Free Gravitons Break de Sitter Invariance (arXiv:0907.4930, 1002.4037) S. P. Miao (Utrecht) N. C. Tsamis (Crete) R. P. Woodard (Florida) Spacetime Exp. Strengthens QFT Why? Maximum Effect for Loops classical physics of virtuals Expansion holds virtuals apart longer Inflation M=0 No conformal invariance (classically) Two Particles MMC scalars gravitons Primordial Inflation was nearly ² de Sitter with small GH ds2 = -dt2 + a²(t) dx.dx ² ∆²R(k) ≈ GH²(tk)/πε(tk) & ∆ h(k) ≈ 16GH²(tk)/π WMAP data for k = .002/Mpc & ε(t) = -Ḣ/H² For single-scalar inflation with k = H(tk)a(tk) H(t) = á/a ∆²R = 2.441 x 10-9 & r = ∆²h/∆²R < 0.22 Hence ε ≈ r/16 < 0.014 (even smaller before tk!) GH² ≈ π/16 x r x ∆²R < 10-10 MMC Scalar Models λφ4 (Brunier, 1. Kahya, Onemli) M²(x;x') ∆u(t,k) & <Tµν> Growing scalar mass & pos. vac. Energy SQED (Degueldre, 2. M²(x;x') ∆u & [µΠν](x;x') ∆εµ <φ*φ>, <(Dµφ)*Dνφ>, <FµνFρσ> & <Tµν> Growing photon mass & neg. vac. Energy Yukawa (Duffy, 3. Kahya, Prokopec, Tornkvist, Tsamis) Prokopec, Miao) M²(x;x') ∆u, Σ(x;x') ∆u & <φψ†γ0ψ> Growing fermion mass & neg. vac. Energy Quantum Gravity Models QG + Dirac (Miao) 1. [iΣj](x;x') ∆u(t,k) Growing fermion field strength QG + MMC Scalar (Kahya, Park) 2. M²(x;x') ∆u(t,k) [µνΣρσ](x;x’) ∆εµν & force of gravity Possible tilt in Power Spectrum QG (Tsamis, Mora) 3. [µνΣρσ](x;x') & <hµν> Consistent with relaxation of Λ Enhanced QFT as IR Logs What? factors of ln(a) = Ht Through propagators Eg ρ = λ(H/2π)4 x ⅛ ln²(a) + O(λ) i∆(x;x’) = (dS inv) + H²/8π² ln(aa’) i[ij∆kℓ](x;x’) = [2δi(kδℓ)j – 2δijδkℓ] x same Also from vertex integrations ∫t dt’ 1 = t = ln(a)/H NB occur even if no dS breaking in i∆! Math Guys Hate IR logs Reluctantly accept in i∆(x;x’) But struggle to avoid consequences But deny in i[ij∆kℓ](x;x’) NB vertex integrations still break dS ∫d4x’ √-g(x’) θ(x0-x’0) θ[-ℓ2(x;x’)] = ∫t dt’ a3(t’) x 4π/3H3 (1/a’ – 1/a)3 = 4π/3H4 [ln(a) + O(1)] But simplest IR logs come from props dS Inv Eqns Don’t Always Have Invariant Solutions MMC φ: □i∆(x;x’) = iδ4(x-x’)/√-g Allen & Folacci, PRD35 (1987) 3371. ds2 = -dt2 + a2(t) dxdx a(t) = eHt i∆(x;x’) = ∫d3k/(2π)3 ek(x-x’) x[θ(t-t’)u(t,k)u*(t’,k) + θ(t’-t)u*(t,k)u(t’,k)] u(t,k) = H/(2 k3)½ [1 – ik/Ha] Exp[ik/Ha] IR problem: uu* ~ H2/2k3 What about i[µν∆ρσ](x;x’)? Cosmologists: not invariant Grishchuk (Sov. Phys. JETP 40 (1975) 409) Gravitons have same u(t,k) as MMC φ This IS observable! ∆²h = k3/2π ∫d3x eikx <hij(t,x) hij(t,0)> = k3/2π × 32πG × 2 × |u(t,k)|2 = 16/π GH2 (a.k.a. SCALE INVARIANCE) Kleppe (PLB 317B (1993) 305) Comp. trans. does not restore invariance What about i[µν∆ρσ](x;x’)? Math Physicists: Yes it is! Add α(Dνhνµ + βDµhνν)2 Solve in Euclidean space & continue Ok except few “singular” choices of α and β Burden of my Talk: Math Physicists are wrong Obstacle to adding gauge fixing term Obstacle to analytic continuation Origin of “singular” gauges “Exact” vs “Average” Gauges Illustrate with EM in flat space Exact: ∂iAi= 0 (Coulomb) Average: L L - ½ (∂µAµ)2 (Feynman) Derive Average from Exact Start in canonical functional formalism ∫ [dET] [dAT] eiSfixed S. Coleman, Erice 1973 Coleman’s Seven Steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Integrate out ET Use ∫[dAT] = ∫ [dA] δ[∂iAi] √det[∂i∂i] Undo A0 constraint Write integrand as invariant δ[∂µAµ] w field dependent gauge trans δ[∂µAµ–f(x)] w C-number gauge trans Multiply