Intnat. J. Mh. & Math. Sci. Vol. 407 (1978) 407-420 UNIFORM APPROXIMATION BY INCOMPLETE POLYNOMIALS E. B. SAFF* Department of Mathematics University of South Florida Tampa, Florida 33620 U.S.A. R. S. VARGA* * Department of Mathematics Kent State University Kent, Ohio 44242 U.S.A. (Received June 5, 1978) ABSTRACT. For any e with 0 < incomplete polynomials of type e < i, , it is known that, for the set of all n i.e [p(x) > akxk s ’n}, to have k=s the Weierstrass property on [a@, I], 2 --< it is necessary that ae --< 1. In this paper, we show that the above inequalities are essentially sufficient as wel I. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Incomplete polynomials, Weierstrass property, uniform convergence. AMS(MOS) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION. 41AI0 primary; 41A30 secondary. The research of this author was conducted as a Guggenheim Fellow, visiting at the Oxford University Computing Laboratory, Oxford, England. Research supported in part by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under Grant AFOSR-74-2729, and by the Department of Energy under Grant EY-76-S-02-2075. 408 1. E. B. SAFF & R.S. VARGA INTRO JCTION. At the Conference on Rational Approximation with Emphasis on Applications of Pad Approximants, held December 15-17, 1976 in Tampa, Florida, Professor G. G. Lorentz introduced new results and open questions for incomplete polynomials, defined as follows. e number with 0 <_ < I. n k=s akxk, .incomplete polynomial of type set of all incomplete polynomials of type degree, and that when addition. be any given real Then, a real or complex polynomial of the form p(x) is said to be an e Let if s-> ’n. Note that the contains polynomials of arbitrary > 0, this collection is not closed under ordinary This set, however, is closed under ordinary multiplication. For such incomplete polynomials, we have, combining recent results, THEOREM I.I. 0 < _< I, let [Pn. (x)}i=l respective types [2], (Lorentz i’ and Saff-Varga [4]). For any fixed e with be a sequence of incomplete polynomials of where lim inf 11Pn. (x) -< Pno (x) O, uniformly l->t>0. If E [0,I], all i>l M for all x and lim deg m’ Pn. th en on every closed subinterval of [0,@2). (1.2) Furthermore, (1.2) is best possible in the sense that, for each @ with 0 < type <_ I, there is a sequence [n. (x)}i=l satisfying (I.I) and a sequence ln. (i)l M for all i _> I. of incomplete polynomials of [i}i= I with lim Hence, the interval [0,82) zero in (1.2) cannot be replaced by any larger interval i 2 for which of convergence to [0, t2+) for >0. UNIFORM APPROXIMATION BY POLYNOMIALS For generalizations of Theorem I.i, see [4] and In Lorentz (0 < < I) [2], is said to have the Weierstrass with pni [5]. the set of all incomplete polynomials of fixed type every continuous function f defined on Pn.l(x)}i=l’ 409 [ate,l] [a,l]. if, for there exists a sequence an incomplete polynomial of type which converges uniformly to f on [a,l] property on for all I, i----_ Evidently, from (1.2), a necessary , condition that the set of all incomplete polynomials of a fixed type 0 < < I, has the Weierstrass property on [a@,l] is that 82 _< a@ < i. (1.3) The main purpose of this paper is to show that the condition (1.3) is The outline of the paper is as follows. essentially sufficient