777 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. i0 No. 4 (1987) 777-786 THE SHARPNESS OF SOME CLUSTER SET RESULTS D.C. RUNG Department of Mathematics The Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 16802 and S.A. OBAID Department of Mathematics and Computer Science San Jose State University San Jose, CA 95192 (Received July 8, 1986 and in revised form October 6, 1986) Abstract. We show that a recent cluster set theorem of Rung is sharp in a certain sense. This is accomplished through the construction of an interpolating sequence whose limit set Is c]osed, totally disconnected and porous. The results also generalize some of Dolzenko’s cluster set theorems. Key words. Cluster sets, interpolating sequences, porous sets. 1980 Primary 30D40, Secondary 30E05. Mathematics Subject Classification. 1. INTERPOLATING SEQUENCES. disconnected set P We begin by considering a closed totally on the boundary 3a a of the unit disc in the complex =3a-P is the union of countably many disjoint arcs. Our first plane. Thus objective is to construct interpolating sequences on certain curves in the In a speclal case unit dlsc a whose llmlt points are all the points of P. Dolzenko [1] used this construction apparently not realizing that he was dealing wlth Interpolating sequences. We wish to define an approach to a point z a inside a reasonably nice subdomain of a. Let h(t) be a real-valued function defined for -1 < t < 1. We require that (1) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) h be continuous. h(t)=h(-t). h(O)=O, h(1)=1, h(t 1) _< h(t2), 0 _< t _< t 2 _< 1. (l.l) h(t) _< t. h"(t) > O, t O. This function h is said to be a convex approach function. ie as follows (See determines a convex boundary domain (e,h) at z=e Such an h Fig. I). }(e,h) (re it :0 _< r _< 1-h(t-e): It-el _< I} For example h(t)=t defines the usual nontangential approach; h(t)=t defines the horocyc]Ic approach and so on. The boundary of the domain (1.2) D.C. RUNG and S.A. OBAID 778 E consists of two h-curves Z+ and Z_ which meet at r=e iO and are defined by Z+(t,O,h} [1-h(t-)]e it Z_(t,O,hl it 0 < t- < (1.3) O<O-t < and the second The first curve in (1.3) Is called the right h-curve at curve in (1.3} is called the left h-curve at {See Fig. 1). Clearly these curves are rotations of the corresponding curves at 1. We construct an Interpolating sequence which has P as its limit set. Recall that a sequence {Zn} is an interpolating sequence if, for each bounded sequence of complex numbers such that f{Zn}=n for every n. {Wn }, there exists a function f We shall use the characterization of in SHARPNESS OF SOME CLUSTER SET RESULTS Garnett [2] for interpolating sequences. set a,b E A, a-b x(a,b) the pseudohyp,rbolic distance o. For 779 A Tle equenc {zn} is interpolating if and only if > O" nm ((Zn,Z m) (i) _li__m (1.4) There exists a constant {re iO’l--d _< r Io-o01 1, A such that for any domain _< d}, Z (1-1Znl) _< Ad. zED D Such a domain is shown in Fig. 1. =6-P Recall that we denote by (r n,r*In is the countable unlon of disjoint open arcs whlch oriented In the usual counterclockwise sense. e denote the length of this arc by no construct a sequence {Zk} l(r n,r*}[n Flx such an arc on the right h-curve Z+ e (r n,r*)n ending at Intersects each circle to define {Zk} tz;=r, 0 < r < 1, (e n could equally well define these sequences on the left h-burve or both. simplicity we put the only on the right h-curves}. Because any Z+ For in at most one point it is enough by specifying lZk[. Thus let htllrn,r)l/16) 1-g Zol (1.5) Consequently, if zk zk {Zk] e tO k lies "over" the interval 10k k 2 I. rn=e and iO n then from (1.3} we see that and is of the form {rn,V} [l-h(ek-en)]e zk K/2k k 11-I z01 )/2 I-I Zkl 0 < ek-e n < r/8, Zk > 1/2. We note that X and thus let n (Zk,Zk+ X(Zn,Z m) _> X (I Zk[ ,I Zk+ll > 1/3, nm. To show (1.4)(ii), for a given domain be the least index such that z n e D. :Z _< 2 (1-I Zkl hence the sequence (z k} is interpolating. e k=n k=n Note that 1-I Znl )/ak Zkl Z: (1-{ ZkD D 2(I-I Znl < 2d, want to construct a larger interpolating sequence by taking the union of all sequences at the points Vn" For each arc (Vn,Vn*) in construct D.C. RUNG and S.A. OBAID 780 a sequent;e on Z_ it] We claim tlat th- exactly the same manner as above (countal,le) nnJol, S, oI" these sequences is still an interpolating sequence (Note that any rearrangement of an interpolating sequence is still interpolating). e first sho that {1.4} is satisfied, beginning ith (l.4)(i}. then a,b E S, We will show tlt if (1.7) i(a,b) > 4-The proof of the above inequality can be done in two steps. First, if a and b lie on the sane h-curve then we have shown that i(a,b) > 1/3. Second, if a,b lie on two different h-curves then we use the following inequality (See [3], p.474) which is valid for any a,b e a a,b x(a,b} la-b| (1.8) The right inequality iplies that if (1.9) then x(a,b) > 4-- 10) zmn be an element of the sequence on Thus we show that (1.9) is valid. the h-curve ending at h-curve ending at e ay assue arg rj Let and let n zk be an eleaent of the sequence on the as shown in Fig. 1. n > arg rj. z n Set arg zmn=e m and arg Vn=en Then it is clear that zk > ]z n] sln(O-e n} (1.11) > (1.12) and sln(em-en) Thus Jzmn-z-rjk Jzmn (21r)(em-en) sin(Om-O n) 1-1 zmnl where we used (1.1), (1.6), (1.11) and (1.12). This proves that the sequence S satisfies (1.4)(1). For (1.4)(ii), let D be the domain specified there. e clat that r. aesnD _ 1-1 al _< (1.13) 5d. The points of S that lie in D belong to curves that end at the boundary of D except for at ost to curves which ight end outside D and B as (See Fig. 1). Partition the points of S D into to sets follows- zn A if and only if Thus fro (1.1} and (1.5} e have {r,r) D , otherwise put Zn m B. SHARPNESS OF SOME CLUSTER SET RESULTS If (znm _C B then 1). Let zn dent, re the first term m 2 5[ i=l has at most two values, say zlE 2 S Sl P C BA. then nil 0 (-IZn.l) 4d. (]-Ial) < 5d, D is an interpolating sequence. POROSITY AND RIGHT h-ANGLES. on the set D Thus a( 2. (See Fig. B i=1 which implies that 2 (1-1z i Z t=1 2 where we used (1.5). and Zl of each sequence lying in i (l-iz n ;1 < E 781 In this section we add another restriction We assume that P The notion of porosity was is porous. introduced in 1967 by Dolzenko [1] and later used by Run [4] and Yoshida [5] to generalize some of the cluster theory results. We note that in 1976 Zajicek [6] generalized the definition of porosity and proved a variety of interesting properties of porous sets. Let P C BA. For each largest subarc of the arc no such arc exists define porous at e iO if e ioe a, let be the length of the (e,e,P) (e i{o-e), e i(o+e)) which does not meet W(O,z,P)=O. According to Dolzenko [1], P. If P is (2.1) n(e,P) > o. A set P C 0A 90 is porous if it is porous at each p P" P is o-porous if it is the finite or countable union of porous sets. A porous set is nowhere dense and thus a o-porous set is of the first Balre category. We now define a right h-angle in A at =e i e A. For any positive c; Then h c is also a convex x constant c, set hC(x)=h[],-c approach function. RA(e,a,b,h) For any constants (rei#:l-ha(-O) 0 < a < b, < r < 1-hb(#-e), define 0 < -e < a). (2.2) The boundary curve of RA(0,a,b,h) defined by the left inequality will be called the lower boundary curve of the right h-angle domain and the other boundary curve is called the upper boundary curve (See Fig. 1). The left h-angle domain at r, LA(O,a,b,h) is defined by replacing #-O by O-# in (2.2) with upper and lower boundary curves defined by the same inequality. If h(t)=t then this represents a typical Stolz angle domain. a and if E # then the cluster set of a function f If E along E will be denoted by C(f,E). Our final objective is to investigate the sharpness of the following theorem of Rung [4]. D.C. RUNG and S.A. OBAID 782 .T_ h. e_ 9_ !" _m r,_ R, _e ,_c_e p_ __f_o_E .4.2-p.ofous__s__t_ tot_’_a!.y_9_hoice of C{f,RA(O,a,b,h)) 0 < a C(f,LA(O,a,b,h)) We start hy