I nternat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1978) 459-477 Vol 459 TANGENT CONES, STARSHAPE AND CONVEXITY J. M. BORWEIN Department of Mathematics Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada, B3H 4H8 (Received March 28, 1978) ABSTRACT. In the last few years various infinite dimensional extensions to Krasnoselski’s Theorem on starshaped sets [14] have been made. with a paper by Edelstein and Keener These began [8] and have culmdnated in the papers by Borwein, Edelstein and O’Brien [3] [4] by Edelstein, Keener and O’Brien [9] and finally by O’Brien [16]. Unrelatedly, Borwein and O’Brien [5] posed a question which arises in optimization [2] [II] of when a closed set is pseudoconvex at all its mere- bers. In this paper we show that these two questions can be handled simultaneously through a slight refinement of the powerful central result in [16] with attendant strengthening of the results in [5] [16]. This in turn leads to some interesting characterizations of convexity, starshape and of various functional conditions. 460 J. M. BORWEIN KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. fun n Tange cones, pseudo tangent cones, starshape, convety, conditions. AMS (MOS) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION (1970) CODES. i. 52A30, 52A35, 90C30. INTRODUCTION We will suppose throughout that X is a (real Hausdorff) locally convex (topological vector) space with continuous linear dual X’. If A will require in fact that X be a Banach space. A 0 A ri A and co A c Most of our results X is an arbitrary set, denote respectively the closure, interior, interior relative to the closed affine span of A and the convex hull of A. Aff(A) and span(A) will denote the affine and linear spans of A respectively. [7] and [12]. other usage is in accord with In accord with previous work [7] [12] we will say x line segment [ x,a] (= co{x,a}) of cardinality a If A. is contained in A. a If A has visibility of cardinality card(A) a a in A if the sees We say A (a-visibility) if every subset of simultaneously seen by some point starshape. Any we say A has k-visibility for every natural number k a is A has we say A has We define finite visibility. {xeA: [x,a]cA} A(a) star (i.I) and star A Then A has starshape if and only if the requirement that {starA(a) families of cardinality point [9] a. aeA} n(starA(a) aeA} star A x’ # and a-visibility is have nonempty intersection for sub- We also recall that if there is a nonzero (1.2) X’ a e A such that is said to be a cone x’ (a) sup{x’ (x): x starA(a) }. Krasnoselski n+l [14] showed that if A n is a compact subset of R cone points can be seen by some point in A then A and every is starshaped. This TANGENT CONES, STARSHAPE AND CONVEXITY was generalized in [4] to show that if A 461 is a closed relatively weakly compact subset of a Frchet space with finite visibility it has starshape. The proof method here is entirely different from Krasnoselski’s but recently O’Brien [16] has shown that if A is a closed relatively weakly compact subset of a Banach space and every finite set of cone points is visible in A A that is star- shaped. Another object of our investigations will be the tangent cone to A at [19] defined by a {heX: h T(A,a) lira t n (an-A) a n e A Here convergence is in the initial topology on n R or a smooth manifold in T(A,a) T(A,a) co in general if and only if [2]. Also if a a 0 A If (1.3) is a convex set Following Guignard In general, [II] A to we call at a (1.4) a e n In R is nonempty. is an isolated point of A > 0} n T(A,a) It is always a closed convex cone and if {0} X. t the pseudo-tangent cone P(A,a) P(A,a) a n is the standard tangent cone. it is a closed cone but need not be convex. the closed convex hull of a A. This is not true P(A,a)= X These cones have proven useful in optimization for the formulation of necessary and sufficient conditions for constrained optima to exist ([1], [2] [ii],[19]) convex at When looking at sufficiency one says that a set a A is pseudo- if A- a Borwein and O’Brien 5] called pseudoconvex at