805 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. i0 No. 4 (1987) 805-814 STRONG LAWS OF LARGE NUMBERS FOR ARRAYS OF ROWWISE INDEPENDENT RANDOM ELEMENTS ROBERT LEE TAYLOR Department of Statistics University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602 U.S.A. TIEN.CHUNG HU Department of Mathematics National Tsing-Hua University Hsin-chu, Taiwan R.O.C. (Received November 18, 1986) ABSTRACT. Let {Xnk be an array of rowwise independent random elements in a separable Banach space of type p + 6 with 0 for all k, n. The complete convergence n to 0, ! P < 2, is obtained EXnk (and hence almost sure convergence) of n -I/p {Xnk array {Xnk when k= Xnk consists of i.i.d, converges completely to 0 if and only if KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. 2p... EIIXIIII < k=l Xnk . Random elements, Strong laws of large numbers, Complete Con- vergence, Rademacher type p + 6 spaces. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 1. EIXI 2p =. When the -i/p n random elements, then it is shown that n are uniformly bounded by a random variable X with 60B12 INTRODUCTION AND PRELIMINARIES. Let (E, space. II II) Let (,A be a real separable Banach space. A random element X in E is a function from into E p) denote a probability which is A-measurable pth with respect to the Borel subsets 8(E). The absolute moment of a random element p The expected X is where E is the expected value of the random variable IIXII p. EIIXII value of X is defined to be the Bochner integral (when EIIXII =) and is denoted by EX. E. The concepts of independence and identical distributions have direct extensions to A separable Banach space is said to be of (Rademacher.) type p, <_ p <_ 2, if there exists a constant C such that n E --k:l n p < C Xk k:l E[[Xk[[ p th moments. for all independent random elements X I, with zero means and finite p 2. Every of type is Every separable Hilbert space and finite-dimensional Banach space p and L spaces are of type while the separable Banach space is at least type Xn EP min{2,p} for p >_ I. Throughout this paper {Xnk: <_ k < n, n >_ i} will denote rowwise independent random elements in E such that EXnk and such that {Xnk} 0. for all n and k (1.1) are uniformly bounded by a random variable X with EIXI 2p for some l<_p <2. (1.2) R.L. TAYLOR and T.C. HU 806 array{%nk} Recall that an of random elements is said to be uniformly bounded by a random variable X if for all n and k and for every real number t > 0 P[IIXnkll Note that i.i.d, random elements are IXl >t] ! P[ t] > (1.3) uniformly bounded by llXllll. The major results of this paper show that 1 n 0 nl/----p k=l Xnk (1.4) completely where complete convergence is defined (as in Hsu and Robbins [i]) by n=l xnk=l Xnkll P[ n > e ] (1.5) for each e > 0. Erds [2] showed that for an array of i.i.d, random variables {Xnk }, (1.4) holds <. Jain [3] obtained a uniform strong law of large numbers for sequences of i.i.d, random elements in separable Banach spaces of type 2 which would yield (1.4) with p for an array of i.i.d, random elements {Xnk in a type 2 space. Woyczynski [4] showed that if and only if EIXI112p 1 n 0 nl/--- k=l Xk for any sequence with EX n EIXI p . {Xn} (1.6) completely of independent random elements in a type p + 6, 1 !P < 2 and 6 > 0, 0 for all n which is uniformly bounded by a random variable X satisfying < Mricz, Hu and Taylor [5] showed that Erds’ result could be obtained by replacing the i.i.d, condition by the uniformly bounded condition (1.3). In addition, they showed that Jain’s result for i.i.d, random elements with p 1 did not require the space to be type 2 but held in all separable Banach spaces. is established in type p + 6 spaces, 1 independent random elements. For !p < 2 and 6 > 0, for uniformly bounded row-wise i.i.d, random elements in shown that (1.4) holds if and only if In this paper, (1.4) EIIXIIII 2p < . type p + 6 spaces, it is Thus, no sharper moment conditions are possible. 