LC 2b::n 1041 REPORT REPORT To MAYCO To COUNCIL CITY OF CAPE TOWN IISIUKO SASnAPA I STAD KAA.PSTAO 1. ITEM NUMBER: 2. SUBJECT MC 55/11/10 201012011 FIRST QUARTER'S PROGRESS REPORT ON CORPORATE PERFORMANCE AND PERFORMANCE OF THE CITY'S ENTITIES ISIHLOKO INGXELO YEKOTA YOKUQALA YONYAKA -MALI KA - 2010/2011 ENGENKQUBELA-PHAMBILI MALUNGA NENDLELA YOKUSEBENZA KWEZIKO NAMAQUMRHU AZIMELEYO ESIXEKO ONDERWERP VORDERINGSVERSLAG OOR KORPORATIEWE PREST ASIE EN PRESTASIE VAN DIE STAD SE ENTITEITE VIR DIE EERSTE KWARTAAL VAN 2010/2011 3. PURPOSE The purpose of the report is to enable Mayco to consider and Council to note: • the progress on the City's performance during the first quarter of the 2010/11 financial year covering the period 1 July 2010 to 30 September 2010 (performance year to date), as required by legislation. 4. FOR DECISION BY Executive Mayor together with the members of the Mayoral Committee. System of delegations as amended by Council on 27 October 2010 - Section (3)(b) Evaluates progress against the key performance indicators (The Executive Mayor has delegated this power to all Mayoral Committee members, within the functional area of their relevant portfolios only) & section (3)(c) Reviews the performance of the municipality in order to improve(i) the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the municipality; (ii) the efficiency of credit control and revenue and debt collection services; and (iii) the implementation of the municipality's by-laws. Cover letter to Mayea and Council.docx [September 2009] 1U42 5. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Municipal Systems Act and Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations require municipalities to submit regular reports on matters related to their performance. Accordingly. the City's corporate performance and performance of the City's entities for the period 1 July 2010 to 30 September 2010 are covered in the report attached as Annexure A, B & C. 6. RECOMMENDATIONS LSU4148 (reference number Language Services) "Delegated: for Decision bv the Executive Mayor: Recommended that the report be considered and approved by Executive Mayor and Mayco, and noted by Council. AANBEVELINGS «Gedelegeer: vir besluit deur die uitvoerende burgemeester: Aanbeveel dat die uitvoerende burgemeester en die burgemeesterskomitee die verslag oorweeg en goedkeur en die Raad van die verslag kennis neem. IZINDULULO "Zigunyazisiwe: iSiggibo sesikaSodo/ophu weSiggeba: Kundululwe ukuba makuqatshelwe ingxelo nguSodo/ophu weSigqeba, yiKomiti yoLawulo (i-Mayco) neBhunga. 7. DISCUSSION/CONTENTS 7.1. Constitutional and Policy Implications The process of reporting on the City's performance and that of the City's entities is driven by legislation and the City's approved performance management policy. 7.2. Environmental implications Does your report have any environmental implications: Cover letter to Mayea and Council.docx ISeptember 2009J No~ Yes D ~'20f5 1U43 7.3. Legal Implications 7.3.1 Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (Act 56 of 2003). 7.3.2 Local Government: Municipal Systems Act (Act 32 of 2000) (Chapter 6), as read with the Local Government: Municipal Systems Amendment Act (Act 44 of 2003). 7.3.3 Local Government: Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations, 2001. In terms of Section 41 (1) (e) of the Systems Act and Regulation 7 (1) and (2) (e) of the Municipal Planning and Petformance Management Regulations, the City (through the Integrated Development Planning and Organisational Petformance Management Department) is required to submit quarterly corporate progress reports to the Council and its relevant Committees on matters connected with the City's petformance. Therefore, this report deals with the monitoring of an existing, ongoing process that is prescribed by legislation. 