Iernat. J. Vol. ,th. & Math. Sci. 339 (1978)339-372 THE EFFECT OF RANDOM SCALE CHANGES ON LIMITS OF INFINITESIMAL SYSTEMS PATRICK L. BROCKETT Department of Mathematics The University of Texas Austin, Texas 78712 U.S.A. (Received August 25, 1977 and in revised form April 3, 1978) ABSIRACT. j=l,2,...,k }} {{X., n nj Suppose S is an infinitesimal system of random variables whose centered sums converge in law to a (necessarily infinitely divisible) distribution with Levy representation determined by the triple (y,o2,M). {Yj, If are independent indentically j=l,2 distributed random variables independent of S, then the system S’ {{YjXnj, j=l,2,.o.,kn }} is obtained by randomizing the scale parameters in S according to the distribution of YI" We give sufficient conditions on the distribution of Y in terms of an index of convergence of S, to insure that centered sums from S’ be convergent. tribution determined by (y,o2,M) and (y’,(o’)2,A), (y’,(o’)2,A) distributions from S and If such sums converge to a dis- then the exact relationship between is established. Also investigated is when limit S’ are of the same type, and conditions insuring P. L. BROCKETT 340 products of random variables belong to the domain of attraction of a stable law. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. General central limit theorem, products of random vaiabl in the domain of attraction of stable laws, Lvy spect function. AMS(MOS) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION (1970) CODES. i. 60F05, 60F99. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY. The classical linear model for the relationship between empirical data Y and theoretical or "true" data X is to assume Y is a random variable independent of X with the error tends to depend upon X. E(e) X + e where e (the error) 0. In some cases however For example if X denotes the measurement of some random phenomenon we may find the empirical data agrees well with X for values of X which are small, but the error becomes increasingly greater as X becomes larger. Such is the case when a measuring device has a constant per- centage error. If we have selected a measuring device at random from a popu- lation of devices whose constant percentage error Y follows the distribution function G, then we may model the empirical data as YX where Y and X are independent and E(Y) i. The empirical data can be considered as a random scale change of the theoretical data X, or equivalently the scale parameter of X has been subjected to a mixture with mixing distribution function G. The problem we shall consider is the mathematical problem of limit dis- tributions for sums when the scale parameter is mixed. S {{Xnj j=l,2,...,kn }} Specifically, if is an infinitesimal system of random variables whose centered sums converge in distribution to some (infinitely divisible) random variable X, and if {Yj, is a sequence of independent iden- j=l,2 tically distributed random variables which is independent of S, we seek conditions on the distribution of Y1 and the system S to insure that centered sums from the randomly scale changed system S’ {{YjXnj, j=l,2,...,kn EFFECT OF R2NDOM SCALE CHANGES ON LIMITS 341 In case S’ does converge, we wish to determine the converge, say to Z. exact relationship between X and Z. Here we take an index of convergence the weak hypothesis E S+ IYII < S for some 8 of the system S and under > O, we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for convergence of the system S’. When S’ con- verges we then obtain the exact relationship between the limit distributions of X and Z. These results are then applied to a most commonly occurring system, namely that consisting of normed random variables whose distribution is attracted to stable laws with exponent we find S=. that if EY 2 < . In this case In the classical central limit theorem (= 2) we find , then X is attracted to the normal distribution if and only if XY is attracted to the normal distribution, and moreover the same norming constants work. < For attracted