Index to Board Minutes 2007

Index to Board Minutes 2007
January 3,2007 (Volume 233)
Naming of Dr. Baker Pattillo as Sole Finalist for the Position of President
of Stephen F. Austin State University
January 29 and 30,2007 (Volume 234)
Election of Dr. Baker Pattillo as Eighth President of
Stephen F. Austin State University
Approval of October 18 and 19, 2006, December 15, 2006,
December 20, 2006, and January 3, 2007 Board Minutes
Approval of Personnel Items
Faculty Appointments for 2006-2007
Staff Appointments for 2006-2007
Changes of Status for 2006-2007
Approval of Academic and Student Affairs Items
University Scholars Scholarship Increase
Increase Annual Scholarship Allocation for Office of
International Programs
Proposal to Name the William W. Gibson Entomarium
Regents Scholarship Requirement Change (TABLED)
Approval of Financial Affairs Items
Budget Changes Less Than $100,000
Authorization for Mid-Year Raises
Resolution to Approve Qualified Financial Institutions
and Investment Brokers
Resolution to Acknowledge Review of Investment Policy
and Strategy
Heating System Boiler Replacement in Hall 15/18
Repairs to Residence Hall 15/18 Plant Operations Chiller
and Cooling Tower
Lease of Space for Banking Services in Student Center
Approval of Contract with Collections Services
Approval of Building and Grounds Items
Acceptance of De Witt Gift and Naming of Richard and Lucille
DeWitt School of Nursing
Approval for Naming of Bob and Dot Banks Baseball Stadium
Approval for Naming of Women's Basketball Suite for Sue Gunter
Request for Proposal - Education Research Center-Architect
Request for Proposal - Education Research Center - Construction
Manager at Risk
Authorization for Demolition of Birdwell Building
Proposal to Commission "The Lumberjack" Bronze Monument
and Maquettes from Sculptor Michael Boyett (TABLED)
Authorization for Campus Way-Finding Signage Project (TABLED)
Adoption of Policy Revisions
Director of Audit Services
Faculty Senate
Student Government Association
Appointment of Board Nominating Committee
Appendix 1 - Budget Changes Less Than $100,000
Appendix 2 - Resolution Approving Financial Institutions and Investment Brokers
Appendix 3 - Resolution to Acknowledge Review of Investment Policy and Strategy
Appendix 4 - Proposal from Sculptor Michael Boyett
Appendix 5 - Policy Revisions
Access to Secure Computing Facilities ((F-32)
Add Drop (A-5)
Allocation of Information Technology Resources (F-39)
Best Value Procurement (C-7)
Communication Services (F-29)
Computer Equipment Purchases (C-8)
Computer Hardware and Software Acquisition (F-7.5)
Computer Replacement Policy (NEW)
Contracting Authority (C-9)
Distribution of SFA Alumni Foundation Scholarships (C-51)
Faculty/Staff ID Cards (F-13)
File Maintenance for Faculty Personnel Files (A-60)
Food, Drink and Tobacco (B-8)
Grade Reporting (A-41)
Graduate Assistantships (A-20)
Honorary Degree (D-18)
Indirect Costs Distribution (A-51)
Instructor-generated Materials (A-22.1)
Intellectual Property (D-20)
Interlibrary Loan (A-23)
Investments (C-41)
Investments: Endowment Funds (C-41.A)
Issuance and Control of Campus Keys (B-15)
Library Lending (A-26)
Markers and Monuments (D-47)
Meeting and Conducting Classes (A-31)
Monthly Calendar (F-19)
News Releases (F-20)
Norton HPE Complex (B-20)
Off-Air Recording of Broadcasts for Education Use (A-33)
Out of State Travel/Study (A-36)
Photographic Reprints (F-22)
