433 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1987) 433-442 Vol. i0 No. 3 CONVERGENCE THEOREMS FOR BANACH SPACE VALUED INTEGRABLE MULTIFUNCTIONS NIKOLAOS S. PAPAGEORGIOU Department of Mathematics University of California Davis, California 95616 (Received May 21, 1986) In this work we generalize a result of Kato on the pointwise behavior of a P LX(fi) (I _< p _< (R)). Then we ABSTRACT. weakly convergent sequence in the Lebesgue-Bochner spaces use that result to prove Fatou’s type lemmata and dominated convergence theorems for Analogous con- the Aumann integral of Banach space valued measurable multifunctions. vergence results are also for proved the of sets selectors integrable of those In the process of proving those convergence theorems we make some multifunctions. useful observations concerning the Kuratowski-Mosco convergence of sets. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Convergence, measurable multifunctions, nonatomic. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 1. 28A45, 46GI0. INTRODUCTION. In [I] Schmeidler motivated from problems in mathematical economics, proved a set A different valued version of Fatou’s lemma, for multlfunctions taking values in n proof and some additional results in this direction were obtained later by Hildenbrand and Mertens [2]. Finally Artstein in [3] provided the sharpest version of that result. However all the above authors apparently were unaware of an earlier analogous result of Kato [4], for Banach space valued functions. The purpose of this note is to significantly extend the result of Kato [4], use that extension to prove a Fatou’s lemma for Banach valued’ space multifunctions, Hildenbrand-Mertens extending this theorem for Banach space valued multifunctions. results way the works of Schmeidler [I [2] and Artstein [3] and finally prove a dominated convergence for the sets Then we obtain analogous convergence of Bochner integrable selectors of the multlfunctions. Our results can have important applications in optimization, optimal control, differential inclusions, abstract evolution equations and mathematical economics. 2. PRELIMINARIES. Let (,l,) space, with X be a complete, o-flnite being its topological dual. P (X) f(c) {A X measure space and X a separable Banach We will use the following notations: nonempty, closed, (convex)} N.S. PAPAGEORGIOU 434 {A =-X P (x) wk(c) nonempty, w-compact, (convex)} acA A i.e. function of for all A i.e. function from for all the support is said to be measurable if it satisfies any of Pf(X) F A multifunction OA(’) and by aA sup(x ,a). aA ,OA(X X x inf[[x-a[l dA(X) X, x the following equivalent conditions: i) for all ii) s.t. there o-field measurable of functions xX F()} x ExB(X), B(X) where is the Borel (graph measurability). X of {(,x) {fn ")}n>l (Castaing’s representation). for all GrF iti) is measurable sequence a exists cl{fn()}n> F() (x) F() X, m *d x We denote by S () i.e. SF Bochner space F(-) that belong to the LebesgueIt is easy to see f() F()u-a.e.} the set of all selectors of F (G) {f(.) that this set is closed and it is nonempty if and only if L+. We say F(’)I L+. inf xeF(m) that F Pf(X) X SF, Using the set F(m)dM(m) If { {A nn>l s and bounded integrably is it is measurable and if F(-) we can define a set valued integral for S. f(’) f(m)du() This integral is known as {x s X {x x w- n+-lim An We say that the X A’s n lira x s Xk, x k Aumann’s integral. X, we define are nonempty subsets of lira A as follows: E Ank, k _> A converge to > x s A,n lira x I} I}. (denoted by in the Kuratowski-Mosco sense _K A) if and only if w- lira A For more details we refer to lira A s A n n n the nice works of Mosco [5], [6] and of Salinetti and Wets [7], [8] and [9]. A 3. CONVERGENCE RESULTS FOR THE AUMANN INTEGRAL. In this section our goal is to prove a Fatou’s lemma and a dominated convergence theorem for the Aumann integral. the w-lira PROPOSITION 3.1. If for all then for all PROOF. We start with an interesting observation concerning Fix * x a subsequence of {x e X* n n>l n x* e X * An lira o and let s.t. (x ,x >I g x n k) An X Assume that of a sequence of nonempty sets. and * (X) o An -= where Pk (x) G w * (x.