all its members. P(A,a) (1.5) a closed set pseudoconvex if it is They showed among other things that a closed 462 J.M. BORWEIN bounded subset of a super reflexive Banach space [7] is pseudoconvex if and only if it is convex. P(A,a) + a and PA(a) If we let n{PA(a): aEA} P(A) (1.6) A c P(A) pseudoconvexity is the requirement that Finally we will examlne one other entity F{P(A,a) R(A) aEA} (1.7) which again is clearly a nonempty convex cone. CONVEXITY AND STARSHAPE 2. We begln with some elementary relationships that will be essential to our development. PROPOSITION I. In any locally convex space starA(a (i) PA(a) star(A) (ii) and P(A). c Since (ii) follows from (i) and the relevant definitions it suffices to show (i). Let x lira n(an starA(a)_ -a) 1 a =--x n n Then x-a E T(A,a) In particular, if a E + n-I n Thus x star A A a A and since an / a PA(a) is pseudoconvex at implication fails trivally as is shown by A {I: n a (The reverse nEN} u {0} and a It follows that a closed convex set is pseudoconvex since star A 0). A in this case. Let (a) X span A and x/I Ixl 12 l(x) (b) (Recall that We will say a norm closed set A is nice if is a closed subspace of a weakly compactly generated Banach space I(A-x) X is relatively weakly compact for all x is weakly compactly generated if X span K not in A for some weakly TANGENT CONES, STARSHAPE AND CONVEXITY K [7]). compact set 463 The nice sets turn out to be exactly the boundedly rel- atively weakly compact sets as the next Lemma shows. LEMMA I. A is boundedly relatively weakly compact exactly when is relatively weakly compact for each PROOF. A A Since is, we may assume Then x n a n /llanl 12. A. x is boundedly relatively weakly compact exactly when x x {l(an)} {Xn Let 0 Now either the sequence sequence and equivalently {x be a sequence in I(A) {a has an unbounded sub- n has a subsequence convergent to zero, or n {a being bounded has a weakly convergent subsequence (call it limit (because {llanll 2} Since we may assume x A) 0 is similar. l(A-x) we see that {x } n again) with n converges to some positive converges weakly to n {a Since, by the Eberlein-Smulian Theroem [7] a -I x. The converse weak compactness and weak sequential compactness agree, we are done. Moreover, any boundedly relatively weakly compact set compactly generated. the unit ball in X. B Let and set B K z n n n U{K K Each B n =A n nB To see this let n n n for each A has span A weakly n N where K is also. Thus the weak closure of a weakly compactly generated space and since desired property. is N}. is relatively weakly compact and another application of the Smulian Theorem shows that B A It follows that any closed set span K A span A K Eberlein- generates has the in a reflexive Banach space is nice as is any weakly compact set in a normed space (we may embed it in its completion without changing its closure) and any boundedly relatively weakly compact set in a Banach space. is provided by A {kb: beB, k > 0} A non-trivial example of the later class where B is any closed relatively weakly J. M. BORWEIN 464 An examination of the proof of the compact set not containing the origin. central result in [16] shows that it holds in the following form. [16]. PROPOSITION 2. X [x,a] a e A and, for some Suppose A a e U interior, a smooth point U is a smooth point of u THEOREM I. f(u) with u at A If a A such that U > U} u x’(x) if there is a unique support functional is a nice closed subset of a Banach space n{P(A,a) + a: aeA} (2.1) P(A) By Proposition 1 (ii) it suffices to show that given any PROOF. star A with i star A x X’ x’ U {a} x’ (a) --sup{x’(u): Recall that for Then there exists a convex set A n U (ii) closed set in a Banach space is a nice and a functional (i) f A PA(a) x for some [x,a] such that A. Let a h e T(A,a) Suppose Proposition 2. A a star A x Since we can find be the smooth point guaranteed by h Then if is nonzero we can find a sequence a / n a a n e A a # n a A(h) It suffices to show that t n > 0 {+ with h n %h: % > 0} tn(an-a) and U 0 are disjoint as then they can be separated by a linear