Interacting Quantum Fields on de Sitter Space R. P. Woodard Academia Sinica December 30, 2011 (Spatially Flat) FRW Cosmology ds² = -dt² + a²(t)dx·dx H(t) = å/a ε(t) = -Ḣ/H2 = 1 – aä/å2 Current values H0 = (73.8 ± 2.4) km/s-Mpc ~ 2.4·10-18 Hz ε0 = 0.33 ± 0.13 Inflation: å > 0 & ä > 0 H > 0 & ε < 1 Happening now! (but with GH02 ~ 10-122) Primordial inflation (with GH2 ~ 10-10) Various power law expansions Radiation domination Matter domination a(t) ~ t²⁄³ H(t) = 2/(3t) ε(t) = 3/2 Curvature domination a(t) ~ t½ H(t) = 1/(2t) ε(t) = 2 a(t) ~ t H(t) = 1/t ε(t) = 1 Vacuum energy domination a(t) ~ eKt H(t) = K ε(t) = 0 Single Scalar Inflation L = -½∂µφ∂νφgµν√-g – V(φ)√-g ds2 = -dt2 + a2(t)dx·dx & φ = f(t) Reconstruction: given a(t) H(t) ε(t) ∂tḟ + 3Hḟ + V’(f) = 0 3H2 = 8πG [½ḟ2 + V(f)] (2ε-3)H2 = 8πG [½ḟ2 – V(f)] 8πGḟ2 = 2εH2 f(t) & t(f) 8πGV = (3–ε) H2 V(φ) Conclusion Can get any 0 < ε(t), including 0 < ε < 1 Long inflation requires flat V(φ) What the CMB data says Two power spectra (k0 = 0.002 Mpc-1) ∆R2(k) = (2.43±0.082)▪10-9 (k/k0)-0.0332±0.0093 r = ∆h2(k0)/∆R2(k0) < 0.17 (95% conf.) For single-scalar inflation (with k = H(tk)a(tk)) Comparing theory to observation ∆R2(k) ~ GH2(tk)/πε(tk) ∆h2(t) ~ 16GH2(tk)/π ε(tk0) ~ r/16 < 0.011 GH2(tk0) ~ π/16 ▪ ∆R2(k0) ▪ r < 8.1▪10-11 Conclusion Primordial inflation very close to de Sitter Quantum gravity effects small but not negligible de Sitter Space constant H Maximally symmetric solution with Λ> 0 5-dimensional embedding: xµ XA 0 2 ds2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 -(X ) + (X ) + (X ) + (X ) + (X ) = 1/H2 2 2 Ht = -dt + a (t)dx·dx with a(t) = e 0 -2 2 X = a/2H (1 – a + H x·x) i Xi = a x 4 -2 2 X = a/2H (1 + a – H x·x) Conformal coordinates (dt = a dη) 2 2 ds2 = a [-dη + dx·dx] with a = -1/Hη Conformal time runs from -∞ < η < 0 2 N.B. gµν = a ηµν Life Cycle of a Mode ds2 = -dt2 + a2(t)dx·dx translation inv. k = 2π/λ a good quantum number But physics depends on k/a(t) Behavior of H(t)·a(t) Oscillations for k/a(t) >> H(t) No oscillations for k/a(t) << H(t) inflation Ha ~ K·eKt grows deceleration Ha ~ (p/t)·(t)p ~ (t)p-1 falls Horizon crossing 1st crossing: k = H(tk)·a(tk) during inflation 2nd crossing: k = H·a after inflation MMC Scalar φ(t,x) L = -½ ∂µφ∂νφgµν√-g = ½ a3[(∂tφ)2 – ∂iφ∂iφ/a2] L = ∫d3x L f(t,k) = ∫d3x e-ik·x φ(t,x) L = ½ a3 ∫d3k/(2π)3 [|∂tf|2 – k2/a2 |f|2] Each f(t,k) a harmonic oscillator With m(t) ~ a3(t) and ω(t) = k/a(t) Ground state at time t has E = ½ k/a(t) But no stationary states Quantum Mechanics of f(t,k) Mode Eqn: ∂tḟ + 3Hḟ + k2/a2 f = 0 Bunch-Davies vacuum α |Ω> = 0 Minimum energy for t -∞ E(t,k) = ½ a3(t) [|ḟ(t,k)|2 + k2/a2(t) |f(t,k)|2] u(t,k) = H/(2k3)½ [1 – ik/Ha(t)] eik/Ha(t) (de Sitter) f(t,k) = u(t,k) α + u*(t,k) α† with [α,α†] = 1 <Ω|E(t,k)|Ω> = ½ a3|ů|2 + ½ k2a|u|2 = k/2a + H2a/4k <Ω|E(t,k)|Ω> = k/a(t) [½ + N(t,k)] N(t,k) = [Ha(t)/2k]2 for a single mode UV (k>>Ha) N ~ 0 IR (k<<Ha) explosive growth (CMB anisotropies) Compare with MCC φ(t,x) L = -½ ∂µφ∂νφgµν√-g – 1/12 φ2R√-g = ½ a3(∂tφ)2 -½ a(∂iφ)2 -½ a3Ḣφ2 –a3H2φ2 = 1/(2a) {[∂η(aφ)]2 – [∂i(aφ)]2 - ∂η(Ha3φ2)} a(t) φ(t,x) a flat space m=0 scalar v(t,k) = exp[-ik∫tdt’/a(t’)]/[(2k)½a(t)] <Ω|E(t,k)|Ω> = ½ k/a(t) cf u(t,k) = exp[-ik∫tdt’/a(t’)]/(2k)½·[1/a(t) – iH/k] Both oscillate and fall off for k >> Ha Both stop oscillating for k << Ha u(t,k) const, whereas v(t,k) const/a(t) Summary so far Primordial Inflation approximately de Sitter QFT strengthened because GH2 ~ 10-10 vs GH02 ~ 10-122 K Inflation produces MMC scalars & gravitons This is what caused the CMB anisotropies Will interact with themselves & other