Printing Services (F-23)
Procurement Card (C-44)
Public/Student Health (D-26)
Purchase Voucher (C-31)
Return to Work (E-62)
Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid Recipients (A-40)
Scholarship Disbursement (F-24)
Student Fiscal Appeals (NEW)
Temporary Employment (E-49)
University Letterhead (D-37)
University Publications (D-39)
Use of University Facilities (B-l)
Voluntary Modification of Employment (E-54.1)
Work Requests (B-52)
Workers Compensation Coverage (E-55)
April 9,2007 (Volume 235)
Designated Tuition Semester Credit Hour Fee Increase for FY 2007-2008
Fee Increases for FY 2007-2008
Room and Board Rates for Fall, 2007
Approval of Course Fees and Other Fees for Fall, 2007
Appendix 1 - Room and Board Rate Schedule for Fall, 2007
Appendix 2 - Course Fees and Other Fees for Fall, 2007
April 23 and 24,2007 (Volume 236)
07-17 Naming of Baker Pattillo Student Center
07-18 Approval of January 29 and 30, 2007 and April 9, 2007 Minutes
07-19 Approval of Personnel items
Faculty Appointments for 2007-2008
Staff Appointments for 2007-2008
Changes of Status for 2007-2008
Faculty Development Leave for 2007-2008
Regents Professorship for 2007-2008
Faculty Leave of Absence with Pay
Staff Leave of Absence without Pay
Faculty Leave of Absence without Pay
07-20 Approval of Academic and Student Affairs Items
Curriculum Changes
Small-Size Classes Spring 2007
Approval of Name Change from Master of Science in Family and Consumer
Sciences to Master of Science in Human Sciences
Approval to Move the Division of Environmental Science to the Arthur
Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture
Proposal to Offer Online the RN-BSN Transition Program
07-21 Adoption of Summer 2007 Budget
07-22 Payment of Housing Debt Service with Housing Phase I Bond Proceeds
Approval of Building and Grounds Items
Gift of Real Estate and Naming of Jimmy Hinds Park
Contracting with Architect/Engineer for Education Research Center
Contracting with Construction Manager at Risk for Education Research Center
Gerald W. Schlief Department of Accounting Renovations
Electricity Purchasing Authorization
Comprehensive Study - Student Housing (DEFERRED)
07-24 Approval of Building and Grounds Items
Authorization for Campus Way-Finding Signage Project
Deferred Maintenance - Griffith Hall (15); Steen Hall (17); Kerr Hall (18)
07-25 Request for Qualifications and Submission of Proposals- Phase III
of Student Housing
07-26 Approval of Policy Revisions
Academic Accommodation of Students with Disabilities (F-33)
Academic Freedom and Responsibility (A-2.5)
Advanced Placement (A-7)
Affirmative Action (E-4)
Allowable Credit Hours and Completion Time for Doctoral Students
Animals on University Property (D-3)
Dead Week (A-15)
Discrimination Complaints/Sexual Harassment (E-46)
Distribution of Payroll (C-12)
Educator Preparation (A-6)
Employee Enrolling for Courses (E-16)
Family and Medical Leave (E-58)
Final Examinations (A-19)
Gifts, Loans, Endowments, and Bequests(C-16)
Grievance and Appeals (E-25N)
Library Faculty (E-31A)
Parking and Traffic Regulations (D-24)
Reasonable Workplace Accommodation for Disabilities (E-67)
Skating (D-32)
Student Media (D-44)
Student Organization Formation and Recognition (F-14)
Vacation/Sick Leave (E-54)
Audit Services
Faculty Senate
Student Government Association
07-27 Election of Officers for 2007-2008
Appendix 1 - Undergraduate and Graduate Curriculum Changes