to a stable of index , 2 we find that if E IY 1 + < and X is then XY is attracted to the same stable law, the same norming constants work, and the exact scale change between the two resulting stable laws in calculated. We are also interested in when the limit laws of S and S’ are of the same type. A necessary and sufficient condition for this to happen is that the limit law be either of purely stable type, or a mixture of stable and normal type. 2. PRELI>] AN INDEX OF CONVERGENCE NARIES Let us recall several important facts from [3]. If S [{Xnj j 1,2, ...,kn variables, the functions M n is an infinitesimal system of random are defined by k 7. n IFxn,j (x) for Zj=l FXn,j (x)-l} for j= M (x) n k n x < 0 (2.1) x > 0 P. L. BROCKETT 342 where F X is the distribution function of n,j Xnj We shall say that the system S is convergent to X if there exists a k sequence of real numbers [C n n= 1,2,...} such that E j= n,j -C n converges + in distribution to X as n nIX . - In this case X is infinitely divisible with characteristic function whose logarithm is of the form 2 2 log fx(U) iu We shall simply write X characteristic function. 0}. and b u + f (,2,M) [e iux iux -i l+x 2 }dM(x) to express the fact that X has such a The symbol S b d d represents -c l:n[fa +S-c a 0 All integrals are taken in the Lebesgue-Stieltjes sense. The set of points of continuity of a function g will be denoted Cont(g). Discont(g) is defined to be the set of points at which g is not continuous. k n and to denote F We shall hence forth use % to denote X Fnj %j=l DEFINITION. Let S be an infinitesimal system. nj S The index for the system S i__s defined by S with S infiX. > O" lira dM (t) n (x n) + (0,),J O} if no such g above exists. One should remark here that the index S as defined above has some relation to an index defined in 1961 by Blumenthal and Getoor [2] and later generalized by Berman (1965). They define the index spectral function M by M= inf[c > 0" i= inf[c 0: S I IxlCdM(x) < }’ and proved -i lim[ x+0 IxlC(M(-Ixl)-M(Ixl)} 0} M for the Levy EFFECT OF RANDOM SCALE CHANGES ON LIMITS 343 As a similar result in [4] it was shown that then S converges to X~ (,2,M) we have for a e Cont(M) inf[[, > S with S 6M" S Ix I<: Ix[SdMn (x) * !xI%dM(x)] Ix (2 2) < An easy way of calculating if the above set is empty. S is then given by noting that ’IxIYdM lim lim sup I im in f Olxi< n+ (x)= 0 ,}xlYdMn,,[x)= if for any "> Y e -ES > 0 (2 3) if Y < >S" We next recall a variational sum result proved in [4]. THEOREM I. X (,2,M), g(x) Suppose S and 0(Ixl ) a__s is an infinitesimal suppose that g x @. discont(M) lim Z n+ R]D4ARK I. is a bounded function which satisfies > 0 for some S and which is either continuous (-,0) and is of bounded variation over system converging t__o over o__r (0,) with discont(g) Q Then we have E(g(Xnj)) lim n+< (-,) g(x)dM (x) n Some comments about the index S (cr,e2,M), two equalities is possible. For an example where it is shown that if [XI,X2, ...] g(x)(x). ,") are in order. M <_ S <-- system S is convergent to X~ then f(_ If the and either of the S .M see [4] where is a sequence of independent identically distributed random variables belonging to the domain of attraction of a stable distribution with exponent , and if S [{Xj/B n, j 1,2, ...,n}} 344 P. L. BROCKETT then S It is clear that in this case =aJ. example is given showing S M can be anything. gent system S is found such that S =%" < if 0 if In [3] an <_ Namely for To show that 2 2 S a conver- measures "how" the system converges rather than to what it converges, an example in [3] is given showing that for any Levy spectral function M and for any % there exists a system S converging to (0,0,M) with S =%" The index > M S has proved to be the appropriate index for studying variational sums of infinitesimal systems [4], and has been shown to be an extension of the Blum- enthal-Getoor index for stochastic processes with independent increments [5] which allows a unified treatment of variational sums of such processes. Let us also