7.3.4 System of delegations as amended by Council on 27 October 2010. (vi) Section (3)(b) Evaluates progress against the key petformance indicators (The Executive Mayor has delegated this power to all Mayoral Committee members. within the functional area of their relevant portfolios only) & Section (3)(c) Reviews the petformance of the municipality in order to Improvethe economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the municipality; the efficiency of credit control and revenue and debt collection services; and the implementation of the municipality's by-laws. 7.4. Staff Implications (iv) (v) Does your report impact on staff resources, budget, grading, remuneration, allowances, designation, job description, location or your organisational structure? No IZJ Yes 0 (if yes, please indicate whether or not it is part of the approved staffing structure, whether the posts are budgeted for etc.) 7.5. Other Services Consulted All Directorates. Cover letler to Mayco and Council.docx INovember 2009J Page 3 of 5 ~ 1044 ANNEXURES Annexure A: 2010/2011 FIRST QUARTER'S CORPORATE PERFORMANCE PROGRESS REPORT ON Annexure B: 2010/2011 FIRST QUARTER'S PROGRESS CONVENCO'S PERFORMANCE (Municipal entity) REPORT ON Annexure C: 2010/2011 FIRST QUARTER'S PROGRESS REPORT ON KYAYELITSHA COMMUNITY TRUST PERFORMANCE (Municipal entity) Cover letter to Mayeo and Couneil.doex [November 2009J ~~40f5 1045 FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT: Willem C/aassens NAME CONTACT NUMBERS E-MAIL ADDRESS 021-400982310823419070 Wil/em. Office of the City Manager DIRECTORA TE .(,t: tl ~ ~ORT COMPLIANT WITH THE PROVISIONS OF COUNCIL'S DELEGATIONS, POLICIES, BY-LAws AND ALL LEGISLATION RELATING TO THE MATTER UNDER CONSIDERATION. D NON-COMPLIANT Comment: TEL DATE (aLl) ~ 4-111 - -z..12.. ~:; l-z.CiO ~7/1\.{ (, CITY MANAGER Certified as lega y co Comment: Achmat Ebrahim DATE )'/1 Cover letter to Mayea and Couneil.doex [November 2009J Page 5 of 5 I 2010/2011 ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBIP) DRAFT 1st QUARTER PROGRESS REPORT ON CORPORATE PERFORMANCE Rating Key: ~ - Meets or exceeds target; ALIGNMENT & LINKAGE 'l - Currently does not meet target ; ~ - Information not available or work on hold; .. 1046 "'i:l - Original target to be amended PERFORMANCE PROGRESS INDICATOR DETAIL <>'" ZW LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE ~~ !!!o ",I- INDICATOR I-U ANNUAL TARGET 2010/11 RATING ZW 0'" TARGET QUARTER ENDING 30 SEPTEMBER 2010 ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING 30 SEPTEMBER 2010 REASON FOR VARIANCE REMEDIAL ACTION ui5 Strategic Focus Area 1 : Shared Economic Growth and Development Corporate Objective: 1A. Create an enabling environment for the economy to grow and become globally competitive 1A.1 Number of direct jobs 11500 tJr Bi-Annual target Bi-Annual target Not applicable - Bi-Annual target Not applicable - Bi-Annual target Rlbn ~ R300m R270m Post recession recovery slower than expected Continued promotion of investment and trade in key priority sectors, including renewal energy 2% tJr Annual target Annual target Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target 16000 ~ 3000 3652 Target Exceeded Maintain the Momentum 1 A.5 % of Land Use applications finalised within statutory timeframes 80% ~ 80% 86% Target Exceeded Maintain the Momentum 1A.6 % of Building plans finalised within statutory timeframes 70% ~ 70% 98% Target Exceeded Maintain the Momentum 100% ~ 100% In progress In progress In progress In progress ~ In progress In progress In progress In progress 2A.3 % of formal households with access to water 100% ~ 100% In progress In progress In progress 2A.4 % of informal settlement households with access to water In progress ~ In progress In progress In progress In progress 100% ~ 100% In progress In progress In progress In progress ~ In progress In progress In progress In progress 100% ~ 100% In progress In progress In progress In progress ~ In progress In progress In progress In progress Economic & Social Development 1A.2 Rand value of investment 1A.3 % increase in foreign