introducing two well-known results p.28]-282) and Kerr -l, aWSOlt [8]. Lemma n, If there is.a_n (Garnett) (1--tan i2 Z and if anqD in the exteded tak_i(!g._.v_ol.q! b_e_ deflate d .i._n f _< Ad, ,/ > 0 D c > O, C{f,ll(o.hc)) d,e to Garnett such that where and b (See Koosis > (an,a m for- .9, j_tLy_ejL.b_Y_i_l=4_)_ and A is a constant then y[ inf X(an,a m) >_ n=l de.e!Ld_d__on_!!y__q_n where Lemma 2 (Kerr-Lawson). aFe be the Blaschke function whose zeros B(z) {an}. qp_pose t.he. sequenc given by A. and Let [ inf n=l 6, that > O. X(an,a m) n Then given a number o_j an___d 6 60 60 > 0 {z.lB(z)] < } such that the set of disjoint pseudohype[bolic discs wit_____h 1-center a n and B{z) (i) (ii) (iii) with the following properties" is defined and analytic in B(z) IB(z)l Z choice of B(z) with z e Rh(,,,h)" there exists either a RA(fl,a,b,R) or a B(z). (Th____e which contain infinitely...many zeros of a and b vary with e ifl.) be the infinite Blaschke product n:l {an} such that for each i,e, a_s e ifl e P, For each LA(fl,a,b,h) Let > 0 There exists an li aa Then there exists a Blaschke be a convex approach function. h function where is contained in the unioa be a closed totally disconnected porous subset of P Le___t Theorem 1. Proof. N{an,50) which depends only 0" I-radius and let > 0 there exists a number an l-anZj’ Z qA, is any arrangement of the interpolating sequence S defined in 783 SHARPNESS OF SOME CLUSTER SET RESULTS P, relative to the set section If) follows. r=e i E a-P If We now prove (li). is a BJas’hke product then B(z) Since E P If then (li) is obvious. i is an isolate(| then we first show that (ii) holds for the case when r=e of an arc initla] endpoint the r is circumstance this point of P. In (r,r*) contained in a-P. Using the results of Rung [4, p.204] and dstance Satyanaraya and Weiss [9, p.65] we find that the pseudohyperbo]]c is at least (2.2) domain h-angle rlght the of boundarles the between near dJsta,ce equals to I/4. above the b=3/2, a=I/2, Choosing ]b-a/2b+a[. Thus for large Lemmas IB(z)l >_ n, each N(z n and 2 imply that there exists a positive number RA(,1/2,1/2,h). r nlN(Zn z $ for Thus we have I/8). P Consequently if is a limit point of for z e )-P. then it Is easy to see that P so ,h) RA(/, still does not meet this U N(an,I/8) , an__d lying over the corresponding interval of isolated points of r IB(z)I > lim z+--7 lle on right h-curves ending at (a n Recall that the points of such that li___m {B(z){ _> , when [I=I If v=e i is an isolated point then clearly Finally we prove (iii). I Is a 1 3 contains infinitely many zeros of B(z). Suppose =e RA(,,,h) limit point of Isolated points integer such that the right h-angle 2 m We shall show that there exists an e P. Vn _ be the union of the arcs Let S. infinitely many points of U (’n,’rn*) n=l and without loss of generality we take 8=0. i i8 and subarcs (e k of arcs (e k eik eiOk im k-o k-ak k there is a sequence By (2.1) Ba-P with (2.3) > O. We consider two cases according as to whether the subsequence approach 1 from above or below. contains RA(,l,m,h) domain (e l= k elk If both, then select a subsequence ta approaching from one side of 1. The case of (e k from approaching below is slightly more complicated and so we prove this case. Ne suppose to the contrary that none of the left h angle domains LA(0,1,m,h), m=2,3,4 contain infinitely many points of S. For each m, there must be an infinite i ifl subsequence of the arcs {e k ,e k such that the corresponding Blaschke elk {zk)} sequence boundary curve on Z+(t,k,h) Z_(t,O,h) of has its first term, Z+(t,ak,h) Z_(t,flk,h) and (e between Z_(t,k,h e Because arg z k) and a ak 1. a (See Then note that meet at a point on the radius to the midpoint of ..... the arc between the upper LA(O,l,m,h) (defined in (2.2)} and To see this we first may assume that Fig. 1}. zk), then z lles 18 < 2 and certainly between Z_(t,0,h), the lower D.C. RUNG and S.A. OBAID 784 boundary curve of upper boundary curve of km ik (k m) z0 (k m) ]z 0 Thus the point win= (k m) z0 radius as Wml e I.ml < Ok (e m be choose ink s has iqkm,eiflk m Z_(t,0,hm) on which lies on the same satisfies lz 0 > I- lWm h(#m/m) Now For each woul(| According to (1.5) the first associated with e h(I i@m . 