state for reference the general limit theorem as found in Gnedenko and Kolmogorov (1968) or Tucker (1967). THEOREM 2. Suppose S A_ necessary ___and system. [[Xnj ., i, 2, j sufficient condition k n is an infinitesimal that. EXnj-Cn+X~ (,2,M) is that the following three conditions all hold + M(x) Mn(X B) Jlim sup [ +01im llim inffn C) Ixl< for any r 3. > T x e Cont(M) for all A) xdM (x)-c n n x n ixl< e + + x ixl< xdF (x) -7 Ixl<e /(I+ x nj (x)) 2 2 x/(l+x2)dM(x) )dM(x) ixl< r T 0. A LIMIT THEOREM FOR SCALE MIXED SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS We shall now proceed to answer the questions posed in the introduction Namely when S is convergent, the index S ing conditions insuring S’ is convergent. yields the needed tool for obtainThe precise formulation, and the EFFECT OF RANDOM SCALE CHANGES ON LIMITS 345 S’ is given in the exact relationship between the limit laws of S and of Also to be noted is that the convergence properties following theorem. of S’ are the same as that of S (i.e., limiting Levy functions are the same S S ’) and the behavior of the (M= ). In particular since an infinitely divisible distribution is continuous if and only if the corresponding Levy spectral function is unbounded, it follows that the limit distributions of S and S’ are simultaneous continuous or not continuous. THEOREM 3. XN (, 2 ,M) [[Xnj Suppose that S i.e., d EXnj -cn 1,2, j >X. Let ...,kn}] yj J= 1,2,...} is convergent be a t_9_o sequence of independent identically distributed random variables with non-degenerate Fy common distribution function Assume also that necessary and n=1,2,...] [Yj, and with E sufficient condition S’ lim sup n+oo (’, (")2,A), n Z (3.1) x dM (x) bl Remark i necessarily fo___[r S’ can be chosen (x)- -Z x x l_f S’ co___p_n- a_s S Ix I<XdFx .Y l<rx3/(I + 2) dFXnjYj SI SI i>Tx/(I + 2) dFXn3"Y’3 x x n3 j + Z S <- 2). then the following are true: centering constants d n} n+. exists and be finite (so that Th_..e ...,k n ixl< e lira llm inf 0 J I, 2, [YjXnj Then a be convergent i_s +0 I > O. for some j=1,2,...} is independent of the system S. lim CO= e+O verges to Z IY S+ < (x) (x) P, L. BROCKETT 346 2 0 S , (- A(x) 0) [l-Fy(X/t)}dM(t) -S(_,0Y (x/t)dM(t) S (0, )Fy(x/t)dM(t) +S(0,m)[Fy(x/t)-l}dM(t) for x < 0 for x > 0 (,)2 CO Var(Y) + 2(E(Y)) 30 where C O is as defined in (3.1) 4 5 + Ps s’ 0 pM. NDTE: I. If S< 2 then (3.1) is automatically satisfied with by (2.3) and necessarily this case. Also when S q2 0 (otherwise S >- 2), so 30 says () CO= 0 2 2 and (3.1) holds we need only assume E(Y 0 in 2) < to obtain the conclusion. 2 It should be noted that the mere meaningfulness of formula not be sufficient for the conclusion of the theorem. 20 may Examples of this are given in [3]. PROOF. I) We first note that S’ is indeed an infinitesimal system. Now, an easy calculation yields F (x) X .y n j S , (- 0) [l-Fy(x/t)dFnj(t) + S(0,)Fy(x/t)dFnj(t) + e[Xnj 0]X[0,) (x). (3.2) EFFECT OF RANDOM SCALE CHANGES ON LIMITS Here I if x e A and 0 if x 4 A. XA(X x e A n and 4 A. x 0 if Z F xn].y j (x) (x) 7. for x < 0 for x > 0 (3.3) 3 nj g(x) Let Let IF X .y.(x)-l) and let = -Fy(x) Fy (x) 1 Then using (3.2) in (3.3) we have for x (x) n o (- oo, O) 347 x>O x<0. < 0 [l-Fy (x/t) ]dMn (t) + S(0,)Fy (x/t)dMn (t) g (x/t)dMn(t) while for x > n 0 we have (x) z{(- , O) g(x/t)dFnj (t) S(0,) g(x/t) dF nJ (t) -I- (-,) g(x/t)dMn(t). Thus we have (- An (x) ’ ) (,) g (x/t)dM (t) n for g(x/t)dMn(t) for x<0 (3.4) x>O. 2) In this part of the proof we shall show that if we always have lim A (x)=A(x) for all x e Cont(A). n Ejyl S < we have [l-F,,(t) +Fy(-t) =O(t’S -5) as t EIY < , then Indeed since + . By the defi- P. L. BROCKETT 348 nition of g, we can thus see that for fixed x, t + O. gx(t)= g(x/t). Let us write lim n+ S (- ,) for every x such that (3.4) and .. 