Index to Board Minutes 2004


Index to Board Minutes 2004

February 4, 2004 (Volume No. 194)


04-13 October 23, 2003 Minutes (tabled)................................................................3

04-14 Personnel

A. Faculty and Staff Appointments for 2003-2004 ......................................3

B. Changes of Status for 2003-2004.............................................................4

C. Retirements for 2003-2004 ......................................................................6

D. Voluntary Modification of Employment for 2003-2004 .........................6

E. Administrative Leaves for 2003-2004 .....................................................6

04-15 Academic and Student Affairs

A. Faculty Workload Report for Fall 2003...................................................6

B. Last Class Day Report .............................................................................6

04-16 Academic and Student Affairs

C. Forestry Master s Degree Name ..............................................................7

04-17 Academic and Student Affairs

D. Fifth Grade Addition to Charter School ..................................................7

04-18 Academic and Student Affairs

E. Dormitory Scholarships ...........................................................................7

04-19 Academic and Student Affairs

F. Patent License...........................................................................................7

04-20 Financial Affairs

A. Resolution to Review Qualified Investment Brokers and

Financial Institutions ...............................................................................7

B. Standards of Conduct for Financial Advisors and Managers ..................7

C. Interagency Contract for Annual Software Maintenance ........................8

D. Equestrian Center Equipment Funds .......................................................8

E. Budget Changes Less Than $50,000........................................................8

F. Budget Increases for Marketing ...............................................................8

G. Marketing Contract..................................................................................8

H. University Insurance – Property, Casualty, Liability ..............................8

I. Privatization of the University Center Bookstore ....................................8

04-21 Buildings and Grounds

A. Piney Woods Conservation Center Sewer Treatment Facility ................9

B. Nelson Rusche College of Business Educational Investment Center......9

C. University Center Expansion and Renovation (tabled) ...........................9

D. Utility Easement ......................................................................................9

E. Real Estate (tabled) ..................................................................................9

04-22 Private Support Agreements

A. Stephen F. Austin Quarterjack Club........................................................9

B. Tip-In Club (tabled) .................................................................................9

04-23 University Policies and Procedures

A. Resolution to Acknowledge Review of Investment Policy and

Strategy (tabled) ....................................................................................10

B. Board Meeting Schedule........................................................................10

04-24 Policy Revisions ..........................................................................................10

B-15 Issuance and Control of Campus Keys

B-24 Property Transfer and Disposal

C-2 Annual Budget Preparation (tabled)

C-8 Computer Equipment Purchases

C-10 Delegated Purchasing Authority

C-16.5 Historically Underutilized Businesses

C-42 Property Inventory and Management

D-19.1 Inclement Weather and Other Emergencies

E-61 Drug and Alcohol Testing

E-62 Return to Work

F-32 Access to Secure Computing Facilities


A. Faculty Senate..............................................................................................10

B. Student Government Association ................................................................10

C. Vice President for Alumni Affairs...............................................................10

D. Vice President for University Advancement ...............................................10

E. President ......................................................................................................10

F. Athletic Rivalry Traditions..........................................................................11

G. Board Committees .......................................................................................11

February 18, 2004 (Volume No. 195)

04-25 Resolution Authorizing the Sale of the Texas Public Finance

Authority Stephen F. Austin State University Revenue Financing

System Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, in the Aggregate Principal

Amount of $26,030,000; Authorizing Actions by the Texas Public

Finance Authority, Stephen F. Austin State University, and

Representatives Thereof in Connection with the Sale and Delivery of Said Bonds; and Resolving Other Matters Related Thereto .....................2

March 18, 2004 (Volume No. 196)

(No action item: The Board convened in Open Session at 10:00 a.m., and immediately convened in Executive Session for the posted item on Personnel – President.)

M arch 24, 2004 (Volume No. 197)

The Board convened in Open Session at 10:00 a.m. and immediately convened in Executive

Session for the posted item on Personnel-President.

