Internat. J. Math. & Mh. Si. 533 (1978)533-539 Vol. DENTABLE FUNCTIONS AND RADIALLY UNIFORM QUASI-CONVEXITY CARL G. LOONEY Department of Mathematics University of Toledo Toledo, Ohio 43606 U.S.A. (Recieved April 18, 1978) ABSTRACT. In this paper we give a further result which states sufficient conditions for the theory of convergence of minimizing sequences to be applicable, develop the theory further, and give an application. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Deting points, de,table function, radial quasiconvexity, normed spaces, convex domains, minzing sequences. AMS (MOS) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION (1970) CODES. Primary 46B99. 1. 49D455 Secondary 52A05, INTRODUCTION. Let X be a normed space, C a closed bounded convex set in X, and f: C+R A minimizing sequence for f a (nonlinear) functional to be minimized on C. on C is a sequence (Xn) n) in C such that f(x / 8 inf f(C). In [4] and [6], certain conditions were given which guarantee that any 534 C. G. LOONEY minimizing sequence of f on C will converge in norm to a minimum (when it exists). In this paper we give a further result which states sufficient conditions for the theory of [4] to be applicable, develop the theory further, and give an application. SOME DEFINITIONS AND THEOREMS 2. The closed convex hull of a set S in X is denoted by cl-conv(S). is dentable at x e S whenever: given any e > B (x) is the open e-ball centered on x. 0, x We say S (SB (x)), where cl-conv In this case x is called a denting [2; p. 97]). point of S [5] (strongly extremal point of S, See [9] for the origin of the term "dentable". A function f on a convex set C is said to be dentable [4] at x e C iff 0 (x0, f(x0)) {(x,) is a denting point of epi(f) X --> R f(x)}. It was shown in [4] that if f is a 1.s.c. (lower semi-continuous) quasi-convex C, functional on a weakly compact convex set C and has a unique minimum x 0 then every minimizing sequence of f converges in norm to x iff f is dentable 0 at x 0. =< f(x) {x e C: We say that f is quasi-convex on C iff the level sets L are convex. f(%x + (i -%)y) <= max This is equivalent to the following: {f(x), f(y)}, 0 =< for any x, y e C, Convex functionals are quasi- % < i. convex, but not conversely. A normed space X, its closed unit ball, and its norm are all said to be lxll uniformly convex iff given e > 0 and x, y with II x Yll > e, there exists () space is strictly convex, i.e., i.e., l%x + (I p It is shown [3] that the and L 0 < % < I. for > 0 such that < p < . (x,) P 0, then we say that II i, lYll -< l1/2x + Yll -< I %)Yll < %11xl + (I I and (). Every such %)IIYlI, spaces are uniformly convex depends on the point x also, When the modulus of convexity > =< is locally uniformly convex [8] Locally uniformly convex spaces are not generally uniformly convex, but the converse is true. Also, locally uniformly convex spaces are strictly convex, DENTABLE FUNCTIONS AND QUASI-CONVEXITY 535 but not conversely. THEROEM i. point of B I(0) PROOF. is a denting point of B Let x have norm i. Qg, flY Y e 6. i If X is a locally uniformly convex space, then every boundary xll > Qe BI(0)B (x,e) so that there is some BI_ (0) The set I(0). Given e > 0, let For any (x). I11/2 > 0 such that I being closed and containing (Q)HI cl-conv LEMMA I. Qe. H 2 cl-conv e C. Then (Qs). Let C be a compact convex subset and f: C 0 Yll I and H 2 contains x as an interior point. closed convex set, so that x a unique minimum x + 1/2 can be strictly separated from x by a closed hyper- plane (see, e.g., [3; p.193]) H which partitions X into two halfspaces H with H x R be l.s.c, and have Then for any e > 0, f is bounded away from f(x0) B on CB g (X ). O PROOF. on Q. The set Q By hypothesis, y > B. CONSTRUCTION. (Xo) CB is compact and thus f attains its Thus f(x) -> y > B Let f assume its infimum infSmum y on Q. at a unique point x 0 e C closed bounded convex subset of a normed space X that is locally uniformly convex. {(x,B): x set H {(x0,): line e e X} meets epi(f) at the point R} in X a distance r above (x on Pr" Put E r Then Br(Pr {(x,): THEOREM 2. 0 x ). R. (x0,B). Fix r and take the point Let B r (Pr) (x0 Pr + r) e L at (x0,8). 8+r}epi(f). Let f be a l.s.c, functional on a convex bounded set C and let 0 e C. If X is a locally uniformly convex normed space, then a sufficient condition for f to be dentable at x 0 ii) Let L be the vertical be the closed ball of radius r centered meets H at the unique point f have a unique minimum x i) there exist some r > 0 such that Er be is that either, contained in Br(Pr )’ or C be compact. PROOF. i) The Since (x 0 f(x0) is a denting point of B r (Pr) in X R (by 536 C. G. LOONEY I(x Theorem 1 and the fact that the product norm remains locally uniformly convex) and Er Br (pr) e) II (I Ixl 12x + it is clear that leI2) 1/2 (x0, cl-conv(E{--Be(x0, f(x0)))Ccl-conv(Br(Pr)Be(x0, f(x0))) for any e ii) For any e > 0, f is bounded away from f(x0) on CBe(x0). f(x0) is seprated by a closed hyperplane from epi(f)(Be(x0, f(x0) srong, The conditions of Theorem 2 part i) are f (x 0) > 0. Thus and as the next example shows, may not be satisfied even in a finite dimensional space. -I/x 2 for e EXAMPLE i. Let f(x) 0. Then f is a conx # 0 and f(0) tinuous quasi-convex function R, but we take C to be the compact set The point x in R 2. r 0 is the unique minimum. Let Br(Pr The bottom branch of the sphere of B r (pr) We show now that llm f(x)/g(x) x It can be shown that f’ (0) nbhd of 0. 