Stephen F. Austin State University Minutes of the Board of Regents Nacogdoches, Texas April 17,2003 Volume 189 TABLE OF CONTENTS Stephen F. Austin State University Board of Regents Telephone Meeting April 17, 2003, 9:00 A.M., Austin Bldg. 307 Page 03-17 I. Financial Affairs A. Designated Tuition Rate , B. Course Fees 1 1 C. Laboratory Fees 1 D. Library Fee 1 E. Tuition Rate for Excessive Undergraduate Hours F. Room and Board Rates 2 2 Appendix A - Room and Board Rates for 2003-2004 Appendix B - Meal Program Changes/ARAMARK Appendix C - Modifications to Schedule of Course Fees Appendix D - Modifications to Schedule of Laboratory Fees 3 4 5 12 MINUTES OF THE TELEPHONE MEETING BOARD OF REGENTS STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY NACOGDOCHES, TEXAS APRIL 17, 2003 The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chair Mike Enoch. Board members present via telephone: Penny Butler, Margarita de la Garza Grahm, Mike Enoch, Gary Lopez, Susan Roberds, Lyn Stevens and Fred Wulf. Absent: Kenneth James and Mike Wilhite Present in Board Room 307: Tito Guerrero, Roland Smith, Baker Pattillo, Marlin Young, Yvette Clark, and other SFA administrators, staff, and visitors. 03-17 Upon motion of Regent Stevens, seconded by Regent Lopez, with all members voting aye, it was ordered that the following agenda items be adopted. A. Designated Tuition Rate The Board of Regents approved a designated tuition rate of $41 per semester credit hour for academic year 2003-2004, effective with registration for the Fall 2003 semester. B. Course Fees The Board of Regents approved the schedule of course fee additions and changes for the 2003-2004 academic year shown as Appendix C. The amended 2003-2004 course-fee schedule will be effective with registration for the Fall 2003 semester, except for certain Forestry and Geology course fees which will be effective Summer 2003. C. Laboratory Fees The Board of Regents adopted the proposed revisions to the Schedule of Laboratory Fees shown in Appendix D, effective beginning with registration for the Fall 2003 semester. D. Library Fee The Board of Regents approved an increase in the Library Fee from the current $3 per semester credit hour to $4 per semester credit hour effective beginning with registrations for the Fall 2003 semester. E. Tuition Rate for Excessive Undergraduate Hours The Board of Regents established the tuition rate for excessive undergraduate hours at the rate charged to nonresident undergraduate students effective with registration for the Fall 2003 semester and thereafter. F. Room and Board Rates The Board of Regents approved an approximate 3.4% in room and board rates, as presented in Appendix A, and the president was authorized to sign the amended ARAMARK contact as represented in Appendix B. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 a.m. APPENDIX A Stephen F. Austin State University Room and Board Rates for 2003-2004 Fall or Spring Semester w/7Day w/7Day w/210 14 Meals 20 Meals Block Residence Hall 3 Unit III 5 Wisely Hall 7 ToddHall 9 North Hall 10 Hall 10 11 Mays Hall 12 South Hall 13 Wilson Hall 14 Hall 14 15 Griffith Hall 16 Hall 16 17SteenHall 18KerrHall 20 Hall 20 Summer I or II w/7 Day w/7 Day 14 Meals 20 Meals $2,379 $2,598 $2,486 $2,598 $2,525 $2,525 $2,749 $2,486 $2,486 $2,486 $2,486 $2,598 $2,486 $2,598 Board Rates Include Sales Tax Apartments Number Rent Starr Apts. Raguet Apts. Garner Apts. Clark Apts. University Woods University Woods 1-70 200 - 299 1-134 $354 * $398 * $409 ** $512 * $409 *** $528 *** 301-316 1 BR 2 BR Fall or Rooms Spring Summer I or II Rate Rate Classification I $1,268 Hall 5, 9, 17, 20 Classification II $1,156 Hall 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18 Classification III $1,049 Hall 3 $472 12 Month Hall $1,419 $547 7/14 $1,114 Fall or Summer Spring I or II Ail Halls $472 5/5 $438 Additional Private Room Fee $400 $434 $1,195 Meal Plans Includes Utilities, Cable Television and Telephone ** Includes Utilities, Cable Television, Telephone, and Laundry Facilities *** Includes Cable Television and Telephone Classification I Halls Classification II Halls Classification Hall Enrichment Halls 12 Month Hall Enrichment Halls $200 Hall 10, 11 Hall 12 * 7/20 $1,196 210 Block $1,330 Sum 7/14 $395 $600 $500 $600 $500 $600 Sum 7/20 $494 APPENDIX B The meal program additions requested by the students have been negotiated with ARAMARK and the rate of increase is $.54 per day per meal plan for the long semester meal plans only. The Summer School rates have not been changed. ARAMARK has also included the requested 210 Block Meal Plan at a rate of $3.74 per meal redeemed. APPENDIX C - MODIFICATIONS TO SCHEDULE OF COURSE FEES 8 10 College of Sciences and Mathematics ♦Effective Summer2003 1 1 APPENDIX D MODIFICATIONS TO LAB FEES 12