Primordial Gravitational Waves Enhancement arXiv:1006.5150 & 1108.1696 M. G. Romania & N.C. Tsamis

Primordial Gravitational
Waves Enhancement
arXiv:1006.5150 & 1108.1696
M. G. Romania & N.C. Tsamis
(University of Crete)
Question: What happens to
gravitons in QG inflation?
QG Inflation
GΛ ~ 10-6 starts inflation
QG back-reaction stops inflation
Eff. Field Eqns: Gµν = -Λgµν+ 8πGTµν[g]
Tµν[g] = (ρ+p)uµuν + pgµν
p[g] = Λ2 f(-GΛ□-1R)
f(x) grows w/o bound
ρ[g] & uµ[g] from conservation
Numerical Results for
GΛ=1/300 and f(x) = ex-1
X= -∫tdt’ a-3∫t’dt’’ a3R
p = Λ2f(-GΛX) = Λ/8πG
Evolution of X(t) = □-1R
Falls steadily to Xcr
Then oscillates with
constant period and
decreasing amplitude
Generic for any f(x)
growing w/o bound
Inflation Ends, H(t) goes < 0,
R(t) oscillates about 0
Generic Expansion Histories
with only ω = 24πfcr’(GΛ)2Λ
Near End of Inflation
a(t) = acr e-N
H2(t) ≈ ω/9 (4N + 4/3)
Brief Oscillatory phase in ∆t = t–tcr
a(t) ≈ acr [6 + ω∆t + √2 sin( ω∆t)]/6
H(t) ≈ ω [1 + √2 cos(ω∆t)]/[6a(t)/acr]
Radiation Domination
R = 6Ḣ + 12H2 0 p = const
-Λgµν + 8πGTµν[g] 0 usual evolution
Tensor Perturbations
Usual eqn for u(t,k)
∂t2u + 3H ∂tu + k2/a2 u = 0
But H(t) oscillates & goes negative!
Hubble “friction” becomes anti-friction
Increases |∂tu(t,k)|
Effect on M(t,k) = |u(t,k)|2 unclear
One solution surely enhanced
But what is its coefficient?
Better to evolve
M(t,k) = |u(t,k)|2 directly
M(t,k) = u(t,k) u*(t,k)
Now use ∂t2u + 3H ∂tu + (k/a)2 u = 0
∂t2M = -3H ∂tM + 2(k/a)2 M + 2 (∂tu) ∂tu*
Now use u ∂tu* - (∂tu) u* = i/a3
∂tM = (∂tu) u* + u ∂tu*
∂t2M = (∂t2u) u* + 2 (∂tu) ∂tu* + u ∂t2u*
Implies (∂tu) ∂tu* = [(∂tM)2 + a-6]/4M
∂t2M + 3H ∂tM + 2(k/a)2 M
= [(∂tM)2 + a-6]/2M
Great analytic control of M(t,k)
Before 1st crossing
Bunch-Davies M(t,k) 1/2ka2(t)
2ka2M = 1 + (1-½ε)(Ha/k)2 + O(H4a /k4)
Breaks down for large ε(t)
During radiation domination
Exact solution: M(t,k)
= [2ka2(t)]-1 [C2 sin2(k/Ha) + C-2 cos2(k/Ha)]
C large for k/a(t) « H(t) M ~ const
C large for k/acr ~ ω 2ka2<M> ~ const
How much energy is there?
E(t,k) = ½a3ẋ2 + ½ak2x2
x(t,k) = u(t,k)α(k) + u*(t,k)α† (k)
α(k)|Ω> = 0
<Ω|E(t,k)|Ω> = ½a3|∂t u|2 + ½ k2a|u|2
|u|2 = M & |∂tu|2 = [(∂tM)2 + a-6]/4M
<E> = ½a3[(∂t M)2 + a-6]/4M + ½k2aM
Subtract off ½ω = ½k/a(t)
∆E = [a6(∂tM)2 + (1-2ka2M)2]/8a3M
Gravity wave people want
dρ(t,k) = 4πk2dk/[2πa(t)] ∆E(t,k)
dΩgw/dln(k) = [8πG/3H2(t)] dρ(t,k) k/dk
= (4/3π) Gk4/H2a4 [a6(∂tM)2+(1-2ka2M)2]/8ka2M
M-terms ~ constant
2 4
H a constant during radiation domination
2 4
1/H a falls like 1/a(t) during matter dom.
Gk4/H2a4 = Gω2 (k/ωa)4 (ω/H)2
Bump in the gravity wave
Oscillations at end of inflation
Little effect of cosmological perturbations
Pulse of gravity waves at ωacr/a0 ~ 1010 Hz
Not currently detectable, maybe in future
Eqn of M(t,k) = |u(t,k)|2
Excellent analytic control
Works for Q’’ + [k2–θ’’/θ]Q = 0 with ANY θ