visitors Housing a. 0:: lA.4 Number of EPWP job opportunities created :::J Strategy and Planning - Corporate Objective: 2A. Provide universal access Utility Services - - to basic services 2A.1 % of formal households with access to sanitation 2A.2 % of informal settlement households with access to sanitation 2A.S % of formal households with access to electricity 2A.6 % of informal settlement households with access to electri city 2A.7 % of formal households with access to solid waste 2A.8 % of informal households receiving area cleaning and refuse collection service Page 1 1st Quarter 1011 Corporate SOBIP Performance Scorecard (6) --- 2010/2011 ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBIP) DRAFT 1st QUARTER PROGRESS REPORT ON CORPORATE PERFORMANCE Rating Key: ALIGNMENT & LINKAGE ~ - Meets or exceeds target; 'l - Currently does not me'et target ; ~ -Information not available or work on hold; .. ~ 1047 - Original target to be amended PERFORMANCE PROGRESS INDICATOR DETAIL "", ZW LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE ~~ =>0: !!!o 0:0- INDICATOR o-U zw ANNUAL TARGET 2010111 RATING TARGET QUARTER ENDING 30 SEPTEMBER 2010 ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING 30 SEPTEMBER 2010 REASON FOR VARIANCE REMEDIAL ACTION 27% ~ 27% 27.20% Target exceeded Water Demand Management Strategy project implementation to be maintained and increased. The tonnages waste minimized is, in many cases, reliant on the tonnages of recyclables, green waste etc, which the public bring to the drop off site, or put out for recycling by the Think Twice contractors. During this first quarter period greater tonnages were received. Maintain the momentum 00: uj5 Corporate Objective: 2B. Conserve natural resources - 28.1 % reduction in unconstrained water demand 28.2 % of waste diverted from landfill sites Utility Services Corporate Objective: - Utility Services 9.15% 10.18% R1.2 bn t} Annual target Annual target Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target <1.3 ~ <1.3 1.03 Target Exceeded Maintain the momentum 2e. Effectively manage the City's Infrastructure and Resources Finance (Changed from Utility SelVices) ~ 9.95% - 2C.1 Amount spent on repairs and maintenance 2C.2 Average number of customer power interruptions experienced per annum 2C.3 Percentage unaccounted for water 2C.4 Percentage drinking water compliance to SANS 241 Target exceeded, most likely to be resulting from attention being given to closing metering gaps. 22.5% ~ 25% 23.4% 96% ~ 96% 97% Water Quality standards met and exceeded due to consistent process application. A Water balance review strategy is progressing well, planning to reduce the figure even further. Maintain the momentum Strategic Focus Area 3: Energy Efficiency for a Sustainable Future Corporate Objective: 3A Develop. adopt and implement a comprehensive response to Cape Town's energy and climate change challenges 3A.1 % reduction in use of electriCity Utility Services 3.3% ~ 9.99% 3.3% Page 2 The reduction is most likely due to the effects of the high increases in tariffs and the resulting elasticity on consumption. The 3.3% target is on top of the previous years baseline of 6.66%, this is based on the 3 months of the current financial year. Maintain the momentum 1st Quarter 1011 Corporate SDBIP Performance Scorecard (6) - 2010/2011 ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBIP) 1048 DRAFT 1st QUARTER PROGRESS REPORT ON CORPORATE PERFORMANCE Rating Key: ALIGNMENT & LINKAGE ~ - Meets or exceeds target; INDICATOR DETAIL IOU) ZW ->>-< =>0: ~e LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE I!'o ZW 'l - Currently does not meet target; 't} -Information not available or work on hold; INDICATOR ~ - Original target to be amended PERFORMANCE PROGRESS ANNUAL TARGET 2010/11 RATING oe; TARGET QUARTER ENDING 30 SEPTEMBER 2010 ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING 30 SEPTEMBER 2010 REASON FOR VARIANCE REMEDIAL ACTION 00 