as well. In 2, we state our new results and comment on their sharpness and their relation to known results in the literature. results are then given in 2. The proofs of these new 3. STATEMENTS OF NEW RESULTS. As our first result, we have THEOREM 2.1. [0, I] For any fixed @ with 0 < 8 < I, let F be any continuous which is not an incomplete polynomial of type 8. Then, a necessary and sufficient condition that F be the uniform limit on [0, I] function on of a sequence of incomplete polynomials of type 8, is that F(x) 0 for all 0 _< x _< 82. (2.1) As an application of Theorem 2.1, fix any @ with 0 < 8 < I and consider any continuous function on [0, 2] and on [2+c, on I], [0, i] with ]IIIL=[0,1 ] where 0 < c < I 2. i and with For vanishing > 0, there 410 E. B. SAFF & R. S. VARGA n exists, using l’neorem 2.1, an incomplete polynomial lln IIL[O,I ] < its maximum absolute value on the sequence [0, I] e2. portion (cf. n + ]. assumes Thus, of incomplete polynomials, each of type t, cannot tend uniformly to zero in 0 < e < 1- [e2, 2 in the interval [(n(X)/llnl]L=[0,1])J}j=l with sufficiently small, that for which implies e of type [t 2 2 +] for any with This observation then gives a different proof of the sharpness [4]) of Theorem I.I. We also remark that the sufficiency of Theorem 2.1 improves a related result of Roulier [3, Theorem 4] concerning Bernstein polynomials. From Theorem 2.1, the following is deduced. real numbers such that 0 < function f on [ . For any @ with 0 < @ < I, let THEOREM 2.2. ,I], < t for all i there exists a sequence [@i}i= I be any sequence of 1. Then, for any continuous Pn (x)}i=l’ with each P n. an incomplete polynomial of type t i, such that P n. (x) and such that the sequence f(x), uniformly [Pn. (x)}i=l on [@2 I] (2.2) is uniformly bounded on [0,i]. In the case of major interest in Theorem 2.2, i.e., when t. t as ’, we remark that the result of Theorem 2.2 is best possible in the 2 following sense If [a,b D [t 1 with [a b [-t 2 l, then there are, i [a,b] continuous functions on [a,b] by a sequence of type i’ which cannot be uniformly approximated on [en. (x)}i=l, where t. e as i with each . en. an incomplete polynomial As other consequences of Theorems 2.1 and 2.2, we have COROLLARY 2.3. function f on [@2,1]. For any @ with 0 < < I, consider any Then, for any q with i q < =, continuous there exists a 411 UNIFORM APPROXIMATION BY POLYNOMIALS sequence [P n. (x)} i=l with each P n. an incomplete polynomial of type such that llf-Pn. e @2 ,i] and such that the sequence [ 1 If(t)-P n. [Pn. (x)izl is uniformly bounded on of type @ is dense in the Banach space L l)j [0, i]. For any @ with 0 < @ < I, the set of incomplete polynomialB COROLLARY 2.4. If’liEq L[@2 (t)lqdt} I/q for each q with i _< q < q "’[@2,1j (with respect to the norm =. For any @ with 0 < @ < I, the set of incomplete COROLLARY 2.5. polynomials of type @ is dense in the space of continuous functions on [@2 + C, I] (with 0<<I respect to the norm e2 11.[1.