__._) w-lira A A n s.t. (x* ,x n lira o is a Banach space. G A n (x) as k -O . A (x). Since {Xk}k> Let {x n n>l ---G, be CONVERGENCE THEOREMS FOR BANACH SPACE 435 invoking the Eberlein-Smulian theorem and by passing to a subsequence if necessary, we may assume that Then xew-lim w x x. k (x* ,x) An => < * (x) o => w-lira A lira o n An * (x) < o (x) w-lira A n Q.E.D. This leads us to the following interesting theorem that generalizes significantly an earlier result of Kato < p < (,E,V) THEOREM 3.1. X is a measure space, {f (’) n If e G()-a.e. then f(’)} where G() e f() e cony a Banach space and p w-L f() e cony n>k , x e X < f()) < and {fn()}n>l-a.e. w-lira k > f ()v-a.e. n > k we have: , o o (x) cony => p Pwk(X),-a.e. Then for all (x < ___x_+ f(.) () fn (") n>l From Mazur’s lemma we know that for all PROOF. Let . and the sequence of vector valued functions was uniformly bounded. Here fn () [4], who had X to be reflexive with a uniformly convex dual, (x ,f()) fn () n>k < , fn () sup(x n>_k (x) n>k lira o lim (x ,f ()) n f ())-a.e. n (x) ,-a.e. {f ()} n Using proposition 3.1 we get that , < {fn()} , lim o (x) => (x ,f()) < o 0 -a.e. (x) w-lim {fn()}n>l (x) w-lim {f => f(m) e cony -a. e. ()} n n>l w-li--- {fn ()} n>l -a.e. Q.E.D. Having this theorem we can have the w-lim version of Fatou’s lemma for the Aumann integral. Now (,l,) is separable Banach space. a nonatomic, o-finite, complete measure space and X a N.S. PAPAGEORGIOU 436 THEOREM 3.2. n _> Fn I, () w-lira F () n Let x f w-li--- E s.t. know that there exist f x (") SF n (fl) conv is graph measurable and cl x f w-li--’ f Fn ()d(m) f cl integrably w-li--- F ()dB(). for s.t. all and bounded Then there exist f fl fk ()d()" s.t. x k k [I0]. fk (’) w-li--- (") w-li--- Fn ()d(), cl multlfunctions is _ From the definition of the Aumann integral, we x. from theorem 3.1 we know that f() > Pwkc(X) n may assne that F ()-a.e. n measurable F ()d (m). xu __w_+ fk latter is w-compact in we are G f Fn()d() w-li--- f1 Fnk()d() quence, Pf(X)_ where is measurable then PROOF. Fn If G()-a.e. =-" But S F n k S and the G So by passing if necessary to a further subse- w-LIx_+ cony f(") E w-lira {f Fn()d(). S G. ()} n Hence f x n> l-a.e. -> Since by hypothesis f(m)d(m). f() e cony w-li- But w-lira F n () is nonatomic, we have that cony w-li-- F n ()d(). Thus finally we have that which proves Fatou’s lemma for the weak llndt superior. Q.E.D. Next we w-Ill prove the s-lim version of Fatou’s lemma. under less restrictive hypotheses on the sequence Here n n>l" is a complete, u-finite measure space and (,l,) This can be achieved {F (")} X a separable Banach space THEOREM 3.3. __If Fn 2X\{$} are integrably bounded and {IFn (’)l}n>l is uniformly integrable then PROOF. S s-lira F Let f x e s-lira F f(a)d(a) f s-lira s-lira F f(to)d(a). Now consider the multifunctions n f Fn(t)d(). Then x f( to )dl (to with f(’) L () n (f(()) < + !}. Because the function F n () d (x) ts ratheodo, it ts superpostttoually easurable and so (,x) () m d (f(m)) f( Is a Caratheodory d ((f()) s measurable. en (re,x) () () F {x : F (m) d llx-f(m)ll I )I 437 CONVERGENCE THEOREMS FOR BANACH SPACE {(,x) So function and so jointly measurable. xX e F n [Ix-f()[[ < I-}n (f()) () d n e --n F /t n GrF n Apply Aumann’s selection theorem to find e ExB(X). fn () e Ln() e for all . From the definition of F () f()d() x and x => F ()d() n n x s-lira X n s-lira__ . n f measurable s.t. Fn () [ll] we know that F ()d(). Fatou’s Hence n lemma follows. Q.E.D. From Kuratowski [II], we know that an equivalent definition of REMARK. (x e X s-lim F () is: s-lim F () n n (,x) Note that closed set. d F (x). (a) lim d and then so is n+ F n O} s-lira F (m) is a and that (x) n (m) n being Caratheodory it is jointly measurable lim d n+ n (x) () F {(,x) Hence xX lira d rr+a, F (x) O} ZxB(X) => n => s-lim F () is measurable. ZxB(X) (’)) n n Combining the two Fatou’s lemmata we