by ∫[df] Exp[-½i∫f2] Obstacle on T3 × R Invariant: ∂iFi0 = J0 Q = 0 Feynman: [-∂t2+∂i∂i]A0 = J0 Q ≠ 0 ok Problems at Coleman’s steps 2 & 3 No 0-modes for δ[∂iAi] and A0 Hence no 0-mode for gauge fixing term Same Obstacle on de Sitter IR ∞ of φφ* self-energy (gr-qc/0508015) Analytic Continuation Sees Only Logarithmic IR Divergences [□-M2]i∆(x;x’) = iδ4(x-x’)/√-g i∆(x;x’) =∫d3k/(2π)3 eik(x-x’) x[θ(t-t’)u(t,k)u*(t’,k)+θ(t’-t)u*(t,k)u(t’,k)] u(t,k) = [π/(4Ha3)]½ Hν(1)[k/Ha] ν = [9/4 – M2/H2]½ uu* ~ k-2ν [1 + O(k2)] IR ∞’s for 2ν ≥ 3 M2 ≤ 0 But only logarithmic for M2 = -N(3+N) H2 IR ∞’s Signal Wrong Physics DON’T subtract them, fix the physics Physical Problem: Exclusive Inclusive in flat QED, QCD & QG Can’t enforce Bunch-Davies for k < Hainitial Standard Fixes Vilenkin (NPB:226,527,1983) Change Bunch-Davies for k < Hainitial NCT and RPW (CQG:11,2969,1994) Keep Bunch-Davies on T3xR with no k < Hainitial How It Works In Practice i∆naïve(x;x’) = ∫d3k/(2π)3 ek(x-x’) x[θ(t-t’)u(t,k)u*(t’,k) + θ(t’-t)u*(t,k)u(t’,k)] Just cut off IR ∫d3k/(2π)3 ek(x-x’) θ(k-k0) x (Same) Resolves old problem of Ford & Parker (1977) Scalar-driven FRW Iliopoulos,Tomaras,NCT,RPW (NPB:534,419,1998) MMC scalars on FRW with constant ε Janssen,SPM,Prokopec,RPW (CQG:25,245013,2008) ² ² ² V de Sitter with M S = -N(N+3)H and M SPM,NCT,PRW (JMP:51,072503,2010) ² = -(N+1)(N+3)H Why Not Use the Subtracted Solutions for Power Law IR ∞’s? [□-M²] i∆(x;x’) = iδ4(x-x’)/√-g but i∆(x;x’) ≠ <ψ|T[φ(x)φ(x’) ]|ψ> Eg i∆(x;x’) i Gret(x;x’) Vanishes for x’=x vs <ψ|φ²|ψ> ≠ 0 SHO: -m[(d/dt)²+ω²] i∆(t;t’) = iδ(t-t’) -i sin[ω|t-t’|]/2mω + α cos(ωt)cos(ωt’) + β sin[ω(t+t’)] + γ sin(ωt)sin(ωt’) Solves for any α, β & γ, but QM requires α + γ ≥ 1/2mω and αγ ≥ ¼β² Math: Reflection Positivity fails Exact de Donder Gauge mtrcµν = gµν+ hµν with Dνhνµ = ½Dµhνν Dµναβ i[αβ∆ρσ](x;x’) ≠ gµ(ρgσ)ν iδ4(x-x’) Not consistent with gauge condition rhs = [gµ(ρgσ)ν - ½ gµνgρσ] iδ4(x-x’) + 2 √-g Sym{DµDρ’ i[ν∆σ](x;x’)} [□+3H2] i[µ∆ν](x;x’) = gµν iδ4(x-x’)/√-g Corresponds to MV2 = -6H2 IR ∞’s MV2≤ 0, Log MV2 = -(N+2)(N+3)H2 Scalar Structure Functions in i[µν∆ρσ](x;x’) Spin 0 Part: Pµν(x) Pρσ(x’) S0(x;x’) Pµν = DµDν + ½ [□+6H²] gµν ¾[□+4H²][□+6H²]² S0(x;x’) = -iδ4(x-x’)/√-g M² = -4H² is Log ∞, M² = -6H² is power ∞ Spin 2 Part: Pµνβ δ(x) Pρσκθ(x’) [RβκRδθS ] 2 Cαβγδ = Pµναβγδ hµν + O(h2) Pµνβδ = -1/2H² Pµναβγδ DαDγ Rβκ = -1/2H² ∂²y/∂xβ∂x’κ y= aa’H²(x-x’)² □³[□-2H²]² S2 = 128 H4 iδ4(x-x’) Log³ ∞! Solving Scalar Propagators [□ + (b²-9/4)H²] i∆b(x;z) = iδ4(x-z)/√-g [□ + (b²-9/4)H²] i∆bc(x;z) = i∆c(x-z) ub(t,k) = [π/4Ha³]½ Hb(1)(k/Ha) IR ∞ for b ≥ 3/2 i∆b(x;x’) = ∫d3k/(2π)3 ek(x-x’) θ(k-H) x[θ(t-t’)ub(t,k)ub*(t’,k) + θ(t’-t)ub*(t,k)ub(t’,k)] Same as adding few homogeneous terms to i∆naïve i∆bc = (i∆c-i∆b)/(b²-c²)H² [□ + (b²-9/4)H²] i∆bcd(x;z) = i∆cd(x;z) i∆bcd = (i∆bd-i∆bc)/(c²-d²)H² And the Answer Is . . . S0(x;z) = -4/3 i∆WMM(x;z) S2(x;z) = 32 [i∆AAA – 2i∆AAB + i∆ABB] W = 5/2 & M = √33/2 A = 3/2 & B = ½ Multiple Infrared Divergences A is Logarithmic W is Quadratic (and Logarithmic) M is a Non-Integer Power Law Conclusion: Graviton Propagator Is NOT de Sitter Invariant Plausible arguments each way Pro: Inv. solns w some gauge fixing terms Con: Dynamically same as MMC scalars + IR divergences in some gauges Long controversy resolved Obstacle to adding gauge fixing terms Obstacle to Euclidean continuation