2. MAJOR RESULTS. Many authors (starting with Beck [6] have related the strong law of large numbers for non-identically distributed, independent random lements in separable Banach spaces to the necessity of the space being of type p+6 for l<p < 2 and some 6 0. Consequently, attention is restricted to type p + 6 spaces in this paper. Three lemmas will be used in obtaining the major results. Lemma They are stated here without proof. 1 is in most textbooks while Lemma 2 is accomplished using integration Lemma 3 is in Woyczynski [4]. with r by parts. LEMMA I. For any r > I, EIXI r n=l nr-ip[ More precisely, r2 -r n=l < IXI ElXlr < < if and only if nr-Ie[ IXI > >n] < . n] + r2 r n n=l r-i e[ IX > n]. STRONG LAWS OF NUMBERS FOR INDEPENDENT RANDOM ELEMENTS LEMMA 2. >_ i, then for any p If r IXII [ E 0 i/p tr-i P[ IXl < r IXl<n 1/p ] 807 > t]dt 0 and IX E LEMMA 3. (i) E I [ Let <_ p <_ 2 is of nlIpp [ Ix IXl>n llp], and q >_ ] + >n IXl P[ llp n t]dt. The following properties are equivalent: i. type p. (ii) There exists a C such that for all independent random elements X in E % with 0, k p + 6 space, <_ p If < {Xnk Xn n, llk=Ix Xkll q_< E THEOREM 4. i, fIXkll p C E k q/p is an array of rowwise independent random elements in a type 2 and 6 0, which are uniformly bounded by a random variable X such that (I.i) and (1.2) holds, then n X nl/P k=l nk PROOF. 0 completely. Define Ynk Xnkl Then, by Lemma i (with r [l[Xnkll < n n, n > i. < k I/p ] (2.1) 2), n n=l k=l X nP[ n=l IX[ X nP [ n=l Ixl p > n n : Xnk Ynk P[ n=l k=l > n I/p ..llXnk ] l/p] > n ] ! 2EIXI 2p < . Next, for any e > O, n n p[[[ k=l n=l <_ X P[ U k=l n=l <_ . n 7. n=l k=l n-7 kl Ynkll Xnk [Xnk + Ynk P[Xnk + Ynk ] e ] ] " Therefore, I n n I xnk n I/p kl Ynk 11 0 completely, and it sufficies to prove that n Ynk 0 completely. (2.2) R.L. TAYLOR and T.C. HU 808 To this end, let (k=l,2 Znk Ynk EYnk Then for <_ q <_ 2p ). n=1,2 n; Hider’ s inequality that I/q I/q it follows by (gllZnkllq) 2(EllYnkllq) 2(gllYnkll2P) I/(2p) <_ 2(EIxI2P) I/(2p) <_ <_ so that E[[Znk[[q _< 2q(E[xI2P) q/(2p) <_ 22P(I + EIX [2p) CI say. (2.3) Furthermore, + Ynkll <_ Znk <_ EYnk 2nl / p. (2.4) Following the techniques of Taylor [7] in expanding a high power of a sum, let r p+6 and be chosen so that s r It is readily seen that E llZnkll < , Znkl[j < C E n E (-- 1)-i P r is an integer and v > (IIk=l so that, by Lemma 3, I[Znkl[r (kl)s x c j. ][Z n E J ks kl (k I, where the sum is extened for all s-tuples (2.5) ks I, 2, k.3 with The general term to be considered then will have ql of the k’s $I’ qm of the k’s D I, r of the k’s ; r where r <_ rqi < 2p, rrj of the k’s (2.6) Sm; 2p, and > n for each (2.7) m l. i=l Clearly, qi I. qi + r. 52. (2.8) s. 3 j=l Then, using (2.3) and (2.4), we can conclude that m E i=lll Zni rqi I j--i II ZnDJ rr j J ilrrj-2p < C (2nl/p)rrj -2p j=l _m+ 2 1 G jl (rrj 2p) . (rrj/p)-2 nJ=l 809 STRONG LAWS OF NUMBERS FOR INDEPENDENT RANDOM ELEMENTS X (rr. Ip)-2 C 2 j=l n X (rr Ip)-2 =C 2 n j=l say. Combining all possible terms of form (2.9), we can write n ! c3 ql C r qm;rl say, s. We distinKuish two cases according to t Case t r) and -tuples (r 0 or N) ’m; HI 2 such that 0 may also occur), and n and C is a constant independent of n. integers between it ! qm (ql (2.7) and (2.8) are satisfied (the cases m tuples (6 is extended over all (m + ) Conditions while j=l i r, qm;rl ql is extended over all m-tuples where q S 3 ql