functional which supports a is a smooth point this functional can be taken to be that x’(a + h) As PA(a) a + co T(A,a) => x’(a) > x’(x) it is clear that h e T(A,x) x k PA(a). h / x’ U at a Since whence it follows TANGENT CONVES, STARSHAPE AND CONVEXITY 0 A(h) o U It remains to show that and some % > 0 + n n This contradicts A n U 0 __l)u t t n a t > and n n (1 n 1 % Then assuming, as we may, that n %h If not 465 U 0 1 for n > nA we have 0 U n | since So U A n U is convex and 0 < < 1 t {a} n and one is done. 0 Before proceeding to derive consequences of this result let us introduce We will say that the notion of a proper point. P(A,a) # X An application of the Hahn-Banach theorem shows that if starA(a proper it is a cone point (but not conversely) since A note that by Theorem i each nice closed subset A is a proper point of a X a if is We P(A,a) has a proper point. In fact, a simpleadapttion of the proof of Proposition 2 in [16] will show that in this case the proper points are dense in the boundary of THEOREM 2. Suppose a weakly compact subset of (i) W X Then PROOF. A such that either F(m) {PA(ai): is convex and has dimension members intersects in QA(a) I =< i _< m] intersects in and every finite family with n star A n W PA(a) n W # Then in (i) {QA(a): compact with the finite intersection property and hence # W, or W is starshaped and We let W is is a nice closed set in a Banach space and every finite family (ii) n+l A A n{QA(a): a A} P(A) W star A W a A} are weakly 466 J. M. BORWEIN Case (ii) follows similarly from Helly’s Theorem [18] on applying Theorem i since the QA(a) are now convex subsets of In particular if A R n. So if every finite family of proper points can be seen in Similar remarks apply to (ii). A co A W is relatively weakly compact we may let (i) holds. Thus as special cases, Theorem 2 includes Krasnoselski’s theorem and the result in [!6] with cone points replaced by the smaller set of proper points. In this framework the naturalness of using cone (proper) points is obvious since the improper points play no role in defining P(A) Finally, we observe that if or in any intersection property. X is separable a closed set is starshaped if every countable collection of {PA(a): a e A} has intersection. This of course is guaranteed by countable visibility. At least in incomplete normed space or Frchet space, Theorem 1 can fail since it is then possible for there to be no proper points in which case It is easy to show [5] that if only if a A is a support point for is pseudoconvex at co A a a P(A) X is proper if and Since in the above mentioned cases closed, bounded convex sets with no support points exist [5], [13], the Theorem fails for these sets. We turn now to psuedoconvexity of and since P(A) COROLLARY I. star A A Since this is equivalent to is guaranteed by Theorem we have A star A A P(A) and so: A nice closed set in a Banach space is convex if and only if it is pseudoconvex. Thus to try and find a pseudoconvex non-convex subset in Banach space one must look for badly non weakly compact subsets of non reflexive spaces. In a normed space however, any non-convex set with no proper points is pseudoconvex. If we take the union of two separated copies of a convex set with no proper TANGENT CONES STARSHAPE AND CONVEXITY 467 S is disconnected and pseudoconvex and both Corollary 1 points the ensuing set and Theorem 2 (i) fail for S The only other condition which one seems to be able to impose on a pseudoconvex set to make it convex is the following: A. A pseudoconvex set PROPOSITION 3. a ta t + (l-(-t)a 2 I =I[a a 4 X e S a 4 u t + a3]: is not convex and that A for some U in u e U}. relatively open set S A Suppose S + U 3 A A with support functional exist and A x’ (a t < and a a e 3 A A lie in 2 ri and and choose a Since A- a x’ Thus tx’(a I) + (l-t)x’(a 2) However, the line segment through follows that and (ii) Consider the set of segments A is a proper point in the boundary of is a support of # is a relatively open set and thus some point x’(a t 3. a I Let [0 I] t e A with a ri A