20 we discont(M) have lira Let show Cont (A) c there exists a t o /= [x: (_ ,) >_ Y0 Thus using (3.5), discont(M) c (3.5) }. discont(A) discont(gx) N It remains to If gYo and M are both discontinuous Y0 > 0 and t Thus we have so that for any small h A(Y0+h)-A(Y0-h) . for all x such that Equivalently we show such that gx(t)dM(t) N discont(M)= discont(gx) be used in any other case. > 0, S An(X)--A(x) simplicity let us assume that dM({t0}) By Theorem i we have gx(t)dMn(t) discont(gx) as o> 0. Y0 then e at t For o A similar argument can __o(tO +0)-__o(t0-0) > 0 and > 0 we have [Fy( to )-Fy( Y0 )}dM([t0} Fy(t--)-Fy(t+-)}dM([tO}) [gYo (tO+)’gyO(tO-)}dM({t0}) >_ [gy0(t0 + 0 0)-gy0(to-0) }riM([to}) b where =t0h/(Y0-h) and for all h, we must have x Cont(A). N=t0h/YO+h. YO Since e discont(A). A(Y0 +h) -A(Y0-h) >_ b Thus A (x) > 0 A(x) for all To see that A is a Levy spectral function, noted that A is monotone increasing on (-,0) and on (0,) and A(+)--A(-)=0. must also show that x 2dA (x) < We The proof of this is accomplished (-, ) in part 5) below. 3) In this part of the proof we shall determine how to calculate integrals of the form S(.,) f(x)dAn(x) and S(-oo,) f(x)dA(x) where A 349 EFFECT OF RANDOM SCALE CHANGES ON LIMITS is given by (3.4) and A is given by 20 Now for 0 < a < b < let (a,b] denote the indicator function of the interval (a,b] and calculate S(_,)S(_,) Xi(a,b] An(b)-An(a) S S X (u) dry (u)dM n (t) (tu)dFy (u)dMn (t) so that S(_ ,) f(x>dA (x) S (_ n ,) S (_ ,) f(ux)dFy(u)dMn(x) (3.6) holds when f is the indicator function of an interval in (-,). Standard approximation techniques now allow us to conclude (3.6) holds for the function in question. Also (3.6) holds if we replace A n 0 4) In this part of the proof we show that 4 holds. (2.4) to show S S’ S [xI<e Ix [gdAn(x) S Now for any 5 (-,1 Ix g S > (- ,) We shall use 0 we have lu [8X (-’) (ux)dFy (u)dMn(x) SI xl<IIxl Sluxl<EIul gdFY(u)d:M +SI xln(x) by A and M by M. n I uxl <E dFy (u)dMn (x). However concerning the second term above we see that lira lim sup Ix ul dFy(U)dMn(x) 0. P. L. BROCKETT 350 S S’ we must only lu Ix Thus to show lim lira sup lira inf Ix15 S S Suppose then that 5 Now lulgdFy(U)dMn(X) < S 0 if 5 > S for any e > 0 if 5 < S" Ix lSdFy(X) > 0. dFy(U)dMn(x) and choose e f so that I and Slxl<l fluxl<eluxlSdFy(U)dMn(X) >_Slxl<IIXl5 Slul<elulSdFy(U)dMn(X) n -- that S >- S’ 5 "Y < < - 5 "S n S Ix I<1 Ix]5 lira inf n let y SIxI<IIXlS"dM E IY dFy (u)dMn(x) >_ Ixl<l IXUl<e I S luI<e I lulSdFy(U) e show > S n (x). EIYI %’ and thus < S<5"<" (x) is bounded in n. 1 n(x) =, be such that i.e., such that SIxI< Ix 15"cccIM dM Now S <- s’ and pick Then > EIYIS" < To see 0 such that and also Slx]<l Slux]<e]uxlSdFy(U)dMn(X)< Thus luxlgdFy(U)dMn(X) 0. I.e. S’ <- S and hence S’ =S 0 5) In this part of the proof we shall show 5 holds by showing Ixl<l Suppose 5 >_ II(x) < if if M and that oj (-,) -IxlSdM(x) < . some y >_ S >- M such that E IYI that there is generality we may assume 5 < "y so that we have >M 5 < M. 5 Now we know by hypothesis < . Without loss of EFFECT OF RANDOM SCALE CHANGES ON LIMITS Ixl 5 IxI<l Sluxl<llUlSdFy(U)dM(x) 5 dFy(U)dM(x) <_ EIYI i.e. A <__ M. then choosing 1 Thus c > 0 such that P[ A >_ M and hence A= M. < Slxl<l IxldM(x) M so that S < On the other hand, if >_ 351 1 -] > +M(-I)-M(1) < Ix 15 d(x) oo, 0 we have In particular, choosing 5 2 we see A is indeed a Levy spectral function. 6) An elementary calculation using the Helly Bray theorem and Theorem 2 shows that the centering can be taken as in I 0 when (3.1) holds. 7) In this part of the proof we shall show that the finiteness of the limit in (3.1) is necessary. We shall show that if x lim sup n+ Ixl<e 2dMn (x) (3.7) then xdF x .y.(X))2} =oo. (3.8) P. L. BROCKETT 352 Hence by the general limit theorem S’ cannot be convergent. Let e>l and for simplicity of notation let us write o" n (e)= x xl< n e (x)-Y. xdF xl<e X y (x)) 2 nj j Then n x2 S (e)> ux l<e x E[; S x (3.9) dFnj udFy(U)dFnj (x)}[S x 2 S lux I<UdFy (u) dF UdFy (u)dFnj (x)2. S lira sup PROOF. dM (x) n luxl< ixi<e2 2Y.