rrj) m x m;ql r 61 qm;rl (2.o) Let m + of different Obviously, i. or t 2. By (2.9) S ql r qm;rl <_ C 2 ! C2 n n n m;rl 61 X j=l (rrj/p) 2 + - j=l (rrj/p) 2 t (2.t) Now, the power to which n is raised here can be estimated by means of (2.8) and qi as follows P j=l I i P rr. 2 + rqi ) o rs 52 i=l rm P P 3 Z t -p 2(t t 2(t m) + t m) + t m( 2). (2.12) We distinguish two further subcases according to m Subcase m Thus, m t. By assumption s and, by (2.5). ! p 2. Also, qi t or m ! t i. for each i. R.L. TAYLOR and T.C. HU 810 (2.13) I. t Subcase m m 0. Then t i. 2 in the particular case where m and even t m Thus, again t+m Now we turn to Case t In this case necessarily m i. 0 and n S ql’ S ,r ’qm;rl 7. k=l O ;s i, consequently r s and EllZnkll rs. Using Lemma 2, we obtain that n 7.1 <2 v n=l n =I EllYnk II 7. n=l <_2 2 Letting t n 1/p s n 7. 7. n=l 0 k=l . v n n t/p - P[llXnkll t 1/p v n t e[ IXl 1/v and applying Lemma I (with r v <_ 2 7.1 2 i k v .i 2v+l 2 7. n n=l 7. nP[ n=l i P[ IX[ Is- i/u X[ p fl s- 2p/ EIX > 2), > t]dt t]at. it follows that > nl/P sl/ ]ds > n]ds (2.15) 2p ds 2p v+l Using Markov’s inequality, (2.7) and (2.10) z PElf 7.2(e) n=l < Znkll n z n=l (n / P) (2.15) we have, for any e > e] Znkll E n Z n=l 1/p :n kl Ilznk ) > 0, - 811 STRONG LAWS OF NUMBERS FOR INDEPENDENT RANDOM ELEMENTS <_ CC3 E + n=l n [nl c2 n v/P CC 3 (r (t) r) v (t) t=2 n r qm;rl ql s 7. 7. t=2 (t) r qm;rl ql p -t-m( [ 7.n n=l 7.2(e) < (t) . ] -t-m( r P qm (ql m+ with Conditions (2.7) and (2.8) such that 2) P means that the sum is extended over all m-tuples terms in each of we have s + C2 [7.1 e where k=l EllZnkll v/p n 2) ] and -tuples Since the number of t. -I, for every is finite and the exponent of n is less than e > 0, Thus, we have proved that n lln- k=l Znkll 0 completely (n ). In order to prove (2.2), we need to establish n 3 nl n- k--i llEYnkll < By (2.1), To achieve this goal, we will proceed as follows. I Ynk Xnk [ Xnk <_. n Xnk- Xnk I [ p ] llXnkll Since EXnk (2.16) " n i/p 0, hence lIE Ynkll <_ E(llXnkll i/p])" I [ llXnkll > n Thus, using Lemma 2, Letting t n k E ([[ Xnk I i/p n .= 7.n (nl/PP[ llXnkll n=l < n X:3 <- n=l I llXnk[l [ n I/p] + k=l X (n P[ n=l s and applying 3 7. n <- n=l P[ <_ 2 EIXI 2p + IX[ n I/p] + > nl/p] j [, P[ nllP n IX P[ n /p > llXnkll >t ]dt) t]dt ). Lerra 1, we can conclude that [Xl p > n] + 7. n P[ n=l X P[ n=l l,s -IX[ p > n]ds IX[ > n i/p s]ds R.L. TAYLOR and T.C. HU 812 s- 2p EIX 4PCI 2p-i 2p ds EIxI2P’ proving (2.2) through (2.16), and thereby completing the proof of Theorem 4. Note that if sup nk %ukP EIXI 2p Therefore, Corollary 5 follows. < =. Let E be a type p+ 6 separable Banach space for COROLLARY 5. If 0, then there exists a r.v. X such > for some are uniformly bounded by X and {Xnk that EllXnkll2P+=<"" , E[[Xnkll2P+ = for some /// < p 2 and 6 0. 0, then n [[n- k=l Xnk[[ 0 completely. p + For type 6 spaces, Taylor [7] obtained 0 completely k=l ank Xnk where {Xnk with max r I is uniformly bounded by X with 0(n-r) ank nd Theorem 4 E[XI l+I/r < and {ank In the special case of uniform weights are Toeplitz weights ank can be thought of as an extension of this result. Theorem 4 to infinite arrays and Keneral weights , (2.17) i < k < n, then Extension of are possible but the detailed {ank However, it will be shown next cannot be reduced in Theorem 4. In particular, 0, it will for an array {Xnk} of i.i.d, random elements in a type p+ 6 space with 2p < if holds and only if be shown that the SEEN verification of their proofs are not included here. 2p < that the moment condition EIX[ Let THEOREM 6. lip {Xnk} < 2 and 6 > 0, with be an array of i.i.d, random elements in a type p EXII i nl/P {Xnk} 0. Then k=In Xnk EIIXIIII 0 From Theorem 4, we know that E PROOF: is uniformly bounded by Now, assume that (2.18) [[Xll[[. holds. Since 2p < IIXIIII 2p implies (2.18) since the array are i.i.d., for every n and > 0 n O, xkll which says 1 n kiXkk As a consequence, 6 space, (2.18) completely. {Xnk} + if and only if n By (2.18), for every e EXII . E[[Xll[[ 0 a.s.. > ] < -, (2..) 813 STRONG LAWS OF NUMBERS FOR INDEPENDENT RANDOM ELEMENTS nl/P Let e I. In_l n-l)i/P k=l xkk n n-i -n i xnn Xkk EIIXIIII p + 2 < P [ n;1 + 2 p fIX n] II Xnnll P[ n=l a.s.. I) and the Borel-Cantelli lemma that (with r It follows from Lemma 0 n ] . < n Hence llXllll nP[ p n] O. (2.20) 1/p ] (2.21) By (2.18), . Xnk n P[ < n k=l Therefore, from (2.20) and (2.21) there exists N such that if n > N then n llx nP[ P[ and p < n] z llk=l xnk " Next, define the events Ank [l<i<kmax llXnil[ < 2nl p, llXnkll 2nl p, (2.22) n and lli=im Xnill < n 1/p ] ik (k i, 2 ). i, 2 n: n n Clearly, {Ank: for each n k n} are disjoint subsets of the event [ 1, 2,’ [[kl xnk[[ n e[ k=z llXnk Z P[ k--I > - l/p] n n n > n A familiar reasoning yields that i, 2 e[ EX k=l nk > ] >_ 2nllp ] > XI I ’f[k--1 p li=l [ 2nl/ P ] llxni n[ L llXnkll > 2nllp ] " P[ k=l P(Ank) k=l > 2nl / p ] p[ i P[ i n i=z x < n i+k Xnill xI < n ] P[ U i=l < (n- I/p ] -nP [ [llXnill Ix > 2n 2 l/p] ] ) n Ip ] 9" Hence, by (2.22), for n >_ N, n p[ Therefore, [[--p k Xnk[[ n Z nP[ n=l IIXIIII p > > nP[ ] >_ 2Pn ] < . llXll[l p > 2pn ]" Thus, Lemma I yields EIIX IIIIzp < . III 814 R.L. TAYLOR and T.C. HU CONCLUDING REMARKS. i. It should be noted that the case p space (cf: in Theorem 6 is obtainable in a type Theorem 4 of Hu, Moricz and Taylor [5]). In which case type + 6 is not needed. For sequences of independent random elements which are uniformly bounded by a p < (1.6) holding necessitates the space being of type random variable X with p + 6 (cf: Woycyznski [4] and Maurey and Pisier [8]). Thus, the necessity of type 2. EIXI p + , 6 follows for Theorem 4. 3. Theorem 6 shows that Theorem 4 is the best possible moment condition when no conditions on possible relations between the rows of the array are assumed. -i/p n X 4. In [4] it is mentioned that n 0 a.s for i i d random elements k p < 0 and {Xn with EX apparently is equivalent to the space being of type p. Thus, it is interesting to conjecture whether Theorem 6 remains valid for only k=l EIIXIII type p spaces !p < 2. Certainly, the "if part" is true for type p spaces, and Remark indicates that it is true p ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. 1. This research was supported in part by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under Contract No. F49620 85 C 0144 while the first named author was at the Center for Stochastic Processes, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. The research for the second named author was mainly completed while at the Department of Statistics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. REFERENCES i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. HSU, P.L., and ROBBINS, H. (1947). Complete Convergence and the Law of Large Numbers. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 33, 25-31. ERDOS, P. (1949). On a Theorem of Hsu and Robbins. Ann. Math. Statistics 20 --’ 286-291. JAIN, N.C. (1975). Tail Probabilities for Sums of Independent Banach Space Random Variables. Z. Wahr. v. Geb., 33, 155-166. WOYCZYNSKI, W.A. (1980). On Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund Laws of Large Numbers in Banach Spaces and Related Rates of Convergence. Prob. and Math. Statist., l, 117-131. HU, T.C, MORICZ, F.and TAYLOR, R.L. (1986). 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