Inter. J. MoJ. Math. S. 11978) 13-20 VoZ. 13 EXISTENCE THEOREMS FOR THE MATRIX RICCATI EQUATION W’ -I- WP (t)W -I- Q (t) 0 ROBERT A. JONES Department of Mathematics and Statistics Louisiana Tech University Ruston, Louisiana 71272 (Received March 18, 1977 and in revised form September 27, 1977) ABSTRACT. Sufficient conditions are established for the matrix Riccati equa- tion to have a symmetric solution on a given interval. The criteria involve The integral conditions on the coefficient matrices of the Riccati equation. present results are compared with previously known results. i. INTRODUCTION. Consider the matrix Riccati equation W’ + WP(t)W + Q(t) 0 (’ .t), (1.1) where P(t) and Q(t) are n x n real symmetric matrix functions of the real variable t. In what follows sufficient conditions will be established for (i.I) to have a symmetric solution on a given interval. integral conditions on the matrices P(t) and Q(t). The criteria involve There are very few suffi- ciency criteria in the literature and even fewer integral criteria. The ROBERT A. JONES 14 results will be compared with previously known results. As for notation, capital letters will denote matrices and P > 0 (P _> 0) indicates that the matrix P is positive definite (non-negative semi-definlte). W > 0 and similarly for W < P or The notation W < P or P > W indicates P P > W. The transpose of a matrix P will be denoted by tity matrix will be denoted by I shall mean that < a < b < shall mean that < a < b < 2. pT and the n x n iden- When considering the real interval (a,b) we n when considering the real interval and similarly for (a,b] and [a,b) we [a,b]. MAIN RESULTS. Let P(t), Q(t), and N(t) be n THEOREM i. + Q(s))ds t(N(s) Suppose for each t in I that P(t) >_ 0, (a,b) (or any interval). matrices on I n real symmetric and continuous exists and is finite, and a (N(s) + Q(s))d (N(s) + Q(s))ds P(t) N(t) >_ a a Then (i.i) has a symmetric solution defined on I. Let V(t) PROOF. V’(t) (N(s) + Q(s))ds for each t in I (a,b) then Q(t) and hence on I -N(t) V’(t) + V(t)P(t)V(t) + Q(t) (N(s) + Q(s))ds (N(s) + Q(s))d P(t) a W(c) W(t) V(c). > a (a,b) and let W(t) be I Let c a symmetric solution of (i.i) such that By [l;p. 52] (or [4;p.122]) W(t) is defined and satisfies V(t) on [c,b). An extension of the results of [i;p.52] yields W(t) defined and satisfying W(t) <_ V(t) on (a,c]. The validity of the theorem on intervals evident. QED N(t) <_ 0. Thus W(t) exists on I [a,b), (a,b], or [a,b] is now (a,b). MATRIX RICCATI EQUATION Setting N(t) 15 Q(t) in Theorem i we have the following known sufficiency criterion, [3;p.344]. Let P(t) COROLLARY TO THEOREM i. I--[0,i] real continuous matrix on I. I QT(t )_ and let Q(t) n with Q(t)>4 [ tQ(s)ds]2 be an n n for each t in Then (1.1) has a symmetric solution defined on I. The following example illustrates that the matrix Q(t) in Theorem i need not be non-negative semi-definite. i, q(t) Let p(t) EXAMPLE. i, and n(t) t r is the positive real root of t 0> t- + I [0,r] where on I Note that i < r and on [0,r] 0. i t t t-l. Hence t + ((s + i) + (s 2sds i > t 0 l))ds] 2 0 or (n(s) + q(s))ds n(t) > 0 w’ + Thus by Theorem i, w2 + q(t) 0 has a solution defined on I [0,r]. A companion result to Theorem i is the following. THEOREM 2. matrices on I (N(s) Let P(t), Q(t), and N(t) be n x n real symmetric and continuous Suppose for each t in I that P(t) > 0, (a,b) (or any interval). + Q(s))ds exists and is finite, and (N(s) + Q(s))d N(t) > (N(s) + Q(s))d P(t) t t Then (i.i) has a symmetric solution defined on I. PROOF. (N(s) + Q(s))ds for each Let V(t) V’ + VP(t)V + Q(t) VP(t)V proof of Theorem i. QED N(t) < 0 on I. t in I (a,b). Then The proof now proceeds as in the RDBERT A. JONES 16 The following corollary of Theorem 2 is also a known sufficiency criterion, [3;p.344]. Let P(t) COROLLARY TO THEOREM 2: I (0,(R)). real continuous matrix on I QT(t) and let Q(t) n Q(s)ds Suppose be an n n Q(s)ds exists lim and is finite, and either Q(t) > 4 () (s)d on I or t -31 Q(s)ds < I on I. < 4t t - Then (i.I) has a symmetric solution defined on I. PROOF. (u) () In Theorem 2 take a 3 I Since t _< n I(R)Q =, P(t) 0, b (s)ds _< 1 I and N(t) n Q(t). In then t In + n (s)ds. t Hence 16t 2 (s)ds n (s)ds t (s)d t t or [I Q(s)ds t i + I J n 2 i < 4t 2 In Thus (Q(s) t In Theorem 2 take a THEOREM 3. matrices on I 0, b (R), +- In)d P(t) In, < 4t and N(t) Let P(t), Q(t), and M(t) be n (a,b) (or I (a,b]). 