[S u2dFY (u) Y’[S x S l<eudFy(U)dFnj(x)]2= _ _ O. By the Schwartz inequality, ; {:x <-< S UdFy (u) ]dFnj (x)) (S max Ix P[ S IXnj UdFy(U)}2dFnj(X)>P[ IXnj e2] S Ix 2 x2 S e 2] u2dFy(U)dFnj(X). nj (x)] EFFECT OF RANDOM SCALE CHANGES ON LIMITS 353 Using the infinltesimality of the system, we have the first term converging to zero. The sum of the second terms is bounded, since by the Helly-Bray theorem lim sup n ->oo x 2 ix i>_e2 S u ux I< < {E(Y 2) x 2 2dFy (u)dMn (x) (x) + dM(x)]. IXl>e <II< This completes the proof of Claim I. Note that using the above we actually have x lim lim sup 2 e+O 2 S lux l<e u 2 dFy(U)dMn(x) Oo (3.10) CLAIM 2. UdFy (u)dFnj (x) {:S x Ixl>--e < [E (Y2) }1/2o(I) PROOF. S x 2 S lux l<e UdFy (u)dF nj (x): 2dMn (x)} % By the Schwarz inequality for sums, the sum in the claim is no larger than P. L. BROCKETT 354 Applying Claim I to the second term and the Schwarz inequality to the first term in the above product we have that the left hand side does not exceed {:S x l<e2x2(S lU x I<udFY (u))2dMn (x) 1/20 (:) <- [E 0f2) 1/2 (I) IS Ix i< Cx2d:Mn which completes the proof of Claim 2. Now using the inequality x <-- S Slux Ixl<e 2 l<eudFy (u)dFnj (x) 2 x2:S luxl<udFy (u)]2dM (x) n and using Claims i and 2 in (3.9) yields UdFy(U))2}dMn (x) u2dFy (u) (S X2[S 2 (3.11) 2(E(y2))o(:)[S Since (3.7) implies that War(Y)- > S >- 2, (x)} +o(1). n x 2 we know E(Y 0 and choose 2 eO > 2) < =. Let 0 so small that if u2dFy (u) (S UdFy (u))2 > 0 be chosen such xl < e, <- Var(Y)+. then EFFECT OF RANDOM SCALE CHANGES ON LIMITS <_ 0 Then for 2 () n in (3.11) we have > [Var(Y)-5} S ixl<e2 x S x ixI<2 2dMn (x) 1/2[ (Var (Y) -5 By (3.7) the lim sup as n + i.e., lira sup 2dMn (x)-2E(Y 2 )o(I)[f 2 Ixl<e 2 n (x)} 1/2 +o(i) (3.12) 2dMn (x)) 1/2 -2E(Y 2 )o(i)} +o(I) of the right hand side of (3.12) is =, and S’ n(e) (S ixl< x 2 x dM + , cannot be convergent. 8) In this part of the proof we show that if (3.1) holds, then S’ (’, is convergent to X (’)2,) Since we have already shown that lim A (x)=A(x) for all x e Cont(A), to obtain this part of the proof, n we need only show that with lim lim sup Now, if #S 0 X 0 2 n(e) < 2, then by (2.3) part 5 of the proof so that 3 .2(:) n <_ #S’ =#s (,)2 holds with (’, 0,A). (3.1) implies <_ as given we have lim lim inf we must have 2() n 2 (,)2. 0, and CO= 0. so that x lim lim sup (0’)2=0, 2dA and consequently (x) Then we assume E(Y 2) < 0 S’ converges We are thus left to consider the case when S <- 2). However by S to 2 (recall and as before we have P. L. BROCKETT 356 o" 2 (,) S 2S 2dFy (u)dM +S II>_ x2 S lul<u2dFy(U)dMn(X S II< S lul<UdFy(U)dFn (x)) u x n (x) (3.13) -Z( -Z (S x SIUX l<eudFy (u)dFnj ux x (x)) l<l::UdFy (u)dF nj (x)) (S x it>_2 S luxl< UdFy (u) dFnj (x)). Applying (3.10) to the second term, Claim 2 to the last term and Claim i to the 4th term on the right hand side of the last equality in (3.13) and upon adding and subtracting Z(S x I< I<,} S lul<:/UdFy (u) dFnj (x)) we have : (e)= 2 u2dFy (u)dMn (x) (3" u (3.14) iI< 2 ii<< I <e2 ux i<e nj + gl (n, e) EFFECT OF RANDOM SCALE CHANGES ON LIMITS where lira lira sup PROOF. u I<:/ (S x Ix i<E gl(n’E) =0. Using the equality a 2 357 2 b 2 (a-b) (a +b) we have )dFnj S UdFy (u)dF (x)) 2 UdFy (u)dFnj (x) UdFy (u)dFnj (x) {S udFy (u)dFnj (x) }. For simplicity we denote UdFy (u) dF n j (x). Then the right hand side of (3.15) becomes equal to 2fnj(E) S x S UdFy(U)dFnj(X) + f2nj(). P, L. BROCKETT 358 Thus to complete the proof of Claim 3 we must show f2nj () llm lim sup I 9-0 n+ (3.16) 0 and lira lira sup[E f nj n 9e 0 Concerning (e) S l<e2 S lu I<i/UdFy(U)dFnj (x)] (3.17) x (3.16), note that by the Schwarz inequality f2nj () <- S and letting a(e 2) x 2 S lira sup n+m hence lim lira sup Z so that (3.16) holds. fnj () 0. x f2 x Ixl< 2 u 2dMn (x) () < lim 2 dFy(U)dFnj (x) we have a(e S u 2 C O 2dFy (u)a (2)) as e 0 and 0 In a similar manner, concerning (3.17) we have S Ixl<e S lul <I/UdFy (u)dFnj (x) x 2 lu dFy (u)dFnj (x)) [E IYI < E (Y) [S oluldFy(U)}[ 2 x dF ixi<e2 .