fields MMC scalar & graviton perturbations fossilize QG perturbative but not negligible Preserve effects from high scales Cf. arXiv:1005.4530 with Ford, Miao, Ng & Wu Many interesting things besides CMB Changing Kinematics & Forces Inflationary scalars & gravitons can change Free particle wave functions (mass & field strength) Force laws (for EM & GR) How to check Compute φ &/or hµν corrections to particle’s 1PI 2-pt Solve linearized effective field eqns 1PI 2-point functions Scalars: -iM2(x;x’) (scalar self-mass-squared) Fermions: -i[iΣj](x;x’) (fermion self-energy) Photons: +i[µΠν](x;x’) (vacuum polarization) Gravitons: -i[µνΣρσ](x;x’) (graviton self-energy) Quantum-Correcting Maxwell’s Eqns with Vacuum Polarization ∂ν[√-g gνρgµσ Fρσ(x)] + ∫d4x’[µΠν](x;x’)Aν(x’) = Jµ(x) Jµ = 0 kinematics of photons Jµ ≠ 0 EM forces Important Simplifications Fµν = ∂µAν - ∂νAµ √-g gνρgµσ = ηνρηµσ in conformal coordinates for D=4 Solve Perturbatively [µΠν] = [µΠν]1 + [µΠν]2 + . . . Aµ = A0µ + A1µ + A2µ + . . . ∂ν(F0)νµ = Jµ ∂ν(F1)νµ = -∫d4x’ [µΠν]1(x;x’) A0ν(x’) One loop [µΠν] from SQED (PRL 89 (2002) 101301, astro-ph/0205331 with Prokopec & Tornkvist) Transverse tensor structure (ηµνηρσ – ηµρηνσ) ∂’ρ∂σ [ΠF + ΠC + ΠG](x;x’) (δmnδrs- δmrδns) ∂’r∂s ΠK(x;x’) (purely spatial) ∂2 = ηµν∂µ∂ν , ∆η = η-η’ , ∆x = |x-x’| ΠF(x;x’) = -α/96π ∂4[θ(∆η-∆x) {ln[µ2(∆η2-∆x2)] - 1}] ΠC(x;x’) = -α/6π ln(a) δ4(x-x’) ΠG(x;x’) = -αH2a/8π ∂2[a’ θ(∆η-∆x) {ln[H2(∆η2-∆x2)] + 1}] ΠK(x;x’) = +αH4(aa’)2/4π θ(∆η-∆x) {ln[H2(∆η2-∆x2] + 2} Points to note Each Π(x;x’) causal – from Θ(∆η-∆x) -- & real ΠF(x;x’) same as in flat space ΠG(x;x’) & ΠK(x;x’) contains powers of a and a’ One loop results Long wavelength photons develop mass EM force screened after N~6 e-foldings Might this give magnetogenesis? Certainly reached during primordial inflation IF there are charged MMC scalars Vacuum energy decreases Perturbation theory breaks down Nonperturbative Results for SQED <φ*φ> ≈ 1.6495 H²/e² Mγ2≈ 3.32133 H2 Mφ2 ≈ .8961 ٠ 3e²H2/8π² ρvac ≈ -.6551 ٠ 3H4/8π² 1. 2. 3. 4. Cf. a dielectric slab in a charged capacitor ≈-.2085 ٠ Λ/8πG ٠ GH² Small wrt Λ/8πG but HUGE wrt ρcrit And DYNAMICAL MMC Scalar Models φ4 (Brunier, 1. Kahya, Onemli) M²(x;x') ∆u(t,k) & <Tµν> Growing scalar mass & pos. vac. Energy SQED (Kahya, 2. Prokopec, Tornkvist, Tsamis) M²(x;x') ∆u(t,k) & [µΠν](x;x') ∆εµ(t,k) <φ*φ>, <(Dµφ)*Dνφ>, <FµνFρσ> & <Tµν> Growing photon mass & neg. vac. Energy Yukawa (Duffy, 3. Prokopec, Miao) M²(x;x') ∆u, Σ(x;x') ∆u & <φψψ> Growing fermion mass & neg. vac. Energy Quantum Gravity Models QG + Dirac (Miao) 1. [iΣj](x;x') ∆u(t,k) Growing fermion field strength QG + MMC Scalar (Kahya, Park) 2. M²(x;x') ∆u(t,k) [µνΣρσ](x;x’) ∆εµν(t,k) & ∆Φ(t,r) QG (Tsamis, Mora) 3. [µνΣρσ](x;x') & <hµν> Consistent with relaxation of Λ A Chance to Play at being Feynman & Schwinger Flat space quantum field theorists had to Cosmological quantum field theorists have to Quantum correct the ground state Identify observables Resolve the IR problem Resolve the UV problem Quantum correct the ground state Identify observables Resolve the IR problem Resolve the UV problem Important problems to solve & data to check Conclusions Primordial inflation approximately de Sitter Primordial inflation enhances QFT because Effects from two species of particles MMC scalars (if any) Gravitons Corrections to kinematics & forces GH2 ~ 10-10 >> GH02 ~ 10-122 Particle production from accelerated expansion Fossilized effects preserved to late times Compute corrections to 1PI 2-point functions Solve linearized effective field eqns Many effects studied, many left to study