its proper points are dense in the relative boundary of PROOF. A (i) is convex if x’ (a 4) a t and a 4 => p(A,a4) 4 # x’ (a 4) extends into ri A This contradiction means that a whence it t fails to is convex. UNBOUNDEDNESS OF STAR A We now turn to conditions which further specify the form that R(A) In any locally convex space R(eA + x) P(A) + R(A) PROOF. If x A takes. R(A) We first examine the set PROPOSITION 4. star R(A) x P(A,a) X x e X (3.1) > 0 (3.2) P(A). P(A, om) P(A+x,a+x) Thus J. M. BORWEIN 468 x e R(A) + P(A) eA+x} Thus So is a convex cone. + p e + %h C cone of C If P(A,a) h is said to recede in direction The set of all directions If h if is called the recession is a nice closed starshaped set in a Banach space then A is the recession cone of a star PROOF. since [17]. rec C THEOREM 3. R(A) -> O for P(A,a) + and (3.2) holds. P(A) C p then P(A,a) + a c P(A) R(A) 0 Since R(A) r P(A,a) + P(A,a) + a Recall that a convex set c p e P(A) A a r + r p and (3.1) holds. R(A+x) Conversely if P(A,a) r a a’ n{P(A+x,a’): star A s s + and th e star A A R(A) h t > 0 we have for any P(A) + R(A) + R(A) star A P(A) where the containments follow from Proposition I, (3.2) and (2.1) in that order. Thus star A recedes in direction recession direction, star A s s + nh h R(A) and and rec C h Conversely, if is a n e N P(A,a) + a Va A and h P(A,a) because lim--- (s-a) n is a closed cone. P(A,a) Thus a A h e R(A) It is well known that a finite dimensional closed convex set is bounded if and only if it has no recession directions. Theorem 3 says that in finite dimensions a closed starshaped set has an unbounded star exactly when R(A) non trivial. This can be guaranteed by requiring that for every finite set {al A I 0 < t < ,a m one can find a point This "finite ray" h # 0 with th + a.I A for < condition imposes the finite intersection is i < m, TANGENT CONES, STARSHAPE AND CONVEXITY property on {P(A,a): a e A} n S where lxll {x: $ R(A) # 0 dimensions this last set is compact, P(A) # Implicit in Theorem 3 is the proof that, if P(A) cone for If star A it is possible that # 469 i}. , Since in finite R(A) is the recession R(A) is nonzero as is shown by {(x,y): x A R(A) which has R(A) consider (x,y): x R, y => 0 y o i} u {(x,y): x or 0} => 0 o =< y =< I} It seems reasonable therefore to as a general cone of recession directions for any closed set. This is at least in part born out by the next proposition. We recall that a functional sup{x’ (x): x’(c) C} c x’ strongly exposes a convex set x’(c and if whenever x’ (c) n and c n C at c C c if n We recall that a Banach space has the Radon-Nikodym property [7] if and only if every closed bounded convex set is the convex hull of its strongly exposed points. These spaces include dual spaces which are subspaces of weakly compactly generated spaces [7]. PROPOSITION 5. R(A) 0 (i) A is closed relatively weakly compact in a Banach space. (ii) A is closed and bounded in a Radon-Nikodym space. (iii) A is closed bounded and convex in a Banach space. (iv) A is compact in a locally convex space. PROOF. C The following all imply Let a A and let is weakly compact and thus functional space [6]). x’ Let x C co(A-a) and suppose can be separated from In case(i) C x C by a strongly exposing (the strongly exposing functionals are a dense subset in the dual x’ expose c strongly. Then c A- a as A is norm 470 J. M. BORWEIN closed c + a A a x’(x) Thus x’(x) P(A,) x is a cone > 0 while and > x’(c) _> x’(a-a) R(A) x’(a-a-c) x’(aR(A) In particular Yae A C a e A < o and because C It follows that R(A) is a bounded set and Case (ii) follows similarily since now the strongly 0 exposing functionals of any closed bounded convex set are dense in the dual [7]. Case (iii) follows from the Bishop-Phelps Theorem since now density of the support functionals suffices. C A- a In case (iv) any separating functional is a support functional and supports C at an extreme point of by the Krein-Milman Theorem [12]. Milman’s converse [12, page 132] that the extreme point belongs to A a and C implies and one proceeds as above. It is not clear that parts of (i) and (ii) can be deduced from Proposition 2 and it remains unanswered as to whether a closed bounded set in a Banach space can have R(A) # 0. We next collect a number of characterizations of PROPOSITION 6. 