I ntnat. J. Mh. Vol. Math. S ci. 245 (1978) 245-253 GENERALIZED WHITTAKER’S EQUATIONS FOR HOLONOMIC MECHANICAL SYSTEMS MUNAWAR HUSSAIN Department of Mathematics Government College Lahore, Pakistan (Received June 23, 1977) ABSTRACT. In this paper the classical theorem "a conservative holonomic dynamic system is invariantly connected with a certain differential form" is generalized to group variables. This general theorem is then used to reduce the order of a Hamiltonian system by the use of the integral of energy. Equations of motion of the reduced system so obtained are derived which are the so-called generalized Whittaker’s equations. Finally an example is given as an application of the theory. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. A:M.S(HOS) SUBJECT i. Generalized Whlttaker’s equations, Holonomic Systems. CLASSIFICATION (19,70). 70F20 INTRODUCTION It is known [4] that canonical equations for a conservative holonomic system whose Hamiltonian is H are obtained by forming the first Pfaff’s system of differential equations of the differential form, Pidqi H dr, (i 1,2,---,n), MLrNAWAR HUSSAIN 246 where coordinates is implied. are the generalized momenta corresponding to the generalized Pn PI’ P2’ ql’ q2’ ---’ qn of the system and summation over a repeated suffix This result leads to the theorem connected with the differential form "A dynamical Hdt". Pidqi system is invarlantly Further this theorem has been used to reduce the order of the system by means of the integral of energy. Canonical equations of the reduced system so obtained are known as Whittaker’s equations. In what follows in this section we state a few basic results from _ the theory of group variables in order to generalize the above mentioned results. Consider a conservative holonomlc system having n degrees of freedom and whose position is specified by group variables x I, x2,---, be the parameters of real displacement and X I, X 2,---, Xn. Xn be Let n I, 2,---,nn the corresponding displacement operators expressed by the relations J (i,J Xl" i 8xj J where i are functions of x I, x 2, --, Xn, () 1,2, ---,n) then for an arbitrary function f(x I, x 2,---, xn, t) the infinitesimal change df is expressed by df (2) The X’s satisfy the relations where (Xo, Xi) Putting f o(’f) + nixi(f)]dt [X xj O, (Xi, Xj) CiJk (3) (k-,2,---,n). in (2), we get dx. ,j -.n dt Since the operators X i J (4) {i are independent therefore the matrix =o=- singular and consequently (4) yields ni Aij xj (5) GENERALIZED WHITTAKER’ S EQUATIONS 24 7 Let L be the Lagranglan of the system then the canonical equations of the i, 2 system as obtained in ri H Cjlk rj Yk Xi (H), d-- ---i’ (6) 1,2,---,n), (i,J,k where are L n-- Yl and H(Xl, ,Xn; yl,---,yn ) x 2, nlyi (7) L is the Hamiltonlan of the system and is equal to the total energy of the system. 2. DERIVATION OF CANONCAL EQUATIONS FROM A CERTAIN DIFERE..LkL, FORM. In order to establish the invarlant relation between the system (6) and a certain differential form we prove the following theorem: THEOREM. The system of equations (6) is equivalent to the first Pfaff’s system of differential equations of the dlfferentlal form PROOF. (nly2 H)dt. We put 8d (niYi H)dt or using (5), we obtain 6 d yiAij d xj (8) H dt therefore O where d and x2, ---, Xn, - AiJ x (9) H 6t denote two independent variations in each of the variables x I, YI’ ---’ Yn’ Od_dO= Yi[Aijdxj + t[dH Yl H dt] t. The bilinear corearlant of (8) is given by Hyldt]+xk[yl AiJXk dxj X_k t_dy i dxj] Aik-Yi Aik. xj (10) MUNAWAR HUSSAIN 248 where we have used the relations dx i dt d x (i- 1,2,---,n) i dt. Equating to zero the coefficients of I ’---’ n ---’ we get the first Pfaff’s system of equation in the form H Yl dt- Aijdxj Yl A (i- 1,2,---,n) 0, dYl Aik Yi BAlk dxj H dt dxj H dt, dH (Ii) (i 0 (12) (13) i,2,--- ,n) By vrtue of (5), the equations (11) asse the fo H With the help of dy i d-q-- . (i (14) 1,2,---,n). (4), the equations (12) become J Ak Ym mi k k Ynm Aj x mi 8xj k k i H xk which, by means of the relations (I) and (3), finally takes the form dY__i dt rj Yk (15) Cik XI(H)" The relation (13) is a consequence of (14) and (15) and skew symmetric property of Cjik with respect to the first two indices. Since the equations (14) and (15) are identical with (6) the theorem is thus proved. 