(x)}. n3 S 2 Ix IdFnj (x)] EFFECT OF RANDOM SCALE CHANGES ON LIMITS 2 x dM lu IdFy(U) (x)) 359 from which (3.17) follows easily. Now using Claim 3 in (3.14) and upon adding and subtracting 2 2 x dM (x), we obtain from (3.14), udFY(u)> n 2 S (lul<le G n S ixl<, (c) + x g2(n’E) UdFy(u))2 (u)- I,,1</I,1 2 where lim lira sup :+0 n+oo g2(n’E) (3.:8) O. Then, if we use the inequalities {S ix j<(::2 2 x dM (x) n iI<2 in {S lu i<1/(: u2 dFy (u) u (3.18), we obtain the following ii<2 two sided bound for d 2 (E): n n P. L. BROCKETT 360 (3.19) Using the fact that Ilim+0 Elim sup of the extremities in (3.19) are lim equal when (3.1) holds, we obtain C 0 Var(Y) + by O (,)2 <_ lim lim inf e+O <_ where C (E(y))22 lim lim sup e +0 n+ Var(Y) + (E(Y)) 0 2(e)n 2 n (e) <- CO Var(Y) + (E(y))22 (3.1), so that (0’) 2 exists and is given is the constant given in C n 2 2 (y 9) In this part of the proof we show that if S’ is convergent (so that lim lira sup +0 (3.1) holds. lim sup n + n n2 () (’) 2 lim lira inf 0 n 2()) n then necessarily By part 7) we know that we may assume S Ixl<e 2dN (x) < x n so that all of the previous equations leading up to (3.19) still remain valid. Let us then subtract the quantity 361 EFFECT OF RANDOM SCALE CHANGES ON LIMITS Ix I<i/e UdFy (u))2{ x x i<2 n (x) Y. xdF nj 2 (x))2 + g2 (n, ) throughout the inequality (3.19) to obtain {S x ix i<2 2 < n Z < Now, 2dMn (x) (S ixl<i/gXdFy(X))2{S (g) (S xdF 2 {S lim o|lim lim [S Ixl<i/e u2 dFy(U)-(S x 2 sUPn inf nj i<i/e x xl<g 2 UdFy (u)) 2 (3.20) 2dMn (x) (x))2 g2(n’e) 2dMn (x)}{E(y2) (S lul<I/eUHFy (u))2}" of the inside of (3.20) equals ()2 (E(Y)) 2 2 while on the outside of (3.20) the above limits yield Var(Y) lim +0 holds with I lim lira sup S infn+ 2 xl 2dMn (x). Ixl<E Var(Y)C0= (,)2_ (E(y))2 2. We thus conclude (3.i) This completes the proof of the theorem. Let us now turn to the frnework of the more classical central limit theorem. If [XI,X2,...} is a sequence of independent identically distributed random variables with common distribution function F, we shall write X I e () to denote the fact that F (or XI) is in the domain of attraction of a stable law with characteristic exponent . That is, 362 P. L. BROCKETT there exists norming constants [An, n= 1,2,...} [B 1,2,...} and n= centering constants n such that E X /B -A converges in law to a distrin j= I j n < bution which is stable with exponent 2. In this case the relation between the scale mixed system S’ and the original system S takes on a particularly appealing form. Our con- dition for convergence only depends upon the moments of Y and the index THEOREM 4. xn Le__t [XI,YI,X2,Y2,...} having distribution function F X be independent random and Y variables havin$ distribution function n Fy I) l__f EIYI 2 < , th.en Conversely i__f YX e D2) norming constants work. the sne norming constants 2) l_f E IYI +8 < (2) .implies YX e (2) an__d the sne X .t.he.n X D(2) an__d work. > 0, for some and the sme norming constants then X e D() implies YX e .wprk. PROOF. The direct statement in I) and 2) will follow from Theorem 3 once we show that (3.1) holds. as proven in [4], X e O() implies holding with CO=0 by (2.4). Let S= S =" {[Xj/Bn, < For j= 1,2,...,n}} then 2 we have (3.1) For =2 we know (see Feller (1971), [6] pg. 314) that necessarily B- y Yl <B dFX (y) + C0 as n + (3.21) 363 EFFECT OF RANDOM SCALE CHANGES ON LIMITS 2 n y y dM (y) and that Using the fact that (y) n e [y [< n f S y2dFx(Y) case also. S’ 2dFx S Ix [<Bn is a slowly varying function of t yields (3.1) in this Applying Theorem 3 we obtain the convergence of [[XjYj/B n, 1,2,..o,n}}. j If =2 then Mm0 so by A= 0 and S’ converges to a normal distribution. Theorem 3 (’) 2 M (x) -C2x A(x) 20 of Theorem 3 C ’(_ I of Theorem 3, 30 < 2, then by of 0 and with Cllx[-C we have by If 20 - x < 0 if x > 0 (3.22) I-Fy (x/t)d oo, o) if t -) -C2 f(0, ) Fy(X/t)d(t -) -C1 S (- ,o) Fy(X/t)d([tl-c)-C 2 f (o,) {Fy(X/t)-l)d(t -c) if x<O if x>O, or equivalently, upon integrating by parts A(x) (-,o) (o,) (- ,o) (o,) (3.23) Upon simplifying (3.23) we obtain A(x) :I al ]x[-- -a2x if x < 0 (3.24) if x > O, 364 P.L. BROCKETT i.e., X Y n n is in the domain of attraction of a stable law with character- , istic exponent and the