0 e star A and A (ii) 0 e star A and star A PROOF span A R(A). <-- <=> R(A) A <=> R(A) A X is a convex cone. <=> star A is a convex cone. is a subspace. By Theorem 3 and the hypotheses, (i) => A A R(A) under one roof: is a nice closed set in a Banach space (i) (iii) Thus A If star A R(A) star A Since A + R(A) star AC A is a convex cone 0 e star A A. Also A R(A) TANGENT CONES, STARSHAPE AND CONVEXITY since star (iii) R(A) A + A => (ii) is analogous. X span A X We may assume P(A) X star A star A A X R(A) aff A star A 0 is nonempty but translation as can the case that imply and then, by Theorem i, since which implies star A The case in which 471 In general can be handled by A R(A) does not is a cone as is shown by IYl {(x’,y): A < x x => i} in R 2 4. SPECIAL SETS There are cases in which the individual structure of the pseudotangent cones can be specified more closely. is somehow connected to a spaces X Specifically one has some extra information if Frchet g between Banach Y and PROPOSITION 6. (+/-) (ii) g’(x)P(A,x) B If continuously differentiable at g’(x)-ip(B,g(x)) PROOF differentiable function A (i) g(X))o set, A is a closed convex x with P(A,x) and This is proven in (ii) P(g(A) g (x) g -i (B) and g is surjective, then P(g(A),g(x)) P(B,g(x)) [Ii]. Under the resularity conditions imposed on g it is essentially proven in [I0] that g(x + (y)) has a solution to y as > 0 (y) g(x) g’(x)y for all sufficiently small Suppose that goes to zero. that there is a sequence h m h with g’(x)h y g’(x)h m % (ey) converges and that m P(B,g(x)). (bm-g(x)) One can show b m e B % m > 0. 472 J. M. BORWEIN It suffices to show that 7k + g’(x) For I g(x) (x + qb( x) P(A,x) e m k m Then m n-__In g(x) e B k h and so h /% g(x+()) exists and k e P(A,x) k Let (g,(x)k + g(x)) + (nk-) sufficiently large n n h B Since P(A x) The conclusions of I(B),x) is a subspace whenever (ii) now follows from (i). B It follows that if x differentiable at star A x e g If every is a regular point. R is a smooth surface in (B) A (whenever is an affine subspace n -i (g is regular is continuously is surjective) it follows by using (2.1) that g’(x) and x P(g is a subspace, In particular, if is nice) it has such a star. g -i (0) Our next proposition substantiates the intuition that a nontrivial smooth surface cannot simultaneously be bounded Indeed much more is true. and starshaped. PROPOSITION 7. A space or is closed and bounded in a Radon-Nikodym star A is relatively weakly compact in a Banach space and Either there is some point nonempty. A A Suppose either a e A P(A,a) with is not a subspace, or is singleton. As in the proof of Proposition 5 (i), (ii) PROOF. exposed point X a A 0 e star x’ P(A,a 0) if, find a [0, =) 0e star A a # a0 2 with >__ 0 x’(al-a0) A- a > 0 a2 a0 and, since P(A,a 0) P(A,a 0) 0 e h e P(A,a for all which implies then such that Vae A, a#a 0 x’(h) A we see that x’ and a strongly exposing functional (a 0) < x (a) It follows that there is a strongly p(A,a0) 0) al If a # a0, a On the other hand is not a subspace. and again unless Again since P(A,a 0) lies in 0 {a x’ (a 2 a e 0} A we can a 0) > 0 TANGENT CONVES, STARSHAPE AND CONVEXITY P(A, a0) If is not a subspace. is unbounded the proposition is certainly not true as is shown by A (x,y)I A 473 0 x or 0 y star A cones are subspaces and R in 2 In any case, if all the pseudotangent is bounded and non empty it is a singleton. and Proposition 6 (ii), we have in As immediate corollaries to Theorem reflexive spaces COROLLARY 2. (i) If in addition A regular on 0,) Since g(x) and and g is always regular (4.3) when A 5. (-,-I] we get X B g(A) g and is is closed x2-1 (4.3) A} Ixl {x: A Indeed, when => I} [i,=) g(X) From (4.3) we may deduce that if g(X) and g is on the right hand we get x and when is closed since this is the right hand side of