0 Pr is a convex function 0, so that f(x) < f"(0), by putting t using the limit definition for derivatives at x f" (x) / g" (x) be centered on [-I, I]. 0. (0,r) g(x) g(x) on some I/x and Then lim f(x)/g(x) 0/(r 2) -1/2 (by use of L ’Hospital’s Rule twice). r, there is some e > 0 such that epi(f) is not contained in B lim - Thus for any given r (pr) for < x < Although f does not satisfy the hypothesis of Theorem 2, it is dentable by part ii of Theorem 2. We note that Theorem 2i can be phrased in terms of the of f and g, where g(x) ]f’(x;y) 3. => ]g’(x;y) inf at x {e:(x,e) for all NEW TYPE OF QUASI-CONVEXITY r(Pr)}, y Gteaux derivatives i.e., we need C. AN IMPORTANT APPLICATION. We say that a subset S of a vector space is radially convex at s O any line L through s o meets S in a convex set LS. Any S iff convex set C is radially convex at any point of C. A functional f defined on S is said to be, respectively, radially convex, radially, strictly co.n.vex, radially uniformly convex, or radially locally uni- DENTABLE FUNCTIONS AND QUASI-CONVEXITY 537 S, whenever S is radially convex at s O and f is, reap., convex, strictly convex, uniformly convex, or locally uniformly convex on all forml convex at s segments LS o through s 0. We replace "convex" by "quasi-convex" to get the resulting four new definitions for f at s in the radially convex set S. o We now consider the space C[e,8] of all continuous functions on the interval Is,8] and the subset of rational functions. that the approximation functional T (a,b) p m+l n+l convex when p where a e R R b a xm)/(b 0 + + m b n xn). The norm II’II It is known(see [I] or [7]) II f(’) r (a mn and r (a, b; x) b;-) II p is quasi- (a0 + + is not strictly convex since its graph on the unit ball contains horizontal llne segments. THEOREM 3. lgll The functional g + iS radially uniformly quasl-convex at 0 on any convex nbhd U of 0 in any normed space. PROOF II’II Let L be any line through 0 and put L is convex on L I11/2 x + 1/2 Yll > ]I Yll is the + 1/2 y max max 0. {llxll, IIYlI}" llxll convexity on L 1/211Yll + 1/211Yll > IIYlIllxll + 1/2 This completes the proof, since L 0 such that < Iixll IlYll IlYll < I11/2 x and IlYll + 1/2 YlI, another is compact and strict quasi- 0 implies uniform quasi-convexity on L (see [4; Lemma i]). 0 We note that a norm may not be radially strictly convex, e.g., II-II 1 IlYl] (l]xll In this latter case 1/2 x Otherwise 1/2 0 e0, eitherllxll Since x, y 0, which yields a contradiction. contradiction. We know that Now suppose that there are x # y in L same case) or else {llxll, IIYlI} LU. 0 II’II and are linear on line segments from 0 to any x(x must be in the positive orthant in the case of II IIi )- For 1 < p < l’llp is uniformly convex and therefore is radially strictly convex on any radially convex set w.r.t, to a point. THEOREM 4. The function a + lf formly quasi-convex at the minimum a nbhd of a for f fixed in C [e,8], (a 0 + (a < p < + 0,...,am) a xm) ll p m is radially uni- on any closed bounded 538 C. G. LOONEY function a 0. Without loss of generality, we assume that f PROOF. / (a +...+ 0 convex with minimum on amxm) Rm+l followed by the convex The linear If" II map is trivially at 0. Since the space of polynomials P m m+l degree m or less is linearly isomorphic to R a lla0 / +...+ a [e,8] of xmll p m is and thus Theorem 2 holds (it is known that a unique actually a norm on minimum a does indeed exist for 1 < p). We now borrow a proposition from [7]. For f fixed in C [e,8], the functional PROPOSITION. (a, b, b*) ")II where r mn (a0 +...+ a (a,b x) T COROLLARY 2. is a 0 xm)/(b 0 +..+ T, > 0 such that T (a*, xn). mizing sequence re+n+2. decreases. 0, b 0) # (a*, b*) there Further, given a step size of will decrease by at least 0 along dO eO is a there until the , T is dentable at its unique minimum n, b n) (a (a*, in R directional minimum is reached. COROLLARY 2. r n is radially uniformly quasi-convex at the minimum Starting from any point (a in which b m b*) of any closed nbhd U o lf- T(a,b) is quasl-convex on any convex nbhd U of the unique minimum COROLLARY i. direction d See [I] also. , converges to (a, b (a, b), and any mini- DENTABLE FUNCTIONS AND QUASI-CONVEXITY I. Barrodale, I. Best Rational Approximation amd Strict Quasi-Convexity, SIAM J. Numerical Anal., I0 (1973) 8-12. 2. Choquet, G. 3. K’the, G. 4. Looney, C. G. Convergence of Minimizing Sequences, J. Mth. Anal. & Appl.,61 (1977) 835-840. 5. Looney, C. G. 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