same norming constants work. Let us suppose now that YX e (2) and general limit theorem to show E With M bution. IYI > t] > O--S O. IYI . We shall use the to a normal distri- j= n given by (3.3)we shall show x 0. implies M (x) + 0 for n Indeed let t be such that Then dA (x)= Ixl>t 2 n f Since P[ < n. iX j /Bn -An converges given by (2.1) and A x0 A (x) + 0 for n P[ n EIYI 2 Sf luxl>t 2 dFy(U)dMn(X) SIxI>tP[IYI 2dFy(u)dMn(X) >- > t] > O, > t]dMn(X)" O, thus the limiting Levy dM (x) function is 0. Let us complete the proof by showing E 0 lim inf exists and is finite. x n->oo Ix[<e n (x)-n XdFx(x )) In view of part 7) of the proof of Theorem 3 we know we must have CO lim lim sup e ->" 0 n->oo x Ixl<e 2dMn (x) < EFFECT OF RANDOM SCALE CHANGES ON LIMITS 365 Utilizing the inequality (3.20) of Theorem 3 we see that we must only show for C we have C lim x lim e 0 S lira inf n +oo On the other hand for 7 (I-)E2). n Ixl<e n+ <_ Then C 2 >_ + (x) > n (x) > 0 choose lim sup n -->- x ix i<e/5 0 is arbitrary C I x u dM {ux + x lux I< 2dMn (x)dFy (u) 5 so small that x u u 2dM.n (x) (I-D)E(y2)c 0 <_ C 2 Since 7 x lim inf n u2 S (I- G) E (y2) I im sup n n+ 0 Now by Fatou’s lemma and by (3.21) CO= C I 2 S Ixl<e im lim inf I =C0 <_ Ix I C E 1 (x)dFyU (y2) u2dFy(U) > f n n (x)dFy(U) > Thus E(y2)cI <_ E(y2)c0 and Z n.j=Ixj/Bn-An converges to a normal distribution. REMARK 2. i) The first part of Theorem 4 should be compared to a result of H. Tucker (1968) who considered sums of random variables in the domain of attraction of the stable distributions instead of their pro- ducts. He shows that if EY 2 same norming constants work. < and X e () then X+Y e () and the If X +Y e () and E(Y) 2 < m, then a 366 P.L. BROCKETT slight modification of his methods yields X e D(). Combining our re- sult with his we find that if X,Y,e are independent random variables, Ey2 < and EE 2 constants work. , < then X e D()YX+ e D(o)and the same norming For =2, X e )12)=> YX+E e D(2) with the same norming constants. ii) In Theorem 4 we can actually calculate the scale change involved in the distribution of the limit laws of S and S’ when < 2. Namely, in going from (3.23) to (3.24) we have x<O x>O f (o,) tdFy(t) f (-,o) tlCdFN(t) a2=C2 S (o,) tdFy(t) I f (-,o) ItldFy(t). where +C al=C 1 2 +C This follows immediately from (3.23) by the change of variables z= xt iii) It can be shown that for implies that EIXI c’ < and and < 2, YX EIXI c+6= -1 EIYI + < hence S " I e D() and for all 8, suspect that in fact X e D() however, I have been unable to establish this for #2. iv) Suppose that lira +0 lira sup lira inf Ix[ + ixl< dM n(x) =C O - EFFECT OF RANDOM SCALE CHANGES ON LIMITS C then for i -Fy(X) +Fy(-X) is given by 2 S< 2. 0 of Theorem 3. I we have A (x) n + C0C 1 IS 367 + A(x) where A(x) This is a Levy spectral function when Thus we see that some random scale changes introduce a stable component into the limit law. We can also use Theorem 4 to derive some interesting statements about slowly varying functions which would be difficult to prove by other means. The precise formulations are given in the following corollary. COROLLARY i 0 varying function of t if slowly 20 function 2 o x2dFx(X) and only ifS lu l<txmumdFx(X)dFy(U) Suppose EY < Then o__f t. S x2dFx(X) function of t and also P[X > x] P[ >_ xl IXl b) x + +< an__d EIYI _ varies regularly with exponent 2- - p’ P[X p[Ixl for some 8 <-x] > 0, x] ) x + q then S(_ , Slu l<tx2u2dFy (u)dFx varies is a o Suppose a) is a slowly o (x) x regu!arly with exponent 2- a__s a function of t and also a__s a P. L. BROCKETT 368 PItY >_ (o ) S (-,) x]dFx(t ItYl >-- x] dFx (t) P[ S <- ). PItY <_ x(t) S P[ ItYI >- x] dFx (t) -x]dF for some p’ PROOF. q >__ 0 .w.ith p’ +q’ > q’ 0. This follows immediately from Theorem 4 by utilizing the necessary and sufficient conditions given in Feller (1971) for a distribution to belong to the domain of attraction of a stable law. In the previous theorem we observed an interesting phenomenon. Namely we took an infinitesimal system S and subjected