations of the Area Directors have been tasked to support the affords of the SAU (Substance abuse unit) who focused more on SAU and focus on the intelligence driven operations within the the modus operandi of the criminals. this resulted in identified problematic areas positive results Fire and Rescue services are not at full staffing capacity in terms of the SANS Code 10090. This affects response times as responses are required from outside the risk areas of each fire station, thereby increasing response times to incidents. In addition. a system failure in December resulted in incidents having to be manually recovered. Recovery is not yet complete. Once all incidents have been recovered, it may positively affect the current result Until such time as Fire and Rescue are at full strength. response times will continuously be negatively affected Strategic Focus Area 7: Health, social and community development Corporate Objective: 7A. Facilitate the development of a healthy and socially inclusive society Economic & Social Development, Tourism - Health - 7A.l Number of targeted development programmes 7A.2 Number of days when air pollution exceeds WHO guidelines 20 i;, 8 8 Target achieved Target achieved 135 i;, 68 42 On Target. Data provisional and needs to be verified. Page 4 Copy of 2nd Quarter 1011 New Corporate SDBIP Performance Scorecard (4).xls ANNEXURE A Changes are indicated in bold italics Rating Key: ALIGNMENT & LINKAGE 201012011 ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBIP) DRAFT 2nd QUARTER PROGRESS REPORT ON CORPORATE PERFORMANCE '" ~ - Meets or exceeds target; 'l - Currently does not meet target; ~ - Information not available or work on hold; INDICATOR DETAIL ~ - 902 - Original target to be amended PERFORMANCE PROGRESS "II) zW LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE !5~ "0 ~t; I-w zo: 0_ INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 2010/11 RATING TARGET QUARTER ENDING 31 DECEMBER 2011 ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING 31 DECEMBER 2010 REASON FOR VARIANCE REMEDIAL ACTION uo Strategic Focus Area B: Good Governance and Regulatory Reform Corporate Objective: BA. Ensure enhanced service delivery with efficient institutional arrangements - BA.1 % 'truly loyal' employees as measured by the employee culture I climate survey 34% ~ Annual target Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target 12% ~ 6% 12.86% Improvement Improve from 10.85 days to 9.01days. 12.86% improvement Ongoing monitoring will commence. This is a key operation indicator and are monitored in the SDBIP's of each Director and its departments. Corporate Services ~ BA.2 % improvement in time to finalise complaints Corporate Objective: BB. Manage key financial and governance areas such as income control, cash flow, indigent support, alternative income opportunities, asset and risk management BB.2 Opinion of Auditor General - Unqualified audit ~ Unqualified audit Not applicable - annuallargel Nol applicable - annuallargel Not applicable - annual target High investment rating ~ - Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target ~ Annual Target Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target Finance BB.3 Opinion of independent rating agency ~ Corporate Objective: BC. Establish effective community engagement channels Strategy and Planning BC.1 Community satisfaction (Score 1-5) - 3 Page 5 Copy of 2nd Quarter 1011 New Corporate SOB I? Performance Scorecard (4 ).xls ANNEXUREC Khayelitsha Community Trust Mid Year Performance Assessment Report for 10111 FY -1 June 2010 to 31 December 2010 ~ - Meets or exceeds target; ... 904 ~ - Currently does not meet target; ~ - Information not available or work on hold CI No Indicator Annual Target Target 31 December 2010 Actual performance 31 December 2010 c co ;; Reason for variance RemedIal action II: . . StrategIc Focus Area 1 : Shared EconomIc Growth and Development Corporate Objective: 1A. Create an enabling environment for the economy to grow and become globally competitive. 1 % Spend Operational Budget 2 % Spend of Capital Budget 3 98% 95% 48% 46% 78.0% 31% 8 Trustee Meetings, 4 Audit 4 Trustee Committee 4 Trustee meetings; 2 Meetings. 2 Audit Audit committee Meetings. AFS and Committee To maintain good Annual Report meetings; Annual Report meeting. Annual corporate governance and AFS adopted at issued in Report and AFS accordance with AGM adopted at AGM legislated deadlines. 2011101131 ~ ~ ~ Target achieved Target exceeded due to the timing difference in payment of service providers. Supply chain processes still in Processes to be completed by end progress for procurement of January 2011. capital goods. Target achieved Maintain the momentum ANNEXURE C Khayelitsha Community Trust Mid Year Performance Assessment Report for 10/11 FY -1 June 2010 to 31 December 2010 ~ - Meets or exceeds target; . .. 905 ~ - Currently does not meet target; ~ - Information not available or work on hold ' CII Indicator No 4 5 Annual Target Alternative funding To facilitate affordable sourced for residential development Housing Project by in KBD 31 December 2010 To implement a legally compliant set of structures for KCT and its investment companies KCT Human and Capacitation Plan reviewed, appoint CEO & Project Manager, replace Directors Management Company as required, manage financial reporting of Investment Companies Target 31 December 2010 Fundinding sourced. Actual performance 31 December 2010 The first funding drawdown of R2 million has been approved by the project financier & will be disbursed soon. First draft of amended Trust Deed has been Legally compliant circulated to the Trustees set of structures for comment. Comments for KCT and its from Trustees to be investment communicated to the City companies after Trustees workshop implemented scheduled for 21 January 2011. The first draft development plan was To update development presented by the and operational and Updated professional team to the decision- making Approve updated 6 Development Plan Trustees on 11/11/2010. development plan framework for KBD approved Inputs were provided by (initiate develpoment of the Trustees for further retail and office space) amendments. 2011/01/31 c Reason for variance ;: '" Remedial action 0:: ~ A more detailed funding application totalling R300 million is As a requirement, the revised being lodged with the project building plans had to be funders and a final decision is presented to the City of Cape expected by no later than March Town before funding could be 2011 as this will allow for the approved. appointment of the civils contractor thus the implementation of the housing project. ~ Outcome of discussions with the City regarding KCT legal structures yet to be finalised by the City. Expedite the process ~ The final presentation by the professional team will be made to the Trustees on 21 January 2011 for final approval. Expedite the process 2 ANNEXUREC Khayelitsha Community Trust Mid Year Performance Assessment Report for 10/11 FY -1 June 2010 to 31 December 2010 ~ - Meets or exceeds target; ~ - Currently does not meet target; ~ -Information not available or work on hold 906 01 No 7 Indicator Annual Target Secure alternative sources of funding. Secure alternative sources of funds for KeT, corporate compliance requirements and Phase 2 developments by 30 June 20101 2011/01/31 c: Target 31 December 2010 Actual performance 31 December 2010 := to IX N/A Evaluations of the bids submitted for financing phase 2 will commence in mid January 2011. ~ Reason for variance 3 Remedial action Expedite the process