Index to Board Minutes 1989 January 24, 1989 (Volume No. 90) 89-22 89-23 89-24 89-25 89-26 89-27 89-28 89-29 89-30 89-31 89-32 89-33 89-34 89-35 89-36 89-37 89-38 89-39 89-40 89-41 89-42 89-43 89-44 89-45 89-46 Approval of Minutes of October 18, 1988......................................... Election of University President ........................................................ Approval of Appointments for 1988-89 ............................................ Approval of Changes of Status for 1988-89 ...................................... Approval of Leaves of Absence for 1988-89..................................... Acceptance of Retirements ................................................................ Approval of Last Class Day Report for the Fall Semester, 1988................................................................................ Approval of Underenrolled Class Report for the Spring Semester, 1989................................................................................ Approval of Twelfth Class Day Report for the Spring Semester, 1989................................................................................ Authorization to Conduct Litigation in the Collection of Delinquent Student Loans.................................................................................. Approval of Policy on Skateboarding................................................ Approval of Budget Transfer Proposal .............................................. Approval of Closing Transfers for FY88........................................... Approval of Financial Certification .................................................. Approval of Room and Board Rate Increase ..................................... Authorization to Take Bids for Mobile Scaffolding Equipment ....... Approval for Installation of a High Speed Data Link........................ Approval of Revised Preliminary Plan for the Steen Library Project Approval of Proposed Renovation of Wisely Hall ............................ Approval to Table Recommendation to Renovate Gibbs Hall .......... Approval to Replace Two Boilers in the UC ..................................... Authorization to Sell or Demolish Structures on 1601 Baker, 214 Carolyn and 114 Carolyn ......................................................... Authorization to Secure Bids for the Repair and Resealing of the Coliseum Parking Lot ........................................................... Authorization to Retain Joe P. Lamb Engineering Inc. ..................... Authorization for Payment to Morey and McGill, Inc. ..................... Schedule of Legislative Appropriations............................................. Room and Board Rates for 1989-1990 .............................................. 1 1 1 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 11 February 27, 1989 (Volume No. 91) 89-47 Authorization for Attorney General of Texas to enter into settlement of Carpenter v. Stephen F. Austin State University............................................................................... 1 April 26, 1989 (Volume No. 92) 89-48 88-49 89-50 89-51 89-52 89-53 89-54 89-55 89-56 89-57 89-58 89-59 89-60 89-61 89-62 89-63 89-64 89-65 89-66 89-67 Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary of the Board of Regents .................................................. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of January 24, 1989................................................................................ Approval of the Minutes as Corrected of the Meeting of February 27, 1989 ..................................................... Acceptance of the Policy and Procedure Manual and Authorization for Distribution ..................................................................................................... Approval to Authorize Attorney General of Texas to Sue Variety Productions, Inc. ......................................................................................................... Approval of Faculty Staff Appointments for FY 1988-89 ...................................................................................... Approval of Faculty Staff Appointments for FY 1989-90 ...................................................................................... Approval of Changes of Status .............................................................. Approval to Grant Leaves of Absence Without Pay ........................................................................................... Award of Academic Tenure Effective with the Fall Semester, 1989.................................................................. Approval of Academic Promotions ....................................................... Acceptance of Retirements .................................................................... Award of Regents Professorships for the Academic Year 1989-90 .................................................................. Approval of Faculty Workload Report for Spring Semester, 1989...................................................................... Acceptance of 1989-90 General Bulletin............................................... Approval of Summer Budget for 1989 .................................................. Approval of Financial Certification ....................................................... Authorization for Administration to Take Bids to be Approved by Board for Replacement Equipment and Software for Energy Management System.................................................................................................... Authorization to Purchase Property at 1520 Baker Street................................................................................... Approval of Contract for Re-roofing 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 9 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 89-68 89-69 89-70 89-71 89-72 89-73 89-74 89-75 89-76 89-77 89-78 89-79 89-80 89-81 89-82 89-83 89-84 Steen Library.......................................................................................... Approval of Contract for Repair of Coliseum Parking Lot ............................................................................ Ratification of Action Taken by Administration to Replace Chiller in Hall 17 ................................................... Approval of Ratified Budget for Replacement of Chiller in Hall 17 ...................................................................... Approval of Contract for Renovation of Wisely Hall ........................................................................................ Approval of Budget for Renovation of Wisely Hall ............................................................................................ Approval of Purchase Order for Replacement Boilers in University Center ......................................................... Approval to Award Contract to Low Bidder, with Chairman Signature, for Installation of Boilers, Chillers, and Related Equipment for University Center.............................................. Approval of Purchase Orders for Removal of Asbestos in University Center and University Center Mechanical Room..................................................... Authorization to Employ Engineer for Joint Project with City of Nacogdoches for Sanitary Sewer Improvement................................................................. Approval of Agreement Between SFASU and the City of Nacogdoches to Contract for Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Improvement Project ........................................................................................... Authorization to Seek Bids for East College Storm Sewer Project With Chairman Authorized to Sign Contract .................................................................. Approval to Accept Agreement between T.L.L. Temple Foundation and Stephen F. Austin State University Foundation, Incorporated ............................................ Approval of Resolution Honoring Ms Willia Murphy Wooten.................................................................... Approval of Resolution Honoring Mr. Lavoy Moore................................................................................... Approval of Resolution Honoring Mr. A. Nelson Rusche............................................................................ Approval of Resolution Honoring Mr. M. M. Stripling................................................................................ Approval to Draft a Resolution Honoring Immediate Past-President Mr. Dan Haynes ..................................................................................... Contract for Re-Roofing Steen Library ................................................. Contract for Coliseum Parking Re-Paving ............................................ Contract for Wisely Hall Alterations-1989............................................ 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 18 28 38 Agreement for Joint Construction Project Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Improvements on East College Street between the City of Nacogdoches and Stephen F. Austin State University........................... Agreement Establishing Temple Chair in Forestry .................................................................................................. Resolution Honoring Willia Murphy Wooten ....................................... Resolution Honoring A. Lavoy Moore .................................................. Resolution Honoring A. Nelson Rusche................................................ Resolution Honoring M. M. Stripling.................................................... 49 61 67 68 69 70 July 24, 1989 (Volume No. 93) 89-85 89-86 89-87 89-88 89-89 89-90 89-91 89-92 89-93 89-94 89-95 89-96 89-97 89-98 89-99 89-100 89-101 Approval of Minutes of Meeting of April 26, 1989 ............................................................................... .... Approval of Faculty and Staff Appointments for Summer, 1989............................................................... Approval of Changes of Status for Summer, 1989 ............................................................................... Approval of Annual Faculty and Staff Appointments as listed in Supplement to Board of Regents ...................................................................... Approval of Faculty and Staff Appointments for 1989-90 ......................................................................... Approval of Changes of Status for 1989-90 ......................................................................................... Acceptance of Retirements ........................................................... Approval of Academic Tenure Award.......................................... Approval of Revisions to University's Policy on Alcoholic Beverages and Illegal Drugs.................................................................................. Approval of Holiday Schedule for 1989-90 ......................................................................................... Approval of Last Class Day Report for Spring Semester, 1989 .................................................................. Approval of Underenrolled Class Report for Summer I, 1989 ........................................................... Approval of Faculty Development Leaves for the Fall Semester, 1989............................................... Approval of Parking and Traffic Regulations and Information......................................................... Approval of Equal Opportunity Plan for Stephen F. Austin State University ......................................... Approval of Policy Statement on Interim Suspension of Students ................................................................. Approval of Annual Operating Budget 1 1 4 8 8 11 11 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 89-102 89-103 89-104 89-105 89-106 89-107 89-108 89-109 89-110 89-111 89-112 89-113 89-114 89-115 89-116 89-117 89-118 89-119 89-120 89-121 89-122 89-123 for FY 1990................................................................................... 15 Approval of Depository Contracts ................................................ 