The Other ADM Result with Pedro Mora (U. Florida) and Nick Tsamis (U. Crete) PRL 4 (1960) 375-377 1 Loop ∞’s of “Sub-Gravity” + Matter +φ ‘t Hooft & Veltman (1974) +Aµ Deser & van N. (1974) +Ψ Deser & van N. (1974) +Aaµ Deser, Tseng & van N. (1974) ∂4 counterterms would renormalize . . . . . but unstable Stelle (1977) Conspiracy of Four Principles Continuum Field Theory ∞ Modes Q. Mechanics Can’t have q0=p0=0 1. 2. 3. 4. Each mode has ½ω + interactions General Relativity Energy gravitates Pert. Theory ω’s add at 1st order Maybe Perturbation Theory Gives Wrong Asymptotic Exp. What we want: [Tree] {1 + # (GE2/c5) + . . .} What perturbation theory gives: [Tree] {1 + ln(∞) (GE2/c5) + . . .} Same as if correct series were: [Tree] {1 + # ln(GE2/c5) (GE2/c5) + . . .} Eg. Statistical Mechanics of Noninteracting Bosons Z(T,V,N) for K = [m2c4 + p2c2]½ – mc2 Z = = d3 xd3p −K/kB T e , (2πh̄)3 ∞ V dK e−βK (K +mc2) K 2 +2Kmc2 . 3 2π 2 h̄ c3 0 Ln[Ξ(T,V,µ)] for K = p2/2m ln(Ξ) ∞ d3 xd3p −nβ(K−µ) = ln e , 3 (2πh̄) n=0 ∞ 1 2V m 1 3 = √ ( dK K 2 ln , ) 2 −β(K−µ) π 2πh̄ 0 1−e ∞ mkB T 3 −5 2 ekβµ . = V( k ) 2πh̄2 k=1 Expanding Z for x = mc2/kBT << 1 t = K/kBT ∞ V 2x kB T 3 −t t2 1+ x dt e 1+ ( ( ) ) 2π 2 h̄c t t 0 3 4 Wrong: 0 at x + ∞ at x V kB T 3 ∞ −t 2 x 1 x2 x3 1 x4 Z= dt e t 1+2· + · 2 +0· 3 + · 4 . . . ( ) 2 2π h̄c t 2 t t 8 t 0 3 4 Right: ≠ 0 at x + x ln(x) Z = V kB T 3 1 2 1 3 1 4 Z= ( ) 2+2x+ x − x − x ln(x) + . . . 2 2π h̄c 2 6 48 Expanding ln(Ξ) for -βµ = x << 1 ln(Ξ) = V nQ f (x) ≡ V nQ ∞ −5 k 2 e−kx k=1 Wrong: f(x) = ζ(5/2) - ζ(3/2) x + ∞ x2 ∞ 3 1 −1 2 −5 − f (x) = k 2 − k 2x + k 2x + . . . 2 k=1 Right: f(x) = (Same) + 4π½/3 x3/2 +. . . f ′′ (x) = ∞ k=1 −1 k 2 e−kx ≈ ∞ 0 −1 dk k 2 e−kx = 2nd order IS small, just not ~x2 π 1 2 x Charged shell of radius R 0 (ADM 1960) Without GR: mc2 = m0c2 + q2/8πǫR “renormalize” with m0c2 = mobsc2 – q2/8πǫR With GR: mc2=m0c2+q2/8πǫR–Gm2/2R 2 Rc 2Gm0 Gq 2 m= + −1 + 1 + −→ 2 2 2 G Rc 4πǫ0R c Perturbative Result: Oscillating series of ever-higher ∞’s q2 4πǫ0G Lessons from the ADM Result Gravity might well cancel ∞’s But not perturbatively, eg m = α½mPl Not analytic in α Diverges for G 0 “Perturbative Conundrum”: Grav. response always an order behind Hopeless to compute exactly Seek new expansion in which “gravity can keep up” Past Efforts Bryce DeWitt Isham, Salam & Strathdee PRL 13 (1964) 114-118 PRD3 (1971) 1805-1817 PRD5 (1972) 2548-2565 Mike Duff PRD4 (1971) 1851-1855 (+ Huskins & Rothery) PRD7 (1973) 2317-2326 PRD9 (1974) 1837-1839 Mass from the Propagator |k,α> has ki & ωα = [k2 + α]½ Kallen-like Rep. for <Ω|φ(x)φ*(y)|Ω> d3 k 1 ∗ (y)|Ω Ω|ϕ(x)|αα|ϕ (2π)3 2ωα α d3 k Z(α) −iωα (x0 −y 0 ) i! k·(! x−! y) = e e (2π)3 2ωα α M = lim[x0+∞,y0-∞] i/(x0–y0) × 3 ∗ × ln d x Ω|ϕ(x)ϕ (y)|Ω Integrate Matter Out S[g,A] = ∫d4x L √ √ 1 1 µρ νσ L= −g R −g − Fµν Fρσ g g 16πG 4 S[g,A,φ*,φ] = ∫d4x φ*D[g,A]φ √ √ µν 2 D[g, A] = (∂µ +ieAµ)[ −gg (∂ν +ieAν )] − m −g <Ω|T[φ(x)φ*(y)]|Ω> = −1[g, A]|y x|iD [dg][dA] eiS[g,A] det(D[g, A]) A Different Expansion Stationary phase, but include <x|iD-1[g,A]|y> with S[g,A] Doesn’t sum classes of loops Adds 0 = ± (New Diagrams) Cf. perturbative comparison for 2me im(x0−y 0 ) d3x x|iD −1[g, A]|y = 1 + . . . Comparing Diagrams for ln[2meim∆t∫d3x<φ(x)φ*(y)>] Physical Interpretation: A QM Particle Causing Its Own Fields Recall free result for x0 > y0 Generally u[g,A](x) ∋ Du = 0 d3k 1 −iωmx0+i!k·!x × √ 1 iωm y 0−i!k·! y √ i∆(x; y) = e e (2π)3 2ωm 2ωm ∫dx3 selects for ki = 0 x|iD −1[g, A]|y = 0th Order u[g, A](x) × u∗ [g, A](y) u[g,A](x) moves in gµν & Aµ u[g,A](x) sources gµν & Aµ Looking for Bound States Two Cases: Simplifications No bound states hard scat. problem Bound states lowest one dominates gµνdxµdxν = -A(r)dt2 + B(r)dr2 + r2dΩ Aµdxµ = Φ(r)dt Use variational techniques to bound What if there is more than one? What about Fermions? Same representation works for fermions Don’t need to drop (φ*φ)2 term NB fermion kinetic operators give bosonic QM problem And fermions have spin Potential Significance of Spin Parts of Ψ(x) seen thru BIG γ factors Spinning disk model ½ = ½mR2ω Rω = /mR R = /mc Rω = c Cons. Parallel Strips Top strip rest frame RS = γ(1+β2) Gδm/c2 Conclusions QGR ∞‘s may be perturbative artifacts This isn’t crazy Physics is reasonable Many examples from simple physics But it IS hard to check Hopeless to compute exactly Need alternate expansion One example would suffice! Our Program: Generalize the Other ADM Result to QFT 0th order: QM particle in fields it causes Gauge invariant Adds 0 = (New – New) to loop expansion Breaks perturbative conundrum Interesting case is bound states Normal QGR response always an order behind What are they if more than one? Should be solvable numerically