Strategic Focus Area 4: Public Transport Systems Corporate Objective: 4A. Improve public transport system and services (for e.g. the implementation of phase 1A of the integrated rapid transit programme) 4A.1 Length of dedicated public transport lanes provided in kilometres Transport, Roads & Major Projects - 4A.2 % commuters using public transport compared to total number of commuters in the CBO 4A.3 Implement and enforce appropriate legislation - 15kms t} Annual Target Annual target Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target 2% on base-line t} Annual target Annual target Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target New Public Transport by-law adopted t} Annual target Annual target Not applicable· annual target Not applicable - annual target Implementation plan to enforce by-law in place t} Annual target Annual target Not applicable· annual target Not applicable - annual target Form two Operating Companies for Phase la of IRT t} Annual target Annual target Not applicable· annual target Not applicable· annual target Safety and Security 4A.4 Engage Operators and form Operating Companies to run IRT Transport, Roads & Major Projects Strategic Focus Area 5: Integrated Human Settlements Corporate Objective:SA. Provide equitable community facilities and services across the City - Community Services SA.1 Number of Community Parks maintained according to selected service standards SA.2 Number of libraries open according to minimum planned open hours, including ad hoc Unforeseen Closing Hours 5A.3 Number of fenced formal Sport fields compliant with the defined level grass cover standard SA.4 Number of halls maintained to specified standard 3133 63 Previous Target: Due to weather conditions, weed control programmes, usage of the park, saving of reptiles, and flowering season, the target could not be achieved as it is beyond the Departments control. Corrective Actions are limited due to the natural phenomena. ~ 3133 2735 ~ 49 62 Target exceeded Maintain the momentum ~ 450 468 Target exceeded Maintain the momentum 49 450 198 ~ 165 198 Page 3 Repairs and maintenance work at the facilities are behind schedule. Information is to be provided 1st Quarter 1011 Corporate SDBIP Performance Scorecard (6) --------- 2010/2011 ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBIP) DRAFT 1st QUARTER PROGRESS REPORT ON CORPORATE PERFORMANCE Rating Key: t> - Meets or exceeds target ; ~ - Currently does not meet target; '6- -Information not available or work on hold; ALIGNMENT & LINKAGE ---- 1049 ~ - Original target to be amended PERFORMANCE PROGRESS INDICATOR DETAIL ",U> ZW LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE ;::~ ::>0: ~g INDICATOR i!'u ANNUAL TARGET 2010/11 RATING ZW oe; TARGET QUARTER ENDING 30 SEPTEMBER 2010 ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING 30 SEPTEMBER 2010 REASON FOR VARIANCE REMEDIAL ACTION 1514 Target achieved Maintain the Momentum uc Corporate Objective: 58. Deliver housing opportunities in accordance with the five year housing plan (reviewed annually) 58.1 Number of housing opportunities '" C c: ~ .2 co 00 a... per year 0:: .!:: ::iE Q.loOLL..~ en..- 0)0:: ~ 8400 ~~:E~ 1500 :=en Housing ::> a...~:g ~ ==.2 5B.2 Number Erven upgraded per year ~5~ ~06~ Target exceeded. Community resistance curtaHed the development of four of the five planned sites Executive Mayor's office will schedule a Follow-up meeting with Khayelitsha Development Forum and other community structures to try and unlock the impasse. 