16 Authorization to Sign Vouchers and Checks for Fiscal Year Ending August 31, 1989, and for Biennium September 1, 1989, through August 31,1991................................................................ 16 Authorization to Approve Travel Requests for the Biennium September 1, 1989,through August 31, 1991 ............................... 16 Authorization for Don L. Henry to Approve Travel for the Board of Regents.......................................................................................... 17 Approval of Easement Agreement with Deep East Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc............................................................................ 17 Approval Right-of-Way Easement with the Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation ....................................... 17 Authorization to Contract with Marsellos and Scott for Architectural Services on Miscellaneous Projects........................ 17 Authorization for Administration to Assume Operations and Control of and to Renovate Concessions at Homer Bryce Stadium Authorization to take bids for Replacement Vehicles in the Biology and Geology Department ................................................ Authorization to Purchase Two Replacement Vans for the University Motor Pool .................................................................. Authorization to Sign a Resolution Approving an Amendment to the 1962 Housing System Revenue Bonds, Series A ................... Approval of Renewal Agreement with ARASERVE, Inc., for FY90 Approval of Interagency Contract for Purchase of Natural Gas from School Land Board/General Land Office ..................................... Approval of Contract for Construction of Carolyn Street Parking Lot Approval of Budget for Carolyn Street Parking Lot..................... Authorization to Purchase Additional Chairback Seating for Coliseum Authorization to Expend Funds for Phase II of the Early Childhood Laboratory Playground Project ..................................................... Approval of Change Order for Wisely Hall Renovation Project.. Authorization to Rename Education Building to Robert T. McKibben Education Building ....................................................................... Approval of Contract for Replacement Chillers for University Center Adoption of Resolution honoring Regent Dan Haynes ................ Acceptance of Bequest of Henry M. Rockwell ............................ Policy Regarding Alcoholic Beverages and Illegal Drugs in the Workplace Parking and Traffic Regulations ................................................... Educational Opportunity Plan....................................................... Depository Contracts .................................................................... Easement Agreement with Deep East Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc.................................................... Right-of-Way Easement with Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation on Starr Avenue (FM 1878) ................................. 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 23 35 62 77 79 Architectural Contract for Miscellaneous Projects 1989......................................................... Resolution to Approve Amendment to 1962 Housing System Revenue Bonds, Series A and D Providing for Change in Payee......................................................................................... ARASERVE, Inc., Renewal Agreement....................................... Contract for Construction of Carolyn Street Parking Lot ........................................................... Wisely Hall Change Order No. 1.................................................. Resolution Honoring Regent Dan Haynes................................................................................... 83 111 124 129 148 149 October 7, 1989 (Volume No. 94) 90-1 90-2 90-3 90-4 90-5 90-6 90-7 90-8 90-9 90-10 90-11 90-12 90-13 90-14 90-15 90-16 90-17 90-18 90-19 90-20 90-21 Approval of Minutes of Meeting of July 14, 1989 .................... Approval of Faculty and Staff Appointments for Summer 1989 Approval of Changes of Status for Summer, 1989 .................... Approval of Faculty Staff Appointments for 1989-90............... Approval of Changes of Status for 1989-90 .............................. Approval of Leaves of Absence................................................. Acceptance of Retirements ........................................................ Repeal of Policy on Retirement ................................................. Approval of Underenrolled Classes ........................................... Approval of Faculty Workload Report ...................................... Approval of Curriculum Changes.............................................. Approval to Raise Minimum ACT Score .................................. Award of Faculty Development Leaves .................................... Approval of Final Budget Positions for FY 1989...................... Approval to Negotiate Food Service Contract........................... Authorization for General Counsel to Conduct Litigation for Collection of Housing Debts...................................................... Approval of Guidelines for Rockwell Trust Funds.................... Acceptance of Contract for Renovation and Addition to Steen Library Acceptance of Budget for Steen Library Renovation and Addition Approval of Preliminary Plan for Artificial Turf for Homer Bryce Stadium ...................................................................................... Authorization to Accept Bids for Grounds Storage Facility ........................................................... Curriculum Changes .................................................................. Guidelines for Henry M. Rockwell Chair in Forestry .................................................................................. 1 1 3 4 12 14 14 14 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 18 18 18 19 20 23 October 17, 1989 (Volume No. 95) 90-22 90-23 Renewal of University Hospitalization Insurance Coverage ..... Presidential Screening Process for Selection Committee .......... 1 1