can have a dominated convergence theorem for Gr(s-lim F the Aumann integral. (,Z,) So assume that is nonatomic, complete, o-finite X mesure space and a separable Banach space. THEOREM 3.4. G()-a.e. If n Pf(X)_ are measurable Pwkc(X) integrably bounded _K-_M__+ Fn()d() then cl f multifunctlons s.t. and Fn () <=> F() w-lira F () n F (m) n _K_M_+ F()-a.e. F()d(). F () This follows from theorem 3.2 and 3.3 if we recall that PROOF. F()-a.e. F G with s-lim F (m) n and F(") is n closed and valued measurable. Q.E.D. REMARK. If we assume that F(" is convex valued (which is the case if the Fn()dv(m) _K-_M__+ are) then we have that F()dv() [I0]. case we can relax the nonatomlcity hypothesis on F’s Furthermore in this V(’). We will close this section with a dominated convergence theorem for the Hausdorff metric h(’,’) on Pf(X). Let (li,Z,V) be a complete, o-finite THEOREM 3.5. If F n is uniformly integrable and ii P (X) f measure space and X a separable Banach space. are measurable multifunctlons, F () __h_+ F() n in measure {IFn (’)l}n>l 438 N.S. PAPAGEORGIOU then cl Recal 1 that h(c 1 PROOF. IF ()1 convergence theorem [12] we get cl f n F()d()) + 0 as F()d. (m). cl IF()I" + n n clf f Fn(m)d (m), F())< h(F () Also h_+ f Fn()d() f F()d (m)) Then f h(Fn() _< f h(Fn (m) F(m))dB (m). extended dominated the using F(to))di(a) + 0 => h(cl f F (a,)d(a) ". Q..E.D. 4. CONVERGENCE RESULTS FOR THE SETS OF INTEGRABLE SELECTORS. In this section we prove analogous convergence theorems for the sets As before we will start with two Fatou’s type theorems. S F n But first we need the following auxiliary result about the Kuratowski-Mosco convergence of sets. Here X is any Banach space. PROPOSITION 4.1. Let all x e X c__ e X* x cony w-lira A x * for all w-lim A n then PROOF. l__f , An (x) < O A(X A. A Then there exist (x ,x) ffi> (x ,x) (x ,x k) lim o <_ lim o An (x) _< O A(X s t. x_----+ x. => x So for conv A. Q.E.D. Now we are ready for the first Fatou’s type convergence result. be a complete, o-finite THEOREM 4.1. s.t. __If {IFn(’)l}n>l Let d (u) +/-. S Fn Fn Pf(X)_ fl s-i im F u(’) e I-ul fS = s-li.__m n (). inf fe S n f are X measurable F Fn Then we have: Fn (u())d(). d s-lira__ multifunctlons SF n f lf(to) n So using Fatou’s lemma [12] we get that: So let a separable Banach space is uniformly integrable and then S PROOF. measure space and u(m) Idu) f xF ( n (fl,l,) CONVERGENCE THEOREMS FOR BANACH SPACE li--- li---- (u) d SFn f d F n < (u())d() () li--- 439 d F n (u())d(). () But from theorem 2.2 (i) of Tsukada [13] we have that for all < (u()) lira d => f li--- s-lira F () F n _ => s-lira F () n < (u) lira d (u(o))di() d s-li____m Fn() s (u) d S s-lira F Ss-1 im Pfc(X)-a.e. F n s S So s-lira F Pfc(LxI) was arbitrary we can apply theorem 2.2 (li) of Tsukada S s-lim F n (u) d SF n Note that L() <f (u()) () d (u()) d F () and since u(’) s [13] and conclude that s-li___m S F n n Q.E.D. We have the analogous result for and X (,E,) remain the same. THEOREM 4.2. > The assumptions on the spaces w-lira. __If Fn F (m) c_. G(m)-a.e. n w-lira F () n are measurable multifunctions s.t. for all Pfc(X) Pwkc(X) I G where is integrably bounded and is graph measurable w-lim S then c F cony n w-lira Fn() then w-lira S c S If in addition F s S -li-- Pfc(X) F n for all s w-lim F From the Dinculeanu-Foias theorem [14], we know that PROOF. , Let u(’) s L X Then we have: w* a (u) S (u(),f())d() sup f(’)s S F a Fn n (u(o) ,x)dl (ul) sup xF (m) n ; a f/ (u(u) )di (u). F() n (Li)* N.S. PAPAGEORGIOU 440 Then using Fatou’s lemma we get that li-- li--- (u) SF n I F (u(m))d(m) () n F and since w-lira F f (m) n F n (u(m))d(m). () (u()) w-lira F (m) n is by hypothesis graph measurable we have that: (u())dv() F () 0 w-li--- i < (u()) () n lim m E But from proposition 3.1 we know that for all lim < o S n w-lira (u). F n So finally we have that: lim o < (u) Since this is (u). o SF n S w-lim F , u(-) for every true n w-lira S F C conv S n w-li-- If in addition of course closed and so w-li--- F (.) is n w-lim S Fn F c__ from proposition 