5 sites were planned of which one is currently being developed. This site will yield 384 incrementally serviced erven ~ 200 384 ~ ~ Annual Target Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target Not apprlcable - annual target 206 (5% reduction) ~ 52 accidents 39 Target exceeded Maintain the momentum 836 (10% increase) ~ 209 arrests 243 1000 Strategic Focus Area S: Safety and Security Corporate Objective: SA. Foster a safe and secure environment SA.1 Survey score on 5 point symmetric scale rn rn '" SA.2 % reduction in accident rate at high frequency locations - SAol % increase in arrests in drug related crimes Safety and Security SA.4 % response times for fire and other emergency incidents within 14 minutes from call receipt up to arrival 80% ~ 75% 73.67% Due to the crime intelligence received, the achievement of drug related arrests were possible. Continue to monitor drug dens closely and continue with operations at identified "hot spots" The response times are affected by the availability of The Department will continue to strive to maintain the number of appliances and staffing Jevels at Fire Stations. equipment and human resources at fire stations. The increased number of medical and trauma incidents also had an impact on response times as staff has to remain at an incident until an ambulance arrives. StrategiC Focus Area 7: Health, social and community development Corporate Objective: 7A. Facilitate the development of a healthy and socially inclusive society 7A.1 Number of targeted development Economic & Social Development - > c0 0" o 20 ~ 0 2 Target exceeded Maintain the momentum 7A.2 Number of days when air pollution exceeds WHO guidelines 135 ~ 34 32 Target achieved Data provisional and needs to be verified. 20.00 Previous Target: 19.20 ~ Bi-Annual target Bi-Annual target Currently collecting and capturing data. Maintain the momentum 100,000 of Cape Town Population 1 120 ~ Bi-Annual target Bi-Annual target Currently collecting and capturing data. Maintain the momentum 7A.5 The City's ante-natal HIV prevalence 19.6% ~ 19.6% 15.6% Target achieved Data provisional and needs to be verified. (excludes known HIV +ve's) 7A.3 Number infant deaths per 1,000 live births Health programmes 0 7A.4 Number of TB cases per Wo rn - Page 4 1s1 Q,arte, 1011 Co'pocate SOBtP Perto'maoce Scmec",d (6)~) 2010/2011 ONE YEAR CORPORATE SCORECARD (SDBIP) DRAFT 1st QUARTER PROGRESS REPORT ON CORPORATE PERFORMANCE Rating Key: ~ • Meets or exceeds target; 'l . Currently does not meet target ; ~ • Information not available or work on hold; ALIGNMENT & LINKAGE 1U50 ""i:J • Original target to be amended PERFORMANCE PROGRESS INDICATOR DETAIL ",VI ZW ~!;( LINK TO LEAD DIRECTORATE ::>", !!!o ",0- INDICATOR o-U ANNUAL TARGET 2010/11 RATING ZW TARGET QUARTER ENDING 30 SEPTEMBER 2010 ACTUAL QUARTER ENDING 30 SEPTEMBER 2010 REASON FOR VARIANCE REMEDIAL ACTION No Variance It is anticipated that the survey will be conducted between March and May next year. Decline from 10.34 days to 10.85 days. 4.93% decline. Ongoing monitoring will continue. oil: uc Strategic Focus Area 8: Good Governance and Regulatory Refonn Corporate Objective: SA. Ensure enhanced service delivery with efficient institutional arrangements - SA.1 % 'truly loyal' employees as measured by the employee culture I climate survey 34% ~ Not Applicable Request for quotation to appoint a service provider to conduct the survey is submitted to Supply Chain Management. Process is underway 12% ~ 3% improvement 4.93% decline Corporate Services BA.2 % improvement in time to « finalise complaints Corporate Objective: B8. Manage key financial and governance areas such as income control, cash flow, indigent support, alternative income opportunities, asset and risk management 8B.l % spend of capital budget 95% - ~ This is a very good spend of the capital budget. The actual infonnation deviated slightly from the target set. EMT will continue to monitor capital budget spend 9.23% 9.01% Information available from the second quarter Infonnation available from the second quarter Information available from the second quarter Information available from the second quarter Information available from the second quarter Infonnation available from the second quarter Infonnation available from the second quarter Information available from the second quarter Annual target Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target