Y Y FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERIZATIONS We first recall certain classes of functions. f(tx+(l-t)y) convex if Similarily, x,y (B) (4.2) we know that the entities star A side of (4.2) fail to intersect. x =-I -i A} x g(A) {g(x) + g’(x)P(A,x): x star b g’(x)-ip(B,g(x)): {x + star A For example, if g A regular at every point of (ii) A is a closed convex set B If in X f: X and Y =< tf(x) S if is affine 0 < t < is said to be S-quasiconvex at (x-x) + (l-t)f(y) We will also say x x,y f(tx + (l-t)y) in X tf(x) if f(x) f: X + R f(x)e- S is star-like at 0 and / Y, implies that x is =< t < (l-t)f(y) is a convex cone in a space S If for R u{} A function f" X f" X for / Y f’(x). if, for every x X, J.M. BORWEIN 474 (x-x,f(x)-f(x)) Here all f we say x >= f (x)} {(x,y): y Epif THEOREM 4. P(Epif,(x,f(x)) is the epigraph of If (5.1) holds for f is star-like. X If is continuous and starlike, it f is reflexive and is convex. PROOF. Note first that (5.1) is a condition close Once we show that in fact Epif. Theorem 1 that end we observe that since is on the form is pseudoconvex it will follow from Epif is convex and hence Epif Thus is a convex function. To this Epif is trivially pseudoconvex at any point Eplf P(Eplf, (x,f(x)) (0,s) s > 0 We note now that if not of this form. f is continuous any point on the boundary of f (x,f(x)) o pseudoconvexity of since (o s) li. (n (x-x) n (f (x) + n1 f()) s x T(Epif f(x) and so (x-x, f(x) + s P(Epif, (x,f(x)) because (5.1) holds and dition says x e X Epif is pseudoconvex at Epif x X is a convex cone. (x,f(x)) s _> 0 This last con- and since this holds for each is convex. In the next corollary COROLLARY 3. then limsup f (x+th)-f (x) is the upper one t->0+ Suppose f(x+ h) x e X d+f(x,h) f sided derivative of for each P(Epif, (x,f(x))) fCx)) f(x) f f is continuous and satisfies => d+f(x,h) is convex. Yhe X (5.2) TANGENT CONES, STARSHAPE AND CONVEXITY PROOF. s / n 0 We show (5.2) implies (5.1). Let h e X 4 75 and let s n > 0 be chosen so that f d+f(x,h) Then, setting xn + x s h n lira n-= t (X+Snh)- f (x) s 1 s n n we have n (tn (Xn-X) tn(f (Xn)-f (x)) and, since f(Xn.) (h,d+f(x,h)) f(x) (0,f(x+h)-f(x)-d+f(x,h)) (h,f(x+h)-f(x)) / As before, P(Epif, (x,f(x)) P(Epif, (x,f(x)) P(Epif, (x,f(x)) d+f (x,h)) (h, and we deduce that which since h The inequality (5.2), of course, easily implies convexity if If d+f(x,h) h exists and is convex in COROLLARY 4. (5.1). is arbitrary is f: X + Y has a closed pseudoconvex graph, f is affine. PROOF. By Theorem I, the graph of immediately that f f is a convex set. is affine. sets" We finish by giving a condition for the "level pseudoconvex at a point. conditions and Y and {x: f(x)-f(x0) PROOF. of a function to be This is again relevant for sufficiency of optimality [2], [ii] THEOREM 5. X This implies Suppose f f is a continuous mapping between two Banach spaces x is S-quasiconvex at S} is pseudoconvex at We must show that A f -I If 0 x x 0 is a regular point, 0 (f(x0)-S) is pseudoconvex at x 0 J.M. BORWEIN 476 The S-quasiconvexity says that f Since x -i x 0 + f’(x0) -i (-S) is regular, Proposition 6 (ii) implies that 0 A In case (f(x0)-S) y R S and x 0 + P(f -i (S-f(x0)),x 0) [0, =) for regularity continuous differentiability f’ (x0) # 0 is unnecessary and it suffices that reduces to the usual notion of quasiconvexity at X Since S-quasiconvexity x [15] we 0 derive (assuming is reflexive) COROLLARY 5. nonzero when PROOF. of PA(X0) {x: f(x) Suppose f(x0) f(x) Since f: X f <, f(Xo)} / Then R is quasiconvex at {x: f(x) <_ f(x 0)} {x" f (x) f (x is continuous, x and f’ (x) is is a convex set. 0) contains the boundary By hypothesis, therefore, this later set is pseudo- convex and in turn, convex. In particular, a quasiconvex function with a nonzero derivative globally has all its level sets convex. One can derive this last result directly with- out asking for a non vanishing derivative. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Partially supported on NRC A-4493. 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