April 20, 2004 (Volume No. 198)

04-26 Election of Board Officers

04-27 Approval of Minutes: October 23, 2003, November 12, 2003; February 4, 2004; February

18, 2004; March 18, 2004; March 24, 2004

04-28 Election of President

04-29 Election of University Representative for External Relations

04-30 Election General Counsel

04-31 Election of Director of Audit Services

04-32 Personnel


Staff Appointments for 2004-2005


Faculty Appointments for 2004-2005


Changes of Status






Faculty Development Leaves for 2004-2005

04-33 Academic and Student Affairs


Faculty Workload Report for Spring 2004




Underenrolled Classes


Proposal to Offer a Master of Science in Resource Interpretation

04-34 Financial Affairs


Room and Board Rates


Food Service Contract with ARAMARK


Tuition and Fee Schedule FY 2005/Changes to Course Fees


Property Purchase


Architectural Services


Adoption of Summer 2004 Budget


Resolution to Renew the Investment Management Contract with Merrill Lynch


Budget Changes Less Than $50,000


Equipment Purchases for Speech Pathology, Counseling and Special Education

04-35 Financial Affairs


Privatization of University Bookstore – Selection of Barnes & Noble

04-36 Buildings and Grounds


University Center Parking Garage

04-37 Building and Grounds


Paving Projects


Vehicle Purchases


Charter School Space


Arboretum and Native Plant Center Trails

04-38 University Policies and Procedures


Policy Revisions



Faculty Senate


Senate Business


Faculty Recruitment


Faculty Issues


Education Trends Potential at SFASU


Student Government Association


Housing Advancement Progress


Recreational Center Research




Coordinating Board Meeting (April 22 and 23, 2004)


Reception at Juanita Curry Boynton Home following concert (April 25, 2004)


Music Extravaganza at Fredonia Hotel (April 30, 2004)


Campus Picnic (May 6, 2004)


Big Dip (May 7, 2004)


Spring Commencement (May 15, 2004)


Sixth Grade Commencement at Christ Episcopal School (May 21, 2004)


SFA Letterman’s Association Golf Tournament at Kingwood County Club (June 4,



First Round of Freshman Orientation Sessions (June 6-8, 2004)


Coordinating Board Meeting (July 15 and 16, 2004)


Answer Questions from Members of the Board of Regents


Marketing Update – Stamats

Appendix No. 1 – Curriculum Changes

Appendix No. 2 – Underenrolled Classes

Appendix No. 3 – Room and Board Rates

Appendix No. 3.1 Changes to Tuition and Fee Schedules FY 2005

Appendix No. 3.2 Changes to Schedule of Course Fees FY 2005

Appendix No. 4 - Budget Changes Less Than $50,000

Appendix No. 5 - Policy Revisions

A-14 Minimum Length of Courses ..................................................................... P1

A-18 A Summer Teaching Appointments .......................................................... P2

A-21 Guest Lecturers .......................................................................................... P3

A-25 Library Gifts ............................................................................................... P4

A-57 Developmental Education and the Texas Success Initiative

(formerly Texas Academic Skills Program ................................................ P5

A-59 Academic Advising for Undergraduate Students ..................................... P14

B-3 Austin Building Conference Rooms ........................................................... P16

C-12 Distribution of Payroll .............................................................................. P17

D-3 Animals on University Property ................................................................. P19

D-12 Faculty/Staff Traffic Appeals ................................................................... P22

D-24 Parking and Traffic Regulations .............................................................. P26

D-41 Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act ............................ P45

E-4 Affirmative Action ..................................................................................... P47

E-8N Classified Pay Plan .................................................................................. P49

E-11 Discipline and Discharge .......................................................................... P57

E-16 Employee Enrolling for Courses .............................................................. P64

E-25N Grievance and Appeals .......................................................................... P65

E-41N Reduction in Force of Non-Academic Employees ................................ P70

E-45 Service Awards ......................................................................................... P73

E-46 Discrimination Complaints/Sexual Harassment ....................................... P74

E-47.1 Sick Leave Pool ..................................................................................... P81

E-49 Temporary Employment ........................................................................... P88

E-51.1N Time Clock ......................................................................................... P90

E-54 Vacation/Sick Leave Report .................................................................. P92

E-57 Performance Management Plan............................................................. P93

F-10 Emergencies........................................................................................... P96

F-16 Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities ............................................ P98

F-33 Academic Accommodation of Students w/Disabilities ....................... P100

F-34 Appeal Procedure Relating to the Provision of

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities ................................. P104

New Out-of-State Electronic fee .................................................................. P106

New Reasonable Workplace Accommodations for

Disabilities........................................................................................... P107