Not applicable - annual target BB.2View of Auditor General Finance - ;;: Unqualified audit ~ High investment rating ~ BB.3View of independent rating agency Corporate Objective: BC. Establish effective community engagement channels Strategy and Planning BC.1 Community satisfaction (Score 1-5) - 3 ~ Page 5 1st Quarter 1011 Corporate SDBIP Peliormance Scorecard (6) ANNEXURE B 1U51 10/11 Draft 1st Quarter Convenco Performance Assessment Report - 1 June 2010 to 30 September 2010 ~ - Meets or exceeds target; 'l -Currently does not meet target; ~ - Information not available or work on hold Indicator No Measurement Target Actual performance 30 Performance 30 Annual Target 30 June September September 2010 2011 2010 0> c :;::: 0 Reason for variance Remedial action '" Strategic Focus Area 1 : Shared Economic Growth and Development Corporate Objective: 1A. Create an enabling environment for the economy to grow and become globally competitive. 1 Economic impact (Spin off) International Delegate Days * Contribution to GOP calculated by UCT Gradute School of Business. compared to budgeted target R2.3 billion Annual Target Annual Target ~ Annual Target Annual Target Number of days attended by international delegates at international conferences compared to budgeted target 200000 Annual Target Annual Target ~ Annual Target Annual Target Jobs created Number direct and indirect jobs created compared to the budgeted 7600 Annual Target Annual Target ~ Annual Target Annual Target Events Number of events hosted compared to budgeted target 500 125 144 ~ Target achieved Maintain the momentum 5% Annual Target Annual Target ~ Annual Target Annual Target Rating achieved in independent customer satisfaction survey (out of a hundred) 75% Annual Target Annual Target ~ Annual Target Annual Target Actual savings on electricity consumption compared to budgeted target 5% Annual Target Annual Target ~ Annual Target Annual Target Percentage procurement from BBBEE compliant suppliers (in terms of BBBEE Act 53 of 2003) (minimum of 50%) 50% Annual Target Annual Target ~ Annual Target Annual Target - Revenue Actual revenue generated compared to budgeted target 98% 24% 23% ~ Target achieved Maintain the momentum - Expenditure (Cost Control) Actual direct and indirect expenditure compared to budgeted target 98% 24% 21% ~ Target achieved Maintain the momentum Target not achieved The company will spend capex according to the requirements of the business 2 Human capital development 3 Customer Centricity and Service Excellence 4 Sustainability - Energy Consumption 5 Procurement 6 Budget Capital expenditure budget Actual cost of training of permanent and temporary staff as a percentage of total salary cost compared to budgeted target Percentage of projects (budgeted for) that have been commenced and/or completed compared to budgeted target 80% 20% 13% ~ ·ANNEXUREC 1052 10111 Draft 1st Quarter Khayelitsha Community Trust Performance Assessment Report -1 June 2010 to 30 September 2010 ~ - Meets or exceeds target; Indicator No 'l -Currently does not meet target; ~ - Information not available or work on hold Annual Target Target 30 September 2010 Actual performance 30 September 2010 '"co c: :;:; Reason for variance Remedial action c:: Strategic Focus Area 1 : Shared Economic Growth and Development Corporate Objective: 1A. Create an enabling environment for the economy to grow and become globally competitive. % Spend Operational Budget 98% 24% 40.0% i) Target achieved Target exceeded due to the timing difference in payment of service providers. % Spend of Capital Budget 95% 23% 31% i) Target achieved Maintain the momentum i) Target achieved Maintain the momentum 1 2 3 To maintain good corporate governance 8 Trustee Meetings, 4 Audit Committee Meetings. AFS and Annual Report issued in accordance with legislated deadlines. 2 Trustee Meetings. 1 Audit Committee meeting 2 Trustee meetings. 