0, m km must lie between the and 5A else there inside LA(O,l,m,h). S infinitely many points of io m satisfying e (e Blaschke sequence term Z_(t,O,hm), LA(O,l,m,h), Z(o k) But then and BZ. LA(O,l,m,h), and so the properties of h L--]--J h -1 together with the above two Inequalities imply that #km-km (flkm-km 16 m . This contradicts (2.3). and this last expression tends to 0 as m is replaced by When the intervals approach 1 from above the left angle at and the proof proceeds along the same lines the corresponding right angle at as before. This completes the proof of the theorem. appearing in property (ii) of Theorem Note that the constant Remark 1. 50=1/8, depends only on the three constants v=l/4,, A=5 (which appear in (1.7), (1.10) and (1.13) respectively) so that any Blaschke product whose zeros are an interpolating sequence with these three constants satisfies [B(z)[ > for a single constant . A slight modification of a result of Dolzenko [1, p.8] gives the following lemma. Lemma 3. A set P_C P: U n=l where Pn P n’ are closed, .totally.dlsconnected and. porous sets can be written the form P=OFk k=l where Fk the sets ar-e dl.sJint., c!os.e.d,..and_porouff, Fp with respect an___d to Fq Moreover if lq then each of l___ies., en_t_irely on an arc compl.ementary to the other SHARPNESS OF SOME CLUSTER SET RESULTS Theorem 2. P= t) s(,t ._Gj_.v__e_J_,. c-[)._or___ous which t)a 785 be w,-itte as ,:an lPn where f’ n are closed and porous. ’!l(c__e_.ELELE a bounde(] n with the following_Zo_o_pertiesholomorphic functipji f(z) i__qn (i) (ii) f(z) a j continuous from within For each point at each point of there exist to P, such that the cluster- sets of le tomal_.; .s h at along these a_n_gles are different. Proof. Pn" P= Consider the set n Lemma 3 implies that there exist mutually disjoint, closed, and porous sets Fk P= such that lies entirely in an arc complementary to for Fj F k. Furthermore Fk Corresponding to each kj. set F k we construct a function Bk(Z) (Bk(Z)=B(z), P:F k) as we have done in Theorem 1. Following Dolzenko we define f(z) as the infinite series E a2k Bk(Z), f(z) (2.4) z e a, where value is the fixed constant appearing in Theorem 2. (Recall that this obtained in property (ii) of Theorem is independent of the particular Bk(Z}; see Remark after Theorem 1. There is no loss of generality in assuming 0 < < 1/2.) The series (2.4) is clearly uniformly and absolutely convergent on compact subsets of a and so f(z) is analytic and bounded on a. It is also clear that f(z) is continuous from within a at each point C-P. This proves (i) of the theorem. e r=e ifl point now proceed to prove (it). Fko. v. Then for oreover kk 0 the functions we have for z k=ko+ Consider a fixed ko-1 limit. Set E a k=l Bk{Z) 2k Bk(Z)l at 2kBk(). and let are continuous at the Bk(Z a z /e now use Theorem 1, specifically and the continuity of Fko _< 2(ko, /(1- 2 ). property (il) of for v Thus for k < k0 z e Bko(Z), property (2.5), to show the following RA(/i’,,,h) we find li____ If(z) 1i___ ] zr > 2 k0 2k 0 ko-1 Bko(Z) zrli- - ]Bko(Z)[ z-r k0 Z k=l zr 2k [Bk(Z)-Bk(r)] Z ko+l 2k Bk(Z) k0 k=OZ e2k[Bk(Z)-Bk(r)]] (2.6) 786 D.C. RUNG and S.A. OBAID ’{1- 2. Note that (2.6} implies that there are no points of the disc if(z} a] r O. /. that there exists a sequence angle domain at C(f,RA{fl,-,1/2,h}} within Oil the other hand property (ii]} of Theorem such that (Zn} of zeros of zn Bko(Z contained 1 an h Consequently using (2.5) and the continuity of the finite su we have 2k Now r ( r0 [Bk(Zn)-Bk(Z)] (2.7) because > 0. rO-r (2.8) Expressions 12.7) and 12.8) imply states that the cluster sot of f(z) along the h angle domain containing the zeros of contains points in the Bko(Z circle Iflzl-a] < r O. 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