Appendix 2 - Spring 2007 Small-Size Class List
Appendix 3 - Policies for Board Review
July 9 and 10,2007 (Volume 237)
Monday, July 9,2007
Executive Session
Tuesday, July 10,2007
07-28 Approval of April 23 and 24, 2007 Minutes
07-29 Election of President
07-30 Election of General Counsel
Election of Director of Audit Services
07-32 Election of Assistant to the Board of Regents
07-33 Approval of Personnel Items
Faculty Appointments for 2007-2008
Staff Appointments for 2007-2008
Changes of Status for 2007-2008
Faculty Leave of Absence Without Pay
Holiday Schedule for 2007-2008
07-34 Approval of Academic and Student Affairs Items
Small-Size Class List for Summer I 2007
Adoption of Intercollegiate Athletic Policy and Procedure Manual
07-35 Approval of Financial Affairs Items
Adoption of Fiscal year 2007-2008 Budget
Approval of Construction Project Budgets and Authority to Seek THECB
Approval for Phase II Housing/Parking Garage Budget and Pattillo
Student Center Budget
Athletic Programs Insurance
Property, Boiler & Machinery, Inland Marine and General Liability Insurance
Asbestos Abatement Contracts to Arrow Services and ARC Abatement for FY08
Fuel Cards for Retail Gasoline Purchases
Purchase of Campus Emergency Alert System
Authority for Rule Changes to the Short term Loan Program
07-36 Approval of Building and Grounds Items
Purchase of Property at 514 East Austin
Purchase of Property at 301 East Starr Avenue
Naming of Field House Room as William B. Lawton Room
Naming of Gerald and Candace Schlief Tennis Complex
Purchase of Water, Sanitary Sewer and Landfill Services
Purchase of Natural Gas
Construction of Tennis Complex: Timeline, Architect, Construction Manager at Risk
07-37 Approval of Policy Revisions and Amendment of Board Rules and
Regulations, Section 2
Appendix 1 - Small-size Class Report for Summer I 2007
Appendix 2 - AY 2006-2007 Faculty Workload Report Summary
Appendix 3 - HEF Allocations Proposed in FY 2007-2008 Budget
Appendix 4 - Legislation concerning Short Term Loans (SB 1232)
Appendix 5 - Policy Revisions
Agency Accounts (C-01.2)
AIDS and HIV Virus (D-1.1)
Authority to Act in the Absence of the President (D-7)
Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (D-41)
Concurrent Enrollment Program (A-50)
Delegated Purchasing Authority (C-10)
Departmental Administration (E-10A)
Discrimination Complaints/Sexual Harassment (E-46)
Distinguished Professor Award (A-16)
Driver Certification (D-10)
Dual Employment (E-12)
Emergency Management Plan (D-l 1)
Employee Terminations and Transfers (E-18)
File Maintenance for Faculty Personnel Files (A-60)
Firearms, Explosives and Ammunition (D-l4)
Gift Reporting (C-15)
Gifts, Loans, Endowments, and Bequests (C-16)
Interagency and Interlocal Contracts (C-18)
Items Requiring Board Approval (D-20.5)
Library Gifts (A-25)
Outside Employment (E-35)
Performance Evaluation of Tenured Faculty (A-37.1)
Professional and Consultant Services (C-45)
Reduction in Force of Non-Academic Employees (E-41N)
Returned Checks (C-35)
Special Purchases (C-36)
Stone Fort Museum Collections (F-25)
Student Conduct Code (D-34.1)
Student Records (D-l3)
Time Clock (E-51. IN)
Transfer Admission (A-44)
Transfer Credits (A-45)
University Logo/Seal (D-38)
University Web Development (D-45)
Vendor Protests (F-35)
Vendor Warrant Hold(C-48)
August 11,2007 (Volume 238)
07-38 Purchase of Sublett Property at 430 East Austin.