1 Audit committee meeting 4 Alternative funding sourced To facilitate affordable residential development in for Housing Project by 30 December 2010 KBD 5 6 7 To implement a legally KCT Human and Capacitating Plan reviewed, appoint CEO & compliant set of structures for KCT and its Project Manager, replace Directors Management investment companies Company as required, manage financial reporting of Investment Companies Legally compliant set of structures for KCT and its investment companies implemented To update development and operational and decision- making framework for KBD (initiate development of retail and office space) Approve updated development plan Updated Development Plan approved Secure alternative sources of funding. Secure alternative sources of N/A funds for KCT, corporate compliance requirements and Phase 2 developments by 30 June 2010 2010/11/02 ~ N/A ~ ~ The Trust has received expression of interest from potential funders of Phase 2 development. The Trust is currently working on the request for qualification and proposal document for finalisation by end October. 1 ~ Financial modeling is currently being finalised for the revised housing project plan. Buildings plans have been completed and will be submitted to the City once financial modeling is complete to meet City's requirements for the funding of bulk service Outcome of discussions with the City regarding KCT legal structures yet to be finalised by the City. The multi-stakeholder consultation process went beyond the target timelines due to the unavailability of participants at times Project manager has been contracted; CV's have been received for appointment of directors on some investment companies; Finalisation of legally compliant structures of KCT & investment companies is in progress A Special Board meeting will be held midNovember 2010 to approve the updated development plan. The appOintment of 2 consultants with vast This is work-in-progress where potential investors will be appointed by 15th experience in commercial developments is December 201 0 to undertake structural being finalized. refurbishment works to the Khayelitsha retail centre. , LC 2631 1U41 REPORT To MAYCO REPORT To COUNCIL CIlY OF CAPI: TOWN IISIXEKO SASEUPA I STAO KAAPSlAO 1. ITEM NUMBER: 2. SUBJECT MC 55/11/10 201012011 FIRST QUARTER'S PROGRESS REPORT ON CORPORATE PERFORMANCE AND PERFORMANCE OF THE CITY'S ENTITIES ISIHLOKO INGXELOYEKOTA YOKUQALA YONYAKA-MALI KA-2010/2011 ENGENKQUBELA-PHAMBILI MALUNGA NENDLELA YOKUSEBENZA KWEZIKO NAMAQUMRHU AZIMELEYO ESIXEKO ONDERWERP VORDERINGSVERSLAG OOR KORPORATIEWE PRESTASIE EN PRESTASIE VAN DIE STAD SE ENTITEITE VIR DIE EERSTE KWART AAL VAN 2010/2011 3. PURPOSE The purpose of the report is to enable Mayco to consider and Council to note: • the progress on the City's performance during the first quarter of the 2010/11 financial year covering the period 1 July 2010 to 30 September 2010 (performance year to date). as required by legislation. 4. FOR DECISION BY Executive Mayor together with the members of the Mayoral Committee. System of delegations as amended by Council on 27 October 2010 - Section (3)(b) Evaluates progress against the key performance indicators (The Executive Mayor has delegated this power to all Mayoral Committee members, within the functional area of their relevant portfolios only) & section (3)(c) Reviews the performance of the municipality in order to improve(i) the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the municipality; (ii) the efficiency of credit control and revenue and debt collection services; and (iii) the implementation of the municipality's by-laws. Cover letter to Mayea and Council.docx ISeptember 20091 1U42 5. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Municipal Systems Act and Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations require municipalities to submit regular reports on matters related to their performance. Accordingly, the City's corporate performance and performance of the City's entities for the period 1 July 2010 to 30 September 2010 are covered in the report attached as Annexure A, B & C. 6. RECOMMENDATIONS LSU4148 (reference number Language Services) "Delegated: for Decision bv the Executive Mavor: Recommended that the report be considered and approved by Executive Mayor and Mayco, and noted by Council. AANBEVELINGS "Gedelegeer: vir besluit deur die uitvoerende burgemeester: Aanbeveel dat die uitvoerende burgemeester en die burgemeesterskomitee die verslag oorweeg en goedkeur en die Raad van die verslag kennis neem. IZINDULULO "Zigunvazisiwe: iSigqibo sesikaSodolophu weSigqeba: Kundululwe ukuba makuqatshelwe ingxelo nguSodolophu weSigqeba, yiKomiti yoLawulo (i-Mayco) neBhunga. 7. DISCUSSION/CONTENTS 7.1. Constitutional and Policy Implications The process of reporting on the City's performance and that of the City's entities is driven by legislation and the City's approved performance management policy. 7.2. Environmental implications Does your report have any environmental implications: Cover letter to Mayeo and Council.docx [September 2009] No~ Yes D 1U43 7.3. Legal Implications 7.3.1 Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (Act 56 of 2003). 7.3.2 Local Government: Municipal Systems Act (Act 32 of 2000) (Chapter 6), as read with the Local Government: Municipal Systems Amendment Act (Act 44 of 2003). 7.3.3 Local Government: Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations, 2001. In terms of Section 41 (1) (e) of the Systems Act and Regulation 7 (1) and (2) (e) of the Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations, the City (through the Integrated Development Planning and Organisational Performance Management Department) is required to submit quarterly corporate progress reports to the Council and its relevant Committees on matters connected with the City's performance. Therefore, this report deals with the monitoring of an existing, ongoing process that is prescribed by legislation. 7.3.4 System of delegations as amended by Council on 27 October 2010. (vi) Section (3)(b) Evaluates progress against the key performance indicators (The Executive Mayor has delegated this power to all Mayoral Committee members, within the functional area of their relevant portfolios only) & Section (3)(c) Reviews the performance of the municipality in order to improvethe economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the municipality; the efficiency of credit control and revenue and debt collection services; and the implementation of the municipality's by-laws. 7.4. Staff Implications (iv) (v) Does your report impact on staff resources, budget, grading, remuneration, allowances, designation, job description, location or your organisational structure? No [gJ Yes D (if yes, please indicate whether or not it is part of the approved staffing structure, whether the posts are budgeted for etc.) 7.5. Other Services Consulted All Directorates. Cover letier to Mayco and Council.docx [November 2009[ Page 3 of 5 ~ 1IH 4 ANNEXURES Annexure A: 2010/2011 FIRST QUARTER'S CORPORATE PERFORMANCE PROGRESS REPORT ON Annexure B: 2010/2011 FIRST QUARTER'S PROGRESS CONVENCO'S PERFORMANCE (Municipal entity) REPORT ON Annexure C: 2010/2011 FIRST QUARTER'S PROGRESS REPORT ON KYAYELITSHA COMMUNITY TRUST PERFORMANCE (Municipal entity) Cover letter to Mayeo and Council.docx INovember 2009J 1045 FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT: NAME CONTACT NUMBERS E-MAIL ADDRESS DIRECTORA TE Willem Claassens 021-4009823/082341 9070 Wil/em. Office of the City Manager .u:: ~ ~ ~ORT COMPLIANT WITH THE PROVISIONS OF COUNCIL'S DELEGATIONS, POLICIES, BY-LAWS AND ALL LEGISLATION RELATING TO THE MATTER UNDER CONSIDERATION. o LEGAL COMP IANC Comment: NAME TEL DATE COL!) ~ - "C:.I2. 2 4=1 It \'Zb(O l /li /i-uz --L1; i~l'i1' f NON-COMPLIANT ~-IH/7~l--,- Certified as ega Y co Comment: Ai. (, CITY MANAGER Achmat Ebrahim DATE Cover letter to Mayeo and Couneildoex [November 2009J ).)/0 Page 5 of 5