==[2+, 3) for every The sharpness remarks following Theorem 2.2 similarly apply to the results of Corollaries 2.3-2.5. To conclude this section, we remark that Corollary 2.5 leaves as an open question whether or not each continuous function f on f(e 2) # 0 [@2 I] with is the uniform limit of incomplete polynomials of type @. attempting to settle this question, consider the special case of @ and f(x) m i on [,I inf[ii I I]. m x In I Setting i gm (x)I L=[[, I] gm i s a polynomial of degree m] a modified Remez algorithm was used to produce the following partial numerical results, rounded to three decimal, where alternation point in [,i_., I] for each m--> I. m denotes the least 412 E. B. SAFF & R. S. VARGA c .220 .625 7 .304 .353 .i61 8 .3’07 .344 .279 .94 .43 .336 .402 9 -I0 .309 .289 .311 .330 ’296 .380 ’II .313 .326 .’300 .365 -12 .314 .321 :13 .316 .317 e’s are, m It is interesting to note that the in this partial listing, monotone increasing with m. 3. PROOFS. PROOF OF THEOREM 2.1. _ [0,I] Let F be any continuous function which is not an incomplete polynomial of type 8, and assume that F is the uniform Then, (2.1) limit of a sequence of incomplete polynomials of type 8. follows from (1.2) of Theorem I.I, establishing the necessity of (2.1). For sufficiency, let n be any positive integer with n o o If y (I- )-I. denotes the integer part of the real number y, let n-i S (x)’= n k=nS k a x k fn >_ n o (3.1) be the (unique) least squares approximation to the constant function 1 on [0, I], i.e., I n-I n 0 (I-S n(t) d (i- inf a k=n k tk)2d a k is rea Next, set x Qn(X)’= S 0 n(t) n-i Sk k=nS (k+l) at k+l x fn >_ n O (3.2) 413 UNIFORM APPROXIMATION BY POLYNOMIALS Note that Qn’ which is of degree at most n, is an incomplete polynomial type 0 for all n-> no, (n0 + since From the bf6ntz theory of best (cf. Cheney [i, p. 196]) i) _> L2-approximation on [0,I], it is known that n0 n- n qj (I +qj)’ j=l (3.3) where n0 + qj Since the n0/n, qj’s I, j I, 2, "’’, j n0. n are consecutive integers, the product in (3.3) telescopes to whence I n 0 (I -S n(t)) 02 on the interval [Qn(X)}n=n 0 [02,1]. arbitrary real number satisfying 0 < 02 x - Qn(X) so that _< + < 0 converges uniformly to the 02. be an From (3.2), we have X Qn(02 ) + 02_ (I-S n(t))dt, i ISn(t) dt (3.4) For this purpose, let 2_ Ix-02-Qn(X) as n 0 n We now show that the sequence function x . g 2d + l-S n(t) Idt, fx [02 E I] Applying the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to the last integral, then 02- llx-02"Qn(X)IIL[02 for all n > n o 1 ]_< + Clearly, since 0 n I ISn(t) Idt+ (I+ III-SnlIL2[0,1] 1 I 0) 2 2_ 0 as n- (l-Sn)-dt from (3.4), (3.5) 414 E. B. SAFF & R. S. VARGA it follows that there is a constant M such that IISnlIL2 [0,I] -< Vn M n o Next, note that each S n (x) from (3.1) is an incomplete polynomial of type nS/(n-l), and nS/(n-l) 8 as n -. Hence, using the more general of Theorem I.I (cf. Saff and Varga L2-version the discussion of (2.4")]) S (x) n [4, Thm. 2.2 and gives that 0 uniformly on [0,82-e], -. as n (3.6) Furthermore, on writing i 2 82_e i (l-Sn(t))2dt (I-S 0 n(t))2dt (i -S 0 n(t))2dr and applying (3.4) and (3.6), we obtain (I-S n(t))2dt 82 (02-e) e. (3.7) Consequently, from (3.5)- (3.7). I lim sup n- llx-e2-Qn(X)llL.[82 i] e + 0 + (l+e-82) 2 /--, and as e was arbitrary, then lira We next show that 0 x 82 it follos I1=- e 2 -Qn(=)llL.[ e 2 Qn(X) rom 0 uniformly on the definition of Cauchy-Schwrz inequality that 1] O. (3.8) [0,82]. Qn in For any x with (3.2) and the UNIFORM APPROXIMATION BY POLYNOMIALS 415 2 . 