4.1 L X w conclude that we n Pf c (X)-valued S1 -lim F S then w-lira F is convex and n n Q.E.D. Combining theorems 4.1 and 4.2 we can have a dominated convergence theorem for the sequence n _> {SF n n>l" THEOREM 4.4. __If (m) _c G(m)v-a.e. Our assmptions on Fn Fn Pfc(X) l where G (fl,r. ,V) and X remain as before. are measurable multifunctions s.t. for all Pwkc(X) is integrably bounded and Fn (m) __K-M-+ F()v-a. e. then S PROOF. F K-M n S F. Note that because for all n w-lira F () # -a.e. But w-lira Fn () n F()-a.e., we have that F() _> Fn () _c G()-a.e. Pfc(X)-a.e. is complete). G() with Pwkc(X) # -a.e. Also since s-lira F n () / F() is measurable (recall (’) and F() So using theorems 4.1 and 4.2, it is easy to see that S K-M_+ F n S F. Q.E.D. We would like to have such a dominated convergence theorem for the Hausdorff mode of convergence. and X In this direction we have the following rusult. remain as before. The spaces (,E,B) 441 CONVERGENCE THEOREMS FOR BANACH SPACE THEOREM 4.5. {IF n (.)I} nl then F I Pfc(X) PROOF. F() P (X) are measurable multifunctions s.t. fc integrable and F F() in measure n n is integrably bounded and (Pfc(X), First note that since F() that F If uniformly is Pfc(X)-a’e" Pfc(X) for ()__h_, S h F h) F n is a complete, metric space, we have F(’) on a -null set we can have and since (’) is complete, the modified multi- By modifying all Also from the properties of the Hausdorff function is still going to be measurable. llFn()l-IF()II <_. h(Fn() F())-a.e. => lFn()l IF() in by hypothesis {IFn )l}n>l is uniformly integrable, we deduce that metric we have that measure and since IF(’)1 L+ F(’) i.e. S F So recalling that L X SlF) }n>I , f lul I<i (a). and using Hormander’s formula we have that i (o F I0 sup._ as claimed by the theorem. are convex, closed and bounded subsets of sup sup f bounde is integrably {S Next note that (u()) () n (x)- (u()))dl() ff F() (x){d() O n h(F (), F())d(). n {IFn(")l}n>l Since by hypothesis in measure then f h(F n (), F())du() --> 0 h(S F S __h_ F() Fn () is uniformly integrable and 0. Q.E.D. We will conclude our work with an important observation about the Kuratowski-Mosco It is a very useful necessary condition for K- M convergence of closed, convex sets. convergence of such sets. Assume that X THEOREM 4.6. is a reflexive Banach space. If then A {A n n>l C P fc (X) [An[ sup n>l and for all o X x <" (x) A An and O n PROOF. Then BM(0) w-compact. subsequence suplAnl n> M Let is and let weakly--compac t Let x w Xk---+ n x. An n Then > x and I. BM(0) by Then w-lira A A(X _K-M_+ A ). be the M-ball centered at the origin. the Eberlein-Smullan c {x n n>l A => A Bin(0 #. theorem sequentially and Next fix so we can , x X find and let a N.S. PAPAGEORGIOU 442 Xn An e s.t. (x A ,Xn we can assume that (x* lira o o An An ). On (x) _> OA(X the epi o passing to an appropriate subsequence By lim o k) x i.e. , OA(’) , (’) lim o _< OA(X (x) An * (x). * (x) A hand other K-M An [6] and [7]. and epi w Xk--- from OA(’) x Mosco A. Then (x * [6] x) < OA(X => that know we {Xk}k> and this implies that So finally we have that o A o (") n A (’). Q.E.D. REMARK. Namely polntwlse con- The converse of the above result is not true. vergence of the support functions does not imply the Kurtowski-Mosco convergence of the corresponding closed, convex sets. and assume that {x} verge to , , (x)+ (x o x n in the K x) (x). O , Here is a counter example. but it does not converge strongly. x M sense. n finite dimensional or otherwise {x C X n n>l-{x do not con- Let So On the other hand for every , x , , n E X (x x n So in corollary 2E of [I0], it mmst be added that X is the result is not true as the previous counterexample ilustrated. AO(NOWLEDGEMENT. This work was done while Department of the University of Pavia, Italy. N.S.F. Grant DMS-8403135, DMS-8602313. the author was visiting the Mathematics Support was provided by C.N.R. and by REFERENCES I. 2. SCHMEIDLER, D. Fatou’s Lemma in Several Dimensions, Proc. Amer. Math. 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