it to an arbitrary random scale change with which was convergent. EIYI S < and we obtained a new system S’ Moreover the limit distributions of S and S’ were of the same type. In problems where X nl represents a "true" or theoretical measurement of some occurrence and Y 1 the scale change in the measuring device used to measure the occurrence, we obtain as an observation the product X .Y. nl I It is of interest to determine when limit distribution calculated from the empirical data [[XnjYj, j 1,2,...,kn}} [[Xnj j 1,2,...,kn }" is of the same type as that from For normed sums in the domain of attraction of a stable law, Theorem 4 answers the question and Remark 2ii) allows EFFECT OF RANDOM SCALE CHANGES ON LIMITS us to calculate the scale change. 369 In general the following theorem tells us that in non-stable limits the empirical data may yield a different J 1,2,...,kn }" [[Xnj type distribution than the theoretical data In order that a limit distribution b__e preserved i__n type THEOREM 5. under all random scale mixtures with E IYI S+5 < it is necessary an__d sufficient that the limit distributio type be either purely stable or a mixture of stable and normal. The sufficiency follows from PROOF. 20 and 30 of Theorem 3 of Theorem 3 as we calculated in Theorem 4, and in fact the scale change involved is given in Remark 2ii). Suppose now that the limit distribution is preserved in type when subject to random scale change. 3 we know Z~ (’, (,)2 a 2 2 and (’)2,A) Then with S and S’ as defined is of the same type as X~ A(x)=M(x/a) for some constant a. (,2,M), in Theorem thus As in 2) of the proof of Theorem 3 we know that A(x) If IM(x/t)IdFy(t) x<0 (3.25) IM(x/t) IdFy (t) If M(x) x>O 0, then both X and Z are normally distributed. then we must show M is given by (3.22) of Theorem 4. that A(x) h(t) =M(x/a) If M(x) 0, Using the fact in (3.25) and letting j(x/t)[ M(x/a) we see that h is a function of t (3.26) P.L. BROCKETT 370 a.eo alone, the equality holding [dFy]. Since Y could be chosen to be absolutely continuous we have (3.26) holding on a dense set of points t. For simplicity in calculation we shall consider the case x a > 0 and denote similarly. N(x)=M(x)/M(1). O, t O, The other cases may be considered Rewriting the equation (3.26) yields N(x/a)h(t) N(x/t) and hence for x= a N (xy/a N (x/a) h(a/y) N(y). Thus N(y2) N(y)h(a/y) (N(y))2 and by induction for any k N(y N(yk-l)h(a/y) Nk(y). U(x)=-nlN(e x) I, the above equation becomes k) Letting I/k U(knx) i/k U(ky)=U(y). U(x) U(n x) or By Lemma 3, page 277 of Feller (1971), this implies x 0 or equivalently N(x) x O. That -2 < 0 < 0 follows from M being EFFECT OF RANDOM SCALE CHANGES ON LIMITS a Levy Spectral function. Thus M(x)=M(I for x > 0. 371 Similarly we can X show M(x)=M(-I) for x < 0. We see that = < is of the same type whether multiplied by Y since the limit distribution 0 or Y > 0. The result then follows easily from the calculation of A(x) in both cases. This completes the proof of the theorem. REMARK. The problem considered here could have been solved by de- fining the class C C S [Y" lim of random variables by S lira sup[ [l-Fy(xt) +Fy(-Xt)}dMn(x) and proving the main theorem for members of this class. must be made of the complex interaction of M l-Fy(t) as t + . Some such account (t) as (t,n) + (0,) and Since moment conditions are perhaps a more natural approach, we choose to introduce the index borderline case n 0}} l-Fy(y)~y "s S instead. we choose to assume E To avoid the IYI s + < . ACKNOWLEDGMENT This paper is based in part upon results obtained in the author’s doctoral dissertation completed in 1975 at the University of California, Irvine, under the direction of Professor Howard G. Tucker. I would like to thank Professor Tucker for posing the problem solved here, and con- stantly expressing an interest in it. versations with him. I benefited considerably from con- P. L. BROCKETT 372 REFERENCES I. Berman, S.M. 2. Blumenthal, R. M. and Getoor, R.K. 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