0 Sn(t)dtl --< S2(t)d n ISn(t) Idt -< 0 2 0 fx E ISn(t) Idt [0 whence 2 2])2 2. _< S 0 2(t)dt. n (3.9) But n 0 02 02 02 2 n 0 and as the last integral is just 0 0 2Qn(02) S (t)dt, n from (3.2), then 2 S 0 Since 0 2 (l-S n(t)) d t 2(t)dt _< n (l-Sn) 0 2 0 as n 2Qn(02). + dt from (3.4) and since ( Qn ‘02, from (3.8), it follows from (3.9) and (3.10) that as n lim n- llQnllq=E0 02] Thus, on defining the continuous function L on [0,I] 0<x<O 0 (3.11) 0. by 2 e(x) _02 2 < x < I, we see from (3.8) and (3.11) that lim n IlL(x) qn(X)llLEO ] o. To extend (3.12), we nxt aert that any continuoea fumction G(x) on [0,I] with (3.12) E. B. SAFF & R. S. VARGA 416 0, O<_x<_8 2 (3.13) G(x) (x), 82 x <_ with P(82) p(82) where P is any polynomial 0, [0,I] can be uniformly approximated on Because I, by incomplete polynomials of type 8. 0, we can write m P(x) bkxk(x 82). (3.14) Setting en’= llx 2 Qn(X)llL[82,1] Vn >_ n0, it follows that ]Ixk(x-82" Qn(X))llL[82, I] <-en Next, set B max{Ibkl" 0 <_ k < m}. k=0’ I, 2, Since the case B 0 of our assertion is trivial, assume B > 0 and let 6 be an arbitrary positive number. en 0 as n from (3.8), there (3.15) fn>n 0._ exists a positive integer N>_ n O Since such that 6 e n <_ (m+l) B Vn > N. (3.16) Then, for the polynomial P(x) of (3.14), we have from (3.15) and 3.16) that m liP( x k=0 bkxk QN+m-k(x) [I L[ 2 I] (3.17) UNIFORM APPROXIMATION BY POLYNOMIALS m Next, we claim that R(x): k--O bkxkQN+m_k(X) is an incomplete polynomial of Indeed, its degree is at most N + m, and as type 8. incomplete polynomial of type 8, then each product 0 of order at least k has a zero at x k + (N+m-k)8. is an in this sum But as is an incomplete Thus, as 6 > 0 was arbitrary, it follows from (3.17) polynomial of type 8. P(82) that any polynomial P(x) with [8 2,1] by QN+m_k(x) XkQN+m_k(X) (N+m)8 + k(l-8) >_ (N+m)8, then R(x) + (N+m-k)8 417 0 can be uniformly approximated on a sequence of incomplete polynomials of type 8. Next, as it is evident from (3.11) that m I lira then bkxk QN+m-k (x)llL [0,82] 5 G(x) of (3.13) can be uniformly approximated on [0,I] by a sequence of incomplete polynomials of type 8. Now, for an arbitrary function F(x), continuous on [0,i] with F(x) 0 on 82], [0, let Un(X) [82, uniform approximation to F on E n -0 as n- . Clearly, F(x) Since (un(x) (Un(X) n(82)) u continuous extension to be the polynomial of degree n of best i]. ..Un(82)l En: llF-UnIIL[82, i]’ then .fUn(8 2) F(82)I < En’ whence If Un(82))llL[82, I] <- 2En, Vn_> 0. (3.18) 82 call Un (x) its on [0, 82 ] for all n_> 0. is a polynomial vanishing at [0, i] with Un(X) 0 Thus, from (3.18), IIF UnlIL=[0,1] <_ 2En Vn> 0. The previous discussion shows that there is an incomplete polynomial Pn of type 8, for every n > 0, such that IIUn PnlILoo[O,I] I-,n (3.19) E. B. SAFF & R. S. VARGA 418 whence, with (3.19), IIF- Pnl IL[0,1] Since E n 0 as n- approximated on , 0 I by [P n (x)} n=0 (3.20) where each P (x) is an incomplete n I PROOF OF THEORM 2.2. @n}n__O Vn> 0 this proves (cf. (2.1)) that F(x) can be uniformly polynomial of type O. Since , +I <_ 2 E n 2 f(x) on [8 I] Consider any continuous function < @ n < @ for all is any sequence of real numbers with 0 n_> 0, extend f continuously for each n to [0,i], by means of f(x)o,)(x-0 )/(O[82,1], x 6 f (x)" n n 0 Note that 2 2 <f(@ x n’llf!L[0,1]’ ’LIII02’ ,I] 2 -0n) [n}n=0 with n> for all 0 f n n n> 0, and that