October 29 and 30, 2007 (Volume 239)
Monday, October 29,2007
Marketing Report
Executive Session items
Tuesday, October 30,2007
Executive Session items
08-01 Approval of July 9 and 10, 2007 and August 11, 2007 Minutes
08-02 Approval of Personnel Items
Faculty Appointments for 2007-2008
Staff Appointments for 2007-2008
Changes of Status for 2007-2008
Approval of Academic and Student Affairs Items
Small Size Classes Spring II and Fall 2007
Request to Move Geography Program from Department of Political Science
and Public Administration into the Department of Sociology in the College
of Liberal and Applied Arts
Request Name Change for Department of Human Sciences to
School of Human Sciences
Approval of Licensing Agreement for Sponsored Research Project
Request to Merge the Department of Criminal Justice with the Department of
Political Science and Public Administration in the College of Liberal and
Applied Arts
08-04 Approval of Building and Grounds Items
Real Estate Purchase of Wiggins Property
Naming of the James I. Perkins College of Education
Selection of a Construction Program Manager
Approval of the DeWitt Nursing School Facility Project Budget and
Authorization to Seek Coordinating Board Approval
Authorization to Issue a Request for Proposals for an Architect for the
DeWitt School of Nursing Facility
Concrete Contract with Cox Concrete Contractors
Equestrian Center Support Facility
Approval of Financial Affairs Items
Approval of Annual Audit Plan, Audit Charter and Report
Resolution Authorizing a Request for Financing-Education Research Center
Resolution Declaring Expectation to Reimburse Expenditures for the
Education Research Center with Proceeds of Future Debt
Resolution Authorizing a Request for Financing-DeWitt Nursing School Facility
Resolution Declaring Expectation to Reimburse Expenditures for the DeWitt
School of Nursing Building with Proceeds of Future Debt
HEF Reallocations and Authorizations for Banner Purchase, Austin Building
Renovations, Library Renovations and Austin Street Property Purchases
Proposal to Allow Changes to Offer Discounted Tuition Rates to Students
from Border States
Proposal to Allow Changes to the Installment Agreement
08-06 Approval of University Policy Revisions
Audit Services Report
Faculty Senate
Student Government Association
Appendix 1 - Small Size Classes for Summer II and Fall 2007
Appendix 2 - Licensing Agreement
Appendix 3 - Audit Charter
Appendix 4 - Resolution Authorizing a Request for Financing (Education Research
Appendix 5 - Resolution Declaring Expectation to Reimburse Expenditures with
Proceeds of Future Debt (Education Research Center)
Appendix 6 - Resolution Authorizing a Request for Financing (DeWitt School of
Nursing Building)
Appendix 7 - Resolution Declaring Expectation to Reimburse Expenditures with
Proceeds of Future Debt (DeWitt School of Nursing Building)
Appendix 8 - Policy Revisions
Academic Advising for Undergraduate Students (A-59)
Academic and Professional Preparation (A-49)
Academic Probation, Suspension and Reinstatement
for Undergraduates (A-3)
Add/Drop (A-5)
Alcohol/Drug-free Workplace (E-5)
Annual Budget Preparation (C-2)
Appeal Procedure Relating to the Provision of Accommodations
for Students with Disabilities (F-34)
Awarding Academic Credit for
Noncollegiate Sponsored Instruction (A-52)
Cellular Telephones and Wireless Communication Devices (NEW)
Conflict of Interest in Sponsored Activities (A-l 1.5)
Continuing Education, Outreach and Public Service Programs (A-32)
Designation of School Status (A-63)
Developmental Education and Texas Success Initiative (A-57)
Distance Distributed Education Faculty Compensation (A-58)
Faculty Evaluation, Merit Pay, Promotion and Tenure (E-20A)
Food Purchases (C-13)
Fraud (C-46)
Graduate Student Orientation and Advisement (A-61)
Guarantees Relating to Matters Other Than Termination (E-26A)
Guest Lecturers (A-21)
Homer Bryce Stadium and W.R. Johnson Coliseum (B-12)
Human Research Subjects Protection (A-62)
Illicit Drugs and Alcohol Abuse (D-19)
Inclement Weather and Other Emergencies (D-19.1)
Intellectual Property rights for Distance Education (D-20A)
Investments-Endowment Funds (C-41 A)
Minimum Length of Courses (A-14)
Overload Assignments (A-37)
Performance Review of Officers Reporting to the VPAA (E-38A)
Petitions and Handbills (D-25)
Purchase Requisition (C-30)
Reporting of Abuse, Exploitation or Neglect of Elderly or
Disabled Persons (D-46)
Reporting the Annual Disclosure of Crime Statistics (D-52) NEW
Residence Requirement (A-55)
Salary Supplements, Stipends and Additional Compensation (E-9)
Student Evaluation of Instruction (A-48)
Student Organization Risk Management Program (NEW)
Student Records (D-13)
Summer Teaching Appointments (A-18A)
Timely Warning Policy (D-51) NEW
Training and Certification of University Vehicle Operators (D-36)
University Center Operations (B-29)
December 14,2007 Telephone Meeting (Volume 240)
08-07 Approval of Certificate Program in Resource Interpretation from the
Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture