I nn. J. h. Math. S. (1978) 145-159 145 ON THE MEIJER TRANSFORMATION j. CONLAN and E. L. KOH Department of Mathematics University of Regina Regina, Canada (Received January 27, 1978) - Recently [8], an operational calculus for the operator ABSTRACT. B t Dt I+ D with-i < approach [4], version. < [13], [15]. was developed via the algebraic This paper gives the integral transform In particular, a differentiation theorem and a convolution theorem are proved. INTRODUCTION. i Ditkin [4], and later with Prudnikov [6], developed an opersimilar to the algebraic ational calculus for the operator t approach of Mikusinski [15]. [13], [14] generalized Ditkin’s calculus to operators B [i0], Meller t-Dtl+D with -I < < i. Krtzel [9], [ii], [12] gave an integral transform version to Meller’s calculus and also generalized the calculus to operators containing. n th order derivatives. of the form He developed a theory of integral transforms J. CONLAN AND E. L. KOII 146 fOw ( ’(n){f}(s) v Re(v) i, 2, where n (n(st)l/n)f(t)dt, i and >-i, n-i n) v Here, (2) 2 (z) ()nv r(v+l-i/n) (1)iSv i fi (y -i) nexp(-zy)my. (2)v the Laplace transform and is the Meljer trans- form of the form .(2)v {f}(s) 2f0 (st) v/2 Kv (2/) f(t)dt, (i) where K (z) is the MacDonald function of order v. v Dimovski [i], [2], [3] developed an operational calculus for the operator B t a0 t al d d-- t an-i d t dt an using an integral transform that for n 2 reduces to the Meljer transform of the form k {f}(s) V 2s -v f0 (st) V/2K V (2’)f(t)dt. In [8], Koh reconsidered Meller’s operator B but with e(-l,oo). (2) .d t l+ t-..= dt dt Following Mikusinski, Ditkin, et. al., he cons tru.c ted an operational calculus through the field extension of a commutative convolution ring without zero divisors. calculus reduces to Ditkin’s when e(-l,l). 0 and Meller’s when His 14 7 MEIJER TRANSFORMATION In this paper, we give an integral transform analogue of [8] MeiJer transform of the form via the k {f}(p) for Re() 2p. r(+) > -i. (pt)/2K(2 p/)f(t)dt /0 In particular, we prove a differentiation theorem and a convolution theorem. 2p r(+) in (3) (3) The presence of a factor as opposed to those in (i) and (2) is essential in our convolution theorem. 2. THE MAIN THEOREMS. We will define the convolution, *, of two functions, f, g by (4) f(x)g[(1-x)(t-)]dxd, see Koh [8], where D order X, see Ross is the Riemann-Liouville derivative of [17]. This convolutlon exists if, for example, f and g are in C [0,oo), the space of infinitely differentlable complex functions on [0,). The following properties of K K(2 p/) g(t/p) /2 I 1 (t/p) f0 -/2 X will be used: t --I exp(-px-) t 0 x-i exp(-px-) Re() > -i, Re(p) > 0, Re(t) > 0. dx (5.1) dx, (5.2) J. CONLAN AND E. L. KOII 148 -in t+0(1), r()+0[t min(l’)], 2(pt)K(2 p/) (1,-.la) t 2 4 -2 e p {l+o(ll 1 pf) } > 0 (pt)la+O(1), ]_! {d (pt)-+V/2Kv(2 0 - t0 -1 < la < 0 (6.1) i )}, t (6.2) +=, KI(2 p/). -p(pt) (7) In order that the Meijer transform (3) converges, it is sufficient for f(t) and f(t) to be locally Lebesgue integrable on (0, oo) < Ce 2y/t (t / > 0 and for f(t) to remain ) for bounded in the neighbourhood of the origin for-i < V < 0. The integral then converges absolutely within the parabolic region Re/ > y. This is clear from the asymptotic behaviors and (6.2) Indeed, l 0f(t)(pt)2Kv(2/)dtl < suplf(t 0<t< + (6.1) _< 01f(t)l(pt)2K(2 p/) dt P)dt + Tlf(t) l(pt)2Kp(2 p/)dt IE(pt)2K(2 0 fTlf(t) (pt)2Kp(2 p) dt, for some 0 < < T < m. (8) The first integral on the right hand side of (8) exists because of (6.1); the second exists because of the local integrabillty of f(t) and the continuity of (pt)K (2/pt); and the last MEIJER TRANSFORMATION integral exists because of (6.2) provided 149 Re/p > y. We state this result in THEOREM i. y such that f(t)Loc(0,), If < Ce 2Y/ as t If(t) then (3) converges absolutely in if there are constants C and oo, and if lira f(t) t/0 + Re/ f(0 +) < , > y for all g(-l,). Furthermore, the integral (3) as a function of p is analytic in the region of convergence. The proof of the analyticity is standard and is omitted. When a function f(t) satisfies the hypothesis of theorem i, we shall write, for brevity, fEHypl. continuous derivative on THEOREM 2. k(Bf) [0, ) and f’Hypl, then fgHypl. 2 If fEC [0,=) and f’EHypl, then p(kf) pf(0 + ). PROOF. k(B f) +i =2p,, r( +) Clearly, if a function f has 2p -P-+I 2 r( + I) _]! t 0 - d tl+ddt f(t) ]t2K(2/)dt {t 2 K (2 p)t +1 d__f dt 0 df d(t K(2 p/)dt}. f 0 (t +i Ff) The limit terms vanish because f’Hypl. another integration by parts to yield We now use (7) and 150 k(Bf) _ J. CONLAN AND E. L. KOH 2E2 ; 2p r (+) 3 +! df 2 0 KIa+I ( 2 p) d t 3 {-J0m+ [f(t)t pk (f)(p)-pf(0 +i +). 2 1 Kla+l(2 p)]+p210ft2Kla(2 pCr)dt } QED This result immediately generalizes to the next theorem by induction. THEOREM 3. k (B If kf) U fec2k[0,=) P k and 2k-l)eHypl, then" k Z p J B k-J f(O). kla[f] U J=l Note that this theorem is the integral transform version of Lemma i of B [8]. The operational calculus for the operator is now effected through this formula. To solve the initial value problem Q(B )f(t) g(t) CO, Btaf(0) f(0) C, ..., B k-1 (o) c k-1 (9) where Q(z) is a polynomial, we transform (9) into Q(p)k f P(p) + k g where P(p) is a polynomial of degree less than or equal to that of Q(p). Therefore k f la P(P) Q(p) 4 1 Q(p’---’ (klag)(P) and f(t) is retrieved by means of an inversion formula and MEIJER RANSFORMAION 151 possibly a convolution theorem. The following inversion theorem is obtained from Theorem [18] and y / through a simple change of variables, vlz. x / 2/. THEOREM 4. not less than be a complex number whose real part is Let -. 1 Assume that in Re/ > 70 _> where q > 23--Re+2. k(f) f(t) Then for real c > 70 O, F(p) is an IF(p> analytic function and is bounded according to F(p) MeiJer’s and for < Mlpl -q Re > c, where r(+l)t 2 i 2 I F(p)p --12 I (2 p/)dp. (i0) Re/p=c The following lemma will be used in proving a convolution theorem for k LEMMA. Letting D denote the Weyl derivative of order we have Do {(z/t)2K (2/{)} (-z/t)K2(2/)" (d/dt)kwk-{f(t) }, PROOF. By definition, D {f(t) } where k-i < < k, and where WU{f(t)} [-I/F(9)] I t f(s)(t-s)V-lds. Since K we have 2/) i /2 exp{-(zy+t/y) }y--idy (ii) J. CONIMkN AND E. L. KOH 152 W k-lJ { t -ti 12Kl 2) } (-z-/2/2r(k_l)} j" (t_s) {-z-/2/2r(k-l)} f0 exp (-.y) k-]-I ds foeXp{- (zy+s/y)}y dy y-l-I d Y f exp(s/y) t (t_s)k-p-lds yA, ds On putting s-t ydA and using the deflnlton of the gamma function, this becomes (-1)k-u{z-UI212} foeXp{-(zy+t/y)}y k_2_ld y. Differentiating k times with respect to t, we get = D {t ]/ 2K ( 2 ’) ) (-l)-g{z-P/212} and using (11), with THEOREM 5. C [0o) and kg(f,g) 0exp{-(zy+tly)}y- replaced by 2, completes the proof. (Convolution theorem) f(n) and g(n) PROOF. (kf)(kg) ReCap > 7f+78 and for pc(-l,=). We use the two-dlmenslonal Laplace convolution theorem (pp. 26-29, [5]) Fi(p,q) If f and g belong to satisfy HypI for every n, then converges absolutely in k(fwg) dy, L(f i) Let fofo -px-qyf i(x,y)dxdy, e i 1,2 MEIJER TRANSFORMATION 15 3 2 [x-,y-]dd. (12) and x Soloyf If F i converges absolutely, then so does F*(p,q) F*(p,q) Fl(p,q)F2(p,q). In (12), let f l(x,y) Then f*(x,y) Y xPf(xy) and (13) xPg(xy). f2(x,y) 1 t:(xy) where 2]/ [(t-w)(1-v)] dvdw, fotflwP(t-w)Pf(wv)g o i[f*] - i(f*) and and _fofo e -px-qy (xy)y -2p dxdy -I f O (t)f 0 e -qy-pty y- 2p-I dydt. (14) Similarly, /" [xf (xY) fO f(t)dt f 0 exp(-py-qty -i )y U-I dy 2f0 f(t)P-(pqt)2Kv(2r/pqt)dt, on using the integral representation (5.2). (15) Set p 1 in (14) and (15) and invoke (13); we have f0(e)def0 exp (-qy-ty-l) y "2 (It+l) 21.t-i dy q 2 (kpf) (k g). It remains to show that the left hand side of (16) is equal r 2 (+) k (f,g). Indeed, letting to denote the Riemann2 U q R:k Llouvllle integral of order (16) J. CO AND E. L. KOtl 154 i k(f,g) k[F(+l) q r(+) k B t-DB(t) (17) [t-D (18) 2q2 Kta (2 q/-) t -V (d) kRk_ v (t) dt (qt) r2 (]+1) f 0 (-1)k2q 2 f F(k_) F2 (+i) 0 k {(q/t) ]/2 K1a(2 )}dt (19) t f0E(s) (t-s)k-V-lds 2 r2 (]+1) 0 i; (20) (t)D]a{ (q/t) ]/2 K(2 q/)}dt (21) 2q 2 ;(t) (q/t)K2(2 q-)dt F2 (+i) f 0 q r 2 (+) f o (t)dt f o exp(-qy-t/y)y (22) (23) dy which proves our assertion concerning the left hand side of (16). Equation (17) Equation (18) for f(n) follows from theorem 2 since g(n)eHypl. and [16], we have f,g as t / 0 +. follows from the definition of convolution. Thus Furthermore, from a theorem of Ritt 0(i) lim t/0+ t Dt-DE(t)eHypl -D (t) O(t (t) O. 2+I) t-D(t) Equation (20) follows from (19) by the definition of the Riemann-Liouville integral, and integrating by parts k-times. at t 0 and t by (6.1), O(t) Rk_ The integrated terms vanish (6.2), and the fact that in the definition of (t), the functions f and g satisfy the hypotheses of theorem 5. Equation (22) is due to the preceding lemma. That MEIJER TRANSFORMATION k (f,g) converges absolutely follows from the absolute convergence of (13). 3. This completes the proof. SOME OPERATIONAL FORMULAS. 10f(x)K Let F(y) 2 If we set y f (/{) k U (xy)l/2dx and x =/, ’ (24) we get 22/3 P 3/4+la / 2 t-i/4-/2 r(+) F ( 2 ,/’’) (25) From Erdlyi [7] p. 137 (16), 28+U a 8 y U+I/2 F(8++I) (y2+a2)-8-U-I [xS+U-I/2j 8(ax)] Rell]-l, Re > (26) lmpl Rey > By (25) aS/2 p U +i k[tS/2Js(2/)] Re/ > [t(v (27) [’ (1+1) ImKI. v-u, this becomes, for Rev > Reu, 8 Letting k 1" (8+1+!,) (p+a) 8+1+1 )/2 J Since v- (2/-{)1 K(.) K [xS-+I/2js(ax)]^ a(V-U)/2 p (28) (p+a) v+l (.), we have from (26), for 28-aSy +I/2F(8_U+I) 2 (y +a 2’ -+8+I Re/ > llmal (29) From (25) k [tS/2-J 8 (2/)1 aS/2..(8-u..+l)P F (u+l) (p+a) 8-+i (30) 156 J. CO AND E. L. KOH Setting k U t (v-p) / 2 If v Jv+1.4 ,I’ (y+l) a (v+u) / 2 2/-{) r 0 in k [r(p+l) (at)-/2J (2V)] Letting a /-a, and using k U [r(+l)(at)-/2I p (2/)] Equation (31) k P (32) p+a - l(z) J e (33) p-a can be written as [r(p+l) tv (at) -(v+u)/2 Jv+u(2)] F(v+l) p (p+a) v+l (34) / e -wi’2 J (iz), this gives Again letting a /-a, and I (z) k (31) v+l 1.1+i ) p+a ) v [F(+l)t (at) -(v+)/2 Iv+(2/)] r(v+l) p v+l" (p_a) (35) These expressions are useful in inverting rational functions. As an application, consider the problem of solving (B2+3B +2)(t) (o) o’ (B) (0) f(t), l" One gets (p 2 +3p+2)k() 2 0 p +(3O+l)P+k U f whence k () Therefore (0+1) P p+2 + (20+1) P p+l + 1 ( p p + 2(p+2) )k f. p+l 15 7 MEIJER TRANSFORMATION -(o+)r(+) +(20+i) F (+i) t 1 (]+1) (2t) +{I ACKNOWLEDGMENT. -/2J (2v) +f (t) -]/2 J](2 2/)-r(]+l)t J (2/{)}*f(t). This research was partly supported by the National Research Council of Canada under grant number A7184. 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