A-43 Summer Teaching Assignments and Receipt of

Grant Funds ......................................................................................... P110

E-48A Summer Contracts ............................................................................ P111

C-2 Annual Budget Preparation ..........................................................Addendum

C-41 Investments.................................................................................Addendum

May 20, 2004 (Volume No. 199)

04-39 Authorization to Purchase Real Estate at 1256 FM 2664 ............................1

04-40 Parking Garage: Approval of Prozign as Architect, J. E. Kingham as

Construction Manager at Risk, and Bar Win as Civil Engineer ..................1

June 18, 2004 (Volume No. 200)

04-41 Job Analysis of Vice Presidential Positions.................................................1

04-42 Changes to Board Rules and Regulations....................................................1

04-43 Adoption of Board Meeting Schedule .........................................................1

July 8, 2004 (Volume No. 201)

04-45 Approval of April 20, May 20 and June 18, 2004 Minutes...........................3

04-46 Resolution in Support of Proposed Merger of SFASU Alumni

04-47 Approval of Minutes of April 20, May 20 and June 18, 2004 ......................4

04-48 Personnel .......................................................................................................4

A. Faculty Appointments for 2004-2005....................................................4

B. Staff Appointments for 2004-2005 ........................................................6

C. Changes of Status...................................................................................6

04-49 Regents Professorships for 2004-2005 ..........................................................7

04-50 Holiday Schedule for 2004-2005...................................................................7

Academic and Student Affairs

04-51 Summer I, 2004 Underenrolled Classes ........................................................8

04-52 Proposal to Offer Superintendency Program.................................................8

04-53 Intercollegiate Athletic Policy and Procedure Manual..................................8

04-54 Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2005 Budget .....................................................8

04-55 Selection of University Insurance Provider – Property, Boiler and

Machinery, Inland Marine, Automobile, and General Liability ............8

Directors and Officers Liability Insurance ....................................................9

Electric Utility Contract.................................................................................9

Student Technical Support.............................................................................9

Budget Changes Less Than $50,000 .............................................................9

Approval for Purchase over $50,000 (Forestry for FY 2004-2005

Alto Watershed Project).........................................................................9

Approval for Purchase over $50,000 (Forestry for FY 2004 –

Approval for Purchase over $50,000 (Forestry for FY 2004 –

Tree Physiology Lab Renovations)........................................................9

Student Residence Halls ................................................................................9

Athletic Programs Insurance .........................................................................9

04-56 Buildings and Grounds

A. Network Wiring – Austin and Rusk Buildings ....................................10

C. Student Residence Facilities ................................................................10

04-57 RFP Recreation Facilities-Architect and Design Consultant ......................10

04-58 University Policies and Procedures .............................................................10


A. Faculty Senate

B. Student Government Association

1. Update on Student Recreation Center

C. Vice Presidents for Alumni Affairs and University Advancement

D. Executive Director for Enrollment Management

Appendix No. 1 – Underenrolled Classes

Appendix No. 2 - HEAF Requests FY 2004-2005

Appendix No. 3 - Budget Changes

Appendix No. 4 – Policy Revisions

C-33 Purchasing Ethics and Confidentiality .......................P3

D-1.1 AIDS and HIV Virus..................................................P9

D-32 Skating .......................................................................P18

D-34.1 Student Conduct Code ...............................................P19

D-38 University Logo or Seal .............................................P25

D-45 Campus Wide Information System ............................P28

E-8N Classified Pay Plan.....................................................P38

E-9 Compensation in Excess of Base Salary ....................P46

E-18 Employee Terminations and Transfers ......................P50

E-33.1 New Employee Orientation........................................P52

E-50A Tenure ........................................................................P55

E-51.1N Time Clock.................................................................P71

August 13, 2004 (Volume No. 202)

04-59 Selection of F&S Partners as Architect for Student Recreation Center .................. 1

04-60 Nelson Rusche College of Business Investment Center.......................................... 1

04-61 Selection of Scott and Strong as Architect for Reorganization and

Relocation of Programs on Campus ........................................................................ 1

04-62 Rental of House at Walter Todd Beef Farm ............................................................ 1

04-63 Sale of 18.70 Acres, M. G. Blanton Survey Near Smyrna,

Nacogdoches County, Texas ................................................................................... 1

04-64 Property, Inland Marine, and General Liability including Law

Enforcement Liability from USI Insurance Services of Texas and

Boiler & Machinery from Suggs & Associates ....................................................... 2

04-65 Approval of Touchnet to provide E-bill Solution Software license ........................ 2

04-66 University Logo and Tag Line................................................................................. 2

August 17, 2004 (Volume No. 203)

04-67 Resolution................................................................................................................ 1

Authorizing the Sale of the Texas Public Finance Authority Stephen F. Austin

State University Revenue Financing System Revenue Bonds, Series 2004A, in the Aggregate Principal Amount of $5,460,000; Authorizing Actions by the

Texas Public Finance Authority, Stephen F. Austin State University, and

Representatives Thereof in Connection with the Sale and Delivery of Said

Bonds; Resolving Other Matters Related Thereto

04-68 Resolution................................................................................................................ 1

Authorizing the University to invest proceeds from the Series 2004A bond issue through the Texas TERM/Texas Daily investment pool

October 14, 2004 (Volume No. 204)

05-01 Approval of Minutes from April 20, 2004; July 8, 2004, August 13, 2004; and

August 18, 2004 ........................................................................................................... 2

05-02 Election of Assistant to the Board of Regents ............................................................. 2

05-03 Personnel Items ............................................................................................................ 2

A. Faculty Appointments for 2004-2005

B. Staff Appointments for 2004-2005

C. Changes of Status

E. Administrative Leave for 2004-2005

05-04 Academic and Student Affairs ..................................................................................... 2


Proposal to Change Name of Bachelor of Science in Hearing Impaired to

“Deaf and Hard of Hearing”


Proposal to Change Name of Two Degree Programs: Bachelor of Science in

Speech and Hearing Therapy and Master of Science in Speech-Language



Proposal of an Agreement between Stephen F. Austin State University and

Tyler Junior College


Summer II and Fall 2004 Underenrolled Class lists


New Certificate Options for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Family and

Consumer Sciences


Proposal to offer a Doctor of Philosophy Degree with a major in

Environmental Science


Proposal to offer a EC-4 Online Program


Proposal to move the Department of Agriculture to the College of Forestry


Proposal to Update Table of Degree Programs

05-05 Financial Affairs .......................................................................................................... 9


University Police Radio/Communication Equipment


Approval for Purchase over $50,000 (Student Affairs - Jack Camp)


Purchase over $50,000 (Agriculture Department for FY 2004 – Replace existing Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP)


Credit Card Convenience Fee


Out of State Electronic Fee –


Annual Software Maintenance, Software Site License, and Internet Service



Software Purchase - Banner and Luminis Premier


Budget Changes Less Than $50,000 –


SORM Contract

05-06 Building and Grounds ................................................................................................ 10


Naming Opportunities


RFP for New Residence Hall


Selection of Student Recreation Center Construction Manager


Architectural Services for Baseball/Softball/ Soccer/Tennis Complex

05-07 RFP for New Residence Hall..................................................................................... 10

05-08 Approval of the private support organization agreement between the

Stephen F. Austin Tip-In Club and the University

05-09 University Policies and Procedures ........................................................................... 10

A-10 Class Attendance and Excused Absences

B-12 Homer Bryce Stadium

B-20 Norton HPE Complex

C-10 Delegated Purchasing Authority

D-7 Authority to Act in the Absence of the President

D-24 Parking and Traffic Regulations

D-25 Petitions and Handbills

D-36 Training and Certification of University Vehicle Operators

D-40 Working Hours and Holidays

D-46 Reporting of Abuse, Exploitation, or Neglect of Elderly or Disabled


E-5 Alcohol/Drug Free Workplace

D-27N Hiring Non-Academic Employees

E-56 Ethics

F-34 Appeal Procedure Relating to the Provision of Accommodations

for Students with

November 19, 2004 (Volume No. 205)

05-10 Accountability Measures ............................................................................................. 1

05-11 Student Report on Recreation Center Election ............................................................ 1

05-12 Authorization of Programming and Design Development Activity for

Student Recreation Center Facility ............................................................................... 2

05-13 Selection of Design-Build Firm for Residence Hall Construction Project .................. 2

05-14 Authorization to seek Recreation Center Fee from Legislature................................... 2

05-15 Executive Director of Marketing Status Report........................................................... 3