3. GENERALIZED WHITTAKER’ S EQUATIONS Assume that H does not involve the time explicitly and H / h is the integral of energy of the system. the variable Yl (16) O, Let the equation (16) be solved for so that it is algebraically equivalent to K(Xl’---’ Xn’ Y2’---’ Yn’ t, h) + Yl 0. (17) GENERALIZED WHITTAKER’ S EQUATIONS 249 The differential form associated with the system is (nl Yl + n2 Y2 + ---, xn, where the variables x 1, + nn Yn + h)dt, h Yl’ ---’ Yn’ are connected by (17); the differential form can therefore be written as where we can + rn Yn + h)dt (2 Y2 + n3 Y3 + regard (Xl,---, Xn, Y2’ ---’ Yn’ h, t) (18) n I K dt as the 2n+l variables If we express (18) in the form in the phase space. Idt [ Y2 + + n Yn + lh_K] --i (19) and put nldt then we take T dz as the new time variable and I___ i’ 1 i 2 n2 i’---’ n nn i as the parameters of real displacement, the corresponding displacement operators and new momenta are respectively Xo, XI, ---, Xn and h, YI’ --’ Yn" Using the result of section (2), the differential equation corresponding to the form (19) are p 8K %yp’ dt d’r 8K dyp dT dh )h rl] Yk Cj pk -Xp(K) (p 2 3---,n) (20) Oo The last pair of equations can be separated from the rest of the system since the first (2n-2) equations do not involve t and h is a constant. The equations (20) can be further simplified to take the form K[Clpl + nr Crpl] + Yr Clpr+ nrYq Crpq Xp(K) (p,q,r 2,3,---,n). (21) MUNAWAR HUSSAIN 250 The original differential equations can therefore be replaced by the reduced system (21) which has only n-I degrees of freedom. The equations (21) are the desired Whittaker’s equations. 4. AN EXAMPLE Consider a rigid body which is moving about one of its fixed points 0 We introduce a fixed frame of reference Oxyz under the action of gravity. such that Oz is vertically upwards and a moving frame Ox’y’z’ which coincides with the principal axes of inertia of the body at O. Eulerian angles 8, and , Let us choose the (8 is the angle of nutation, the angle of precession the angle of proper rotation) as the group variables which specify the Obviously the dynamical system under con- position of the body at time t. slderatlon is a conservative one and it has three degrees of freedom. Choosing the parameters of real displacement as the components of angular velocity along the moving axes, we have the relations .n2 os + --Sln + $ co, sin Sin 8 Cos _ -+ Consequently the displacement operators X1 X2 x3 sin + Cosec e Cos Sin + Cosec , sin e Cos X2 X are given by 3 Cot e Cot sin e Cos (22) which satisfy the commutation relations XlX2-X2X1 X3 X3) X2X3 X3X2 X1 X1) X3X1 XlX3 X2 (X1, X2) (X2, (X 3, (23) GENERALIZED WHITTAKER’ S EQUATIONS C’s are therefore expressed by the The non-vanlshlng C213 C321 C132 C123 C231 C312 251 relations i, 1, (24) i. Let T and U denote the kinetic and potential energies of the system respectively, then (A n + Bn 2 + T Cn3), (25) + Mg(x Sln B Sin U te where A, B, C are y Sin B Cos + z Cos B principal moments of inertia at O; x, y, z are the coordinates of the centre of gravity of the body wth respect to the moving - Using (25), we have the Lagranglan L and axls and M Is the mass of the body. momenta Yl’ Y2’ Y3 U T L A Yl expressed by the relations: (An + Bn + Cn ) + Mg 1’ Y2 B 2’ Y3 ( Sin 0 Sin +y Sin O Cos (26) n 3. C +z Cos O), In view of (26) the Hamiltonlan H is given by H = Using +__+ "A Mg(x Sin e sin + y Sin e Cos + z Cos e) (27) B (6), (22), (24), (26), and (27), canonlcal equations of the system are n1 Y1, n 2 A dYl B-C BC dt dY2 dt dY3 C-A CA Y2, n 3 B 73 C y2Y3 + Hg (" Cos e y3yI + Mg (- A-__B yly2 + Mg Sin Cos O " Sin - e Cos ), (28) + Sin e e(x Cos Sin ) y Sin ). 252 MUNAWAR HUSSAIN Now the relation (16) gives --+ ----+--- 2Ms( + y Sin 6 Sin Sin 6 Cos + z Cos 6) + 2h 0, and consequently A[2HS( Sin Yl , 0 Sin + Sin 0 Cos + Cos 0) -__2 -__Y 2hi, Comparing this relation wth (17), we get A[2ME(" K Sin e + Sin e y Sin Cos $ + ..___- z Cos e) B 2h] ;. C Therefore by the application of (21) the canonical equations of the system reduce to 3K 2 Y2 ----dY2 d’r Y3 dY3 r3 3K ’3’ X2(K), n3 Yl Y2 + n2 Yl X3(K). Now dY2 dY2 d dt dY3 dY3 de dt K h K 9h dY2 A K dt dY3 A K dt =. Mg(-x Cos x3 ) " t s cos X2(K) 0 + z Sin e sla ), s s e. ) (29) GENERALIZED WHITTAKER’ S EUATIONS 25 3 Therefore equation (29) assume the form r _._.dY2 dt dY3 dt A BY2’ rl A -y3 KA_._y3 + Ms(-’Cos e + e Sin ,), -’" Sin ). Sin CA K(B-A) Y2 + HS; Sin e(" Cos These are the Whittaker’s equations for the system under consideration. REFERENCES 1. Cetaev, N. G. On the Equations of Poincare, Prlkl. Mg. t...Me.h.(1941) 253-262. 2. Hussain, M. Hamllton-Jacobi Theorem in Group Variables, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (ZAMP), Vol- 27, (1976) 285-287. 3. Poincare, H. On a New Form of the Equations of Mechanics, C. R. Acad. Sci. 132 (1901) 369-371. 4. Whittaker, E. T. Analytic.al Dynamics of Cambridge University Press, 1961. Particle.s and Rigid Bodies,