each of type O Pnll Loo[O I] n < fn satisfies Applying Theorem 2.1, for any 0 for all n _> 0 and lim Pn(X) incomplete polynomial IOn,2 02], 6 [O,en2]. the hypotheses of Theorem 2.1 with 0 sequence X ?In 0, there is an such that n Vn > 0 (3.21) which implies that llf PnlIL[0 2 I] <- !Ifn PnlIL [0 I] <- n Consequently, (2.2) holds. It also follows from (3.21) that IlPnlL=,[O,:I.] <--tl fnll[O,].] that pn }n=O Vn_> O. +’r] n <_ are uniformly bounded on tl [e [0,I]. + qn Vn> 0, UNIFORM APPROXIMATION BY POLYNOMIALS [8 2,1], [a,b] Pn.(X)}i=l I, and suppose there f(x) take f(x) uniformly on [a,b]. (x) no [a,b. uniformly bounded on If 0 < a < 6) Pn.(a) by Theorem i.i, i 2 n. PROOF OF COROLLARY 2.3. n_> 0 and lim define f + 6 n <_ I n on f (x)’= n n x I/q < n [82+6 n’ 16) 2+6 n )" (x’6)2)/n x6 [o,e2], is continuous on [0,I] 6 this But then, ]n/2, with , n> 0 ior all choose for every n I], x [6)2,6)2+6 n and satisfies the hypotheses of Note, moreover, that Theorem 2.1. is . by means of f(x), so that f __[n]n=0 For any sequence 211IL[2 I;.6 such that [0,I] where 6). since 8. for any fixed q with 1 <_ q < O, and ln 6)i 2 0 # f(6) ). (8) rescaling that P sequence Similarly, if b > I, we deduce by f(a). 0 with [ 5, Prop. i-, then from [0,I] i] fPn (x)}i=l Clearly sequence is necessarily uniformly bounded on 2 exists a of incomplete polynomials of respective types such that P with 8 [6)2 a,b To prove the sharpness of Theorem 2 2, let 419 fnlIL[0,1] <_ IL[8 2, I]" Now, +n I f’fnll Lq[8 2, i] f(t)-fn(t) lqd _< 211I e [@2, i] "61/qn < n/2" 8 there is an incomplete polynomial P of type n Applying Theorem 2.1 to fn 8 such that llfn enl]L[O,l] < ]n/2, PnIILq[8 2,1] < ?In/2" IIfn proving (2.3). ]n/2 + Moreover, flaILs[8 2,1]’ bounded on [0,i]. which also implies that Thus, by the triangle inequality, since IIPnlIL[0,1] <IIfn-PnllL[0,1] +IIfnilL[0,! < it is clear that the sequence l Ilf-PnIIeq[82,1<n, {Pn(X)}n=0 is uniformly 420 E. B. SAFF & R. S. VARGA PROOF OF COROLLARY 2.4. As an abvious consequence of the fact that the .[e2 ,I] continuous functions are dense in L q for any q i, Corollary 2.4 then follows directly from Theorem 2.1 and Corollary 2.3. PROOF OF COROLLARY 2.5. to any continuous function on With [2 @ e.’= 1 for all i I, simply apply Theorem 2.2 + ,I, where 0 < ACKNOWLEDGMENT We wish to thank Mr. M. Lachance (University of South Florida) for having made the calculations which produced the numbers in the tables. REFERENCES I. Cheney, E. W. 1966. 2. Lorentz, G. G. Introduction to Approximation Theory, McGraw-Hill, New York, Approximation by incomplete polynomials (problems and results), Pad and Rational Approximations" Theory and. Applications (E. B. Saff and R. S. Varga, eds.), pp. 289-302, Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1977. 3. Roulier, J. A. 4. Saff, E. B. and R. S. Varga 5. Saff, E. B. and R. S. Varga On incomplete polynomials, Proceedings of the Oberwolfach Conference, Numerische Methoden der Approximationentheorie, (L. Collatz, G. Meinardus, and H. Werner, eds.), held November 14-19, 1977 (to appear). Permissible bounds on the coefficients of approximating polynomials, J. Approximation Theory 3(1970), 117-122. The sharpness of Lorentz’s theorem on incomplete polynomials, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (to appear).