Is Weinberg’s Theorem violated? Larry Ford(Tufts U.), C-H Wu, K-W Ng (Academia Sinica) Richard Woodard (University of Florida) Shun-Pei Miao (University of Utrecht) Weinberg’s Theorem hep-th/0602442 Gravity + Inflaton + free scalars + free spinors + free vector fields Quantum corrections to the primordial power spectum Effects down by GH2 Largest possible IR enhancement is powers of ln[a(t)] Result of Ford, Wu and Ng gr-qc/0608002 Gravity + Inflaton + Conformal Matter Extra contribution due to conf. goes like [1/abeg]2 Because aend = 1 (for them) we all GUESS effect ∼ [a(t)/abeg]2 TWO PUZZLES: 1. 2. How can Weinberg’s bound be violated? How can conformal matter get a big IR enhancement? Strength of Quantum Gravity Coupling constant G = 1/MP2 Corrections go like GE2 = (E/MP)2 TRIVIALLY large if E > MP but Don’t know physics at those scales Perturbation theory isn’t valid Can SOMETIMES get IR enhancement for E << MP Strength of Quantum Loops Classical response to virtual particles More virtuals = larger response TWO FACTORS give density of virtuals 1. 2. Time virtuals persist (controlled by Energy-Time Uncertainty Principle) Rate at which they emerge (controlled by kinetic term in Lagrangian) How does it work for FRW? ds2 = -dt2 + a2(t) dxi dxi PERSISTENCE TIME H(t) > 0 increases it Maximum effect for q(t) < 0 (inflation) EMERGENCE RATE Conformal invariance reduces it E-Time Unc. Principle for Flat Space ∆t ∆E > 1 to resolve ∆ E Virtual pair has ∆E = 2(m2 + k2)1/2 Hence ∆t ∆E < 1 to NOT resolve Hence can last ∆t < 1/2(m2 + k2)1/2 Eg: Vacuum polarization Most for e± because smallest m Smallest k’s live longest EM stronger at shorter distances (less polarization) E-Time Unc. Principle for FRW ds2 = -dt2 + a2(t) dxi dxi k = 2π/λ still conserved But physics depends on k/a(t) E(t) = [m2 + k2/a2(t)]1/2 ∆t ∆E ∫tt+∆ t dt’ E(t’) < 1 m=0 ∫tt+∆ t dt’/a(t’) Bounded wrt ∆t for inflation! Any m=0 virtuals live forever! What about the EMERGENCE RATE? Conformal invariance, a killer symmetry: L g’µν=Ω2gµν L’ field redefinition L EM in 4D L = -1/4 FµρFνσgµνgρσg1/2 D-4 L’= -1/4 FµρFνσgµνgρσg1/2Ω , F’µρ=Fµρ Massless conformal coupled scalar (mcc) √ 1 1 D − 2 2√ − ∂µ φ∂ν φ −g − Rφ −g 2 4D−1 Killer Symmetry Suppresses Emergence Rate -dt2+a2dx2=a2(-dη2+dx2) adη=dt Conformal invariance same locally (in conformal coordinates) as flat Hence dN/dη = Γflat Hence dN/dt = Γflat/a(t) Any m=0, conf. virtuals that emerge DO live forever, but few emerge! Maximum IR Enhancements Requirements: Realized by: PERSISTENCE TIME m=0 + inflation EMERGENCE RATE no conf. invariance Massless, minimally coupled scalars Gravitons NOT by conformal matter How did Wu, Ng and Ford get anything? They initially used Raychaudhuri Eqn. dθ/dt=-Rµνuµuν- 1/3θ2_σµνσµν+ωµνωµν+(uν;µuµ);ν θ(t)=#∫ # dt [Rµνuµuν]q Rµν=8π G(Tµν-1/2gµνT) (Tµν)RW=a-2(Tµν)flat dρ/dt+θ(p+ρ)=0 δρ/ρ0= -(1+w) ∫ dη θ/a(η) Cannot ignore (uν;µuµ);ν because it cancels parts of -Rµνuµuν Cannot Ignore the Acceleration Term Co-moving gauge : uµ=δµ0 g00=-1 ds2=-dt2+2ah0idxidt+a2(δij+hij)dxidxj θ=uµ;µ=d/dt ln(g1/2)=3H+1/2 d/dt hii δθ=1/2 d/dt hii due to conformal matter µν g ∂ν ϕ µ u =− . αβ −g ∂α ϕ∂β ϕ h0i ∂i δϕ u0 = 1 + O(∆ 2 ) , ui = + 2 + O(∆ 2 ) . a a ϕ̇0 h0i (t, x) = −∂i R00 δϕ(t, x) a(t)ϕ̇0 (t) + O(∆ 2 ) . 1 1 = −3Ḣ − 3H 2 − ḧii + 2H ḣii + ḣ0i,i + Hh0i,i + O(∆ 2 ) . 2 a (uν;µ uµ );ν √ 1 1 −→ √ ∂ν −gg νk ġk0 = ḣ0i,i + Hh0i,i + O(∆ 2 ) . −g a Really hii Mixes with δϕ First order perturbation : 1 δ ϕ̈ + 3Hδ ϕ̇ + V0′′ δϕ + ϕ̇0 ḣii = 0 2 1 2 ′ ∇2 ∂ δϕ 1 ∂ 2 1 2 conf 2 −κ ϕ̇0 δ ϕ̇ + κ V0 δϕ − 2 − 2 a ḣii = κ T00 2 a ∂t ϕ̇0 2a ∂t 2 (δϕ)1 = ϕ̇0 , (ḣii )1 = 6Ḣ δϕ(x) ≡ ϕ̇0 (t)Φ(x) ϕ̈ 0 ḣii = 6ḢΦ − 4 + 6H Φ̇ − 2Φ̈ ϕ̇0 ··· ϕ̈0 ϕ̈0 ϕ̈20 ϕ0 ∇2 2 2 ∂t + 5H + 2 ∂t + 4Ḣ + 6H + 4H −2 2 +2 − 2 ϕ̇0 ϕ̇0 ϕ̇0 ϕ̇0 a Φ̇ = 1 2 conf κ T00 2 Green’s Function Solution The formal solution: dΦ/dt ≡ Ψ ′ t′ , k) = θ(t−t ) Ψ2 (t, k)Ψ 1 (t′ , k) − Ψ1 (t, k)Ψ 2 (t′ , k) G(t, W (t′ , k) 2 D ′ ′ κ conf Φ̇(x) = d x G(x; x ) T00 (x′ ) 2 It cannot be solved exactly but can be related to solution of Mukhanov equation k θ̈ +H θ̇ 2 ∂t +H∂t + 2 − Qi = 0 , θ(t) ≡ H/(a −Ḣ ) a θ 2 Qi (t, k) a2 (t) −Ḣ(t) Before the 1st horizon crossing : After the 1st horizon crossing : Ψi (t, k) = Qs (t) = θ(t) , ±ik Q± (t, k) = e Qℓ (t) = θ(t) t t dt′ /a(t′ ) dt′ a(t′ )θ2 (t′ ) Asymptotic Results for dΦ/dt dΦ/dt is BIG at early times dΦ/dt is SMALL at late times Φ(t) = Φ0 + ∫0t dt’ dΦ/dt’ THIS EXPLAINS THEIR BIG Φ(end)! Not from late times when k/a(t) << MP From EARLY times when k/a(t) >> MP Explaining the Two Puzzles No violation of Weinberg’s Thm Their [1/a(beg)]2 is NOT [a(t)/a(beg)]2 It’s really [k/a(beg)]2 No IR enhancement from conf. matter Effect from early times when k/a >> MP All modes give big effects in this regime! Trans-Planckian Issue No paradoxes, but is it RIGHT? Problems with k/a(beg) >> MP We don’t know fundamental physics there Perturbation theory isn’t valid We agree to disagree Wu, Ng & Ford: start at beginning of inflation & use pert. theory big corrections from early times Miao & Woodard: assume modes emerge from trans-Planck regime in vacuum only small corrections from late times Bua’s Bound Bua Chaicherdsukul (hep-th/0611352) : No large effects to power spectrum from fermions or gauge particles, no matter how they couple Counter example to Bua’s bound --Yukawa theory 1 1 1 αβ √ 2 √ 4√ L = − ∂α ϕ∂β ϕg −g − δξϕ R −g − λϕ −g 2 2 4! √ √ +iψeβb γ b Dβ ψ −g − f ϕψψ −g Integrate out fermions at leading Log. Order and compute Veff Scalar induces Fermion mass Fermion vacuum E < 0 Unbounded below! When can we get big QFT effects? Conclusions No Violation to Weinberg’s theorem Big quantum corrections due to conformal matter come from highly Trans-Planckian regime Only MMC scalars and gravitons get big IR enhancements Agree to disagree about significance QFT corrections CAN be big No general rule yet