2 I - n" 4t I n QED n real symmetric and continuous Suppose for each t in I that P(t) > 0, MATRIX RICCATI EQUATION t(M(s) + P(s))ds 17 exists and is finite, is invertible, and a ((s) + P(s))d Q() <_ ((s) + P(s))d () a a Then (1.1) has a symmetric solution defined on I. PROOF. (M(s) + P(s))d Let V(t) for each t in I (a,b) and ED proceed as in the proof of Theorem 1. As an application of the above result we have the followlng corollary. trIn The proof follows from Theorem 3 with M(t) and a well-known comparison theorem, [3;p.340]. COROLLARY TO THEOREM 3. tinuous matrices on I Let P(t) and (t) be n (O,b) (or I numbers such that for each t in I 1 (O,b]). n real symmetric and con- and r(#-l) are real Suppose r t > O, 0 < P(t) < P(t) < I + ut Q(t) < ( + and r-2 2 Ct -T n Then (i.i) has a symmetric solution defined on I. The following example provides a comparison of the criterion given in Theorem 3 and the known result found in [3;p.344]. EXAMPLE. Consider w’ + By Corollary 6 with b I I, r w2 + i/i0 3dt 2t3/2( I + 2t3/2(1 1/2 and a (0,i] and hence on [i/i0,i]. I _ 3 ti/2)2 + O. tl/2) 2 3/2 (2.2) has a solution defined on Now >3 I 1/I0 (2.2) dt 4t3/2 3 (99) > 8. RDBEET A. JONES 18 Also - 1- 1/lO 1110 4 Thus 1/10 4 3dr I) 2 2t /2 ( + t z/zo and hence the sufficient condition as stated in [3;p.344] cannot be satisfied o. [/zo",z]. Before stating the final result we note two additional applications of Theorem 3. obtain Kneser’s dominated by I criterion (Q(t) < I/4t21 ). Then a case when P(t) is not is the following. COROLL TO TttN)II 3. where in the Corollary to Theorem 3 we 0 and b i, r Setting and q(#-l) are real constants. continuous matrix on I. ItqI Let P(t) (O,b) (or I on I QT(t) Let Q(t) be an n Suppose for each t in I that P(t) Lr n real r q O, lt + t > 0 Suppose further that for each t in I where u and r(#-l) are real constants. Q(t) _< ut r O,b]) + i + q lJ In. Then (i.i) has a symmetric solution defined on I. Finally we have the following companion result to Theorem 3. THEOREM 4. Let P(t), M(t), and Q(t) be n ous matrices on I P(t) > 0, (a,b) (or I (M(s) + P(s))ds q(t) < [ [a,b)). Suppose for each t in I that exists, is finite, invertible, and (M(s) + P(s))d t x n real symmetric and continu (M(s) + P(s))d (t) t 19 MATRIX RICCATI EQUATION Then (i.i) has a symmetric solution defined on I. PROOF. Let (MCs) + P(s))d V(t) t for each t in I and proceed as in the proof of Theorem 3. QED It should be noted that in the main results stated above the matrix Q(t) is not required to be non-negative semi-definite in contrast to that requirement on Q(t) in (u) of the Coollary to Theorem 2, in [3;p.344], [2;p.89] and [2;p.83]. REFERENCES i. Coppel, W. A. Disconlugacy, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, New York, 19 71. 2. Jones, R. A. 3. Reid, W. T. Ordinary Differential Equations, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1971. 4. Reid, W. T. 1972. 5. Sternberg, R. L. Variational Methods and Non-Oscillatlon Theorems for Systems of Differential Equations, Duke Math. J. 1__9 (1952) 311-322. Comparison Theorems for Matrix Riccati Equations, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 29 (1975). Riccati Differential Equations., Academic Press, New York, KEF WORDS AND PHRASES. Existenae theorems, Symmetnic SolOns, Companison Thr Dif fetial Equations. AMS{MOS) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION (1970). 34AI0.